Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1909, p. 5

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â-  ^^-., June 10 I9y9 THE FLESHEETON ADVANCE THe Money You Save Saves You from worry â€" want â€" debt â€" humiliation. A comfortable Bank Account give* one an easy mind, self-confidence, and the power to take advantage of every opportimity that comes to better one's portion. THE STANDARD BANK Erf^iuked 1873 OF CANADA " '^'•~=''" gives Savings Depositors, whether their accounts be large or small, the most courteous service. Make a beginning at once wiih a Deposit of One Dollar or more, |p our Savings Department. 73 FLESHERTON BRi>kNCii Georjgv MitcKell, Manager BRANCHES AI«»0 AT DURiSAM AND HARRISTOBT. VICINITY CHIPS Mrs". Rabt. Waller is visiting with her daughter »t Moi.o Centre. Mr. T. Sled is attending Grand Jury in Owen Sound this week. Clay tens nre hhowinu ihe new stjlfB in ladies foiitwear, Dongulii, Kid, Oxlilood, La^e hoots and Oxfijida. Only lii'sit class mileriiil used. ' Mr. E. Armstrong, who hii8 been em- ployed for some time as baker for Mr. Thompson, received a tulephonu luessnge from Petorboro Sunday, .s;alini> that his ; fa'her had been drowned. He left for Peterboro by Monday morning tiain. " Born â€" On \N ednesday, Juno 2, tc Mr, and Mrs. John Beecroft, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Albeit Sfewart spent part of the past week with Collingwood hold their annual convention at Vandel- I The township of Artemesia and Rfark- da!e Sabbath School Assooiiiiioii will friends. Mrs. Fred Mathewson is f pending a couple of weeks with her mother in BruBsels. About fiity Flisheitoniana Bttended the Lucas reception in Mai kdale Monday. uur on Wednesday, June 23, the Rist stssion to open at 2 o'clock p. .m. Thomas Yellowleep, extension .secietary Provincial S. S. Associjtion,will be prep- ent and give addi-esses afternoon and eveninsf. Messrs. J. & W. Boyd purchased over night. I „ J «« n ui T>- 1 J • •. 1 eleven hundred baijs of potutm s in two Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Richardson visited , » ' days last week . This big lot of murphies the latter's parents at Yandeleur on Wednesday. Mrs. John HoUey of Vandeleur visited with her nephew, J. A. Laver of the suburbs. Mr. and Mrs. was delivered on Thursday and shipped â€" two car loadsâ€" on Friday. It appiars that potatoes are plentiful in this part of tho-country. The price paid was 75 cents, I but the market is on a downward grade Malco'm McMillan of and the price now is 70 cents- Bunessan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. LiOard. Inspector Campbell interviewed the school here on Wednesday last and Mrs John Stewart, wife and family, of f",*""^ "''"R" moving along smoothly. Powassen, are visiting wiihrelitives here and at Kiniberley. Messrs. Bert Armstr(mg, Meaford, and F. D. Goff, Thornbury, were in town on Friday last. Mr. Harold Karstedt has returned from Toronto, where he has been attend- ing business colleji'e. Mbsars. Rev. L. F. Kipp and O. L. Ronson are attending the Baptist Associa- tion in Southampton rhis week. Mr. A. McAuley attended the Grand Lodue of Chosen Friends in TJoronto last week i>s delegare from the Cey!on Council. â-  Mr. Gordon Laird left on Friday after- noon to take a position as assistant steward on th»» steamer D. O. Mills, running trom Cleveland to Duluth' Mesdames B. Best, Albert Stewait, Charles Bellamy and Robert Moore. chaperoned by Mr. Robert Besf, attend We have not seen his report, but under stoou from him that he would recom- mend among other things that an hour and a half be allowed for noon a* it is in most other schools. Mr. Campbell says experience proves that results are just as satisfactory when the extia half hour is given. He was pleased with the pros- pects in the rural high Rohool depart nient. Mr. Campbell had recently been under the weather with a severe cold, but when horo was his own cheerful self again. Mr. Frank Tate, who sold his business here some lime ago to Mr. Dron of West Toronto, left here on Friday, t > assume the management of R. J. Sproule's flour, feed and urocery store in Flesherton. Mr. Tate is an exct-lleut business man, and we congratulate Mr. Sproule on securing such an able manager for his store. He had become very popular hnre and will bo greatly m'saeJ. He proved lot near the sand pit from Mr. M. K. Richardson, and W. W. Trimble purcha;- hiiusidf a good citizen and a woithy ed the W. I. district meeting at Ravenna ^ gentleman, and will long be remembered on Tuesd.iy. j for his sterling qualitim of chaiactcr. ., ,, â- â€ž , , 1 J 1 I The Methodist choir will lose one of its Mr. Harry Wood has purchase d a pHvk , p -,, , 1 1 <â- , , • , •. / •< %i t^ \ l»'thful bassos. Wu regret his leaving pit from Mr. M. K. , ^ . , , . ... " I but wi»b nim ruecess in his new situation, ,,„.,, ,. .. ,., and trust that Mis. Tate's health will soon cd the Richardson property opposite the ' . . , , , .« • . u L T> i.1. u u- I be so unproved that she may long enjny Baptist church. Both pur[>o8e building. ' j j j The annual Insiiiute excursion Guelph will lake place on Wednesdsy, .luneSS. This is the most popular and instructive excursion fi the year. ?ee full announcement on last page i>f this paper, Mrs. Runstadtler left yesterday for Hamilti'n, where she will attend the I with her husband health and happiness '" Dia^ton Advticate. ceremony of Recep' ion (.f Mr. Runstadt ler's niece, Mies Rose RuiBladtler of j ci.rrespoiidents of other Hespeler, at St. Joseph's convent, where never dream of handin" the young lady pui poses enleiing. It makes us tiled. Tl at is the ex preasion. People in this village who never think of handinu in a per.soiial or other item for pulilicaiiun feel .sore because such items as cuiiie under their observation do not appear. How can we help it? Some of these people, too, are ready and willing to run with news to papers, but ill items to thtir o»n home paper which should An especially tad feature of the desth ; '^''^''^ ^^^^ consideration. As we SMd be- nf th? late Mis. Bert Armstrong of M.af- \ f"'"' s"<='» thoughtlessness, or indiffer- ord is liie fncl that .she leaves a helpless ' ^"""o <"â-  carelessness, is calculated lo babe (m!y five days old. Mrs. Armstrong I '"»''« ""« •if«'^- ^^'^ want all the news was agendo christian character whom to ! '•^•^"'^ K"'"g' pt-'isonals and otherwise. know was to love. . ' -^ mewspapor is no respoctor of persons and if a iiewsitem dues not appear it is An evango'istic bund of five young men, ' i,^„„, ,„„,],„ . „ ,1, . 1 ^ 1 .7 -, 1 because the uews-galherer has not been all ungeis, from \V(io''8t(n;k college, will j 1,1 t •â-  «i 1 ,. ..1 , ^ . . . . , „ told of It. Wo do n:)t pr nt local news open a series of meetings in the Baptist i 1. .1 1 11. ' , , ^ ,, ^ f n'. second-hand, howeverâ€" remem'ier that chapel next week. Fuller announce- : 1, , ' point, men's will be given from the pulpit -and through the ])ress. Kimberlev C. O. F and W. I. We want it when it is hot news â- r not at all. A young man named W. J. Beatlic, w" i aged 35 years, died on Thuivsday morning ;jive a grand combined (licuic at that | i„^, ^^ McLaughlin's hotel, Ceylon, of place on Friday, Juno 18. A splendid j pneumonia. Mr. Beatlio was the owner li.sl of spoils has beeiiarraiii'ed and Mark- | „f a farm on Stone's line which he liad dale hand will be present. Toa served rented, while he worked on the railway from 4 to o'clock. See largo bills for under Mr. Johnston Woods. Whili at, his work lie was taken ill but tried to fight it oft but continued lo grow worse full particular.s, Rev. S. S. Bates, D P, preached in the Baptist chapel on Sunibiy morning •""' ^*''>s taken to MoLiughliu's hotel, from the words, "Wot je not that I where evsrything possible was done lo must be about my father's business ?"| '***«'>'» ''f« '>y "btainiug the .services of Tlie sermon wis a plea for funds for » physicinn and trained nurse, but un- «he Bapiist educaiional iiistilution.s in successfully. The young man was of a Woodsti.ok and Toronto, and was a mas- "l"''-*'. retirinjj nature and was hjghly terfulefl'ort along that line. The Dr. is thought of. Thefuiier.il 01; Friday after- » pleasing and effective speaker, earnest in his apjieal, a deep thinker, and re- iainoi the iic'ii iiitorcst of his hearers to the end. We b<.li<.'ve he is one of the strangest men in the church to which he is attached, allhouiih the feeling existed t'lat t'le subject assigned to him did not draw out the best lint lie it c.ipable of in th% way of Gos; cl exp sition. noon to Meaford Road cemetery was very lars;ely attended. His mother, Mrs. James Bcattie, and his sister, Mrs. ijainos Moure, <,f Sturgeon Falls, were present, and wiih ihose much sympathy is ex- p.cssed liy all who kii;'W (he sterling 'pitlitios of the young iimii to suddenly stricken down in the prime of life. Mr. Beat'. le was uninarriul. The ladies of the Presbyteiian oburcli held a very successful garden party on the show grounds Tuesday evening when something over 935 was realized. The chief altiaction was a baseball match between Mai kdale and Flesherton clubs in which Markdalo succeeded in winning the cup by a score of 27 to 9. Several of Flesherton's best players, however, wore absent. Supper was terved in Ihe avri- cultural hall. The land gave great satisfaction with a large number of selec- tions excellently rendered. Ice cream was served on the grounds. No Need Suffering from Rheumatism. It is a ii.iHtake to allow anyone to sutfev from rheimiutisn, us the pain can always be lelieveil, and in iiuist cases a cure etfeeted by applying Chaiiiberlaiir.s Liniment. The relief from i)ain which it alfords is alone worth many times its cost. It make sleep and re.st poiisilile. Kven in cases lif \img standing this liniment should be used on accounl of the lelief which it iitfords. Do not be discouiaged until you have given it a trial. Many sufferers have iieen Hurprised and clelifhted with its pain-relieving cpi;Uitieo. 25 and oO cent sizes for sale by \V . E. Riuhai°ds<in. Mr. Carl Wolfe, member of the teach- ing st^iflf of the Metr.ipolitaii School of Music, Toronto, will accept pupils of all- grades for piano or organ study m the vieinity of Feversham, Maxwell, Mc- Intyre ai.d Warehani, for a term of eleven weeks from June 28 to Sept 11, 1909. Mr. Wolfe offers specially piepared courses for each individual pupil compris- ing tliorough groundwork for beginners, comprehensive development for amateurs< and invaluable instruction and advise to junior teachers. For full information, fees, etc , apply sttting instrument and previous study, if any, to Call Wolfe, 53 Churchill Ave,, Toronto. After June 28 address will be Feversham P. O., oire Mr. John Keinahan. Tho.se interested should apply at once, as instruction should coinmenco the week of June 28. Pain anywhere stopped i-i 20 minutes sure wirh one of Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. The formula is on the 25 cent box. Ask your Doctor or Druggist about this formula ! Stops womanly pains, headache, pains anywhere. Write Dr. Slioop, Racine, Wie. for free trial to prove value Sold by alldealeis. The new township stone crusher is giving good satisfaction. It was set in operation Thurmlay morning last on \V. Boyd's lot in the suburbs at .some large stone piles, and is found to be a good chewer of hard heads, and limestones are like porridge to a ^Scotchman â€" it digests them expeditiously and even cheerfully under tbe gentle persuasion of Ed. Best's fine traction engine. The cost of running the machine is about $25 per day, not counting the drawing of stone, this item being eliminated owing to the fact that the machine is set by the stone pile. Ju>t what amount of road tan be laid in a day had not been tested at time of writiii" this item, but we judge that twenty rods can bo laid with everything working just right. If yeu would have a safe yet certain CouKh Remedy in the home, try Dr. Shoop's â€" at least once. It is thoroughly unlike any other Cough piepaiation. I'.s taste will be eniirely new to you- unless it is already your favorite Cough Ramedy. No opium, Chloroform, or any oiher slupifyiig iijgiedionts are used. The tender leaves of a harmless, lung-hea'iiig mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its wonderful curative properties. It is truly a most certain .•iiid trustworthy prescrip ion. Sold by all dealers. Card of Tlianlis. I horeliy b«(! to tlianK the Caiia'Uan Order uf Forestara for tlie prompt nettirmeut of doatli honeflt on uiy lata uusbuii'l, I'liarlus Croft, who was a monibur of Mh.\woII Couit, No. Sii. â€" SiBAH .Vnn CnoKT. For Sale Olio span of LiRlituii.i; Colts ocmiiiR tl:ieo matcbud, Kearty to woik. Also ODo Shorthorn Hull 1 ishtoen moiitlis oM, bred by GBO.Bristow, Kohltoy, nil in be" .014445, iii volume 24. N«u:n-- VlllBRo Captain. .^LHKKT K- HANLEY, Lot 4, Uoii. 10, Osproy, Feveisham P. O. Bull For Service 2 years I Id, reg. shorthorn bull, Victor' Pride, 74805 is for service at Lot 3", Con. (i .\rteinesia. Terms l$l.(W. JOHN HARtiRAVK. For Sale. A bieh olass slioi thorn bull, "Village Kinq" No.T.l'JiO, Volnine iiO, all rod, 3 voara o il, weiijhs 11,50 lbs., is quiBt and of Rood (Uspusitiou. Will sell roasouablo this month of.lnno. Jamrs fisDLAY, Maikdala Bull for Service Tboroufihlmid DinliHin bull for service on lofjl, con, S, ^rteme.-iiu. Terms -^1.00. W. C. I'EVhfiR- t ni Ma\ CO. Bull For Service Pure Hred Holstoin KriosiHti Iln'l. Tbis young animal comes from ono of the best dairy herds In Canada, boi g in u,xtonded legisua'- aion. Terms ^l.I'O. GOLDEN LEGEND Horo bred Tamworth Hoar. This voung ani- mal has proveii binisulf one of tlio liost stock getters that has ever beta otTered for service. 'I'ernis Sl-OO IIIOHAKD AILE.N. Lot 170. 'inn B . T. A s. R. Flesherton On t. Bull for Service The flno Sborfhorn bull llroadl'.ooks r.oid (No, 7v!.)HI) nil! bulor sorvic on lot 10, con, il, Osprey. Terms dl.iKl. Cows not teturned will be charged whether in calf or not; Podi- greo on application: ^^ JAMBS BURNS, Prop. Scottish Pride 66274 Tbo young bull f-cottish Prido will stand for erviee at Mr. K. W. Nicholson's, lot 117, con, r> Ar oniosia. Scottish prido ia sired by Scottinli 1-rinto, a giandson rt the wonderful show cow, Qnin of llellachin. Imp., winnerof night prieei at Toronto and London, beaidus being champ- ioD female. Sho weighs over 190U pounds. One of this cow's calves sold for !?I77,i.OO. Scottish prido ia out of Lady Hella by the 'Toronto first prize winner. Captain May F»'ly, lmp2B858. TV.ia vouiig bull has prove hini- solf a ahowbnll having gained an nnoournging riicord thia fall at Kovorahani. Ho won nrst prizeaebost bull calf, also diploma for best bull any age. Those having pure Ortd cows sliould see this grand bull bufovo brooding as tbity cannot do better than uaohiin, A Umitep number of grades will be takeuat i$l,'i>.;; for pure breds, dt.uo Odds and Ends W. A. Artnstrong issuer of marriage licenses. Heifer calf for sale â€" Apply to W. L. SVright, Flesherton. Examine the Loudon barn door track and hangers at Nurris Bros. Hardware. Mc('ormick mower, good as new, also 2-year-old blood filly colt for sale. Must be sold at once. A. Boyd, Flesherton. Ifyouwpnca good shoe shine, first quality in Gilt Edge, Tan, Nuggett, (jx blocd, 2 in 1. Call at Clayton',-. Shingles and Hemlock lumber for sale, any lenirth required. T. \>. Phillips, Lady Bank P. O. Mrs. J. J. Allan, eye sight specialist, will be at the Park House, Flesherton, Thursday next, June 10th. One day j only. Little Pin'^ for Sale â€" Now ready to go, ' â€" improved Cbes'er Whites. Stuck purchased from E. D. George of Putman, i Out. Win. S. Inkster, Wareham. j Get your garden and field seeds at Richardson's drug store. All kinds, j from the best and most reliable seeds- \ men . Hou.soand double lot for sale or rent on Sydenham street, Flesherton, 8 ro-inis, stable. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flejh- r'on. A few Dutch Sett onions left. English Multiplier onions Ic per pound, while I they last. Best kinds <if field corn and , we naturally look for something F.G.KARSTl^Trl General and Hardware Mer^.^-*- ^ Flesherton* 5ooo lbs. Coiled Spring Wire at $2.5o per cwt. We are prejiared to sell the very best hard Coiled Spring Wire ^ (No. U) in any (juaniity at the lowest price that was ever offered. Wo u^ U'et a rebate, in turn, we give it to our customers. Come in, if it isn't ^T in leave your Older for as much as you want and we will keep it for ^fff you. ^ A Car load ot Star Cement to Arrive y^ Why buy cement wliiuh has been carried over from last season, ^^ buy ic fresh oft ihe car, when it is hot. We liave a car cooiiug about ^f^ the first of June, of the best ceniKut on the market. Call around andi ^^ get oirculaiK and see what il has done. Unload tho cement i-ight off ^T thu car and save the drayman's charge.s. Tf! ' Ramts and Oils ff^ ^ Now is the time t . buy Martin Seiiour 100 per cent. Pure Paint ^ ^r We have eveiy shade and every c<dor iieue.ss»ry tobtautify your home, ?i? ^ abso a full line of Turpentine, Boiled Linseed O 1, Raw Linseed Oil, ^ m/ Vitniishes, Dryer and Dry I'aints, also lirst class Motor Gasoline. ^^ 7^ All at the lowest possible prices. J^ * Fine Shoes With the coming. of Spring millet, at Sproule, Higginbotham ibCu'e, For Sale â€" Democrat wagon, canopy top, nearly now ; 1 large S-seat waaon and 1 bugBy nearly new. Prices right. \V. Moore, Flesherton. Mare for saleâ€" Sound in every way, well built an.l young, about 1400 lbs., in ^oal to Dunure Mac. W. Ciswell, Flesh- erton p. o. Very Fine Shorthorn bull calf for sale, 10 mos. old, bred by Scottish Pride, grand- son Derby (imp.). F. Nicholson, Flesherton. Property for Sale at Pricevillpâ€" A brick house, eight moms, barn and five lots, for sale reasonabie. Apply to Catherine Scott, Pricoville P. O. Mar.ltf Bull For Sale-j|l pure bred Shorthorn bull, 14 months old,, fit for service, will* be sold reasonable. W. J. MeaJs, Cey- \ Ion P. O,, or lot 20, O. D. R. i To I hose who want to have a good ap- j pearance it is good news to know that ' they can take their linen to .\iidy Wilson Flesherton, and have it laundered in first class style. Basket leaves Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. m. Markdale steam laundry. W. .1. Smith, Prop. All kinds of mangle, sugar beets, turnip carrot and black onion seed in great variety. It will pay you to iuspect before purchasing, orders from outside points by mail or telephone filled promptly and carefully. H,ive telephone in oftice. Free phone ine.«agps for Feversham, Ma.xwell, Eugenia, C.-ylon and Priceville. Sproule, Higginbotham & Co. | A complelo line of field and garden seeds, fresh and pure, always on hand at | Sproule, Hi',.>ginbothain & Co's, Flesher- ton, iixludine Manin-otli, red, alsiko and ! lucern or alpalpba clover, timolhysetd of! good clean quality, flax .seed, dutch setts, ] potato onions and Eiudish imiltipliers. Garden seeds in all varieties. Also giant cnsihige and other corn. The joy of comfortable feelis something exhilaraiiog in a pair of well Hltini,' shoe.'*. It makes you feel young again. The Model shoes are good titters and best material. Claytons havo them. Mortgage Saleâ€" Lot 147 2iid Range south Wist Toronto and Sydenham load, Artcmeaia, .50 acres. Far builriing.s. Will be olferod for sale at Cairn's Hotel, Ct'y'on, on Tuesday, .lune 1.5th, at 4 o'clock. For particuhi's a"[)ply to Lucas, llanoy it McArdle, Solicitors, .Mai kdale If yiiii want boots that ' will give yon wear and comfort, Clayton's is tho place to get them. Farms for Sale. Two hundred anil lif teen acres, lot 2fi, con. 13 and lot 2ii, con. 11, towiudiiii nf Osprey.* High state of cultivation, one hundred acres â- , under cultivation, frame l>Mn Uxli.), stone foundation, cement st:diling, rouiilicast Inmse, i never failing drilled well, and ilrivin(f shed, ' and a quantity of hiisli. These are excellent farms for stock raisintj lieintt witll watered with springs. Will sell together or t-eiiurate at a renaonable jn-'ce. Apjilv *o H. T. or .T. H. HhNl)KR.SON Kob Roy P. O. I ang. Notice to Creditors In tho matter of Ihe eslnlo of Mary Madden, late of the Town.ship of tlsprey in the County of Grey.Spinster.doceascd. N0TTPI5 is hereby (jiven pursuant to tho re- TlsedStatnles of Ontario, Ifi'JT, Ohsp. U that all tlio creditors %nd othtirs hiiviiifr claims atjainst tho estate nf the said May Madden, wbodiod nnor[.bont the fifth day of Anenst, 1007, arc nquired on or before tho a-^th day (>f .luiio 15)09, to soed bv post loi â- â-  1 paid or deliver to MarRaret Mctlrade, Max veil! Out., Administratrix of the ostalnot tho said! Mary Maddon, deceaaett, their cliriatian and | surnnnies, a'ldressea and deaciiptions, tbo' full particularR of their claims, the st'ttement i of their accoants aniUhe nature of the securi- ties (if anyl belli by Ihein. AND Fl^HTHRU TAKE NOTICK that after such last nientione.1 date the said Adininistrkt- rix will procwd tt dist»il>nto tbe assets of the del eased aiiioni: tbepavties entitled there- to bavinn recard only to tho claims of which tliey shall then have notice, snil th'it tbe said Administratrix will not he Uab o for the said assets or any part thereof to niiv iierson or persona of wbost' claims noti CO ahall not have l>een received l>v thnm at the tinii) nf such dis- tribuMon. 'int.-.! .Iu..o 41b, A. 1). 1(0(1. SV. H, W.t'.f* tr. 0.1 y\ Si 111 Out. S lUiitor for tho Admini«tr.tt1ix neat and stylish to wear espci- ally iu footwear. We have got just what you need. We reoom- meut the MODEL Shoe as being handsome in shape aud right up to date aud built of first class material by reliable makers. We have the MODEL Shoe ia Blncher aud Oxford style in Black, Chocolate, Ox-Blood, Kid aud Dongola. help being suited. ally for Children, Women, but for family. Also Men's and Boys Fine aud Heavier Shoes. You cannot Not especi- Men OP the whole CLAYTONS FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. iJ. E. LARGE All through this store, high class goods at very low prices. We have never been better prepared to sup- ply you with all your spring and summer wauts, for every departinent is crowded with bright new goods â€" the 'kintl of goods we insist on .selling â€" look better, are better, and cost you no more than tbe kind that are uiatlti merely to sell. Your satisfaction the particular thing we aim at, ' 5 and we aim to n)ake this the safest store for you to 1 5 biiv at. I 55 Highest prices paid for produce. Ij.E- Large, EUGENIA. H a V Y c o T u r 1 c d Thompson's Bakery lliiviii,^' stoiiicil Mr.lC Ariii- .slroiii;of Potcrl.oro, a til-.st class li.ikor. wo uro prepiretl to turn out tlie l)e.si of ovury- tliiiiH ill iiur line. I''reHli l-trci,icl nlway*? on liuncl A trial aolicltetl. Ed.Tliompson. Flesherton. Pasture to Rent IVsture on lots 171 ,11111 17-, ill the 2nd Con. N. E. T. mill S. U., .Vrtoniosin For purticitlnrs ,seo .losujili II. Wiitson, Portliiw P.»>. Pure Bred Ent>llsh Berksliircs and Tamworths. 1 Imve .-i tiiio lot nf younj? pi^H brod T-'oio li.izB niniiiiiK stock, for mvlo. Wiit-u itit for prices. I can jjive a hurKiiiii ulsii qimrHntt-f A'.iHfaotion on nil mall orilrrn. (iw). W. H08S. Mixwcll 1'. O. For The Spring. We liin c a ooinplete line of HariiHss ii'iil HarnussSundrics, Whips.BoUs, Plush Rujjs, Rot.ts, Curry Combs Hiicl Urushea, Hoof Ointment, G«ll Cure, Hfiriiess Oil, Trunks, Valise^ Tblescopes, & liiacksniith'sAprona. Look in and exnniine our stock of Horsu Blankets. Kr.r.^IRlNO PUOMITI.Y DONB. ^ 0. W. Phillips, FLEtHCRTON, ONT. • i«W Public Notice. Notice 18 hereby given thai the bylr.lrj pr<hiliitiu^ cerlnin iiiiinin's running a» lur^o will 1)0 strictly enforced this .summer, 1111(1 tho public ar<9 hertsby cautioned : ai-diiiRt traii8nre.<sinx iho sani»> SiguuiLJ I'he Polise Trustees.

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