Flesherton Advance, 27 May 1909, p. 4

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:^W< m-' May 27 1009 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE n F.T.HILL & CO., - Markdale Itnmeiise Purchase and Sale of Children's, Girls and Wcmen's Hosiery. 3000 Dozen In the Lot 3000 dozen of "Women's, Girls, and Children's Stockings. Just think what that means, 80,000 pairs, that is the exact figures for one of the biggest purchases we ever made in hosiery. This big lot of Hosiery we purchased last Febru- ary when cotton hose was not seasonable and the manufacturers wanted money. Having three .'^toris aiid being able to sell part of the lot to one of the keenest wholesalers in Toronto, made it possible for us to handle the quantity and now we ai-e .selling Hosiery 35 to 40 per cent less than we could sell them if we paid the manufacturer regular prices. %«^%/%^%% %^^«^«^v% %' 12IK) Pr. Wiimoii's Fine Lisle Hose. 120O pnirs women's Fine Lixlo 8prinf> iicedio ribbed Hose, t ripple knee, spliced hen!*, wiirrHiited fast dye. A beAtitiful tiiiu I'tockliii!. Ke(!u'ar Itjc viilue. All size.s frf'iii tii '<) !). Tlie wiy wo lioufjlit tlioiii Iii;ike3 u |iii.s«il)le for us to .sell Uiem at 19c a pair or - pair fur :>UB \\ iiiiifii and Giil.s Twn Tlirend Fancy Lhcu Hoso Iti colors of BIsck, Tan, niid W^hite, also plain Black Sdkoleiif; very fine uange. Regular U5 to 30c slotk- iii'jjs. This bii; purchii.se made it pos-sibie for us to sell thena at {mt pair lie Women's Fine Black Cotton Hosiery Fleece Lined, sale jnice lie a pr. 1000 pairs of Women's Fine IJliick Cotton Hoae in seetnli'RS feet, tleeeod lined. Tins ho.se Bells regular- ly at 18c p-iir, but the way we bmight this lot »c aro able lo Kell tlicm at per pr lie Womc n'a Hose in Black and Tan With Fancy Pattern. 2 pr for 25c. 800 prira Women's light weight line black Hose, f eem- less feet. In fancy patterns of white, mauve, l)iue and Tan decorations. Special 2 pr for 25c. Bad Attack of Dysentery Cored. "An honored citizen of thia tuwn wax xiiffer- ing friini a neveie attack of dyHentery. He told a friend if he could obtain a bottle of ChaMilwilaiu'K Colic, Ch'ilera and Diarrhcea Kemedy, he felt confident (if being cured, he hftvini' lilted this reiiiedy in the West. He wait tohl'that I kept it in stix^k and lo8t no time ill ibtainiiif; it, and was promptly cured," sayH M. .1. Leach, druKgiHt, of \Voleott, Vt. oiia ,^\ For sale by W. E. Kiciiardson. '^i ^j ' ^v^v i'^'rrjgflgt .^^^ (Bhc the revenues the present taxation is lipiito insufficient. The Uuioniats pro-; Things That Never Die. «A^ t i dt J,.„.. -^ I posB one method of obtaininj! the nieins ; „, 4)rles!\crion, ^tlrani;^ ; t,„ i^ii,,,„,,, ,,,,„ ,,« „ow in power, pvo.].^,^] i pose, and will probably carry into effect, „. I« publii'h.d every Thursday nt Sl.Ooiwr |„,j,,,|,j,,, „,^,j1j,„1 aiiiiuiii if paid in advaiiC's i*1..''>0 if imt wi paid. ' y^^^^^ NKT A1*VKKTISIN(; KATRS 1 columii'.display one year, ^i") Half coliuim one year, ^'M tjiiaitei- cnhiiiin one yc.ir. fsi't Kortnitfhtly changes if required QuotatioDt for trftiinieiit alvertieliiK will be given ou api>licatioD. The pun-, the bright, the beautiful, hilt stirred our heai ts in youth, impulse to a wordlehs prayer, , ... The dreams of love and truth ; Ihe Chancellor of the _,, , , â-ºi • i , The longins>s after something lost, 1 i'.,xclR'iUR'r lirouKnt in the budget the ,_, . , I ' '^ , • . , The spn;t s yearning cry, •last week iu Apiil. Hi.s plan includes m , â-  t. t .. i, '^ . , 11 (The striving after belter hopes, â€" â-  new taxes, or un increase of old taxes, i „,, .,'. ,. I .' . ., ,1 lhe.se thinss can never die Grand Valley lias the nucleus of a navy. The fiiRt boat was Iniincliod on the Grand River last week and another will follow. We prc«>umo they arc of tlie regulation drcaduaiiglit type and will be available to the TJrilish gouornmcnt in case of need. The Hell Toloplione company vill hereafter coiifiiin its operations to Ontario and f^nebcc. It lias sold out itsflyBtemsin Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta . The Haskatchewan Bale was made rccMitly, tlio purchase price being $367,500. The company has evidently profited by Hit fable of the dog and hone, who lost all because he wanted all. hideprudent lines and uneasiness in Ontario and Quebec have decided the company to bend all its energies to tlie retaining of the bono it is at the present moment chew- ing on. We would, however, like to see the Ontario government make a Htruggle for its possession. The big income from ,)ur miiios ought to make ic possible for the government to buy out the Bell Company ui this province and run the system iu the interest of the public. Gipsy Braith closed a remarkable fiorics of evangelistic meetings in To- ronto on Sunday night. The Gipsy is a wonderful manâ€" one of the most successful evangctiata the world has seen since the days of Paul, and his visit to the Queen City will bo produc- tive of much gnod. It is not the matter of his divcourHC that makes him po successful, but the original manner in which it is delivered. Ho appears to bo able to sway an audi- ence to tears or smiles at his will. He returui to Kiigland this week but ex- pects to be in ('liicago in October. Ths timid hand stretchod forth to aid A brother in his need, The kindly word in grief's dark hour That proves .1 friend indeed, â€" The plea for mercy kindly breathed, When justic â-  threatens high, The .Sorrow of a contrite heart â€" These ihinog shall never die. The British Probiem brought in the budget the in new taxes, or an increase' of old taxes, | that will fall exclusively on the rich and the will-to-do. 'J ho government will take at least five per cent, of all incomes exceeding 82,.")0<), and nine per cent, on all incomes above ^25,000. It adds to licences and stamp duties, increases taxatidii on stick exchange! transactioiK, lays heavier death duties,! Icviei a lax on the increase in the value! of iand between one .'•ale and !.nother,ai.d The memory of a clasping Irniid, imposes various other taxes. Allhougli! The pressure of a kiss, these chanues will add nearly a hundred, -^"d a'l the trifles, .sweet and ftail, million doll.irs to the national inc.mie, iti That make up love's Hrst bliss ; has been said that not one penny nddi- 1 'f *''b a linn unchanging laith, tioiial will bo taken from a pour man' And holy trust on lii«h, who neither smokes nor drinks. jTlioso hands have chi.sped, these If the Conservatives were in power '"""' '""'^i they would provide M least a part of the Thes-e things shall never d e. additional funds needed by changing ihuiThe crilel and the bitter word, tariff nyhleni. They maintain that iho That wounded as it fell ; present free trade policy is the chief 'I'lie cliilliiii; want of sypmalhy, cause of the failuie of British induslry iii| We f.ol, but never toll, c'linpelition with other countries, and] The hard repulse, that chilli the heart hence of unemployinent and poverty. Wiiose hopes wore bounding high, Between thcje two there is hioii to fce, In an unfading record kejit â€" B li.tttlc royal, and the incidents nnil re- These things shall never die. suit of ihe contcHl will be wort by to be , Let nolhini! pass, for every hand lips Stop That Cold To check early rolds or Orippe with "Preventioi" meaun sure defeat for !*n«timonitt. To stoi> a cold with rrevt'iitics is saffr than to let It run and be obliged to euro It aftfnvards. To be sure. Pre- ventica will euro evon a deeply 8oat4;r] cold, but taken earlyâ€" at th« sneez-- stageâ€" they break, or head off the«o early colds. That's surely better. That's why they an* called rreveiitlcs. Prevonticsare little Candy (.'old Curi'S. No Quin- ine, no physic, nothing sickening. Nice for the childrenâ€" and thoroughly safe too. If you feel chilly, if you sneeze, if you ache all over, think o( preventic.-i. Promptness may also save half your Udual sickness. And don't forget your child, il there is feverishness, nightorday. Herein prob- ably lies Pn-ivt-ntics' greatest eflicieny. Sold In frc itoxes for the pocket, also in '2'>c boxes of 48 Vruvontics. Insist on your druggists giving you Prevcntics ^'ALL DEALERS" LORD ROSS, 35673 A. T. U., tlio unbeaten horee on Cauarliun soil Sireil bj full brother of Dar» Devil. 209, by .Manibrioo King, 1279. the banJsomost horse iu the worlJ. ROUTE Monday, Jfay :)â€" Will leave bis own stable, Kilaytli. ancliii-oceed east to Wni. TotteiibaiUB Hoatb Head, for uoon ; tbenco east to .'ith line to Bauiuel Stepbend'. fitratbaven, for nigbt. T Tnesday-lly Spring Hill to 10th lino.Bouth to Joe Hulbert'a for uoon. tbenco to Kiuiberley for nigbt. wbeie be will rouiam until Wed- nesday iioou. Wodiiesriavâ€" .\t 1 o'clock will leave by En ping aud Kockl yn to Jamas Bailey's for uiglit" Thursdayâ€" Home to Fiudlay's I.iverv for noon and by way of gravel road to George Kaker'B for uigbt. Fri(>ayâ€" To./ohu King'iSr.. King's Coruers for uoon, thence to Kobert Day's for nigbt. Saturdayâ€" To .lohu Vauwvck's. Annan for oue hour, tbenco to City hotel. Owen Sound, for noon, wbero ho will remain until i o'clock tlieiiee to bis own stable, Kilsvtb, wbero he :vill remain until the following Mon.lay niorii- iiig. This route will be continued tbrougbout the season, health and wcatbor permitting. Cards of breeding seut on application. JOHN FINDLAY, Proprietor aud Collector 1 ()• Uo\ i'KI, Meafurd, phone 70. Jacob Hunt lu cliarge. i julv JS. W RAVn General and Hardware Merchants, ^ . Ot TT. DUIU, Flesherton, Ont. ^ WE'are openins^ up a merchant ; tailoring busineas under the TR niaiiaBiDeiit of Fred Morley who is a first claBS workman. j|^ We have a complete range of new and up-to-date stock. VVe guarantee a perfect tit. Call and see the gtiods â€" jii8t in the comer rnoni MRS. SMITH'S OLD STAND. ;=? =3 -zJ q clusely walclied,- Voulh.s Cuinpanion. « Our Scrap Book Must (indsdine work to d'l ; Lose not II chance to waken love â€" Be linn, and just and true, Sonliall a light ihat cannot fade iSi'ain on tlice from on lii}{h. And angel voices .say to thee â€" These th'm{« *hiill never die. â€" Anun_ A TRfE HERO ,\ pour man iiaiiied .\ppletoii, lietter kiioHii as ".liiii, the .Sweep," has Hit;- imli-/,ed hiuLself liy an act of liei'oi.sin tlintj Walter BlcLaut(hlin was killed at can Ncarcely ho aiirpiiNMed. In one of tlioj Parry Siniiul while riding on nii nii-ine. low (piarters of Meithyr Tydvil, called i Hi* leaned out of the cub wimJow and Uiver Hide, a Hinall liuu.se inlialiited hy a Htruck his head against a box-oar. miner, was <liNcovered 111 he on lire, mid j Coul'Iih lliiil are ti«hl, or distressing,' and very .soon a crowd asseinhled, with tickliiii; coiiyhs, i^ot (piiek and certain the iihjecl of ondeavoring to put it out. ' help from Dr. Shoop's C.nijh Remedy. They soon found that no one was in the On this account Druugista every wheie house, and a nuighlior, immediately this 'are favoring Dr. Slioop's Cough Remedy, discovery was made, suddenly recollected The tender loaves of a liarinleHa lung- a fact that had slip])cd his memory, and healing mountainous Hhrub, xive to Dr. with a terrific cry shouted out, "There' Shoops Oough Kemedy its curative half a hundred cask of powder in the, properties. Those leaves have the power pandy." A scene fidlowod of the most lo oalin the moat distressing Cough, and startling character. The hou.so was ' to soolhe, and he.d the most sensitive situated in the midst of a densely inhahit- ' lironchial memhraiie. Test it oiioo your- ed locality, and thus in a moinent tho.se ; self and see! Sold by all dealers, who could be aroused were seen Hying; The final plans are now being prepared from the spot; some nestling their child- „t t^,„ f„||„_ j,,„i,„^ „f ^^.t n.^ ren m their arms, others bearing away ^..^i,,^^,,^ „,„i,„ ^jn „e, when completed, some iiriiied h.maehold god. As for the, „,„ |,i„,,p„t bridge in the world. It will crowd around the burning house, they „„„„,„ carry the tracks of an electric road across the Snake River Canyon at a The^American Standard Bred Stallion D E~M O T T E 29842 The properly of J. Rud.l Matthews, Markdale, «)n(. Tkkms-812. Deniotte will make the seaaoii of 1900 as follows : MoNiuv eveningâ€" Berkeley. TlirKsiiAV eveningâ€" Kleslierion. The rest of the wejk Maikdalo II >use Stnliles. Demotte, 29842, is a handsome, game, level headed lior.se with a perfect disposi- tion ; to see him is to like him, and after looking over his pedigree all must admit that he i.i one ot the best bred l.or.ses imported. Where will you find another ill this country with as fast a sire and dam? His L'laiidsire, fiamlietta Wilkes, sired (iaiiibolier, the sire of the great Eel2.2[. His gramUire on his dam's side, C. F. Clay, has iiioie to his credit iti the 2 10 list tlmii any other hor,se in Kentucky, anil is also one of the, if nnt thegreaiest. sins of high actois in the Ignited Staiea. Demotte is a beau'itul high iroii.g horse with a great turn i.f speed kiinself, liavinu' been a clo^e 2iid in lli^'. I have nut this horse's f.e very h>«', within leach of the owmr of the or- dinary iiiaie, while theownersof the he.st mares will get the service of a $25 horse for just ^12. Those wishina to bargain for living eidis can do .so by applying in rue. I have also mude arraiii;eoient lor p.'isture close to town for mares sent a distance. c? cS 4-1 -1 'B ^ â- * * £• ^ bn o o 'Sd > CD a 3 1 >-- CI Cm 1 ^ en ^ to O 2 fi^ p- M 4^ OJ . QJ c3 -D ^ O r^ ^ i-w 4-1 a as Vj g o 5^5 c o cS fQ (X o u , , o (â€" ) IB c >-» rN. O en 03 a 5 S 'Ji O o o o o <T) c -7^ '-'=. a to â- i-:! m m «9- N EW Dress Goods in all 'he new shades and patterns â€" prices 55o to 81.50 per yd., also a Urge assortment of Ging- hatnf!, Zephyrs, Linens, Prints and Muslins A complete range of Ladie's Ready- to-wear Garments â€" Skirtg, .lackets.Waists, Uuder- skirt'. Etc. Flour and Feed. We keep on hand a full stock of Flour ar.d Feed includins Feed Flour Shorts, Bran and Ihe fium.us Five Ro.'es Flour nii Oe by the Lake of the Wfods Milling Co , Kew.itin. ivtry I !ig cf nlith is ^uaiantttd if not satisfactory return il and gtt yeur nioi.^. Hardware. We liaveawell ;i'->oiUd n< tk if llnKhvnrcâ€" patties contemplating buiidi HL' will do wi II to Lct uor piicis beftie purchasint; elsewhere â€" i â-  . nice line of stoves, tinware etc. ^iC8:8>^:8:8:^^cB:85C9:e:^o^:8:^<e:B:^^:8:e:^o^:^^ t%hm In SleidbSt Bugales* madaon$» liiarrows, Ploughs* €rcam Sep- arators and mire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Markdale Stean:i scattered in every direction, all but one nran and he, Jim, the Sweep, with the coidrress of a hero, forced his way into the house, and in a trroment saw the A gri-al contest is ini[M!ndrng in Great 'jKirilous nature of things. Two beds were on the bedstead, burning liurcely. Britain between rauicalisni and ennsorva- tism. The ((uestion to be decided is. How shall the funds be raised In meet the greally incressi'd ex)>enJiture8 of ({overnment ? J'ublio opinion, almont without distinc- arrd the tlanies had actually caught the jianlry door. Jim had to shut the front door in order to open the |iantiy. 'I'his he did, and right before him was the dreaded citsk, and around it was a thin tlon of parly, deiiiaiidH that the navy bo fork of llame. He tried to rai.se the cask made more (Hiwcrfnl, and Dreaflnaughts j but it was burning hot, arrd instead of a lire eJtremely cosily. The spread of | top, il had an iron "liakestane." With K icialistic piijreiples iiiskes the loud Cill i\ blow he struck this oil', and though the for such mejHures as ohl-ugn prnRions caak burnt his hands severely ho held on too Htrong to lie resinted even by the I with the tenacity of a Uriton, and bore OonservativeH. Both parties are corn- the jiowder safely to the air, where it was iriitlid to extinsi*e hclienre.s of Isiid pur- soon put out of danger. .\ Jfew iiiiinites chase i^d oihor ways of iiii|iroting the ' more, and Ihe powder, (UMb. in all) riiiMlijf I of the poor in Ireland aiitl in woiihl have scattered death aitd des- I truction orr every aide.- English paper, ISO nnd other ciiarges on 1W)2. e 1^ 1 â- A iC.i Ihe point a short distance below the Great Shoshone Falls of that river. The under side of the bridge will bo 700 feet in the clear above the water. MAKE MONEY. Helling I'elhum'a Peerless Fruit and Oriiainental trees, Hhrutm, etc., during the winter iiieiiths. We offer you steaily and protitalile einphiyineut in your nwn dJHtriet ut Kiiiiil piiy. WK H.W'K OVKRIMH) AtMlF.H of ohiiioo iiiirHcrv stock which V 111 will sell direct to your eiistoiners. No (liNeaHcrl oi'diied out Aineriean stock suppliud. KatabliMlied over !)() years. Wiite f(U' partieiilarH. . , Pelbam nursery Clo* Toronto, Ont. Laundry Andrew Wilson, Agent, - Fleshertoo We (| note you a few of our summer pricis: -Vll s'aiched shirts, lOj oacli ; Summer Cotton underwear', oc each; haiidkeichie's, le each ; wash vests, lOe ; (iurk trousers, loc, and other articles at projioi tioiiately low rates. We try our best to please you. If we fail to do so tell Andy and Wo will put them right. W.J. 5mith,Prop. Canadian Pacific Very Low Rate For Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $77.30 r6turn from Flesherton good going May 20 to Sept. 30. Heturn limit Oct. 31. Liberal stopovers' Wide choice (if routes. (}o hy the direet O.nadian I ieâ€" see your own (H)iintrv--the west, the Kooky Miiuutains. V icit the Seattle Kx|uiHicioii and other s|iceial attractionx. Talk it over with S. HANDS, .\ijen>, Flesherton STEADY EMPLOYMENT For A Reliable Local Salesuiaii UKI'KESKNTING Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN Fle."»hcrton And Adjoining Country. '\'on will ftiul Hieri- is a sood iloiiiaml f.ir NloiKirv Htrn'k oil aeeoiiilt of tlie liiuli iiric.-s 1'. at KroweiD liavu reiiil/.eilon tli«ir fruit tliis tiea^.on. dur Hali^Hniniiure tiuiiliiu in a IiIk buainenato ns tlii" \t>ar. Ileoii" of tlnni ninl earn k'KiI WttiieB tliroiiKli Mie » inter iiiouUis. Territorv icReivti.i. Vay Weekly. Free miiiiiiliMuimt, eii\ VViilo tor)inr'ioul»ri'. H 'i' N K & W \\ li 1,1 N TON FoiitlilU Niosoiies ( S,'iO acves ) TOIIONTO Ontario Heard' s Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent â- Carm tor sale, cotitaluiug one liumlred acres r more or leas, being lots 141-142. con, 1. N. K. Toronto Hyilenliam load, about rigbty acres eleareil; balance biHli. Du the piorei ty is one fri\nie liarii M.l.S.'i o.i Ktone Ijaaeineiit witll con- crete stttbliiiK uiKlB'ioil iiiilileinent»lii;il. Fraiiie dwelling bouse, small oiebard. two fiiiod wells. .\1bo two siiriiiKB ou liaek enrt ot iiUce. Tbore Hietbiity neves fall iiloiiKlieJ. live acres ot fall wlinvt.well fenced iindiii at;ood statiioteiiltiva- tiiiii This la oue ol the liest farms in the towiisliili and can bb boiiKbt right. It is situat- ad one mile from Klisluirtou and live iinlea from Markdale. .^pply to KlCll.VHUSON HKUS. Fleslieitou T ots .'14 anil :m, eon. 11 H D R, 100 acres, K% cleared j l^-* 10 acres iiastniii, lialance Kood bush. Harn i tW.\5(i, drlviuB shed, good frame house, -2 well.<. I 1 iicro of orehard ai.d stoiio wall under barn. | SaUReen riyorerosaes backof faiui. Well fenced . and in ijood state of cultivation, :i miles from i I'lotouStatii n. For terms aiiply ou iireiuises V..V\ Cej/lon 's ilfeat TIfarket AH kin^s of fresh and smoked meats, head cheese, sausage, ahvavs ou hand. - •« CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Jas. McClocklin, ,1 AMES II, v.Misr; rotou Station F'or sale eboap. oi leut, iniinediiito possession l,ot:tO eon. 14, Avteuiesia. about T'l acres clear, coiiifortahio Ion house and Imiiie barn. .\pplv to If. .!• Spioule, KleshertoM, or Jolin J, Martin, across the road from said lot. 11, Iots K 4 B ami W, I'on -" (Ispiev, b">0 acres, IftiKc cleariliK. uood fraoie barn and stables. Rood dwelling aud well ply on the iireoiisea or to W. .1. IlKLl.AMY, Floabei ton ill the towbsliip of AllU l.''or sale cheap and on easy ternia, Roo-l com. »â-  fovtable fi Bine dwelll-R. stabls and driving houRe, with threo villnKe lots, in Coyloo. DweN lioR well built and Hnished and Rood beariig orchard ou the prnptrtv. Apply to It, J. SPBOULli, Fleahertou V'or sale or rentâ€" 103 acre farm, 1 »ore of or- ^ chard, 10 acres bush Including acres hard- wood, well watered and Kood foiicen, brick house, frame burn, IJ miles from schciol and poat oltic.e, ;i miles fro'ji I'rotoii Station. For price and terms of sale apply to Win. Taylor, lot 7.1 74, coot north of nurham road..\i temesia l^'^i.r nent â€"lot ;'.7, eon 4, Artemesia. 100 seres .R'l *â-  to IX) cleari'd and In cultiVBtion, comfortable dwelhiiK, bank barn, atone atabliiiR, lu a ttrst class aettleiiiniit ami well worthy the atteetioii of thoae retjuirin^ such. II., 1. HPUOLII.K, Flefhertoii T ot:i, eon. 4 Osprey. 100 acres well tiiiibei-ed. *â- ' For terms etc, apply to K. IfobervS, Lady llauk H, O. Kggs For Hatching;. Drown I;egliorn F.uca for hatcliioR, from first "nlaaa pen. .Ml prir.e Idrds Ht Kiiat Giov fall lair ai« in this puli. Kkr« .V)c. per actting of l.i I.KVIIIFTT8, Wesbovtou: GROUP Good Farm For Sale. T ot 19, con.O, Osprey contaioinR 100 acres, HO cleared, frame liouBe. (rauie barn.stono fonndatiou; orchard. well watered. Ouo thousand down and balance to suit purchaser I imnediatu possession Apply to ___^ K. N. KiN^KAB, Maxwell P. O. El Dorado Farm. Of Shorthorn cattle mid Leicester sheep. Bulla and heifers on hand for sale, also a uiiiiiber of single and rose comb brown leghorn, and sinKleconib white leghorn cockerels Lot 32' Cm. .\ Ch as. Stafford. Shorthorn Cattle lor Sale. Lovinias and Wimples, the host of broedinii and qualif. Hull, cows aud heifers for sale at reasonable prices Lot S2.coD.a CHA8. STAFFORD, Flesherton. Herefords For Sale. Cows and heifers f<ir sale, none lietter, Prices right, I'ost Office, IV ..ton 8tat ion ; farm half^ iinle from Saugeen .)iiiictioii. We have sold all our 1 nils. J. ft T. WATSON. stopr>pd in 21) minutes sure with Dr. Siunip'3 (roup Keiuody. tiiio l.'st will surely prove. ~ ~ '~ ~ No vumiliiitf, u.i \\\A- wess. A safe nnd plottalnghjrmi)â€" .^Oe. liruseists. I>XJMP Wooden pumps manufactured throughout and repairs promptly aud satisfactorily attoiidod to. I «ir. a(;ent for three of the best iron jiuiiip uianufaclurors in Ontario. A card rlr )p|i«d to me a( Ceylon P. will haro my prompt attention. Your patron »gt respectfully solicltoJ. JAME3 A. McLean, Carrie's Corner, Cevloti P. O. u;

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