Flesherton Advance, 10 Jun 1909, p. 8

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[^ vf<tl»,-rH)li,0,^^j^ . •**«"»#wf«iii«H' â-  ->^ , i B i' i p » il i iiii i i | m il I.1 M w>iw "*K' Wi " '' i ' . yiw w 'i wi ' I ^*ii * *iw< * » a" ' M.7«MW.;)j>mMl«(Wt*^'«W"X^'>«M«rt' THE F L E S H E R T N ADVANCE JcNE 1019;9 lUAL RSION . \ i A TO GUELPH An Excursion \\\v\vv the auspices, of Centre Gi-oy Farmers' Institute will he run to the Apicultural College. (jluel|ili, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23rd, 1909, Via the Caua<lian raeitic Kailway. I'atronise tlii.j because : (1| Tlu! l'iillc"f Fiiriii jo'i'ws nil ViivietiHs ofGmiii, GfH.s.ses,» Roots luid Forajfu I'l-ops Hiifl the fiiniR'i-N >«f this country liy I'XiUniiiiiiK till) KiowiiiL'. ciuiis kIiohKI liu , !.let.'> select something for their own fiirnis hultcr limn they i)ro<liic« .it tUe prosunt iuic- (") \t the I'liUfge tlic lirinciiwl hrouds of Live Stock C.ittlo, Sliuup, Swino nil iM.urtiT-'iiiiy »K! socn un.ler. tho most f.ivorul.lu conilitions. (:;) Tho Fiinii Diiry thi;Crc.uiiory, tho l.'hoesu Fiwitory, (hv- .\;,'ricultur;il Alusjuin, hikI tlio lot^s anil i- lowers ni.iy all !>.• in>n>ectiKl iinil will show to l'ooiI a.lvantJigj at tliii soasoii of tho vear f4)The m» Hnral Sih,«.l »uiMin« on the ColH'i" yroinuls ai.il oiierateil l.y live Sdlool Sections will he in rnuninn oriler. Tho chililren are hroii-ht in vans from tivc miles aroun.l ami the trustees of the tive sections foni. a jonit hoanl. (o) Mac- ilonalil Institute, the sch.Kil for" farmers' ilan!,'hters, will he oisiii |.i nispection. t'.K>king, Sewini;. iiml Ijunulry Work are the tin ee principal suhjeets taught anil this year the liiKlinrie is tilleil to its utmost capacity. THKKXCUR.S10X VVILI.HKIUN 15Y UF/ULAR TRAIN AS FOLLOWS Fare for Adults OWENSolND ^UV} lUK'KFORl) 1«" CHATSWOUTll 1-BO ARNOTT 1«0 HOLLAND (KXTRK lOD ItKUKKLKY ItlO MARKIJALK 1«0 FLKSHKRTON 1-45 I'RIlKVILLE I'iS SAlCiKKN .UNCTION 1.45 I'RUTON l-^' D( NDALK i:*i> Arrive Guelph 12.10 p.m. Children go. 80 0.80 0.80 O.W 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.75 0.80 0.75 0.70 0.70 Time of Leaving (i.40 0.57 7.08 7.ir. 7.-.':{ 7:i-' 7,44 8.00 7.50 8.08 8.i:i 8.25 '.i^ _ Tickets for Sangeeii .Tnnction will he given on the train. Excursion train will leave Ouelpli at (i p. ni. same date hut tickets are good to return hy any regular train not later than Juno 24. Lunch will l)e provided on tho Farm. W. H. Gl'Y. ' President .1. R. FAWCKrr, Vice ['resident J. I. ORAHAM, Secretary 4^ NORRIS BROS. C/^a/'e/ware ^terc/iania and Oinsmiths ^-i" [ We are fully prepared to fill your every need in thcline of Harvest tools. Poultry Nettings ani Wire, I'ainis aud oils, in fact our .stock is uiost complete. Have you used a Kuroka Sprayer (his jrmr > If not â€" why not. Are just the thing f.jr spraying Fruit trees. Gardens, Shruhs, Hurso* and Cattle and will pay for themselves when it cuniuj to killiiv; tho Potiito bugs, and tlia priie only ?(1. This wiek wo make a Rpecially of two popular s'zes in P.iiiit Rru^hes. :5 inch Hlaok Rristla Rru.slios, reiiiilar .'IJj. value, for 20c. 2A inch Bhick Bristle Hrushes, good 2oc value, for 15c. 8eo these Hpocialii in our window. If ill need of a good roof, don't buy till you have examini'd Paroid Hooting. It's the old i/enuino article, Frost Proof, Water I'roof, and last hut not least, cheaper than the ordinary shingles and fn cheap iis Iho (just as (;'")d) rootingii. . We RIO ageiils for the-DILLON HINGE STAY FENCE. -}«â-  Kjlesnerton Onfa no. The Flesherton Carriage Works Flesherton, Ont. MJGOIES â€" Intending purchasers will save money by calling and in' Bp«ct^ our stock, as we have a good stock to choose from- aud prices ar*^ right. ii,' RKPAINTIiVG â€" Bring your buggy to us for repainting. Satisfaction guaranteed. PLOWS, etcâ€" We handle tho best plows, harrows and also cany a full line of repairs on hand. CREAM SEPARATORSâ€" Wc are agents for the MELOTTT, The best in tlje market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. KEHNEDY&KENNEDY CURE DISEASES OF MEN ^iNTS TREATED THROUGHOUT CANADA FOR 20 YEARS Dn. K. A K. are favnrablv knnwn through' out IJaiiatla where tht'V have ilnim hiitil- iit-Hii for DVi-r SM yeara '1 honkaiiila of iiatlt'iits Itave li«'eii treatiul aiiil cured by thi'lr great skill nixt thr<>ii|;h the virtue of llitir New Method Tr«aliii<nt. \\\wn you trrat «j|li thi'Mi you know you are dealiiiK Willi ri-spon Kibic pliyHii'iana as tla-y own and iKTiipy (lu-ironn otllce hiiililliig In Detroit, valuvd at yiiJU.lXlO. Whoii thry deride your cai.e la eurahlu, all your worry ia ri'moved for you know tliey »lll not deceive you. They guarantee to cure all curable carph. No matter bow many doctors have failed to livnvnt you; no matter how much money you liaveapent ill vain; no matter how dla- cuumgeil you may 1 e, don't give up in dia- pair until you ffet a fre« opiDion f i'i>m these iiiaater api'ciullslii. If you are at picM'nt within the cliiuhca of any secret habit vhkli Isaapping your llfu l.y iligrecK; if you ere HUlTciiiiB from tin' reaiilla of past Indiscre- tions; ifyoiir lilood Jia.s been tainted from liny private disen»e and you dure not niorry; if you are niarricd anil live in dread of aynip- t.)ni«breaklinf out and rxposing your pant; if yoiioresiifrerini; as Iho reauit of a min- s|ieut life - Dr*. K. A K. ara your Refute. Lay your case before them conniienliiuly lu.il they will tell you lioneally if you arc curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cura VARICOSE VEINS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS KIDNEY nnJ BLADDER Dirc.to. and all Disefuea Peculiar to Men. Db. KIKKEDV. MkdICAI. DlIlECTOR oy Drm. k. .>; K. CONSULTATION FREE ^ I Frca on DUeaict of Men. If unable call, write for a Qurttion Blank for HOME TREATMENT |)ii8.KENNEEtr&KENNEDr Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. The Other Side Heard From. â€" I Lockwoiiil, Sask., May ^lUt. Kditor Flesherton Ailvance, Dkak Eiutor,- 1 havo lead Mr. F. T, Csrr's letter in your journal, iiutl in this issue nolo llml tlio Eugenia correHponilunt | RliprociatcK it very liiglily. Mr. Uiirr \ claims if luuro of tiio Onlariu people | would express theiutiiilvtiH more on the] land of hope and bitter dissrtpointiiieiit I there woulil not be so many penplo leave ' l)nlario. Well, I think Mr. Carr doeit| the Ontario j eoplo a ;;reat wrong, especially the young men, and also the province of Saskatcliew.-ui, with his Ictttirs. If the Ontario farmer takes ihej trouble to look up tho crop ripoit fur tins year 15108 he wi 1 see the wheat i iiilil furj tho west wiis over one hunilred and six | million bushels, and Saska'chewan pro- duced 50 per cent, of that largo nniouiit. .\s ronards the col.', I have drivoii my- self twenty miles wlion tho weather was folly di'jjiees ln.'Iow zero and never was lit}' my Nlois{h, and wasn't as cold as lots' of days when T trod iha old road to Flcsheicon »hBn tho thennotneter registered a iioich or so above zero. Tiie air is dry here. Th»t inHkos tlio diff'jr- enci". 1 have been nearly live years in tl\B we-it and Inve fteen in jre sanshino in the winter months in that time than all the winters ! spent in the east. But 1 will have to stop or you will think I am just throwing "hot air" at you. 1 might say, since I eaine west I have never regretted it. I may i»o back on a visit, but I liavn no desire to chanuo my place of ahoile. I worked two yeais for Mr. .1. U. Hogg, beside.s earning my patent for a homestead, which I wouldn't part with for loss than 8'JOOO cash. Of course the last two years' ciops were not as good as people were used to gettini;, but my crop in 1907 averaged 51 bushels per acre ; in 1U08, 42 bushels per acre: That is not ii poor crop. Best rezarih, -ED. ARMSTRONG. 8>iund this week to have one of his new propeller wheels cast which will be put on the steamer City of .Midland. Mise L'ly Gilbert of Meaford ijient a few days during tho past wejk at her parental hoiiie liere. Miss Eva Black, teacher of the junior dep rtnient 1 1 our schools has lende ed h<-r reBignatiiiii as teacher, resii^iiation to take effect at niimnier holidays. Miss Black will attend Nornml school after ll.e holid.iy season. We are sorry to lose such an excellent teacher. We are ple«.ied to report that Mr. Bnrioo WicketiH, who is suffering fioin typhoid fever,is uiaking favorable progiess toward locoveiy. Mr. and Mrs. John Plewea visited friends at C'ollingw.iod last week, Uev.'Mr. Ncnl, (Disciple) of Meifo'd is holtliiig revival services in the Union church tins woe-k." Mr. Welliu Fawcctt and Miss Etta Wickens si;ent Sunday wiih friends at Ruck Mdli. Have One Doctor No sense hi running from one doctor to another. Select the best one, then stand by him. Do not delay, but consult him in time when you are sick. Ask his opinion of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for coughs and colds. Then use it or not, ]ust as he says. A W« publlah our formolfts W« baliih Alcohol i/ers iF^ from our medloinoa Wo urg^o yoa to oontuU 7oar doctor MAKE MONEY. SflliiiK I'elhini's I'eerless Fruit .ind Orn.iiiicntal trees, Rhrubs, etc., duriiiit the winter months. We otfer you steady and inotitable employment in your own district at gi«n\ ]my. VVK HAVK OVKHOOO ACKK.S of choice nursery stock which v>u will sell direct t.o your custoiimrs. S'o dlseaiied or dried out American stock supplied. Kstablished over 30 years. Write fo r i>articnlftrs. . Pelbam nursery c;o. Toronto, Ont. East Mountain Summer Term of Music Study. Mr. Cirl Wolfe's annnui cement in aiuit her ctiluinn of this issue of a spcciul iiiid-suninier teiiii of piano and orunn tuiti.iii is Bill w.nth the attention of tho e resiling in or tnar Keversh iiii. Maxwell, Mclnt^re or Wsrehain and »»h') dcsiie a course of instruction upon lines which can he rtlii-d upon ;o lu thorou-^h and artistic- slly correct. Mr. Wolfe's course is, we underattnd, designed upon a well detineil phin to suit the poMibiliiiv:'; of a luinnier term iMid will be found suitable alike for the most eleineiitery and adv„nced pupils and also for those eiigaoed in teaching. Mr. Wolfe studied at the 'I'l.ronlo Coil- tervatoiy ipf music and afterwards took up theorelical and ailvsnced piano iii- strnction and the teachers' normal course with that widely known and eminent specialist, Mr. W. O. Forsyth. For some years he has been and still is, a member of the teaching staff of the Metropolitan School of Music, Toronto. Always keep a box of Ayer's Pills in the bouse. Just one pill at bedtime, now and then, wilf ward off many an attack of biliousness, indigestion, sick headache. How many years has your doctor knoiwn tbese pills? Ask bim all about them. â€" lUd* bjtbti.O. Ajtt Co.. lAwsll. X«u.>K> w SEASI [FURNITURE 60 YEAnC Held over from last week. CareftiUv Beautiful weather. A shower of rain ... would do good. . Peas Mr. Smith and Miss Smith of Craig- Hxi-iey "^ 'Wheat. P«i IS of women, heml pain.s, or any pain Mtop|.cd in !iO minutes sure, wiih Dr. Shoop's Pink Pain Tablets. See full fornuiLi on 25c. Box. Sold by all deal- ers. The iifiins. TsAos Marks Oesicr.s COPVRICHTS Ac. Anyeno »«:i!lr.g a pkotPb ar.i J.-ncrliitlnn m«T <J01ci;tf aaceri.-.'n onror;::ii>n free wla-f her ao lUTtiiilon 19 prul>rtl ly p.".witAMe. Cuniiriunlca. tlonsntrlcilrco-ui.ioT.tlnl. HAHDBOOK oa Patents sent free OMyat ouoiicy for pecunuff paleriis. I'atci:t9 t.ixen tlir<>ui.-li ilitnn ti Ci).iec«lTe fpfrfatfiotlcr, witnoutc bnru o, lutlia Scientific Jhiericatt A handsomely lUurtrofcJ weekly. iMrKot cir- euluticu tt OUT ertcn'i;ic journal, 'i'ermii for CaoutlH, |i.;.T6 a year, pu^stUKe prepaid, tkild by all aensiicalers. IKIONN&Co.«»"»«»*«»- SEASO!>!ABLE GOODS IN The largest and be.st .stock of Furniture ever shown in FleNherton. This without fear of con- tradiction.. Come and see some of the nice things in .Side Hoard.s, Dining Iloimi Chair.", Parlor SotLs, Bed Kooiii Setts. A special reduc- tion ju.st now on every- thing, in order-to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherto • ••••â- â€¢â€¢Â«*•••••••••••(•••••••••••••••%••••••••••••••••••••(••â- â€¢â€¢ ••••••• r •0««i • •• «••• • •• ••*. jii CEYLON'5 BU5Y STORE I I Corrected leith st«tiau were vis'torsat Mr. Walton's a week n"o. / Hay. .. Butter. F. F. Martin spent a couple of days in , Eltg", fresh ,.ii; „...i 1 „..i. Potatoes pe I Wool . , CoUinuwood last week. J n *• ( Geese . . . Mi's Mahel Chard of Uockvalo visi'ed | Ducks . . her sister, Mrs. McMullen, on .Sunday. Chickens Mrs. Neil of Hoathcote visitod her son, 1 1'"''''*.''^'^ MiHon, for a few days the past week. Mr. J. R. Fawcett was in this neighbor- hood trying to organize a Sunday school. A special meeting is iinnounced for next Sunday, Ctli, when a full atleiidanco is rri|ucsted. We hope all interested in their childlc.i will be interested in this. The meeting to take place at 2110. Thii Week's Items per bag. Each Week . . . . 4.') to 4,S . ... 90 to 9U (U) to (iO . 100 to lOO . 7 00 to 8 00 ... 18 to 18 .... 1!» -o 10 . . . . 75 to .... 10 to . . . . 10 to to . ... 14 to 18 to 71 10 10 8 14 20 Grey CountA Old Boys and Girls Annual Three-Days Excursion (ioiny.ST.VrUit.W, July 17th. Uetnniiiig MONDAY, duly liUli. Very fine weather. Seeding is a thing j ]^y CaJiadiiUl 1 'iicilic Uililtt ilV of the pa,t and most people have their,, |,y Miirkdalo Hn(U)wen SoiUUi potatoes phmtid. imim' Messrs. Stanley Smith of this p'^co To Markihilo .A.lults chil'n and Tom Lewis of Kiniborloy left for the I From Toronto I'i; I'arkd ile iiK-'l'i 70c -.•• ..•• -.•• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢Â«â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• :::: :::: •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• Seneral â- mAlerchant. We have a good supply of Screen doors on hand from $1.00 to 2.00 each. Also Window Screens at 25c each. For the balance of this week we will sell Grannlated Sugar, either St. Lawrence or Red Path at $5.00 per 100 )bs. We have still a little Clover Seed left. We have also Buckwheat and llape Seed for sale. The very best Flour always on hand, also Ontario Bran and .shorts and Feed Flcur. Highest Market Prices paid for all Farm Produce. Plants For* Sale HLere. •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• west a few days ago. Mrs. Neil'.s Imhy 1ms been ill. Liitlo Hazel .\llen gave a birthday parly to her school friends on Saturday. Mr. ,uid Mrs. Ed. Fawcett had Iho inisforlune to lo.so their infant child last week. Proton Station Mr. Win. Modaui;h, Owen Sound, is enijaged with J. 0. Wright for the Nuinmer. Miss Florence Trelford is in Diindalk this week as saleslady in J. E. Richard's s'ore. Mr. A lex McLean of Hannvor, .spent Sunday Willi friends here. Moat of the young people attended the garden parly at Bethel on Monday and report a good lime. Miss Mabel Ilinnie of Dundalk, spent SinuUy under the parental roof. Messrs. Dis. McOIeinincnl and Howes wore visitors in town Sunday. Mr. Peter Fickolt and Miss Ida Park spent Hiiiidayal Dundalk, Mr. Geo. niakeluy has now one oi the tinest houses in existence, and w ill sioii ba moving into it. To Owen Sound F"iiiiii Toronto 81.7-> 90c Special train will leave I'nion Station on Saturday, Augu.st 1st at 7.50 a. m., I'arkilale, « ;i. ni.. West Toronto 8.10 nniving at Markilalo about VI noon, Owen .Sounilat 1 p. in. and will stop at any station north of Sholburne on roiiu- est of Kxcursion I'ominitteo on train. Tickets are good on this train only aud let inning on any regular train on July I'.lth, .TOS. T. CL.VRK, President. .lAMES McUHlDK, Treasurer. JACKSON L. LITTLE, Sec. THOROrOH Bl'SINESS TRAINING AT THE (^NORT^^ for CmirHeH include everything essential to a «iiei.'e.ssful career. Hundreds of young people are needed to supply the demand. The coui-ae.H owt littlii. It will double y nil- inuonie and lust you a life time. StudeiitH iidniitted at any tiiiii'. I'ersonal itiHtrtiction ({ivt'ii. Preparatory Departniont for those wliiiHe early educution has been neglected. Catalogue free. ' C. A. Flkmminh, Prini'ipai., Uwon Sound * Ontario ttJtt?5!S!J*tI"It!J;Ji"Ii.I..f ••••••;;••••••••?!!!!!!!!;;??»!!!;!! {Societies U W meets oi. the last Monday 1 each mouth, in their loiige xooui block. FUi'henoii, at B I'.iu. M. \V.. Milos ThistletliWBite; Kec, C. H. Munsliaw; Fiu NV.J. Hel.aiuy. ViBitiuRhrotbrcoii-viteil Noi-ris' PUINCK AltTHUB LODOE, No. M33, A.P.A A r.I. meets in tht Uasonlchall. Aiin- KtionK's Hall Kle»herton. every FriiUv ou or hefore the full loocu. Thos. Ulakcly.W.M.; Herb.iJmlth, Bairotary. COt'UT FLESHEnTON, 00,5, I. 0. F. ireetsln Clayton's Dloek the last Weilnesdav hvohIiii! of each month. Visiting Forestera heartily welooino. H. K., Dyson; R. 8., 'i". Henry; Fin. Sec, C. N. Hicharilson. ., » . Ploasii pay tlui-s to Fin. Bee. before the first ilavoftlie month. Business Cards WALTER L0UCK8 Ituilder and Contractor For Hrick, Stone aud frauio rusidences. Es- 1 tiniates cheerfully luri'isUad, Flesbertou P o I Outariu. MOUiiLOUGH & YOUNO llaukera Markdale 00 a general banking business. Money loaasd . at reasouablu ratcv Call an us. vJHlSLKTT, ~~^^~~^"~~~* • PoKtuiasciir, '^eylou. I CommisHioner in H. C J , Couvoyaucer, deeds, i luortKaKHs, leaseH, wills etc. carefully drawn up .;olleetious luad^ cbargeu ruasonable. Also { groceriuH, Hour, feed etc. kept in Htock, Prices â-  rlRht. CHOSEN FltlENDSâ€" Flesherton Conncil ol Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall llrat and third Wednesdav of each mouth 8 p. m i Pay assoBsuientH to the Iteoorder ou or before tre first day of each month. Chief Councillor \ T. lUakolov;Uooord«r, W. H. Uuut. Kimberley. The weather continues very dry. Mr. Saul Fawoett left last week Gow((undii. Miss M.tudo Fawcett spent the past! week with friends at Dundalk. Mr. J. E. liaininond of Mcafocd spent Saturday at hin parental homo here. The Eugenia football toiim drove over to our lmr(? on Saturday evoninj; last and played a ^anio with tho lojals which re- resulted in a victoiy for tho lalter liy a score of 1-0. Miss Kula Heard of Meafoid .spent Sunday at her pirental homo here. Mr. <John Stuart of Powassan spent a few days at his parental homo hero last week. .Mr. .John Plcwes went up to Owen Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frama best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician fle:sm£:rto:m . STEADY EMPLOYMENT | For A Reliable Local Salesman i REPRESENTING ; Canada's Oldest and; Greatest Nurseries! IN Flesherton { And Adjoining Country. You will nnd there is a Rood doniaud lor Nursery Stock on aooouut of tho high prices that growers have realized on their fruit this season. . , , . , . Our saleHiuen are turnlnji in a big business to us tliia year. Ile one of thoiu and earu good wages tlirough tho winter luoutha. Territory reserved. Pay Weekly. Free 8auii)looutflt,eto. Write for particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON Foothill Nurseries (BoO acres) TORONTO Ontario RJ SPKOULK Podtmaster, Ftesberton lyotumissiouer in H.O J., Auctioneer veyauoer, Appraiser and Money Lends Iteal Estate aud Insurance Agent. Deeds mortKaiiea, leases an-l wills carefully drawn up aud valuations made ou shortest nntica money to loan at lowest rates of interest. ;Ool- lectious attended to with promptness oharRes low. Agent for Ocean UouiiuioD Steamship Conipauy. A call solioited. DMoPHAIli, Licensed Auctioneer for the • County of Grey. Terms moderate aud satisfaction Kuaranteod. The aiTaogoinonts and dates of sales can be wade a». Tub Advanor office. Kosideaoe and P.O., Ceylou, Telephone connection. Deo. 0.07. T vy KAITTINO, Liceused Auctioneer for *-'• " • the counties of tirey and Stmcoe. Farm aud Htock sales a specialty. Tonus moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Arrange, meuta for dates may be made at tho Advsuce office, or a: T. HutchlDeou's store, t'eversham, or by addressing me at Feversbam, Out. Lot 13, con, 12, Osprey, DUDD MATHKW8, Markdale, Licensed »• auctioneer tor the county of Orey, Qood service at reasonable rateit. Dates oaii be uiade at The Advance. 1 o CO QAROEN SEEDS! GET THEM HERE Kiidd and garden seeds â€" all kindsâ€" Steel- UriKgs, thelic:it on tho market. These in- clude miingolds, cold, aiicjar liect:. peas, etc. llKl)l>TN(t I'uANTH IN SKA.HON. Vlour and Fee'd as u^iHal. t Wright's Grocery FLESHERTON. Legal WH. WBIQHT, Barrister, Solicitor, Convey anoer, etc.,â€" Owen Sound, and Fleaherto n, N B â€" e bortou ollloe, Sproulo's Hlook- every Saturd Medical DB OAllTER M C P « S Ont. Physician, Surgeon, s Office aud resideuce â€" Peter St., Flesbertou JP OTTEWEIiIi Veterinary Surgeon Qradiiate of Ontario Veterinary ColletiS, residence â€" sacoiid door ' noutli west'on \.dvy street. This street raua south Presbyterian Church. HWIliSON, lllack«u>ith • 'iradnate of no Veterinary Botenoa Association Bssidonoo, Durham Krseb, op oslte Boyd, HlolUliig 's hardware. Dentistry E. C. MURRAY \: O. R, dental surgeon hono.Kiadimte of Toronto University aud Unyai Ooliego of Dental HiU'itooiHof Oittario, (las aduiinlsturod for tooth eXtiactlon UUloc at rosidoiice,Toronto Street, Flosiiarton, D \

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