Flesherton Advance, 2 Sep 1909, p. 8

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THE FLESIIERTOIS ADVANCE September 2 lOtift Weak Women! (j^r wax to help. Out with tliat nay, two trvutineflltk TOUit be combined. One U locnl. oiu' Is conatltl>> , tioiul, but )>oth ttro Important. b<.'tb eiteDtUL ' ^ Dr. Phoop'f Nlfht Cum UUie Local. ^1 . -Pr. Bhixip'8 Iteitoratlvo. tbo ConBtitutloeuil. " The lormprâ€" l)r. Sho<ii>« NightCuruâ€" I«atoplml (Buoous membnuie tupp<jitlUiry remcdr, wbila Dr. j fiboop't RestorallreU wholly an Intenul tnat- BMnt. The Kuitontlro ivachei throughout th« «otSr« ayitem. act'klng tho ivt«lr of all oerro. •11 tlKue. and all blood ailmenta. The "Nlgbt Cim>", as Ma name Impllea. (loe« Iti /•tork while you »le>p. It soothe* sore and Itiflam. admucoui (iirlao««. heali loral wcaknewt'i and ilacharge*. whili; the lle«tonitlve. ea«M nervoui ezcltemenc gives reiiewi-il vigor and ambitloa. I>ulhlt up wa»u<d tiksuua, bringiiig alx>ut teoewed Krength. vigor, and ennrgy. I^ku Dr. Shoop'l Rettoratlviâ€" Tablets or Liquidâ€" ana gunsral tooio lothaiyMem. ForpoaiUvolocalhelp. uieai wall Dr. iShoop's Cure "ALL DEALERS" j TH[iHT[IS.1 Carefully ConecleJ Eacli Week j t»«t» M to 55 Peas 90 to iHJ I Barley 00 t" CO 1 Hay 7 00 to 8 0(1 ' Butter 17 to !!>• Eirgs, fresh !« 'o 20 Potatoes per bag 73 tu 7'^ Geeso 10 to 10 Ducks ... 10 to 10 Cliiekena •"• to 8 Turki-ys 14 to 14 Wool 20 to 22 D ressing If you wish a hieh-class hair dressing, we are sure Ayer's Hair Vicor, new improved for- muia, will greatly please you. It keeps the hair soft and smooth, makes it look rich and luxuriant, prevents splitting at the ends. And it keeps the scalp free from dandruff. Doea not change the color of the hair. TiE Of THE NilTi. I â€" How It Is Kept at the Naval Ob- I servatoi7 In Washington. A uers Formulft wJthaaoh bottl* Bbow It to jonr dootor A«k taIin~i^oat ». Umb doftflh^aaya THE SIGNAL FOR HIGH NOON. At the same time the new Ayer's Hair Vigor is a strong hair tonic, promoting the growth of the hair, keeping all the tissues of the hair and scalp in a healthy condition. The hair stops falling, dan- druff disappears. A splendid dressing. I by tb* J. O. Ayar Co., LomU, Hfm, New Readers Public School AT RICHARDSON'S, Flesherton. FALL TERM C(.»MMENCES «EI'TP:.\1BKU laT at Canndu'* Lcailing School of Business OWEK SOUND. Conuiiercial, Shorth.-ind, iind Pioparatory C'jurscR. Write for infoinmtion t) C. A. Fleming - - Priticiiml T H.WIVEY PEKIOOE. broker, FIe«burtcD. â- *â-  Oenoial broU«rai,'e buaiiieai. Inmii-ance ef (T ry kiud placed in aafd and llheriilcoini>aul<fF, Uial eHtato etc., fJpeD aixounts and pHitt die notes ljB.u>Ikd and money aJva'Jced thuruoi:. Cari'uapoudeoca aoUcltoi. Medical Du cArxF.n M C 1' ft H Out. riiyslclan, Snrijeon, e UlUce and ru:;idt'nceâ€" (*«tor St., Clesbarton J I' OTTKWKI.L Vetevlniry SurReon Graduato ol Outaric Veterinary CoIIorb. rc^idenco â€" second door noutli woat;oD .Vary xtrsct. This street runs soutli l*re.'*l.vt*'riaM Chnroli h: A Practical Education Is Koiiiutliing tlmt is within tho reach of every jDimg man and v'oinaii wild has the ainliitinii to succeed in life. It c<iii Ixj secured in a slxirt time and lit a conipara- tively small cost, by attending the Coliinyioood business College Fall Term opens Sept. 1st, 1909. Write now for free Catalogue. T.E. HAWKINS, - Princi|«il. w SEAS FURNITURE SEASONABLE IN \V'U..Si).s, jiiiickn.iiili 'iradnate ol /lo Veterinary Science .\s<«oclatton IteHi'lunco, Purliani street, op o.*ll»» Ittvl. ni-!'<lt'ir'-4 liardwaff). The larj;o.sl and Ixr: t stock of Furnituro ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Como and see Kouio of tho nice things in Sido Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Koom Setts. A special roiliic- tion just, now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER BeshertonC Business Cards D W.VIiTKR LOl.CKH llullrier and Contractor Dkntistry C. MURRAY I, .1. K., dental nuroeon I For llrick. Stone and frauij refidoncop. K»- • i-i.liwte of roronlo Uuivormty and i tlinaten cbutrluUv luri-l«b«d, Flesbertou V o â-  .^'j of D'.Miial .-»nr«;otis or Ontario. < Onturit, :r>lil«re:l for teelli eXtcactlun IL wi at redeoco, Toronto Htreet' FlopJ'ertoti .Societies Vl- iULL.oi;(iH 4 v()l:>(j A O O V meets oi. tI:o last Jlon.laj ] ^''*K»°?";,''f',''''"« ''"'''"'»"• Money loanod n in each month. In their Joogo roon'i "' reasonable rates Cull on u«. Norrii*' bloclt. FlrHlicvton, at ft p.m. M. W ISIIkb Til 3-|n., \V riilmlrlliwalte; Iter.. C. II. Mnniib»«;|T "-''.'^'â- '''^ '^^ „ , .J. liol.aniy. VialtinBbrctbrrmi.vitiMr, . ' ' 1 ostnm«ter, ' oylnn. PUIKOK AUT!n;il I.O.>r,|.:. Ko. xw.a.P.A '""".""-'â- ''l'-"- 1"H..l:. j .Convo.v«neer. deed., ^ A iJ. loeetH in tli£ Mavonic liall. Attn- stronK'B Hall h'lesliorton. every I-'ridav on or before the full n<orii. Tboa. lllakely,W.M,; Horb.amllb, HeL/etary. COURT FLKBIIltRTON, E93. I. 0. !•'. n-cot8ln riaytonV llloeU tho lar.t WcdnoKday everiinff InortKaUHS, Uasen, wills oto. careinlly drawn np JolluctioiiH mad.'. chureoB rett.foniil le. Also' Rrocevlus, Hour, feed etc. kept iu BtocU, IVIouf I riitlit. \ It li Flashed Out Over Nearly â-  MIN i lion Miles of Telegraph Wires Every I Day In the Yeai^-The Finely Ad- justed Instruments That Are Used. A few minutes before 12 o'clock noon every day In the year a young man walks Into a certain room of the main building nt the naval observatory, which Is set up on a bill In the north- western part of the District of Colum- bia. He glances at thef various clocks In the room and then goes over to a table which la covered with electric apparatus. He watches the clocks to his left closely and waits for the bands to reach 11:55. As the second band ap- proaches the GO on the dial he pre- pares to shift a switch. The clock Is so finely adjusted that when the sec- ond band points to CO It exactly marks the beginning of a new minute. As It touches the GO the switches arc thrown on. That starts a signal that goes out Instantaneously over 000,000 miles of telegraph lines. In Washington, New York, Buffalo, Cleve- land, Kewport, Baltimore, Newport News, Norfolk, Savannah, New Or- leans, Key West, Galveston, Chicago and elsewhere the time balls go up on their poles. People know that It Is five minutes to noon, Washington tlmn. The clock which keeps the time In the observatory ticks on. With each tick there is a contact of electric points. A circuit is closed, and an in- strument on the table similar In ap- pearance to a telegraph sounder ticks away loudly. It goes on to the twenty-ninth sec- ond, then skips one tick, then resumes its steady sounding until the last five seconds; then there is anotlicr gap. These gaps are for the purpose of giving listeners at the other ends of tho great system of wires n chtjycc to know what part of the minute the clock ts ou. So It goes up to the Inst minute. At the twenty-ninth second there Is again the skipping of one second. Finally tho clock gets around to tho fiftieth second. Then tho circuit re- mains open for ten seconds. There is silence all along t4ie telegraph wires. At tho other end, where there are time balls or merely train cperator.s, tho long pause Indicates that noon Is almost there. The second hand makes on toward CO and finally roaches the mark. Then there is nnothor click; in about a second (he sounder is down, and that tells hundreds of thousands of people that It Is noon In Washing- [ ton. I It is a wonderful operation, this get- I ting tho (line, and highly technical. j Finely adjusted clocks, chronogrnplis and other Instruments of great vnliio are used, and the taking and recording of the (line have reached a point whore the human equation Is practically elim- inated. I The results obtained are of great I Talue, pardcularly (o mnrlncra. Tho time is not only flashed to hundreds I of polnis in (lie United .'•"tntcR. but It Is sent far out to sea by wireless. A I cable carries the (lash (o lliivana; an- I other to Panama and Callao, Peru. I Tho obsorvotory here does not send the time much farther west than tho p J Sl'lJOULK " Poiitmiinter, PInuherton ocnimlssioncr in II. ' .)., Auntlonoer of racli month. VlnlMna Foresters liesrtllv wysncar, Ai'praisor and Money Lotido wi'lcomo. II. i;., Dvnon; R. B., 'I'. Hel.ry;|Real Kstato and InNurnnou Afient. Duixl Fin. B«o.. C. N. Hielinrdson. nsov(Bnj;o», lenRes and «ilU carufnlly drawn f laasa pay diics lo Klu. Kec. boforo tlie llrsk up and valnatlons nisdo on slorteM nntUe day of the niijiitl,. nicney to loan at lowest rates ol inlcrest.tCol. â€" â-  - â€" (leellr/ns attended to with promi'tmse CriOSKN Fhll'.NDS-FlephertO'i Coniicll of i £'>»''l"'^, '"w- Agent for Ocean Dominion riiosen Frini!.l« mentu in cliiiion'B lioll tlrsl j "'"ainthip C;o!niittny. A call iioli;dled. and third Wedm»»'dBV of eAclt month H p. til ' i p,i^ M -... '.^tiiontR to the Ileeordi'r on or before tfe Cir-t iivof eaeli iiiontli. Chief Councillor I T. r.lii!<il.'v:l(ecoider. W. H. Hunt. D. Lecal 1 T(T H. WnmUT, l<arri«t<-r, Hollcilor, Convey. I "anoer. cle.,â€" Ow«n Bound, xnd KleKheitoi'.: 1<W'' r-hettouoBlae. Sproule's Itlook every aitnril WAf. KAITTIMH, '' llio conuiiHa zna<to at I'lie Advance. loM Rockies, but they have an observn(ory I at tho Maro Island navy yard, and I from (hero tho time la sent up and down (he Pacific coast, Just as It Is j from hero (o (ho enstern part of (he I UiiKed S(a(o.s. In (ho t-ltlos where (ho central time Is used (ho Hash innrUs 11 o'clock. An hour later local opera- \ tors drop (ho (lino balls. j The mean (Ime Is determined by as- tronomical observations. When cer- y. Tornin ino.ieiftto niid tain Blnrs pa.ss (he sevonty-flflh morld- teod. Tho iirrftMsoinoiits , ,, , ., , ,, . ,,, ,,, n be made a>, TiiR advanok lan, cnllott (ho meridian or Washing- ton, It la n certain (Ime. The operator wa(chea for tho stars through a (olo- Bcopo, (ho field of which la covered With One wires. As tho siars reach a certain point In transit the operator iiresses a key In A contact Is made aiiti re- The chrono- McI'IIAIIj, Lloonsod Aiiotlonoor forftl County of O flutisfeotiun (Jinaran and dnt<tsof HuIi^s eit: _ otilco. UenMcnue and I'.n., Ceylon, Telophono coiinoctir-n. IJee. (J.ft7. Iiiconsed Auctioneer for , of tiroy ami HImonn, I " UrbyartdressinB me at Feverahnm, Out. COrdcd on a Chronograph. graph consists of a cylinder covered With paper. A fountain pen rests on I (he pniier. It Is held by an arm nt- ; tachcd (o (ho mechanism. Tho cyllii- â-  der revolves once a inlnii(e, and the DRS.KENNEDY&KENNEDY / ^,.;.. L«Mt«d to Our Own 0(fic« Building. Successors to DBS. KENNEDY & KERGAK NERVOUS DEBILITY CURED ErcessoB and Indiscretions nro thft ennso of more sorrow and siinniinn than nil other . dlsiiLsea combined Wo se.o llio victims of villous Imliils on '>verv linnd- tho sallow, iplniDled ruco diirk circled eyes, stoopinif : fonn, stunled deiclopmcnt. liftshfiil, nielan- ;, I liollc connlenancii anil tlndo benrlnn pro •I rl'ilm to all tho world his folly ami tend to • I bllKlit hiseiislcncc. Ourtreatment posltive- ^ ly cores all wealf men by overconiinj? niid I removinB tho cITeclsof 'ormor Indiscretions j, |l|l ""'• "ces.sc9. It stops all drnlns and (pilclil/ iiV 11 "â- "Stores tho victim to whntnatiinUntended â€" ,il'"lj " •i<'«hliy and happy man with physical, men- •iil' I '"' "'"^ ucrvo power complnto. Illlf'S For over ao years Or*. K. A K. Itavs '"" traatad with the sraataat •uooaa* all _ itlaaaaes of men and woman. jj]3 If you baro any secret disease that Is a dllll worry and a mennco to your health consult ' old <>atahllNhe<t phyaloiaDa who do not bavo to oipcrimoDt on you. Wo Kimiantee In euro NERVOUS OIBIUTV, BLOOD DISEASES. STRICTURE, VARICOCELE. KIDNEY AND BUDOER DISEASES. Contull*. Hon Fraa. If tmablo to rail, write for a question Rlaok for Homo Treatment. Dii5.KENNEDr&KEHNEDY Cor. Mlchljjan Ave., and Griswold St., Detroit. Mich. pen moves along (he surface of tho paper, making a spiral line. A sidereal clock of (ho (liiest make Is niiinlng In a vault undernt'ath tho ob- servn(ory. With each tick of (ho clock (hero Is a conlact of (wo iiolnts. These (wo points are nitaelied to wires that lend to an elect ro-nmgnot at- tached (o the arm that holds the pen of (he chronograph. Tho clock Is so adjuslcd that each uilnnto the pen jumps to one side. Consotpiently there Is a break In the line. There are other breaks, (oo, when (ho observer watches (ho stars cross (he lines In the Held of (he (ulescope. Tho mean time thus re- corded for each B(ar, ar(cr being cor- roded for errors. Is (ho clock (line of (he s(ar's (ranslt. Whatever difference there Is between (ho clock tlino and the sidereal time marked by tho trans- it of tho stars Is tho error of (ha clock. From (hese astronomical ob- scrvodons (he sidereal (Imo Is ob- tained. Tho error amounts to but IKde, rarely being more than from Bve ono-hundred(hB (o ten ono-hun- dredtbs of a second. The time of sending n flash over tho wires iB practically nothing. A flash has reached Qrecnwlch, England, in tbree-tentha of a second.â€" Washington One Chicago loter Ocean. For the next ton months thj rural schools of (Jntaiio will have to nerve themselves for a temporary sacrifice. Six hundred teachers holding third class c-.t- lificiitcs are tliis year entering tho Nor- insl .soliools lo prepare for a higher grade. That means that about 600 schools will have to look about for instructors. The .Budden dearth of teachers in rural parts is but for one year, and is a consequence of tho new legtilntions covorning the Provincial Normal schools by which special inducements are offered teachere holding third class certificates to spend a term in qualifying for second and first grades. Tho result has been such an ex- odus fioni tho rural fchools into the Normal that the toik of fiilint; (he vacan- cies thus created is by no moans u simple one. The UP welcome condition in many rural locilities is only for tho fall and spring term, for by that time the gradu- ating Normal classes will be prepared to ttke up their work again, and with greater etticieiicy. The Education De- partment h IS prepared to surmount the temporary dtticulty a.* best they arc able by issuing special permits to teach- ers at imscht unquahtiel in districts where it is found impossible to till vacan- cies in the regular way.â€" News. A somewhat tragic occurrence lock place recently in tho township of East G.trafraxM. Two farmers of the same surname and quite nearly related, occupy Hcljoiiiiiig fariiH in the 12th conccssiou. Ill the forenoon while the son of one of these funnel s and tliu hired man were working at one end of the beld, the gre.iter part of which w.is in oat.s nearly ripe, a horse belonging to tho other farmer jumped tho fence into the field. Tho young man hud a shot gun and le'' Hy at the horse, apparently to frighten It. His aim, howevt-r, was too good, for he peppered the animal from the flank to tlic neck. One of the shots must have cut a main artery, for the animal bled to drath inwardly iu a short time. The young mail went on with his work and did not know of the disastrous results of his shootini! until he went home to his dinner. The animal killed wa.s a fine youny more.â€" HiUsburg Beaver. The .3-ycar.old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John IJHrniH of Kincardine was nearly unolhircd to death at tho Iu me of lluih lila.'k, con. 2, Uruce, where tho child's parents were visiting. She wa- playing in a hiun when a hose board al- lowed her to fall into a bin of uns'aked lime, ller eyes were burned and her liiugs alfected but tho child may rccuvos Living Over Catacc Paris, In many of Its districts. Is built over tho catacombs, says Har- per's Weekly. These vast subter- ranean chambers nnd galleries produce that peculiar cavernous sound which is heard in the Luxembourg, Montpar- nassc, Vauglrard, Montronge and Montsourls quarters when heavy carts pass rapidly along (ho coarsely metaled rond.i. Tho streets are then like monstrous drums bentlng funeral marches (o (ho grave over that vast common grave of ten centuries of Parisians with Its millions of skeleton dead. Tlmt quaint IKtIe Gothic house at the corner of tho Boulevard lias- pall, which many na American artist must remember from his student days, actually has a private staircase lend- ing to tho catacombs from beneath a hermetically closed stone slab Just In front of th« doorstep. Lincoln as Ho Knew Him. Asked under tho civil service rules to wrlto what bo knew about Abrn- ham Lincoln, an applicant for the po- llco force of New York wrote: "Abraham Lincoln was born In Ken- tucky at a very early age. Ills father moved tho family to Ohio, floating down tho MIsslsslpph If bo bad not been killed by a murderer be might bo living today. Ho was an Intelligent man and could easily have been presi- dent of Now York city," â€" LiOdles' Homo Journal. Needed Airing. "What's the matter with you?" de- manded llorein hotly. "I've got n right to air my opinions, haven't I?" "Oh, of course," replied Brightly. "They're so stale nnd musty they cer- tainly, need something of that sort." H a V Thompson's Bakery V c o T u r Having secured Mr.E Ann- ul rung iif Petorhoro, ft tlrst clii.^s Imker, we are prcpvred to turn init the host of every- thing in our line. e d 1'"i-i»mU lli-oail iilwiiya «jii lininl A ti'lal 8olloltec3. Ed.Thompson, Flesherton. AT ONCE A Reliable Local Salesman 'IX) REPRESENT Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries In Fle.iherton And Adjoining Country. Tho demand for Nursery Stock is creasing yearly, and if you become of our salostnon you will realize there is good money in tho busin08s for you. Write at once for particulars. Pay weekly ; Free Outfit. STONE& WELLINGTON Fanthlll Kursories ( 8aO aores TORONTO )On»ario in- ono The light bread or the leaden loaf is a matter of choice â€" not luck. Choice of method â€" choice of yeast â€" but, above all, the choice of the J^o^r. Royal Household Flonr IS made from the finest, selected Manitoba wheat, which contains more gluten (that quality which makes bread light) than any other wheat. It is milled under the most sanitary conditions,â€" there is no other flour in Canada upon which so much is spent to insure its perfect quality. Ask your grocer for Ogilvie's Royal Householdâ€" the flour that makes light bread and perfect pastry. Ogilvie Floor MiUs Co., Uiulte^, Montreal. ^^ >••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••••••••••#•••••»•••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••â- â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢ ill S^^* iPattisoTij Cej/iojij Ont^ gKiX •••• •••• •••• • ••• '••• >••• '••• •••• •••• • •• •••• •••• •••• •••• Generai ^^iercAant, Ceylon's Busy Store. Saving amnoy is making innney. That is what you do when yru go to JAS. PATTISON'S, Ceylon, to buy your good.=. Come along and ask the prices on Si-. Lawrence or Rod Path granuluted sugurs, preserving pots, sealers, vinegar, picklin» spices, binder twiiio, oatmeal, flour, and in fact almost anything you can think of ill dry ffoods, ^{roceries, boots aud shoes, and especially on CESIENTJour iiricesare always right, not down ono day nnd tip tho next, only as the market chmges our prices change. Give us a trial, those who have not done so, and wo are sure you will come again. •••• RE-MEMBKIi OUR MOTTO: ''Umall Pt-yjiU oud Qnkk RHunis." . a. ........ ...a.,......,...,..!..... ......... ..•..•*•*........... • •*> • ••• • •«• • •*- • ••• • ••• • •.• • ••• • •«• «•••- ••.I*. Norris Bros. Hardware and Tinsmiths FLIES NOT GONE (YET) Holler como and got a now ,'crc'cn door at tho'o exoeptionully low jtrices. Tho halatioo of cuir screen doors must be cleared at otico. Tiie only remedy is to cut tho price. Doors that were good value at YES. You will need Harvest nnd PhnighMitis. We have hig'ii iti.tilu goods at right pi ices. lit 81.10 at 1.35 at 1.03 ar 2 b") r.5 8.". 81.00 1.25 l.7(i With hingos, hook and d.ior i)ull, complete Wo take pleasure in procuring for you iiiiy ."pecial or- der on the shortest pu.ssihlo notice. TRY US Remember our special quali'y when it comes to oils. Wo have nmde a study of oils and .no prepared to ^ivoyou tho high grade goods just as cheap as the ordiniiiy oils. Try our n.achiiio oil, cylinder oil, castor oil, seiwtrator oil, raw ami boiled linseed oil, coal oil and motor g.i.solone. For the thresher â€" cup grease, belt dressing and laoe leather. Have you a shinulo roof wliitli is leakiii!», yet too good to tear off? Wo have four barrels of Roof Paint which will stop l.>akiug voofs and preserve tho shingles on now roofs -paint whiih adds ten yoiirs to tiio life of shingles. (ii t our price on this [laiiit. It will be interostins; to you. â- mUirmmmitMHmi^ '»!ii»«;- Don't forget to get that roof (Paroid Roofing) For Sale Oije npan ot LlKlitnli.K Colts ocinini; three inatchud. Ut.afty towora. Also one Shortlioru ttnll flKhtoon inouthM old, hroit by (loo.ltristow, KobKoy, nnmbov .WH.'i, iu voluuio 24. Nan:o â€" Vlllafio Captain. AliHKUTlV HANLEY, Lot 4, Con, 10, Uspi'uy, FavtiiBham P. O. Pure Bred En{;llsh Berkshlres and Tamworths. I have a fine hit of youuR iiigs hrod from prise winning stock, for sale. Write me for (irices, I can give a bargain also guarantee satisfaction un all mail orders. (Jeo. W. ROSS. Maxwell P. O. Good Farm For Sale. Iot 10, con. n, Osproy ooutninlnR 100 acres, 8 -'oleare<l, frauio house, frame barn, stone {oundatiou; orchard, well watorede^On tliounRml down and balance to suit purchaser luiuiodlate poascBRlon Apply to R. N. KINNF.AB, Maxwell V. (>. Bull for Service The thorouRhbred Shorthorn Hull, "Earl Oroy," 7U5'2, will ho tor sor vice on lot M. con, 8, Arlemesla. Tho podit-roe of this fine aolmal can be seen on application. Teins HI ANDREW DOW.froprietor. igfa»HWfti<ti w I. * ' !. â-  -rif ^f t fM-Mt * .t mim

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