Flesherton Advance, 29 Jul 1909, p. 4

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I ll l ll l i»» l»lll* l »llll l l ". .1 . July -25) I'JOU THE FLESH ERTOW ADVANCE F.T.HILL & CO., - Markdale i BRANCH STORES - ORANOKVILLE AND TARA This Week We Are Clearing Many Seasonable Lines Much Be- low Market Value. Children's Canvas Shoes at Very Much Less Than You Regularly Pay Tliu) week we place on 8«le Cliildren's Cnnvns Oxford Shoes in white nnd tan, in sucli reliable makes a* McPlieisDii's and W. fi. HHniilioii'H. The sizes are 7. 8, 9, 10 mid 11. These shoes cost yuu mi the rojuliir wiijr JliJiMO and 81.25 a pair, on sale tills week ^ler pair yg^ Ladies' White Canvas Oxfords Reduced ALSO SOME SIZES IN TANS This week we put on sale every pair we have of Ladies' White and Tan Canvas Oxford Shoes and Slippers, all sizes in the lot 2i to 7. Thete arvuf^-'l inou<{h values to command your attention at fl.15 to ^1,75 a jKiir, 80 be on hand early your chsrCe'for .... 98e Ladies' Strap Slippers Reduced We have too many Ladies' Strap Sllpppis. Tliey are all up-to-date styles ami coiiio from some of the best ninkor<i. All sizei. 2A, 3i, 4, a, C and 7, regular $1.35, 81 00 and 81.75 lines, on sale this week for, per jiair $1-15 i i V. i it U imUishi-J every Tliur-ilay at .$1.U0 |>cr Bimum if I>aid in udvancr, 81.50 if not »o laid. NKT .VDVKKTISIXO RATKS 1 column dinplay one year, if*) Half column one year, 830 ijuaitor column one year. 81."i Kortnitjhtly chanfreK if rer|uired Quotations tot trantleut advertiaing will t>e given on aitplication By the accoinplisliraent of the Frcuclimau, Blcriot, who llew across the English chauuel on Batiuday, landing at Dover, anothtr aailestoue in aerouauticii has been reached, aud tlie Euglishinau's deep slumber is not hkcly to be improved thereby. It will, uo doubt, be but a short time until Hying machines become as coiu- (uou as automibilcs are now, and when that ti>xic comes acnal tratVic will have to be "regulated." Just what these regulations are to be depends on dflvdoping circumstances. Tiiirc will be legally qualilied sky pilots and sky captains. I'^very municipality will require to own a fast llycr and to maintitiu a sky police foice to see that the regulations arc enforced. There is not likely to be any limit to epeed, oud no disputed right of way, while old Jerry who plods olong to market will not have his nerves un- Btruug by tlic honk, honk of the flying machine. The navigation of the air means less congestion of traffic on earth, and a more pleasant exis- tence for those who remain on terra firma. Tliere are thouBands of people in this country who wish with an intense wish that every aulomubilu in Christendom uould don a pair of wings and sail away through the "empyrian blue" and forget to come back. To this extent at least the earnest desire of all is that tlio naviga~ tion of the air may assume a practical form lu the very near future aud the experimental stage cannot loo soon be passed. Four New York crooks camo over to Canada recently expecting to do up the whole country from Ottawa to Vancouver. Their first job at Ottawa proved their last and three of them are now in dutnucc vile. The few thousand dollars worth of jewellery which they stole has also been recov- ered. This sudden jerk on the reins will doubtless give these light fintjorod gentlemen a more wliolcsomo idea of Oauada'E preparedness to deal with the criminal under world of either foreign or native production. From the Atlantic to the Pacific, Canada lias a police force of which any country clerk who went wrong three or four fell on the Shields and Johnston farms years ago was caught down in tlie on Auyust 13th, 1904, l>nt it may be West Indies. Of course there ha\e Jre""'"" «ftei- "il- Thos. W. Dudgecm been some miscarriages of justice, but "f '^T'"" l""'' "'* """" '" '^'"°'"" "" ^, . L L\ c y r .1 I- luesdayand it will be examined by that was not the fault of the police force. Bill Miners may get away, but litis after the police force have dore their full duty, not before. esday and it will be examined by experts as to its value. If it is the real article it is the largest wo have yet seen. Thu Provinci.sl Director of Colonization for On'aiio announced last week that the decrease of the rural population of the The colossal cheek cf the managers P''"*''"'^"' ""t including New Ontario, of Toronto's annual September, f'""' 1**^5 to uxw, was 114,971. These "splurge" is something abnormal, and '''^"''^'' »'â- " ^''-'lewhat dis,piietin«, esp«. if it could be materialized would make ' '"'"^ "1'^" -I'oy are accompanied by the , ,1- ,. .. r ii n c statement ihat.this year very much less a tolling attraction for the Barnum & j^ , -., • , â- n ., . _, , , . ground#< under cro!) within the province Bailey circus. They send us a lot of „.,„ ;,.., j.^,,,., ,„,, ,,,„ eertsin kind.s of reprint copy and ask us to "keep it live stock also show a decided decrosso. close to the scissors," arreting to give Tlie still continued emigration to West- iu lieu thircof a 2u-ceut ticket for the em Canada will account for sonic of this show! This is the magnanimous ;''^''''''"-' "f I'uâ„¢' P"pul«tion, but tho drft ofier made to country newspapers, but c''y""«rd '•'' "" doubt responsible for (juito our city cousins are treated differently. â-  » !'"':'•'>'••'«« '^f 't- <"'» of the problems Ti, ... «.» •! I i 1 . ahead of older Canada, as it is one of the 1 hey get the cash nt regular rates, ,, , , ...,„.. , -, ,, , ',11 pressing problems of the tinted States Willie the country press is lookuu upon i t /- . i. -. • • . • •' ' '^ and of ureat Uritain, m to keep the as a benevolent institution that only p.^p,^ „„ j,,^ ,,„^, „„j p^^,.^„^ j,,^ ^,,,. waits to be asked to contribute several ,iue growth of nrlan pnpuktions. Tlie dollars' worth of space for nothing. 'great problem of uneinplnjmvnt facing Tlie mortifying part of this confession, (ireat llritain today isa direct result of is that numbers of our country i '''^ ciowJinn of her population into great brethieu justify the advertising '='^'^'»- Fif'y y«ars ago the urban popu- agcnfs opinion by sliding in Ihis f.-cc,'''^'"" 'f England was only 50 per cent. , .. . .1/11 lof the tot;iI population, but t(idav it has advertising as requested. Count usi , , ,, .. , _ „, r., •» (reached the enormous huuro of 77 per out. Wecanpay our 25 cents if we,,., , f ,. . i. «•• i ., , i , cunt, of the Bggresate population. \\i\\\ WC Wish to see the elephant. Jthe undor-cultivatiou of her farm lands ° O j that there is i.i Ontario it is a some^vhat A movement is on foot to celebrate "'"''""•'' "''u'dion when rural popuia'ion, the century of peace between the|''"''â„¢'""'* "' ^''b rate that the past few Anglo- Baxon races, which culminates J'"-""* ''.noshown.-Christian Guardian, in 1912. The proposals are tocairy! A failinR tiny nerveâ€" no larger than on extensive educational campaigns 'ho finest silken thread- takes from the in the normal schools, to erect local \ '""" '"' ''"l"''^?. 'ts p"wer, its regular- monuments at different battlefields, '''^â- â€¢. , ''''"' """""-"'' "''^" ''"" '" '''^'^'^•"' '^'â-  „, J , . ,, , ,! inside nerve. It was Dr. Slioop whotirot and to coramemorato tlio contuiy of, ,. ., » , , ,...„, (told us It was wrong to diug â- â- Â» weak or peace between Great Britain, Canada j f,.;,;,,^, j.,„„„^^,,_ „^.„,., „^ ^j^,,,^.^^ j,,^ and the United States by a grand prescript'on- Dr. Shoop's Uestorative- iuternational celebration. j is diiecttd ktâ„¢ij.lit for the causo of these 'ailmentsâ€" these weak and faltering inside Theodore Booscvrlt is having such ' "'^"â- ''';- Jhis, no doubt clearly explains so rapidly in pojmlurity. Drugi;isls say that those who lest the Itcstoiiilivo over. L • 1.- .1.1 1 why the Ittstorniii-o a booming good time that ho cannot' ' tear himself away from the African attiactionsin ordertorunfov mayor, f,„. „ f,.„. ,,„j.3 ,„„„ ,,^,^.,„„^, f,,,,^. ^,„^ of New York. The party have lately vinced of its wonderful merit. Anyway, taken to hunting small game aud have don t diug thooiKan, Treating the cause been quite successful in bagging '->f i-ickness is the only sensible and African lleas I | successful way. Sold by all dealers. When to Shoot a Do^ u o ! Bains of last week retarded haying, ' but we have heard of no grumblers. Masistrate Creasor declared in the The harm done was much more than l'"''*-'"'""'' "" ^^''duesday morning that oflset by the good accomplished to the "" "«";"" ''"' » ''«''' t" »l>""t a dog un grain crop, which at the present tiinit gives promise of being above the average . British Columbia is soon to have a plebiscilu on the licpior question. Mulinur township may not bo a mndorn Sodom, but it is evidently getting pepperi'd with the Hre from heaven, according to the Sliollmrnu Free Press, which says : Motootitcs aro get- ling pleiilifnl in t)iis locality. On .Iiine might he proud, and which seldom 26th a traveller saw'one fall in Mulmur allows a criminal to extend his opera - township nnd J. J. Morrow at rorni tioisover any great period of time. I«l«'m'' 'hnt he found it on his farm. Anderson, the Toronto bank clerk who j"" â- '»'"' =">"'• '"''""'• Dudgeon, who lives ,, , , 1 • . i- 1 I live lots south of Morrow's plnce, found a thought ho was running a safe deal, i ,. ^ ... , .' ,, , ° . . ,, , , ,, peculiar stone in his wheat lield, where IS a oaso in point. lie was chased all , , , , , ., , r I It knocked down the I'rain anil was ini- cvcr the Dominion and brought to bay i, , ^^,^,, j„ „,^ jj^,„„„^ j^ ,,„, „„^ „,„ ftt last ill Vancouver. Another bank ^amo appearance as the meteorites that loss it is known to bo atfectoJ with rabioj or oflers to attack a person or a horse. This piece of information was liandod out lo an elderly man who lives in the Catholic Church hill district. Moore shot a houud belonging to Mrs. \Vm. .Jones. He declared that the animal hnd boun on his property and that on the ni«ht previous to the shooting it had tlneatened to attack him when ho chased it off his land with an iron bar, When ho shot the dog it was on his properly, hut lifty nine feet from whore ho was standing. Other witnesses doc'ared tint the doi; had not bdcn on Mi'orc's properly V lien he lired at it, The Magistrate held that it was an impossibility for the hound to have bitten Moore when it was lifty- iiiiie feet distant from him. N* person had a riuht to shoot a dog that wandered oil to hiH property unless it attacked him Moore was ouleivd to pay §5 dninaues snd the cost of tlio action.â€" O. 8. Advertiser. John Snell Dead One by one the pioneera of this see'icn are passim; aver the hill of mystery to the eternal homestead, and the reflection is a saddenint; one. Mr. John Snell of the west Ixick line ia the latest to take his departure, his death occurring on Thursday of last week in his C8th year. He had been a sufferer from chronic bronchitis for many years. Mr. Snell camo to the township of Artemesia when a boy of ten, from the township of Mono, where he was born. Later he married a Miss E izabeth Cam- eron, oriijinally of the township of Vaugimn, and settled on tha farm where he died. Mr. Snell could teli some intei- esting stories of the early day?. He says when he came here there was only one house, a lo? residence in Fleshcrton, occupied by Mr. E ias Orey, who figured prominently in the early jmunicipal history of the township and county. Mr. Snell w.is of a genial nature, and was an adher- ent of the English church. Ho was a Conservative in politics, and hud been a member of the Orange order for foit • years. The Ceylon lodge, to which he was attached, touk charge of the funeral ceremony ou Saturday afternoon, when a very lirgfc cortege wended its way to Flesherton ccmetry, where the remairs wero l.iid in their final resting place. The deceased loaves a widow and two sons â€" George and Joseph Henry. ^ 1 Jt W RAVn General and Hardware Merchants, 35 J. Ot TT. DUIU, Flesherton, Ont. ^ nid-Summer Clearing: 5ale We will clean out the balance of our summer stock at greatly reduced ptices, some of which are a.s follows: Boys Straw Sailors, reu 30c cleat ing at 19c Men's and Boys Linen Hats, r<-g 50 .and 60c, clearing at 43c • • " •' " •' 75c for 59c Muslins, reg 12ic, clearing at 8c '» '• \fyf- " •' lie Muslins, Linens and Zephyrs, reg 25c for 17c »' >' •• •' " 3i)c for 25o White Livwn Waists, 75 for 43c "l.OOfi.r 69c '• " " 2.25 and 2.50 for 173 All our new Dutch Wai«t», reg 1.75 for 1.48 Embroideriesâ€" A nice raiine of embroidery and insertions, prices from ID to 15c, clearinir ,• 8c Vandeleur Women's Institute The Vandeleur Women's Institute held their July meeting at the home of Mrs. Itobt. HoUey on the 22nd inst. The meeting was well attended, nineteen niembers responding to the roll c.iU. The suliject, " Simple Meals for Berry Time, " was taken up liy Mrs. Joseph Buchanan. The picking and canning of fruit is usually a tedious task and a Woman should simplify her household tasks as much as possible in order that she m.iy have time for reading or .study. There are many kinds of breakfast foods that require little preparation and which with the addiiioii of cream and sugar will l)j found quite appetizing. Early vege- tables are easily and quickly preiMired. Eggs m.ay be prefmred in many ways, while fre.sh fruit sliould be used ui its season as much as po.ssible. A very intere.sting jajH-r, " Our Bird and Insect Friends, " was given by Mrs. J. I. Graham. Birds are the farmer's friends â€" not of the farmer alone but of the whole kingdom of vegetation. It has been stated that if the birds became ex- tinct vegetation ct>uld not survive the r.jvagesof the various insects and worms and would cea.so to exist in nine years. We should instil in the minds of our young Canadians a love for nature and help them to understand nature's hiws and that it is neee.«sjiry for us to work in harm(my with nature in order to obtain the best results. This, it ishopgd, would do away with the wanton destruction of our little feathered songsters. We Can- adian women might wi.sely foHow the example of our French sisters, who have clubs for bird protection. " Canning and I'reser\ing of Str.iw Berries" was the subject given by Mrs. H. D. Meljoughi-y. Many helpful and practical hints wore given. Great emphasis was laid cm having the gems thoroughly sterilized iK'fore tilling them with t!ie fruit. By reversing the gems frequently while cooling, the fruit will lie kept in good position. \ w 'c5 § s .t< â€" » â- * ^ £. ^e- to o o •e % B CO fco c o a 2 o Ci Jf -^ a> o •~ « 11, ^•â- P O) *^ "' , u a - o c -i -t-i _>> en ^ CO =^ a ci o "oj S) O CO O 2 â€" * O o o 4J c >^ t^ o 03 -4-> Q4 c CO c o o rt o J o 22 1" â- :3 ^ M «!- E neriuiirsj up a nicrchai.t laiUiIrg lusinets urder the ni ai 1 1 ii'» >-t < f Fiid Morlty »l.o is a tirst class woiknnu. We 1 nve a c< inpli te rarge of new and up-to-date stock. We Euarantee a perfect tit. Call and see the gocdr â€" jost ill the Collier i-'iom MRS. SMITHS OLD STAND. Narrows* Plougbs* Cream Sep- arators and mire Fencing HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY After an ^'^llerinlent of three months with cars reset ved for women, the miinagers ot the tunnel from New York to Jersey City have abnndoned the "Jrrangenient. At first the women crowd- ed the cars, but after the novelty w(>ro off they heijan to lake the cars wiili the mm, in accordance with their old habit. AT ONCE A Reliable Loral Salesman TOREI'RESKNT Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries In; Flesherton And Adjoining Country. Tho demand fi'r Nuisery Stock is in- crensi ng yearly, and if you become one of our saleMiien you will realize there ia good money in the busincFs fir you. Write at once for particulars. Pay weekly ; Free Outfit. ST N E & W E L,L I N O T O N . Fontliill Kui-aeries ( 8^ acres) TORONTO Ontario. Cej/lon 's Tlfeat Tffarket All kinds of fresh and smoked meats, head cheese, sausage, ahvavs on hand. » s CASH BAID FOn HIDES. Jas. ^fCcC/ocA/in, Heard's Carriage Works Notice to Creditors Farms for Sale & Rent In the matter of the estate of William James Realty, late of tho town^hip of Arteinesia in the County of Grey, Itailw.iy Employee, deceased. Notice is hereby given putvuant to the revised Statutes of Ontario, 1897, Chap. i», that all the credltort, nnd others havius.' claims against the estate of tho said William James Beatty, who died on or about the second day of Juno, 1909, are required on or before tho twenty ninth day of July, ISHMt, to send by post pre- paid or deliver to James L. McMullen, Ceylon, Out., administrator of the estate of the said William Jiunes Beatty, de- ceased, their Christian and surimiiie."', addresses and descriptions, the full particulars of their cluiins tho statement of their accounts at:d tho nature of the securities (if any), held by them. Ami KfUTHEK TAKE. NOTicK that after such last mentioned dato the said admini- strator will proceed to disttiliuto the afsets ot the deceased among the parties entitled thcieto, having regard oi.ly to the claims of which he shall then have notice, nnd that the said administrator will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof to any person or iiersons of whose claims notice shall not have boon received by him at the time ot such distribution. W. H. WRIOHT, Owen Sound, Out., Solicitor for tho Administrator. Dated June25ih, 19C9. T otsiilaiul 35. Pou.HSl) K. ICO acres, ft') cleared 'â- -' 10 *erf s pasture, balance good busb. .".Kara 03.\50. ilrivinR shed, Kood frame house. 2 wells, I acre ot orchanl aiid stouu wall under barn. .SauKuen river crossei) back of farm: Well fenced aud in Kood Btate of cultivation. 3 luilea from Proton Static u. Fof terms applv ou preinisea to JAMES H, VaVSK. I'lotou Station Uor sale cbeiii, 01 veut. immediate possessioa Lot ;K) colt. 14. Ai-teniesia. about 7.5 acres clear, comfortable loy liouso and frame baru, Api'ly toU. J. Sproule. Flesherton, or Joba J. Martin, across the road from said lot. T ots K J 8 and 9, Con. IH. iu the towhshivi of â- '-' Osiuey, irmacres.lai'coclearing. good trams barn aud stables, Kood dwelliujj aud well. Ayt- l>ly ou the >ueiiiise8 or to W. J. lucLLAMT, Flesherton . 'U'or sale cheap aud ou easy teru)8. Rood com- ; â- â€¢â-  fortsble frame dwelliiif;, stable aud driving house, with three village lots, iuCe.vlon. Dwel- lint; well built aud fltiisl^ed aud Rood bearius orcliard ou tlie property. Aviply to R. J. Spkoulk, Flesherton "Por sale or reutâ€" 103 acre farm. 1 acre of or- ^ chard. 10 acres bush iiiclui.lii.g S acres haixl- wood, well watered ami Kood feuces, brick house, frame barn.' 1^ miles from school aud !>o»t oltico, :t miles from I'rotou Station. For price aud tonus of sale apply to Wm' Taylor, lot 7:1-74. cou 1 north of Durham toad, Artemesia â- b'lV ueiitâ€" lot S7, con 4. Artuiuesia, 100 seres. S5 â- *â-  toUO clcareit and in cultivation, comfortable dweltiiiK, bank liarn, stone stabling', iu a hrst class settlement andwull worthy the attention of those requiriug sucli. K, .1. Si'KOt'LE, Flesherton Canadian Pacific Very Low Rate For Summer Trip to Pacific Coast $77.30 return from Flesherton good going May 20 to Sept. 30 Ketmu limilOet. ;tl. bihcral Btopovcrs. Wide choice of routes, (io by the direct ("simdiau 1 i< â€" sec your own eountry-the west, the Kocky Alouutnins. WAt the Seattle K.\iHwitiou and other special attractiins. Talk it over with S . RANDS, Agent, Flesherton. T ots. con. 4 Osprev, 100 acres well timbered, ••-' For terms etc. imply to K. Koberts, Lady Hank I', O. Two hundred and Kfteeii acres, lot'Jti, con. ISaiid lot 2(i, con. U, townshii> of Oaprey. High state of cullivat'on, one hundred aci-es under ciiltivntio.i, frame liarn 44xlH, stone fomidntion, cement sLilding, rouifli cast housa, never failiinr drilled well, and driving shed and a qiiaiitit.v of Imsli. These are excellent farms for stock riiisiui; K-ijiB: well w.acred with springs. \\"ill sell together or separate at a re.iscual.le price. Anplv t-o K. T. or J. 11 HKNl)KKSt)N UobRoi- 1'. O. 1 Aug. MAKINTO Wooden pumps manufactured throughout nnd refairs promptly and satisfactorily attended to. I air. agent for throe of tho best iron pump manufacturers inj Ontario. A card dropped to me at Ceylon P. O will have my prompt attention. Your patronige respectfully solioited* JAMES A. McLEAN, Ciirrie's Corner, Cev/o/i P. O

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