Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1909, p. 2

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to THE MQTHERS OF PALE GIRLS ^ Case Showing How the Tonic Treatmeut Restores Lost flealtli. . Anaemia is "simply lack of blood, jit. is one of the most common and iat the same time most dangerous .diseases with which growing girls isuffer. It is common because the [blood so often becomes impoverish- ted during development, when girls often overstudy, over- work and suf- fer from lack of exercise. It is jdangerous because of the stealthi- ness of its approach and because [of its tendency to grow so steadily 'worse, if not promptly checked, that it may run into consumption. Every growing girl should tiike an occasional tonic to ward off the in- Bididus trouble ; and in all the world 'there is no tonic that can equal Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Every tdose of this medicine helps to make ,new, rich blood, which promptly imakcs weak, pale, listless girls bright, rosy and strong. Miss A. M. Dugay, Lower Cove, N.S., says: "I believe I owe my life to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. My blood (•eeined to have turned to water. I jwas pale as a sheet ; I suffered from ihea<)achi-s, and floating specks Penned to be constantly before my eyes. As the trouble progressed my limbs began to swell, and it was feared that dropsy had set in and that my case was hopeless. Up to this time two doctors had attend- ed nie, but notwithstanding I kept (growing worse. It was at this junc- Iture I began using Dr. Williams' pink Pills, and after taking a few 'boxes I was much improved. I [kept on using the Pills until I had taken eight boxes, when my health was completely restored." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure cas- es. like this because they go to the root of the trouble in the blood. That is why they cure rheumatism «nd indi|;estion, nervous headaches «nd racking neuralgia, and all those troubles from which growing girls and women of mature years so of- t«n suffer in hopeless silonce. If Dr- Williams' Pink Pills are given * fair trial they will not disappoint you. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or si.x boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. GREAT TKMPI.ES OF ICK. 'Discoveries of the Ill-i-'ated Erich- sen K.\prdi(ioD. Changeless Arctic temples of ice •mid the icy deserts of Greenland were found by the survivors of the ill-fatc<l Krichsen expedition to the North Pole. A cr.\stal palace of eupcrluiniun architecture vaster than a d<i/.en l^thedrals and Egyp- tian temples, resplendent with jew- els and endless decorations of ice, M described. Created by nature in a forbid- ding wildernesK, it frightened and awed the explorers. The dreams f poets and the fancies of epic ards were surpassed by this vis- on of colossal loveliness, which the painter Achton Fries, a member of the expedition, endeavored to carry away for the benefit of the dwellers ip civilization. I More than a mile in U'^ngth, the llofty nave of this timplc was pierc- ed at intervals with window."; through which the gloaming sun •rays sparkled on columns and cubes and immense clusters of stalactites (like pendent jewels. Through the jCentro of the ice palace flowed a ifltream of water whose occasional ripple and splashing fall broke the maiostic silence. I tar north it is possibl<» thai ice palaces and teniplos should en<iiire .without change longer than human ,6tructures of stone. The carcases (of prehistoric monsters have re- ttnaincd involate in Arctic tombs for jthousands of years, while granito yrainids have worn away and abylonian civilization hag been uried deep in the earth. A STRENUOUS HINT. He had been a regular Sunday loaller for six months, when one evening he dropped in arrayed in • new suit. I "That's a lovely wed ling suit you !bave on," remarked the d-:"ar girl. "Why," gasped the astonished \|roung man, 'this is a b-l)usineij8 tauit!" "Well," rejoined the d. g. calm- ly. "I meant business." And the very next day he put up ($19. 9S of his hard-earned wcaltn (or a solitaire. THE NEW GARTER KNIGHT THE nONOR HAS GONE TO LOBD selbor:se. Reward for His Services in Bring- ing About tlic Soutli Afri- can Union. The blue libbon of the Order of the Qart«r left at the disposal of the British Crown by the recent Oeath of the aged Marquis of Ripon has been bestowed on the Earl of Selborne. It comes to Lord Sel- bornoas a reward for his work dur- ing the last five years as High Com- missioner for South Africa, especi- ally in britiging to a successful con- clusion the very delicate and diffi- icult aegotiations for the federa- tion of the various colonies south of the Zambesi into one common- wealth, which is henceforth to be known as the Union of South Afri- ca. Diflicult as it was to bring about the federation of the various Provinces of Canada into a domin- ion, and of the diverse colonies of. Australia into a commonwealth, it has been an even 8TILL MORE ARDUOUS TASK to accomplish this in South Afri- ca, owing to the troublesomo ques- tion of native franchise. What renders the appointment of Lord Selborno to the Order of the Garter all the more remarkable is that he does not belong politically to the party now in power, and that it comes to him on the nom- ination of political adversaries. He was one of the principal members of the Balfour L'beral-Unionist Cab- inet, in which he held the ofiice of First Lord of the Admiralty, when, in the spring of 1905, he surren- dered his portfolio in order to be- come Lord H"gh Commissioner of South Africa, with emoluments to the extent of about $70,00^ a year in salary and allowances, as com- pared to the $25,000 which he re- ceived as a Cabinet Minister. Lord Selborne did s<> well in South Af- rica in the way of conciliation and in the reorganization of the various branches of the administration there, that he won the good- will even of his political adverharies, and when the Balfour adminiiitru- tion came to grief and the Liberals succeeded to office the Caaipbcll- Banncrman Cabinet urged him to remain on, its request being strongly ENDORSED BY THE KING. W'hcn the administration was reor- ganized, after the death of Canip- bell-Banncrman, and H^jrbert As quith became Premier aiid Lord Crewe succeeded to the Secretary- ship of State for the Colonies in England in the place of Lord Elgin, Lord Selborne again tendered his resignation, but was askod to con- tinue in ofiice, and has now reaped his reward. It is doubtful whether Lord Sel- borne will return to S<juth Africa, whore he feels that ho has com- pleted the work which he set him- self out to perform, namely, the reconciliation of the Boers to Brit- ish rule and to their English fellow- colonists and the construction of the Union of South Africa. SOME LARGE SALARIES. Some intereitiUB inside facts are ocoa- •ionally divulged in reunrd to the enorin- ouB aalaries unrucd by bome iu»ur»nce KEonta. ., It li reported that two ageiita recently appointed by the National Innurance Com- pany in one of our large western cilied have earned over Two 'llioufiaud Dollars ISH.OOOOO) a month from the time they started to get liusineaa for this Con'pauy. Of course, thene men are hustlers, and are well equipped in every way, pussess- ing even small motor tars to cover the territory more rapidly. Wo uudcrstand, however, that any man who has real ability in this line could do as well. One of the reasons for the success o( National Life airentB iu the aplendid standing of the Company which is shown in their Hdvertisement elsewhere in this paper. If it has ever occurred to you to take up the Life Insurance business you cannot make arrungeiueuts with an easier Company to secure business for than the National Life. And they need an Agent right in this territory. Com- municate with the bead uOice. The best seems to be a little too food for some people ; at least, hey are always looking for the ^orst of it. Don't Grow Old. Ersoiis might use from the tame bottle id the hair of one become black and • oihar blgnde, Juat na thoy were in rqvth. Bo It Is not « bairdy*; It will not ap- money nstagn paid). THE TBKUAI.N SUPPLY CO.. U Wood St , Toronto. i«D« oinar uignae, juai aa tnoy were I vovth. Bo it Is not a bairdy*; It will fojure the aealp, and Is do trouble to bIt. Wu guarantee aatlsfactlnn or moi returned. Price one dollar (Postage pa ♦ REASONABLE REQUEST. Little Tomniie had been put to bid alone. It was upstairs, and the thunder r illed and the ligtit- ning flaslicH.) unmercifully. He lay quietly until ho could no longer stand it, and then his little night- gowned figure appeared at the head of the stairs. "Ma!" he cried. "Yes, my .son," came the calm re- joinder. "I'm afraid, ma. It thunders so, and I'm all alone." "Go back to bed, Tommie," came his mother's voice. "Don't you know nothing can hurt you!" Tommie went back t<) bed, hut not to stay. "Mai" ho cried again, aiwl this time the little figure was half-way downstairs. "Tommie," called his mother, "don't you know I have told .you nothing can hurt you 7 The angels art; always with you." "Then, ma" â€" and this time there came an au<liblo sniff from the V. iM"i)ing Tommie -"you come up and sleep with the angels, and let me sleep with pa." ELIAS ROGERS, PrteldenU ALBERT J. RALSTON, Managlns DlreotOT F. SPAR LINO, Seoretary. National Life Assurance Co. HEAD OFFICEi NATIONAL LIFE CHAMBERS. ts Toronto St., Toronto. Builneu In Force .... SIS,«l7,tl1JI Dally Inoomc over • . • • . t13iU0.N Invested In high grade (oeurltle* • • ll,IN,2ll.«7 Surplut to Folloy Holder*' Aooount • S321.tN.Gl The only Company reporting to Canadian Insurance Dep't, Ottawa, no af^ roars of Interest or principal on any investment. A splendid opening in this county for an active, energetic agent possessing good obaraoter. Apply dlreot to head ofDce. 15 Toronto St.. Toronto, NEXT. Callerâ€" "Nellie is your mother in?" Nellieâ€" "Mother is out shop- ping." Callerâ€" "When will she return, Nellie?" Nelli (calling back) â€" "Mamma, what shall I say now?" A Remedy for Bilious Headache. â€" To those subject to bilious head- ache, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are recommended as the way to speedy relief. Taken according to directions they will subdue irregu- larities of the stomach and so act upon the nerves and blood vessels that the pain in the head will cease. There are few who are not at some- time subject to biliousness and familiar with its attendant evils. Yet none need suffer with these pills at hand. Chaplain â€" "What brought 30U hero?" Pri.soner â€" "Youth, sir." Chaplain â€" "Youth! Why, you look to be fifty if a day!" Pri.soner â€" "I'm past that. It was the youth of my lawyer that did it." It allowed to roam OTcr your house those few innocent-looking house flies may cause a real trag- cdy any day, aa they arc known 10 be the principal agents for (he spread of (hose deadly diseases, (yplioid fever, diphtheria and smallpox. No other fly killer com- pares with Wilson's Fly Pads. A lad who was being quized about his father's lack of accom- plishments, was asked: "What does your father know \" There vas no hesitation in the answer. "I don't believe he knows anything except his own business ; but he knows that â€" and minds it!" n^d. ll\'pnk. Weary. Watery Eye*. Relieved By Murine Kye Kemcdy. Try Murine For Your Eye Troubles. You Will I.Iko Murine. It Soothes. 50c At Your DrugKlsta. Write Kor Eye Books. Free. Murine Eye Kemedy Co., Toronto. "There are at least two things that a woman is ever ready to jump at," remarked the thoughtful think- er. "What are they.'" queried the innocent bystander. "A n;ouse and an offer of marriage," answered the TT. NO WONDER. "How did Blinkin become in- sane?" "He slept three months under a crazy quilt." Holloway's Corn Cure is the me- dicine to remove all kinds of corns and warts, and only costs the small bum of twenty-five cents. Canvasser â€" ".Vre you single?" Man at the doorâ€" "Yes." "Why, the people next door told me you were married." "So I am." "Yet you told me just n-^ff you were single." "Yes, so I did." "Well, what is the matter with you?" "No- tjiing, sir. My name is Single, and I'm married. Good day, sir." Af(er making a most careful study ot (he inadcr, U. S. (Govern- ment seiendsts state definitely (hat (he common hou.se fly is (he principal means of ilistribuling typhoid fever, diphihoria and Binailpox. Wilson's Fly Pad.s kill (he flics and the disea.sc germs, (00. "Now," said the physician, "you will have to eat plain food and not stay out late at night." "Yes," replied the patient, 'that is what I have been thinking ever since jou sent in your bill." An Unuaual Opportunity to Mck) Money. Ezclu«ivc sales agencies now beinr placed In every oity of the United States and Canada, for patented article wbleh IS''„"".°'' y"""» "•â- >» been gold by mail. '."."aTertiKed and thousands now in us« •ira bighly recommended. No (.â- anvagKlnir oiir advertising and announcements briu« the buyers to our door Write to-day if you have the ambition to earn big pr<v „ L« 11" ' hesitate as only one sKency ?^ TI.i'm*'?'^ '-ll,"; Address. W. E. D. Co., UU Majestic Bldg., Detroit There is nothing equal to Mother Graves' Worm E.xteriuinator for destroying worms. No article of its kind has given such satisfaction. There is a time in every man's life when the softly-breathed "Yes" of a pretty woman rounds as loud to his oars as the notes of Gabriel's tiumpet. Afterwards there comes a time when she has to yell at the top of her voice, "John, John, its time to got up," seventeen times before he becomes aroused enough to hear it. In the treatment of summer com- plaints, the most effective remedy that can be used fs Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Dysentery Cordial. It is a standard preparation, and many people employ it in preference to other preparations. It is a high- ly concentrated medicine and its sedative and curative qualities are beyond question. It has been a popular medicine for many years and thousands can attest its superi- or qualities in overcoming dysen- tery and kindred complaints. "Well, old man, I've spent every penny of iwmey I have made in the world on my d ictor." "Does he know it?" "He must know it. He has pronounced me perfectly well now." DR.\WING THE LONG BAMBOO An Englishman was once rallying a native of India upon his faculty in lying. The native at once re- plied, "Why, sahib, we are all more <.r less liars in ray tountry, and if one tells a story, another inluedi- ately cops it. There were two young men of my country who had h Jjoasting match, and one said, 'My father is so rich and has so many horses that his stable is of such extent as to take a horse eleven months to go from one end stall to the other.' 'Shahash, bro- ther,' replied the second boaster, 'that is very good- My father has a bamboo so lon^ that he can sweep the clouds away with it wheu th-ey ob.scure the sun in harvest time •Hi! hi!' exclaimed the first. 'That is very wonderful ; but, pray, bro- ther, where docs your father keep such a long bamboo?" 'Why, you stupid,' was the answer, 'in your father's stable, to be sure!'" Mr. Poppâ€" "By Jove! For once in my life I know where my cuff links arc!" Mrs. Popp.â€" "Where arc they now?" Mr. Popp â€" "The baby's swallowed 'era!" FOR THE LITTLE ONES in trouble Painkiller comes wilh quick relief. The bumps and the bruises, the pains from green apples, and such things are quickly cured by its une. Avoid substitutes, there is but one "Painkiller"â€" Perry Davis â€" ZSc. and 50c. Kinilly mention (he name ot this paper in writing to advertisers. Investor â€" "What do you mean by falsely representing the pro- perty ? 'The notice stated that there was a view of fifty miles, and I couldn't see fifty yards. Agentâ€" "No deception at all, sir. Whic. way did yer look?" Investor â€" "Why, I looked all round me, and I could not sec out of the valley. ' "Well, mister," rcturne<l the agent, "yer didn't look right. If yer had pazcd up, thar'd bin no trouble. I re<!kon yer can see niore'n fifty miles up I tell yer, mister," he added, as the investor walke<i off, "wo don't misrepre- sent the facks down hero." .\nd many a lovelorn maid imag- ines she is ho'irt broken when in reality her liver isn't working just right. TRADING on a gixid name and deceiving the public is what the imit.it'irs of the well-known "The 1). i, L." Menthol Plaster are doing. Don't be fouled, lusint ou the genuine. "The D. & L. a First Burglarâ€" "Halloa, Jim ! Why, you look as if you haA been in a railway accident since I saw you last. What's wrong!" Sec- ond Burglar â€" "I got into a house where the woman was waitin' up for her husband, and she raisto<}k me for him." Great Medicine. â€" Tonti, one of the pioneers of French Canada, lost a hand and wore an iron hook as a substitute. He was in the ha- bit ot boxing the cars of refrac- tory Indians with this iron hand, and they have remarked that it was "great medicine." Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil is great medicine; it takes hold of pain with an iron hand and knocks it out of the system. Kindly mention the name ot this paper in writing to advertisers. A man, praising porter, said it was so excellent a beverage that taken in great quantities it al- ways made him fat. "I have seen the time," said another, "when it made you lean." "When, I should like to know?" said the eu- logist. "Why, no longer ago than last night â€" against the wall." DODDS y ^KIDNEY I ISSUE NO. 34 JUST THE SAME, Pat (waking up>â€" "An' pwhat bapp;Mic<l to mo?" Am'o.ila-ico Surgeonâ€" "You wore aiiphyxiated." Patâ€" "Faith, I had it done wance Leforeâ€" in, my lift arruinr-but it didn't take thot time-" THE "LAKE OF BAYS" COUMTRV. A handKomo brochure, artistically >llu»- trated, has bci-n issued hy„>'"\l'»f"f,'!f " department of the Grand Trunk "'^''^^^ System, tolling of the >'V'"''u1,;.'f,..nds Lake of Bays disinct, in the Highlands of Ontario." A new feature of this ttia- trict IS the new hotel -The Waw»~ at Nor- way Point. The hotel itself has a page il- lustration reflecting the summer gliiries of woodland and water, with a brood of seven wild gee»o soiring skywiinl beyond the tower. The concise description em- bodies the story of a charming resort. A copy can be obtained free on applica- tion to Mr. J. D. MoDoQold. Uaiou Sta- tion, Toronto. FINE! It's enough to take Your breath away To meet a person Who doesn't say, "Is it hot enough For you to-day 1" To Men Who Live Inactive Lives. â€"Exercise in the open air is the best tonic for the stonmch and sys- tem generally; but there are those who are compelled to follow seden- tary occupations and the inactivity tends to restrict the healthy action of the digestive organs and sickness follows. Parmelee's Vegetable Pill.s regulate the stomach and liver and re.store healthy action. It is wise to have a pocket of the pills always on hand. SCOTCH A' RIGHT A Scottish laird overheard .some lowland cattle dealers discussing the use of "Knsiland" in stead of "Britain" in Nelson's famous sig- nal, "England expects that every man will do his duty." .According to one patriotic Scot, there was no question of tho admiral's for- gettulaesa, and when a companitm expressed surprise at the "injus- tice" the patriot reassured his. 'Nelson," he explained, ''only 'ex- pects' of tho Knglish ; he said nae- thing of Scotland, for he kent the Scotch would do theirs! ' VanZAKT A WARIHOs" <iU'ARANTKKr> ' ••SPAVIN CURE»| M:ill8ilunioc«lptof»iiioJ .--oiul (or buokUtâ€" »KjuL Thii Vatarlnary RBm.uy Company. Limliad, B X A.76Ai!8lald»,st E. Toronto, Canada. ' , AGENTS WANTED. ONB IIK.1.1 AUI.B MAN WA.NTKl) IN RVKUY' town to lako orders for lie.^t custnni iuii<l«k cluiliss in Caniido. llljiheat commiasiun. Ues Xailurlug Co., ioronto. * HELP WAKTEO. WANTED â€" Ladies to do plain and liglik sowing at home, whole or spare tim»; good pny; work sent any diHtance; charges prepaid. Send Htamp for full p*. tioularx. National Manufacturing Com- pany, Moutreal. ' CLEANING LADIES'.. ^ waLNim on • OUTI rV •UlTl Om k. d.n. parfootly bp oar F w h FrooMs. Trf^l^ â- â- ITItH AMtmOAIt DWmO OP . •urosBAT* ToaoMnik ottawa » qobb^ CHAFED I Are your feet, hot* sore and blistered? ifso.tryZomBuk. As soon as Zatn-BukisappHed it cools and soothes injured smarting slun and tissue. Its Hch, reflned herbal essences {penetrate th« skin; ts antiseptic pro- t parties prevent aH \\ danger of festering â- ' or inflammation from cuts or sores ; (ttd Its heoSng •sseacei bul'd up new healthy tl*su«. For stinn, •unkum, cuU, bums, knAet, «tc.â€" juat m •ffectlve. Mother* ffa4 h bvahtabU for baby's sor«»t AU DrugtUtt and StorcM.-IOt. bat, mmk TELEQRAPHYi ' Is a sura possport to a Bood lalary T* Vou can leiirn It oaslly and quiiklv T SI.ui.'l^^ CENTRAL TELEdRAPH + SCHOOL, 3 Qorrard St. Eost. Toron- + to. Fi^'tieularH I'rne. Write 4> W. H 8UAW. Pr.s, ij. wwmiiA«pu AGENTS :5!Sc?r ^•^^^^^ liHb |«?rmfti)t'Dl builno -^a oa •lu uftpiLki. Our bltfh oUm koo.Ii sell on stthl in ^TBry home, Are tjulukty u-<«J up ivnil iflpa&i otdiare AK CATALO GUE '^^T"rt::':'.^ The j Rapid Keadle Throader A practical eye-saving, tlmesavin^j; dtivico, used for any size needle or thread. It thrcidn quick- ly, easily, and will lasl a lifctiino. Mailed lo your address, postpaid lor^si;. AQBNTS WANTtD. ^ Th* Rapid Noadi* THr«adar Oo„ l:Xy Box 1307. Orlillii, Outario :H:ia-Ec cl-a.ss â- eST VALUES IN CANADA, EXHIBITION VISITORS. cordially invited to call and ^ inspect our stock. yj^a-E33srTS "^-A-istthiid in every locality. REX TAILORING COMPANY, ' in King St. WMt Toronio (Opposite Frinceas Theatre.) PRIZH WINNERS T^G beg to announce that the " prizes offered for solution of our Omega Watch "Count the Dot»" puzxle were won as follows: â€" Itt Prize â€" Mist Mary Q, Smith, Littia Sands, P.E.I. 2nd Prlzaâ€" IVlr. E. M. Broughton, Olds, Alberta. 3rd Prize â€" Mr. John Qlllesple, Ce- darvllle, Ont. Tho correct number of dots was 999. If your answer wa.s within 20 of the 599, and you haro not rccclvoil . one of tho Consolation Prizes, It Is becauns there lias been some , error, or perchance your name and address was not leKlbly written. If there are eiiy such, we hope they will write to us at once, a» wo want to send a Prize to all who * are entitled to It. ELLIS BROS. '"M^X^o^- Utilization of Surplus Funds A fundiiiu'.nfal prinoipU of a micce»s/ul bitsinnsi i» th« proper utUiiatio n o/ mirjilui fundi â€" to tarn Oie greatest itUereal returns. Finoitcia/ iimlitulioni) aud iiidi- i-iduals of wealth do not permit large aectimnlaiions of money (arning itolhing, or only a low rate of interent. Why, then, should not the in' vestor of vwderate nitans avai himself of the, same opportunilxes awarded to huurance Compan- ies, Trust Corporations and similar inslitntioni ? The ser- vices of our organization are availabla to ani/one who inquires. Issues offered by us are r«- convninended only after a thor- ough investigation by experts â€" and purchased in entirety by us. The distribution of many of our recent issues is significant of their strength of secnrity â€" qf their favorable interent return â€" of their fxccfiptability to intelligent investors. Sonui of the issues tuilublefor the general investor are â- â-  -Canadian Northsrn Railway Co.' Equipment Bonds ylaldlns Sp.o, -Duluth, Rainy Lake and WInnl- pag Railway Bond* ylalding I 1-4 P.O. Wc3tarn Canada Flour Mill* Company, yitlding nsarly S 3-4 P.O. P. Burns and Company, Ltd., bonds, (Ranohors, M*at-pack«r* a.id dUtrlbuteri of packing pro- dust*} -yielding over 6 3-4 P.O. Wt should Ilk* to tell you of thtis bond luuet and otnsr* whioh we rooommsnd. DOMINION SECURITIES CORPORATION, LIMITED HEAOOFFlOK TORONTO ISO KINO *».«. â- RANOHESI IV:ONTR;:AL WINN IPEQâ€" LONDON, ENa

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