Flesherton Advance, 3 Jun 1909, p. 5

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June 9 1905) THE F L E S H E R T O N ADVANCE Build Up A Reserve Now Now, wkfle your earning power it good, why not convert part of k into a Cash Reserve that will, later on, yield a competence for oM age > You can easily do it by regulaiiy depoiiting a part ai your THE SIANDARD BANK ErtaUubea 1873 Qp CANADA '^ Bnuiche.; One Dollar and upwards opens an account, and with systematic saving and Gwnpound Interest, the fund will rapidly accumulate. - Begin to-day> 72 FLESHERTON BRANCA Greortfe MitcKell, Matna^er BKANCHES JkL^O AT DVRHA>C AND HARRISTOW. VICINITY CHIPS ' Professor Joseph Stafford of McGiU college, Moiitrml, and two little duugbi- ers, lire in lo»n. The liitle girls will 'e uaiii for iho summer as ufual. Jlrs. ObniUa Staftoid oi the fourth line has heea ill at the hoiuu of her daughter her.', Mis. J. P. Oltewell, for Heifer calf for sale â€" Apply to W. L. Wright, Flesbertoii. Norris Broi>. have iiistalJed a furnace | the past few days, but ia somewhat iiii for VV. L. Wright. I proved. Mr. Albert; E. Down of Bt-rmuda is! Owing to the hurry in issuing -ifter •he guest of bis aunt, Mrs. F. G. Kar-Uhe holiday last week we overlioked stedt, this week. ' meDiiouini; the flower servicd in the The authori'ative statement has been Baptist cbapi-1 on tie pruTii.us Sunday. Bade that the 31st battalion will go into ' The churtih »»s well suppliod with beautiful plahts and tlowers by the ladies and was tilled with an attentive audience, who li^-tducd to an iKteresCir.i; address frmn Pastor L. F. Kipp on Ussnna de- rived fi-oiu the growth of the flowers. The Grey County Old Boys have just completed arranuemenis for iheir annual excui'i>i<jn to Markdule and Owen Sound, goiiij! Saturday, .July 17t]i,and returning the following Ml iidiiy . We have secured the low rate for three days, from Toronto to Owen Sound, adults 81 75, childreu OOccnis ; Toronto to Mirkdjle, adults $1.35, childrflii 70 cents. Messrs. Sproule, Hi.'giiibntliam & Co have secured the servicfs of Mr. Frank and ' Tate of Moorelield in tlieii -jrocerv, tli>ur and feed store, Mr. Tate his been a practical i/roccr fur sever.il years and conies very highly reconiniended. Those dealing at this store will be sure to tind hiiu obligiiiy and attentive. We wel- c me him to ouv neat little town. Fleshertju Branch i.t the Women's Institute will hoid two meetings io the town hiill on Thursd.iy, .luiie ICth, the afternoon meeting coiiinicnciiiK at 2.30 o'clock sharp, when Mi-s, C 'lin Campbell fioni Windsor will give an address on the 'â- Care and feeding of ynung chickens and lamp at Owen Sound on June 29. Mrs. J. J. Allan, eye si<;ht specialist, will be at the Park Hounei Fksherton, Tliursday next, June lOih. One day i oily. Rev. S. S. Ba'es, D. D., secretary Christian Education, wi^l preach in the fiipcist church here on Suiidiy D:orniug, also at the other appointments. Little Pins for Sale â€" Now ready to s<>, â€" improved Chcs'er Whites. Stock purchased from E. D. George of Putman, Out. Wm. S. Ink.sier, Wart-ham. Dr. E. C. Murray has completed an e'ght-moRlbs' course with Dr. Paden's school of aiiaesthesit, Ch'cigo, Kceived bis diploma last week. The trustees have added some $:}50 worth of equipment to the high school academy. This embraces 5201 worth of aciei.tibc apparatus and $15(i in library looks. The new township .stone ci usher was put. to work yesteiiUy in the out>kirts of the village. The police trustees are usini? it and placing the stone on the lo.id to- wards the station. The semi annual meet ng of Artemesia district, L. O. L., will le held in the turkeys," al^o answers to ijucstion draw- er. The cveiiiu!> luee'ing will open al 8 o'clock, when Mrs. Campbell will speak the lodge room of No. 50S*, Oiange Vallfy, on Tuesday, June 8, 1001', eommencing at 2 o'clock sharp. G. A Cairns, Dist. i on "The piobleais of the home.' There Secretary. i will also be an inierestini prognini. .A Dr. Earl Strain of Great Falls, ftlont., luge a'tendaucB is hoped for, of both (ave a shoit call to fiiend< here on Sun- 4iy. The Dr. was on h s wiy east to attend conventions in Boston, Baltimore and Philadelphia, and left again on Mou- diiy morning. J. J. Tilley, inspector nf model schools, will give a lecture in Priceville on June gfU'leiuen and ladies. Mr. Carl ttoKe, member uf the touch- ing stiff nf the Metr.>p ditaii School of Mu«ic, Toronto, will ac;ept impili of all grade* for piano or organ study in the »iv.inity of Feiersham, Maxwell, Mc- Intyre ai.d Warehaiii, f'iraterm of eleven 10 at S p. m, ii Watson's haU, on changes * weeks from June "28 to Sept 11, I9*)9 in iiur school .system . -Ml interested in sducational matters should attend . Miss Vida Rundle of the P. O. has migiied her position, to take elTect a> »oon as a substitute cm be securoc'. Miss Rundle is one of ths most carefu', Mr. Wolfe offers specially prepared courses tor each individual pupil compris- ing th(>'ough groundwork for beginners, coniprehensiTe development for amateursi and invaluable instruoriou and advise to junior teachers. For full information. courteous and obliging assisUnta we have if««'". etc , apply stitiuj; instruinent and sverhad in the postotlice here and the j P''«''''"""» st"<^y> '^ ""X- *" C»il Wolfe, pubiic will regret her departure. I 53 Churchill Afe„ Toronto. After June Tk„ T>_ .„!,..»„.:.„ T 1- > A 1 -.11 ,j 28 address will b« Feversham P. O., CHre I ne Iresbytenan Ladies .Aid wi 1 hold a^arden pa-ty on the agricultural grounds ^'- •'°'>° Ke.nahau. Those interested on Tuesday evening next, June 8tb.|«h»"l<lapP'y»'"nce, as luslruction should The baud will ba in attendance and a baseball match is beinv arranged for a cup to be given to the winners. Admissicn 8b cent<<. The hand save us the first outdoor serenade for the season on Friday eveii- JDii, and it was very enjoyable to hear it once more. The baud ha« evidently tome through the winter in quite a kea'thy condition. No spring lassitude was apparent. Ice cream .social and entertainnient will commence the ceek of June .\ little forethought may save you no end of trouble. .Anyune who makes it a rule tn keep Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Uiarrhova Remedy nt hand knuws ic to be a fact. For sale by W. K. Richardson. Tell some deserving Rheumatic sutferer, that there is yet one simple way to certain rel of. Got Dr. Shnop's book on I Rheumatism and a free trial test. This i book will make it entirely clear how { Rheumatic pains are quickly killed by I Dt Shooji's Rheumatic Remedy â€" liquid ke h.ld at Providence Methodist church, i ^„ tablets. Send no money. The teat is JunoT.h. Refreshments served in th« fr^g Surprisesome disheartened sufferer kail from 7 to 8. After which a good by first gMmu. for him the hook from pp.gr*m wdl be rendered. No |)»iii8 pf. s^oop, Racine, WLs. Sold by all kate been spared to make the evening an dealers. •nj"yable one. Everybody welcome, one Tickets 15 cents. Strayed or Stolen. Word was received here Sunday of the , ^ d«-hof Mr.. Bert Armstrong at her' ^n Snturda, night or Sunday raornin„, kome. Meaford. Dete^ued was a Miss ""« "t^h' W mare coming three years Xlla Bii-chall and was married seven jeam mno. Besides her husband she iMveH four little children to rooutn tkeir great loss. The funeral 'ook place st MeaforJ on Tuesday. Mr. Arui- atroug'a many friends here will mourn | with him in his terrible bereavement. The cause of death was pneumonia. ' old. She has one white foot and hackney bred. She had halter on when last seen <m Saturday night. Any information of her whereabouts will be thankfully re- ceived. J. A. Lovor, Flesherion. Excursion to Muskoka Lakes Flesherion holid--*/ - seekers will be Messrs. Geo. Mitchell, W. H. Wright, plc.ued to hear of the four-day excursicn W. A. Armstrong, Dr. Murray and Msrk Wilson have leased the whole Boyne river down as far as Andrew Graham's and will make it a trout preserve. The agreement with Mr. Ed. firaham, taking over his portion (f the stream, was made on SaturdHy. They which will Ic run by the Oven Sound Sun over the C. P. R. to Mu.'<kok« lakes nn Saturday, July 31st. Rstiirn fare from Klesherton 12. 1(>. A complete round trip af the lakes on the Muskoka Naviga- tion Go's steamers n»,>y be had for 81 <(0 e^tia. This will to the groat holiday purpose building a few small dams to outing of the year and a record-breaking live the fish good feeding grouu 's. I excursion crowd is expected from Owen Pbaching will be looked after. Sound. Resoiutioo of Appreciation. Rev. Mr. Wilkinson, Kimberley, for wards us the following restdution appreciative of Rev. Iviaim Wilson of Markdale, and referred to in our report of the district meeting last week : Re.-iolvedâ€" That we, the raemheri of the Owen Suund District Meeting now- a-iaembled, hereby express our sincere appreciation of the valued and faithfu] services rendend to the Dii>triv;t by our highly e.iteemeil Chairman, the Rev. J. S. I. Wihion. B. A., B D. We have noted with much satisfaction and pleasure his sterling chr s'ian character, his genial, briitherly spirit and the marked efficiency with whicii he has filhd the honorable p igt of Chairman of our District during the past two years ; and our prayer is that he may be spared for many years of aciire and fruitful service in the vine- yard of our Master. Signedâ€" Jihu R. Wilk nson, SfC- retary. If yc'u would have a safe yet certain Couxh Remedy in the home, try Dr. Shoop's â€" at least once. It is thoroughly unlike any other Cough pieparatiou. I>.s taste wiil be en'irely new to you â€" unless it is already your favorite Cough Remedy, No opium, Chlorof.Tm, or any mher stupifyii'g ingredients are used. The tender leaves of a harmless, lung-hea'.ing mountaiucms shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its wonderful curative properlien. It is truly a most certain and trustworthy prescjipim. Sold by all dealers. There was an exciting t ine at S. A. Gray & Co's. st'^re ye-sterday niorninc when one if the clerks discovered a skuuk secreted under the grate of the fro, it window. How the litrle animal got there was a mystery that no one could stdve. Within a very short space of time a large crowd of men and boys had cungiegited in front of the store devising ways and means for disodgiog his skunkship without tilling the air wuh a perfume not exhaled by either the rose or the lily. Finally it was resolved to chloroform tl;e little creature, anU this wa.s done quite suecnssfully after which a .shot from a revolver put an end to its existence. â€" Meaford Mirro-. Carefully Corrected Eae.'i Week Oats 43 ;o 43 Peas 9tt lo 90 Barley (iO to (50 Wheat :.. tW to 100 Hay 7 00 to 8 oo Butler 17 to 17 Ei!g.s fresh l)i 'o 13 Potatoes per l)aK 7-5 In 7o Gets J 10 to 10 Ducks 10 to 10 Chickens i! to 8 Turkoys 14 to U For Sale. a hinb class sliotthoru bull. "Villago Kin:;" NcT-^'JoU, Volume *26, all reil, H vears o 0, weiKtis li.'iO 11)8., i« i|uiot and of gooil >ii..ipositioa. Will Still roasouttlJlD tlit;i iiioncli of .lune. J^uas L'iNULAT, Marliilala Bull for Service Thoron pbbrevl Utirliam ImiU for service on lot il, coc.S, .^rtemesU. Ttrios <1.(W. W. C. PliUL.\E. I 111 Ma^ -30. Golden Legend Pure Brett TKniwortli Boar f.>r service on Lot 170, aud E. T. & .-•. K. Terms JI.OO. KICH.VKD ALLEN. Bull for Service The flne Sbortborn bull Broadl-.oiks LOid (No, 7i581) will bstorsstvica on Io: 10. oou. 9. Osuroy: Terms *1.00. lows uot leturiied will t>e cbarKed wiini.ber in calf or not. Podt. Kreo ou application: ~^ ^J.\ME8 HCKSS, Prop. Scottish Pride 66274 Tbe youi:B bull >^cotti!.h Priilo will stand for ervice at Mr. K, W. Mcbolsoup, lot :7. con. .â- > Ar emesia. Scottish priiiu is aire.l t>v Scottish 1 rfiice, a f<iandsou < f the wouderfiil show cow tieu) of Bellaobiii, luip.. wiutiur of eiijht prizoi at Torout'>and ijundoii. besiiles betnii uhamp- ioQ feuiale. She weighs over VJM pounds. One of tbi-* cows calves sold for ?^lT7.i.0O. Scottish pride is nut of Lady Bella by tbe Toronto nrst prize w;n.,cr, Captain May I''ly. imp 2S83S. This youug bull has prove him- self a sbowbuil haviu){ gained an t>i)Ooura(:ing recor-l this fall at Kevurshain. Ho won brat {rrir.e as best bull calf, also diploma for best Hill any age. Those bavins pure oied cows should see this grand bull befo>'e brei-dii-o a.** they caaDotdo bettertnau use him, A limitep nuuilwr of gisdus wiil be t&kunat Sl.tb.rot puro breds. $1.00 GET A THOROUGH BUSINESS TRAINING AT THE Courses include everything essential to a succesaful career. Hundreds of younst people are needed to supply tile demand. The courses cost I ttla. It will double your income and lasl ynu a life time. Students admitted at »ht time. I'ersonai instruction given. Prepiralory De|)«rtment for th"Se whose early education has been neglected. Catalogrue free. C. A. FLBMMtNQ, Principal, Owen S<iun'l * Ontario Our Clubbing List Thrt following prices are for strictly paid iu alvaiive subsciiplinns only. We have no accounts with other papeis. Advance vid Toronto World, daily t 3 00 Toronto Dnilv News 3 30 Weekly Globe .1 80 Mail-Empire .... ...... ,'5 Family Herald A Star 1 80 T-.ronto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun . . . 1 80 Farmers .\«^.ocata â-  . . , 8 26 Weekly Wii,;e88 I 75 Sat u.dayNight 3 55 Odds and Ends W. \. ArmstroDg isauer of marriage licensee;. | Examine the Louden barn door track and hangers at Norris Bros. Hardware. ; Mct'Ormick mower, gi>od as new. aUo ' i F.G.KARSTB General and Flesberton, Hardware Mercti, Otit«iiio.1 2-ye;ir-olcl bhiod filly colt for sale. Must be sold at once. A. Boyd, Elesherton. Ifyouwi-nta good shoe shine, first quality in Gilt Edi;e, T.ui, Nuggett, (jx blood, 2 in 1 . Call at Clayton's. Shingles and Hemlock lumber for sale, any leiiiith required. T. \^ . Philli|>!., Lady Bank P. O. House to Letâ€" Eleciric lighted, hard ! and sofr water under cover. Good stable. | Vacmt May 1. Harmon RaJley, j Fleshertoii. Get y.iur gardoji and field seeds at i Richardson's drug store. .All kinds, j from the best and most reliable stcds- inen . i House and double lot for sale or rent on , Sydenham atieet, Flesherion, 8 ro-.m?, , stable. Apply to R.J. Sproule, Flejh- | r*on. ) A few Dutch Sett onions left. English Multiplier onions Ic per pound, while they last. Best kinds of field corn and millet, at Sproule, Higginbolham & Co'?, For S-ilo â€" Democrat wagon, canopy top, nearly ne« ; 1 large 3-seat wa^onand 1 buggy nearly new. Prices right. W. Moore, Fle-herton. Mare for saleâ€"Sound in every way, we taturallj look for somethiug well built aii.l young, about 1400 lbs., in ' foal to Dunare Mac. W. Cnswell, Flesh- 1 "^*' ^^^ Stylish to wear espci- erton p. o. 5ooo lbs. Coiled Spring Wire at $2.5o per cvi/t. We are prepared to sell the very best hard Coiled Spring Wire (No. '.«) in any quantity at the lowest price that was ever offered. Wa uet a rebate, in rum, we give i' to our customers. Coiue in, if it isn't in leave your Older for as much as you want and we will keep it for ycu. A Car load ot Star Cement to Arrive Why buy cement which has been carried over from last season, buy it fresh "ft the car, when it is hot. We have a car coming about th-» first nf Jun-". of the beat cement on the market. Call around and get circulars and .see what it has done. Unload the cement right off the car and tavo the drayman's charjies Paints and Oils N..W is the time t < buy Martin Senour 100 per cent. Pure Paint We have eveiy shadeaiid t-very color neci-.s.sary t ibeaulify vourhoii>e, »Ui" a full line of Turpentine, Boiled L'n^eed t)l, BLaw Linceeil Oil, Vari.isbi s. Dry-r and Dry Paints, also tirst ckss Motor GasoUue. Ail at the lowest possible prices. Fine Shoes With the corniDg of Spring ally iu footwear. We Very Fine Shorthorn bull calf for sale, ' 10 mos. old, luvd by Scottish Pride, grand- j just what voo need, son Derby (imp.). F. Nicholson, Flesherion. have got We reeom- meut the MODEL Shoe as being up of Property for Sale .it PriceviHeâ€" A brick j handsome iu shape and right house, eiitht rooms, oarn and five lots, | for sale reasonable. .Apply to Catherine Uo date aud built of fiist class Scott, Prieeville P. O. Mar.ltf i Bull For S-ileâ€" A pure bred Shorthorn bull, 14 months old, fit for scriice, will be srid rea.so'iable. W. J. Meads, Cey- lon P. O.. orl.t 20, O. D. Pv. j To those who want to have a g.iod sp- i pearance it is good news to know that; they can take th-?ir litien to .Andy WiKun ? Flesherton, and have it laundered in tirst class style. Basket leaves Tuesday night and returns Situfd.iy a. m. Msikd;ile vSteum laundry. W, ,T Smith, Prip. Ga.soliuo eoL'ine for sde, two horse • power Fuirbaiiks-M'Tse, just the thing for farm work; in g'jod C'>ndition,runiiine every day ; riason of sale, want to replace with a largor engine. Eighty dollars will buy it. This otlice for particulars. All kinds of nianule, sugar beets, turnip carrot and black oui^n seed in great variety. It will pay you to iuK|:ect before purchasing, orders from iiutsido points by mail or telephone filled promptly and carefully. Have telephone in otlice. Free phone me'isages fur Fevorsham, Maxwell, Eugenis, C.-ylon and Priceville. Sproule, Higginbothain & Co. A complete line of field and garden seeds, fresh and pure, always on hand at Sproule, Hiiginl>oth.iin it Co's, Flesher- ton, ii.cludine Mauiiroth, red, alsiko and lucern or .ilpalphachiver, tiinolhysetd of good clean qual ty, Hax seed, dutch sott.s, potato onions and Eii.'lish muliiplicr*. Gal den seeds ill all varieties. Al-o giant ensihiije and 'ther corn. Thj joy of comfortable feet is&oine'hing exhilara'iiig in a pair of well titiina .shoes. It makes you feel yo'ing agiin. The M'Hlel shoes are good fitters and best material. Claytons have them. Mortgage Saleâ€" Lot 147 2nd Range south West Toronto and Sydenham toad, .Artemesia. 50 acres. Fji r builrii'igs. Will be otl'ered for 8,iIb at Cairn's Hotel, Ceylon, ou Tuesday, .Tune loth, at 4 o'clock. For pat ticula'S apply to Lu^sts, Riney & Mc.Ardle, Solicitors, .Ma'kdale If y<)u want hoots that will give you wear and conifoit, Clayton's is the plnce i to get them. j Clayti'ns arc shoninu the new 8t>le8 in : ladies footwear, Dmigola, Kid, Oxblood, La:;e hoots and Oxfords. Only til'nt cla.<>s material used. material by reliable makers. We have the MODEL Shoe in Blucher aud Oxford style iu Black, Chocolate, Ox-Blood, Kid aud DoDgola. You canuob help being sailed. Not especi- ally for Children, Men or Women, but for the whola family. Also Men's and Boys Fine aud Heavier Shoes. CLAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. ^' ^ LARGE^ «i All thiDiigli this .suu-o,high cla-ss goo«U at very low 9S prices. We huve never been better prepared to sup- ply yon with all your spring ami sutuuier wauts, for every t'.epartnient is crowiied with bright new goods â€" the 'kind of goods we insist ou seHing â€" look better, are better, ami cost you no uioie than the kind that are niatle merely to sell. Your satisfaction the particular thing we aim at, and we aim to make this the safest store for you to buv at. Highest prices paid for produce. J. E, Large, euq enia. Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit yoxi with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Joveler & Optician FLEISHERTOlNr . H a V Y c o Tu r 1 e d Thompson's Bakery Having .secured Mr. E Arm- strong of Potcrboro, a first class baker, we are prepared to turn out the best of every- thing in our line. on hanU Atrlul aoliclted. Ed.Thompson. Flesherton. Court of Revision Notice is hereby given that the tirst silting uf the Court of Revision on the ns'^cs'sniont roll <il 'he township of Art- cme»ia, for the year 1909, will be held iu the town hall, Fle.sherton. on Saturday tbe 5:h dny of June, 1909. AH patties having buMness at the said s'ttiiig are hereby required to govern themsulvcB ««cordiogly. W. J, BELLAMY, Clerk. Datid this 20(h day of May, 1909. For The Spring. We hnvea complete line of Harness a'ld Harness Sundries, Whips, Bulls, Plush liugs. Robes, Curry Combs and Inrushes, Hoof Ointment. Gall Cure, Harness Oil, Trunks, Valise^ Telescopes, it Blacksmith'sAprons, Look in and exarnine our stock of Horse Blankets. RkPAIRISO PUOMITLY DoMR. 0. W. Phillips, FLESHERTON, ONT. i > Public Notice. Notice ia hereby given that the bylaw prohibiting certain animals running at large will be strictly entorccd this sumnur, and the public arj hereby cautioned against traiisgro-'ising iha same. Signed ,The Police Trustees. â-  ^/"^mmmmm â- â- ^^^^mmamui "^S^^BM^NMNW^

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