Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1909, p. 4

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y* *»n ^iMt - i<iii ii > m i» r ii» i *m m 1^^ â-  â- -â- Â»-». rilE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE >'A--.^^:^--g>:^:.3i^^-l^>--^:\/.s^-'^j^i^.^^7^ .^i ^.T.HILL & CO., = Markdale || i %T% Bring Us Your W This Year Aii.l wt> in rotuin are prti>orc(l to offer you some of the liiuui'st viliies in Ofiifiiil MHrchnndiso fliat lian ever lieeni'tr^rt tl, liaviiiK ilirre sti'Us wliieh iiuaiis huyiiiif jjiii'ds in liiige <iuiintili»'s. Wo wisli to demonstitite iiiid liimiiively lonvintc jdii ih»t wv Hie in u posilinn to offer mid sM you iimny lines of Oonds »t a lower price tli»ii nmny HtoreH crtii Imy in !i wholesHle way for, and you also have tlio adv.iiitHue of gelling eveiylhing you want in the line of HAKDWAHE Nt lliu lowixt priceH without hnving to Ko out«idu this rlore, aH wo have one of the finest Hardware Dejmrtir.eiita in Grey County. Sell your Wool lu F. T. Hill A Co. and he satibtiud. I r > yi Big Values in Muslins and Prints To ho '»ble to sell you these tine Mu^Uns at such a low fi^'ure the cpiaiiti y we had to Iiuy would frighten the average stjrekseper or nierclunt, hut havint; throo store.s to buy for makes it easy for us t> handle i|iianliiy as lon&> as the quality and price in r ght. Look carefully into thuse and see if the sense of what we are telling you is oc cornet. FINE IMPORTED MUSLINS, REGULAR 10 and 12io VALUE. ON SALE AT PER Y.\ RD 5c lOO different p»ttern8 to make your selections from. 28 iiiclns wide. ThoT conio in checks, spots, stripes, and neat tloral designs, all the season's newest coluriiiu< and pat'erns such as hlues, pinks, f;ieens, navy blue mid white grounds. Durinsf th©-\Voi)l Season i)er yaiu 5c. FINE IMPORTED PERCELAINE MUSLINS, FULL YARD WIDE, ON SALE .\T 7ic Nearly 200 patterns to p'ok fioin in this fine inu^liu, which is foil ynrd wide. .lust note the width and then ask yourself if those do f'ot »|)|)eiil to you. The patterns and colorings include nearly two hundrel diTerent designs in floral spots and siripes some in the new rone style with the hordi^r, and the pricj per yard is 74c CLOTHING ! CLOTHING ! New Up-to datp S'jjIpsI We carry »lio largest stock and higees'Tissoitmi-nt of Men's, B')y» and Children's Clotl'iiig carried in MaiictfUe anil this season we have soimi very nobliy styles to show in fanjy worsteds in-w so popular for Men's woir, und we would a-tk you to see whir wo are Uoiug i|i this department. For the new. up- to-date styles we Ihvo thein, and the plain sensihlB stuff we can show you t .o. Se what we me sellintj in Men's Suits at $o.<)0, $6.75, §8 50, $9.60, f 10..10, $14.00 and $15.00 Suits. ^ k pi ^^fc^^^ ^ l\l ^ .^^ ^^ .^W. J^ -^^ J^ i^ » ^^ â- ^S- ~^^ - ^^ â- Â» - ^fc- .^^ .^ W. ^ ^ ^k» J<^ J<^ ^^ •*** ., ^ ^ "^^ ' ^ '^^ , r'^^ ^^ " ^^ i "^ "^^ •^^ ,. •^•j '^^'T~-~~~ Is published every Tliursday «t «l.l)01*r ttunumif paid in advance, 81.50 if not so paid. NET AbVEKTI.SINti KATE.S 1 column diKplay one year, *»)0 Half coliinin one year, i'M Quarte.- column one year, ?l."i KortuiKhtly chanKes if re<)uired Quotations for trauBiont advertisioR will be liivcu ou applicaiiou. It is remarkable how some villagers will resist and flout certain village by- laws that are enacted for the general welfare of the couiniunity. Take the cow and pig bylaM for instance, Everj spring those in authority have to remind tliat sticli a bylaw exiats, and even then it lias been necesaaiy to luake an example or tw.) before heed is taken. The usual spring notice is to be found elsewhere. Tiie police trustees have gone to tlio expense of getting legal advice on the matter and find that they are euipowored to fine those who refuse to obey the bylaw instead of iiiipoHti'ling the animals. Those who insist on allowing stock to run at large during prohibited Lours sbould take warning. coo Reports from all over the Dominion indicate that crops arc looking and doing well, k few days ago wo were grumbling ai the lateness of the ueason . The past week of sunshine bad brought vegetation along fast and things are about at the usual stage. But of course we must borrow trouble and arc even now beginning to wonder if there is not going to be a drouth. We're a grumbling lot, anyway. \V. C. Rykman, Hccomit $;<.50, for e.\ani- further. We see through a break in the illation and certiticatei for Th.mies and i,usji,es wliat we take to be a pond ! Alfred Uoouie ; M'unicip if Woil J, account ; ,,f blueish looking water. Before us is a 1 $5.50 fur stationery ai,d forms; Henry ),nfii,n,f ^.^ter of some seventy-five or j Heitman, acouiit $5 for po.slijoo stamps „„„ i,u„j,.gj f^^t ;„ circumforeiico, and 1 to Clerk ; Charles U. Hudson, regarding {jHyd t„ Hn, ,]ypti, „f 70 feet some s-iy, 'arrears of taxes on lot pait 15, con. 9; aUhough it seems to he about thirty feet, ; ciiculnrs were reoeivid from the Pedlar! i/i a body of water, we had almost I People, Ontario Meal Culvert Co., and , written crysta', so pure is it. the drruna'ed Pipe Co , regarding tile, t The taste of the water ap])eais to bo Orders were issued oji the treasurer to (;!,.':irly mineral, iron and .sulphur, evident- pay F. Scheiiiiimau $1, refund cf statute ly entering into its comiMi.sition. We labor ; Jis. Allison $80, .salary as â- a.ises-, may ho mistaken, hut we think that, on »or ; Thos. Scott and E. W. Norman, heing analy.sed, the order of prcponder- $2.50, for service 'ind'r the Ditcliis and lance would stand thus: Iron, sulphur, Watei courses Act ; E. W. Norn'an i>2..")0- (lime. It does not taste nearly .so nause- Wiii. L. Taylor $2.50, A. E. McCailum f ous as the water of the sulphur .springs $2.50; John Thcjiiipson $2. .50, Archie! and for half an hour after taking it i„to Biiia S2.50, Joseph AUit.oii S2. 50, Thos. the mouth the irony Havor can he dotect- Scott $2.00, fa- aeivi.es on Asa.-ssment I ed. The water, when Walkerton grows C(miiiiittee ; Thos. Scot* $2.15, freight into a largo town, will be re.sortcd to not and express ; H. Hi-ilman $5, account' only for pleasure hut for health. .\rt for postaite ; Municipal Woild $5.50, judiciou.sly applied, would render it a account ; Dr. W. C. Rykman $:i.60. i niost desirable spot for recreation to acjuunt ; Savryer Massoy Co. $15.25, ; those who live hi the vicniity as well «.s ace )Ui>c. I visitors. The most intelligent person T-iylor-Thompson- That ihe Clerk ' «â- '"' '"'« ^'â- ^''^'J '''>« l"C''bty says that ho notify the County Treasurer to .ecoive: *'"'''*'''« "'"''•''•''''"â- '"8 '» '-'^â- ^•'T'>i'«-''-'t'''". the ta.xes charged as aiivars ngainst |„t ' ""d wo have no hesitation in adopting part 15, c.n. '.>, less «().8(). t.CMig amount *''» "'""'7 "f « scientific friend that tho charg.d in error for statute labor iu ,hej '''l"'''- ''^'«" f""''«'l ••""'""•"'« ""» ^'y Osprey Council. The Council of Osprey met ax a ouurt of revision ou Tuesday, May 25, at Msx- well. The inenibura were all present, •ad having severally made and aubscrihed to the Ht'ttutary oath before the Clerk, proceeded with the busineM before the Court. Thrrd were no appeitli against the aaseHsnieut. Tayloi- Buieâ€" Thar, the asspHsineiit placed againat minirters' residences and Orange h^lls lie struck off from tbs oolumii for general rates and placed in the column fur aceessmant liable for local imprnvement rates 'udy. Carried. Bui»â€" Taylor â€" That tbs asK-Minont «harK«d against Joseph Ferguson on lot 2, Wellington alreet, FeYarsham, ai a busineas tax, be atruck off, as Mr. Fer- jiuaun i« giving up buKinrai. Carried. A number of names were added to the 'aascaament roll ai d the Clerk instructed to make the addition* and alterHtiona therein, which complelid the business nf (the Court. 7he Council thon proceeded with gen- eral ImainiiM. The monibars were all preitei.t. Minutiia uf last ineoiing wore rend and adopted. Coinnmiiiealions ac- countf, etc., were received from : Saivyer Maaeey Co., Acrouut, 115.25, for tile •noulda ; airoenient uf landowners tinder the Dilehoa and Watercourse Act, to iipon Beaver river on con. 10 ; Thi^s. Ncott, account 92. 15 for froiiiht and «x- ^reaa on tile moulds and stationery ; Dr. years 1906-7-8. Carried. the petrifying ipialilies of tho water , which have been operating upon the Council adjourned to meet at Sing- ever-renewed vegetation through imst ages, analagoiis to the formation of vol- hamptoii on Situiday, June 19, next. â€" Thos. Scott, Cloik canos. â€" Walkerton Herald. Pai 18 (if women, hesd pains, or any pain stopped in 20 ininutos sure, with Dr. Shoop's Pink Tain Tahlols. See full formula on 25c. Box. Sold by nil deal- ers. Our Scrap Book « TfIB ill.lE srRI.Slici The foUowing appeared in tho Walker- ton Ilornld of July 4, 18(12. It would ho interesting for our Hanover or Walkerton exchanges to inforin us na to tho condi- tion of those springs at tho pro.sent time. Wore tlioy evor commercially exploited h â€" Ed .'Vdyanco. 1 On Monday last we had tho pleasure of 1 visiting, fur the first time, one of the greatest natural curiosities in Upper 1 Canada. A drive of twenty minutes over a charming country, oast of this place, lirings tho sight-seer to tho bank of the Saiigeen in the vicinity of what are now] known as the "Blue Springs." Crossing the river at a fording place, a pleasftnt walk through a clear and a romantic )iioce of woods brings us within sight of a miniature Niagara, which gushes and tumbles down a declivity in the most picturesque manner. Having viewed the waterfall a fuw minutes, wo cross a creek into which it falU and pick our way up- ward through tho little struama which struggle down tho slope in every direction. Here we are at once struck with the fact that there is some very peculiar projiorty in tho crystal water flashing around us. The ground, whore- over it reaches it, is dyed with the red- dish tinge which indicates tho presence of iron, and more singular still, we find that we are standing upon what one of our Hciontifiu umHtuurs has tormod a volcano of |>etrifietl matter. Moss, wood, clay, everything found in c<mtact with tho highly imporgnated water is coiiipleto- ly petrified, or in common {larlanoe, I "turned into atono." There is enough hero to awaken in us the moat lively curiosity, but our guide, who luw often visited the siHit, urges us to ascend still ' For a Sprained Ankle. .\s UAiiallv tre.ited. a sinaiiiffil ankle will dlHalile the injured ;>orHon lor a month orinore. l>nt liy apfilyiii); Chuiuberlain's Liiii-nunt and otwervinK the dlreetioiis with eaeh iHittie f*lthfully, a clue may lie t tTecteil iu iiiiinv cases in less than one week'tt time. 'IhiH liniinent is la mist reinarkahle pre|iaration. Try it fur a i sprain or hrniHe, tr when laid up with chronic [ or nnisriilar rheinnatisi.j, an-l you aio certain to hr. deliRh'ed with the prompt relief which it alTurds. For»4lel)y\V. K. KIrhardHon. Victoria Corners Mrs. Geo Ludlow and Mi.ss Su.sanna spent tho twenty fourth at Ilohnesvillo, Mrs. Hoard and Miw* Gove spent the week end at Markilale. Mr. CuUis most ahly filled the pulpit a Inistiogo on Sunday last. Base ball hoys are at practice once mure. Mr. Nod Pattoii thinks he prefers Old Ontario. Born in Iowa. Our family wore all born and raised in Iowa, and havn u>ed Chnmlierlsin's Ciilic, Cholera and Diarrhoi'a Kemedy, made at Des Moines, for years. We know how gncxl it is from long eiperioace in the use of it. In fact, when in Kl l'".ao, Texas, the writer's life was saved )>y the pronii't use of this remedy. We are now engaped in the ineroaiilile hiisineait at Narcdossee, Klu., and have introduced tlie reniedy her*. It has proven verv bucc»»b(uI and is constantly Rrowing In favor. â€" Knnia Bros. This remedy in f»i sale by W. E, Kichardsou. MAKE MONEY. Selling I'ulhaui's Peerless Fniit and Ornamental trees, shruhs, etc., during the winter nionths. We otfer yun steady and protltalile employment in your own district at Rood pay. WK HAVK UVKRrtue AC UlCH of choice musery stock which V >n will sell direct to your cnstoiners. No dimtased or dried out Aioeriean stia'.k r^upplied. Kritid>lishe<l over 30 years. Write (or partiuulara. , . Pelbam nursery 0o« Turonto, Ont. f ( Pasture to Rent Pasture on hits 171 and 172, in the 2nd Coll. N. E. T. and S. H., .iVrteniesia For particulars see Jo.soph H. Wat.son, Pcutkw P.O. QARDEN SEEDS! OET THEM HERE Field and garden seeds â€" ill kindsâ€" Hteel-BHxgK. the best on tlio market. These in- clude inaiij^olds, cord, suvar lieet-, peas, etc. BKI)l>IN(i P1.ANTH IN HE\S()N. Flour and Feed as usual. W right's Qrocery FLESHHRTON, Weak Kidneys Weak Kidneys, gm^ly point to weak kidney KurroJ. Tlie Kidneys, like tho .Heart, and the Btomach, find their weakness, not in the organ JtseU. but in the nerves that control and ^uida and strengthen them. Dr. Shoop's Restorative is a meillcine sp*M!lficalIy prepared to reach these controlling nerves. To doctor the Kidneys alone. Is futile. It is a waste of time, and of moaey a* well. If your back aches or Is weak. U the urine icald.-i. orlsdarkand strong, if you have symptoms of Brights or other distressing or dangerous kid- ney disease, try Dr. Shoop's Ri'storative a monthâ€" Tablets or Liquid â€" and see what it can and will do for you. Ilrusgist recommend oad sell Dr. Shoop's orative "ALL DEALERS" LORD ROSS, 35673 A. T. n. . the nnbcateu horse on Cana'tiaii soil Sired b} full brother of Uaif Devil, 3U9, by Manibrlno Kinfj, 1^711. the baudsouiost borso lu the world. ROUTE Monday, May :)â€" Will leave his own stable, hilsytli. and proceed east to Wui. Tottenluni's Hoath Head, far noon • thence east to 5tli lino to Samuel Steiihens'. .Stratbaveii, for night. Tuesdavâ€" lly Si)rinq Hill to lOth lino.soutb to Job Hiiibert's fur noon. tUeneu to Kimberley for msjht. where be will remain until Wed- nesday noon. \Vedne«dayâ€" .\t 1 o'clock will leave by Ep piug and Itooklyu to James Bailey's for uiKht Thursdayâ€" Homo to Flndlay's I.ivcrv for com ttud by w»y of Kravol load to George baker's for night. Fib'ayâ€" To./ohu King's Sr.. King'K Corners for noon, thence to Itobort Days fur ni(4ht. Saturilttyâ€" To John Vanwyck's, .\nnan, for niie bour, ihenco to City hotel. Owen Sound, for noon, wbcro be will leniain until 4 o'eloek, thence to liis own htablo. Kilsvtb, where he will teinaiu until tho following Monday niorn- ii'B. This route will be uoutiuuort tbionghout the season, health and weather pornutung. Cards of breeding seut on application. JOHN" KINDLAY, Proprietor and CoHectir V o- llo.t 4.W, ileufoid, plioua 70. Jacob Hunt m cbargo. i .;u|y The American Standard Bred Stallion DEMOTT E 20842 The pruperly of J. Rudd Ulrtllhow.s, .Markdale, Out. TkrM8-#12. Deinoite will make tho seation of IDOO as foU.ws : MiiSDAY evoninn - Bmkoley. Thukshay evoiiioo-Fle.slier'on. The rest of tho wojk Maikdilu U luso Stables. Deinotte, 29842, is a hand.sonie, RKnic, level headed hoi-se with a perfect disjio.si- turn ; to see him is t.. like him, and aftei looktoK over his pedif-iee all mu.st admit that he is ouH ot the be,si biod l.oi'^es impoited. Where will you find aiiolher in thi." country with as fa.-t a sire and dam ? His L'fandsire, Gambelta Wilkes, sired GrtUiholier, the siio of the j;rcat Eel 2.2|. His !,;rand-ii'e on h.s damV side, O. F. Clay, haa more to his credit ill the 2.10 list than any other h.osu in Kentucky, and is also one of the, if not the area' est. sir, .s of hiyh actois in the t'nited Sta'es. DoinoUe is a beau'iful hitfh aoiiig hoise with a great turn of speed kimself, haviiii; been a chue 2iid in IbJ. 1 have put this hoiae's fee very low, within leac'i of the owntr of the or- dniaty maro, while the owners of tbe lest inar.s will get the service of a $25 horse for just %Vl. Those wishina to bargain for livii g colls can do so by applying to me. I have also mido arranteineiit for {"islure close to town for inarea sent a distance. Canadian Pacific Very Low Rate For Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $77.30 return from Flesherion good going May 20 to Sept. 30. Return liuiitOot..')!. Liberal stoiwvcrs. Wide choice of routes. tJo hy the direct Ctuadian I ieâ€" see your own oountry-the west, the Hooky Mountains. Vihit the Seattle KxjioHicion and other special attractions. Tolk it over with S. RANDS, Aaen', Flesherion STEADY EMPLOYMENT Ftir A Reliable Tiocal Saletiuiau REMIEHKNTING Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN Fle.aht;rton And Adjoining Country. You will find there is a goo.) deniantl for Nursery Stock ou account of the blKli priccK that iirowera have realised on their fri.it this season. Dnr salesmen are turnins In a l>lg business to IIS this year. Hroiio of ttiein and cam good VMes tbruugh the winter inonihs. •rerritorv reserved. I'ay Wenklv. Free «siniileont(\t., «te. Write for par' icubirs. 8 T U N E A W E L L I N H T N Konthlll Nurseii«s (K(l acres) TORONTO Ontario I ft U/ RAVn General and Hardware Merchants, W. J. (S TT. DUIU, fVesherton. Ont. ^ WE'are openinii up a merchant * tailorinu business under tho tI? nmoajinent of Fred Morley .ho is a first clabs woikman. ^ We have a conipU te range of new and up-to-date jag stock. We uuaranteo a perfect tit. ^ Call and see the uoixlsâ€" J^ just ill the corner ^i£ room ^D MRS. SMITH'S OLD STAND. ^ â€" S "^ o ti c S s «c '^ -t< â- ^ ^ â- as- ^ M p o c ^ 'Th tc c o i « c: ?= ^ d 0--S Ol CO •n â„¢- ^ a en ^~ 03 « $ £2 CC o rji >~> S 'J a « 03 O ^ -3 ^ ® 03 a >»r^ Ol !* s c a o © J o Z o -â€" m o ^ o . â- X3 e^ N EW Dress Goods in all the new shades and patterns â€" prices 5.5c to §1.50 per yd., also a lafoe assorlment of Ging- hams, Jiephyis, Linei..«, Prims aid Muslius A complete range of Ladie'a Ready- to-wear Gannents â€" Skirts, .Jackets, Waists, Under- skirt.', Etc. Flour and Feed. We keep en hand a full sloik of Flour ard Feed includinsr Feed Flour Shor's, Bnai ai:d the fini c us Five Rotes Fh ur nmtV by the Lake of the Woods MdliJ'g Co , Kewatin. iveryl»g of wliili is j.uaiantted if not satisfactory leuiin il at d t't yi ur inoi ey. Hardware. Wehaipaoell n'soHid tlr ik 'f Hndwairâ€" rniHis cciitetnplatirg bu i'.dinf «ill ("o wi II to (.ct I i:r v-iic. s befi le purchasing eltewhere â€" . . i nice line of stoves, tinware etc. '\a..'\a/M Parrow$» PlcudbSt ^rcam Sep- arators and mire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard' s Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent â- r^arm for sale, containing one bun.lred aires r inore or lesH. beioR lots 141-142. ton 1 N. !•â- . Tor ito Sydenham voa.l. abo.il eighty acres cleare.1 balaneebu^b. On the moi-ertv is one f r^me Imrn ;>2.x.» o.i Ktone basement vtith con- "rote stabUns andgomi imiilementKberi. l-rauie "wellin« bonse. small orclmrjl. two Rood welU \lBo twospril.gaon harkend of plaice. llier« are thirty acres fall i-iooRbed, five acres of fall wb. at veil fenced ao'd in a good state of oi.lt. va- 'on This is one ot the best fanns in the towVisbii- and can be boeght rlBbt, It is situat- Tone il.iletrom Fl. sherton a;',''ft\«, >"''«' from Markdale. .\i>V\y to hlCHAllDSON HUUS. floaberton r ots M and S5. eon. 3 "i D K. ICO acres. B.> cleared L' 10 acres pasture, balance good bush. Barn (Wx.lO driviDB "bed. good frame house. 2 wells, t acre of orebavd ot.d stone wall niidor Imrn HauBoen river crosses back of farm. W ell fenced and in good stale of cultivation, 3 miles from Proton 8t»l U n. For terms apply on pieniiaes to JAMEISH. V.\U8V:.Vroton Station Cey/on's yJfeat All kinds of fiesh aud smoked meats, bead cheese, sausage, alwavs on hand. - * CASH TAID FOR HIDES. Jas. ^ceiockli in. F "or sale cheap, Ol vent, immediate posaossiou Lot 30 eon. 14. Arteinesia. about 7.5 acres elear, comfortable loi; houBe and frame barn. .\pliiv toH. I Sproule, Kloshertou, or John i. Maitin.ac:088tho road from said lot. Lots K i 8 and ». Cou. la, in the townabtp of Osprey. I.'O acres, large clearing, good frame tiarn and stables, good dwelling and well. Ap- i>ly on tho premises or to W. J. Bkllamy, Flesbeiton L^or sale cheap and on e8..*y terms, goi.1 com- " fortsble frame dwelll-R stable and driving liouse. with three villnge lots, in Coylor. Dwel- ling well built aud Hi.isbed and good baarieg orchard on the piop»rtv. Apply to K. .J. Sphoui-k, Flesherton Vor sale or rentâ€" 103 acre farm, 1 acre of or- ^ cbard, 10 acres bush including 5 acres hard- wood, well watered and good fences, bilok bouse, frame barn, \\ miles from school and post ottioe, ,3 miles Troui Proton Station. For pri4-e and terms of sale applv to W'ni- Taylor, lot 73 74, oou 1 north ot Duvbam road, -^rtemasia Uor nont-lot :!7,oon 4, Artomcsla. 100 seres. 85 I to DO cloored and In cultivation, comfortable Iwelliiig. bank barn, stone stabling, ir a first class Hottlement and well worthy the atteutioii of those loqulriug such. 11.. I. BPKOfLE, Flishorton T ot .3. con. 4 Osprey, lOO aoies well timbered. '-' For terms etc. apply to H. Uuber.s, Ladv Itauk P, O. Eggs For Hatching. Drown Leghorn Rggs for hatehiis', from ftr~t "class pen. All prise birds at Hast (irey fall lair are in this peb- Kggs .'K)c. per sotting'of 15 LKV! HETT8, Kloshertou: CROUP stopped in 10 minutes sure with Dr. Shoop's ("roup Remedy. Olio .^ _ _ .^ test will surely prove. , , , , , f*" vomiting, no dis- tress. A safe and ploasingsyrapâ€" M)o. DniggisUi. Good Farm For Sale. T ot 19, con. 6, Osprey containing lOU acres, 80 ''cleaved, f:ame house, frame tjarn.stons foundation; orchsid, well watered. Ooa thiHiaaod down and bolance to suit purchaser. Immediate possession .^nply to R. N. Kis«<KAB.Maxwcll P. O. EI Dorado Farm. Of Sborthorn cattle aud Leicester sheep. Bulla and heifers on hand for sale, also a number of single and rose comb brown leghorn, and single comb white leghora c<K;kereU Lot 32' Con. 5. Ohaa. Stiftord. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. lieviuiasand Wimples, the best of breediaa aud^iualit". Bull, cows ao'l heifera tor sal* at reasonable prices Lot 92,ooo.S CUA8. STAFFORD. Flaabertos liMi â- liiHIl Herefords For Sale. Cows and heifers for sale, none better Prices right. Post Office, Proton Station; farm half mile from Saugeen Junction. We have sold all our I ulla. J. i-T. WATSON. PUMP MAKINa Wooden (mrnps manufactured throughout and repairs promptly and satiafaotorily attended to. I atr. agent for threa of the beat iroa pump manufacturers in Ontai io. A card dr-ipped to me al Ceylon P. O will ha»e my prompt attention. Yoor patrontge respectfully solicited. JAMRiS A. M CLEAN, Curr/e's Corner, Caylon P. C3i. mm

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