Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1909, p. 3

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<i NERVOUS DISORDERS Promptly Cnrel by tlia Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. If your hand trembles or is un- Bteadj', remember that thia is a suro and early sign of your nervous eya- tem being at fault. The' miscliief may develop slowly to a worse stage. You feel unaccountably weak and weary after exertion ; jou Fo&e flesh; j-ou turn against food and suffer palpitations and in- digestion after eating. At times you are intensely irritable, greatly earthquakes HERE AND THESE. Bits of Information About 'Most Everytliing. Women live longer than men. The Chinese preserve vegetables in salt. Ladies' feet are larger than they were two years ago. In Madrid it is considered un- lucky to marry on Tuesday. The population of the United Slates per square mile is 27.71. Twenty million shooting-stars fall upon the earth's surface daily- In the last half century Japan has recordtd more than 27,000 depressed and easily worried. Somatimes sharp pains shoot down your spine aud legs and probably neuralgia robs you of your sleep at night. These are some of the troubles that indicate the presence of nervous disorders. If these troubles are neglected they result in complete nervous collapse and possibly paralysis. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have won a great repu- tation, by curing all forms of nerv- ous disease. The nervous system depends entirely upon the blood supply for nourishment ; when the blood is thin and weak the nerves are affected as described. Dr. • Williams' Pink Pills actually in- , crease the supply of good red blood, feed, strengthen and tone the nerves, enable them to perform â-  tlieir functions and dispel all signs • of a breakdown. , Mrs. Jas. H. Ward, Lord's Cove, ^ N. B., says: "About two years ago I suffered so much from nervous â-  prostration that I was little better • than a helpless wreck. I suffered f:om headaches and a constant feel- ing of dizziness. The least unusual move would startle me and set my heart palpitating violently. I had little or no appetite, and grew so weak that I was hardly able to drag rnyself about, and could not do iny housework. In every way I was in a deplorable condition. As the me- dicine I had been taking seemed to t'o me no good, my husband got a supply of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I had only been taking the Pills for a couple of weeks, when I seem- ed to feel somewhat better, and this encouraged me to continue the tieatment. From that on mj- strength gradually but surely re- turned, and in the course of a few more weeks I was once more a well woman, able to do my own house work and feeling better than I aaxl done for years. I have since re mained well and feel that I o-v,? m> good health to the healing po* ers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Every other weak, sickly, wovti out, nervous person should follow the example of Mrs. Ward and give Dr. Williamsi' Pink Pills a fair trial. These Pills will send new blood coursing through the ve>ns and bring brightness and energy to the weak and despondent. So'.d ly all medicine dealers or by man ac 50 cents a box from The Dr Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville. Ont. y6n/ Couj tn^ psn _... ^ _„ , pNevMONiA^uvajxy Sf^AU uinAJwaon i When ouo U 'cbillK'i Ibroutf ti." or rtuffort frunj i HUauinatlt: Paint, Sore | XbrtMfcU Lambftiiu. Tooth aoha. Neur»l|{ia. .S<'t»U CA, i^ieumoni&. ToiiMtl HjI«. Inflammation of tbe lironcllial Tuuos. How eU or Lunffs. Cmiuua. Bora Moaclea, or raln» at »n» kind, aa* KeadJ KrIleC >â-  - TOPST-TIRVY TURKEI. The population of Russia is in- creasing at the rate of 2,500,000 per annum. King Edward has just had a speci al tricycle constructed for his per- sonal use. During 1908 Wilbur Wright trav- elled between 2,500 and 3,000 miles in his airship. The total number of railway pas- sengers in the United Kingdom in 1908 was 1,278,050,000. Europe has 20,000 newspapers, of which Germany possesses the larg- est number. England, however, has the greatest number of daily news- papers. In Australia there are ants which build their nests along a north and south line so accurately that a traveller may direct his course by their aid. In order to stop a plague of lo- custs, every rural inhabitant of Northern Syria has to collect and deliver at least 2% lbs. of locust eggs to the Turkish Governn;ent. Silver-grey has been adopted as the color of the uniform for the en- tire German Army. It is consid- ered to be more suitable than khaki for campaigning in Europe. Mr- Allan Upward, the English author, recently refused decora- tions from both the King of Greece and the Sultan of Turkey, as he considered that politicians and men cf letters should not accept such distinctions. In the building and completing 'i.f a Dreadnought, daily work is afforded for between 1,000 and 1,- rOO skilled men. Of the total cost of £1,950,000, about 70 per cent. â€" or £1,365,000â€" would go in wages. As stormy weather comes on, sea- birds fly inland in search of food ; wild fowl leave the marshy grounds for higher localities ; swallows and rooks fly low before and during bad weather ; frogs are unusually noisy before rain ; she' p huddle together near bushes and trees. The German naval authorities have under consideration an inven- tion for the protection of German (coast harbors and seaports. Sta- tions would have to be erected along the coasts and at the mouths ot rivers which would be equipped with the strongest electric magnets that can be manufactured. When m action these would exercise such i, powerful attractive force th.^t they would compel ironclads and other protected vessels to deviare from their course. Does Things Contrary to Our Way of Doing Them. China has often been termed the land of topsy-tufvydoni ; but Tur- key, the land of young rebels, has surely an equally strong claim to this title. The Turk nods his head when he means "No," and shakes it when he means "Yes." He takes off his shoes, but never his fez, when he enters a mosque or a home. When ho rides on a street-car his ticket is punched at the place he gets on, instead of at the place he must get off. In order to cut a piece of wood instead of rubbing a saw against it, be lubs it against the saw, which be holds between his legs. Until recently, salt, firearms, and education were all taboo in his country. Steam machinery and electrical appliances were forbid- denâ€"the first for no given reason, the second because the word "dy- namo" too closely resembled the word "dynamite." Dictionaries. too, containing the words "elder" and "brother" were self-conscious- ly censured, because Abdul Hami<) usurped the thi-one from his elder brother, who has at last come into his own. 4. A THING WOnTH KNOWING is the fact that Painkiller Suda more U80S in e houBehold than any other remedy. For all bowel complaints. Externally for cuts and wounds. Avoid substitutes, there is but one "PaiukiUer"â€" Perry Davisâ€" 25c. »Dd 50c. WATCHES GKOW TIRED. "I suppose," said the watchmak- er to a friend who had just hai.detl him his watch for repairs, "you do not know that watches, like human .beings, fometimea don't 'go' for the very reason that they are tirtd out a^d need resting. Sometim^es a watch is brought to me which is all right. Nothing about it is out ol order, and it is fairly clean When they become sulky and retuse to run except by fits and starts the best thing to do is to lay them aside for a good rest. The mechanism lu a 'tired' watch seems to be in per ferct condition, hut it just won t work. The fact is, that long aad faithfu' service has thrown it sligut ly out of adjustment in perhaps a dozen differeat places. Scraping and cleaning and readjusting a f.ne watch are the worst things that oould be done to it. A month's rest will instead cause the works slowly to readjust themselves, and at the end of that time, after care- ful oiling, thrt watch will go as cheerfully as ever." « â€" • WISDOM WHISPERS. Work! Work: Work! â€" S'r Joshua Reynolds. All is not false which at first seems a lie. â€" Southey. Take a rest; a fijid that has rest- ed gives a beautifal crc.p. â€" Ov.d. In this world a man must be ei- ther anvil or hammer. â€" LongfeHow They are never alone that are accomoanied bv noble thoughts.â€" Sir Philip Sidney. * A REMARKABLE DEMONSTRATION. O the m<iiiy nia^^iiilic.Mil eat^r,.-* .ii ibe Toronto Exliiliition this year none was more remarkable nor creatfd more >cen- uine interest tlian th>^ demon->ir.-»tion of the " N'ligget " Shoe Polishes in the Miin BuiMint;. The domonsi rater polished a ihoe with the " NiitJget' Polish and iinmedi.itelv aiterw.-trd-* washed it. The water ran o(T the shoe " like water off a duck's b.-«ck," and tlie shine was not destroyed, which proves that " Nu'.{get " is a waterproof polish. The shoe was then wiped on a clean towel, but the pnlish did not rub o;f and soil the towel, which is conclusive evidence that it will not come off on the cloihes in wet weather. The " Nugget" is a leather preserva- tive which will double the lllc of your shoes. It keeps the leather .so*"t and pliable preventing the shoe from cracking Millions use it all o^'er th.? c vilized world. Try it, and its sup.-rior qualities will be sell-evident. Al all dealers, loc per tin. Black or Tan. ♦ -f-f â- f^-f-f-f â- Â»-â- â™¦-♦-♦-♦-♦ f-f-f-f-M-f-f K03Y-CHEEKED BAblES. NOT EXACTLY PLEASED. "I suppose you're glad you have a baby brother," asked the neigh- bor. "Not e.xactly. You see," answer- ed the 9-ycar-old girl, "I've figured it all out that when I'm old enough to have a beau, he'll be just old enough to be a nuisance." SAVED IN HIS OLD ACE, Annapolis, N. S., May 14, 1909.â€" I am over eighty years of aee and have suf- fered from Kidney and Bladder Tronblo for fifteen years. I took doctors' medicino but got no help. I want to thank you tor sendinK mo the sample box of Clin Pills which helped me. I have taken six boxes ot Oin Pills al- together, but got relief before I had taken near that amount. I had to get uo some oiRhts every fifteen minutes and had to use an instrument before 1 could urinate. Now I can lie in bed four or Uvu hours without getting up. W. n. PIERCE. Write National Prug Jk Chemical Co. (Dept. W. L.) Toronto tor free sample. Begulac >ixe. 60c.-6 for $2.50. Nothing in the wor'd is such a comfort and joy as a heal- thy, rosy-cheeked, happy baby. But the price of Baby's health is constant vigilance on the part of the mother. The ills of baby- hood come suddenly and the wise mother will a,lways be in a jiosition to treat them at once. No other medicine can ^ take the place of Baby's Own f 4. Tablets in relieving and cu/ ^ ing the ills of babyhood aad childhood, and there is no other medicine as safe. Mrs. Wm. Viggers, Perretton, Ont., says:â€" "My baby was troubled with his stomach and was very cross while get- ting his teeth, and did not sleep well at night. I gave him Baby's Own Tablets with the best of results. He is no* on© of the best natured ba- bies one could wish." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bo.x from The Dr. Wjlliams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. X t â- f « ARABS LIVE LONGEST. An English thoroughbred seldom lives to a ripe old age; twenty- three, however, is not an e.\cep- tional age for an Arab steed. Al- though he cannot compete with the Fnglish or American thoroughbred for speed, there is no horse in the world like the Arab for endurance and all-lround fitness. Lord Roberts rode the same .\rab through aU his campaigns, cover- ing in twenty-two years a distance of some 50,000 miles. For the last three thousand years horses in Arabia have been inured to hardy usage and very scanty feeding from earliest youth. Now they repre- Btnt a splendid example of Nature's haid rule â€" the survival of the fit- test. "Do you like a brass band?" he asked, as they were listening to the music in the park. "Oh, yes," she said; "a brass band is very nice, but I think I would rather have a gold one," TRANSFIXED BY WEASEL. Blackbird Stricken With Fear at Sight of .Vniuial;). One morning outside Elgin a blackbird was observed to be siar.d ing by the roadside, payi-ig no heed to the footsteps of the passer- by, says the Glasgow Herald. it was gazing fixedly at four yoiing weasels under the hedge, whicii were approaching in a semi-circle, apparently to surround it. Just then a warning cry was heard from behind, and the young ones dis- appeared iu the hedge. The bird still remained powerless and im- movable, and only after repeated urging did it fly to a tree near by. when it gave forth a weak, fri<ii ened sound, as though still under the influence of the terror which had arrested its faculties. Magistrate F. Rasmussen, of 211, Marquette Street, Koiitreal, writes to the Zam Buk Co. as f^llcws: â€" '•GenUemen. â€" For many years I was trO'.ibied with a serious eruption of the skin, which was not only unaight.y, but at times I'ery painful. 1 first tried various household remedies, but all these proved altogether useless. ** X then took medical advice. Not one. Hut several doctors in turn were consul ed, but I was unable to get any permanent relief. Some time ba:k 1 noticed a report from a Justice of the Peace wlio had been cured of a chronic sliin-disease by Zam-Buk. and 1 determined ta give this balm a trial. " After a thoroughly fair test, I can say I am delighted with it. I have the best reasons for this conclusion : because, while everything else I tried salves, embroca- tions, washes, soaps, and do'^tors' pre- parations-failed absolutely to relieve my pain and rid me of my t*oubIe. three boxes of Zam-Buk have worked aconiplete cure, ** In my opinion Zam-Buk should be even more widely known than it ts, and I have no objection to you publishing this letter." For eczema, eruptions, rashes, tetter, itch. rmj;worm. ana simi.ar sitin diseases, Zam-Buk is wit.hcu equal. It a'so cures cuts burns, scalds, piles, abs-esses, chronic sores, blood-poiscning, rtc. All druggists and s.a^es at 50 en.s a box. or ost Tree for price from tbe Z^m-Buk Co., TO COPE WITH SMUGGLERS. Russian .Authorities to Dig Trencli Along Frontier. Smuggling across the thousand miles or so of frontier line that dt vides Russia from Germany aud .Austria-Hungary has grown to such an extent that the Husbiau authori- ties are at their wits' end to cope with the lawbreakers. Now they .'ropose to try cutting a deep and wide trench along the border. This adaptation of the Chinese wall idea » ill, it is hoped, put a st<ip to smuggling by the cart-load which i.'i now going on with impunity. The great difference iu price of various articles, such as silk and tea, between the neighboring coun- tries nfakes successful smuggling a i most profitable business. Horses, cattle and sheep are also driven continually across the frontier at lonely spots without paying dutj True, there are the strazhniks, the Russian frontier guards, who are supposed to be very severe on smug- glers, but as the popular saying along the border goes, "A paper plaster over the guards' eyes works wonders." Enormous quantities of firearms s.r.<l printed matter have been of late conveyed across- Often titc smugglers on their way "lose' a 'fale or so of printed pamphlets which are "found" and eagerly re.id by the soldiers. Afterwa-d they are turned into cigarette papers, for paper is dear in Ra • sia. * Trial is Inexpensive. â€" To those who suffer from dyspepsia, indiges- tion, rheumatis.!) or any ailment trisiag from derangement of the digestive system, a trial of Partne- lee's- Vegetable Pills is reeom.mend- ed, should the sufferer be unac- quainted with them. The trial will ti- inexpensive and the result will he another customer for this excel- If nt medicine. So effective is their action that many cures can certain- ly be tr.nced to their ur<» where other pills have proved ineffective VANZANT « WAUNOW «l'AKA.-<TnED "SPAVIN CURK^ M'tiitMi on raceipt of jl.aik ."land fur buuklutr-vaa^ »tis Vaterfnary Iteiusdy Company. Limited, B I A. 70 A,ldl;>iat, .-It., B. 'tur4>nw, Caiiadfci The Banker's Wifeâ€" "Give me » loan of your handkerchief, John." The Banker (absent-mindedly) â€" "Wait a bit. What security hav» you got to offer?" These Pills Cure Rheumati.sm. â€" To the many who suffer from rheu- matism a trial of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills is recommended. They have pronounced action upon tho liver and kidneys and by regulat- ing the action of these organs act u.-j an alternative in preventing tho atlinixture of acid and blood that causes this painful disorder. They must be taken according to direo- tjons and used steadily and they will speedily give evidence cf their beneficial eiffocts. The average married man would almost as soon kiss his wife's m'» ther as pay his church dues. If every housekeeper would use Wilson's Fly Pads freely during the Summer months tho house fly peril would soon be a thing of tha past. EDUCATIONAL. A BOYD S SUORTH.\.ND SCHOOL, l«t Yonge St.. Tor»nto. urcnares com. potent stoniigrapbers in JO days by tba nOYD SYL-L.ABIC SYSTEM. Positions «•• cured. Write for catalogue. A recruit was being shown the use of the rifle, and. after firin;; seven shots at the target which all missed, the instructor, in a rage, shouted, "Here is another cart- ridge. Go behind that waggon and shoot yourself 1" In a few minutes the recruit came back from behind the waggon, and c<xilly announced, "I'm sorry, sir, but it's another miss. ' ' The Turkish Sultan possesses a solid gold throne, studded with no less than 10,000 pearls as big as filberts. With a fly'ng-machine capable of travelling 80 miles an hour, practi- cally the whole of Europe would bo within a day's journey of Berlin. DODDS !>; ^KIDNEY I ?'^betes "BOTHER THOSE FLIES!" If we were asked to name tl>e 'greatest drawback of summer, the answe; would almost invariably be •flies!" These little pests are only now beginning to receive the I'nfriendlv interest they deserve riicy have hitherto been looked up- or as nuisances, but now the me- dical fraternity are Labelling them us dangertus. The Hy is naii.i.. and thrives in decaying matter. In two or three weeks from the laying of the egg the Hy attains its ful. growth, and coinn-.ences to plague .: world which so far has found no â- ,-ood in him. The be.^t way to guard against flies is to see that no d;.' paying foixl. either Hes' or vege- table, or oth?r dirt is left about for the.u to breed in. Then, use the good old-fashioned, sticky tt.. â- naper. This is far preferable to sweetened poison, as it keeps its victim in its grasp, a. id so the lat- ter has no chance of wandering oh to die iu the miU-jug or jam-pot. Very many persons <iie annually from cholera and kindred sumin«"r •omplai.'its, who might have beer aved if proper remedies hitd bee iiFcd. If atba-ked <!•> not delay in getting a bottle of Dr J. D. K"' 'vgg's Dysentery Cordi:l. the mcd cine that never fai's to effect a cure Those who have used it say it act; promptly, and tlioroughly subdue- ' he pain and disease. Bashful Youthâ€" "?Tiss Bella does â€" docs your tnother ohjoct to •uy coning h^rc so much'?" Fair Charmer â€" "O'l. I think not. I heard her tellin'X p-ir.n the ot!>er evening that you mert'Iv came t*' pass awav the tineâ€" you didn't mean anything ^serious."' Pr.irticiIIv all C.in.id'.nn driis cists. iri'iM-ers .nnil geiieral (le;ilt'r>. M'll Wilson's Fly P.i'N. If your storekeeper does not. a.sk him wliy Howellâ€" "A good deal dcpell^^ on the formatio.i of early h.i^iito " Powellâ€" "I know it; when 1 was a babv my mother hired a woma;< to wheel me about, and I have beO', pushed for money ever siuce." Corns cause intolerable pa;i' Holloway's Corn Cure removes t'i'> trouble. Try it, and sea whni amount of pain is saved. Kindly mention the name of this paper in writiiis to advertisers. TOO VAGUE. Mistress (at the agency)â€" Now, my husband is very particular whom I engage as a nurse. He wishes me to go into the most mi- nute details about your qualifica- tions. Do you know how to prepare food J Can you sew and mend f Do you mind sitting up late at night? Are you faithful and devoted, and have you a kind, loving disposi- tion? Nurseâ€" Excuse me, ma'am â€" am 1 to take care of the baby or your husband 1 >s thsMtvIof 6<Iucatlon that Is â€"^ pp'vidod Ity Caiii<ta's oldest and bsit boslness -.choul. The Itrtti^h-Alnorican Itusiasis Cillag* V..\I.C..\. Building, Toronto. Now opanf.ir Fill Term. Start any tins. WritA for catalogua. T M WATSOV. PHneip^a ISSUE NO. 89-09. Schoolmaster â€" "Now tell me what were the thoughts that passed Mirough Sir Isaac Newton's mind .vhen the apple fell on his head '' Hopeful Pupilâ€" "I '.xpects he was •\wful glad it wasr't a brick." It is an nndisn'ited fa'"t that one packet of Wilson's Fly Pads ha^ actually killed a bushel of house flies. Fortunately no such nuantity can ever be found in a \»ell kept house, but whether they lie few or many Wilsou's Fly Pads .till kill them all. MasUTâ€" "How was this vase Hashed, Mary!" Maryâ€" "If you please, sir, it tumb'ed down and V.roke. itself" Masterâ€" "Humph ! Tho automatic brake again!" BE SURE YOU Kf.r THE KINO YOU HAVE ALWAYS HAO. Owing lo the gn^at â- 'oi.ul.Trity of 'The I) ,4 L." Mi'iiinul Plaster uiis-rupnl'ius uiaki-rs arn putting <ip one like it. Uutiu by Davs A Lawrence I "I am proud to say that my ;r.andf:vther made his mark in the vorld," observed the conceited vouth. "Well. I suppose he wasn't he only man in those days who "ouldn't write his name." replied 'is bored companion. Ignorance is a Curse â€" "Know â-  hvself" is a good admonition, whe- ther referring to one's physi<!a! rendition or moral habitudes The lan who is .•fo'ininted with him- self will know how to act when any liearrangcnont in hi* cordition nanifests itself. Dr Tho-nas' Ec- j lp<?tri'' Oil is a cheap and simple i rcmedv for the endica'ion of pain 'rora the system and for the euro â- f all bronchial troubles. i Kindly mention thf n.iine of this tiaper in writing to advertisers. He â€" "What would you say, dar- 'in?, if 1 told you that you can nov- 'T he minet" Sheâ€" "I should say, pet, that I've got a nicf bundle of vour fetters that would help to lake it expensive to you." Red, Wenk. Weary, 'Waterjr Bre*. Relieved By Murine Ijye Keiiiedy. Try Murine b'or Your Eye Troublua. You Will I.lUe Murine. It Stiothes. SO" .\.t Your Drugeisis. Write For Eye Uooks. l-'ree. Murine Eye KiMnedy Co., Toroutj. There's nothing so tiresoiiic as an argument iu which nobody gets .iiad Mm VeteriQuy College TEMPERANCE ST.. TaRONTO, CAN. Estmbllshed 18r>2, tUtan ovar by ths Pmvliulai Qovsmmsnt of Ontarw, 1MM. \nilisted with thp Vaiv«rst7 of Toionto. au<)«r %k* ^.ntroli.f the DfiH uf .\2rK'uUnr«af Ont&iio. CnllcM f rus Ut «Vt(tl<rr. \9Ji. I'nurss of ilu ly es(en«a 'hrou h 3 oleto > csr.. FESd fCR aESS.uN tlt.tk Caleniisrcn ftirpi'ratiun K. A. A. UKA.NciK. VS., M.S. PriB.i|>sl. DcpL &. FOR SALE, ^O.NG BOOK-ISO FAVORITE FONQS, ik^ words, music: Ten cunts. Arthur Rice, (iruuby. Que. OUR HEAVE CURE rnres irhpre othsra fail. Bells on its own merits. Best of testi* monialB furnished on applicatiun. Ask y .nr ilruuiei-t ,•»( y,;! .-me, •â- r ^enil il^ «ct to Four Brothers, Rcstoule. Prue 11.40 per packuge. Chare's paid to nejirest ex- press oiBi'e. None Benuiiie without our trade mark. FOUR BUOTHKR.S. on each pncUsge. Try a oaiknse and bo convinced. Bwiiuse oth"rs have failed is no reasoa â- why Heivi'S cannot be cured by usinc Tour Brutliora Ueave Cure. WANTED. HOY W.\NTKn. TO .MT .\S AOEHT (or -TORONTO SATUKD.W NIGHT" in hi« srare tune. Good money. Cux» lal ion Manager. Toronto. HOCTKM.VN W.\NTED. TEAS WHOLB- sale to private families. Apply Alfred Tyler. London, Ont. ^^_ HOYS AND GIRLS WISHING TO EARM money nr preiiiiums send your nam* and addr<»s for our juvenile catalogue of easv soUinB h'U-iiicId specialties. Our adult Agents 68 nsge catalogue is also ready, free on requi'»t. Canada hllTer- cloth Co.. Tor.'ii'. o, Ont. AGENTS V^ANTEO PORTRAIT AGENTS RELIABLE ME!» we sijrl :ii liuBi-iet* .>f their own and give credit. MiTchnms Portrai t Co.. Toronto. WANTKD LOCAL AND GENKRAt > T AseiiUs Liberal contracts to good men ; apply by letter. Continental LifO Insurance Company, Toronto. Corre* pondeiii'e rorilidfutial. Ladies to do plain and light sewing at home, whole or spare time ; good pay; work sent any distance, charg- es paid ; send stamp for full parti- culars- National Manufacturing C<iinp.iny. Montreal. MONEY MAKING LITTLE 1= ARIVIS IN CALIFORNIA'S Bi>l fniit, il!»i!« »n<l Stotk Qra»- tnc .'i«clifn. Rich. I>»p Sctlâ€"Irri* t«u4. Isaaf P»rin«nU. Writs to* lkvtl^«. inRlQAIKP L1!<D CO.. â- :iTiTills Calllorsli YOU:^ 0VFRG0AT8 •04 Isdrd 8uiu »..iil<I Iwik Loltor .IjrM U ii' ntm •f otm IB joiiF ui-on. wrtln Ulirci IS€>nlr'ftl. Doi I6t amnsM amerioam bvcino co. "I suppose you have always lived round here?" remarked a t<n^ri^t to an aged inhabitant of a village. "Oh, no," replied the native. "I was born a good half-mile away '' Tho superiority of Mother ; Grave*' Worm Kxterminator i« j shown by its good effects on the children Purchase a bottle an I give it a trial. For "Soclo.iu" dealers. iuiiuirc at your DRINK, mm Tobacco and Drug: Habits New System of Treatment, . Recently Discovered RemeJy (htt Cures RapiUly anj Permanently. Marvellous Results cbtained that makcii our remedy one of the v»onders of Modern riediclne. Patients cured secretly at their own homes against their owa will and knuwledj^e. No suffering, no injections, uo lo«s ot time, or detention fro.ii business, no h^d after effects. F::E£xax] X =: jpicisia i We send hy msil, freo of chsrse, our M page boi^k, which hiUy ex- plains our niodsrn system ol irentineut, of how the Drink, Tobacco and Drug habiis can be rapidly overonio and cured. This book 1* seni in a plain envelope, T'CaUd from obnorvation, so no one can tell what your leiter eoutuius. All correfpondci.co absolutely secret aud confldentisl Andresa. DE SILVA IN51 ITtTB. Suite joo. 55 Udlverslty 5t. Montreal, Canada

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