Flesherton Advance, 27 May 1909, p. 5

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Mav27 1909 THE Fl. ESHERTON ADVANCE u; THE SIANDARD BANK ; Ertabliilied 1873 OF CANADA TTBrMd*. A Joint Account In a great convenience in handling the family funds. It is opened in the names of two members of the (aoiily, and both may make deposits or draw checks over their own individual signatures. I This form of account is particularly convenient for those who I Eve tome distance from towrn. You can open a Savings Account with One Dollar. Why not do so at once ? 71 FLESHERTON BR/kNCH George Mitchell. Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT DURHAM AND HARRISTOM. VICINITY CHIPS Victoria Day was ideal for fpurt and holidayinij in aeneral. Our citilens divided themselves between Dundalk. Markdiile and Eugnni'i, and all came home pretending that they had a good Miss Annie Wilson, Toronto, visited time. with her mother over the holiday. , ^he annual meeting of oantro Grey Heifer calf for .sale â€" Apply to W. L. Women's Institute will b.i held at the Wright, Flesherton. home of Mr. Walter Buchanan, "Breezy Miss Alice Nieh"ison of Owen Sound Brae," near Ravenna, on Tuesday, June was home for the holidiiy. 8, comoiencing a*: 1 o'clock sharp. We are sorry to report Mrs. Wesley B**''" P'"^"'=- Tea provid.d. Breen on the tick list. Miss Annie Howard of Toronto spent the holidiy with her mother here. Mre. Jos. LeGard of Toronto spent the {»3t week with friends here. We venture to say that no handsomer catch of troul wa.s made on Victoria Day than that secured in the Beaver by Me.-'srs. C. Mosier and Geo. Harris- In fact it is very rarely these days that such a fine butich is taken in one day. VV'e Miss Frances Bellamy of Toronto spent (Jesire fo express our thanks to these the holidays at her parental houe. | greuilemen for the gift of half a dozen of Mrs. Albert Stewart spent part of the the finest, past week with her paients at Fevershani. Mr. and Mrs. John Hargrave, Dundalk, Mrs. Fred Sheppard and family of called on old friends here Friday last. Toronto, are visiting the former's parental Mr. Har^rave has been somewhat "under home here. ' the weather'' for some lime but is im- MissEllaKarstedt is attending the proving. Whde in town he caUtd in Women's Missiouary Convention in •*"'! pI*"lsi-J Jow" enough of the -lonK Toronto this week. .green" to s.|uare hit subscription for Mrs. Geo. Mitchell is in Toronto this week attending the Branch meeting of the W. M.S. Miss Belle BUkeley of Corbetton visit- e.l friends here for a couple of days dur- ing the past week. Doc Fairey Ifaft for Uranaeville on Monday to work with the culve.t gang n,iie ^^nd a half north ot on the C. P. R. I nearly two years ahead. That is the kind uf example to set. but such an act is ^ so rare that we think it worth mentionnig. Some of our good friends remain a few years behind instead of greasing the wheels in advance for their yearly trip. A peculiar rain .storm pa.<i.sed over this , township on Friday afternoon last. A Flesherton it '• rained steadily a regi'Iar downpour for Mr?. Fred Hickling of SaultSte Marie, nearly three hours. The storm appeared arrived down last week to vi.sit her to be ilmost stationary and described a mother and ocher relatives and friends. ,,uarter circle, with one end resting near Mrs. Ventress of Bobcaygeon is the Priceville, stretching around by Vande- gucst of her siller. Mis. Jns. Buchanan leur and out to Eugenii, .-Vt Flesherton of the Mcaford Road. ; only a few misty drops fell. The Vani'e- Advertisers for East Grey prize list are 'eur people s;iy they have never seen a asked to kindly hand in their copy to the heiivier downpour. Our Var.deleur cor- secrttary inimeiliately and oblige. : re^pi.ndent describes it as a cloud-burst. Mr. Harry Sloan of Kimberley visited i Mr. Wni. Moore, »h<\so ileath was 'last week with his cousin, Mrs. T. Sled refened to last week, w.is a native of , of the suburbs. County Ca>an, Ireland, where he was Miss Myrtle Blakoley, accompanied by l^'^n on Msi-cli 17. IS-'O. He was n'arried hercou.Mn, Miss Maggie Moorehouse, ,*" M'^s Sophia Humphrey of Bellaliai.s spent the 24ih at Mr. T. Bli^keley's. i County Cavan, in 1857. They iin.ni/rnt- Messrs. Charles .-uid Rnh. Bellamy visited their aunt, Mrs. Paisley, over Suudiy. P,irliaiueut, at ed to Toronto in 1879 and in the foll'iwing year came lo .Arteiiiesla with his wife and family, where they have since lived. I Deceased leaves his aged partner and McCormick m..wer. g..od as new. also ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^_^, ^.^ ,l,,^,J,,„,,,, ^, f„„„„, . 2-year-old blood filly colt for sale. M^^' ji^s. Alex. Haney, Sunderland; Wm. te sold at once. A. Boyd, Flesherton. , ^ j^j,,^^^,j,^^^^^^ . 1^,^^ g,,^.^ p^^,^^^ Mr. Geo. Watsou PnisheJ his cut of , west back line, Arteniesin ; Mrs. Sauih sawlogs last week and has moved his mill Craiidall, Port Perry ; .\lex. Moore, to Duncan hike, where he las a contract, Cheltenham ; Miss .Jennie Moore, Buffalo; lor W. A. AriUpStrong. l Mrs. \\ in. G. Richai-dson, Buffalo; Mr. [ Albe rl Mcore, Silver Creek, N. Y ; aid Mrs. .Alex. Norrie, Erin. One son â€" i Thomas â€" is also deceased. The funeral took place to Flesherton cmete^y on the 20th inst. Mr. S. Schunk, insurance man, return- ed to Woodbrids!0 on Stturday and will bring his family up with Iiim about the middle of June. Mis. .\nnie LeGard and son. Mister Elmer, of Chatsworth, wen. guests "f „ ., , , .... ur i i , .- „_-,-,, , „,i„. Heath, bite principal of our public school, Mr. Slid Mrs. H. C. LeGard and Other 1. . . ,^ , .. ' „ . A note received last w^ek from Mr. friends overSundny and Monday. locate? him at Zealandia, Sask. Mr. Heath says: "Just as we wore about to Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton were the leave Uegina for Nelson, B. C, I was Kuests ot Mr.'. Weltou's father at the offered a position in Zealandia, Sask., Munshaw house over the holiday. Miss^ |,„(j .jfyeptud it. The towti is near the Mabel Munahaw returned with her sister, ^j.^gt G,,oso Lake district, about 00 miles who is at present staying in Wellaiid. j „ggt: of Saskatoon on the Goose Lake Mr. Bert Jamieson. night opemtor at i branch of the C. N. R. Last November North Biiy, is at present visiting h.s no town existed, there was just a post mother in town. He ha. been tran.sferredortioe. We now have nearly 70 hou.ses to Calgary .ndexpecs to leave for th.t I ana "''"cks. There are some fine western metropolis this week. I residences, 2 hardware stores, 2 furniture. ,,,.,, ... , , ;,, 4 general, 4 restauraiit.s, several boarding Mr. and Mrs. Will Jenkins and famdy I » ' , ah ,,.,u. ,, , ,1 • houses and a 30- room hotel. All trades of Grand Va ey, a 8:> Mr. Jas. Cro.sicr,"" . . ., i .. - i ,• i " •'' , , .,, 1 are represented, 2 doctors ana a dentist of Grand \ alley, spent a few days witli , "^ ^ ,,, i • •'" ^ -^ „ ,, I snd many others, etc. We are keeping I house and enjoying western life nne. 1 met Mr. Edgar Bellamy, son of Mr. will hold a friends and other acquain'ances at Mills tnd elsewhere. The Women's Institute will hoia » j Qi,„rles IklUiuy of Flesherton last special meeting «t_the home of Mr. Jno. g^j^^^^y n^ i, iiv,ng fuither down the line, 15 inilfs, at Rosetown. He is doing well and looking tine. Shall write you a letter some tiino era long giving some im- pressions. KunstadlKr nevt Tuesday, Juno 1st, at 2. .30, to look after important business with regards to the di.strict meeting. A full attendance is requested. The extensive faim buildings of Mr. ' J""' n^''' Frank Hewson.a nulo north of Duiitroon, ] people on the ColUngwood road, were complete- ly destroyed by tiro Monday night, also •even hor.ses, soino hogs, fowl, seed, jfrain and other numerous contenLs. The cause of the lire is unknown. The build- ings were insured for ^^,000, which wilj not cover the loss. After oneand-a balf months jf keep- ing hote', Mr. Davidson of the Park III use has decideJ to go back to bis dik- ing trade and left Tuesday for Cobalt, where ha has secured a situation. Mr. W. Tucker takes his placs as manager of the Park House find took over the businoss on Tuesday. Odds and Ends W. 4. Armstrong issuer of marriage licenses. Ifyoun-i>nta good shoe shine, first quality in Gilt Edge, Tan, Nuggett, o* blood, 2 in 1. Call at Clayton's. * Shingles and Hemlock lumber for sale, any length required. T. \\. Phillips, La<ly Bank P. O. House to Let â€" Electric lighted, hard and soft water under cover. Good stable. 'Vacant May 1. Harmon Radley, Flesherton. Get yi>ur garden and field seeds at Richardson's drug store. All kinds, from (he best and most reliable seeds- men . House and double lot for sale or rent on Sydenham street, Flesherton, 8 ro'>mo, stable. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flejh- r^on. &fare for sale â€" Sound in every way, well built an.l young, about 1400 lbs., in foal to Dunure Mac. W. Caswell, Flesh- erton p. o. Very Fine Shorthorn hull calf for sale, 10 mns. old, bred by Scottish Pride, grand- son Derby (imp.). F. NichoLsim, Fleshertim. Property for Sale at Priceville â€" A brick house, eii^ht rooms, uarn .-ind five lots, for sale reasonable. Apply to Catherine Scott, Priceville P. O. Mar.llf Bull For Sile â€" A pure bred Shorthorn bull, 14 months old, fit for service, will be sold reasonable. W. J. MeaJs, Cey- lon P. O, or 1 .t 20, O. D. R. Young hens for sale â€" Thoroughbred Rocks and Wyandottes. Also 1 set of single harness, rubber mounted, new. 1 set of single harness a'most new. 1 g<«jd buguy. .\pply to George Stewart, Flesherton, P. O. To those who want to have a good ap- jtearauce it is good news to know that they can take their linen lo Andy Wilson Flesherton, and have it laundered in tirst class style. Basket leavr-s Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. m. Markdale steam laundry. W. J. Smith, Prop. Gasoline engine f>r sale, t»-o horse power If'airbanks-Morse, just the thing for farm work; in good omditiun, running every day ; reason of sale, want to replace with alarger ei.gine. Eighty d.dlarswill buy it. This office for particulars. .Ml kinds of nian<:le, sugar beets, turnip carrot and black oni'Ui seed in great variety. It will pay you to inspect before purchasing, orders from outside points by mail or telephone filled promptly and carefully. H.ive telephone in ofiice. Free phone messages for Fevcrsiiam, Maxwell, Eugenia, CevI oi and Priceville. Sproule, Higginbotham & Co. A complete line of field and «aid>n seeds, fresh an i jiure, always lui hand at Sproule, Hi'.'ginlioth.im & Co's, Flesher- ton, ii.cludire Mamii-oth, red, alsike mid lucern or .alpalpha clover, timothy seed of good clean iiuality, fiax seed, dutch settjj, potato onions and En^ilish multipliers. Garden seeds in all varieties. AUo giant ensilage and other corn. Preventics â€" those Candy Cidl Cure Tal)lets â€" will safely and nuickly check all colds an 1 the Grip. Tiy them once and seel 4S-2oc. Sold by all dealers. The joy of comfortable feet is something exbilaraiing in a pair of well fitlinij .shoes. It makes you foci yo'ing again. The Model shoes are good titters and best material. Clay tons have them. Mortgage Sale- Lot 147 2nd Range south Wist Toronto and Sydenham hmu', .•Vrremesia, 50 acres. Fa r buildings. Will be ott'ered for sjile at Cairn's Hotel, Ceylon, on Tuesday, .Tune 15th, at 4 o'clock. For particulars a[)ply to Lu?as, Raiiey & Mc.\rdle, Solicitors, M.iikdalo If you want hoots that will give you wear and coinfoi t, Clayton's is the place to get them. Claytons arc showing the new styles in ladies footwear, Dcmgida, Kid, Oxblood, La3o boots and Oxfords. Only first class material used. Read the iNiin tonnula on the 'uox of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your Doctor if there is a l>etter one. Pain means congest i'O), blood pressure » one- where. Dr, Shop's Pink Pain Tablets chock head piins, womanly pains, pain anywhere. Try one, and see! CO for tioc. Sold by all dealers. District Meeting. The Owen Sound district meeting of the Meth'Hiist church was held in First Street church, Owen Sound, on Thurs- day and Friday of last week with a full attendance of ministers and laymen. At the ministerial session on Thursday, after routine businesK, two young men from this section were examined for the ministry â€" Wilfred Cullis and J. Mont- gomery â€" and both were cordially recommended. At the evening session two mist excellonr addresses »-ere de- livered by Revs. Treble of Corbetton and J. S. I. Wilsjn of Markdale. Mubic was supplied by Mr. Newton Largo and a sextette Iwl by the veteran Methodist, Mr. John Rutherford. At the laymen's meeting on Friday re- ports from the various circuits showed finances to be in a fairly dourishiug condition. Rev. Morris of First Street church, Owen Sound, was elected to the stationing committee of Toronto confer- ence with Rev. Handd Wellwood alter- nate. Following arts some of the district delegates appointed to atl>-nd conference next month : Markdale, W. G. Pickell ; Inistioge, Geo. Bannon ; Dundalk, Geo. Nixi-n ; Flesherton, W. Clayton, (.Mr. Clayton's filth appointment in this capacity); Priceville, H. Patterson; Wallers Falls, J. Bowes. A hearty resolution was passed th ink- ing the chairiuan of the disrri-.-t. Rev. Ivison Wilson, for the zeal wiih which he had performed the duties of his office. Thinos were made very pleasant for the de'egates by Owen Sound people, the ladies aids of the churches being deserv- ing of special thanks for a bountious dinner .supplied by them at the Queens on the last day. Whooping Cough. â- "Ill Fel)niaryour daughter had the whnoi)- ing Clinch. Mr. Lane, of Hartlaiid, ivcon. men- ded Chainlierlaiii'n Cough Remedy and said ib gave his ciiHtoniers the best of .satisfaction. \Ve found it ".s he saiil: and can reconnuenil it to anyone luivintr children troul'leii wi'h whoiiping <onj;h. " says Mrs. A (;.ii.s, nf Duraud, Mich. For sale by W. K. Richard- son. I F.G.KARSTEDT W, General and Hardware Merchant Flesbertoiit Ontario. 1^ 5ooo lbs. Coiled Spring Wire at $2.5o ^ * per cwt. 2^ ^b ^ We are prepared to sell the very best hard Coiled Spring Wire ^D ^R (No. 9) in any i|iiantity at the lowest price that was ever offered. We ^^ w net a rebare, in turn, we give it to our customers. Come in, if it isn't ^tf v^ in leave your Older for as much as you waut and we will keep it fur ^L ^ A Car load Ot Star Cement to Arrive vE JR Why buy cement w-hich has lieen carried over from last season, •â- ^ J^ buy it fresh oti ihe car, when it is hot. We have a car coming about ^K l^ the first of June, of the best cement on the market. Call around and (^ ?R get circulars and see what it has done. I'aload the cement right oflf ^T tjm the car and .-.ive the drayman's charges sK ^ Paints and Oils ^ (^ Now 8 the time t > buy Martin Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paint ^^ 51? We have eveiy shade and every color necessary to beautify your home, jl^ ^1^ also a full line of Turpentine, Boiled Linseed O 1, Raw Linseed Oil, ^Mi ^^ Varnishes. Dryer and Dry >*aints, .also tirst class Motor Ga.soliue. ^â-  Jl? Ail at the lowest possible prices. ?l? v»^-a^-.i^-j/-a.-a.-'M^-a/-a--«--a--a-a^ « â- Â«/-a-v>^v^'«.-va/ a s -a-s/vft/Na^ Fine Shoes I With the coming of Spring I we L'aturally Jooli for somethiug ueat aud stylish to wear espci- ally iu footwear. We have got I just what yoa need. We recom- meut the MODEL Shoe as being < haudsome in shape aud right up i to date aud built of first class We are busy getting settled Kind regaitls to all Fleshottou Deaths U.V.NEVâ€" 111 Arteniosis on Saturday, May 22, at the residence of Mr. John McKec. west back line, .Mary .Vnii Raney, .-iged 89 years. The funeral look pliioe to Orange Valley Presbyterian ceinetery oil Monday, May 24. A T.i.BSâ€"-^t the residence of her son, Richard Allou, Arteinesia.after a loniilhy illness, on Saturday 22\ul inst., Kller, r«lict of ths Ute James Allen, agud 71 years. The fui'.eral took place to Klcsh- eiton conictcryon Sunday, 23rd. Much of the so-called friendship of the day is tut pietense. It exists i nly in I name and as soon as it coksos t> be sd- vantageous it is dropped. The friendship that onlinues tbo same in presperity and adversity ii to be prized, but all other kinds are woitble.«s. It ni.'i'ters not how hard a may may struggle to do riaht and make a success of life, there is always some hiathsoms reptile, sonid woithltss wretch who is ready to drsghiin down, lo blight his hopes and blast his fondest aintiioii". Tho loss of nioii^y and property is not the greatest loss a man Can sustain in the business world ; fur belter to lo.so your money than to lose hope and auibiiion. Pasture to Rent Piusture on lots 171 and 172, in the 2r.d Con. N. E. T. and .S. R., Artemes'a. For partioul.u-s sou Joseph II. Watsiiii. Portlaw P.l>. The Maratlion Craze Since the Marathon run hust summer was won by an .\inericaii, such tests o' endurance have been enthusiastically pui-sued by the youth of the kindred nations. Americans intend to keep this country at the front in future Olympic games. EnglLshinen are preijariiig to take away the distinctionâ€" training so arduously as to give cau.se for warnings which their cousins will do well to heed. The Miu-athon distance isaliout twenty- si.\ miles. .\t the Olympic it is covered by young men who are supposed to be strong, sound, experienced, and directed by experts who know how to place each stride and get tho most out of every muscle. Even so a Marathon "finish" is not a pleasing si>ectacle. It indicates that the contestants have undergone a strain fri'in which they will not soon, if ever, recover. Medical authorities are agreed that this Ls the fact. Many go farther, and declare that just a.s it harms men to run a long dLstance, so does itjnjure growing boys to run a shorter distance, if tho strain of competition is added. Five of the most eminent physicians and surge- ons in Enghind have united in a state- ment that ".school and cro.ss-country races exceeding one iiiilo are wholly un- suitable for boys under nineteen, as tho continued strain involved is apt to cause permanent injury to the heart aud other organs. " Some think that this .shows excess of cautiim. Perhaps it doe.s. At any i-ate, it shows unselfishness, for tho doctors are trying to forestjill conditions that, in later yeai-s, they wouhl be called upon to t.eat. If they arc willing to make that .sacrifice for what they concive to be the general good, surely any youth can af- ford for his own good to give up tho hope of ;i momentary fame. The Marathon craze hius served one useful purpo.se. however, in that it has led to a thorough reox.-iinination of large and imporUint ipiestiims. So far in Great Britain, the Conservatives seem to have triumphed. Even the setting-up drill of tho British army has of late been i-evised with a view to eliiniiiato all inoveuients that|^jut undue strain upon the heart. No one can go fiu* wrong if h" follows that irrecedent . Exercise is neces.sary and whole.some. Excessive exercise, the overexertion that leads to collapse, or " invites acident, or brings on fatigue which is not dis|jelled, is harmful - If not to-day, to-mou-o»-. â€" Youth's ConiDanioii. material by reliable maliers. We have the MODEL Shoe m Blucher and Osfoid style in Black. Chocolate, Ox-Blood, Kid and Dougo'.a, You canuob help being' suited. Not especi- ally for Children. 3Ien or Women, but for the whole family. Also Meu'a and Boys Fine and Heavier Shoes. CLAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. 60 YEARS* EXPERIENCB The Hist steamboat of the sotson went ; down on Sunday. 1 I Geors»e Ferguson of Owen Sound lost ' four fingers iu a planer. ; There was a fire at the Grand Trunk I wharf, Owen Sound. Mou'biy night, but the damage was not serious. Mrs. Parke, wife of Sheriff Parke of I Walkei ton, died suddenly at the rge of 63 years. I Reports from ditfeient sections of the province imiicate that cirp* are in belter condition I hui w!is ^uppo^ed, after the long 8[>ell of wet, coM weaih.T, i Croeinore having deiiioiist rated to the Wo 1.1 tloit local option is net a detriment to the general luisinoas c^f a town. Colling- : wood and St lyuer will take a vote on the! ' measure at ihe nex.t municipal elections. ; â€"Star. Tho Gipsy Smith revival u«» on in I Toronto. IS one of tho greatest aeligioua mivemeiits thit ever to..k place in the ! (jueen ci'y. The city papers have lolabornto report.s, and, unlike most of the previous revivals, theri' is no unfavorable I comment, so far as the writer has noticed in the pre<s. Thousitnds of outsiders are I niak ills.' special Slips to t!ie city to hear the great evangelist. Not only is there a temperance wave sweeping over the land, but close on its trail is a strong evange- lical movement, the Layman's Missionary movement being will to the front. There seoiiis tn be a lime coning when tho better e'euien's of society will joiu heart and haml for moral advancement of a much higher and belter type. â€" Durham Chronicle. For The Spring. We have a complete line of Hariieea and HarnessSundries. Whips, Bells, Plush Rugs, Rotes. Curry Combs and Brushes, Hoof Ointment, Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valise^ Telescopes. iV: Ulacksinith's.-Vprons. Look in and examine our stock of Horse Blankets. RKf.VlKINO Pl'.OJUTLV DoNK. O.W.Phillips, FLESHERTON. ONT. Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that tho first sitting of the Court of Revision on the a.ssefsment roll of 'he township of Art- eniei'ia, for the year litOO. will be held iu the town hall. Flesherton. on Saturday the 5ih day of Juno, 19C9^ .'Vll parties having business at the said sitting are hereby reipiircd to govern themselves accordingly. W. J. BELLAMY, Clerk. Dated this 20lh day of May, 1!RK>. Our Clubbing List Traos Marks Dcsiorv COPYRIQHTS Ac. Anyone s«n(Tlng a sHetrh .•«r '. â- â- frinii.ininaj <J«1rU1v ascerlAli] cur oitlnh'ti fru« wDcitipr ao Invonllon Is pn-h.iMy piito:itnMli, Ci :iiiniiiilcft. tlimBBtriutlyooi.a.loiiil.a. HANDRuCK ou l'»ionU MiitfriHk, <.>I(l«*Bt n;:ont'r forflP'-urlnff POtonn, Vntnnls laXvn t:ir.>i,,.-h Muiui t C3. rooolva l^rlotnutks. wHPoiHiCh^rue, Inlha Scientific Jimricam A hnntist'!''.')'/ liiuitmf' \i wet !:!% I^irHost oir- cuJatiuu t>f u-iy ^< toi-!. c .VmrtnL Tornis lot CAJiA^In. 3 1.:'' :i yo{ir,;K*;;i:4:o pn^/aid, i?oW bj all uoittHKiiii'i-*. Bianoa (.rilicii stt • (»• *''' â-  iWfu. I>. o. ^ Thrt following piioes are for strictly paid in advance suhsciiptions only. We have no accounts with other papers. Advance and Toronto World, daily . . $ 3 0(> Tiuonto Dailv News . . . . . . 2 30 Weekly Globe . . . '. 80 Mail-Empire .... .... I :o Family Herald v'fc iStar I 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun L 80 F.irineis .Vu.ocata . . . . 2 25 Weekly Wit.iess 1 75 SatiirdayNight 2 55 J H a V Y c o T u r • 1 c d Thompson's Bakery Having secured Mr.E. Arni- sl long of Peterboro, a first cl.i.s» Iwkor, we are prepared to turn out the best of every- thing in our line. l'"i-c'?*li Itr-oiAcl iAlway« ijii liunil Atrlnl sol lotted. Ed.Thotnpson. Fmherton. i

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