/lesh^tt^n ^hmnu. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRiJSCiFLEh ^0T MEN. VOL XXV, NO 13D9 Flesherton, Ont., Xliursday, May 27 1900 W. fl THURSTON EDITCB aud PBCPfclETOB ^^ ^ 2^ 3ewelkry! s^ §^ 3«w«Ilery! ^ {^ Biddest»B<st ^ f;^ and Cow«$t ^ ^ Priced Stock ^ in the€ount= ry. ^ Kcliable ^ ^ Dealing ^ ^"- I ^ Jlrmstrong's ^ tM ^<^ Vandeleur. Mr. M. Be-Kil h»s finished his cut of ^ lumber here and is niovini; his portable ii>ilt tliis week to Mr. Intin's, nearUark- flale. â- Mrs. A. Dunlop, who has been very ill â- for the pj«t two or '.hree weaks, is recorering. Miss EvaGilliert has gone to MarkdiUe to work in F. T. Hill & Cos millinery egtablifhment. Mr. Herb. Baker of Collingwood visited hit brother, Mr. E. Baker, a short time ai;<i. Miss Minnie Thompson his gone to Kimberley to assist lier sister, Mrs. Ellis who is ill. Miss Rusie Gilbert spent the past week with her friend, Mi.ss Mamie Weber. The Women's Institute held their an- nual business meeting at the home of Mrs. Genue on Thursday of last week, and elected their otiicers fur the ensuing year. The treasurer's report showed re- ceipts for the year ending May 31s: amountiut; to $40.37. Mr. Joseph Gilbert of Kimberley yis- ited his sister, Mi-s. W. J, Hutchinscm, on Tuesday la!t. Mrs. Ventress of Bobcayjeon is the guest of her sister. Mrs. Jo&. Buchanan Seeding it pretty well advanced in this section. Mrs. Milligan of Fle.'herton, accompa- nied by her daughter, Kathleen, visited her brother, Mr. Will Alcox, Saturd.iy. Something in the nature of a cloud burst visited this section on Friday after- noon last. Low lands were flooded and streams swollen to a height usually reached l.y a f pring freshet. Mr. Will Alcox has been laid up with a severe attack of toustlitis. Mr. J. I. Gr.iliam, who has been laid up for some time with rheumutisn>, is recoverinsr slowly. Swinton Park. Many of the young people celebrated the 'J4th in Dundalk while othei"s liueil the Imuks of the Saugeen with rod and tackle. Both had the liest time. Many are glad to see the 24th come on Monday. Thiiso in the teaching pro- fossion are home â€" Miss Ts-j Campbell from Mclntyiv, Misi JI. Knox from near Markdalo, Miss M. AUlcorn from Mt. Foivst business college. Miss V. Knox acconn>anied by a girl friend fx-om Durham High Seh(K.I. The b<.>ys are enjoying the old game of footUkU this year. They had a brisk giiiuo last Satunlay evening with Swamp College team. Mi-s. S. McLean from Parts is visiting frietids hero. Miss R. Fergus«>n visitetl herbi-other at Oningeville, on tho 24th. Mi-s. Hardy, Sr., had tho sad_uows of the death of her son, William's second eldest ^4ou, who is about sixteen years of age, and lived in Carlyle, Man. No pvrticulars have been receivctl yet as to cause of death. Prayer meeting at the Presbyterian church next Wednesday evening. Priceville Seeding has been a tedious job with farmers this spring, especiiilly those hav- ing low land. The continued frosts ai:d cold weather caused tho niRplo sap to run quite late this season â€" all through April and even in the fore part of the present month. , A younj; fanner in the vicinity tells a fine jiike on one of our old citizi-ns who has boasted of his ability t'l judge maple syrup, and could always detect tho least adulteration, ete. He was at the said farmer's place on business during the syrup season and was remarking what line syrup he purcha.sed in our villai^a market, how lia spprecLitsd the genuine article, and in fact " could not be foole<l in mixed stuff." The farmer repressed a smile, and invited him into the house to try some that he and hit wife had made. A generous supply was dished up and our old-timer was delighted and was pUased to take a second supply, which he pro- nounced the " genuine article," " the pure maple," e'c, and now the farmer thought it w.ts time to laugh, and tuld the guest that the syrup was made of store sug^r, and potato water, and not -i vestige of maple aliout it. You should have seen a mad man strike for home ! A successful entertainment was held under 'ho auspices of the Women's In- ttitute lu Watson's h«U vn Friday, 21s: inst. The pro^riim was opened by the Institute sin<;ini{ the Maple Leaf. Mr- Rogeison and Rev. J. A. Math'eson gave addre.-ises which were much ap()reqiat ed. A tableau consisting of a large group of young ladies dressed to suit, and repre- senting the " New Woman " in the vari- ous professions, trades, etc., such as profes- sor, clergyman, doctor, dentist, butcher, etc., created great amusement, but one young man tepresenti ig hubby left at home mending his clothes and trying to care for a fretful baby, capped the climax. The ladies of the Institute also served up an excellent lunch. Miss Mabel Berry presided at the oriian and Mrs. N. Mo- Kinnon, althou'^h a small-sized ladv, filled the chair admirably. A very en- joyable evening was spent. Kev. H. Berry attended the District Meetin^; at Owen Sound Thursdity and Friday of last week. Another Priceville Ixiy, Mr. John Mc- Arthur, hiis been very successful in hi.- final exams and is now fitting up dental jiarlors in the Grier block. John has done some very !»ood dental work here during his vacations, and beinij a very amiable young gentleman we believe he will receive a good patronage here. Our village is all alive with holiday visitors this week. The C.P.R. had to add an extra coach, and then seats were all rilled. Can any giHxl come cut of Priceville ? Our village has sent out its share of young men who fill important ptisitions in vari- ous parts of the world and still there are more to fallow. We are pleased to note the glowing terciis in which the Adver- tiser Fpeaks of the speech delivered by our pos^m.'\.>'ter's .son, Douald McKinnon, at the recent oratorical contest at Owen Sound collegiate. Ceylon Mr. Win. Brown of BunesCsjin visited with his sister, Mrs. Wiii. Iln-giave, Satur<.lay and Sunday. Mr. Carleton of tho West visited his aunt. Mis. Jii,<. SiuHwit, List week. , Mr. Rand of Shelburne spent Sunday with his son, Mr. S. Rand. Mrs. Sherson of lV>ton is visiting with Mrs. Rtmd. Mr. T. A. Gilchrist visited friends in Nottawasjiga on the 24th. Most of the young people of tho village sj)eDt the 24th at Boll's Lake. Mr. Jas. Pattison and family visited frieuibi at Swinton Park on the 24th. Miss Lillian Rutledge spent the 24th with friends in' Markdalo. Proton Station The 24lh passed away very quietly here, must of the pco^ile spending the day away from home. Many took in tho celebration at Dundalk, while others spent tho day fi.shing. Mr. and Mrs. A. Carson and family of Townto, arc spending tho holidays at the former's homo here. Mrs. .V Shearson spent a few days this week with Mrs. S. Rand, Ceylon, Mrs. Consley and Mrs. Wilson spent Saturday with Ceylon frietids. Miss Ei)iih Car-son of Toronto, spent the holidays at her homo. Many of tho fanners have finished seoihng and are thiukig of planting their potatoes, Mrs. Lome Taylor spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. P. Consley. Mts. J. C. Wright has got his brick yard rejuiiroi,! and will soon be commenc- ing work. Eugenia. .\s usual, the holiday brought a num- ber iif visitors from different places to spend a pleasant time with friends and enjoy the r.-lrrshing breezes of our h-.'al- thy little village. Mt. Calder of Mt. Fore.st is visiting his »ister, the popular young teacher of our public school. Mrs. James Purvis and daughter. Miss Edna, '>f Toronto, were guests uf friends here for a few days.' Mrs. Jidin Lirge of Owen Sound is visitriig her son at the [x>sc >tti:e. Mis. James Armstrong visi'eJ Heath- cote friends for a couple of weeks Miss Alice Gordon of Orange, N, J., Wiws the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. \^ il.son, for tht past week. Mrs. McLean and her .son, Everet, have both been very ill from an attack of the griope. < )ur Eug»nia footljall bt>ys beg to de- cline the generous ofiVr of the Fletberton footliall team, as they don't with tn sport borrowed ]ilume<. They went out in good faith expecting the Flesherton boys to meet them and play a friendly game, but our boys are not hothouse plants to be frightened at a few drops of ntin. Howev»r, some other time they hope to get a chance to either win or lo.se the ?ame in a fair field. Mrs Fenwick is home from Toronto after visiting her daughter for a couple of weeks. Everyone was plea.sed to read that raoft interesting; letter in The Advance from our friend, Mr. F. T. Carr. If more people who go out to that land of bright hi'pes and bitter disappointments would fairly express the state of »tf»irs there as Mr. Carr does, so many of our farmers in Oat.irio would not leave their comfortable homes here and start again and endure the privatioivs and hardships of pioneer life in the west. Miss Muriel McTavish of Flesherton was the xuest for the holiday iff her cousins. Misses .41lie and Nea Williams. Mrs. McKinnon of Flesherton sjient the holiday with her daughter, Mrs. H. Foester Mrs J. J. Thompson of Flesherton and Mi.ss Ada were guests of Miss Betcroft. Mii^s Edma Williams of Ceylon spout the holiday with her parents hero. A great many spent the holiday fishing and some jjood catches are rejiorted from both tho Beaver and the Boyne. Fine growing weather, vegetation very rapid. Seeding is about completed around Eugenia and a number uf farmers have their roots put in. Kimberley. Beautiful weather at pre.sent- (.^tuite a number from here ttuik in the celebration at Clarksbiri-g on Victoriji Day. Me.-;srs. J. HorUut Fawoott, Willis and Arthur Ci>urt and S. Hewitt of Colling- wootl were the guests of the fornrcrs l>arents, .Mr. and Mi-s. J. R. F.iwcctt on S;iturday Ia.st. Mr. Arnold Ferguson of Thornliuiy is tho giiosc of his aunt, Mrs. M Fei-gusmi, at present. Miss ^Uinie Mageo of Toronto Ls s|)eud- ing a few days with friends hero. Mr. Lome Curry ami sister Annie visited friends here on Sunilay and Mi>n- ilay of this week. Miss Eva Black spout tho holiday at her parental home in Thornbuiy. Mrs. AlK-rt Ellis is visiting Toronto friends iit present and is the guest of hor .sister, Mi-s. W. Lightfoot. Mr. and Mi-s. M. R. Hammond visited Markdido friends ou Saturdiiy List. Mr. W. F. Brewer returned home from Loudon, Out., ouSjiturday. Master David Fawcett of Duncan spent Victoria Day at his parental home. Wo are sorry to reiK>rt M:s. George Lawrence on the sick list at present. We hope ti> heiw of her s(iewly recovery. Mr. Fnmk Hutchirrsou and Mr. Harry Guy of .Meafoixl visited at the formers jiarental home hero on Victoria Day. Tho Misses Ret"kie of noathcoto wci"o tho guests of tho Misses Ferguson on Sunday and Morrday last . Mr. Victor Kllis and the MLsses Elvre Bishop, Frances Hmxl and Eva Magee of the Meafoiil high sch(K>l s]^)ent tho liolidi»y at their horires here. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rrtndlo and little son, and Mr. Solomon aud sous and Mr. T<K)le, all of Meafiird, spent Victoria Day in town, the guests uf Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Proctor. East Mountain A number fr.'in this part took ia ihe tports i>n the 24th. S;e^ing has been delayed a 1 (tie again by the recent rain. Mrs. John Alexander of Thornbury vi-ittd with her mother a fe* days te;en ly, returning Saturil.iy. A Very Serious Charge A young man n.-\iiied Dei-gvil of Dir- noch w.Ls brought Irefore SLiglstrate Menzies on Wednesilay, the oliai-ge being nqte in June uf Ltst yejir on the [wr-son of Uiiygie Bleich. at tliiit time a 15-ye-ir- old girl of Williaiiusford. The young ^jirl's story is tluit she met Deng^-il at a dance at Dornoch in June Lust and that after the dance was over Dergvil volun- teered to drive her home, and th;it after driving a short dl<<tance he irrade im- proper proposids to her, which .she re- .sente<l, when he used foix-e and coinniit- ted a nuie on her in the biiggy. There .seems to have been nothing saiil about the matter until after she gave birth to a baby girl in Mruvh la.st. which only lived about live hours. Dr. Smith of Dornoch was in attendance at the birth of the child and .said that the child was rr->t nui- turerl .md wouW not live. The l)abv died about live hours after birth, and wa.s put into a box .-uid burieil in the Lutheran cemetery. Tire birth w;ls registere«l, but no burL-il certificate applied for. An in- quest W!is held by J. H. Bull. M.D.. cor- ouer, of HolLkud Centre, on May 10. The father of the girl. Frederick Bleich. gave evidence and Iwing asked if a child w;is bonr at his house on March 15, and hesi- tating iu answering, the coroner .sjiid he rreed not answer the questioir witlnmt he wishe<.l to, and the witness giive no an- swer. Tlie jury's finding was to the ert'ect that the child died from the effect of a blow on the head or a fall. .A.fter the imiuest the coroner forwariled his reimrt to jCrown Attorrrey Armstroirg. who reported the c;ust; to the Attorney General, when Insjrector Reaburu of the Criminal Inve.stigation depiu-tiuent was .sent up to make an investigation. On iK'ing interviewed he said that he did not lliiiik there had been any foul play, but that the 'child died a rratur-.il death. Der-giil was remanded until the 27th, Imil Iving refuse*!. â€" O. S. Advertiser. Fire In Creemore .\l)out two o'clivk on Tue.sdaj' morn" iiig of Luit week Roy JLinuel, who was sleeping in his brother's apartrrreut in the Iwuk of Torontti. awoke to .see the retlectioH of a fire outside. Ha-stily dori. ing his g:irrnents he went mrt to find .i blaze <m the Ciui'line sti-eet side of Mat" chett's big fvaiiie building, occupied by W, .\. Helmkay:isan iigency for fsu-m iinplemeuts, carriiiges, h:irue.ss, etc. He gave the .-iLirm as quickly tis po.ssible. but tho building being of such an indanr alilo natirro it was simuj a seething rn;i.ss of Hames irrsiilo. Tiro tire brigade were on hand in gi«Kl time, rurd though the tiisk was of siiving tho building entirely was a ho[H.'less one, tlxree well directed .stivams of water put the firo fiend out of liusiness l>efore the sides or ends of the the Imilding were bm'nedthroirgh, though lire r-oof fell in. Had it not Ijcen for the etficierroy of the waterworks thcrvisno doubt all the buildings on that side of tho street north to tho ndhv.ay, W, J. Corbett's drug and .st.atiouery .store, and the Rmk of Tiiroirto opjKisite, would h.ive been burn- ed or badly damaged, Mr. Helnik.iy had a big [stock of new buggies, h.'U'uess, sewing machines, etc., on hand, .and the oirly things saved were six buggies. His iusirmuco was ^00, which would iNutiidly cover tho lo,ss. His liL-vs of business at this busy soiisou will be heavy. Mr. Matchctt, wo iriiderstaud, lurd $1,400 insurJince on the birilding, which was eiectfd thirty-two years ago by our former townsman, the late E. Wilcox. The firo evidently started from the outside , but by whom or what means will pixdmblj' never Ih) known. Some people are sure it was tho act of an inceirdiary, but this is orrly conjecture. Good Liniment. You will hunt a |?<H>d whil« before you find a \ir«i),rratioii that is vmial to ChamlH>rIaiiis Liniiiient .%s a cure fur mirscular and rhen- niatie ^Miris, for the cure of siiraiiH and sore- ness ot tlie innscK'.«. Ill case of rlu'Tim.Ujsm .•Mill <eiiitioa it relieves the intense pniii and makes sleep iiiid rest ixwsible. I n case of s|>r»ius it relieves the s.ireness and nstort-s the )<art!i to a hoaltiiv condition in one-third the time vi'nuii-ed bv the usual tioatincHt. It is oiuuUy valuable fur lame back and all deep seateil n.usciilar pains. 35 arid oO cent si.ies for sale by W. K. Richarvlson. McFARLAND&CO, MAE^KDALB ONTAIClO WANTED!! We have the ia -ilities for handling an immense ijUMrtity of w(k>I and wo want at leasr 70,000 ^xiuuds f^r wh ch we are prepared to pay the highest cash or trade prices. Look at these Price Reductions and see What's in store for you if you buy this week. Uj and 30c a yard Floor .Matting for We have about 200 yards of .lap Floor Mit'ing rn assorted (jatterns that were .selliuii at 25 to 30c a yard. This week you can b.ive your choice at per ys"-! like Read rhls Li^t Carefully and Note the Price Inducements. 48 Men's Grey Wool Socks, 18c kimb 2 pr for 25i:. 157 yds plain and fancy ribbons, w.do wiJihs, ReviuUrly s. Id at 25 and ;iOc. yi.ur choice » yd 19c. 29 only Gent's 25o Knot Ties, assort- ed 2 for ZZc 3.'} Puff Tie*, assor'ed. 25c, n<v . 12c 50 (ient's Bow Ties, legular v.ilue lUc, for 8c lOO Boxes N"te Paper. Envelopes to match, reguLir value 15, for per bos 10c. 25 dozen Ladle's Bkck Cotton Ribbpe Hoae guaranteed stainless, specral 2 pr for 25c. 24 Books, g'XHl authors, 3d to 45c value, choice life 2C0 cards of Gent's one piece col'ar but^oi'S, 12 oi; a card, special [jer card 10c 'i6 |>Hcka«es Violet Talcum Powder, l.'ic kind 5c 110 Ladies Fine ijiuUity white Eai- broider-ed turnover Collars, 10c krnd tor 5c. 25 dozen plain white Carnbrick Hand- kerchiefs, litdies size, while they last 5 i»r 10c. 144 pieces White Tape, 8 lo 12 yds ia a piece at only per piece 5c. 5 d.z. Men's White Twilled Duck G loves at pr 10c 12 packages Mays' Seeds (all new) for 26c 10 lbs GUubet Salt- ror 23c If you contemplate buyinu hardware with your trade dou't fomet that you can brirrs; y4>ur tnide to us and coin tor s;i'ne (at ti.'ule prices) .ind then you have the privilege of goina to th'j two oldest es'ablished dardware stores iu town viz: Uasketc Bnw. and J. .\rtley's, where the gouds will be sold you at close prices in exchange for the coin. McFARLAND & COMPANY J, E. LARGE All through this store. high cla.-<s goods at very low prices. We have never been better preparetl to sup- ply you with all your spring and sumuior wants, for every. tlepartment is crowded with bright new good? â€" the -kind of goods we insist on selling â€" look better, are better, antl cost you no more than the kintl that are niatU^ merely to sell. Your satisfaction the particular thing we aim at, and we aim to make this the safest store for you to mt buv at. S Highest prices paid for protluce. Sc I J, E. Large, eug eni a. I Roast for Sam. There is great joy in Chesley. Nu.sbauin has sold his rag, bones. . Bull for Service I Thorou gb breii Uurb>m bull for service on oamlot II. CUD. S, Artemesia. Terms $1.0D. a„d. - - W. e. PEULAK. I ui Ms) 30. scrap-iron business to a red-whiskerctl, Jew 'lamcd Pluvcv and has shook the. Goldeo Legend dust of this town and considerable '•'l^y Lot"" ^^'E^'^'iTs" b "xenns'*! m''^''^* '"' from the adjoining townships off hisi ' ' ' ' kichau'd'.ailkn number fourteens and h.^s liied him toj Buil for Ser>'ice ~" St. John's Ward. th« ghetto of Toronto.; .^t vtctorur tor..ers. Toronfo T.iue. Slim realized long before leaving that he|tl»<wo<JSlibred Uo;steiu buU for service- ,,,,,,[ â€" CHAS. I.- AlOUKE would not be bannuelted for he told tnej Enterprise man everybody would be glad to see him gi>. Though Chesley people were down ou &nn he has one feiiuro, namely, he is not the least bit vindictive. Haw.isa sweet disposition and after being called all the opprobrious euithets iir the calonJir would conw back .smilintr to talk businuM CO the man who ciUed him down. Like Isjihc the Jew in Scott's Ivanhoe, Sam's lot has not been cist in very pleasant places. Both his love and business affairs ha<'e worked out the wrong way. But he has gone to a city where there are combs and water in abundance and no doubt he will change his habits and not go around as tliough he was the Grand Councillor of the great Uuwa3hed Society. â€" Enterprise. I Rheumatic poisons are quickly and shurely driven out of the blood with Dr. ! Shoop's Rheumatic Remedyâ€" liquid or| tablet form. Dr. Shoop's booklet on' Rheumatism plainly & interestingly tells! just how this is done. Tell some suffer- er of this book, or belter still, write Dr. Shoop, R.acine, Wis, for the book and free test samples. Send no money. Justi join with Dr. Shoop and give some suffer- er a pleasant surprise. Sold by all deal- ers. Horsemen are laughing at the way the :r'^/^ SE4S0I«ABLE IN GOODS FURNITURE The lai-gest and best stock of Furniture ever shown iu Flesherton. Til is without fearofcon- ti-adictiou. Come and see some of tho nice thirrgs in Side Boartls, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed R<u>rn Setts. A special retluc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- dnoo tho .stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton . BURT 5pcclallat In dlscaics.ol Ihe prL'-es were awarded at the spring show Z)G, EflP.NOSS 311(1 ThPOS atColIingwood. They think it was a very frosty Creemore . day for outsiders.â€" Star, Office 1 n b" »-ost St, - OvveiieSoiirn' 1 At the Revere hou.se, Markdalo, A^ Friday each month fii>m 8 to 12 ti. m^S i I