Flesherton Advance, 15 Jul 1909, p. 8

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it T il E FLESHEBTON ADVANCE Promach troiitil" i> >iut a tj-Tnrtnm o(, »nc1 nol In llMil u iruf il.si-HM'. Wo think <i( I'jrfjippd*. Ilt<inbtun, Bi;<t Iiullgi'rtiim «« rial illNhk's. yet tiny arc fyinMoiii'* (uly ol » cx-ruiin iiwcICo It «ai l!r» fixt t»iBt (irft rorrortly lodTlr. Phocn In llip "Tiatioti of that r.<j\v vtry |it|,ulBr SitojuBch K<ii:f<lyâ€" I>r. Shix>|>'8 hi>!.tnratlv.-. (intng liinift U* th*« stomach lu'rx't**'. aloiit- hrr.uxlit that succtfi a:iO favor to Hr. j-IkkiiisikI 1iI» Illâ- ^t<lnlIlVl•. Wltli- out that r>riiri[iHl aii>t hiiftily vital iirliirtpU', no •U(h UtKtinKa(-r>:tn|.;Uhin( iit.- u'>Ti'>*vrrtoU*hu<1. Vor Momarh rti.-ir<?*». I>l<iiiinc. tiilioiuiu-i'*. bad l>r«>th an<l taUfiw rompkiii n, try Dr. Khoop'i RMtnrali V. â€" 'IuIjI' t» or Lfquidâ€" and Kw for your- wlf U'liat it mn hiiU will du. Wo H.U and ciicex- tuiiy rcctiUimeud Dr. Shoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" U Practical Education Is Koiiictliiii^ that in within Ihu ffach of every younj; iimn fiinl wiiniaii who luH thu iiniliitioii t'l Hiicc'oed ill lift'. It ciiii In; sociiretl in a Nhort time .iinl itt it cotiiiuirH- tively siimll oiM, Ijy atti-ii<iiiii; the Collinywood SSusintss Cotloyo KiiinVnii ..pi-tiK Sept. 1-^t, lllOJt. Write now U)x freo Ciititlogiie. T.K. HAWKINS, . Priiicipnl. Address and Presentation Markdale. Carefully Corrected Eacli Week tUt« "O to 55 Pens yO I" iW Barley ••0 to <iO Wheat IW to lOO Hay 7 00 to 8 fK» Ituttur Ifi to 18 EjgK, fresh 1_R "0 19 Potatoes per hnj{ 75 to '» Oeese !•• to 10 Ducks 10 to 10 Chickrtis C to 8 Turkoys U to 14 Wool 20 to 22 Bull for Service The flne Shorthorn hull llroadhoika LOid (No, 74'i«li will twtor Bervic.> en lot 10. cou. I). 0«prey: Ternin *I.OO. l.'owii not letiirnert will he charged whether iu calf or notl I'edi. EtiO on ai'itlicationt * • JAMES KURN8, Prop. Warning Th« pu)(lic is hcnljy warned n <K to (â- ivB credi; to any person in my name unlesM auihuri/.ed by ine. John CoBitniAN, Fleshcitoii, .June 17, IIWO. SEASONABLE GOODS IN 'FURNITURE 'I'he lar^^'e.-t and iK-t ^tot•k of Fiirnitiuo ever .shown in Fle.sheiton. This wilhout fear I f c ^n- tratliction. Coiiio and see KoMic of thu nico things ill Sidu Hoards, Dininy nuoiii Cliairs, I'arhir Setts, 15ed Uooin Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in ordei' to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton (In Thursday, July (i, the pa.ssengerj On Siinilay Itist, in his 89th yenr, Mr. train crew of the Walkurtoii branch met Tiiimthy Ryan, of Irisli lake, joined the at till; house of Mrs. Watscui of Saiigeeii great majority. Ho was a hardy tyjie of .1 unction and made her the leciiiieiit i>f a' pioneer, from Tiperary, Ireland, and hfiiKl.soine rocking chair, aocoiiiiKiiiied by enjoyed his usual giM)d hualth up 10 the the fcdlowiiigiiddrcKs, this being the an- last day. Had l>cen a resident of Glenelg iiiver.sjiry of her utith birthday, which for 45 years and like others who hewed iiiado the event of greater interest. Mrs. \ ,,ut for tlieiuselves homes in the forest, Watson wiis entirely taken liy surprise, he experienced the hardships and priva- biit ix'sjioiided in suitable terms. Tliis ti,,„„ which were the lot of all and wn» crew will always have a warm i.hice in .^ijvays ready and willing to lend a help- tlieir heart for AIi.s. Watsun, who has i„g j,n,„i to those who iiiight need it. been so kind to them. 1 Intorinent t<Jok place at St. John's II. C. , 1<> Mis. n'atiuH : ' cemetery on Tuesday morning. Rev. Dr. Dkak Maiiamk,â€" We have met hereat perguson iitticiatiiig. Ho leaves to yiiur beautiful home to-day fia' the |>ur- * „„,i„.,| 1,;^ departuru a widow and five posj r.f helping ycni to celebrate your (^^iijijii-e,,^ .J,,!,,, „f Traveiston ; James on .OOth birthday. We cjinnot forget your tj,e i„j,„estoad ; Michael, of Sault Ste. many kiiidiie.''ses to us during the l«»t | nfm-itj^ Mich; Mrs. M. Byrne, New year, and might stylo you a " mother " in York, and Mrs. James Kelly, of Mark- that respect. We trust you may be h)ng dale, spared to \h'. the head of your noble fam- ily, and have iiiaiiy more such celebra- ' MAKE MONEY. S.llliiL' IVUiuuiH IVetb-» Fiuit anil flrnaniciital trees, sliriilm, etc., <liuin){ the winter iieoiths. We i.tfcry"" "teady and iircititahle eiiipb>yme:it in your own di«tri<t at i^iHid pav. WK H.W'K OVKIH)<»<i ACUKSof choice nursery ^t^Kâ- k which V xi will sell direct to your e<ii«toniera. No <li>4HaHed ttr dried out .Vn.erican ^^tock sup|>lie<l. KutabliHlivd over .30 years. Wnte for partictilars. • • Pclbam nursery Co* Toronto, Ont. Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler ^ Optician FLESHERTON . » « » Nonisis I'lto.-. NoHiiis lli:<is. Nol;|;|s lllios T Shortly after -1 o'chick this Wednesdiiy , morning Mr A. L. Walker's sjiw mill lions a.s the present one. We are unnd- , ^^.,^^ ^.^^^-^^^^ ^.^.^j,,^^,,, ^^ ,^^,,^^ ^he loss fid of the fact that during our time of ;,,,„«„ t.,ti„ee th.msaiid d.dlnrs and no waiting over at Saugeen, while not eon- • m.. i, i , ,.,..„, ,,„.i;„., »i,u " o • i insurance. Ine luinlier surrouiiuing the vciiieiit to any place of .stopping, you .,, ., i ., t. . i,.v.,„ ^ ' 11 .•=• J null was mostly saved, yuite a large have supplied us ill a pleasinit iniinner , c ^ : ..„...» Tho I '' ' , remnant of logs reiiiain uncut. Ine with all neccssiiries and this has been . , â- ,.. â-  ., . ... ti. n , ,..;il ,.â- . )iror)ability IS that fllr. i\alKer will re- done in a manner to lead us to know that 11, rri H 1 1 I ,:„„„,.„,.„ build. The iinl! had been running every vou do not be kind from either a selfish' , i ^ .i t .i t; ;, ...it., , ^ ... day, but the cause of the hre is iiulte 1 motive, or for the intrinsic value, but . . i 1 1 t .,i i ,.,„., ' ' uncertain, probably from a smouldering I imrely through having a large heart, and , ... i i i' •' . , , °,, ,, , spark.- St:uidard. kerping m mind the Ijolden Rule. , .^ I Words cannot expreHs our gratitude to Dundalk. yuii, so we have to show you in Kome I other way our appreciation of your many A quiet wedJinij took place at the d eeds of kindness to us. I'luase accept refidenco of Mr. W. W. Hrown, Owen this rocking chair as a memento, not for Sound, on Monday, July 5th, when Miss its intrinsic value but to have a« a re- Ellen Marrio, for two or three Reasons minder of the happy times we have .spent milliner^iih the firm of Ritchie Bros. t(.getlier. We sincerely hope" that you hen;, beiAie iha bride of Mr. Ed. H. and your family may live long to enjoy Stephens of Stephens and McDuff, i your pleasant earthly home, and when furniture dea'ors, Dundalk. Rev, Rutal j done here h.iVe a liajipy reunion where Dean Ard 11 performed the interesting ': y.air golden deeds while here will all be ceremony. Mr. and Mr». Steidiens will I recorded. Signedâ€" T. II. Patterson, t»''e "P 'i""««'<e<'P'''i.' 'â- >» mtnth Or two j conductor ; H. H. Flint, engineer; H. on Owen Sound Street. j W. Leslie, Itaggageiiian ; T. Il.-istiiigs, ! Mr. and Mrs. S. Bell and their adopt- ! tireman ; H. Trimble, brakiMaian. ed ion, (le 'iijo, expect t,o leave Dundalk on Monday for a trip to the old country. I A Children's Aid Case iTiey will take the steamer at (Quebec and will be away probably a couple of nioiiih». Ireland and Belfast is the chief objective point but 'hey wi^l visit other parts of the British Isles as well. The tlcntUl wishes thcin ii pleasant journey and s.ifo return. Dr. Mitchell, Weyburil, Sask., with tlic'r their two sons <JheKter and Don and MisM Sylvia Tedford arrived from tlie Wist by Sunday's steamboat express for a visit with fiitfinls in town aid viciniry. The worries <'f Piiilimenfiny life seem to ain'oe with the doctor. He is Heshier than ever but wears the same old size hat. The Mitchell boys will attend coll. g« in Toiont > when the term opens III (he fall. â€" Herald. VVZHAT every cook should '* know i.s, which wheat makes the hest flour, and why. Winter wheat is put into the ground in the fall, but does not ripen until the following July. It matures slowly, is soft and very starchy. Spring wheat is sown in Agril or May, and ripens in August. It's a flinty, tninslacentvvheat, rich in gluten and cont.iins nearly twice as much nutriment as winter wheat- otisehoM Hour is made entirely from the hard, nutri- tious spring wheat, carefully selected from all the wheat of this kind grown in Canada. Royal Household is fine, light and pure--milled by the most improvied methods â€" in a mill as clean as your own kitchen. Ask your grocer for Ogilvic's Roval Household â€" just enough to try. You won't mind the slight advance in cost when- you see the results in your bread and pastry. 21 OgQvie Fl«ir Mills Co.. Limited. MontreaL Jlr. M. K. Richardson, cx-3M.P., I special agent of the Chihlren's Aid .Soci- ' ety, t(Mik to the shelter at Owen Sound 1 last week a young lad from the tow iisliip of Melancthoii to be placed iu the soci- ety's charge. There is an interesting ' connection in the lad's cu.se. X pioneer of the township, who had raised a family J and cleared up several farms ou w bich he I had placeil his children, handed over his I property for the pittance that would ' servo to have kept hint in scant comfort, his wif J having died some years previous. J At the age of 7H the old lean miu-ried a youii. girl, and live children were boi-ii NORRIS BROS, â- ^aft/tifare. â- ^lenc/iants €infl tJinsniit/ts « II. iw about that leaky roof ? The wood shiii'^h'S are not so good as in days of yore. The iron ahini^les are too dear, but here's the remedy (Paroid) ready roll roofiii);, folly guxranleed ami put on coiu- pletu on any building by expert roofers The price is $2.!)U a s(]uare. Now is the tiiiio lo pre|rtrH to battlo with the flies and mo.s- <|uitoe<. The first »te|) is to purchase screen doius and wiiidi'Ws and our slock is unexc •Med. Priccf ranite fur doors fiiaii «0c to 82.15 each. Windows, 18o ti' '{.5o edch. We have an extra g)od ipiality of oils f pr thi.-< season. Dipii't buy till you examine our .MucliiiieOil, (Jast )r Oil, (Cylinder Oil, Itoiled and Raw Lldaerd Oil and Sitparalor Oil. We always have the best. glade of Ctjal Oil, Turpeiiliiie and gasoline and our prices will interest you. When it riunua to points and dry colors our gnods ppeak for themselves. Buy a small can and we are saiislied that you udl come here for the larger can when there is more paiiiliiig to be done. Paris Green-Extra Good Quality. Watering Cansâ€" Sprayersâ€" A good asaortnient at right prices. NoKKIS liKos. NoKIIlS BkoS. NollKls Bros. » « I to this strange union, t ho young mother j dying shortly after the birth of the youngest child, which is now five years old. 'i'he eldest is about thiiteen years: of .ige. Left wit hunt a luolher's cire, ! and with a father who h.is now reached the age of ninety, the children have run in s(|ualor and ignorance. Thu old man's pittance was not sufficient to clothe and feed theiii )uopeily. Hut they were <pf .sturdy slock and have grown up healthy children. The condition was such that . it was a menace to .send them amoiiijst ] other children, but the idd man struggleil along and endeavored to keep them to- gether, too proud loask assistance. The Chihlren's Aid society wi'ie informed of the situation and a year ago .Mr. Richard- sun endeavored to .secure a better condi- tion of affairs. The change was not forthcoming, however, anil last week he went out to the wretched liipine, which MEN -YOU NEED NERVE Robbery in Egremont. On Sunday Sum K;iK';;<*r, a well knttwn liceiiBoil petMler (iftJrey flioppetl over nt tlu! houst^ (if Mr .Mto. Isle*, on the lOtli i)f Ki/remniu. His waLi-iti was Inckotl in llie unj^iiu! slu*il. Somt! time on Siuul:^y Ili^ht lite ''hud wa.shroki'ii intn. A leather covertd case in the wauon hm\ its lock cut out, and A portion (»f th>j conientH, a silver wac'i, a i»o'd chuiti, ima t»ol(J lookets, a jiair ciitt' liukH, tvuif.mcy nvaith or^Ans, u stiok of .shaving .sonpand a coiuh, were nhstractt^d. Tha theft was dis- cflvorcd Ktn Monday ui'irning. Suspicion wan dirocted ajaiiist a youth named Joe Staiition, who \\m been iri the employ of Ml'. Kjo i Dilhtn, of lh« Kume conceBsion. lledtnied tho iinputaiioii, but Chiof ('linule waH Hftked to drive out, which he • •••4 • •••t • •• • «• • •• • •• • •• •••• â-  ••• •••• •••• •••• • •• •••• •••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • •â- â€¢ • ••• • ••• •••• • ••• •••• •••• • ••« >••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• • •••• • • • • • • ••••••••• ••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢'••a ^as, iPattison, Cej/lon, Ont^ || C^ It I ***" CEMENT ••.- ••«• ••.- A car of cement just arriveJ. Any one reiiuiring cement will know where to get it fresh at the right price. We have a good supply of Pl'rtK PARLS GREEN on hand, also Sprinkling Can.s, Hoes, Hay Rakes, Scythes and Scythe Stones, good thick .Machine Oil, fine and coir.se Windsor 1^' dt. THK BEST KNOWN BRANDS OF FLOUR always on hmd, StH and our prices ileserve the atlentiuii of all carelul Buyers as well as *!i: the Brand. ;••; Anyone wanting STRAWBERRIES we would be pleased if they jjj: would give their order in this week, as the best will soon bo (pver. WC Higlie.st INIarkot Prices paid for all Farm Produce. HH RE.MKMBER OUR MOITO: '%ii«« Pr-JiUaiulQiikk IlHwiui." â€" ^...i ..........•._......,.•â- ..........â- â€¢â€¢â- *..... .............. ••••• him to adirit theoU'eiice. He was arrest- ed and brought befppie .lu'tice of the PeHce Swauhton, who committed him to O«on S»niid jail for trial. â€" Mount Forest Confederate. lies I'.ist of Corbetton, and iKprtli of ., , , ... ,, 1.111 • . , did. laking the youth aside ho induced Shelburiu', and the old man was induced ,. , ." . ... to give twti of the lads into the charge of the sociity. One, However, escaped, and the old man recanted ; the other was taken to the shelter. Mr. Uicliardson says that given a chance every one of the live children would make strong, sturdy citizens, and he is lio[iefiil that circutii- Htances will iieniiit the society to take more of the children, and see that they ale pill ill homes where they will have an opportunity. WoiUwful Ncrreiu Sr*l*a EARLY INDISCRETIONS AND) EXCESSES HAVE UNDER- MINED YOUR SYSTEM The nerves control nil actions a( thn Imdy so that any. thing that ileliilitHtes ihoin \\111 weaken all organs of lliH synlfin. Earlr Inducraliont ami Exceuc. have niini-d thouKanilM of pronilsin;; yotiiiK iiien. Unnatural Drain. H/iptht'Irvlf?or anil vit.iiity anil tlicy never develnp (o a i)ro|)cr condition of manhood. They remain wcak- liuK". mentally, ]ihyi<iually and nexually. How you faci? Are you nervous and wink, tlcfiioiident and gloomy, K|M'rkfi before tho eyoH with dark circles xinder them, weak hack, kidnejs inltnblc, |ial|>ltali.in of thu heart, liifhful, dchllitutinic dreams, sedlinenl In urinn. plinplex on tliii faei', ryes sunken, hollow cheeks, careworn ex- pression, |joor memory, lifeless, dlstruttful, luekeueriry anil Hiremtlli, tired inornin|rs, restlcus nights, chaDfre- alilo niuods, premature decay, done pains, hair loose, elc. Thu U lli« condllton our N«w Method Troatmont U GUARANTEED TO CURE We have treated HlKeases of Men fur almost n lifn- tinie and do not have to experinieut. Consult us FREE OF CHARGE and we will tell you whether you are curable or not Wa (uoranlaa curaUa caws of NERVOUS DEBIUTY. VARICOSE VEINS. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, GLEET. BLADDER URINARY AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS Fraa BoaUal on DUaaiai of Man. U unaUa lo call mila (or QUESTION UST FOR HOME TREATMENT Di».KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. The Comet IsComin)* A book on Rheumatism, by Dr Shoop, of Uachine, Wis. tells soiie p'aiii truths, niul in a plain and practical way. Get this booklet, and a free trial tro.ttnient of Dr. Shoop's Hheumatic Remedy for some dl^heartened sufferer in your vicinity. Make a grateful and appiecia- live friend of sonic one who ia dis- cuurasted because of the failurrs of others to help him. Hel|i me to make this test. Much curiosity and excitement will l)^ ovused next year by ihe return of llalley'a comet, the Urge.st. and most spectacular | and I'll certainly help your suffering that ever visited our tolar system during friend. K(dd by all dealeis. historic time-. Astronomers cannot tell Three Corbetton boys, James Harding, us the exact ddy the comet will cross the earlli's orbit, and therefore cannot dutenuine whether any danger threatens. It 18 not wholly impossible for a uiiiiiet to greatly injure tho earth and less ini- |>oi>sible that it nii|{lit come so close to thu earth that animal and human health would be impaired. The chancuii, linw- [ever, are immensely against any danger next yejtr from llalley's comet. Probabilities ate that we shall see in this coinat thu finest display and the most wonderful ever witnessed by luos' people now living. This comet relurn.s every Herbeit Harding and Vincent Koatinv, were charged liefore I'olicii Magialrato Rutherford on Monday with assaulting William St. George Hogg of Melancthoii. The three boys implicated were alt about nine years of aga and the cuniplainant is about tho aanie age. They were accused lOf burning the boy's back with matches nniHj^ying to drown him in a rain barrels They were each lined ^1.00 and costs. â€" Shelburne Free Pres.s. Nothing in the way of a cough is tptife HO annoying as a tickling, teasing, wheez- ing, bronchial Cough. The quickest JMedical DU CATiTKU M C I' & S Out. Pbyslcian, Surgeon, e OlUce and ruhideiice â€" Pet«r St., Plesliurton Jl> OTTKWKI.I. Vctoriuary Surpeon Graduate of Outsrio Vutorlnary College, residence â€" eicoitd door noutli weft; on \..irv Htreet. This street runs south PresV.vtcriHM t'tjurcli. H WILSON, Hliirkn.illb • 'iradnHte of «ie Veferlnary Science AHSoclation IteHilouoo. Durham ftreet, op OKlte B > / 1, Hliiriliirj 'a liArlware. For Safe One span of I.iulitnii.i{ C'nlti ccniint; tl:ree niHtcliet). Kfja.ly to woi k. AIko one Shorthorn liiill eighteen moutlis old, bred by Goo.llristow, Itohltoy, II tun bG'- .OKU.',, in volume 24, Naceâ€" VillaRe raptiiin. AI,HI'-KTK. HANT.KY, Lot 4, Con. 10, Osprev, KoverBhain P. O, Bulk Cea We have a nuiiplete line of fresl^ groceries W(prthy of sjiecial mention is our Ceylon Tea- green or black â€" in bulk, which sells readily at 25c, (ter lb. Try a pound if you want to drink good tea. D J sPKoULK " Podimaster, Flesherton v.,oiumis8ioner in H.C J., Auctioneer veyaucor, Appraiser and Money Lead* Kuttl Kstate and Insurance Agent. Ueeda inovtKageii, leases and wills carefully drawn up ami valuations uiadu ou shorteat notice money to loan at lowest rates of interest. "Col- lections attended to with promptness charKes low. Auent for Ocean UominioD Steamship Company. A call Kolioited. Bran, Shorts, Feed Flour, also Fouls Patent, Peifection Blend, and Morning (jilory â€" each tlie best in its class â€" always is kept in sto^k. ai,C.airidbt Fksbertcn 7ft yens and those who might rumeniber I ,. . . , - . iis last visit must now be at least gQ ' •'•''"'' '^""'^'" •'"''"l" f'"'" 'â- ' prescription years old. i known to Druggists everywhere an Dr. Astronomers are not sure as to its form I •'">"01''a^""i4'> Remedy. And be-sides, during the coinin)) appearance. It it the first comet definitely recorded in his- tory, it having caused gi eat alarm more than 2(XI0 years ago. The great hididay event of tho year â€" Excursion to Muskuka Lakes July 31st. Return fare $2.10. it is so thoronuhly harmless that mothers give it with perfect tafefy oven to the youngest babes. The tender leaves of a simple mountain Khrub, give to Dr, Shcop's Cough Remedy its remarkable curative effect. It is truly a most cei lain and trustworthy prescriiition. Sold by tU dealers. STEADY EMPLOYMENT For .\ Reliable Local Salesman REPRESENTING Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries IN Fle.«herton And Adjoining Country. You will find there la a Rood demand for Nursery Stock on account of the higli prices that RroworH have real i/.edou their fruit this Roa^^oii. Our salcKiuen are tuniini! in a big business to UH thU vear. lie one of tlieiu and earn good waftes through the winter months. Territory reserved. Pay Weekly. Free Bamido outfit, etc. Write for particulars. 8 T O N I'] & W E L L I N G T O N FonthiU Nursovies (8J0 acres) TORONTO Ontario Bi^siNEss Cards nr ALTER LOUCKS " Builder and Contractor For llrick, Stone and fisino reiiidoncos. E«. tiuiatcB cbecrtully lureiBhe.l, Fleshertou P o Ontario. U OULiiOUaH * YOUNO *» HankoiB Markdale Jo a Roneral baukins business. Money at reasonable rates Call on us. v\ loauad rv CHISLKTT, A • Postmaster. Oeylon. Couiinissioner in H. l\ .J , Conveyancer, deeds, mort^iagea, leases, wills etc. carefullv drawn up collections niad^ charyes reasonable. Also Kioeeries. Ilour. feed etc. keptinbtock. Prices riuht. r\ McPHAIL, Licensed Auctioneer for the s'' County of Grey. Terms moderate and satisfaction guarauteod. The arranRemeuts and dates of sales can be ina Ic a', Thk Advanou otllce. Residence aud P.O., Ceylon, Teleiiboua eounection. Dec. 0.07. T^ W KAITTINO, Licensed Auctioneer for •-'• " • the counties of Groy and Siiucoe. Farm and Stock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfactiou guaranteed. ArranRe- meuts for dates may bo made at the Advsnca office, or a: T. Hutchinson's store, tovershain, or by addressing me at Feversham, Ont. Lot 1.1, con, J'2, Osprey, pUDl) MKTHRWS. Markdale, LioonsstI "• aiic^.ioneer for the county of (Irev. Qooil service at reasonable raten. Dates can ba made at The Advance. 1 o (tl Legal nr H. WltlGIlT, Barrister, Solicitor, Convoy* "anoer, etc.,â€" Owou Sound, and Flesherton. N 1* â€" elur ton oUliie, Sproule's Hiojk eva.'y Haturd Societies WILL MEND ljr*^«s^^^ China, Glass ^A5^^^â€" «rV * Wood, Stone or Marble. Any- tliiug aud evevj- tiling, oucc aud for all. it0 and '25c per bottle mailed on receipt of price iu stamps. THE CHINA CEMENT CO. 214 Ga-i-ardSt. E. - Toronto CemenT AO U W meets ot. the last Monday in each mouth, in tbclr louge room^ Norrls' block. Flesherton, at 8 p.m. M. W.» Miles Thistluthwaite; Kec, C. H. Muustaaw; Flu., W.J. Bel. amy. VieitlugbrethraoliiTitM PHINCB ARTHUR LODGE, No. HS8, A.R* A U, meets Iu the Masonichall. Arni- Btrong's Hall Flesberton, every Friday oo or before the full mocn. Thos. Blakely,W,U.; Herb.iimUh, Secretary. nOURT FLKfiUKUTON, OO.'i, I. 0. F. treats ii» ^ Clayton's llloek the last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily wolcomo. H. R. Dyson; R. 8., T. Hei^ry; Flu. Sec, C. N. Hicbardson. Please pay dues to Fiu. Sec. before the flrs6 day of tho month. nHOSRN FhlENDSâ€" Flesherton Council of ^ Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hall first and third Wednesday of each mouth 8 p. m Pay asseHHinoiits to tno Recorder on or before toe first day of each month. Chief Couuoillor T. Rlakelev; Recorder, W. H. Bunt. Denti.stry Dr. B. C. MURRAY L. O. K., doiitsl flurRCOtt honorgraduate of Toronto University sod Royal College of Dental Siirgoons of Ontario, Gas administered for teeth extraction OlBce at residcuce,Toronto Street, FleslieitOBk

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