Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1909, p. 4

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*>/ JiNE 10 niE FLESKERTOJS ADVANCE .::.u2s*= fe:?^g«5:>5^ ^s^3?3:^ George Buskin •.T.HILL & CO., = Markdale %T% .1 Bring Us Your W* This Year Aii'l BO ill rctuiii «ie pnparcd lo offer you some of tlie liiaaeKt values in Geiifial Merch niiliso 'liai liiis ever Keen "ffiTii], having thri'e BioR's which nieans liuyiiii>gi>nclH ill laige qiiiintilii^. W'v w'mh t<i diMiirinstiate nud poAitiifly tonvincu you thol Wi- are in n poHilidii tu offer and hell yuu many lines of (jomlK at a lower price tlmn many storiR can buy in a wholesjtlc way for, anil you alno Imve llie ndianCHuu of getting; uveryihing yi>ii want in the line of HAHDWARK Ht llie lowt'sl prices without liHviiig to (to outdido this otoiv, aH wo have one of the finest Hardwiire Depart irents in Grey County. Sell your Woul to F. T. Hill & Co. and he satiofled. Dead Big Values in Muslins and Prints To he »ble to (sell you those fine Muklins at such a low tiiiure the ()iiaiiti y we had to hiiy would frighten the aver-ige Htorokeeper or inerchnnt, Imt hatiu!; thre# titores to buy fwr iiiakeH it easy for na t.) handle ((imiiliiy as long ai the quality and price is right. Look carefully into these and see if the sense of what we are telling yuu is ot correct. FINE IMPORTED MUSLINS, REGULAR 10 and 12Jc VALUE. ON SALE AT PER YARD 5o 100 different patterns t'l make your selections from, 28 inches wide. They come in chocks, spots,'' stripes, and neat floral designs, all the season's newest coIoriiii!!i and patterns such as blues, pinka, greens, navy Hue and white grounds. Durini; the Wool Season per yard . .5c. FINE IMPORTED PEIICELAINE MUSLINS, FULL YARD WIDE, ON S.\LE AT 7.\c Nearly 200 patterns to p'ck from in this fine niusliu, ^ j ^. ...,., _ . ask yourself if those do not apposl to you. The paltorrs and colorings include neaily two hundred di.Tereiit which is full yard wide. .Just note the width and then - - ^-â€" ,., - ., ... -..J pal ton. K and colorings include neatly two hundred di.Tereiit designs in floral spots and stripes, some in the new robe style with the border, and the pricj per yard is 74c CLOTHING! CLOTHING! New Up-to date Styles! We carry the larsjost stock and bigaesl'assoitment of Men'*, Boys and Chi!droir8 Clothing carried in Markdale and this season we have some very nobby styles to show in fancy worsteiU now .so [lopular for Men's wo^ir, »nd we would ank you to see whif we are doing in this departinonr,. For the new, up- to-date styles we have them, and the plain seiivible stiifl we can show you too. Se what wo are selling in Men's Suits at 15.00, $6.75, «!8.r.O, $9.60, $10.50, $14.00 and $15.00 Suits. . ,^ U publiithed every Tliurnday atSLtJoiwr Biniiini if jiaid in advance, t^.M if not wi i>aid. NET ADVKKTLSING R.ATKS 1 column dlxplay one year, PW H»H column one year, $30 Quarter column one year. Sl.'V FortnlKhtly chauKes if^re<juired QuotatiODD tot tranaieut advertUiag «>» t» given on applioatloD. E.\ST GREY HONORED, " This is 80 suddea ! And it makcd mc nervous ! But then I don't have to ask pa." Mr. I. B. Lucas, M. P. P., might have thus remarked last W'Cek when he wae invited by the Ontario government to join his fortunes (political), lieart and hand with the administrative power in Toronto. Tiie Advance has known for a long time that the government was "making eyeo" at I. D, and intended to annex hiin, but really the news, when it came last Thursday, was in the nature of a surprise, because wc did not think Mr. Whitney had the house ready. It seems, however, that that gentleman decided he could not wait any longer, so he took our good looking member from right under onr noses and gave him a cabinent to live in withont any- thing special to do, and that ia the reason he docs not have to ask pa, or in other words, it is not necessary for him to go to his conitituenls for re-election, because he has no port~ folio. The Advance heartily con- gratulates the happy combination. Gorley had encloed and occupies par', of ^g" f"«' "" outlet, how to determine the the public highway ; fiom Good Roads K'^dos and dcptli.s for Uieir di-ains, etc. Co. re stono crusher ; Blunicipal Wc.rld, ^Tho Deimrtment of Physics at the account for birth, ma-riave and death. O'»t«"o Agricultural College is endeavor- register, $2.50 ; S»wyer & Massej, ac- 1 >"« to help fanners .solve these ditticulties count $10. '*y describing simple methods and simple Catson-Wrightâ€" That the account of I in"''""""'"''*. »"d "l»o demonstrating Municipal World for register, $2.60, lie | these methods and instruments in actual p«id. Cairied. "*''• Mr. White, of the Doi>artinent of Carjon -Dunian- That this council ^'•'y"'''''' **• A- t^'-. '» "'x'"* to siwnd grant the village of Ceyhm $40,00 for, three or four weeks in Grey county building bidewjilks, to be supplemented ""»'''''« drainage surveys, beginning by a erani of 20,00 from commissioner of j"'^"t June 10th, and during the time he Div. No. 3. Carried. I*'" '^"''' '"ei-'tings on the farms inention- Wrighrâ€" Duncan- That the account of I «-'i' »'*"*'« «ni' Jenumstmto methods of theSawyer MasscyCo., for blade, bit, i^rainage .surveying, determining fall of bolts and 8;.rieg, amounting to $10,00 ho | "'« '»"''• working out the grade of the jiaid. Carried. j ditch, digging the ditch true to grade, McKei.zieâ€" Caraonâ€" Tliat the Reere'^tc. Drainage matters hi general will be Atemesia Council .Artemesi* Council met on Saturd.iy last ai a Court of Revision on the aesos- iiient of 1009. All the nicinbors wurn present. After the inemhcrs had sub- ticribod and made the reipiired oath as meniljers of said court, the court was <'penod. The Georgian Uay Power Co. iippcaled Hgain.st the aastssinent of the property at Eugenia Falls as being too liiuli, $40,000 bein:< the value it is pkced «t for this year. Mr. F. Deaglo appeared for the company, and upon hearing him and considering (he a^jreemeiit between the counc'l and the com|>aiiy, tho appeal was dibinisted. Norria Bro.i. appealed against llie as- Kessaient on their property as being too high. No person appearing, llie appeal ivaa dismissed. •A McCiibo nppealod against the a>seis- nieiit of lots 8 and !), con. 1, S.D R , as titfing too high, and inipioperly assessed. Tlie said ass t'sment was umomUd by making the propi riy 100 acres in.stead of i)8 as shown on the roll. The xaluation wika sustained. (Carles Iiwin was entered on the roll «s tenant for lot luO, con. 1 N. K. The toll WHS then ly reiolulion cr.nliiined and ordered to be rertiliod as the asseBiment roll for all purpose.^ for lUOU. Aft:.T the close of the Court of Revia- i' n the Council met for general business, the Reovo in tho chair. 1 he mintilus of Inst session weio lead and coiitirniMil. CoiiiinunicHlions wu received from U. ^Viliiams i otifying the council ihat R. discussed. .All who are interested in drainage are cordially invited to attend. Hanover Hector Mearns lost his dandy two year ohl colt last Sunday. The doctor and ho had taken it oet to pasture, when it en- deavoied tu jump a Foot fence, catch- iig one of its hind feet tin the top tail, and throwing it to the ground. The hip bono was hiokea in four places and it In sickness, if a certsin hidden nerve i j'''''^ ""'"â- "'>' ^'"'" '"t»«tial bleeding, i/oes wrong, then the organ that this '''''"' ''"" "•" f'""' Saranao and was nerve controls will .also surely fail, I, "pl^'^hdly bred, and was a little beauty, may be a Stomach neive, or it may Imvej Hugh Kalis died in N-jrni.«nby Town- givtn strength and support to the Heart â- hip on Tuesday of last week at tho age or Kidneys. It was Dr. Shoop that tirat ;"' 1*^"- y'^''"*"^! six months. He was pointed to this vital truth. Dr. Shoop'sj ''"'"'" ^^'''"8^. Ireland, and came to Restorative was not made to dose the K'*'""''' ^0 years ago, settling in Feier- Stomach nor to leniporarily stimulate the ^^â- '" '"•' * '''"f^ t'"'o «"d then noing lo be refunded the sum of $6,00, being for expenses advanced and servicer in connection with ui loading and moving rock crusher. -Cairied. Wright That Cha«. Bellamy be paid salary $100 and $15 for eqUHlizing union sohool sec Nos. 12 and lii, Artomesia and Glenc'g, and No. 15, Arteniesia and Proton ; Total, $115,00 Carried. Council adjourned. Norinanhy. Mr. Kails never had a sick day in his life. Five sons and two Hi-air or Kidneys. Tint o'd-fashioned method is all wroiii/. Dr. Shoop's Rodtorativo g.-es diitclly lo these failing |J""Khters survive. â€" Post. inside iiervis. The romirkable success _ '. « ,1 • • 1- 1 . . .1 1 ell somi" deserving Rheumatic sufferer, of ihiH prescription demonstrates the , , . " • «....>»«ii.oiiurici, .. :, J . t . .• .1 .1 that there is yet one simple wav to wifdoni of t rent II g the actual cause) ,,.,,. •'"W" "'•j' f ,1 t -r . 1 •. • â-  1 1 Iceriain rcl of. Got Dr. Slicou's book on of thtse fading oiganK. And it is indeed | r., . , . .'^ _. easy lo prove. A sini|ile h>e or ten days test will surely tell. Try it o: ce, an 1 see ! So'd by all iloiilera. Dundalk. Rheuiiialisni and a free trial test. This book will inakii it oniirely dear how Rheumatic pains are (piickly killed by Dr. Shoiip's Rheumatic Ui'inidyâ€" liquid or tablets. Send no money. The test is Drainage Demonstrations (or Greyjfreo. Surprseaomodishcirienedsuffeier bounty. jby liiHt gittiiig for him the book from Mr. (). C. Whi^, of the Ontario Jjijifi;"'''' •*"'""â- ' ^"''- ^"''^ ''^ "" Agiiciilliiial (.'ollege, will hold drainage meetings as folhiws : (ieo. Stokes, Dundalk ; John .\. Scott, Dnml.dk, about June 14tli. i A ease of some importance was heiud N. F'owler, Venlry, alsmt June Kith, by Police Magistrate McGregor on Satur- J. W. Christie, Hopeville; las. Black, ''"y' "'''"" f'""" suloHiiion of the 'Old Hopoville ; O. H. (Wiandor, II. >peville ; *'"""'â- '**''">'' '""ge, who have been Jas. Dingwall, Hopeville, about . I iiiie '-'4. ["'"'^'"« t'"'"' heiubpiarters in Dundalk Wm. H. Arnott, Warelmin ; John A. ^^"'' "'""''>' ^"'" '""""'*'. «'^''<' "P charged Ariiott, Warehain ; S. J. Arnott, Waro- .^'l' ''''''â- "''' ''.^''""''^y.''y-'''"' '". »«"i"g ham, about .liiiie 28tli. Geo. Burk, Maxwell, alaiut June :i0th. Will. G. Shannon, Vandelour ; T. H. Sproule, Markdale, about July 5tli. W. H. Sewell, Blantyre, about .July 7th. F. J. Eaton, Oxinead ; Stuart Hovey, t'larksliiirg, about July 12th. A. McGowan, Ravenna, alsmt July 14th. The present wot season has shown the I value of iinderdrainage more forcibly I than anything else in recent years. Drained land has been dry . enough that in spite of the wet weather seeding might be done, while on iindrained land in the the same hualities seeding was much de- ' layod. Many who see its value aro dc- doterrud from underdraiiiiiig by un- , certainty as lo whether they have (.ulHci- j tnt fall, the lest system toadojit, thesize of tile to use, how deeji they will have to their wares without a license. Constable Heinphill laiil theiiiformation. Evidence was taken as to sales made and the con- iiecti<in of the salosmcn with the manu- factiiieis. The luagistrato impo.sed a tine of $20 anil costs against each sales- man. Mr. Van Norman, the manager, intimated his intuntiim of appealing agaiii.st the decision. Last week Mr. Jainos Maxwell, of this place, who is well up to ItO years of ago, took tho notion that ho^ould soi».Irolaiid his n.'divo land, once again. lio started on Satiinhiymorning on the hmgjourney. He is a remarkably smart man for his years and he folt ipiito able to make the trip alone. Ho will take the .steamer at Quelioc. It iiiu.st 1)0 about half a century since he loft the "EmeiaUl Isle," A break of a seven hundred pound sttel ca.stiiig in the engine at Howes' sawmill ciiised tho shutting down of the mill this week until ivimirs can be made. Herald. Mr. Ojorce Bu^kiii, another .of the old pi itieers of Artemes'a, died very suddenly of apoplexy at the home of his son, Mr. .lohii Buskin, Wodohuuso, on Tuesday of last week, the funeral taking pl.'ice to Markdale ct-motery on Thursdiy afternoon. Mr. Buskin was a iiaiivo of Somersetshirr, England, where he was born 81 years ago In 1855 he was marrio'l to Uatinah Savj^e of Markliani, who preceded him to the grave in Janu- ary lait. Together they moved to Arteme^ia in 18)S2, seit'ing i>;i the wett bick line about, three miles south of Flesherlon, where they lived until the year 1895, when the old couple removed to Muikdnlc, leaving the homestead wi'h I heir son Wesley. Tho home at Mark- d.de was broken up lust wiiitiT after Mrs. Guskin's death. Th« surviving members of the family are: John, at Wouehou'e ; >Vm,, of Guelph ; Wesley on the hiimostoad, and Mrs. F. Blair of Miniioliii. The deceased gentleman was a man of s'rong personality and held municipal uthees in tho early days of the township. He was a Prosbyteiiin in religion and a Libeial in politics. Mr.' A. W. H. Lauder captured a l;{ inch trout in the Rocky on Tuesday that, weighed a pound and eight ounces. Wednesday niorniog FreJ Gibson secur- ed another good one, measurirg 17 inches in leniith, nine inches in circiuiference, and tipping the .scales at two llw. â€" Chronicle. Rheumatism I have (oiinfl a tried ami te3to<l cure (or Rheo. inati:im! Not a nimi'dy that will strsighteii tha diitoned llmt« of chronic cripples, nor turn Ijony eroivths back o flesh again. That Is Impossible. But 1 c&n now surely kill the pains and pangs of this d>*plomble disease. In ciormttiiyâ€" witli a Chemist In the City of Darmstadt â€"I found tho last ingredient wltll which Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy was nmda a perfectiid, dependable prescription. Without that last iiiKrodietit. I succossfully treated many, many cases of Khe umntisiu : but now. at last. It iinU lomily curt'sall curable cases of this heretoforw much dreadwl diseuse. Thos*? sand-Uke gnumlar wastes, foiuid In Rhiiumatlc Illood se«ia todissoWa and pass away 'uidor the action of this remedy as (refly asdo.'S suAr whun addml to pure water. And then, when dissolved, these poisonous wastes freely pass from the system, and the cause ot Rheumatism is Boiie forever. There is now no real nncdâ€" no actual excuje to sutler longer with- out help. We sell, and in coaSdeoce recomuuuul Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy "ALL DEALERS" LORD ROSS, 35673 A. T. U., the unbeaten horse on Canadian soil. Sired b) full brother of Darr Devil. 909. by Mauibrioo Kini;, 1379. the haudsouiest horse in the world. ROUTE Monday, May .'<â€" Will leave bis owu stable, Kilsyth, and proceed east to Wui. Tottenham's Hoatli Head, for noon- thence east to Sth liou toBaiuuel Stephen.)', Stratbaven, (or night. Tuesdayâ€" Ity Sprlnn Hill t« lOtU lino.sonth to •Joe Hulbert's (or iioou, thence to Kiiiiberlay (or niijlit, where he will reuia'n uutil Wed- nesday uuon. Wednes'lay â€" \t I o'clock will loave by Ep ping and Uockl yn to .Iiuies Kailey's ^r uUht Thursdayâ€" Home to Kindlay's I.ivery (or noon and by way o( gravel road to Ueorge Kaker'sfor uiglir. Fridayâ€" To .John King's 9r.. King's Coraors (or noon, thence to Robert Day's (or uight. Saturdayâ€" Co Johu Vnuwyck'n. Auuan, (or one hour, thence to City hotel, ~Owon Souiiil. (or noon, where ho will r(Miiain until 4 o'ulock, thence to his own stable. KilHvth. wliere lie will runiain until the (uliuwing Momlay inorii- iiig. This route will b.. coutinuei* tbrouiilioiit the season, health and weather pevniltliug. Cards o( breeding sent vu application. JOHN FISDI.AY, I'loiirietor and Collector. 1' U- Box 4:10, MeaforJ, phoue 70. Jacob Hunt I iu charge. I July The American Standard Bred Stallion DEMOTT E 29842 The iiroperty of J. Rudd Matthews, Markdale, On'. Tkhmsâ€" 812. Demotte will make tho season of 190S) as f'lUows : Monday eveningâ€" Bcikoley. TuuiisDAY evening-- P'lesberton. The rest of the wook Ataikdalu U mso SlaMea. ©eniolte, 29842, is a handsonip, game, level headed horse with a perfect dis|M>si- tion ; lo see him is to like him, mid after looking over his pedigree all must admit that ho is OUR ot the best, bred horses iiiipoiteil. Where will you HikI another in thi.« country with as fii.«t a siio and daoi ? His lii'aiidsirc, Oaiiibelta Wilkes, sired Gaiubolier, ilie siro of the great Eel 2.2], His giniid-ire on his dam's (â- ido, 0, F. Clay, li.is more to his ctedit in ihe 2 10 list than any other h"ise in Kentucky, and is also one of the, if not theuiea'ost, sir. s ol high acrois in the t'nited Sla'os. Demollo is a hcau'.itul high uoiig horse with a great turn of speed kiinself, havini,' been a close 2iid in lO^, I have put this hoise's f. e very low, within loac'i of the â- , win r of the or- dinary mare, while thoowners <•( Iho best mares will get the service of a $'25 horse for Hist SI12, Those wishing lo bargain for Iivii'g colls can di so by applying to inc. I have also nisdu airatiLCiM. lit for pasture close to town for maris sent a di-itanoe. JZ W RflVn General and Hardware Merchants, ^ . flC TT • UM I Uf Flesherton. Ont. ^L WE'are opeiiinK up a merchant ! tailoring busineia ui der the ?l? maiiMumeiit of Fied Morley who is a lir>t class woikman. ^ We have a coinplite range of now and up-to-date yu stock. We guarantee a perfect tit, â-¼ Call and see the gootlsâ€" j|^ just in thn comer llg T'-oni / {1; MRS. SMITH'S OLD STAND. .!â- " '^ p. *J',; mm a c cS o S.1 \ a (m â- "" "St* o fcc > â- uak CO tHi P f/m>^2 o 55 <M Sj ^ 0) ^ ^mf .o k (£; ralw *s a •^ J 4J «4 tii 05 'w ^ £) ?• s-t % aj >-% cn CO a o B CM o 01 >> "c/: % (J ?c H - <u i~\ 03 j2 >M^ !> c« S-* 4-i s o o !:c5 n c o ^. s.^ c^ S -oe- N EW Dress Goods in all ihe new shades and patterns â€" prices 55o lo $1..50 per yd., also a large assortment of Ging- hamo, Zephyis, Linens, Prints and Muslins A complete range of Ladio's Ready- to-wear Garments â€" Skirts, .Jackets, Waists, Uudor- sUirts, Etc. Flour and Feed. We krep on hand a full stock of Flour acd Feed including Feed Flour Shorts, Bran and the fan. i. us Five Roses Flcur made by the Lake of the Wrods Milling Co., Kewatin, iviry l«g of which is tuaiantcid if not satisfactory letuin it and (let your morey. Hardware. We haves well asfoiiid i.ii ik of Haidwatc â€" parties conlemplatirg ^ bui Iding will do wi II to get < nr pricis befcie purchasing elsewhere â€" ^ k' i I k nice line of ttoves, tinware etc. In $kiflb$» BudaUSt mag^dns, l!iarrows> Ploudbs, ercam Sep- arators and Ulire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY Heard' s Carriage Works Farms for Sale & Rent Canadian Pacific Very Low Rate For Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $77.30 return from Flesherion good goingJMay 20 to Sept. 3o. Ri'turu limit Oct, .11. Liberal stopovirs. Willi- choice of routes, (io by the direct Ooiadian 1 ieâ€" sec vour own couiiti-y-llic wiist, the Rocky MiiuhtaiiiB. Vi^it the Seattle Kxpositiiin ami other Bpccial attractions. Talk it nvui- with 8. HANDS, Ai-.n', Flesherton- Uanu for ssle, containing ore liumlred acres r iiioie or less, being lota 141-1-12. con. 1. N. K. Toronto Kvilenhsui load, sbout i-i«bly acres cleared J balance bu?h. On tbe iiroi-crtv is one frsnie barn 3ax.'>5 o.i stone basement witb con- crete stabling andgood inipleiuont»hert. Fraiiie (IwcllUiK bouse, small orchard, two Kood wells. Also two Biiriogs on back end of v'ace. Tboro are thirty acres fall ploughed, ftve acres of fall whiat well fenced and ill agood state of cnlt'va- tlim This is one of the best farms in the township and can be iMnght right. It is sltnat- »\ one mile from Flesherton and five inllos from Mark-lale. .^pply to KICHAKU80N IIUUS. flesherton T ot»:!l and 35, con. 3 S D R, 100 acres. Go cleaved t-" 10 acres pasture, balance good biiah. llarn Mx.W, driving shed, good fvauie liou-^e. i welln. 1 acre of orchard and stone wsll iiiidnr ham. Sangeuii river crosses back of farm. Well ft-nced and in good state of cultivation, :i oiile-i from Proton Stat i< n. For terms apply on pieniises to JiMESH. V.WSK. Vioton Station F*or sale cheai>. ni rent, inmiodiate possesMion Lot ;{0 con, 11, Artcuibsia. about 7.'' acres clear, comfortable log house and frame barn. .J^pplv top. .J- Sproule. Flesherton. or .John J. Martin, ac OSS the road from said lot. Ceylon 's w/eat 7f/arket. All kinds of fiesh and smoked lueats, head cheese, sausage, alwavs on hand. - s CASH PAID FOR HIDES. Jas. ^c(BiockUn, IolB K J S and ii. Con. li. in thn towb-^liip ol -* Osprey, l.'iOacves.TavKM dealing, goo, I frame Imrii and stabU-s, good dwelling and well. Ap- ply 0*1 the pioiolses or to W. ,1. bELi.AMV, Flcsheitou (.â- â€¢orsalo cheap and on essy tcriiia, go-^d com. " fortablo fi sine ilwelli' g stable and driving liouse. with three villMge hits, in Ceylor. Dwel- ling wi-11 built and flt.lsbcd and good bearing orchard on the piop^vtv. Apply to K. .1. SpUoilk, Flesherton I ("-or sate or rentâ€" 1(13 acre f%rm, 1 acre of or- chard. 10 acres bush including .^ acres hard- wood, well watered and good fences, biick house, frame bam, li iiiilcs from school and pout olhce, :i miles :ro'Ji Proton Hcatloii. For pri-'o ivnd terms of sale apply to W'ui- Taylor, lot 7:1 7-1, cou 1 north of Dut*imiu road. Ai teniesia ((â- i.t nent-lot 'XI. con 4, Arteniesia, 100 scios a"> lo 110 cleared ami In cultivation, comfortable dwelling, bank ham, Ktf>no stabling, in a llret class settlement and wttll worthy the attoctlon nf tliiiye retjuiring such. h..J. aPKOUI.F, Flesherton r ot .'1. con. 4 Osproy. inO acres woU timbered. ••' For terms etc. apply to K. Hober^s, Lady Hank l", O. Eggs For Hatching. Drown Leghorn F.ggs for liatchli-g, from Br-t ''class pell. All prixo birds at Kast Crov fall lair are inthispeh, Kggs .Wc per setting of l.~> LEVI BEITS, Flesherton: ^^â- ^^^â- â- â- ^ stopped tn SOmiiiutos I â-  ^M 1 1 1 1 IJ sure with Dr. Sliuop'.i I â- ^ml â- â- â- ^^ Croup Ronicdy. Ono ^^1 â- %Jp^J'B ti?st will surely prove, ""' ^^ No vomiting, no dis- tress. A safe auU pleasing fj-rupâ€"l'.'e. Uruggists. Good Farm For Sale. T ot 19. cou. (i, Ot-prey containing l(,-0 acres, 80 â- 'cleared, frame lionse, *vauie barn, stone foundntiou; orclisi-d, well watered. Ono thousand down and balance to suit purchaser. Immediate posscHsion Apply to K. N. KiNNKAa, Maxwell P. O. El Corado Farm. Of Sli.rthorn cattle and Leicester sheep. PiiilU nnd heifers on hand foi sail', also a iiniiiber of single and rose comb brown leghorn, nntl singlecoinh white lefrhom cockerels Lot .â- {2' Con. 5. Chas. Statforil. Shorthorn Cattle for Sale. Levinias and Wimples, the best ol breeding and (jnallf, Hull, cows and heifers for sale a' rcRsonahle prices Lot 32.00U.5 CUA8. STAFFORD, Flesherton Herefords For Sale. Cows anil heifers for sale, none bAter, Vricps right, PoHt Otticc, Proton t<t.ation; farm half_ mile from Saugecn Junction. We liave sulil all our lulls. J. & T. WATSON. I>XJMF> MAKIN^a Wooden (lumps nianufacturod throughout and ret-airs promptly and satisfactorily attended to. I air. agent for three of the beat iron pump manufacturers in Ontario. A card dr-)pp?d to me a! Coylon P, O will have my prtmipt altetition. Your pattouige respectfully soHcited, JAMES A. McLEAN, Ct/rr/e's Corner, Cevlon P. Ok

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