Flesherton Advance, 29 Jul 1909, p. 7

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flBGANIZEDGAlGOPTHlEYES so ; Bobberies Are Frequent Since tiie Great Fire in Cobalt f« .r * f f V A despatch from Co'oilt says â- . 'Ever since fire destroyed many Qives down in Frencli town, rob- ♦ries have been reported, anJ the Ifolice believe that an organized «ang of thieves ore operating in MS town. Following the hold up (ff a man with revolvers on the road, fliere was an attempt made to en- fer Mayor Langs housa on Wed- nesday night. Bert Normandy, who has had $70 in cipiars and to- bacco stolen from the t'-ating rink, Was on watch at midnigli^ and he jave chase, but fell in a trench, jlsd the thief was lo-t. A gang was arrested on Wednes- day night OQ Sasaginaga Lake, the Dunn family forniing the nucleus. Throe men put up a strenuous fight, pnd the women set dogs on the police. Almost all the goods taken from the rink were found, and many articles tiiuL citizens have missed for months were located. On Sasaginaga Lake, on Wednes- day night ab(jut $250 .v<M;ii of g.i-jds were taken fn-ni a U-at. A vigor- ous effort will be made to stamp out incipient lawlessness, as previ- ous to this L'-obalt has not beea troubled by the light-fingered tribe. COi\DENSED NEWS ITEMS QAI'PEMNCS FROM ALL OTEB IBii: GLOBE. Telegraphic Dricfa From Our Owb â- ad Other Countries el Bcccnt Eieuts. CANADA. Gold is said to be plentiful in the Sturgoon Lake couucry. James Dale was masked men near Cobalt and rob bed. Hon. L. P. Broudeur has promis- (xJ to asi-ist the movement for i Jry- dock at Montreal. THE WORLD'S MARKEFS BEPOniS FROM TnE LEADl.NU I£ADE CEMUES. Prices o( Cattle. Grain, Cbeese aod Other Dairy Produce at Uome aud Abroad. FIEW ACROSS THE CHAlEl Epoch-Making Feat by a French Aviator in an Aeroplane. HEU L.EO MANGLED BV TRAIN BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, July 27.â€" Flourâ€" Ontario ^ wheat 90 per cent, patents, |5.25 to attacked by 95.'^ to-<lay in buyers' sacks out- side for export, and $5.40 to $5.50 on track, Toronto. Manitoba flour; ' first patents, $6.iO to $6.40 on i track, Toronto ; second patents, ' {jia.75 to $ii.90, and strong bakers', A little lad but nine year, .f age ^%^J° f='° o^ ^rack, 'roronto. is under arrest at Toronto, charged ' J,,^*°"°i\^â- ^^«fv^?, ^ Northern, with pocket-picking. | '^V-. .' v."" i^' v"^^; „ ,. . Ontario wheat â€" >to. 2, S1.-20 out- Xew Ontario wheat about pocket-picKing. Uniteil States immi;.,'ration offi- | side. â- t[irI,-o» Way to Visit Turouto, In- ' jured at Windsor. A despatch from Wiud^or, Ont., sAys : While attempting todisjmount fpom an incoming Canadian Pacific: tr^in at the car ferry dock at 1.45 Saturday morning, Miss Genevieve Lennon, a young ludy of Joliet, IllT, lost hi-r balance and fell be- neath the wheels of a train as it was being shunted on the car ferry. The wheels passed over her right Vg, just below the kuec, and niang- Wd it so badly that amputation was cecessary. Miss Lennon was bound f«r Toronto, whore she intended Spending her vacation with rela- â- ^jives. She refused to gi . e her name up to tho nion:cnt she was placed on the operating table, when she requested to have her brother, living in Chicago, sent tor. FUN ENDS !>' TKAtiEDY. C. P. B. ConiliK-ior Drowned in French Itivcr. A despatch from North Bay says : j Thomas Jamieson. a lormcr C. P. R. passenger conductor, was drown- ed on Tuesday evening in French lliver. With a fishing party of eight Jamieson left North Bay on the steamer Hazel B. When near Frank's Bay the fatality occurred During a friendly scuffle with John Russell, one of the party, both men fell over the gangway board into tho j water. Th* steamer was stopped and a skiff lowered, Russell being rescued, but no trace of Jamieson : could be found. Jamieson was ai prominent citizen of North Bay, and j was widely known and respected A widow and six children survive cers say fewer people arc entering the States through Canada. Stephen H. Patterson, a Brock- ville park-keeper, fell a distance of eight feet and was killed. The jewellery stolen from a store ^il.lO outside. Barleyâ€" Old No. 3 extra, 63c out- side. Oatsâ€" No. 2 Ontario white, 5Tj,.^ to 58c on track, Toronto, and 54% to 5oc outside. No. 2 Western Can- in Ottawa was found hidden in the ada oats, So^'^c, and No. 3, 54%c, bathroom of a hotel in Renfrew Seventy-five spikers and steel- workers have struck work on the Transcontinental for higher wages. Tht Ontario Government sub- .scribed $1,000 towards the Parlia- 60Ac on track, Toronto. Canadian Bay ports. Peas â€" Prices purely nominal. Buckwheat â€" Prices purely nom- inal. Corn â€" No. 2 American yellow, A despatch from London says : Th© epoch-making exploit of flying across the English Channel was ac- comphshed easily and swiftly on Sunday morning by L<iuis Bleriot. one of the pioneers of French avia- tion, in his small monoplane aero- plane. He left Les Earaques, on the French coast, at 4.33, and ar- rived in the North Foreland mea- dow, two miles east of Dover, 37 minutes later. The air-line distance between the two places is about 24 miles, but Bleriot flew nearly thirty. He got lost in mid-chan- nel, having been without a com- pass and out of sight of land. When the haze lifted and he was able to .see the English coast, he found his traveling almo.st east. He swung round, and with perfect control of I the machine flew west against a ' strong breeze, which had sprung ; up, and landed with little difficulty on a favorable spot. His speed ] throughout the trip exceeded forty niiles an hour, and he completely outdistanced the torpedo-boat de- stroyer, aboard of which was his wife, which was endeavoring to keep him in sight. Bleriot's success makes him the I wisner of the prize of £l,0<)0 o£- ' fered by the Daily Mail to the first man who crossed the Channel in a heavier-than-air machine. Three Frenchmen were on the coast wait- ing to seize the first favorable op- port unit}' to make the attempt. Latham overslept himself. Count Lambert, with a Wright biplane, hus not been heard fro.Ti. WAEIIl TO BEPARTIESTS COUNTRY PRODUCE. Beansâ€" Prim*, 82.20 to $2.25, and nand-picked, $3.40 to $2.45 per * THE CODUXG MOTH. Has Destroyed tho .Vppic Crop In J Pennsylvania. , A despatch from Harrisburg, .Penn., says: 'Not more than a â- fourth of a crop of peaches and oue- 'third of a crop of apples will be Tgathercd this year in Peunsylvania, According tc information received jtt the State Department of Agri- culture. State Zooloigst Surface 'estimates that the loss to tho apple- growers this year will amount to â-  $1,000,000. "This will be due most- • ly to the codling moth," said Prof. , Surface. "The inspvectors of the de- partment say that ne»irly nin-ety- ' five per cent, of the apples of the . State have been stung or aro \vormy." TWO CAUGHT BETWEEN CARS. Fatal Street Car Accident on tho Streets of V» i'uuipog. A despatch from Winnipeg says : «A horrible accident happened at the >oorner ol Main street and Logan ,.aveiui^here on Sunday evening, Iiedestrians, E. Re<?s and Ilett, were caught between cars going in opposite direc- fions and terribly crushed. Ollett 'was instantly killed, and llees ' K) terribly injured that he di^ •â- on the way to tho hospital. The • two cars wore running the crossing â-  at the same time, which is against ' the law. llces' wife and four chil- dren are now on the Atlantic Ocean en route to Canada. The motormen of both cars wore arrest- ed. SAVED FROM CATARACT. Disabled Boat. With 14 Occupants, ill Danger at Falls. A despatch from Niagara Falls, N. Y.. says : .V launch party of four- teen young people of this city had a narrow escape from goin? over the Falls early on \Vedueiu:;v night, when the motor boat in which they were riding sprung a leak. With tho water rushing into the boat faster than it could be bailed cut, ihe boat was steered for shore, but the water stopped the engine, and the party were in danger of being swept over the cataract. A well- known riverman appeared on the scene in a sailing boat, and tixik an anchor from his boat, which held the launch against the cur- rent until he went ashore for a motor boat. mentary memorial at Halifax, N.S. yellow 78 to 77c on track, Toronto Seven thousand dollars" worth of i Branâ€" $19.50 to $20 for Ontario! diamonds are said to have been bran outside in bulk. Manitoba, smuggled into Canada from Eng- j S'-J^ 'n sacks, Toronto freights; land. shorts, $24 Toronto freights. The Ontario Board of Health has approved of plau.s for a waterworks sjstem and sewage disposal plant at Cobalt. ^ The bank statement for June, ' bushel, which has just been issued, shows i Hay--No. 1 tim-^thv, $13 to $14 1 clearly hoy rapidly trade condi- 1 ^ ton on track here, and lower tions are improved. : grades. $9 to $10.50. Miss Audiha St. Denis is suing i Straw-*7 to $7.50 on track, the Manager and President of the; Potatoes-Small lots of old, 75 defunct Banque de St. Jean for the to 90c. and new, S3 to $3.25 per amount of her deposit. j barrel, on track. Owen Sound financiers are con- j Poultrv - Chickens, sidering the advisability of harness- ing the Eugenia Falls on the Beaver River fur the supply of electricity The Ontario Gtovcrnment has can- celled the leases of seven power companies, each of which has failed to comply with the terms of its lease. G-overnment Expenditures to be Limited Strictly to the Sum in Estimates. yearlings, dressed, 12 to 13c per lb ; fowl, 9 to 10c; turkeys, 11 to 16c per lb. THE DAIRY MARKETS, Butterâ€" Pound prints, 19 to 20c; tubs and large rolls, IS to 19c ; in- ferior, 15 to 16c ; creamery, 23 to Si> Charles Rivers Wilson and 2-lc. and separator 19 to 20c per lb. other directors of t!ie Grand Trunk! . Eggs-Case Jots, 20 to 21c per r.re coming from England to make;***'^"" A despatch from Ottawa says : | That the Government is making an , efiort to cut down e.vpenditures is | indicated by an order-in-Council : recently passed. The order is based j in a report to Council by the Min- i ister of Finance, suggesting that the chief spending departments be admonished to live strictly within j the appropriations for the current! fiscal year. A copy of the order has been served upon every department. It points out that in the interests of economy it is absolutely necessary that no works be undertaken for vhich provision has not bot?.i made in the estimates, and that expen- ditures for authorized services b» limited strictly to the sum author- ized by the estimates. The object doubtless is to pre- vent, if po5:^ible. the growing prac- tice of continuing the outlay upon specific projects after the proper appropriation has been exhaust- ed, aud so obviate the necessity of supplementary estimates to cover the over expenditure. Mr. Fielding desires to includ* in his main estimates next session, a.s nearly as may be. the total ex- penditure projected for the ensu- ing fiscal year. a trip of inspection of the U. T. P. lie Edmonton. I The majority of the Board of i Conciliation in their report on the [Sydney Mines dispute find that the international union should not be ; lb in case lots; moss pork, $23 to C heeseâ€" New 12j-ic for large, and at l^ViC for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. Bacon, long clear, 13'o to 13''icper FILLING UI» THE WEST. '70,000 Aiuorican Ilouicseekcrs This Year. A despatch from Winnipeg says ; Invnigratioii from tho L'nite<.l States during April and May was 23,710, •compared with 15,523 for the same months last year. This gives an in- crease of 53 per cent. The Immi- gration Commissiiiner is confident that his estimate of 70,000 home- •eekers from south of the line for thi' -'vir will be considerable ex- ceeded. DROWNED IN CLOl DBl RST. Several Persons Pori.-ih in Odanah, Wisconsin. A despatch from .\shland. Wis., says : A cloudburst late on Tuesday night caused heavy loss to all kinds rf property in northern Wisconsin. It is estimated the total loss will he $500,000. The power plant at White River, which furnishes light to the city of Ashland, and the State fish hatchery near Bayfield vero practically destroyed. The dam breakiug at White lliver im- perils Odanah. Several persons are reported drowned. Si.x famil- ies near tho ore docks in .\shland had to be taken from their homes. GALLOPED TO IIIS DEATH. Indian on Ilunrscback Leaped Into River. A despatch from Vancouver says: Victor Lecampe, a member of the best-known family in the Kamloops Indian reserve, gallopwl deliberate- ly to death on Tuesday evening. .\ware that the draw of the bridge over the South Thompson River was open, but crazed with drink, be gal- loped furiously to his doom. The horse cleared the bridge timbers and landed in the fairway. The Indian extricated himself from the stir- rups, but finally sank, one hundred yards below the bridge. The horse swam ashore. officially recognized. J. E. Brown of the Brown, Lee Company, Guolph, was committed $23.50; short cut, $25.50 to $26 Hamsâ€" Light to medium. 15% to i 16c; do., heavy, It to 14>oC ; rolls. for trial, on Friday, on charges ofpi'.^ to 13c; shoulders, ll?i to 12c; JAIL AS A lABOB BBHEAll Scarcity of Harvesters Leads Winnipeg Magistrate to Try Experiment. ^f A despatch from Winnipeg says : Daily the fear of a scarcity of farm labor this summer grows apace with favorable news from tho agri- cultural districts. At the present time there are four hundred appli- cations on file with tho Provincial Goveniiiieiit, and nearly seven hun- dred with the Dominion immigra- tion officers, asking for men, bnt neither can supply any. The C. P. K. is at present endeavoring to ar- range excursions from the east, but reports receivc<l indicate that men there are also scaree. When the •xinirsions are en rente this year every effort will bo made to pre- sent a recurioucc of the rowdyism of last year, and if necessary a spei'ial constable will be placed on each car. On Thursday Magistrate Daly decideil to try an experiment. Hearing of the scarcity of men, he released all short-term prisoners on condition that they get employment. General Grain Agent .-Vtheson of the C. r. R., who has just retrrnrd flora a tour of inspction of the crops, says the gr.iii i? at about the same stage nf dovolopine'it as in other years, and c^ptcially in Mani- toba the harvest will be about the same time a.s last year. H© does not look for more than an average crop, which would mean a yield of about a hundreil million bushels of wheat. defacing the firm's books and ob taining money by false pretences. GREAT BRITAIN. The budget fight in the British . Commons is becoming very bitter. i Lance C-oroporal Burr of London, : England, won the King's Prize at iBisley. _ ! I London papers have spoken in '< glowing terms of Canadian win-: ; nings at Bisley. ! I The remains of Oscar Wilde are ' to be removed to a more honorable ! resting-place. '- Mr. John Lavery, the famous British artist and bachelor, was married to a Chicago girl. I I Six Yorkshire tykes on a world I tour have decided to cross the | American continent via the C.P.R. i Canadian delegates to the Inter- 1 {jj^^^^^Jf miTirng""f^i"""'continuei national Nurses Conference laidaj j^j Cheeseâ€" 11;, to 12e, aiK wreath on the tomb of Queen Vio-' ^sterns at 11 lona at trogmore on Saturday. I UNITED STATES. The body of an Armenian was found in a trunk in a room at Lynn, Mass. Robert Smith of Cornwall, Ont., was found dead of gas poisoning in his room at Aiidover, Mass. Tho C. P. R. has invaded north- ern Maino, and will break the monopoly of the Aroostook & Ban- gor Railway. The New York police hiul-a fierce fight with a band of gypsies whom they sought to place on a steamer for deportation. Some of Col. Roosevelt's friends expect the ex-President to be a can- didiatc for Mayor of New York in the coming campaign. It is probable that the Joint Con- ference Committee on the tariff at Washington will place a duty of $1.25 j>er thousand on lumber and $3 per ton on print paper. Cornelius P. Shea, one time Presi- dent of the International Brother- hood of Teamsters, Chicago, was sent to prison for from five to twenty-five years for attempted murder. GENERAL. M. Eriand, the new Premier of F^anc^e, has succeeded in forming a Cabinet. M. .-Vristido Briand has been asked by the President of Franco t'^ form a Cabinet Peru and Bolivia will make an attempt to settle their differences without recourse to war. Germany is striving eagerly to gain trade concessions from Can- ada. .\ Berlin paper has decided to send a special correspondent over in August, backs, 18 to ISz-gC ; breakfast bacon, 16!.i to 17c. Lard- Tierces, U^c; tubs Ulic; pails, 14,'tC. BUSINESS AT MONTREAL. Montreal, July 27.â€" Oatsâ€" No. 2 Canadian Western, 5Sc; No. 1 extra feed, 55^4C No. 1 fted. 57};C; No. 3 Canadian Western, 57c. Earle.vâ€" ;, No. 2, 72'.; to 74c ; Manitoba feed barley, 6'% to 6Sc. Buckwheatâ€" 69'-.,' to 70c. Flourâ€" Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $6.30; Manitoba Spring wiicat patents, i seconds, !p5.S>0; Winter wheat pat- i ents, $6.75; Manitoba strong bak- ' ers. $5.60; straight rollers, $6.50 ! to $6.60: straight rollers, in bags, I i.o.15 to $3.20; extras, in bags, $2.80 ' to $2.90. Feed â€" Business in most s quiet. tneese â€" ii's lo lae, and " to ir.;c. Butter- Pound lots, 21 %c; jobbing 22'.ie. Eggsâ€" 19'<; to 20o. Selected stock, 23c, aud candled at 20c per dozen. l^^ITED STATES MARKETS. Minneapolis, July 27. â€" Wheat â€" July, $1.30; Sept., $1.09;,; Dec, 81.07; cash, No. 1 hard $1.32>,' to a:i.32>^; No. 1 Northern, $1.31'<i to $1.31,%; No. 2 Northern Sl.293< to $1.29?'^; No. 3 Northern, $1.27>i to $1.2S%. Flourâ€" First patents, i=!0.10 to $6.30; second patents, $6 Ui $6.20; first clears, $5.05 to $5.- C5 ; second clears, $3.65 to $3.S5. Bian- In 100-lb. sacks, $21.30. Chicago, July 27. â€" Cash wheat â€" No. 2 red, $1.1S to $1 20; No. 3 red, new, $1.1S; No. 2 hard, $1.18 to §1.20; No. 3 hard, $1.15 to $1.13; No. 1 Northern, $1.39 to $1.40; No. 9. Northern, $1.24 to $1.30; Spring, $1.20 to $1.2S. Cornâ€" No. 2, 73'. j to 74c; No. 3, 72c; No. 3 white. 75>ic; No. 3 yellow. 73 to 73?. jC: No. 4. 66 to 69c. Oatsâ€" No. 3, 43 to 43'.;c; No. 3 white, 46!-^ t-o 50'.ic; No. 4, 42 to 46,'-4C ; standard, 49 to 52c. ch-oice butchers' cattle. Medium aud common cattle steady at late declines. St-ockers and feeders â€" Demand for good stock. Calves- Market steady for good butchers' calves. Milch cowsâ€" Steady de- mand for good milkers. Fecxlers â€" Steady around $5. Choice butch- ers" cattle â€" Steady to easier around $3.25 to $5.50 for pic'iet extra choice heifers and steers. The ordinary run of fair to good butchers' eas- ier around S4.50 to $4.90; common to inferior mixed butchers' cattle, 50c off. Hogsâ€" Steady at $S f.o.b.. $S.25 fed and watered, and $S.50 off cars. (iRAVE CAVED IN. Shocking Occurrcme at Burial of .Murdered Man. .â- V despatch from Winnipeg says: Angus Roos. who was murdered on Saturday at Frank, was buried afc Blairmore on Wednesday beside his father and mother. While four ' men v.ere lowering the coffin the grave caved in. two of the men be- â-  ing precipitated into ihe newly-dug ' grave under the coffin, which bad I to be righted and tho pit dug OQ't again. 'The wife of the deceased fainted at the occurrence. LINE ro UUDSON'S BAT. Surveyors Favor Port Nelson as Teruiicru.s. A despatch from Winnipeg says: A party of surveyors who have been engaged running trial lines for the Hudson's Bay Railway in tho Nelson country arrived back from the north on Friday. They bring a report that would seem to indicate that Port Nelson is belter suited in every way for the terminus of the road to the bay. The line is shorter and more direct, and the harbor facili- ties arc good and open earlier than at Churchill, while the cost of con- struction is vastly cheaper than the more northern route. The survey- ors estimate that from Split Lake to Nelson the cost of building the line will not greatly exceetl that of or- dinary prairie wx'rk, as there arc no muskegs and no grades. M\Y BE BANK-ROBBER. A Foreigner Captured by Winnipeg Police. .â- V despatch from Winnipeg says t The Winnipeg police have under ar- rest a mau who is supposed to be one of tho gang who robbed tlva Bank of Nova Scotia at Rainy River. He is a foreigner, giving the name of M. Obrenovitch. and when arrested he was carrying * fully-loadeii rcv<.>lver. He will b« held until the police of Rainy River have had aa opportunity to look him over. - . . SEND PAUPERS TO CANADA. lirit.tin Would Find it Sanest Course, Says Morning Post. A despatch from London says : The Morning Post says: '"Surely the sanest and most hopeful me- thod of dealing with pauper chil- dren is to sc'id them out to Canada and the other British dominions as early as possible." IMPALED ON A PIKE. Train Lurched and Workman Was Speared. .â- \ d^'sp.itch from Winnipeg says: Robert McBride. a workmm cm- ployed on the N. T. R. at Dot Sid- ing, met almost instant death un- der peculiar circumstances on Thursday evening. He was stand- ing on the back of a work train, holding a p'ke in his hand, when' the train suddenly gave a lurch, and he fell on the poi'it. which pene- trated his body under the right arm. He died a minute latcj. LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, July 27.â€" Pretty goo<l beeves sold at 4 to 5,Vic, common stock at 2!', to 3;'.tC per Ih. Milch ocws from $23 t-o $5o each. C^alves from $2.50 to $10 each. Sheep 3'/^ fo 4c per lb., lambs Q]4 to 7c per lb. Good lots of fat hogs sold at ^}i to » littl» over 9c per lb. Toronto, July 27. â€" .-V number of steers sold for both butchers and export purposes at from $3.20 to $5.50. Sheep and lambs â€" Market sttady. Export market â€" Extra choice heavy well finished cattle, $9.90 to $6; medium. .$5.23. Butchers' â€" Steady demand for 75,000 SETTLEBS THIS YE.AR Inspector of Agencies in the United States Repeats His Prediction. A despatch from Ottawa says: Mr. W. J. White, inspector of Do- minion iniiuigration agencies in the United States, is bore aud reaffirms •liis former prediction that 75.UOO immigrants will co'.r.p this year from the United States to Canada. He has recently conilueted a party of .Vmerican visitors through the Northwest. "What impressed the party most," be said, "was the character < f the settleuients along the line, towns of from five to ten thtiusard iiihabita.Us, with imposing school houses aud other evidences of solid settle:uent, and peopled by a su- perior stamp of men and wonu-.i who gave them cordial welcome."' No Canadians b<iru c-ould speak more enthusiastically of the future of Canada than did those visitors upon the conelusiun of their trip. ".Vs it happened." Mr. White con- tinued, "wp were in Lethbridge ua the day of the school lands sale, when eight quarter sections were put up at auction, and some CO people, not only spc-iilators, but farmers, stood in line from Sunday iiight until Monday luoruiug to g.-t first chance in the bidding, 'the scene was an object lesstiu of the growing value of CanadiaT farm lands, which did not fail to impress i.-i-lf iif.iii tlie party."

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