T f I E F L E S n E R T O IS ADVANCE May 27 19.J9 PARK HOUSE JPlAOiliepton H. D. DAVISON. - - I'lopiietor. RATB8-f 1.00 And 1150 per day. BOAUUUS- ri.OO Hiid 13.50 per week Speciiil AtlcDtion to iStudeiits (ft-'J UARDEN SEEDS ! GET THEM MbRE Kitld mid tr;inlrii «t'<li« â€" all kind«â€" .St«el-UriKK». ll'i'l'"" <>n the market. These in- rimie inaiiKolda, r<ii<l, niii(»i' Ixjet. iK-AH, etc UKDlMNt; I'i.ANTS IX SKVSON. Flour and Feed .u atiiikl. Wright's Grocery FLESHERTON. Cure Your Dandruff Why? Because it is annoying, untidy. And mostly, because it almost invariably leads to baldness. Cure it, and save your hair. Get more, too, at the same time. All easily done with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Stop this formation of dandruff ! Pott net change Ihe color »/ Me hair. A yers rvnanU with Mok bottl* 8kow It to y«ttr do«tor Ask him m'km tt, th*a Ao «• h* â- •jft Scottisli Pride 66274 Tlie yoiiiiK Imll Se<itlli.li I'liile will Htand fo trvice at Mr. F. \V, NicholHou's, lot ;-7. cou. .1 AT'emeMia. Scottlbh pridi* 1h sirud by Kcottisb iTiuce. a KiaiuUod cf tlie wonderful hIiow cow. U«in of ftttllachiii, [ui|* wiiiiierof uight prizes at Toronto and lx>udoi),i)edidet beini; champ- lOD foiual«. Kliu wei;;li4 over I'JOO pouunH, Oao of this cow'a calves Hold fur ^1775.00. KcottiHli priile ia out of Lady nulla by the Toronto flrat prize wiunor. Captain May Fly, iuji> *.2HKiH. Tl.ia youiiu bull haa prove liim- K«l> a abovrbull liaviui; Kamtxl an eucouraKini; recor'l this tall at Fweriihani. He wen tlrtt tiriip ai butt bull calf, alio diploiua (or best Lull any a£o, Tlioao bavinti pure bred cows Kljould see tilts grand bull before breeding as they cannot do better than use biiu. A liniitop number of iiradeii will be takeDat $l,"U;For pure breds, iit.OO THOSE WHO LACK A THOKOUGH BUSINESS TUAINING ALWAYS HAVETHKIlAItDEST WORK AND THE POOHKSTPAY. Write ii letter to Odnada'H Leadintr School uf l}usiiiC9H. The new Ayer's Hair Vieor will certainly do this work, because, first of all, it de- stroys the germs which are the original cause of dandruff. Having given this aid, nature completes the cure. The scalp is restored to a perfectly healthy condition. >«• br tka /. O. Ayar Co., LeweU. 1 J^^^"^' m/fr//m Owen Suund, and let. them tell you how to f;ei a stop hi){her. C. A. FlKMMIXC, PrIXI Il'AL, 0»ei» Sound * Ontario Beauty and Utility Tliough worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit yo\i with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician FLESHERTON . ^ ^r"~ZL \\ ««>i ][i NORRIS BROS. •^arrli arfiivane. •^erehania anfi Uinamitfia ][: "/«• We liiive the pleasure iif Hnnouiicinj; ihiif we hiivo enlarged our store to the full size of our building and nre pleased to say timt our tinKho)> is in the RIGHT place inKiead of on the front counlor as in the past. You will find us TO THE FRONT in whatever line you nmy rr<|uire. Tliia week we are pits.sinc into stork a eomplete now line of liai'veRt toolN, and they are being marked at prices that will JntereKt you. We iilso <ipun lip for your inH;.-rctlon all the house cleaning necessities huch ux (JillettK Lye, Li(|ui(l and Paste stove poIi»heN, Hath Enamel, Kurnilure and Interior Varnishes of a very superior (jiiality. Scrub Blushes, etc., etc. The Hprini; painting is now iit h.«ii'l, all we nsk for our Kne of paints is that yiiu try a Hinall can. The puint will speak for il.self. It is fuily uuaranteed ho you have no risk to run whatever. We have prepared for a busy season in the TiiHinitliinK and Roc'fiiiK line and are leady to cater tu your every need on the .short- est notice. Ruinemb«roiirapocialtit»:-PAROID ROOFING and DILLON HINGE .STAY KKNCE. Kj/esnerti erlon Onta no. The Flesherton Carriage Works Pleshertcn, Out. BUGGIES â€" Intending pnrclmsers will save money by calling and iii- spccting onr stuck, as we have a good stock to olioose from â- ' and prices arc right. IlEPAINTLVGâ€" Bring your buggy to iia for icpainting. Satisfaction guarantcnd. PLOWS, etc â€"Wo handle the best plows, harrows and also carry a full line of repairs on hand, CREA.M KEPARATOHSâ€"Wc arc agents for the MELOTTT, The best in the market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. DISCOURAGED MEN 18 LIFE WORTH LIVING MEN, you become disheartened when you feel the aymptoma of Nervous l>«bllity anil decline ateallnp; niion yt>u. You baven't the nerve or anibilioD you used to liave. You feel you are not the man you ought to lie. You feel like givInK up in despair, Yi>u (fet nervous and weak, liave llUle anibitlmi, pain In the back over kidneya, drains at night, hollow eyea, tli-od niorninga, prefer to be alone, diatruslful, variable appetite, looseneaa of liair, pour cir- culationâ€" you have fUervoua DabllKy. Our New Method Treatment la your refuge. It will strengthen all weak organs, TitaUte the nervous system, purify tli« blood and restore you to a man- ly condition. Pay When Cured. RCI nCD Are you a victlnif Have you loat hopet Arn yon Intending to L K U C n marry) Has your blood been dlaeasodl Havo you any weakneasf Our New Metliod Treatment will cure you. What It baa done for hundreds of cthera, It will do for you. CONSULTATION FltKE. No matter who haa treated yon. «<rile for nn honest opinion JVeo of Charge. Charges reasonable. UOOKU FKEEâ€" "The Uolden Monitor" (illuatrated), on Dlseoaea of Mod. ESTABUSHED 20 YEARS-CURES GUARANTEED, No Treatment aeni C. O. D. No namea on boies or anvalopcs. Everythlns confidenUal. Question list and coit of Home Treatment FREE. Dir..KENNEDY&KENNEDY H,' Q^ Michigan Ave., and Grijwold St., Detroit, Mich. The District Around Us Events as Chronicled in Our Exchanges There is a case of sniall-pox in Hitii- over, William Rehkopf beiny the victim. A nieinorial to the latu Edward Han> Ian will be ercctid at Haitian's Island. A skyrocket fell on the roof of Mr. Palmer Merritt'a house ut Hamillon and H'.if it on fire. Luss, seven or eight hundred dollars. Two thousand ei^ht hundred and forty dollirs were collected in li(|uor tines Ht Cobalt, with nmro to come. Over fifty persons were ch«r){cd with this breach of lair» Henry Larkin, a Greenock Tp. school teacher, was fined $2.00 and osts laHt week for unlawfully kickiiij; and thrash- ing James Lawrence, a pupil in the school. It begins to look as thou)(h thsio were more bi); trout in Muhnur Lake and that the bi;; ones ttktai out two seaiaus a'^o were not the last of tliem. The partly da- csjed body of a .TO-inch follow was found wasjxd up at uiiii side uf the lake recent- ly. â€" Economist. "The slur on your character is greater than any punis-hinent the court cnuld de- liver," said Judge B:irrett in addresKinj» Miss Alice Sproule of AUenforJ who pleaded Ruilty on Thui-sday week to stealing fifteen handkerchiefs, a iiuantity ot pins and (1.45 ill cash from lier em- ployer Mr. Robert Uaskett, general merchant of Allenfurd. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak tomach, orstimulatin<; the Heartor Kid- neys is all wronij. Dr. Shonp first jioint- ed out thi.s error. This is why his pre- scrijition â€" Dr. Shoop'a Kcstorative â€" is directed entirely to the cause of these ailments, the weak inside or controllini; nerves. It isu't so ditticult, siys Dr. Shoop, to strengthen a weak Stomach, Heart, or Kidneys, if one ijoes at it correctly. Each inside organ has its controlling or inside nerve. W hun these nerves fail, then these organs inustsurely falter. These vital truths are leading drui<i;islg everj'where to dispense and reooiiimcini Dr. slioop's resloratlv*?. W. C. Clarke, Main atre-.'C ea?t, has been trying his h:md at iriventioin, and the result i.s two inventions, one of which has been patented and I ho other f'>r which the patent has been applied for. The one is an attachment for a kitchen stove by nieana of which Mr. Clarko claims a whole house cmi be satisfactoiily heated. The other is an improvement or attachment for boilers by means of which he claims steam can bo kept up f.iity hours if necessary without liio.â€" Sliel- burne Ecunoiniat. Hiune three years as;o Capt. Clark of Parry Sound, was blown to p^pces by the explosion of a gas buoy. The Ciiptaiii was the son of Mrs. A.U. Clark, CuUinn- wo(jd, and shepulitioned iho (ioverinncnt for some recotnpense for her son's death, but the matter has hung tiro ever since. This week Mrs. Clark received a telegiam fri>m Major Currie, M. P., fcr North Sinicoe, slating th:il the Government had decided to pay her (2,U0<). A tiveyear-old son of Joseph Chapman, who ronidcM near Keenansvillo, met death under very sadoireumslanccs ot. Saturday evening. A gang of tulephoiie men had been erecting poles in the noighborliood and on Saturday night the unfortunate little fellow was playint' near a h(dd that had been dug for a pole and which had parily tilled with water, when ho' fell in head foremost. He was unable to ex- tricito hiuHulf and was drownad. â€" AUi.stcjii lltiald. An Italian interpreter, who lay dying in a box car at the C. P. R. station here a few weeks sko, was taken in clHigo by some kindly di.spiiaed ladies who iiiteiei^t- ed iheinselviH ill the case. The unfoitun- ate man, who is without friends in this country, was stricken with pneumonia. Ho was traiisfered to a comfortable homo and nuiV'd back to convalescence. The ladies in ijuestion will not consent to ibiir iiaines being nicntioneil, but the incident does them inlinitecredit. "Alas for the rarity uf christian charity." â€" Orangeville Banner. At Iho Giaiul Trunk station Walkertoii Wednesday night lust, Charles E. Kilmer, aged forty, electrical eni>ineor of the tirin of Kilmer & PuUeli, Toronto, jumped off the train before it bad stopped, and fell back from the platform. Oi'.o of his legs When at a depth of 96 feet Such A Lang, the Chesley wnll drillers, struck a guther on the faim of Martin Monk, 13th con., Brant. The well is 6 inches in diameter and when piping was inserted at the surface to a heivht of 25 feet the water still flowed in a strong stream over the top. Mr. George Free is now making dsily trijis to and from Owen Sound with his new automobile. He has issued a time- table of the hours when the auto leaves heie for the Sound and when it returns. The fare is (2 single, ^ return.â€" Meaford Minor. A small boy with an uncorked bottle of gasoline pausing a hot st'jve at the home of Mr. John Helmes was Ihe cause of a fire akrm on Saturday morning. The gasoline explwled and set fire to .soin e pieces of carpel on the floor. The lad suffered more from fright than injury, the flames scorching his wrist, the front of his sweater and singeing his hair.â€" Reflector. Leon Kedslie of Holstein will likely remember forever that fires should not be slarted with coal oik Last Saturday he was assisting at the bake shop, and wish- ing to start a fire he poured stmio coal oil on a piece of wood to put into the tire place. The lire had all been extinguish- ed but the place was still hot. The result was that the stick took tire im- mediately, burning very severely the backs of both hands. Dr. Brown dressed the burns but it will be some days before he will have the same use of them again. He was alone at the time and it was in- deed fortunate that his clothing, which was singed slightly, did not take lire. The two younge.st sons of Joseph H. Arms-nrng of Greenock, aged 5 and 7 ye«is loft home on Fiiday morning to look I for wild flowers in Greenock Swamp, which adjourns their father's property, and as Ihey had not returned by noon their mother became alarmed. William Armstrong had seen the children entering the swamp and ho, with about a di>zen others started at noon to search for them. The story rapidly Kpread alwut the children being lost and by night 50 men wer« in the searching party which was out all night. Saturday morning came and still no trace of the children. The number of .searchers was augmented by many from » distance and over a hundred anxious men were in the swamp looking for the little tots. Alxmt four o'clock Saturday afteruoon the children came out on Mr. Lee's farm, northwest of Rivers- dale, where Messis. CuUison and Paiker were liuildinK a wire fence, being attract- ed to the spot by the sound of the h*mmer used in driving the staples. They w.-re picked up and taken home, two very tired youngsters after their :« hours in the swamp. It was four miles from where they enteied to tho spot where they came out. Theamounlof down timber and w.itermade th.igoini! vury bad in the swamp and ditlieult for tho searching jiarties. Tho ehildron are none the wor.so for their adventure.â€" Hanover Post. Horse Routes. DUNURE MAC. MONDAY morning--To Jamos Stin- soii's, Toronto line, b'r noon ; to Victoria Corner, and to W. J. Jackson's, East buck line, for nis/ht. TUESDAY morning~15y PiatLnw, to C'oUingwoDd gravel to (^loo. Johnstou's f..r noon, and home for night. WEDNESDAY afternoon-To Hill's corner, Oraniie VaUey, to west back line, and home for nighi. T11(.'RSD.\Yâ€" To Breen's corner and l>y way uf west back lino to Uobt. Vause's t>. D. K.,for noon, and to John Burnetts, south line, for night. FRIDAYâ€" To bis own stable by way of Ceylon for noon, where be will remain until the following Monday- YOUNO tANNAHILL. MOND.Wâ€" Will leave his own stable, lot 12, cim. 1., Euphrasia, and proceed to Duncan, then east to lit h con.. Colling- wiii.d, then north by lo and 111 sideroad, then east to 5th con., then north to 2l8t and 22nd sideroad, then east to William Park's, oun. 4, Collingwood for night. TUESDAYâ€" South to Gibaraltar for was badly crushed, and ho died at the ' noon ; thence to Hugh McLean's, lot 7, con. 5, Collingwood, then south to George county hospital during the night. His wife and throe young children live at Southamptun, and his father lives at Walkertun. Mr. Kilmer was just ro- Elliott's, for night, lot 20, con. 8, O.sprcy. WEDNESDAYâ€" To Mclntyre, to Nelson Scott's, for noon, then west to 16 , , . . • . o , and 10 sideroad, then south to ;h-d con. turning frum a business trip to Sweden, Qapvey, then west IJ miles, then south and in his eagorne.ss to iiieet his father, ] I miles, then west to John Haney's, lot did not wait for the train to stop. I miles, then west to John Haney's, lot 75, centre line, for night. THURSDAYâ€" North to Collingwood gr.ivel to John Margrave's, lot 37, cm. (5, fi>r noon, then east to James Clark's, for night, lot 17, con. (1, Osproy. FRIDAYâ€" North to 8th con., Osprey , The' Most Common Cause of Suffering. ItheumntiBinenuHes niiro pain and KufferiiiK than an v other (litea«e, for the reason that it is tlie most coim.ion of all ills, audit is certainly I , .. c i rn . irv.i,"„ .. giatifving to sutfererH to know that dhamlier- j then west to Solomon Tumor s, l(»th con., laiiiH Liniment will afford lelief, anil make | Artemosia, then we.st to Rockvaie side- roMt uiiil ulecp possible. In many oases the j road, theu south to 8th con., then west to relief from pain, which is at fir«t «'''i'l"'rarv, | t^,j Pedlar'a, for night, has l)uc(iiin) iK'noamnt, while In old ptioplo j subject to chronic- rheunuitisni, often brought! SATURDAYâ€" By UlO Menfoad Rosd i:;'rl;^t;:;';;;'r ;::.m;T{;::,;:;.rdTif^"'r;ii<> ^r. ooneys for noon, the,. ^ Kim. lief from pain which this liniment affords is berloy homo lo hi.s own stable, whore be alone worth immy times its cost. IV> and jVl' will remain till the following Monday cent 6iz«» for saleby W. K. Itichardson, morning. The light bread or the leaden loaf is a matter of c-^w^ â€" not luck. Choice of method â€" choice of yeast â€" but, above all, the choice of theyfo/^r. Royal Household Floor is made from the finest, selected Manitoba wheat, which contains more gluten (that quality which makes bread light) than any other wheat. It is milled under the most sanitary conditions,â€" there is no other flour in Canada upon which so much is spent to insure its perfect quality. Ask your- grocer for Ogilvie's Royal Householdâ€" the flour that makes light bread and perfect pastry . Ogilvie Hoar MQIs Co., Uiulted, Monlreil. ^^ ..•a •••1 . . . • •• aee eee»e.>ee*eee*eeaaeeeeeee«eaeaeeeeee««eeaeeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeae ea«aaeeee:>V >.*e •.•ft ..ae •.•a •••e ..•a ..•a ..•e ..•• ..•a ••a •••• ..•a ..•a '.•e â- .•e â- .•e "•a â- ••e ..•a ..•a •.•a ..•a '.•a ..•a •.•a ..•a â- .•a ..•a ..*e -.•a ..•e ..•e •.•e ..•a •••a •••a •.•a â- .«a •.•a •.•a â- .•a â- .•a â- .•a ..•a â- .•a •.•a •.•a •.•a •••a ..•a .'•a •••a •.•a •••a ..•a •••a -.•e •••a ..•a ..•a ..•a ..•• â- ••a '.•a '««»aei CEYLON'S BUSY STORE I a»«. a*.* e**- a*«. a«~ ae.- Call and inspect our grand display of Men's and Boys' Hats and Capsâ€" ^Felts, Canvas, Tweed and straw all the latest shades and shapes. Seeds ! Seeds of all kinds â€" Clover and grass seeds, new garden seeds, Buckwheat, Kape seed. Turnip and Mangold, Giant Sugar Beet and field Carrot seeds on hand. Dutch sets and Potato Onions at very low prices. Dishes ! Elegant Glass Tea Sets at 25c a set. Gla ss Goblet, 1 doz. for 25c, 4 different designs. Dinner Sets and Bedroom Settsâ€" very pretty. Pure Maple Syrup for sale at aa» â- â- •••••eaaeeaeeaeaeeeeeaeeeeaaaeeaaeeeaaeas*. aeaaaaaecaaa«aaaa*eeaaeeaM Societies Business Cards AO U W- uieota oi. tho last Monday 1 WALTER L0UCK8 lu eaoh month, in their loagu room " Builder and Contractor Norrls' block. KUMierton, at B p.iu. M. W.. For Ilrick, Stone and frauiu residences. Kb- MiloB Thiatlethwaite; llec, C. H. Mnnshaw; I timates cbeerlully lurfished, Flesherton 1 i> I'in., W.J. Uel.amy. Vialtiug brethreis Invited i Ontario. PRINCR ARTHUU LODOE, No. s:W, A.K.A A M, meets in the Masonic hall. Arui* j strong's Hall KloHliorton, every Friday on or before the full wocn. Thos, Hlakelv,W.M.;| tierb.iiiiiith, Secretary. j COUUT FLESHEUTON, 1)03, I. 0. F. ircetsln] Clayton's Block the last Wednesdav evetdng | of each month. Visitiug Foresters heartily i welcome. \\. It., Dyson; R. 8., '1'. Honry; Fin. Sec, C. N. Kichardaon. f lease pay diies to Fiu. Sec. before the flrst day of tho month. CHOSEN FRIENDSâ€" Flesherton Council of ClioHon Friends meets in Clayton's hall llrst and third Wednesday of each mouth B p. ui Bay ftssesHxnentrt to the Recorder on or before tec tlrst <layof each month. Chief Councillor T. Ulakeley; Recorder, W. H. Uuut. Pure Bred English Berkshires and] Tamworths. ^ I have a tine lot of yuting [ugs bred from pri/.e winning stock, fur sale. Write me for l>rices. I can give a bargain also guarantee I atisfaction on all mail orders. I (ieo. W. HOS.S. Maxwell P. 0. 1 For Sale One spaa of liiglitnii.K Colts coming throe matched. Ready to work. Also one Shorthorn Bull eiKhteen months old, bred by Uoo.Kristow, RohUoy. numbevSSn.i. iu vohuno a4. Naiceâ€" VillaRO Captain. AbBF.RT E- HANLEY, Lot 4, Con. 10, tOsprey, Foveraham P. O. Bull For Service 2 years old, reg. : Hhurtborn bull, Victor ' I'l'ide, 74805 ix for service i.t Lot 37, Oon. Artemesia. Terms $V.(K>. JOHN HARtSRAVK. U OULLOUQH & YOUXa "al Hankers Markdale Do a general buukiuy business. Money loaned â- "'at reasonable ratee Call on uh. (JHlSLK'l'r, • Postmaster, f^oylon. CominiHsioner in H. C' J .Couvoyancer, deeds, uiortnaKes, leases, wills etc. carefully drawn up Jollcotious mad.>. charyus reasonable. Also groceriua, dour, feed etc. kept in stock, Prices rlKht. RJ SPUOULE Podtmaster, Flesherton ...ommissiouer in H.C J., Auctioneer veyaucev, Appraiser and Money Lendo Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Deedk oiovtRaKes, leases au'l wills caretuUv drawn up and valuations made on shortest uotioe money to loan at lowest rates of interest. :Col- lections attended to with prouiptneae charges low. Agent for Ocean Douiinioo Steamship Company. A call solicited. DWcPHAlL, Licensed Auctioneer for the • County o( Cirey. Terms moderate and satisfaction guarantoed. Tho avrangoments and dates of sales can b.i made a* Tuk Auvanch ollloo. Rosideuco aud P.O., Ceylon, Telephone connection. Deo. 0.07. 1 W KAITTINU. Licensed Auctioneer for ^'- "• the counties of Uroy and Simooe. harm and Slock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guaranttod. Arrauge- uionts for dates may bo nrnde at tho Advance oBlce, or a: T. Hutchinson's store. Feversham or by addressing mo at Foversliam, Out. Lot l:), con, 1'2, Osprey, DUDD MATHEWS. Markdale, Licensed " auctioneer for tho county of Orey, Good servico at reivsouablo rates. Dates cau be made at The Advau ce. 1 o lu \\\ KARKHS. Carefully Coireoted Eaoli Week Oats 43 to 43 Peas IK) to iK) Ravloy <J0 to 110 Wheat lOO to 1(K> Hay 7 00 to 8 00 Rutlor 18 to 18 Ettgs, fresh 17 'o \ Pidatoos per bag , 75 to 75 Goeso 10 to 10 Ducks ... . . 10 to 10 Chickens to 6 Turkeys 14 to 14 Mr. Robert Duiilop, one of tho pioneers of Euphr.t^ia township, died at the ago of 83 years. Legal W H. WRIGHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Convay- "anoer, etc.,â€" Owau Sound, and Flesherton. N H - e henou otQoe, Sproulo'a Block every Saturd â- Medical DR CARTER MCP&SOnt, Physician, Surgeon, e Ollloe and rosideuoeâ€" retar at., Flesherton JP OTTKWELIi Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collega, residence â€" ssooud door south wesfon kiary street. This street runs south Presbyterian Church. n WILSON, Blacksi.ilth "• Uraduato of no Veterinary BcieDoa Association Resldenoo, Durham itreet, on oBlte llayd, Kiokliug's hardware. Dentistry Dv. B. C. MUKRAY L. 0. 8., dontal surgeon bono, giaduato of Toronto University and Royal Colleiio ot Dental Surg'jons of Ontario, (lasadmiuixterod for toeth extraction Ullice at r«siduuce,Torouto Street, Flos l^ertoo. - toS ^ l Ji J*! r.'.hs