Flesherton Advance, 20 May 1909, p. 5

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May 20 19Q9 1 XX -B •^ ^ ^ S H E ETON ADVA N C E \ TliE STANDARD E<ibli<hed IS73 77 Brucbe* OF CANADA with which has been amalgamated the WESTERN BANK OF CANADA The combined Banks offer an exceptional service diroughout Ontario. The Branches of the Banks are so distributed that together they cover the best districts of the Province. 70 FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell, M»na^«r BXi^NCBES JiJLSO AT OJJtkMAM AMD BARR.UTOM. VICINITY CHIPS y Owen Sound diitrict meeting of the Methodist church meets in Owen Sound on Thursday and Fnday of this week. Mr. VVm. C ayton ia the delegate from Fleshercon. By-laws were carried by Owen Souud riit«|jayers to extend the waterwcrks and the electric lifthtin^ plant. It ia aaid that th* fiah bite juit as well in the night av in daytime, rspecially when there are treaptas sign* up. What- eriT I hat means. â€" Shelburne Elconomist. Ke*. Ivison Wilson of Uarkdale has accepted a cordial and unanimoiu invita- tioD to the paalorate at Huntsville at the close of the present onference year. Uuntsville is a very pretty town, aituat- ed on the Muskoka river on the line of the Grand Trunk, and in close proximity to the famed Lake of Bays district. Huntsville ia not likely to regiet its choice, and Mr. WiUon and his^ood wife will doubtless profit physically by a resideace in that beautiful section, where the elixir of life appears to How so freely. Pasture to Rent Pasture on lots 171 and 172, in the 2nd Con. N. E. T. and S. R., Artemesia For particulars see Joseph H. Watson. PortUw P.O. Garden Tools »^CH Amatite Roofing Steel Range Problem £ftTON, MAY, 1909 Garden Seeds The Rockvale Sunday School has re- opened for the summer with the following officers: Supt.. Rev. L. F. Kipp ind O. L. Ronson ; Sec. Tress., C. Atkinson ; Teachers, the pastor. Misses Roy, Russel ; Mrs. W. W. Trimble spent Sunday in Toronto. Mrs. L. Norris nf the village is leaving next week for the west. Mrs. Tom Kerr and little son of Altoc were visiting the former's parental home and Maidment- "â-  The annual meeticg jf the PriceTille If you want boots that will give you branch. Women's Institute, wiU be held wear and comfoit, Clayton's is the place ;„ Watson's hall, Friday, Msy 21. A to get them. go,,^ program of solus, tableaui, readings, Mr. Herb Veitch of Clarksburg spent speeches, etc. and also a good supper Sunday with Mr. and Mn. H. C. will be provided. Admission 10c. â- '*^'"^- I Mortgage Sale-Lot 147 2nd Range Mr.. W. H. Thurston left Wednesday ,^yj,, ^^^^ Toronto and Sydenham road, morning for a month's visit with rektives ^^emegji,^ 50 acres. Fa'r buildings. at Yonkers, N. Y. ; vViU be offered for sale at Cairn's Hotel, Axe Lostâ€" Dropped from wagon be- Ceylon, on Tuesday, June 15th, at 4 tween village and Breed's corner Monday, o'clock. For particulars apply to Lucas, Pleaee leave ai this othce. : Kaney & McArdle, Solicitors, Markdale. The Flesherton Citizens' Band will give | We are pie ased to note that Mr Charley the first open air concert. Wednesday Sullivan, who has been workitig some evening. May 26, weather permitting. ' years iu Indian Head, has secured an ira- MifS Allie Gordon of Oran:?e, New proved position at Maple Creek. Chailey Jersey, visited her cousin, Mrs. R. has many friends hero who will be pleas- Bentham this week. | ed to learn that he is making good out lu Mrs. Stewart, President of the Women's '*'« *"*'• Institute, Priceville, visited the branch here last Tuesday. Miss Ethel Kearns of Owen Sound, After a successful winter's practice, the Flesherton Citizens' Band is now open for engagements ; also a first class concert who taught school here for a time, vi.sited ; band for lawn parties, family reunione, Flesherton friends for a few days during > etc. For taniis and dates apply to John the past week. Runitadtler, manager, orC. H. Munahaw, Claytons are showing the new styles in j secretary, ladies fuotwear, Dongola, Kid, Oxblood, The editor overtook two little tots on La;e boots and Oxfords. Only first class '. the street one diy la.«t week (twins, by material used. ' '''^ "^T) w'hj were strolling along, one Cemetery Notice. Plotholders in Flesherton cemetery are requested to have all rubbish, atones, etc., re<noved from their plots not later than 24th May, and if not then removed and plots generally cleaned up they may be done so at the cost of owners. There are still a few desirable plots for sale, not very many, which may be had on application to the secretary, â€" Wm. Clayton As soon as u practical man sees A ma- tite, he recciignize us superiority. The wearing i{uaity of a good roof depends upon ita weight. A thin tlinisy fabric cannot wear as long as a thick heavy one. Amatite weiuhs twice as much as any other roofing at Its price. Another important thing it has a real mineral .surface of Amatite. This preparation protects roof against the raiu and wind. Mos' rooHnus have to be painted twice or three times in tive years, with this it requires no {Htintins. If you are cnnteinplating on good roof investigate and you will see ihe .4m«- tite'a superiority. Call and t-et samples and circulars giving full in- formation. Dinner Sets Just received a large crate of the newest line in Dinner Sots, comprising 100 dishes in each set, all of the latest desig.i and of the beat semi and Porcelain ware from $5.00 to 813.00 per set. Also a full line of hand lamps parlor lamps, vases, â- lardinereii, odd cups and saucers, plates, water seis, tumbler.-, egg onps, etc. , etc. Everything necessaiy to the most up-to- date housekeeper. We are very sorry to .see our intelli- gent farmers lieing taken in by some dealers, who !;o thnngh the country deninnstrating the better qualities of their stoves and are selling them right and left at nearly double the price which we aak. W"hy buy a stove that when re<iuiring repairs, you are sure of getting them, not of a stuve thac probabiy mii^ht be out of existence in a few years ? These qualities they call l)etter are only a talking i)oinf, you know what the malleable iron top does .'ind why not he .satisfied and nut pay from $3j to ^40 more for an article which is nj better. Utaaw. We are head quarters for (Simme ra; first quality Uaiden and Root seeds, including Carrots, Sugar Beets, Turnips and Mangels, Corns, Cromp- ton's Early, and N. Dakota White Flint, Millets and Dwarf Essex Rape, All at popular prises, also Red Clover and Alsike, Timothy seeds. June Weddings Fashionable Shoes Next month, as you all know, is the popular month for weddin<:s. Let ua suggest some thinsis which will be both useful and beautiful for a wedding pres- ent in Bed Spread.s, Curtains, Chenile Covers, Kid Gloves, Glassware. Cutlery, either a bandFonie Carving Knife and Forks or Silver Ki.ives and Forks, Tea- .sn<-oa8, etc. We have almost everything in this line which would be necessary to the handsome bride in Tinware, Gianite- ware, and Xickled Plated ware. Call around and see it, we are here to show, no trouble, if you don't like ic and can't better yourself both for quality and price, why don't take it. All »e ask is a look ill. \\ e have them, you want them, in our Ox Bloods, Tans, Patent Leathers, and ^'ivi Kid, either in Bala, Bluchers or low shoes in Gentlemens' and Ibe popular •Empress" Shoes for women, in Kids, Tans, Choclate in all widths and shapes, most becoming, latest style and easiest fitting shoes of any shoe on the market. A lady living not far from town took a carrying dose of insect powder last week in mi.*- â- fcike fi^r ginger. Wliile the effects were not plcisant, no serious injury resulted. The fhipoient of live stock from this j a small paper bag. "Well, babies," said the editor, "are you takicg a constitutional (" "No, its taudics," was tljo eniph;itic reply. Little Shirley Murray, aged 7 yeai-s. station en Monday tmalled up two car is now entitled to be called a chip off the Cattle were oU block, by every right, tiilo and usage. She was visiting her grandpiiat Wsreham last week and wont down to tlio Sausjeou with an .^unt to lish. At her fiist cast she hitched to a trout and brought it out as scientifically as cou!d the most experi- enced fiiihernian. The fish measured loads. Pigs brought $7.25. a little easier. Hugh McKay, an old resident of Dur- ham and well known in South Grey as â- an auctioneer, died at his home there on Wednesday last at the age of 72 years. Mr. Otto L. Ronson, a student from cloven inches in length and it was a proud little girl that exhibited her return to the house. trophy The following oUioers of the Ladies Aid Society of the MetliodLst church were elected hist week : Pres., Mrs. G. Mitchell ; 1st V. P., Mrs. W. Boyd ; 2nd v. P., Mrs. Jo.s. Clinton ; Sec, Mrs. W. H. Bunt ; Treas.. Mrs. W. Moore ; Pai- McMaster university, arrived last week to assist Rev. L. F, Kipp during the summer. Mr. Rob. Cornfield, who left J. A W. Boyd's employ a short time ago. has secured a situation in IVlerriam's store st Chatsworth. Preventics â€" thoise Candy d'lJ Cure Tablets â€" will safely and nuickly check all ' sonage Comiuitteo, Mrs. W. .\. Arm- colds and the Grip. Tiy them once and strong, Mrs. R. Wright, and Mrs. tl. ace! 48-2Dc. Sold by all dealers. | Wilscu. There were fl28 raised and As wo go to press we learn of the death 'expenses were JiDO, leaving a balance of of Mr. Wm. Moore at the ago of 89 years 1 S78 in the treasury. at his home in this vilhige. The funeral „, , . ... ,,, _ :„ , , ^ , ,n'i 1 N .0 The. iniiual meeting of the W. I. was will take place to-day (Thursday) at 2 p. , , , â„¢ , , ,, . , , ., ,„ , I held I'll Tuesday iif this week, when the in. to Flesherton cemetery. I .. , , . , , 1 mi I hnancial statement was presented. There i The Vandeleur League will hold a i 1^,^^^ been twelve regular meetings held Rule of Three concert at the residence ot | ^^.j^^, fh^ year, with an average attend- Mr. Jos. Buchanan, Meaford Road, on j g„gg „f 01. The sum of ^50.55 has been the evening of Wednesday, May 26. I raised, with an eipendiiuto of $40.5,5. A sentlenian delivered a 2-year-old Four delegates from the Depattniont ateer at this station on Monday for which have given their services free, lecturing he received ^65. There is money in the and demonstrating. The olficers were right kind of beef. That animul cost no re-elected, with Mrs. Robert Moor* as more to raise than one of the 840 kind. 1 District Director, and Mrs. Albert Stew- Next Sunday is the ;;nnual Flower art and .Mrs. Charlie Bellamy, together Sunday at the Baptist church. The with the President and Secretary repre- •ennon, "The Messiige of the tlowers," senlativea to district annual meeting. witlbepreftfhed by Rev. L. F. Kipp. [^n j vi vi 11 . u 1 . > tr â- ' I David McMulleii, an old and esteeinod Mr, John Nuhn is improving the ! resident of the township of Artemesia, appearance of his handsome new residence | by erecting a ueat wire fence, and grad- ing and leveling a liue lawn and putting ' in cement walks. The joy of comfortable feet is tomething exhilarating in a pair of well fitting shoes. It makes you feel yo'ing again. The Model shoes ara good litters and beat material. Claytons have them. died at the homo ot his son, Alex., 4ih line, on Thursday last, the funeral tak- ing place to FleshertoH cemetery on the following day. Mr. MoMullen came here from Mono Mills and settled on the Stone line, later living on a farm at Van- deleur, and afterwards purchasing a farm 1^ miles east of this village, where he lived for some years. A few years ago he purchased a suvill property in this Mrs. J. M. Thurston .an i -Miss Myrtle , village »ud came here to live with bis Thurston of Toronto arrived last Satur- . wife and daughter, alsi» an adopted flay to pay their annual aum.iier visit | daughter. After Mrs. McMullen's death with relatives here. Master Roy Thurs- j two years ago the household was broken ton accompanied them for a visit of a few up, since which time deceased has lived days. with his SOB. He was twice married, his Kugenia ceitainly has some football second wife being a Miss Madill. The •nthusiasts. Friday evening last it rain- , deceased gentleman leaves five sons and •d steadily for about three hours but this one daughter, as follows : Robert >Ves- did not daunt the Eugenia boys, who ley, Samuel, Alexander, Richard and came out to play the game with tho David; and Lizxie (Mrs. M. Teeter). Flesherton club. Oflcourse it wss too There is also an adopted daughter, Emily wet to play, buk that «as not the fault of Sophia. Deceased was for many years a the Eugenia boya, anj we suppose they incmbor of the Methodi.st church ami a are entitled to call Ihe game theirs. ' staunch Liberal in i)oliiics. First of the Season. A garden party in connection with the public school will be held on the schoiil grounds, Fevsrsham, May 24th. Tea will be served from 6 to 7.30, p. m., after which a good programme will be rendered in the school house, .\ditiission 15 cents, children in section free. ^ Odds and Ends W. A. Armstrong issuer of marriage licenses. If you went a good shoe shine, first quality in Gilt Edge, Tan, Nuggett, o* blood, 2 in 1. Call at Clayton's. Shingles and liemlock lumber for sale, any leiieth required. T. V% . Phillips, Lady Bank P. O. House to Let â€" Electric lighted, hard and siift water under cover. Good stable. Vacjnt May 1. Harmon RaJley, Flesherton. Get your garden and field seeds at Richardson's drug store. .AH kinds, from the best and most reliable seeds- men. House and double lot for sale or rent on Sydenham street, Flesherton, 8 ro'^iinn, stable. Apply to B. J. Sproule, Fleih- r'on. Mare for sale â€" Sound in every way, well built an. 1 young, about 1400 lbs., in foal to Dunure Mac. W. Ciswell, Flesh- erton p. o. Very Fine' Shorthorn bull calf for pale, 10 mos. old, bred by Scottish Pride, gnind- snn Derby (imp.). F. Nicholson, Flesherton. Property for Sale .it Prioeville â€" X brick house, eight moms, oarn and five lots, for sale reasoL^sbie. Apply to Catherine Scott, Priceville P. O. Mar.ltf Bull For Sale â€" A pure bred Shorthorn bull, 14 months old, fit for service, will 1)0 sold reasonable. W. J. MeaJs, Cey- lon P. O., orl..t20, O. D. R. Young hens for sale â€" Thoroughbred Rocks and Wyandot tea. .\l.so 1 sot of single harness, rubber mounted, ncv. 1 set of single harness a'niost new. 1 good bu<{gy. -Apply to George Stewart, Flesherton, P. 0. To those who want to have a good ap- pearance it is good news to know that thay can take their linen to .Andy Wilsi u Flesherton, and have it laundered in first claas style. Basket leaves Tuesday sight and returns S;iturd,iy a. m. Markdale steam launJiy. W. ,T. Smith, Prop. Ga.soline engine for sale, two horse power Fairbanks-Morse, just tho thing for f.inii work; in good condition, runniiis every day ; reason of sale, want to replace with a larger eiigine. Eighty dollars will buy it. This otHco for particulars. All kinds of niauBle, sugar beets, turnip carrot and black ouiim seed in gieat variety. It will pay you to inspect before purchasing, order.s from outside points by mail or telephone filled promptly and carefully. Have telephone in ottice. Free phone messages for Fevcrsham, Maxwell, Eugenia, Ceylon and Priceville. Sproule, Uiggiubotham & Co. A complete line of field and garden seeds, fresh and pure, always on hand at Sproule, Higginboth.vni & Co's, Flesher- ton, iucludins Mammoth, red, alsiko and lucern or alpalpha clover, timothy seed of good clean quality, fla.x seed, dutch setts, potato onions and English multipliers. Garden seeds in all varieties. Also giant ensilage and other corn. Read tho pain formula on tho box of Pink Vain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a better one. Pain means congestion, blood pressure some- where. Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets check head pains, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and .see! 20 for 25c. Sold by alt dealers. Seasonable Millinery Our Millinery Parlors are alway.s open to your closest inspection. Our parlors, under the able superintendence of Miss Wilkinson, who, as you all know, has been so successful in the past is always willing to show you her artistic millinery. She has, without a doubt the most up-to-date hats on this Owen Sound line, they are being admired by all. Call around and gee her to suit you that If we haven't got it, she will make it according to your ordering and will do it ri^ht. Now Contracting for Season's Sugars gee You can depend upon We have just s'arted a scheme which has met with the app oval of all, who we have been talking to. We at^ee to supply you with sugar at a certain price 4 months, or the suaar season. If sugar raises, which it does around preserviTig time you will get it at the contract price, and if it goes lower, you get; the reiluced price .in the sugar purchases at the time of the drop this insuring y<m against the sugar famine which is likely to take place r his sea.son. Now is your time to come in only a certain amount we are ijoing to put on the market in this way. All we ask you to do is to say you want it. We Don't ask any money until you get the sugar, and get it lower m this way. Call at once and investigate. If not clear come in and wa will make it clear. F. G. KAR8TEDT - General Merchant Dealer in all kinds of Hardware. Flesherton, Ont. Durham. Last week the Chronicle advertised for the return of a bicycle that had been stolen from the homo of Mr. David .A.llan , ill town here. Its return was never ex- 1 pected, but lo and behold! it was found at the gate a couple of moruinas after the paper was out. It wai painted adifi'erent color during its captivity. The town is free from small-pox, the last of the placard.s having been taken down on Saturday last. Work is going on lively on the site of the new oatmeal mill, in course of erection by the Mctiowan Milling Co. The C. P. R. is puttii.g in a siding and ercavitions are being made for the mill, which will proceed now as fast as possible. Arrange- ments have all been mivde for building and machinery. About July last we reported tho drown- ing accident in the Battle River, near Battlefoid, of Thos. M. Campbell, a former resident ot Bentiiick. The re- mains, we are told, were discoveicd about fifty miles behiw tho scene of tho accident and weie temporiiily interred in the West. They w-re recently exhumed, and brought east, arrivinir 'it the station here last Thuisday evening, and reinterr- cd tho following diy in the family plot at Latoua, near Dornoch. There doesn't seem to be anything doing round the new Armoury. The hole that was dug out last fall just before the election marks the spot where it is supposed to be erected. We are pleased to learn that Mr. J. A. Gla.ss has been auccessiul in getting out a patent for a ventilating appliance, the object of which is to admit pure air with- out causing a draught and to give atmo- sphere. It may be attached to any ordinary window and does not present an unsightly appearance as some ventilatois | do. On Thursday afternoon las', duiing the heavy thunderstorm, Mr. Uobt. Edge, of Edge Hill, had a miraculous escape from serious loss of property and life. His bain was struck by lightning and serious- ly damaged, but fortunately did not take fire. At the limo of the crash there were three of his family in tho shed in the front of the barn, whore they h'ul gone lo take shelter from the storm, but none of them were injureil. At the time, there were twenty-four head of cattle and twenty-thiae pigs in tho buildine, all of Fine Shoes With the coming of Spring we uaturallj' look for somethiu.r neat aud stylish to wear espci- ally iu footwear. We Lave go; jtist what you need. We rt com. meut the MODEL Shoe as being handsome iu shape aud right up to date aud built of first class material by reliable makers. We have the MODEL Shoo lu Blucher aud Oxford stylo iu Black, Chocolate, Ox-Blood, Kid aud Dougola, help being suited. ally for Children, Women, but for family. Also Men's aud Boys Fiue aud Heavier Shoes. You cannot Not especi- Men or the whole CLAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. Court of Revision out. and his neck and several ribs broken. Ellis crawled over the l«iok of the wjigoii and esca(>ed unhurt. Deceased leaves a V, . . , , T~ , ... widow, at present confined iu Mimico Notice 18 hereby given that tho hrst v.syUim. -f here are no children, but a sutiiig of the Court of Revision on the : brother and si.ster live in Ireland. Ho assessment roll of 'he township of Art- 1 waa a proniiiiont Orangeman aud member 190'.), will bo held in "^ '''"^ *-''"'"^" Friends. A considerable o , ; sum (.if money and bank l)ook were found on batufrtay i i„ ,|,y clothing of tlie deceased, who. was the .)ih day of June, UK!). {generally respected. All parties having hu.'iiiuss at the said sitting are hereby required to govern ! themselves accordingly. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Dated this 20th day of May, 1!)0!». Killed At Orangeville emesia, for the year the town hall, Flesherl.in. A fatJil accident took pl.-ico on East which escape I, with the exception ot one Broadway, Orangeville, about S o'clock Friday night, whereby James Fawcett cow that was badly stunned, but not fatally injured. Four hole.o wore made in the roof and thrte windc w frames and tho ventilator ware badly damaged. The loss is fully covared by insurance. â€" Chronicle. Whooping Cough. In February our il.iughter hail the whoop- ing cough. Mr. Liine, of Hartlaiid, rvconiiniin- was instJintly killed. Mr. Fawcett, who WiW a farm laborer, about sixty years old, had been living with John Connors in -Amaranth, and wiis going home with James Ellis, a Mono farmer, for whom ho had winked for the jnust five seasons. In driving down a rather steep hill, a loo.sc plank slipped out, striking tho ded Chaml)erl«in 'a Cough Reini;dy and said 1*1 1 i â-  ti ^ Pe his customers th. best of sati.sfa.tion. I '»'^'«e'"> ""^ C'"'»"'K f'^®'" to run away. We found it r.s ho said; and can recoinmerd EUi« and Fawcett were sitting on tho '^ZS":^^' ^^.:'T^1^'^^^-^^ l^'^lor-^'^ J-ving The Dnrand, Mich. For sale by W. K. Richard- combined efforts of the two men failed to 8011. I check tho horses. Fawcett was tlirow For The Spring. ^^ Wo have a uomplcte line of Hariiess and HarnessSundries, Whips, Bells, Plush Rugs, Robes, Curry Combs and Brushes, Hoof Ointment, Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valise^ Telescopes, & Blacksmith'sAprons. Look in and examine. our stock of Horse Blankets. REr.viMxo Pkomitly Do.nk. ^ ulL O.W.Phillips, FLESHERTON, _ ONT % J

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