Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1909, p. 3

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mmm 9 TOO MANY WOMEN SUFFER IN SILENCE When the Blood is Weak or Out of Order Duease is Ineritabie. Many women go through life suf- fering in silence â€" weak, ailing and unhappy. The langour and blo(jd- lessness of girls and young women, with headaches, dizziness and faint- ing spells ; the nervous ailments, back pains and failure of strength of wives and mothers ; the trials that come to all women at the turn of life, are caused usually by im- poverished, watery blood. Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pa.le People have helped more women to the joy <>'' good health and robust strength than any other medicine in the world. These Pills actually make new, rich, red blood, which reaches c\ery part of the body, feeds the starved nerves, strengthens every organ, and makes weak girls and women bright and well. Mrs. A. Eagles, Dundas, Ont., says:â€" "I am writing this letter out of grati- tude to let you know the great be- nefit Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have been to me. From the time I was a girl I suffered from weakness and fainting spells â€" was alw^ays doctor- ing, but it did not help me. As I grew older I seemed to grow worse. My blood seemed literally turned to water. Sometimes I would faint as often as twice a day. I suffered from indigestion. I could not walk upstairs without stopping to rest on the way, and my heart would palpitate so violently as to produce a smothering sensation. 1 grew so weak that people thought I was in consumption. I was in this dread- ful condition when Dr. Williams' Pink Pills were brought to my at- tention and I began taking them. The first sign of benefit I noticed w-as an improvement in my appetite. Then I began to grow stronger, the color began to return to my face ; the fainting spells disappeared and gradually I was brought to a con- dition of more perfect health than I had ever enjoyed before. This is what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me, and that they have been of lasting benefit is proved by the fact that it is several years since they restored my health, and 1 have remained strong and well ever since." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a cure for all troubles due to impure or watery blood, such as anaemia, rheumatism, neuralgia, headaches and backaches, indigestion, St. Vitus' dance, paralysis, etc. Sold ly medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. SCIENCE OF WORN BOOTS. Cothurnology \» Latest Means of Judging Character. Palmistry, phrenology graphology and all other methods of judging character seem destined henceforth to take second place to cothurno- logy â€" the science of worn boots. According to a Swiss doctor, worn shoes give far more reliable indi- cations than the lines of the hand, the features' of the face, or the style of the handwriting . If heel and sole of the shoe are ^i|iially worn after two months' A'sar, the wearer is an energetic business man, a trusty employe, or an excellent wife or mother. If the sole is worn on the outer edge, the wearer has a marked | tndency for adventures, or abold, obstinate spirit. If the wearing is on the inside edge, it is a sign of irresolution and weakness in a man, modesty in a woman. The inventor of the method has put his views to practical test, and on one occasion, having closely ob- served a stranger entering his house, noticed that his shoes were worn on tho outside edge the tip of the sole being roughened, while the rest was still as good as new. He was convinced that the man before him was a scroundel, ard on the very same day the individual was arrested for theft. WHY THE SALESMAN SUC- CEEDED. He was neat in appearance. He had dignity of bearing. Ho was never late in keeping his appointments. He ha<l no conceited and arro- gant manner. He believed in his proposition. He never disgusted his prospect with gross flattery. He knew all the fine points of his own goods. He never offended the prospect by undue familiarity. He never attacked his competi- tor's goods. He never ridiculed his prospect's ! ideas and methods. He made a careful preliminary I study of his prospect's case. He relied on solid argument I based on facts, and not on bluff. He never got lost in a forest of details, and could stick to essen- tials. He had not been out with "the boys" the night befire, showing the effects. He never talked too much. He gave his prospect a chance to ex- plain his needs and position. He could answer questions and objections intelligently, concisely and convincingly. He did not try to close his pros- pect before he had worked him up to a point of conviction. He never lost his nerve because the prospect presented such an un- yielding front, and did not forget that battles are won by hard rallies at tho finish. He knew his business whon he made the approach ; talked clean- cut business after he got in, made it his business to fight all the way through, and do business before he left. IT HAD ITS LIMITATIONS. "Madam," said the young man who had caJIed at the doo-r, "i have the pleasure of introducing to you our new automatic bousse-cleaning machine â€" a simple little thing waicn does the whole vork of house-clean- ing, leaving you merely the general supervisio-n." "Does it do al), ehf demanded the woman of tho house. "Will iit wash the outside of tho upstairs windows i" "Why, no, madam, but " "Will it takedown, wash, stretch tc dry, iron, and hang up the par- lor curtains i" "Well, of course, this m-achlne â€" " "Will it paint the kitchen, anu make my daughter help with the dishes?" "Oh, madam, this machine " "Will it wash the winter bed- ding and put it away, lay down tho furs with inotli balls, sew on but- tons, set thrse meals a day, and pacify the household!" "No, madam. You have misun- derstood the limitations of my rua- chiue." "Limitations! It will be a long time before any man will get up a machine to do all a woman has to do in her hou<ve." The agent silently faded away. LAY FOR WEEKS AT DEATH'S DOOR BUT DODD'S KIDNKY PIIJ.8 CURED MRS. TUO.HPHON'S URUPSY. It Started with Backache ;iiul prew Worse till the Doctor said islic Must Die. Holt, Ont., May 17. (Special).â€" All the countryside here is ring- ing with the wonderful cure of Mrs. Samuel Thompson, who lay at the point of death for weeks, swollen with Dropsy so that the doctor live different times decided to tap her, but desisted because, as her hus- band said, "It might be better to let her die in peace." After the doctor had given her up Do<id s Kidney Pills cured her. Mrs. Thompson's terrible trouble started with a pain in the back. She grew worse, and the doctor treated her for jaundice for eight weeks. Then her feet and legs be- gan to swell, and it was realized that Dropsy was the trouble, i'or seven months she suffered. The doctor said there was no hope ; she must die. As a last resort Dodd's Kidney Pills were tried. The improvement was slow but gradually her strength eamc back. To-day Mrs. Thomp- son is a well woman. She says, and the countryside knows, she owes her life to Dodd's Kidney Pills. If the disease is of the Kidneys, or from the Kidneys, Dodd s K.a ney Pills will cure it. HAD LEARNED SIGNS. Landlady â€" "That new boaider needn't try make me think he is a bachelor. He's either married or is a widower." Milling â€" "How can you tell!" Landlady â€" "He always turns his back when he opens his pocket-book to pay his board.'' The transition from winter's cold to summer's heat frequently puts a strain upon the system that pro- duces internal complications, al- ways painful and often serious. A common form of disorder is dysen- tery, to which many are prone in the spring and summer. The very best medicine to use in subduing this painful ailment is Dr. J. D. Kellogg' s Dysentery Cordial. It is a standard remedy, sold every- where. A GUARANTEE OF SAFETY Most of the "soothing'' syrups and powders advertised to euro the ills of babies and young children contain poisonous opiates, and an overdose may kill the child. Baby's C)wn Tablets are sold under the guarantee of a government analyst that ithey contain no opiate or harmful drug. They can be given with absolute safety to a new born chi'J. They cure all those minor feil.-nents originating in disordered btomach or bowels. Mrs. !•'. Young, Rivor Hebert, N. S., says :â€" "I have used Baby's Own Tablets for con- etipiition and stomach trouble and when my bab.v was teething, and have found the:a the best medicino I know of for these troubles." Sold by me<licine dealers or by mail at 21) cents a box from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockxille, Uat. A MINIS TER'S CR ATITUPE. Zam-Buk Cured a Face Sore which Defied all other Remedies for Two Years. Rev. Chafles E. Stafford, of Bridgeburg, Ont.. says : â€" "I»llad been much troubled for over two years with a sore on my left cheek. I tiied all kinds of salves and lotions, but nothing 1 procured sewned to have the least hit of effect towards healing the sore. Hearing of Zam-Buk, I decided to give it a trial, and see if it would bring about acure, as so many other things had failed. I purchased a supply and commenced with the treatment. After several applications, to my great joy, Z.im-Buk has effected what for two years I tried in vain to bring about â€" a complete cure." Case after case could be quoted in which, as in the atx>ve instance, ZaniLiuk has worked cures when everything else tried had failed. There isarea.son for this. Zam-Buk is the idcaJ remedy because of its unique ingredients for all sliin injuries and diseases. Away back in the days of the Roman gl.adiators, secret balms were used for the healing of cuts and injuries sustained in the arena and in battle. Then came a period during which external balms were neglected, followed by a period in which all the salves and embrocations had as their base animal fats and oils. Zam-Buk marks a new epoch. It is absolutely devoid of all animal fats, all mineral colouring matters, and is composed entirely of rich medicinal herbal extracts. Zain-Kuk is a combination of Nature's rich healing herbal juices by the most modern scientific methods, and the result is a balm which cures when others fail. Skin diseases, such as eczema, ringworm, salt rhcura, and prairie itch, are speedily overcome by it. For piles it is fine ! â€" easing the pain and inflammation, and hastening a cure. It also cures burns, scalds, cuts, ulcers, children's sores and eruptions, blood-poisoning, scr.itchcs, old wounds, varicose ulcers, &c. All Druggists and Stores sell at 30c. a box, or post-free for price from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto. Refuse harmful and cheap imitations, someti'nes represented as " lust as good." THOUGHT HE EARNED IT. Mrs. C'ro.xton was opposed, on principle, to giving money or food to professional beggars, but there was something so forlorn in tho aspect of the dilapidated vagabond at her kitchen door that she hesitated to turn him away. . "Haven't you any occupation? she asked. "Nothing that you'd call an oc- cupation, ma'am," he answered. "Didn't you ever try to learn a trade of any kind ('' "Nothing that you'd call a trade." ".\nd you have never tried to earn your own living!" "Lady," said the tramp, straight- ening himself up >vith something re- sembling dignity, "1 earn my living p\ ory day. At least, I'm earning the right to live." •How!" "Dodging automobiles." .\ir,'< t'rdxlon decided that he had earned a plateful of chicken hash. UNCLE EBEN SAYS : "It's true when the ol' cat's away the little mice will sport an' play, but one or more gits taken in when the ol' cat shows up agin." MAN HATERS IN ENGlA.»».. \Vould Not Reeeire Letters With King's lieud on Stamp. There died at Hackney, England, the other day an elderly spinster named Harriet Evans, who possess- 1 ed the distinction of being probably' the bitterest man-hater that ever| lived. So far, indeed, did she carry her! destestation of the opposite sex,' that she refused to receive letters because the stamps bore the King's: heiid. For the same reason, she would only use coins with Queen Victoria's effigy upon them. All' other money she threw into the fire as soon as she received it. She de-j clined to deal at shops where male assistants were employed, aod,i when advertising for apartments,! she invariably stipulated that there j should be no man in the house. The papers alluded to her case as! a unique one. But in reality wo-i men holding similar views are far from uncommon, although compara- tively few carry their man-hating mania to such extreme lengths. There was, however, a lady who quite recently advertised her abho- Tcace for the opposite sex by pub- licly refusing to accept a legacy which had been left her by a male relative. Her servants, too, were all females, including her "coach- man," who was, up till the middle | of last year, a quite well-known figure in the West End of London. In Bloomsbury, again, there lived, not long ago, a woman shopkeeper, who declined to supply men custom- ers, or, rather, would-be men cus- tomers, on any tlerms whatever. Her establishment was a small one, of the kind usually known as a "general shop," and the eccentric proprietor used to sit in a little parlor in the rear. If a man, not knowing her rule, entered, repeated knockings on the counter failed to elict any reply. But to one of her own sex, no mat- ter how uninviting her appearance might be, or how shabby her dress, she was graciousness and punctual- ity personified. k BOOK FOR MOTHERS. Every mother"^ u-^ ,„„ â-  ous for information that wilr^i able her to keop little ones in good health. The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., have issued a little book which contains a great deal of in- formation on the care of infants and young children, that every mo- ther ought to know. The book will be sent free to any mother who will send her name and address to the Dr. Wilfiams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. * Lawyerâ€" "Now, I want you to answer this question very careful- ly â€" Was your father (when your mother struck him with a rolling pin) under the influence of drink .'" Juvenile Witness â€" "No, sir; he was under the kitchen table." 8T0CXWELL, HENDERSON .^ faUbllllUK] X V.»«, ^^^^j^^ 7S Kliiff 8t, Wast, Torcnti. yODUN MAONIMIRV HANnm«^!v.&?.f| â- (•r HOUie IN OANAOA â- iprM* paM One Way on Osorti From a OlttuM* CALVES Roll* Then Without MIUu Bo' kict Frcn Hteei* Bhc£9 Seed Co., LKt.TofOBt* YOUR OVERCOATS Mi4 l«l»4 BulU woald Itwk tiett«r drftd. tf no Aff^ if oWI Ia jour U>-vn, ante direct Montrral, Boi ISfl MUTiaN AMKRIOAM OVBINa CO. The healthy glow disappearing from the cheek and moaning and re^tleesness at night are sure symp- toms of worms in children. Do not fail to get a bottle of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator; itia an e£fectual medicine. Wise men lose a lot of valuable time explainiq^ some of the things they know of other people. They Cleanse While They Cure.â€" The vegetable compounds of which Paj-melee's Vegetable Pills are composed, mainly dandelion and mandrake, clear the stomach and intestines of deleterious matter and restore the deranged organs to healthful action. Hence they are the bei^t remedy for indigestion available to-day. A trial of them will establish the truth of this a.sser- tion and do more to c<jnvince the ailing than anything that can be written of these pills. TRADINO on a (ood name and deceiTtnc the public is what the imitators of the well-known "The D. 4 L." Menthol Plaster are doinit. Don't be tooled, iusiat on the geuuiae, "The D. & L. s "I see that your smaller sister took the smaller apple," said an experienced mother. "Did you let her have her choice, as I told you ?" "Yes, mother," her son replied, brightly, "I told her, if she didn't choose the smaller, she wouldn't get any at all. She chose the smal- ler, mother !" PERFECT CORN SALVE; Sure Cure . Maileb 25?* E.HBaiild3k^^c5,oTo"oSh Here It isâ€" Grab It We want to (iro awav (aiasolutaly freo) Co 0Tery woman in Canada, ona pair of S Inch Silver Plated Tension Shears In or.ler to do s<i wo requiro yi>ur help, for which we wiU pa/ jruu. Writa ua (ur lull particuLira. ATtANTIC SO.\P CO., Toronto, Ont. GIASS ISSCRAJICE^GESTS WIHTEB National Proi!nci»l Plata Qlasa Insurancs CoBJ 6»nT limited. H»»d Office. London. Bnnlan* ^tabliblied 185*. C«pit»l. Fifty Thoasaiid I'uuud* «tor!lii». For Ag»iicae» at unr«praii«nted polatni ProvincB of Ontiirlu, addjeia J. U. ltW.*Rl', Chiof Agont. No. 18 Walllngton Street Kait, Toronto. â- oodfor booklat "Qlasa Inauranca." Eyes Are Relieved By Murine when Irritated by Chalk Dust and Eye Strain, Incident to the average School Room. A recent Census of New York City reveals the fact that in that City alone 17.92S School Children needed Eye Care. Why not try Murine Eye Remedy for Red, Weak, Weary, W^atery K>es. Granulation, Pink Eye and Eye Strain? Murine Doesn't Smart; Soothes Eye Pain. Is Compounded by Experienced Physi- cians: Contains no Tniurious or Prohibit- ed Drugs. Try Murine for Your Eyo Troubles: Tou Will I-lk« Murine. Try It in B.^hv•'s Eves for Scaly Eyelids. Dnig- eists Sell Murine .Tt Mc. The Murine Eye Rcmedv Co.. Chlcnffo, Will Send You In- teresting Eye Books Free. A Woman's Sympathy Are you dlscoursLged ? Is your doctor'e bUl a heavy fluauclal load? Is your pain a heavy physical burden? I know wbat these mean to dellcata womenâ€" I have been discouraged, too; but laarued how to \ euro myself. I want to relieve your bur- , dens. Why not end the pain and stop tho | doctor's bl.U? I can do this for you and | WllJ If you will assist mo. All you need do Is to writo for a froa ; box of tho remedy which has been placed In my hands to be itlven away. Ferhap* this one box wlU cure youâ€" it h.is done so for others. If so. I shaU bo happy and you will be cured for 2c (tho cost of a i postaKO stamp). Tour letters held confl- ; donilall-v. Write to-dny for mv free treat- ; Bont. lias. F. a CUR BAH. Windsor. OnC ' Country Doctor â€" ''Well, Silas, your wife has ga.strie fever." Silas (much concerned) â€" "Don't see how that can be, sir, seeing ais how we've never burned gas, but always used lamps.'' -A LONG RECORD OF SUCCESS in eur- Ing nil sorts of cuts, burns and bruises, as well as all bowel complaints, is held by "Painkiller" over 60 yourti. Avoid BUbstitutes. there is but ono "Painkiller"â€" Ferry Davis', 26c. and 6l)c. Sentinel (on guard)â€" "Halt : Who comes there?" The Colonel â€" 'Idiot!" Sentinel â€" ".\dvan<-e, idi- ot, and give the countersign.'' II The average man no sooner does a kind act that he begins to feel big over it. Mar* Is No Suoh nilngr as a harrafora enoch. «%• trouble g'»e=» from bad to worse unless check- S Allen's LunK Baliiiim cure* the wurst of sSds, It allays iuaammaliuii and clears tho air saMafoa It takes a good neighbor to ap- preciate a neighbor who thinks he is better. .Vre your corns harder to remove than those that others have had I Ilave they not had the same kind? Havo they not been cured by using Hallowav's Corn Cure? Try a bot- tle. Minister's Wife â€" "Wake up! There are burglars in the house, John." Ministerâ€" "Well, what of it ? Let them find out their mistake themselves." THE "BURLINGTON ROUTE will in.iuiur.ite. Mi.t 2.inl. two throiiiih Irlini' Chioimo to Seattle. Wiu-h.. via St. Piiul, lUil.v Low rata* to all North and south I'vjific Cowt polnta A forty p:ii!« folder ilo.wriptiTo tif the AliakaVukon Kxpositi.m freo for Ilia .-vskiiig. For inform.ition in reganl to ratoa .tml train aer- vice write or call on J. A. YOEICK, 5* King St. Kwt, Toronto, Ont. Free church seats niigiit be appre- ciated more if they were less un- comfortable. It Keeps the Muscles Pliant. â€" Men given to muscular sports and c.verci.ses. and those who suffer mus- cular pains from bicycle riding will tind Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil something worth trying. As a lu- bricant it will keep the muscles pliable and free from pains which often follow constant use of them, without sDftening them or impair- ing their strength. For bruises, sprains and contusions it is with- out a peer. "That, sir," said the jeweller, triumphantly, pointing to a marble timepiece, "is a magnificent speci- men of the clockmaker's art. That clock will go for eight weeks with- out winding." ".\iid how long, asked tho customer, "will it go with winding?" When Father Time hftngs up his scythe he'll be no mower. "DODD'S '/ ^kidneyI 'tfHT s DtS P'A8ETE5 ISSUE NO. 21 09. "That was a dreadful tough steak you sent me yesterday, Mr. Beof- ieigh." said a lady to her meat pur- veyor. "Was it. madam! You should have sent it back.' ''Yes, i meant to, but my husband was too quick for me. Before 1 knew what he was going to do he cut it up into strips and used it for hinges on the henhouse door." Pills of Attested Value.â€" Panne- lee's Vegetable Pills arc the result of careful study of the propextie;. (f certain roots and herbs, and the action of such as sedatives and laxatives on the digestive appara- tus. The success the compounders have met with attests the value of their work. These pills have been recognized for many yeai-s as the best cleaners of the system that can be got. Their excellence was recognizi-d from the first and they grow more popular dail.y. ALEXANDER WARDEN, (Lata traajurer Prashvlerian Cbureb in Canada) BONDS AND 8TDGKS Cobalt fitockj bought and §old on oommlsslon. H TIRONTO STREET. TORONTO. CANADA Lone Distanco Phonosâ€" Main 2J70, MaJn SSfL WARREN GZOWSKI & CO. Mombers luroutu Stock Kxollaiije. riaders Bank BulMlnj, «* Broad Stnak TORONTO. NBWTOBK STOCKS AND BONDS I^le-SiKiu COBALT ?o\"S'.rJI.1SL- AGEMTS MEN OflloM WE CIVl rRIE SAXPIE C'SE vmin â-  'w CATALOGUE Hake three dollars a day and uatabliata periuaueut bUBinesa on our capital. Oar high claes goods sell on sielit in every home, are qtiiukly used up and re|}eat ordcra com« fast. Exclusive ler» ritory given. THE HOME SUPPLY CO.. Oept. 50., TORONTO, ONT. CRUISING AND SPEED LAUNCHES in all sizes, complete or in knock down form. Knock Down Frames and Semi- Flnishsd Hulis OIngys and Yacht Tenderse ROBERTSON BRCS . Foot of Bay Street, Hamilton Canada. Se:iu f'*r t.*;it:iii',:iio. $10,OOO worth of Sheet Music, Vocal and Initrumental, Popular Comic. Standard. Clajjic and Sacred Songs, Marches. Waltzes, Two-Steps, Lancers and all kinds of Dance, Comic Opera and Educational Instrumental .Music. The stock of Vhv late Canalliin- American Kuslc Co. purcli.isca fr. n< the Liquiilalor at ft very low nilu on lUe .iulliir. Ws are prepared to aaoriace tlie entlro stock for Qul^ Sale at prices never before offered. TliU is not old »liolf worn stock. BUT ALL HBW. niovleru and b.iiulsumel.T ilinatralcd Ulio pancis, and works that sell in the rosular wuy (rom 160. to TSo, per oopy. Our price, p3stpaid, while th> stack lasts, Slnde Copies Sc 6 for 25c. IS for 50c.; 35 fo» 51.00 Special prices In Larger Quantities. Stamps accepted as casli. Wo hnvo no cataloirne of thismusic. When ordering stnlo clojis of miHieruqnirod. With our many year- cvperi- once anil bnsinei<reBpon-ibllitien, 7on can eafoly outruat Iho aclocUon of your unlcrs lo un. Try one lot and you will order mors. WHALEY ROYCE 6 CO., LIMITED, Toronto and Winnipeg There is oue chance in 64.OOO.000,- 000 of one person's finger-tip being identical with that of another. MtMlonaiHe* la AH Lantta are friends of Pals- tiller. Hunilroils of loti^ers testify to the fact, rur auoidente snd suddoii enieritenriee, suoh ai iBrslns, ruts anil bruises, they 8na It lnTaIu.tble. iTiiid substitutes, tliere Is but une " Painkiller ', -Perry Davis' -!5o and SUo. THE WORLD' S WEALTH. To posfiess all the gold in the world would appear, to most people, a terible burden ; but, pro- viding it was sufficiently insured, it would be little or no trouble. A rough estimate places the value ut a cubic yard of gold at $10,000,000; 80 that all the gold in the world, if melted into ingots, could be con- tiiiiicd in a cellar twenty-four feet square and s.i.\toen feet high. All the wealth swi far ubtained from .Vustralia and California could be comfortably tucked away in your oflice. All that would he required w-iuld be an iron safe nine feet squaro and nine feet high. To give ,in idea of how small is the little cube of yellow metal, it may be stated tiiat the gold with which K*>lomon overlaid the "most holy place" â€" a room only thirt.y feet square â€" aimuinled to more than $100,000,000. WHY DO So many Inst:tutioM cfcvoted to the hjglier Edu- cation select Befl pianos? The fact that they uae sad prefer the Bell is evidence ol distinct merit ! One follows proieuiooal advice in acquiniw an educatio% wby not (allow pniicssioaal antoa ia buying Bell puoos > 'The only pwnos with the Ulimilabte Qyiii Repealing AdMA. -^«<5. 1» lunmaoie v<jjiLa ^^^^^ ^^^^ Bond for (free) Catalogue No. 75. Tb. BELL PIANO «OT^n Co.. UmikKl GUCLPH,ONTAR)0,i> ORANGE MEAT LEADS IN a long; series ot digestive experiments carried on by Professor Har- court, ot the Guelph Agricultural College, with the Human Subject, taking all the necessary prccnutions to insure accur:icy, he dclcr- mined the digcilibility of various cereals and furnisbcd the follow- ing; oesults t Percentage of the constituents digested : Organic .Matter. C.ilorics per gram. Orange Mt!.it 93.4 3.7^3 White Bread 98.1 »,468 Enlire While Bread 94.S ,,,. a, 256 Graham Bl'cad 915 2, .296 According to his determination ORANilE MK.A'l" N ^a per cent, mure valuable as a lo-d iban biead. To persistent us»rs o! OR.WCiE MK.\Ta Inrge icw.ird is offered, A privnic pkistcard in every p.ick.igi- ut' ORA.NT1K Mli.VT gives dclnils of how to get ,t ciish prize of Seven Hundred Dollar*, or a lile annuity ol Kil'y- «o Doli.irs. It vou i-ntcr this contest, send post caril to Oroiigo Meat, KiuRslon, giving full name aiul adj.oss, and mciiiioii iha paper ia which you satr this udvertiseniciit.

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