I A QUESTION OF HEALTH Witihoiit Bich. Bed Blood Ion Can- not be Hea thyâ€" How to Obtain TMii Blessing. If every woman and young girl would realize the clanger of allow- ing blood to become thin and poor, would understand that the majority of common diseases are caused by %n anaemic (or bloodless) condition, that persistent pallor means that the blood is not furnishing the or- gans with the required amount of nourishment, there would be awak- ened interest in the tonic treatment with Dr. Williama' Pink Pills. Thin blood means starved nerves, weak- ened digestion, functional disor- ders ; headaches, frequently neu- ralgia, sciatica and even partial paralysis. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills build up the blood, repair waste U)d prevent a>nd check disease. They fill the system with rich, red blood which means good health and ♦ life. 4 His« Marie Dionne, St. Angele, Que., says: â€" "I am deeply grateful for what Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have done for me. My blood had aJmost turned to wate'r. I was pale, had no appetite, suffered from pains in the back ajid side, and nad a feeling of constant depres- sion. The smallest exertion would leave me breathless, and I was re- duced in flesh until I weighed only B8 pounds. I got nothing to help me until I began the use of Dr "THF WinnW" AF Fl?lNf F **^* "^ ^^^ precious stones. He lUL nlUlJW Ul rrVnllljL was caught two months later, and the; last man he spoke to was Louis Deibler. " 'Monsieur de Paris,' " he said, as he was taken to the guillotine, '"I bear you no grudge." The notorious Gabrielle Bom- pard's confederate, Eyrand, was guillotined by Louis Deibler. Eyrand, most people will remember, was assisted by Bompard in strangl- ing a process-server. His body they hid in a trunk bought in the £uston Road, London, and they eventually took iw to the South of France, where they aeposited it in a field near Lyons. Afterwards they took A>'£C00T£8 OF ''M. DE PARIS" AyO HIS •'ASSISTANT." The Deibler Family Has Had Three tieneratioiis of E.xecutioaers ia France. In the eyes of thousands of French people, the public executioner is al- most as famous a person as the President. In one respect he is ; ship to Havana, but were caught, superior to the latter, for his post is j Eyrand being sentenced to death, hereditary. Three generations of (and the woman Bompard to a term Deiblers have been in succession | of imprisonment. master of the ceremonies at the ghastly operations of "The Widow, ' as Parisians jocularly nickname the guillotine. To-day Anatole Deibler, owing to the fact that it was his privilege re Like his son, Anatole, Louis Deibler was of a very retiring dis- position in private life. His hobby GOT TO THE ROOT OF HIS TROUBLE AND DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CUBED W. WRIGHT'S BACkACHE. He had Suffered for Several Tears but tbe Old Reliable kidaey Re- medy Gave Him Quick Relief. Kelvington, Sask., May 24th (Special).â€" 'Yes, Dudd s Kidney Pills cured me of Backache, and 1 have recommended them to others who have also been cured.'' These are the words of William Wright, a farmer well known here. "I be- was fishing, and wherever he wentjij^yg j inheiited my trouble, ' Mr. on his gruesome business he took j ^y^j^fj^^ g^^^j-jj^g^ 'At timee for his rods and tackle with him. It is j several years it was verv severe. I cently to preside at the beheading i told of him that once, wheri he had i 3^1,^ suffered from Lumbago, and in of four desperate bandits, after France had been without an execu- tion for three years, is a popular hero, whom the thousands of holi- day-makers at Bethune cheered to the echo. "MONSIEcR DE PARIS." This, however, was something out arrived at a small provincial town â- jj^^ morning I had a bitter taste in to carry out an execution, an offi , ^^ mouth and was troubled with cial intimation was received order- 1 dizziness and my skin was dry and ing a postponement while the ques- , ^^^.^^^ ^^^ ^jj^^^ ^.^^ ^ sediment in tion of a reprieve was settled. ; j^,. urin^ Diebler spent the interval in fishing,] ..jjq treatment I could find gave PALACE BUILT BY ONE MAN. Took a Mail-earrier Twenty Years to CoBstroet It. The strangest-looking building ever put up by man i« probably the palace which a French mailcarrier has erected for hia own pleasure. •'For ten long year*," the owner of this house is reputed to have said, "I treasured in my mind a dream which took the form of a fantastic palace, with grottoes, towers, sculpture, etc., and it wa» my dream, to build it myself." Twenty-six years ago he began building his dream palace, and he has been at it ever since, until re- cently, when he stopped only be- cause he had finished the palace. Every stone that- went into it wa« picked up by himself ; every stone was laid by him. Tbe design was conceived in his own mind as he went on, and was carried out ac- cording to the extraordinary plan that he had imagined. Now that the palace is finished it looks like a petrified dream in which the nightmare played a cer- tain part. It is a fantastic nonde- script, combining all architectural stiles and adorned with stone crea tures which would defy the classi ,,,â- •, , believing that my kidneys were the effect, he calmly packed up his angl- ^^^ ^f ^^. trouble, I determined to of the ordinary. Anatole s father, ing outfit, proceeded to the place i j Dodd's Kidney Pills. Four Louis, the moat famous member of the Deibler family, was accustom- ed to a very different style of re- ception. The crowd used to hoot and yell curses at him when he ap- peared on the guillotine platform, though without ever making any ap- parent effect on the quiet little Williams' Pink Pills. They began helping me after the first couple of 1^^^^^ commonly known as "Monsieur weeks, and ui a few weeks more Ilj^ p^^-^„ g^ ^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ was again perfectly well. "The color ^.-^^^ j,,^ preparations as if complete- returned to my cheeks, the pains , ^.tlivious of the fact that a howl- eft me, and I gained m weight un- , â- ^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^^ til now I weigh 130 pounds I f«el j^j, ^^^^ him limb from limb, if BO happy for what Dr. V^i""^ they only had the opportunity Pink Pills have done for me that „ ., . . I hope some other ailing, miserable girl will profit by my experience and obtain new health. These Pills are sold by all medi- cine dealers or you can get them by mail at 50 cente a box or six boxes for $2.50 from the Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. of execution, and operated with the guillotine. â€" London Answers and when a notification arrived that. . permanent relief till finally I l^'^'^y^^T'tn^^uL, ""^n'T^l the sentence of death was to take ! h.,;,,;-^^^ ,h>.f mv Widn^vs w^re the ' fi."'"«°. "^V * naturalist. In put- ting this stone phantasmagoria to- gether the builder used no fewer than 3.500 sacks i,f cement. The palace has subterranean pas- sages in which rudely-sculptured elephants and imaginary monsters stand guard. In the very centre of the palace is a tomb, where the owner expects some day to lie. This is the most elaborately-carved bit ci the whole house. ALL THE FASHION'S. In ancient times kings and queens boxes cured me.' Mr. Wright went at his trouble sensibly. He examined his symp- toms, and they show^ed him that Kidney Disease was his trouble. Do I a;; much for yourself, and it your Stockwell, Henderson & Co. ItuMiakwIM Tmn. Uwu4 n KlNS St VMt, Tnroiita. DYERS AND CLEANERS MWnM MAawlMIlT MMiMMM MHUBHMn â- tar N3*SI IH MIUM â- ipraM paMOiM muttK e««< W rnm « Irtaâ€" MERE SUPPOSITION. A traveller says that the natives of Madagascar perspire only on oaa side. We suppose that ia the oat- side. An Always Ready Pill.â€" To those of regular habit medicine is of little concern, but the great majority of men are not of regular habit. The worry and cares of business pre- vent it, and out of the irregularity of life comes dyspepsia, indigestion, liver and kidney troubles as a pro- test. The run-down system de- mands a CDrreetive and there is none better than Parme!e?"s Vege- table Pills. They are simple in their composition and can be taken by the must delicately constituted. A good fountain pea convenience. is an ink He had scores of weird experi- were a^ assiduously copied by symptoms point to disordered or fashionmongers as are the Sover- [ diseased kidneys the cure is easy. eigns of to-day. Many a well- 1 Dodd"s Kidney Pills will do it. known and long-lived fashion owe* They never fail. its origin to some accident on t-he ' part of a great ruler. Thus the peruke, which had so long a life, was due to the fact that Phillip, Duke of Burgundy, in order to cover up a bald head, took to wear MONUMENTS TO POTATOES. Statues ot Sir Erected in German Cities. "When I was in Germany last year, ' said a mau who travels, "1 saw some people who like potatoes e\en better than I do. At any rate they erect statues to them ences on the scaffold. The last ex- 1 ing artificial hair, setting a fash- ecution in which he took part was a^ion that became world-wide. I most uncanny affair. An Italian I Charles the Seventh of France, to I named Carrara was to be beheaded â- cover up his misshapen legs, wore j for the brutal murder of a bank | a long coat. This led to a fashion ! clerk, in which he had been assisted i for long coats. The neck ruffs, i by his wife. The condemned man . which our sisters and cousins still was confident that he would be re- j wear, were first used by Queen prieved. Elizabeth to hide a none too comely The shock was so great when he I neck. During the reign of George learned, an hour or two before the ' the Third the Duke of York fougiit Francis Drake time appointed for his execution, ; â- >• duet with a Colonel Lennox, who A BAKER S DOZEN. Them as wants, must choose. Them as has, must lose. Them as knows, won't blab. Them as guesses, will gaeb. Them as borrows, sorrows. Them as lends, spends. Th?m as gives, lives. Them as keep>s dark, is deep. Them as can earn, can keep. Them as aims, hits. Them as has, gits. Them that waits, win. Them as will, kin. Do not delay in getting relief for less form which Deibler and his as- sistants dragged to the guillotine, "Offenberg was the first city to and the knife fell to the acoom- erect a monument of t.iis kind. The ; paniment of cries of "You are be- that he was to die, that he had a succeeded in shootmg away one of ^^^^ y^^^]^ {^^i^g Mother Graves' violent heart seizure, and sank into his Royal Highness's curls. It a state of collapse. The doctors thenceforward became the fashion certified that the man still breathed, I to wear a curl on one side of the but it was to all appearances a life- temple only. WHICH FOOT WALKS FASTER ; You may think this a very silly question to ask, but it isn't. If Worm Exterminator is a pleasant and sure cure. If you Ibve your child why do you let it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand i TOYS ON TRAINS. One of the English railways has In the treatment of summer com- plaints, the most effective remedy that can be used is Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a standard preparation, and many people employ it in preference to other preparations. It is a highly concentrated medicine and its se- o'ative and curative qualities are beyond question. It has been a popular medicine for many years and thousands can attest its superi- or qualities in overcoming dy.sen- terv and kindred complaints. AN EXPLANATION. "Why do you call her a catl" "She" scratched me off her visit- ing list." DON'T BE DECEIVED. â€"loscnipnlous makers are attemptine to •t«al your monuj and our r«put»tion by patting out an imitation of Th* D. A L. ' Menthol Plaater. Be sure to ^et tha Kcuuine mada by Oavia it Lawreuce Co. (10 HOME should b« without it. P»to> killer the hest all-round medicine •««• made. Used as a hniment for brmsea UM â- weilinC3. Interaally for cramps «a« diarrhiwa. AToid substiiates. there ia tart on* â- Painluller -Perry Daria â€" 25. and H» FOOLED. Few women are more badly fooled than those who believe they regu- late the habits of their husbands, THE "* BURLINGTON ROUTE " wiU inao^anU. NUt .3nt, two throuch tnia* ClucMo t-i S««lt!e. Wvh.. via St. P&ul. daily» Low r»t«9 v> ^1 Nurtb vitl South P&dllc C< puiska A forty 9M* folder daicriptiv* of Alaska- Yakon Rxpotiti<)ii fr*« for tba ailr For lafornution iu roK&rtl lo r&t«a aad iraio Tie* write ur call oa J. A. YORICK. M Kinc 91. Kast, Toronto. Oi WANTED. GIRL.S fnr ilinint-nium work, pvafes 113.00 p«r month. Apply -Tha W.Uand." St. C*t< utri a»fc WANTED.â€" Ladies to do plai* and light sewing at homtt. whole or spare time, good pay : work sent any distance, charges prepaid} send stamp for full particulars. Na- tional Manufacturing Company^ Montreal. OHCNn.LE CURTAINS â- •4 all kUi4* 9t k*uM HftA(ia«a, *1mo uoi cumins "^â- Sk*.^.'^" Wnl* to uj .boot your. â- ruM ea. Bu wk MHtt* "We obtain wool from sheep. The wool is made into cloth, and upper part consists of a statue of I heading a corpse:" Most of the I you will take a pavement that is provided an alleviation of the dis- 1 i u u i, i ,u Sir Francis Drake, who introduced : persons who were present on that tlear and walk brisklv in the een- i comforts of travel which does not I ^'^n tn« '^"â- ^'} they make clothes, the plant into Europe. This, a« occasion are positive that Carrara tre vou will fiud, before vou have i seem to have occurred to the com-|^^o»". tdmi.uu what is your o^er- well as the pedestal, is draped with , had actuallv died before the guillo- gome fiftv yards, that vou have ' panies in this country. It provides | coat maae oi, t.ii an oia one ot garlands of the potato vine, with tine was reached full Brown tubers. "On the pedestal on one side is SMOKING ON THE SCAFFOLD Sir Francis Drake's name, the sec- ! Murderers differ in their demean ond side e.xplains what a blessing o^ ^n the scaffold in the most ex- the potato has been to mankind, ; traordinarv wav, and the members veered verv much to one side. You a bo.x of toys with which a child must not" make any effort, of "lay amuse itself during the jour- course, to keep in the centre; but "«>'. The box contains a cardboard if you will think of something, and reproduction of one of the trains endeavor to walk naturallv, you '. of the road, also a station, and will not be able to keep a correct' with little figures of passengers father's, sir ', Bra$$ Band the third records that the sitatue is ' ^f the Deibler 'family could relate â- line. If you Use vourself on an ex- guards, porters and newsboys. the gift of a certain Andrew Fred- ; hundreds of examples of this. Fori pause of bleak moorland, and walk erick of Strasburg. the fourth eon- : iustance. Prumier, a youth of! on, you will have described a coin- j/4,7«„"^/'^'.^^'«g»«^°"p»» °^*;/^^^^^^ tains the names of the erectors. A twentv-three, who murdered an old. plete circle. The explanation of Kequisitcs. Tea», Coffees. Spice*. Eu-. statue similar Ui this is placed in woman of seventy, and was e.xecut-) this lies in the p'opensfly of one ExceUeut opportunity for ene^^^ the town of Murz, and I have been pj ^t Beauvais, kept up a running foot to walk faster than the other, ??ront"?Caaadi' ' ^°""'"'- told that there are other copies in _ . .. . many small towns." COMFORT FOR MOTHERS ; fire of chaff at Louis Deibler, and puffed a cigarette as he walked to the guillotine. Very different was Deibler's ex- perience at his first exectuion. HEALTH FOR CHILDREN I Laprade, the murderer to be guillo- or take a longer stride than the | other, causing you to walk to one | side. To make assurance doubly i sure, trv placing two sticks about; ^ . , ^ , . & feet apart; then stand off about 'â- 7**»" '*''«"* everything counect- 60 feet., blindfolde yo^self. and i «» *'f" my case. SORRY HE SPOKE "This policeman seems to be very- Cheapest of All Medicines.â€" Con- sidering the curative qualities of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil it is the cheapest medicine now offered to the public. The dose requied in any ailment is small and a bottle contains many doses. If it were valued at the benefit it confers it could not be purchased for inanv I "••'""•" . times the price asked tor it, but in- creased consumption has simplified and cheapened its manufacture. Tltit im thm Timm to Organaa hutramentm, Drumt, Band Matie, Etc, EVERY TOWN CAN HAVE A BAND Lowest price. rvQK quolod. t iDecalalo^u^ over Ml) illustrauons tuailed frve. Write u« tor :\n!r thins iQ Muaic or Musical tmtnimcn'a. WUALCY. ROYCC & CO.. Limited Xgtonca, Onu, mail Wlaaig^g, Mmd. Owing to the declining birth-rato in Iowa. $1 is to be paid to the mother of each child born in that said the defend- ^^,^__ Itined, was a youth of twenty, who! endeavor to walk between them. '»'it charged with being drunk and | sj;;,"t7 Baby's Own Tablets will promptly tried to kill his father, mother, and It is almost impossible. disorderly, "but there is one weak j cure indigestion, colic, constipa- I grandmother with a gun, and. hav- i point m his evidence, anyway. VV hy j ^^ ^.„fc. ,v,ary. w-..ry et« tion, diarrhoea and teething troji- | jng only succeeded in wounding A Boon for the Bilious. â€" The "oe« he not cai nis leiiow-omcer , Re„eved by Murine Kye Komedy. com bles, destroy worms, break up ' them, finished his victims off with a, liver is a very sensitive organ and | to corroborate what he says , i P"";'«*^^J^.,E|P»ri^ence^J^fj;'-^^^^^^ colds and thus prevent deadly | fickle and the butt end of the gun. easily deranged. When this occurs ^i?*^ 8*"''^"^*" ''• * ^rf"**^*" J" ; WrUe Miirn.o Eye Remedy Oo.j^CMcoto. | crtnip. This medicine contains no j Hg ^as a man of very powerful | there is undue secretion of bile and | the district, your Honor, remark- poisonous opiates or narcotics, and phvsique, and fought like a maniac the acrid liqiiiid flows into the sto- j ^ ,th« witness. "Ihere s only one may be given with absolute safety i ^^i^h Deibler when the latter at- uiach and sours it. It is a most , Policeman stationed m the viUa«e. to a new-born child. Mrs. C. L. ! tempted to thrust him into posiiior. distressing ailment, and many area"*" that is myself. Manerv. Leamington, Ont.. saj-s :â- below the knife of "The Widow." ! prone to it. In this condition a! "But, exclaimed the prisoner "My baby suffered from colic and Laprade refused to submit, until niau finds the best remedy in Par- , with some indignation, "I saw two WARREN GZOWSKI & CO, .Msmlntrti loruntJ Stuck Kichaot.. Trad.rs Bank Buililiai is Bru« l --trm TOKO.VrO. NKWYOHK ' STOCKS AND BONOS COBALT i:;;-^^:^"' Fire Insurance (gents hM RichnonJ A Drunim>iDd Kir» Iiuarinc* Cnn pauy. Haad VtHca. Uichaionti' Qua. B>tabltiiti«4 1871). Capi tal t^Hl.fMO. For axaiiciw it unrapr* •aBt«(i puint*. Prt»ince a< Ontario, address J. H. EWART, Chief A?eBt, No. IS W«Uin«toa St.. KasI, Toronto ACEMTC MEN DO WOMFl tOT IllUBtriileU Ey« Book. At Druggtsta. | WE CIVl FRtE SAMPIE SE _.j ,, Laprade rciuocv. v... o..«.^..., «..>.. â€" â€" -.• ; i i." â- lj. constipation so badly that we did finaiiv Deibler and his men were i melee's VegeUble Pills, which are 1 P^-'K^eineu last night. • ' "E.xactlv. remarked the bench not know what it was to get a good | compelled to render him insensible' warranted to speedily correct the I night's rest. But since giving him i j,y knocking him down. In another disorder. There is no better medi- Laplanders not infrequently cover IJO mUes a day on their skates. Baby's Own Tablets the trouble has ; niinute the guilotine had performed disappeared, and he now sleeps j j^g gmesome task, well. The action of the Tablet* is I Sudden remorse on the part of gentle yet very effective. " Sold by | j-ij^ criminal at the very last mo- inedicine dealers or by mail at 2J j ment has led to the Deiblers becom- cents a box fn>m The Dr. Williams' j jpg the recipients of many reniark- Me<Iicine Co., Brockville, Ont. (^ble confessions. A Paris .Apache. cine in the entire list of pill pre- parations. MISTAKEN IDENTITY. SO PEG AWAY. Tis not the great conceited. Who think themselves unique. And blow their own big trumpet With such amount of cl>eek. Who score the greate.st triumphs In warehouse, mill, or shop; It is the silent ploiider Who oft comes out on top. 'Tis not, in competition, Where many enter in. The man who thinks, "Whoever May cuter, I shall win," Who carries off the glory When those who're beaten stop; The unassuming rival So oft comes out on top. So peg away, ye toilers, Whate'er ytnir t.ask may be; There's every hope to cheer you, .\s far as man can see. i'ou never know the moment. Until the curtains drop, Jhat you may be successful, .Vnd yet come out on top. Timman (ineeing an old friend after a long absence)-- '110110. Sims! Fancy meeting you. Why, I heard you were ill :' "No; it was my bp>therâ€" not me." "Dear, dear! ,Vitt sorry to hear that." A mau going home at a late hour in the night, saw that the occu- pants of a house standing flush with There are a number of varieties of ,, _,, ^ . . ^. , corns. Holloway's Corn Cure will â- exactly. That is just the charge i ^.^^^^.^ ^^^. ^^ jj,^,^ ,_.^„ ^„ ,.p„r against you. druggist and get a boitle at onco. Maka thrF« dollars a day .iiid p^tablm^ permaiirut buKiuea* on our oaoital. Our hiab cla»a good* sell on Eichl 1K (â- very home, ar« ^^^^, Quickly iis*d tin an4 Wnilt^^^*^ reprut ordi-rs com* >» ^CATALOGUE Juorv V-."'"" '^ THE HOME SUPPLY CO-. Oapt. 59.. TORONTO, ONT. A Woman's Sympathy Are you discouraged? Ia your doctor's blU a hcuvy liiianoi.il lend.' Is your pain a heavy puysloal burden? I know what these tnean to delicate womenâ€" I have been discouraged, too; but learned how to , , , -I , i r • â€" o i cure myself. I want to relievo your bur- on the scaffold, once begged Deibler: the street had left a window up, I «ens. >\i,y rot, end the pain and stop th« to take certain little trinkets to his ^nd he decide*! to warn them, and 'â- °"^°" ""- sweetheart after the execution, and prevent a burglary. "Monsieur de Paris, " wht> was by i p„ttiiig his head" into the window no means callous at heart, faithfully ^ ],^ calletl out : discharged the mission, and also, "Hello, go<.*d peop "' tried to comfort the wretched girl | -p^at was all he said. A whole by assuring her that her lover had p^jif,,! ^,f water struck him in the face, and. as he staggered back, a woman shrieke<l out : "Didn't I toll you what you'd get if you wasn't home by uiue o'clock !" gone to his death without flinch- ing. The Deiblers, in carrying out the law's most dread decree, have come in contact with dozens of men whose crimes have horrified Europe, To mention only a few of them, the name of the notorious Marchandon instantly recurs to the memory. He was a Paris butler, holding a splen did position ; but the lust of gold corrupted him, and he murdered his rich old mistress one night in her luausion in the Rue de Seze. His crime was brought home to him, and when Louis Deibler met him on the scaffold he was a cringing eowavd, who crawled, rather than walked. PRADO. THE DESPERADO. Then there was Prado, a notori- ous desperado, who for years posed as a guide, and swindled anyone who was foolish enough to confide in him. He persuaded a woman who had a magnificent collecrtion of jowelleiy to fall in love with him, and then murdered her tor tb« DODDS IKIDNEY I/, PILLS - 4 \>\^v.-7-- p- 53 theP^ doctor's blil? I can do till* for you and WII) If you win assist me. All you need do Is to write for a fre« box of the remedy which h:i» been pl.iced In ray h;v;iiis to be given away. Perliape this one box will cure you â€" It hns done so for others. If so. I shall be h.ippy and you win be cur«d for »c (the cost of a postage »tanip>. Tour letters held confl- flentiallT. Wrrte to-day for inv free tre.it- iMBt. UBS. r. B CUmUH. WlnUaor. Ont. USED IN Leging Conscrvatoriei, Colleges, Scho<J», Theatres, and in thousands of homes where a piano of diCinctive merit i* appreciated. The Befl i» the I only piano with the Utmiuble Repe»Ung Aclioo. ISSl E NO. 22-Oa. LOSE WEIGHT AT NIGHT. Don't rush off at once to tlie doc- tor if you find that during your sleep you have lost nearly four pounds. -Vr.d don't got worric<l if you find that a bri«k walk has in- volved a similar loss. Scientific in- vestigation shows that the healthy human being is losing and gaining weight thmugh thr whole twenty- four hours. You are lightest just before breakfast, but one hour lat- or you may have gained twenty- eight ounce* ; while, after losing I and gaining off and on during the day. a good dinner iu the evening will add no less than thirty-four iiunces to your avoirdupois. The biggest drop takes place while man is in the arms of Morpheus, the av- (^lage loss beiiiR three and a half pouuds. .•V worthless man always seemx to have more friends than a worthless woman. free) Ci fSSiOS 8«nd for (free^ Catalogue No. 78. IWi BEU- WANO<»OritonCo.. Umil»d GU£LPH.ONTAR!0^ A PERFECT FOOD S.iNGE MEAT is made from the whole wheat thoruoghly cooke4. Wheat cortains all the neceasary elements to sustain life to better proportions th.in any other cereal, OR.VN'GK MK.\T .VND MILK l.S A VKHFECT FOOD. To persistent users o( ORANOK MEAT a reward is olfered. They will pay Seven Hundred Dollars in gold or Fifty-two Dollars every year during Ufetiaie. .\ priT.Hto postcard in every package ot Orange Meat gives tvll details ot how to earn this and other prites. If you enter this content, send post card to Orange Meat, Xliic» ton. giviug (iill name and address, and m«aUoa the v^PW Ut vU*k you saw this adwrUaamaat. %« I