Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1909, p. 8

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE At/GcST Heart Strength H(«it8lrvnfth.orBMi1Wea)mi>«.mF&r.iN(>rv« Rniiptr. or Nerrf Wi^kne**â€" iiothlniuiore. Po». luvc'.j-. not cxie week heart In a limidW.1 U. In It- Kll. hclually dlK«B«l, It 1» uhiio.t nlwaya k l^(ldi-ii liny llitle lu-nc that n-ally It all at lault. This oWrurr nt-rvtâ€" the Cikrrflac-. or Hiart NVrve â€" fln-T'ly ne«<lf. and inu»t have. Dion» iKiMf r, mora »t»l..llli. more contrumng. moro gov.niliig •trcnstli. Without that thi- Heart niurt cnntluue io lall. and tliv btoini.ch and kldiicyt alto liav* thi-»e tame conlrollUig iiervea. Thit rl.«rly vipluli.s why. ai a nwdldne. Dr. Fhcop f KeHorailTK hut in the pad done tn niuci; lor Meak and ailing lleart« Dr. Shoou llr>t xnighi the caiiM: <it all ihl»j«l:.ful. iMlrllallrig. tufliK-at. Ing hi-art di(-ire>f. Pr th<xii>'» Ki'stonitivt^thU g)0|.ular prefer* w ionâ€" 1» alone dincted to lh«-H» Weak and waning n?rve center*. It build»; Uftrviigtben>: li ..flm. real, genuine heart help. II you would have nrong Heartii. (trong dt (e>tlon. Ftrenglhen theae ^cttuâ€" rtMictabUata Ibrm aa ueciUid. with Dr. Shoop's Restorative "ALL DEALERS" m umn. Carefully Corrected Each Week t>»t« 50 »o 55 leas 90 to S»0 Barley <>0 to <» Hay 7 00 to 8 00 IJutler 17 to li) Eifgs, fresh IH '.o 20 Potatoes p«r bs)( 75 to 75 CFeeso 10 to 10 Ducks ... 10 to 10 Chickens to . 8 Turkeys 14 to 14 Wool 20 to 22 HOUSEWIVES I Where is Your Hair? la your comb? Why so? Is not the head a much better place for it ? Better keep what is left where it belones! Ayer'sHair Vigor, new improved formula, quickly sto^l^falling hair. There is not a particle of doubt about it. We speak very posi- tively about this, for we know. Pott not change the color of lie hair. A ijers aula with Moh bstt;* Skow It to youjr 4««tor Aakhlai ab«a»lt. I th«B da a* ha aaya I Indeed, the one (rest leading feature of our new Hair Vigor may welfbe said to be this â€" it stop* falling hair. Then it goes one step further â€" it aid* nature in restoring the bair and scalp to a healthy condition. Ask for " the new kind." kg Uw J. 0. Ajn Co.. Lowall. : You know that it pays to Imy oniy the best groceriss that, tho cheap groceiies do not (five results. Our goods are the BEST jind the priies are the kind that lit in well with the quality offered. You will nant your preserrini; sugar in a few days. The best jiUce to get it and all your groceries ac WRIGHT'S Qroccry, Flesherton FALL TERM COMMENCES SEPTKMBEJl 1:51 at Canada's Leading School of Business OWEN SOUND. Cummeroial, Shorthiind, and Preparatory Courses. Write for infuiniation t) C. A. Fleming • - Principa. For Sale One span of Ltghtnli.K Colts eomlog thre« matcben. Ready to work. AlflO one Hhorthora hull eitihteeo uioDthii oM, bred by Ueo.Hristow, KobRoy. uucnbev6^45. io volume 24, Nauje â€" VillaKC Captain. ALHKKT E- HA.NLKY, Lot 4. Uon. 10, .Otprey, Feversbaiu F. O. A Practical Education Ik (ioiiiuthing that i.s within the leach of cvtiy yoiin<,' iiiim and woman who hit.s the ambition to succeed in life. It c«ii lie secured in a Hhort time and at a coin)>ai-!i- tively Kiiiftll cost, by attending the Co/iinywood business Cotl»y9 Fall Term ojicn-s Sept. lut, 1909. Write iKiw for free Catalogue. T.E. H.\WKINS, - Piinciial. By-Law No. 2 A By-law of the Police Villagn of Price- ville in the County of (Jrey to raise the sum of #1600 for the co:iRtruction of cement orgrsnoli'.hio sidewalks in the said police village of Piiceville. Whereas tho trustees of tho Police Yillaue of Priceville deem it advisable to I raise the sum of 91500 for the construc- tiou of rrment sidewalks on the following ! N'reels or jiarts of streets in said Police I V^illagi*, VIZ : KinroM, Arteinesia, Kin- I cHrdiiie, Piincpss and Queen, the esti- I mated costs of the said sidewalks being about eiitht cents per tquaic foot. And whereas to raise the i^aid sum it will bo necessary tiiat the Townnhip of ArtenieKia nhnll issue debentures for the sum of $1350 and the Township of Glen- elg for the sum of 9150, beinii the pi-o- |H>rlion recpiired to be raised by each of , - the said townships under the provisions]*"''"^"' of tho Consolidated Municipal Act,1903, " and sineiKlmeiitH thereto, the total aiiiouiit thereof, 91500, being the amount of the debt intended to be created by thii by-law, the proceeds of the said deben- tures to bo r.ppliud for the purposes aforesaid. And whereas it is desirable to make the said debeiiture.ipiyable by yearly instal- ! ineiit*< duriiii; the pericxl of ten years from \ I tho lime this By-lnw shall come into I ctt. ct (beiiiij the currency of the said I debenture.s) wiih inteiest ihereon at the j j rate of five per cent., per annum, such 20,000 ; yearly suins to be of such amounts th it I the ai;Kro;{nte amount payable in eich year for pi-ii.ci|>al and interest in respect of the »a:d debt shall be as near a.s pos- sible eiiual to the aniouMt so payable in i . ,- ., , <-. i . , , . „ each year of the other years of the said ! '.".'^'.'r "'"'• l"'^''"**^''^_"â- "" , "'"^ -^l,'*';*'' period. of Augus*, 1909, Io sura up the votes given for and against this By-law . Dated at Priceville this twenty-second day of July, A. D. 1909. I Police Trustees. NOTICE. Take notice that the foregeins is a true copy of a proposed By-law which has been taken into consideration by the Police Trustees of the Police Village of Priceville and will be finally passed by the said Police Trustees in the event of the consent of the properly (qualified elec- tors being ob'.ained thereto after one Qionth from the first publication thereof in the Flesherton Advance newspaper, the date ot which first publication is the 22ud day of July, A. D. 1909. And at the hour, day and place therein fixed for taking the votes of the properly jualitied _elee'ors the poll will be opened Dated at Priceville this 21st day of July, A. D. 1909. H.B. McLEAN "1 Police Trustees of JOHN STOTHARTWhe Police Village A.J>. McLEOD J of Priceville. Farm Laborers' Excursions. Men Wanted for Western Harvesting. To meet the demand for farm lalwrers SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURNITURE The largest and best stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Uooin Setts. A sj>ecial reduc- tion just now on evei-y- thing, in order to re- duce tho Stocji. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER esherto .And whereas the total amount required by the Consolidited Municipal Act, 1903, to be raised annually by special rate for paying the said debt and interesr, as hereinafttr provided, is the sum of 9194.25, of which amount the sum of 9174.82 shall be raised by the Township of Artemesia, and the sum of 919.43 by the Township of Glenel/. -And whereas the whole amount of the s[M!cial second class excursions will be run by the Canadian Pacific Railway from all Ontario stations. Cost of one-way ticket to Winnijjeg is 810.00, and from Winniiieg to |ioints where laliorers contract to work they will be carried without charge. After at least one month's work in the harvest field, a ticket V)ack to Ontario starting point will be issued at 918.'X). Tickets are only good on Farm Lalwrers' special trains. Tickets will ab>o be issued to rateable proi)eity of the Townships of I "â- "'"®"' ''"*^ "" half-rate for children. Arfemesia and Glenelir, according to the f-^^'ng d'^tes of excursions are as Isst revioed nstcssinent rolls, is the sum of 91,259,548, and 974,170, resjiectively. And whereas the whide amount of the i-aieablu property of tho said Police Vil- lage, according to tho last revised assefs- inent rolls, is the sum of 939,470, of which nniouiit 93.">,C75 is the umounl of , the ntteable properly of th.it part of the ' '^>'"'" ""e «nd south thereof (in Canada) said Police Villa:>e within tho limits „f I autl »11 stations in Ontario on M. C, P. the Township of Artemesia, and 93,795^^- '""^ T. H. k B. Rys. - I is the amount of the ra'eable property of ) August 27th and Sept. 10th, from all follows August 19th and Sept. 7th, from all stations in the territory between Tonmto- Sudbui-y line and Toronto Sarnia line of the Grand Trunk. August 23rd and Sejit 7th, from all C. P. and G. T. R. stations on Toronto- that part of the Poii.aj Village within the limits of the Towoahip of Glenelg stations east of Toronto- North R-iy line, tjand including Kingston, also stiilions, . , . ,, , , . , cm C. O. and B. of Q. Rys. and stations ',."".'â- ""'. ",'® amount of. the exist- on K. & P. south of Renfrew. For the three excursions in Augast un from all |)oints you are in any doubt as to date of excursion from your district apply t<( local C. P. R. agent, who will also furnish times of sfiecial trains, or write to R. L. Tliompson, District Passen- ger Agent, C. P. R. , Toicnito. Norris Bros' Antvouncement » Will Appear Here Next Week Our Clubbing List Thrt following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptions only. Wa have no accounts with other papers. Advance niid T€>roiito World, daily 9 3 00 Toronto Daily News 2 80 Weekly Globe 180 Mail-Empire .... 1 ,'5 Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun 1 80 Farmers .Ao.uoata 2 25 Weekly Wit.iess 1 75 Satiii'dayNight 2 55 VARICOCELE CURED W NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. Confined to His Home for Weeks. "HaaTy vork, severe straining and evil habits Io yeoth brotight OB • double Tarloocala. Whan I worked hard tha aohlnc would baooma aeTere and I was often lalil up for a week at a tlms. My (amilr fhyaiclan toll ine an o|>«ratlon waa my only hop*â€" but I dreiaded It. tried Mveral aiMx-lallsti, but soon found out all thay wantad waimy money. 1 1'ominnnoud to look upon all dootors aa Uttle iMtter than rogues. Ona day my boas aaked me why I was off work so much and I told him my uondltion. lla adriaed ma to ooniult Dn. Keiwedy ti Kenuody, a« lie hail tAk«n trratment from them himself and knew they wero square and akillful I wrote them and got Ths Nxw Msraoo TaaATKCirr. My progreea waa somewhat slow and during the first nooth's treatmaot I waa somewhat dianouraged. HowaTar, I coD- Unu<<d trealnaot for thrae months longer and waa rewarded wltb a complala oura. I oould only earn tit a week In a nuichlna abop ba- fore ircatmeot, now I am earning (S] and nerer loaa • day. I wish •U suffarars knew ot your raluabla t r sa tui ent. HZNBT C. LOCUST. HAS YOUR BLOOD BEEN DI8EA8ED1 BLOOD POISONS are tha moet preralent and moat aarlous d l i a aas s . They sap tha Tary lit* blood of tha TloUm and unleas entirely eradicated from the ayatem will causa aertoua aemalieatloaa. Beware of Marcury. It only suppresaea the aymptom*- our NEW METHOD ouias all blood dltaaact TOUMOOR MIDDLE AijED MEN.â€" Iniprudsnt acta or latar exoeaaas have broken 4lMa your syatan. You feel tha armpioma stealing over you. Mantallr, phyai- •ally, and vitaUr you ara not the man you tiied U> ha or should be. Will you Mad the tipialst Ar* you a TieUmt Hara you lost bopef Are you Intaodlng to marry f Baa „ your tilood bata dlaaaaadt Have you any weakoaaat Our Nsw Maraoo iTMaMT will e«ra you. What It haa done for others it will do for you. CaaaaltaMeB Ho gutter wIm> ba* treated you, write for an honest uplniOD Plra* a( Chara*. ----- jj, _. . . . . KaLsffnaâ€" "TbaOoldaoHoaitor," (IUustrated)anI>iseaseeof Men. NO NAMES! USED WITHOlTr WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. Na aaMa iwwrHoSgrTMls^ •~^"*^ «i-...i..ibi.-.«».iT«M-.-. DMKENNEDr&KENNEDT Cor. Michi^n Ave., and Griiwold Si, Detroit. Mich. ing debenture debt of the said Township , „ ., .. <.f Artemesia is «12,28«.M, and no part '"\ "'"• """,1 ,«"' of the princi.Md or interest is in ar/ear, ' ^J^ho ^T'lT H " and the amount of the debenture debt of ."."1 V' t .!• ^'^ the Township of Glenel< is $1,407 01 and no part of the principal interest is in urrear. And whereas there is no doWnlure debt chargeable against tho Police Vil- Isge of Priceville other than what is so chargeable against tho said Police Village as jjart of the said Toivnships of Arte- mesia and Glenflg, respectively, and in- cluded in the sum heretofore niontioned. Theref.re the Police Trustees of the Poli>;o Village of Priceville enact as fol- 1 1 <w.s, viz. : 1. That it shall l)e lawfid for the Police Trustees of tho Police VilUifc of Price- ville to raise the sum of 81,500.00 in the manner prescribed by the Consolidated Municiiial Act, lOO.S, and amendments thereto, and for such purposes tr rr<|uire the Township of Artemesia to issue do- !.emure« fyr the euiu of $1,350.00, to gether wilii interest at five per cent, per annum, and the Township of Olenelu to issue debentures for tho sum of 21.50.00 with intcivst at five per cent, per annum, being the proportions of the Kaid total amount to be raised by the said townships respectively. 2. The said principal (luin shsll bo payable in ten annual instabnents with interest at the rate aforesaid annually during the said term, and the aggregate airo lilt of such instalments of principal and intorest shall be the aum of $1'J4.25 in each year. 'A. Fi,r the purpose of paying the faid debt of 8150<( 00 and to cover the inter- est on the said anxnint as aforesaid, the sum of 91iM.25 shall bo levied by a spec- ial rate over and above all other rates in tha same nmnnt-r and ai the same lime that other rates are levied upon the whole taxable property In the said Police Vil- bigo of Priceville liable to bo rated there- for in each year for tho period of ten yeais from the date bereinafier mentioned for this bylaw to take effect during which the said di'btoitures Imvo to run . Of ihi- said sum of $1,500.00 tho mm of 8174.82 shall bo raimd by the Council of tho Township of Artemesia, and the sum of $19. 4a by tho Township of Glenelg, upon the projiortion in the sai.l Police Village of Piicovillo within the said townships respectively. 4. This By-law shall coino into effect immediately after tho tinal piiasing thereof. 5. This Bylaw shall be submitted f >r tho assent of tho electors of tho said Po- lice Village of Pricevillo under tho pro- visions of the Consfdidated Mnnioi|Kil Act, lllOa, and amendments thereto, jii Satin- day, tho twenty-Hrst day of August, A.D. lOOff. At the hour of nine o'clock in tho forenoon the poll will be opened to tske the votes of the qualified electors of tho siiid Police Village «if Priceville on sai I ' By-law, and the poll will closo on the afternoon of the same day at five o'clock. C. The place for tiking p<dl will b) at Watson's-hsll in fhe said village, ind the letufning officer shall bo Neil SlcKinnon. 7. That on Sahirdav, the fourteenth day of August, A.D. 1000, at the hour of seven o'clock in the afternoon, at the said hall, the Police Trustees shall appoint in writinif Iho persons to attend at the said polling place and at the fin»l summing up of tho votes on behalf of pors'ins inter- ested in or opposing respectively, the passing of this By-law. 8. That the Police Trustees and Re turning Officer shall altejid at said hall in the said Police Village at ten o'clock in the foienocn on the twenty-hird day DespatchiH fiom Teheran say the young Shah of Peisia, aged 11, will «<M)n he officially married despite his prjtests. Amaranth vomers will pass judgment on raising, by 15-year debentures, 87,8»)0 to pay for the new bridges in the town- ship. A decision of imiiortance to niuiii- cipalities was handed out by the Court of Appeal at Toronto, In effect it holds that no traction engine can go on a bridge without laying plank. If one does so, any daaiago that 'results wi 1 be ciiargeablo to the owner of the engii.e. In the case in question the Goodison Thnsher Co. brought an actim against the township of McNabb for damage to an engine under eight tons in weight, by tho collapse of a bridge. No plank was laid but the plaintiff contended this unnecessary and the only reason for laying plank was to protect the floor of the bridge. The Court held, however, that with- out laying plank such an engine has no right on brid^ie and must so suffer consequences and not only disroii>8ed iho plainlid's action but gave the town- ship 177.00 for damage done to the bridge. The Hillsburg Beaver relates this : Wednesday forenoon a larije mud turtle, a regular leviathan of her species, emer- ged fiom the pond, walked a distance of about fifteen rods and deposited ita eggs in a pile of sand on George rtreet,in frant f the residence of Mr. G. C Lacey. The Canadian mud turtle may not be as steady on the job of e^g-laying as the Canadian hen, but when it coinos Io numbers at a session, "old slow and steady" has poor biddy beaten to a fiazzl', for this one laid no hts than a dozen in a fow miiiutea. While the poor brute's Itack was turned, the whole twelve egga were swiped, and after hunting around in the sand for a few minutes, it showed iiR retiring disposition by going back to tho pond. Tho cgga are almost perfectly globular, about throe-quarrera of an inch in diameter. They are covered with a hard shell, which is cream- colored. The eggs are semi-tranalotent. The best Canadian wheat, the most modern mills, and the most skilled millers, all combine to give Royal Household Flonr those baking qualities which make it the choice of discriminating housewives everywhere. Give Royal Household a fair trial and you will never go back to other brands. Your grocer will get it for you if you insist. 14 Ogiliie Flonr Mills Co.. Limited. HontreaL ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••«•••••••«â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢( *••••• !••••«• •••* ^as. iPattison^ Ceylon^ Ont^ % Senenal -mALei^haitt. CEMENT requiring cement will {!£ ••.a •..e •.•a •••a •..a •••a •••a •••a •..a ..a •••a -..a •..a •••» â- ..a •..a *..a •'.e •..a ...a •••a '•.a *..a â- xa •..a •..a ••.e •..e •••a ••.e -..e ••.a •••a •.•a •••a •••a •..a •••a •.•a •.•a •••a •••a •..a •••a •••a •••a ••.a •••a ••.a •••a •..a ••.a •..a ••.a â- ..a •.•a •••a â- â€¢â€¢a â- â€¢â€¢e ••.a ••.a -..e :::• REMEMBER OUR MOITO: *VSma« Ttx^fiU mui Quick Returns: ••• •••• •••• •••• tao*o*t««*»»t ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••«««*««*a»a*«*«*«*«««*t««*a* sr A car of cement just arrived. Any one know where to get it fresh at the right price. Wehaveagoodsupply of PUaE PARIS GREEN on h.tr.d, also Sprinkling C»ns, Hoes, Hay Rakes, Scythes and Scythe Stones, good thick Machine Uil, tine and coarse Windsor S:tlt. THE BEST KNOWN BRANDS OF FLOUR always on htud, and our prices deserve the attention of all carelul Buyers ai well as the Brand. Anyone wanting STRAWBERRIES we would be pleased if they would give their order in this week, as the best will soon be over. eii» Highest Market Prices paitl for all Farm Produce. ::s :•" e«« e.." e.M a..- a..- e..> a*»> a..* a..* a..- e.~ e..- mo' . t * * * a..* !t!t^ I CANADIAN PACIFIC Farm Laborers Wanted von FN 20,aM MEE IE MABITOU ALBERT* UD SUUTOMEWM SrBClAL EXCUBSIGNSI CDIO GOING CIO MditioMil fbf tiM RttuN Ttaltl im4*p aeadltiem u kalMt, GOING DATES Ftoai Siallona aorth of llBa oi O.T.I. ToroDto iolSarala, •â- < Caa. Pac. Stationa oa and waat of Toroalo-Sndbory line. Proa Torooio and all C.P.R. Stationa weat In Ontario oa aad aow<h ol mala Una oi Urand Trunk By.. Toroalo to Samia. and all StaUeaa in Onlario on M.C.B.. P. II. and T.H.&B. lya. Prom Stationa Toroalo and aaat, inclndln^ Sharbot Lake and Blatfa* ion, and all Siallona In Ontario weal ot Benlrew, alao alallona •â-  CO. & B. of O. Rya.. and aUllona on K. & P. aonth ol Baalrow. From all Siallona Toronto and weat. lactudlnd Stationa on C.P.E. Toronto to Sudbnry. Proai all Stntioaa east ol Toronto la Ontario. Autf. 19 And. 23 Aufl. 27 Sept. 7 Sept. 10 g ONE-WAT SECOND-CLASS TICHETS WILL BE SOLD TO WIWWIPEO OWtT Repn.«utativ« farmers, appointed b.v Manitolta. Saskatchewan anU Alberta Govemmenti, will nM^t and eng;i^ laborer* on amvHl at Winnipeg. Free tran.ponatiun all! be fumiffhcd at M'inuip'g It, pninta on Can. Pac. where laborera are needed, eaat of Mooae Jaw, includinf branchea, and ai one cent a inlle each way weat thereof in S&HltatcheWHD and AIUtIh. A eertifirate is fumi.hed with earh liclcet, and Ihla certifirate when exeenled by farmer abowing that laborer ban worked thirty du.va or more, will be honored from that point for a second claaa ticket back tu .taning pointa in Ontario, at SlS.tX), prior to Nov. 30lh. 1W)9. Ticketii are gtMid only on special Farm l.aborers' t-aini and will be issued to womea ae well aa to meu, but will not be issued at half fare tu children. For lull partlculara ace acareal C.P.R. adcnt. or write K. L. THOMPSON. D.P.A.. C.P.R. TORONTO *' Medical DR CARTER M O F & 8 Ont. Pbysician, Surijeon, e Office and ruaideuoeâ€" i'uter at., Klei>li«rlou JP OTTKWKliL ~ Veterinary Burgeon Oraduate ot Ontario Veterinary College, rexldeuce â€" aacoud door south west^oi: NiAry street. This Btreet runs south Preabytftvian Chnrch. D WItibuN, hiacki-uiith * 'graduate of iie Veterinary Science Asaoolatlon Kesldenca, Durliaui itreet, op OHite Hovd. H'o'<Uui;'-< har-lware. JJentistry B. C. NIURRAV h. D. H., dental eurgeon bonoi' graduate of Toronto Unlveraity and I^oyal Culle(|« ot Dental Surgeoiia of Ontario, r^aa adiiilBiiilbtered for teeth eXtcaction yllino at redence, Toioiito Btreef Flenherton Societies '^ AO n W meeta ou the last Monday lu each month, !a their lodge room Norris' block. Fleeherton, at 8 p.ui. M. W.. Mlleb Thiatlethwaite: Hec, C. n. Munahaw; Fin., W.J. Bel.amy^Vlsiti^DR brethren iLTi'.ed PHINCB ARTHUR LODOB, No. !«S,A.F.4 A M. tueeta in the Masonic hall. Arm- strong's Hall Fleaherton. everv Fridav on or before the full icocn. Thos. UIakely,W.M.; tierb.ilinitli. Secretary. COL'RT FLESHERTON, DOS, f. o7V. n-eeta In Clayton's Blook the last Wednesday evening of each lunnth. Visiting Forestera heartily welootno. H. R., Dyson; R. 8., T. Her.ry; Flu. Sec, C. N. Riobardaon. Please pav dues to Fin. 8eo. before the first day of the month FhlENDB Business Cards . WALTER L0UCK8 Uuilder and Contractor For Rricli. Stone and frame realdeuces. Eb> timates ubeurtully lurrished, FleahertouP o Ontario. toCUHiOUaH & YOUNG Hankers Markdale Dot geueral banking bUBiuesa. Money loaned at ruasouable rates Call ou U8. CHISLKTT, I • rostmaBter. Oeylon. I CommiHHlouer in H, i;. J , Convevancer, deeds, 1 niortgageH, loanes, wills etc. carefully drawn up ..'oIluctiouB uiad.<. charces reasonable. Alao I groceries, llour, feed etc. kept in stock. Prices I right. I p J UPKOULib I "> PoatmastHr, Flesherton I ,./ommlasloner in H.C J., Auctioneer I veyaneer. Appraiser and Monev Leade Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Deed mortRageB, leases and wIIIb carefully drawo op and valuations made on shortest uotica I money to loan at loweat rates of interest. tCol- leotions attended to with promptness .charges low. Agent tor Ocean DomiuioD I Steamship Company. A call solicited. T\ McPHAIL. Licensed Auctioneer for the a** County ot Grey. Terms moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. The arrangementa , and dates of sales can be made at Thh Advancb ofllca. Residence and P.O., Ceylon, Telephoas I connection. I Dec. 6.07. CH08FN FhlENDB-Flesherton Council ol Chosen Friends meets in Clayton's hallflrat and third Wednesday of each month 8 p. m Pay assuBsments to the Reeorder on or before tre first davof each month. Chief Councillor T. RlakelBv; Roemder, VV. H. Bunt. Ti (iAL WR. WRIGHT. Barrister, Holloltor, Convey- ancer, etc.,â€" Owen Sound, and Flesherton, 9 N Râ€".) herton office, SiiroQle'B Block every atuid \^M. KAITTINU, Licensed Auctioneer for 'â-  the counties of Urev and Simcoa. Farm and Stock sales a specialtj'. Terms moderate, satlstaotlou guaranteed. Arrange- ments for dates may be made at (he Advanca office, or AI T. Hutchiusou's store, Ijeversham, or by addressing me at Feveraham, Ont. DUDD MATHEWS, Markdale, Licensee "• aucMoueer for the county of Orov, Good service at reaar.nable ratcb. Dates can bd made at The Advance. 1 o 00

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