gk^\)cti(fn %ivanu. "TRUTH BEFORE I'AVOR." â€" " PRINCil-LElj NOT MEN. VOL IXV, NO 1399 Flestierton. Ont., Thursday, May 20 IQOO W. H THDRSTON aud'riiCPMETOB -_,_ 3ewell«ry! ^S ^ 3ewelkry! ^ m ^ ^^ BiddestBest im gM and Cowest ^ ^ Priced Stock ^ >^ In the eount= ^ ^^ '^* ^M ^ Reliable M *^^"^ Dealing ^^ East Mountain Tlie piist week hiis l)een tine for seed- ing with the exceptitm (jf one <liiy, and the faniiert* took advantage by getting in as muL'h as tliey could. If seedini; is a little late, we will hope foi- a bountiful harvest. MLs» Elliza Martin is visiting frieuihi in Flesherton. 3fi-. and Mrs. Robert McMulleii at- tended the funeral of the former's father at Fleshertcm on Friilay. Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Cross and child returned to their home in VViarton Inst Tuesday, after a lengthy visit with Mrs. Cross's parents here. Miss. Irene Leitch is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Sam Smart. The match which wa.s to tjike place in Flesherton last Friday evening drew somo from their work in the afteru<ion. AVe fear they met withdisiippointment. The people of this part were sorry to hear of the death of Mr. Sam Thompson, which took place at his home last Wed- nesday. Sam worked for dill'ercnt people iu this jKirt and was well liked. We ex- tend our sympathy to the many sorrow- ing friends. Messrs. John and Fred JIartin i)aiil a visit to Thornl.ury Lust week and brought home a bag of lish. Victoria Corners The .school boys may, ;is the old iliyme goes, run away on the twenty-fourth of May if they are not given a holiday, but as for the farmers, they will be glad to remain at home and woik on tliat day if the weather permits. As everything else is now iiiakiufc a fresli start, so is Ini.stioge Sunday School, which held its animal meeting last Sun- day. As Mr. Comet did not wish to accept the oltico of superintendent again, Mr. N\'e«ley Lonsway was elected in his place ; Mr. Cornet as treasurer, and tlie remainder of tlie teachers and otticers re- elected . We are sorry to hear lliat Mrs. (leo. Moore in very sick with sciatica. It h.is been decided tliat Inistioge will hold its annual S. S. garden jiarty on June 28. For furtlier particulars see later. Kimberley. The annual liusiness nieotiiig of the Kimberley branch •<( the O. W. I. will beheld in the ()niiig« hall on Thurs- diiy afterno'in, May 20tli, at 2.30 o'clock lor the election of officer* and other bu.»i- nes9. Come prepared to renew. A full attendance \x rcciuesLed. Little Joan Lewis is on the sick list at presen'. we hope she will suon be well u^uin. We are sorry to ie|iort the sad news of the death of one of our hij^lily respected ynuni? farmi'rs in tne person of Mr. Samuel Thompson, who passed away at his home here on Tuesday mtirnii.g of last week, at the early nue of 34 years. About one year and tight moiiihi aLo the deceased was iimrriad to Miss Amy Hill of this place, who stiil survives him. Interment took place at Flesherton ceuietery and whs followeil by a large eoneourso ef snrrowing friends and neighbors, who mourn the loss of a kind friend. Much .sympathy is felt for the fiiend.s, especially the youn^ widow who is highly respected in this Heighbohnod. The pall bearcis were Messrr. Jas. Liwreneo, Aiidrew Wa'laoc, Hugh Ham- mond, Ernest Pioctor, John Lawrence and Hartley Lawrence. Mr. Kmoison Brown of Clarksbui'<{, was in town on Saturday Ia«t. Miss Edna Butritt is spending a few weeks iu Clarksburu. Miss Clara Meiklejohn, principal of our school, is on the sick li«t ac present. Mr. Chas. E. Stuart is in charge uo». Miss Minnie Thompsim of Vandoleur is spending a sboit time «rith friends here. Quite a numlier ai-ound here are i'l wi h measles Miss Nellie Pedlar of Rock Mdle, spent a few days of the iiast week at Mr. F. J. Weber's. Miss Mayui't Weber and Kosie Gilhert of Vaiideleiir, were visitors here on Sun- day hist. Maxwell Items I presume we Maxwellites have been so biisj' housecleaning and .seeding these si)ring days, that thei-e is not time to let the outside world know we ai'e living. We are glad to report that Mr. Will Brownridge is improving in health. Miss Lily Priestly .sjMjnt Sundtiy at her home. League as usual Tliursday night. .Mr. .\ndrus, our [lopular school teacher, will give a nature study bdk on Birds and Bees. Miss Etta Buekingluim gives a tidk on LesNuus from the Birds and Bees of the Bible. The SlethiHli.st Sunday .school Ls hold- iiig Decision Day next Sunday atlernoon. In the evening the ])astor will hold a young peoples service. The singing will be led by the children. .Mr. and Mrs. Blakeley of Corbett^m spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Eilward Linley. Mrs. (iiiy, Sr., who has been laid up with a severe attack of Itk gi'ippe, Li. .jj^k. covering. Mr. and Mr.s. Flesher, and family of Colliiigwood, Were callers in our biii'g on Sunihiy. Mrs Fred Spotl'ord has returned home from Shighaiupton, where she was attend- ing her sick brother, who is siiHering from a paralytic stroke. Cajitain Bemro.se left l.i-st week for Sault Ste Marie and from there be will st^irt to .sail on the King Edward. Mr. Doe. Fairey, Flesherton, calloJ on frieii<!s in .Maxwell last week. The Maxwell branch of the Women's Institute will hold Iheir annual meeting for the election of otiieers in the Metho- dist hall. Maxwell, May •JOth. at 2.30 p. in. Members are jjarticulirly reipiested to attond this meeting. Rev. Ballantyiu! and family have moved to tlieir now home in Chatham. Mr. Wm. Babbago, who has been em- ployed for Air. AV. H.Guy during the winter months, left this week for New Untarii). Proton Station Mr. and Mrs. McLemincntand family have returned homo from their two weeks holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John Lyons of Portlaw, .sjient SuiuL'iy at IMr. Chas, Lyons'. Mr. and Mrs. .\. Colgan and family spent Monday with Uiindalk friends. Mr. .-Viigiis Pickett is spending a few days at his homo in West Toronto. Mr. A. Cairns, of the Soo is visiting at tile home of Mr. anil .Mrs. R. Carson. His wife will ace iiii|iaiiy him home in a week. Mr. and Mrs. Engli.sh of Ceyhui l;ave got settled in their new home. We wish them snccesi. Mr. John Pickett, West Toronto, spent a few days this week at "Pleasant View. " Mr. Dal Hopkins has improved his resideiKre gre.itly by a lieautiful lawn ami the pl.iiitiiig of sh.-ule trees arotind it. Ceylon Ml'. H. Beiinet's family have arrived f.'oni England and are now oocjpying the premises la'e'y vacated by Mr J. M. English. Wo bid theui aliearty welcome. Mr. .lohii McDon lid has added a very neat vernnda to his ri sidence. Mrs J. L. Wood has gone to vitii friends in the vicinity of Inisliogu for a week or ko. Mrs. Jos. Caiins, Mis. Bradley and Mrs. D. D. McLftucMaii visited fi lends in Durliain last week . Mr. Edward Sar^'ent Ims ad led a wood shed to his house, which, with the new kitchen, will make his residencn oiis of tha neatest in the village. Mr. J. W. Cushnie, bis wife and family, have returned to her parental home f<ir u time. Wo are delighted to see them looking so well. We regret to have to i-elate that Mr. John Snellis veiy poorly these days. W» trust that when the weather clears up and gets warmer ho will regain his usual health. Port Law Seeding is vex"y tedious <m iiccount of the unfavcn-able weather, still we ai-e getting it ''Mudded in." Mr. and Mrs. W. .\. Mortijii are the recii>ienfs of an unusual amount of sympathy im .-vcconntof the ileatli of theii- eldest child, a little girl of nine yeai-s and ten months. A week ago Thursthiy she was at schotd, a bright and healthy looking pupil. The next <lny she was tiken ill with appeiidietis. Three d< Kjtors were in at tendance and i)erform- e 1 an ojieration, but in spit'j of their efforts she snecummed t^i the disea.se on Wednesday bust. She was an unusu- ally iiite ligeiit and attnictive little girl, a general favorite with sehooliiiates and others. The fui.eral on Friday to Mount Zioii, conducted by Mr. I.,iiidlaw, wa« .•itt«nded by a hirge concourse of friends out of genuine sympathy f<u- the grief- slriekeii parents. Mr. D. McMiiUeii, who of Lite has resided with his .son Alex, on the fourth line and who has sutfered a long illne.ss, pii.s.sed away on Wednesday of la.st week at a ripe age. The deceased gentleman was one of the oldest and moat respocted pioneers of .-Vi'temesia. For many years he was a member of the Methodist church aid always regarded as an upright and c iiisist.iiit christian. He leaves a Lirge fimily i>f grown up sons and' one daught- er' His wife- pr<£>WeuuMul hitu abou t. J.w „ , years ago. f Jlr. .John Ivennedy of Chatsworth is visiting with hi.s .•innt, Mrs. S. M. Gs- boiiie. Mr. .fames .lobnston, who has been ill for Jibout a year is still coiitined to the hoii.se with no apparent impi-oveinent in his condition. Mrs. Mingle of Hamilton and Miss Lillian Mcintosh of Toronto, also Mrs. Morton's mother and sister, als<i .Mrs. Gir of Toronto, .sister of Mr. Morton, wjre visitors at the Morton home in it.s time of sorrow. Owen Sound. L>iincaii McKiiiiiou, who ctaiimitted the a.s.sault on Miss Ktliel EIHh of Nor- iiiaiiby toHiishij) on .\pril 17 last, came up for trial in the County Judge's Crini- iiiil (,'ourt before His Honor .fudge Wid- ditield on Tuesday of last week. The evidence showed that MeKinnou on liorsebvck had elia.sed Jliss Ellis across a Held, had grabbed her by t he liair and lifted her oft' the grouiul and had struck and kicked her. Mr. .Viisoii Spotton for the ];risoiier did not try to dispute the facts of the as.s;inlt, hut cal- led several neighbors to show- the mental condition of the prisoner. It was shown Iu; was under s«>rious dehisions regarding the KIlis family ami several other families ill the iieigliborbooil and that he had been coiitincil in an asGtiiii in Toronto for about fourteen months five years ago. Doctors Ilowey jjnd Middlebro gave evi- dence rei^.irding the prisoiie.r's mentsil condition, ami both agreed he was insane, and not responsible fur his acts. Tlie judge ciiiiimitted McKiiiiioii on tl c ground of insanity and directed him to be committed to jail to await the action of the authorities. It is announced that the 31st regimeiit will go into camp the'JBIh of .June and remain under training until the 10th of July. The annouiiCMueiit comes fn;in an unolHcial but trustworthy source, and may be accepted as reliable. As already announced, the camp will be at the Rit!e Rjiiige 1 . Couuhs that are tiithi, or distre.ssing tiukliiig coughs, i?et (juick and certain help from Dr. Shoop's U..iisjh Ri-meny. On this account Drui.'(,'isls everywheie are favoriuij Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. The tender leaves of a harmless lung- healing iiuiuiitainous shrub, kIvo to Dr. Shoop's Cough Uonieily its curative properties. Those leaves have the power to calm the most distressing Cough, and to soollio, an 1 Ileal the ino5t soiisiiii-e bronchi il iiibmbrniie. Test it once your- self and 81 o! Sold by all denhirs. TIio steamer Gargaiit Its cairied away three gated in the Wellatid canal. The Tragedy of The Wheat Fields An Interesting Letter Fom Mr. Carr Concluded from last week. Could a widr-spread forestry sclioii e be developed throughout iheso o| en plains it is believed that in a few yeaia the probUm of security against Buiimior frosts would !>«. solved and these idimit- able wheat fields become a vei liable El- dorado. But just nnw many a hard- working fanner is 9irus;giina against a« ful odds, and th. usiii<l» i,f business men in the village* and t wi.s are ciamp.d to destruction. Wouhl I advihe old settled Ontario men to sell cut an I coine hoie.' No. See conditions for yourself (ii>r,. I will ad- vise no Ontario mini who owns a good farm there and a eiimfiMi.ible I le to sell out after hnviuu pli'iietred in that favontl land of stock, fiuii and culeals, t^) bravo the fatfs and dire lb" Blements of even this great West, at least until ihe country ha< evolved iiili a in.ie ilrcided ceitainty of an (iiUiihle temperature for thesiminier sensoii's o|erat'oiia. and 1 have conversed with men who have 1 eon here for 2."i years anil they say it is i o more certain to-d;iy thi.il when they (list broke the sod. Now any sane, iliinking unbiased inaii will iimlerstand iiie. I de- preciate nothing. I fully believe in the ultimaru success of this glorious golden uraiii lun.l, when, by lapse <if time and cultivated coinlitions and intflliijeiit blending of the various s.urces of reve- nuc-produeinu products of the farm oilier than wheat only, shall have placel the farmer on a safer tnd more indepeudiuit footing. But there are uiganlic ililHoul- ties to be overcome by whoever wmi'd win here, as ehewhei'o, a tale to be told by the passing of years. So I say lot old Ontario's (dd established men pause and pglaiiy.0 their thoughtâ€" lake a ipiiet, sieadfasl grasp upou the si'uatioiiâ€" licfoiv they jump, or allow Ihemseh ea to lie cir- riijaway by ".lowing, Howery pictures tli^l I know some would like to paint. /(Uiiler well. Is tho ijuany worth the shot for their few reinaiuiiig years of lifv, when, instead of a .section of land a mile sipiare they will only need a liitle bit '2feet!y (i ? But younger men- take your risk. The oppoituiiities in this land are almost innumerable. •And ii-.w, Mr. Editor, I want to .say, take Willi reiervatioii thai BrohiiigiiaglBii stoiy s'.iue would-he heroic tells, " Yes, it's co'd, but then wo don't mind •ic," when they ae sja-aking of t!ic c.ld in this Northwest country. I have seen them [lut oil a brave, ind.inii'abh! c< un- teiianne while they (returned travellers) Would .say t>iHt in Ontario, while at the cauui lime I hive seen them avcil the face and v.-iiik the left eye with a veiy peeii'inr sisjniticaiice. Now, the tiist tline Weeks of Jaiaiiiy tho thernii'inetHr has regis-eied some morninus from 30 to fill demces below zero I You cnn ooiii- prehend what that means. .After 30 de- '.oe.is below zeui every deuree ap|;ears to liouble in intensity. In goiii'i down t wii for my mail .some iiioriiings (luring ilio>e siiiips of weath.r I have liiui to Sill le (f tliB smile didn't freeze) >vlieii I w uld meet even Slime of the old-timers â- ill ei.scinced in fur as they ma e a r^nr- II. g iiii-h fi.r some place of business. uKeliiig the frosty bieczo (nn-I it, is a s'ilT onii, mind you) witii their sli adder hoisted ai-aiiist it and head bent forward like a tattering ram. When they met and r cogiiizid one they woald attempt a c iirteoud smile, but it would have a sickly e.xpre.s.'^ion, and amid iiivi)luiitary lears lll.y would try to greet ooe will) a short, .sharp, laconic click, "li's cold!" Aiid you hear a gag, like one has lienrd in college ('ays whiu one of tlin boys threw pi pper on the stove that almost took tha tireath of an misuspectiiig fellow as ho inhaled llle |jiiii!?ent fumes, and in a Iw nkling the pedesMiaii jerks tkiso the orifice where the .sound came from, indi- catii'g no desiie for further argumoiit. Don't they m iid it ! Tell il not iiiOath. Howe^er, h if go.id ro have been built so as to see tho jolly side of thin<.'«. One then can secretly enjoy a good chuckle all to oneself at a ludicroua situation. Still for all I have raid, I have seen within the la^it few iiionlhs men who drove to town 1.") or 20 miles w it li loads of wheat when the thorinoinetors were plajiiig 30 to 00 degree pranks until they sometimes burst, not being able to stand any more, yet 1 know these men teiiipl the fates, and many have sutl'ereil to their sorrow, and I toll you, " honest iiijan," I'd rather they'd do it than mo. Well, it is May, and iix inchesior snow for a week, instead if all the earth being McFARLAND&CO MA.£?KDA.LB ONTAl<IO WANTED!! We have the favilities for handling an immense iiuantily of w.-iol and we want at leasf 73,000 fiuuiids for wli ch we are prepared to pay tho highest cash or ti'ade pi'icuK. Look at these Price Reductions and see What's in store for you if you buy tliis week. •i.j aid ;K)c a yard I'liior Matting for 18^. rt'e have about 2('0 yards of Jap Floor M^it iiig in assorted |«itierns that were selliiiii at 25 to.'iOcayard. Tins week vou can have your I'lioice at per vari '. mc Read ihis: Lii-t CaieOt'ly ard Note the Price Inducements. 48 Men's Oiey Wool Socks, 18c kind. 2 pr for 2ce. l.")7 yils |ili:iii anil fancy i ihhoiis, wide Willi liii, Uemil.iily K.ild at 25 and .'iue, yi ur eboiee n yd lilc. 2'.l only (Jeiit's 2ai: Knot Tiis, assort- ed 2 for 25c 33 Pud Tie!", assor'eil, 25c, H"W. 12c jjt) (ieiii's Bow Ties, legular value l.">e, for 8c 101) Boxes N"te P-iper. Envelopes to match, regiibir value 15, for per box 10c. 2."i dozen Ladle's Black Cotton Ribbpe Hose gunianteed st.-iinless, special 2 pr for 25e. 24 Books, goial authors, 35 t4i 45o value, choice I9c 2(0 cards of Gent's oue piece col'ar bul'oi s, 12 oi; a card, special per canl 10c 36 imckaecs Violet Talcum Powder, l.jc kind bo 110 Lxdie's F ne fpiality white Em- broidered turnover Cidhii-p, 10c kind ror 5c. 25 dozen p'ain white Cambrick Hand- keichiofs, ladies size, while they last 5 for 10c. 144 pieces White Tape, 8 lo 12 yds in a piece at only per piece. . . .5c. 5 doz. Men's Whie Twilled Duck (J.oves at pr lOo 12 [lackages Mays' Seeds (all new) for 25c 10 Us Gl»ubor Salt" ror 25c !f you confe-nplatc huyinn hardware with your trade don't, fori-et that you cin biini; vour trade to us and coin lor sitne (>;t liade prices) and then you have thu piivile'.;e of gtiiii!; to ih'i t wo oldest es'ablishod dardware stores in town riz: Haskeit Brc.s. .ind J. .Artley's, where the goods will be scdd you at close prices in exchange f< r the coin. McFARLAND 81 tOMPANY j j. E. LARGE ^ All through thi.s .stofe.high class goods at very low ^ prices. We liavo never Iieeii lietter prepared to sup- SZ ply yoii with all your spring and sniimier wants, for ^ every ulepartmcnt is crowded with bright new goods fe â€" the kind of goods we insist on selling â€" h^ok better, j^ are better, and cost you no luoie than the kind that are made merely to sell. Your satisfaction the particular thing we aim at, ^ an<l we aim to make this the safest store for you to 5^ 5 h'lv at. S 5 Highest prices paid for produce, mt: 'Ml •- mc^ I J. Eo Larg;e, e u g e n i a. i -tr gay. Seeding started a week aijo but^ gj||| f^y ServlCC ited iiu'.elinituly on Wednesday xlioroii glibicil Uui hum Jmll for service on lid raw.il*^''*'' oou.H, .-iitcnic^ia Turms ^l.UO. Golden Legend UICH.UIU AILKN dust Kill S, .suspei last. The spriiiij is windy, cold, raw, and not at all favoralile to get nloug witliil m Mb\ M. tho faruiing svork here. -Viid I tell yoU: ~~ there is piles of it to do. Df course wei , ..(.,, .-1. I .1 ..â- *i ; Piiro llreil rs'iiwortii Hour for Boryico on hope to bo I'.t it full tilt by thu time thiS|Loti7n.i!na E. T.,vs. It. Tirms n.un. reaclas you. | another word: The .Vivancej Bull for Service , , 1 . ,„ â- ; :^,„. „„,,.„i At Victoria Cor.irs. Toronto T.iiic, a a m.st welc-me viMtoi, every t^o,.o„j,,,,j,.^g ^^j^ „,„;,„„ ^^^ ^^„.^.j^„. .Saturday night with the fust mail arriv- -CHAS. K- MOORB iiig at S p. Ill, and I luve a jolly halt hour â€" =r-:i' _â€" _ â- l -j s with Thurston. jViid what a roMickiiigi time 1 had with our old-time friend, C. W. Ciiad*ick, as we tripped through the historic lieida and scenes of olil Virginia, j etc. And ju.st think how we were taken in the saddle of the Te.\an ra"i;er by so pleasant and instructive a conipaiiion as I iL^liejlor Campbell, of old time friend- ship, too. Why, it makes one feul youn^c a'taiii and sigb, oh for the pen of such ready writers as these ! - F. T. C. Ilheuuiatic poisons are ((uickly and shiirey Jriven out o( the blood with Dr. Shoop's Kheuinatio Ueinedyâ€" liipiid or tablet form. Dr. Shoop's beoklot on Uhcuiiiatisin plainly & interestingly tells just h"W this is done. Tell some .suffer- er of this book, or better still, write Dr. Sboiip, UaeiiiL', Wis. for the book and free test .samples. Send no money. .lust join with Dr. Shoop and give some -suffer- er a pluasanr. surpiise. Sold by all deal- SEASOi^ABLE IN FURNITURE The largt'st and best stock of Furniture ever shown ill Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come iiiid see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Uooni Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- duce Ihe stuck. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER esherton |ipeii«iicitis at Newl Dr. ti. H. Wyiikiip, one of the tirstii surgeons in America to operate for ap- pendiciti.s, died of York Sunday. Citpt. Petei C. Uains, who shot \Vm,l K. Amiis on Long Island last August, has been sentoneod to from eight to si-^jfye, Ear,NOSe 30(1 ThPOat Olfic'p 1 vl !•â- .-o8l !sr. - OwonSiuiT-ici UR. BURT Specialist In diseases of tho t en yi as in prison. Mr. J. M. Treble, a director of the Mas.'^ey 11 irris Company, died suddenly. At the Uevero hou.se, IVIarkdale. 1( Friday each month finun S to 12 a. m. I