Flesherton Advance, 29 Apr 1909, p. 8

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] T ii f: flesherton advance April 29 19.)i) PARK HOUSE JFlesherton H. U. U.VVISON, - - IVopiicior. HATES - 11.00 and f I uO per Any. II0AUDR8- 8^1.00 «iia e;i.50 p.-i week GARDEN SEF.DSI GETTHEA\»fciRE h'ii'M :nid (.'rtnlvii wcdi*â€" all kiiiiisâ€" Stoi'I-iUic^S tlit'lipht on tho iii.irki-t. Tlii'si' in- cliiiiv innnKoUls, cmiiI, Kiii^Ar Iwrf. IHMis rlc. J<KI>I>IN(i 1'kaxts in ,SK\«UN. KImui- aiui Kctil as iis\iiil. »'hiiici' I.akr Trovit liiiljtio I>.r Ih.â€" while tlii» l"t lisl^. Wright's Qrocery (OJy FLESHERTON Scottish Pride 66274 The youiiK L>tiH houtti^h I'ridu wilt ftaiid fo c-rvic« at Air. V, W. NiclioUou'i>, tot n, con. 5 ArUinicsla. Scottish pritle U slreJ by Hcottit^U rriDC«. a ipauilsoD t f thb wondorful show cow Ueiii of Hellachiu, luip . winuoi'of eiglit )irizei â- t Torotit'»audLuudun,bcisidti« beiua cUkiiip* iOD female, blio wcii;li« oyrr lOlX) pouiias, Onih Of tlii<< coit'ft calves aoM for ij^IiTj.Ou. Kcoiftlth j»ri>lo is out of L«dy Ikilla by the Toronto first rrise wiuucr. Captain Uay Fly, iaipftj8:4«. TLis yotmg bull has prove him- Mil a fthowbiill having Kained an ODcoiirauiuu recoH this fall at Keversbani. He wen tlr^t iirir.f* as best bull calf, aUo tUploaia for bi*at bull any anc Tho«o iiavitiR pur« bred cows fchotild we this Kfaiid bull buforo breidiuK tk* th«y cauiiotdo b«tterthan utiv hiiii. A lintittip number of fcia^les *,vtn bo takeuat dl,-^;For purebreds. ^1.00 A. Good Hair-Food Aycr's Hair Vigor, new im- proved formula, Is a genuine hair-food, h feeds, nourishes, builds up, strengthens, invigor- ates. The hair grows more rapidly, keeps soft and smooth, and ail dandruff disappears. Aid nature a little. Give your hair a good hair-food. Doe3 not change the color of the hair. A i/ers FormuU with caoh bottle m 6Luw it to your -^- doctor Aak htm abotlt It* thou do AS ht lays You need not hesitate about using this new Hair Vigorfrom anyfear of its chang- ing the color of your hair. The new Aycr's Hair Vigor prevents premature grayness, but does not change the color of the hair even to the slightest degree. by Um J. O. Afn Co., L«w*U, THOSE WHO LACK A THOKOUGH Bl'SIXESS TKAININO ALWAYS HAVETHK IIAUDKST WORK AND TUEroOIlKSTPAY. Write ;i lu'ler to Ciinada's Letilini' tjvhuol of llasine«s. UwunSuuiid, aii'l let theti) tu!l you h'lw tu ^I't B atop hi|(her. C. A. FlEMUIXi:, PllIStlPAL, 0»eii SouiiJ ♦ (liitiirii> Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong:, Jeweler & Optician FLESMERTON . '*/,! ][' •1^ -^ NORRIS BROS. 1 •Ularefi artltonrc .^lerchanii ttnrl tJinsniit/is ][ •Jj* When in the market for a good Paint, reiacmber tiiat wo have tlie riglil goods at tiie rigiit prices. Moore s' Pure Liiiseefl Oil Paint, wears belter, spreads better, looks belter and has a ijloss second to none. If you intend building, bear in mind tlial \vc can give yoix niosl inleresUiig prices on Hardware, Eave Trougliing, Furnace woik an] Plumbing. Figure tliu cost of a good Ilooliiig (Paroid) before you pnrcliaHe the wood Sl.ingle.s, it will pay you in the long run. We carry a complete line of Stove Polish, Pipe Enamel, bboe Polish, Varnish slain, Gillotts Lyo, .Metal Polish, In fact ifynii don't see what you want ask for it. Don't fail to exanii'ie tho Owen Sniii 1 Feiico, (Dilloj Hinge Slay ) there i.s none just .so good. tjlesherton Ontci no. The Flesberton Carriage Works rifshcrlon, Ont. BUGGIES â€" Intending purchasers will save money by calling niid in- ipecting our stock, us we have a good stock to choose from and prices arc light. UEPAINTI.*JGâ€" Bring your buggy to us f)r repainting. Satisfaction guaranteed. PLOWS, etc â€"We handle the best plows, harrows and also carry a full line of repairs on hand. CREA.M KEPAllATUllSâ€"Wc arc agents for the .MELOTir, The best in the niarket. Special attention ^Iven to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. BLOOD DISEASES Guaranteed Cured or.No Pay. n yoti evtr had any contracted or hereditary blood disease, you are never safe until the virus or poison has been removed from (he system. You niny have had tome disease years ago, but now and then some symptom alarms you. Some poison ttiU lurks in your system. Can you aflford to run the risk of more serious symptoms appear- ing as the poison multiplies? Bewara of mercury or mineral drugs used indiscriralnately-they may ruin tho system. Twenty years experience in the treatment ol thesa diseases enables us to prescribe specific remediesthnt will positively cure all blood diiaases of the worst character, leaving no bad affects on tho system. Our Now Method Treat- ment will purify and enrich the blood, heul up all ulcers, clear the skin, remove bone pains, fallen out hair will grow In, and swollen glands will re- tura to a normal condition, and the patient will feel and took like a different person. All cases we accept for treatment are guaranteed a com- pleta cure if Instructions are followed. Reader if in doubt as to your condition, you can consult us FREE OP CHARGE. Hewure of incompetent doctors who have no reputation or reliability. Dm. K. & K. hitve been sstabllsbed over 20 years. WB CUkE Nervous Debility, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood and Secrwt Diseases, Kidney and Bladder Complaints. Consultation Free. N Hnable to oall write far • Queallen List ler Home Treatment. DRs.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan % Griswold Sts. Detroit, Mich. The District Around Us Events as Chronicled in^ Our Exchanges At tho rftpiest of tho Siincoo ('ounty I Ciiuiicil, tlio killing of dot-r in tho county . f)i' the next three yours iiiis been [um- ' hil.iU'd. Klin Vill'i^ti CKUnutI Iiiih |iiik!>i'(1 nn oiirly ci(ifii\j( by-law, by wliicli tlio Ktorott will clost) at o'clofk on Tuksdiiy, Tliura- diy and Fiiday iiinli'n, uxcept on nights buforu holidiiyx. A naturalist, at.siats that if llio earth wciv birdlefis iu»n cunid nut inliabi: ii for inoiu th^tn uino years. All tl:e sprayB nnil poisons in the world would be ijuitc inadci|uatc (o kuep down iliu inseols, wlii.h woidil t.it \\\i ovorylliiiiL'. The C. P. 11. are (,'oiiiK to lay 12 miles of heavy Ktuel raiU wost from Oranuoville I Jet. Tliii will brini! il past, the curve* and yradfH above Grand Valley and will rnable llie Conipiiliy lo run eiij^ines up liiis line when reijuirc'd.- Star. Con..tuhle Thos. Mullarkey, of Conn, trint tu Hamilton in charg-i of Tlios. Cliap'inan, a Itariiiiido boy about, fiili-cil yearN of a.'f, who hid been with IMr. â- laini's BIytb, of Moiick, and Hlioliad hc- coiiia mentHily dmiiged mi that he had to be c unniitted to the asyhini. I k broken wheel on a freight car caused ' the derailment of eight cars of an extra' C. P. U. freii;ht at CarJwell Tank, at nn early hour on Smurday morning. No one nas injured, but, an (here is an eiii- banknieiit iit that jioiiit, c msiderablo d«in;i;<o was done to tho rolling Mock. The auxiliary train from West Tmouto cleat cd up the lino. Mr. .Tolin McCartney, of tho 7ih line, St. Vincent, met with un aocidont on Tue«day afternoon which will in all prob- ability icsult in his losing the use of his left eye. He was in the not of untyint; al cow in the utabls in ordor to f«cd lierj when slio suddoiily tossed her head, causitij' irnoof her horns to hit Mr, Mc- Cartney in tho eye, injurini; tho ball very eeriously. Dr. Bennett, who drcsied tho injury. Inn very little hojie of saviuK the eye.-- Meaford Mirror. An order-in- Council \\>\\ been passed revoking |jeriiiiti which have lieen grant- ed to settlers in Ontario to kill two deer each year during the open seasui for I heir own us?. They havo been Krantcd the permit en payment of twenty- live cents in (irevious year.s. It has been foniid that the privilege has bean .ibused in tliu unori^ani/.ed districts, and in future Fcttleis will be in the same prisit ion as hunters, uud will bu reipiirod to take out a license. W. .S. Ellis had a nice liltlu run of luck on Saturdty ninrning. Five years a^o Mr. Jlllis purchnsL'd a particularly choico lot of wheal and had it olovnled into a liirfTo hopper in his elevator. When he shipped it out he wassstoaished to find thai he was over 100 bushels short ami the loss roinainod aeoniplote mystery until Saturday, when with the help of r. lotiKangci, Mr. Ellis lapped tho restiiii; pbieo of tho long lost wheat betwi-cn the lii>pperHiul the walls of the bin. Over 8100 worth of choico grain rcBponded to thrt auger. It was like finding numey. â€" AIlisloii lieiitld. llepeuted oflorts to find the body of the Into Captain Melnnis liave so furl proved unsiiccesHful. Despite this fact, , however, t'lo search will bo continued. Mr. John McMullen, residing at the Clay lUiiks, who was standing; at his burn door when the fatality took place, and who claims to have scon the tU){ Primrose aa the engineer turned her round for the purpose of trying to rescue the drowniiitf ' man, was sure that he would he ablti to locate the exact spot where Captain Mc- , Innis lank to Ins death, hut when Mr. j McMullen waa taken out on the tug he was unabi to aay jiositively just whore \ the boat was nhon she turned. -Mirror. A very sad accident hap|)uned near Camilla, seven miles north of Orangoville, Saturday about noon, whereby William Forsyth, prosperous farmer of Mono township, lust his life. A smnll out- building in Gleiioe public school section had buen damaged by wind, and Mr. Forsyth, who is a publio school trustee, wont to inspect it. Th« building fell nvor and brokn Mr. Forsylh'i neck. He was found about 2 o'clock by William Molvim, another trusteo, but doitlh had been instantaneous. Deceased was very hitrlily rcspocto'l and leaves a wife and five children, ('oronor Henry viewed the remains and decided an intpiest was not nncehsary. ' Stewart McDonald Douglas, a traveller for the Scaiborii Publiabing company, 'M South James siroet, Uainilton, was found di^ad in bed in tho St. Alban's hotel, Wiortoii, about 2 o'clock last Wednesday afternoon. The deceased caino to town a few days ago from Owon Sound in a holplessl; drunken cundititm. Wednes- day morning ho waa soon about Ihat^lreetH and about 10 o'clock, according to Mr. Oladstonoof the St. Alban's, ho retired to H bodrooiu upstairs. This was tho last Keen of him until early in the afternooti, when one of thu hotel otHcials, in passing the badrooiu door, saw Douglas lying on tho bod and from his appearance suspout- o.i all was not wnll. Upon investigntin lie found thiiL tliu iiiati was destl, the body being still wana. (/'onmor Fidier was huiriu'lly Nunimoned, niitl upon ex- amiirition expiis-icd the opinion lliat Duu.;la3 had FuU'ocated, as his heatl was hem fi.rwarJ and H higii slmid uj) ollir WHS pressing hard agaiiiKt his nock. A pitiful c.iso ( f juvenile inwmity was to be soen at tlie G, T. U. station last TImrsday mori.ing, when County Con- btsblo Thos. .Mullarkey, of Conn, left for Hamilton Asyluui in charge of an English orjihaii lad, named Thus. Chap- iiinn, who had buen working for James Blytl), of tho 10th of West Luther.â€" Rop. While Isaac fJerry, a prominent farmer in Keppel, .ind liis wife, were away visit- iii(; oil Snndiy their house caught, tire, and the three sni'ill childien who were left at home ran down tho road. They foftunntT'ly met John Leonard, a r.eigh- bor, who vent up on the roof, and with a bucket fought the fire and saved the house. ila was tlm only iiian who pass- that way that day, and his timely arrival saved u few hundred didlars for Mr. Berry. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, orstiiiuilating tho Henrtor Kid- neys is all wroii','. Dr. Slioop first point- ed out this ariur. This is why his pre- .scription â€" Dr. Shoop's Restorative â€" is directed entirely to the cause of these ailments, tho weak inside or eontrolliiii; nerves. It isn't so dithcult, siys Dr. Shoop, til strengthen a wenk Stomach, Heart, or Jvidneyj. if one goes at it correctly. Each inside organ has its C(intr(dliiig or inside nerve. When these nerves fail, then these organs must surely falter. These vital truths are leading druggists everywhere to dispense and rooammend Dr. Shoop's restorative. Test it a few days, and seel Improve- ment will sureiy follow. Sold by all dealers. An Old Landmark Gone At Melanethon StHtioii this week one of the old landmarks is being removed. It consists of the driving barn and stable which is tho relic of tho old Toronto Grey & IJruee Ttailway hotel. .\t tho time the hotel was built it was thelarjest and iiio.st up to-tbite hotel between Toronto and Owon Sound. The hotels in Ormigevillo and Branipt m could not eipinl it. The hotel and outbnildiiigs covered nearly an aero of grouml. In the building was a large genonil store in which worekoiit dry goods, groceries boots and shoes hardware, undertaker's Rupplio.s, elocksand jewclery alsoii wlmle- salo lii|inir suae which supplied the coiinlry holds for miles around. Geo. Vdiing's lilacksiiiith shop and a number of lesideiices were close to the hotel. The lato James Sawilen conducted n general oarpeiilcriiig and wagon making business and was ilio only undertakei between Oraiigeville and Flesherttm. James Drown, township clerk luid jkikI- niiister .if Molaiiclhoii, and present own- er of tho .site on which .stood tho former village, i.s the only survivor of tlio.se piesonl at the raising of the building licirg removed. The old building is owned l>y Mr. Brown and is being re- moved up to the corner, where it will be rebuilt and utilized as a ,st:d)le and store house by NV. J. Campbell, merchant. Will. Miney, innnnfacturer of the once celebrntod ".Morey Bitters", was the original |>r<ijector and builder of the old hotel but he only continued in business al out two years. He then sold out to James Sloan who conducted an extensive business for several years duiing the tiiiio the Toronto Grey aiitl Bruce iiiil- way wa^ built. The hotel was the meot- iilg pl.ico for tho Melanethon ronncil and 12tli of .Inly celebrations and many a lively and exciting scene took jilace on this moinorablo s|iot wIkiso history dates Ijiick nearly half a century. The old hotel and buildings in ronnoctiun woro the first frame structures erected in that )iaii .if the township. Tlionins Grnhaiii was the contractor of the hotel, store and outbuildings. Time changes all things and this week the last relic of Mclanc- tlion's iiristino grandeur |ia«ses into ob- livion. We might add Henry Halii>ay Walker of Shelbiirno was chief clerk for Mr. Morey and Mr. Sltmn. Tho burning of the old hotel, which was occupied by Jas. Dick as n general store during the Patron days in Dull'erin, is an' event of jiresent history and will lie remombored by all. Sbelbnrnn Free Pres.s. the ''One Touch of Nature Makes Whole World Kin." Wlii'ii a loimtei' linds a bi*; fat twi'iii lie calls all tlix hoiiH in tlic (aim vnril >.i> coinrand shait' it, A siuiilar trnlt «f liuiiiaii iiiitiiiT is to ba iitiiiprviKl when a man iliscovi'ts Hnmi-tliiiiR (>xce|itioiiall.v K ""' ~ he wantM all his fiieiuls and miighlMiis tci sbiiic the lii'iiclits nf his (lis- cnvcrv. This is the touch of nature that niakfH the wholn woilil kin" This explains why iHuiplo tvliiihavolieeii curnl by Chan.lior- lain's CoiiKb Itemeily write letli'i-s to t'le leaiiiitiictii rent fur inililiciithm, that others Hinillai'lv ailinif ma.V also use it luicl nlitain re- lief. Ilehind eveVy one of these letters is a warm hearted wish of the wiiti-r to Iwi of iiso to mimioiii, else. This remedy is fur sale by W. K. llicbartlsiiii. All flour is made from wheat. But there are different kinds of wheat and several ways of milling. Royal Household Floor is made of the best liard wheat in its finest and purest form. It always produces uniformly light, wholesome bread or pastry because its quality never varies. If your grocer does not carry Royal Household Flour, he will get it for you. OgUvie Floor MiUs Co.. LimHed. HontreaL n ••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â«Â«*««*^oe»ee«e**o**ea**e*aeeoe*so ••aeeee* ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••«••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••••••• CEYLON'S BUSY STORE ! liii â- Â«.• •••• ..• â- Â«â- â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• â- â€¢.• ••.• •••; •.«• ••«• ;::: •••â- â€¢ •••• •••• • •e- •••• • ••• • •• •••• ••e> •••• • ••• Call and inspect our grand display of Men'.s and Bows" Hats <iiul C'ap.sâ€" Felts, Canvas, Tweed and straw all the latest shades and shapes. Seeds ! Seeds of all kindsâ€" Clover and gra.ss seeds, new jiardcn seeds, liuckwlieat, Kape seed. Turnip and ^lan^'old, (Jiant Sugar Beet and fielil Carrol sceiLs on hand. Dutch sets and Potato Onions at very low pi-ices. Dishes ! Eles^tnt Cda.ss Tea Sets at 2.')C a set. Glass CJoblet, 1 (loz. for 'Joe, 4 ditterent designs. Dinner yets and Bedroom Settsâ€" very pretty. Pure iSIaple Syrup for sale at ^as. iPattison, Cet/loriy Ont, % ••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢Â« ••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢.•»•••••••.•»«*••••â- *• ••••••••••••*••••••••••• ......••..«.... •.«..t«»..........«....«...>.. ........................ 7ZZ7";7«.......*....*..*.«i*«*«*.. ********** ••••*•.*•*•*****«.**•*** •.•• •••> •.«> Societies Business Cakus AO U V' lueotB ot. tha last Monday iW.VLTER L0UCK8 III oaoli uiotitti, in tlioir kuigo room ' " Huilder and Criiliactor Xovris' blocli. FltHliorton, at 8 ii.iu. M. W..! For llrick. Stoiio and frauid residences. Es- .Milos Thislletlnvsite; Itec. <.". H. Miinshaw; 1 tiuiatos cliecrJully lurristied. Flesbortou I" i> Flu., W.J. beliBiuy. Vi8itit)Rl)rotl)rcDii.viteai Ontario. ; I Rjf UUIOiOUGH A YOUNQ <U llaultvis Markdsle , Do a general banking business. Money loaned ' at ruasouable rater Call ou us. PKiNCK AnrnuK lodqe. No. xss.a.f* A iJ, 111 outs ill the Masniiioliall. .\riii- stroiiRS Hall Flosliortoti, evorv Friday ou or before the full mocii. Thos. lllBkely.W.M.; Ilerb..^niith, Secretary. T0111SI.KTT. • Pusttuaster, Oeylou. pOfKT FLiKSHKRTON. 005. I. 0. F. ireetaln ^Clayton's llluck the laat Wedueiidav eveuina of nacli iiiontb. VlsltinR Foresters heartily welcome. H. 11., Dyson; It. 8., 'J\ Henry; Fill. Hec, C. N. Itichardson. I'leaae pay dues to Fiu. Sec. before the Orst day of the iiiontb. ClinSKN FhlKNDR-Flesherton Conueil ot Cliosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall flrat and third Wednesday of or.ch uioutb 8 p. ui I'av assessiuents to the Itecorder ou or before tee llrst day of each niontli. Chief Councillor T. lllakelev:Ueoordei', W. H. Uuut, Pure Bred English Berkshires and Tamworths. 1 have a line lilt of young piBs Vired from prize winning stock, for ale. 'write me for prices, teunttivc a IwrKaiu also guarantee atisfuctitin on all mail orders. (;.(i. W. R08S, Maxwell V. O. For Sale One span of Llithtnii.R Colts ocininf; three matched. Ituady towork. Also one ctbo.chorD llnll eiijhteen months old, bred by Ueo.Hristow. HoliUoy. uutnbo*-.'>S44.^, iu volume IM. Name â€" Villaae Captain. ALIIKUT K- HANLEY. Lot 4, Cull. lU. .Osprey, Feverstiaiti V. 0. Bull For Service 2 years old, I'eg. shorthorn bull, Victor's I'riile, 74S<k'\ is for service at \m% 37, Con. ti, Arteniesia. Terms 91.(10. JOHN 1I.\RGH.\VE. 60 YEARS* \ â- XPIRIENCB Coiiuiiissioner in H. C. J . Conveyancer, deeds, inortKBses. leases, wills etc. carefully drawn up .^oIlectiouH Iliad... cliari:es reasonable. Also Rroceries. flour, feed etc. kept in stock. Prices riijht. RJ 8PKOULK Podtiuaater, Klesherton i^onimissioQer la H.O J., Auctioneer veyauoer. Appraiser and Money Leade Heal Estate and lusurauce Agent. Deeda mortgages, leases aud wills carefully drawD lop and valuations made on shortest uctic* I money to loan at lowest rates ot interest. ^Col- lections attended to with promptness charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominioo Staamsbip Compaoy. A call solicited. DMcPH.AIL, Iiiceuaed Auctioneer for the * County of Grey. Terms moderate aud { satisfaction guaranteed. The arrangements and dates of sales can be made aK Tuk .\nv.\NCH j odlce. Hesideuce and r.o., Ceylon, Telephone connection. j Dec. 0,07. T vy KAITTINU, Uceosed Auctioneer for ^-'' " • the oouniies of llrey and 8iiuooe. Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfsotioii guarantted. Arrauge- iiieuts for dates may be made at the Advaao» ofUoe, or A: T. Ilutcblusou's store, Feversham, or by addressing me at Feversham, Ooi. Lot 13, con, \<i, Osprey, DUDD MATHEWS. Markdale, Lioenae<l " aucioneer for the county of Grey. Good service at reasonable rates. Datea can be made at The Advance, to (V TiMDi Marks DniOK* CopvniOHTs Ac. AtiTOPO senitlng a rkotcti or i Soacrlntton may tmifkly aaoartala our oplnluu freowlictlicr au litvennon la rrotiatlr pattiot.-tbl*^ Communlpw. llnMSslrlotlvronailihtlnl. llANDBOOX onpsteou •cut fri'O. lUdoHl «i;omy for sccurtniMiateiila. Pnt(>ntN taken tlirotiph Mtitin AXtKteoetW Qvi'lainutlci, wlltiouto tiarn o, Uithii A haiiilsi.raoly Uhn'r^it.Hl w.-okly, I.irKi'st cir* Ctllilllnn it li;iy mloni; Jo J,.uiM.iI. Term, lor Caiiaila, »:i...> a )C»f,pi>^tcKO pniiaiil. iSoU bj all nei«sdt<»lcrs. Legal nr H. WRIGHT. Harriater. Solicitor, Convey, "ancer. stv..â€" Owen Sound, aud Flesberton, N 11-- e bertou oOloe. Sproule'a Hlook every Satiird ' Medical DR OAttTKR M C V ft B Ont, Physician, Surgeon, • OOloe aud resldeuoeâ€" Peter at., Flesberton JP OTTEWEIili Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Co1I«m, residence â€" s3coud door south west*og Vary street. This street runt aoutb Prestvtoriait Church. n WILSON, Illacksi.iith "' 'Jraduate of oe Veterinary Soienoa Association) Kosldeuce, Durham itreet on oslte Doyd, Hlokllug's hardware. DKNTmTRY Dr. R. C. MURRAY 1,. O. S , dental surgeon hono.Kraduato ot Toronto University and Itoyal ColleijB ol Dental Suisimmis of Outarlo (las adininistered for teeth extraction ' otUoe at reslduuoe,Torouto Street, Fles herloa ja«K4isa£>*,i:-; .-.«j*

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