Flesherton Advance, 23 Sep 1909, p. 8

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TilE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE Seitember 23 10i»9 Cough Caution Never, positively iw-wer pokKiii yourluim. If you couch â€" vxitn Iroin a etui))** cx)ld(tnlyâ€" youjhould alwayn Ileal. »oi)tlii'. andtatMllie IrritMcd )iroii> clital tubet. l>(>ii'( bliiidfy »upi>rets H with k atia^tnc polnon. Ii'ii«tisi>f« buwj)omc thIuM C^BPeomealiout. Fartweiity y<«ri« Pr. 8I100P ba* i-nottaiiUy wanuol t>e<4>lf ii»I to Utk« rousb mixturei or preserliBioa* coiitaliilnii Opium. ChlDTOform. or ^lmllarpot•oIl^ Ami nowâ€" « liltla lute thoufhâ€" <'on»re(i« mji "f\it (ton the laU-l, t! polKuik are In yoiir ('«>iich Mixture." (kxHlI Very t<>o<l '. 1 Heiv»It<r*r/rihih\ ury ri«»oii mothen. and other*. tliouW liiiidlou liavliig I<r. 8boop« I'oufh fure. No pol""* luarii* on Dr. Blioop* labeliâ€" and none In the im<llclne. elm It roust W law >ie on tlw laU-l. Aim) tti- not only sale, hut n Is i»id to !«â-  hy tho«' tliM Jtnow It U-nt. a truly n*. marks hie iou«h remedy. Take noehanoe then. tvrtK-ularly with yonrrldldfeii. Jii.«l>tori havinc Pr. ghoop • foiyjh tXire. Ouinjian- carefully th« Pr. P^ioop iMekase witli tifliei* and note the dUfeTvnce. No poison toark* there! You caa »lway« be on the xafe (kVstordeiuaudlnc Dr. Sho(^*s Cough Cure "ALL DEALERS"' ' Not a drop of Alcohol Doctors .prescribe -very little, if tsu^t alcohofl <these .dsys. They prefcf strong (tonics snd slters- tivfis. Ttiis i* :«11 <in keeping with modem medical science. It explains wtiy Ayer's Sar- si^psrtlla is Aov made .entirely free from alcohdl. Ask your doctor. Follow bis advice. Jk Wapat pmbllah onr<CannaUs W* bftniah Alootiol ftfim our tuMlioinM 'UK* urc* you to eooault yoor doa to* AN IMPRACTICAL JOKEFL Carefully Conected Each Week * >ats 35 to \\h Puas 73 to 7.J Barley <» to m Hay 7 00 to S 00 IJutttjr 17 to il!» Eegs, fresh 22 '0 22 Potatoes per hag 75 to 75 Gee.se 10 to 10 Ducks ... 10 to 10 Chickens (J to 8 Turkiys 14 to 14 Wool 20 to 22 Unices Hmk Is dsily «ctioa of ^tbe.haw- •Is, poisonous products Me jebsorbed, csttsiBc teadacbe, biliousness, nsuses, dyspepsU. IFe wish you would ««k yoiur doctor sboMtcorrecting your con stipstion by tskinf laxative doses of Ayer's Pills, kjrtta.'^f. J^arOk. Ij'wall. â- â- â€" m New Readers Public School AT A Practical Education Ls soiiiethijig llb-it IN within tlie leadi of every }'<>onj; limii «ik1 Avoiiiiiii wliii lias the aiiiliitioii to succi'kI in life. It otn be Hecur<xl in a Khort time ami at a coiiijuira- tively Niuall coKt, by attendinj; tlus Collinywooel iSus/ness Collayv Fall Term open.s Sept. 1st, IHOi). Write now for free Cntalogue. T.E HAWKINS, RICHARDSON'S, Flesherton. Individual Instruction wseason able Is a special feature at the Priiiciiial. H« Thought It Was Vary Funny to Fire tha Hayrick. Practical JoIcIiik, "the ni«an«st form of M-lt," is commou iu fluugary. For- merly tbe pninks used to be coarse. If not danserotis, but tbat Is cfaaaeias now. The only saving Brace of tbe Magyarlao practical Jokes, says W. B. V. Uovlll Id "Hungary und th^ Has- garluiis," Is that tbey are not perpe- trated In a spirit of bitterness. One of tbe most famous jokers of (be old school was Jozsa ti.rnrl. Exiled In one of the most inaccessible (larts of the great plain, be lived and died "a prodigal and n bulToon." , A story Is told of Jozsa going to spend a night with a Count Koglevlch. Wishing to be Impressive, he Journey- ed thither In a beautiful new coach, of which he wns very proud. On being shown over the gronnds by the count his attention was directed to a remark- ably flue hayrick, nay was then standing nt a good price. After sup- per Jozsa drew together some friends, and the rick was soon nothing but a heap of ashes. The next morning when Jozsn want- ed to continue his journey his won- derful carriage was not to be seen anywhere. •'Wh.v. my friend." s.ild the count ".vou yourself burnt It last night. The fact Is my coach house wants repair- ing, and as the evening threatened to be wet we put your carriage under the rlc-k to keep It dry." Owen Sound Students enter at any time. Business, Shorthand, and Preparatory Courses. Worthy students assisted to iH)sitions. I iifui Illation free. C. A. Fleming Principal T HARVEY I'KKIUOG, brolter, Floiherton. -^ Genera) brokerai;« busineitR. liiituraiice of every kind jilacedlii safe and liberal comjiaules. Keal estate etc.. Open accouuts and |iaat due zioteB haudlcd and money adva'ioed thereon. C jnetpoudencu eollcitel. IN Medical DU CAKTEU .M C P & H Oct. Phyalclan, BarKBon, e Offlce and roildenceâ€" I'eter »t , Plenherton JP OTTKWELli ~ Veterinary Kurgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College residence -rr iiaQnil door Houth wettlon \.«ry atreet. Thia atreel rune aoutb F renhvterian Clinrch. HWILKO.N, HiuckM.Mth • 'iraduulii uf ne Veterinary Science Aeaooiatlon Iteidlenoe, Uurhaiu street, op QtilH Hovd. Hi«^kllir.''4 hardware TiH Dr. E. C. MURKAV L. O. B., dental BurReon honoi Kradimte of Toronto Unlveraity and Koyal CoUeifB of IJental Surxeons ol Ontario, Uaa adnilKliilEtuicd fur teeth extraction OtU'^e at redence. Toronto Street* Klehl :erton yOCIETIES AO U ^ Diaeti Oh the Itat Monday ID each mouth, In their Iooks room Norrla' block. FleBherton, at 8 p.ui. M. W., Mileb Thiatlethwalte: Hec.. C. H. Muniihaw: Fin., W.J. Beliaiuy. VlaltlDKbrbtbrtDlcvited PKINCF, ABTHUK LODGE, No. :«.3,A.F* A U. nieeta In the Masonic ball. Ariii- atrouds Hall Flesherton. every Friday on or before the full inoca. Thoe. lilakely,W.U.; Herb.oiiiitU, Hocretary. FURNITURE The largest and liest stock of Furniture ever shown in Flesherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see Noino of the nice things in Side Boards, IJiiiiiig Uoom Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Uooui Setts. A special reduc- tion just now on every- thing, ill order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton ]}i;siNESS Cahu8 WALIEB LOUCiiS " Dull iter oi;d Contractor For Brick. Stono and Jiaiuo re»idenocB. E«- ' tiniates cheerfully tuiilBhod, Klchhortou P 1) Ontario. 1 MCULLOUGH Si VOUNO U Itaukera Markdale Oo a general banking busluesH. Money loaned at reasonable ratee Call on uN. TCHIHLETT, I • Pontniaater, Teylon. | Coiuinissloner in H. C. J , Conveyancer, deeds, uiortgages. leases, wills etc. carefully drawn up j Jollections mad?, charges reasonahlu. AUo 1 groceries, Hour, feed etc. kept in stock. Prices . right. A M AN OF LUCK. The Story of the Test by the Easte/n King's Minister. A king once said to a minister, "Do you believe In lack?" "I do," said tbe minister. "Can you prove It?" asked the king. "Tes. I can." So one night be tied ap to the cell- ing of a room a bag containing peas mixed with diamonds and let in two men. one of whom believed In luck and tbe other In human effort alone. The one who believed In luck quietly laid himself down on the ground on bis blanket; the other after a time found the bag and, feeling In the dark the pens and stones, ale tbe pens and threw the diamonds to bis companion, saying. "TJiere are the stones for your Idleness." Tbe man below received (hem In bla blanket. In tbe morning the king and the I minister came and told each man to keep what he bad found. The man who believed In trying got the peas which he had eaten; the other got the diamonds. Tbe minister then said, "Sire, there may, you see, be luck, but It Is as rare ns peas mixed with diamonds, so let none hoiie to live by luck."â€" An East- ern Fable. AfrviseJ Te.mat.ioei'i of ]^nglaiid That Kuard our native Beaa, Whcte ilHi( has braved a thousand years Tbe battle and the breeze, Yottr glorious «tat>d»rd launch again To match a modern foe, Aj>d -fly through the sky While the «t4»riny winds do blow. The ipixit« (rf your fathers May etart from every wave, F.or .oak.decka were their field of fame And ocean was their grave. But now wiiore Pbaethon once fell Your manly hearts shall glow, WhUeyou fare through the air As the etoriiiy winds do blow â€" While the navies grapple in the blue And the stormy winds do blow. Britanniii need^ no bulwarks; Her towers are out of date. Now f*r above the mountain waves Her warriors avime. With thunders from her aeroplanes She <]uel s the foreign foe; And they lunge and they plunge. While the stormy winds do bhjwâ€" While the navies grapple in the blue And the etoiniy winds do blow. â€" Chicago Tribune. It is said that lightning never hits twice in the same spot, hut it struck the eame object twict! this summer. About six weeks ago a steer belonging to John Barnfather was stunned by lightning and in the laat electric storm a few weeks ago the same steer was struck and killed by lightninif. -Chesley Enterprise. George Wat lam of Shelburne met with a heavy loss last week, by of his team dying from indigestion. Mr. Wattam paid $150 for the aniin.il a few months ago and the loss is one he is not too well able to stand. AT ONCE A Reliable Local Salesman TO REPRESENT Canada's Oldest and Greatest Nurseries In Flesherton And Adjoining Country. The demand f'>r Nursery Stock la in- creasing yearly, and if you become one of our salesmen you will realize there is good money in the business for you. Wiiteat onco for particulars. Pay weekly ; Fiee Outfit. ST N E & W E L L I xN a T N Fonthlll Nursei'loa ( 800 acrea TORONTO lOntario COCUT FLKBHEntON, BO.'S, I. 0. F. Ircets In Clayton'a Block the last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily •welcome. H. H.. Dyson; K. B., '1'. Heiiry; FlD. Bee, C. N. Kichardson. Please pay dues to Flu. Bee. before tue first day of the month. CHOBF.N FKIENDB-Flesherton t'ouncll ol Chosen Friends meets In Clayton's hall ttrst and third Wednosdav of each month « p. m Pay aBsessments to the Heeordcr on or before toe first day of each month. Chief Councillor T. BlakeleyjUecorder, W. H, lluut. RJ BPROULR Postmaster, Flesherton L/oniinlsslouer in H.C J., Auctioneer veyancer, Appraiser and Money Leude Keal Bstate and Insurance Agent. Deed mortgages, leases and wills carefully drawn ap atKi valuations made on shortest notice money to loan at lowest rates of Interest. 'Col- lections attended to with promptness charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion ytaamsbip Company. A call soliolted. Teaching Him a Lesson. The new mall carrier on tbe rural free delivery route glanced at the name on the letter box by the roadside, stopped his howe and spoke to the roughly attired farmer with the old slouch hat who was resting bis sun browned arms on the gate und look- ing at him. "I see." be said, "your name Is Holmes." ... "Yes." --^j-;>- '•Beverly G.?" "Yes, I'm the man that lives here." "Any relation of Sherlock Holmes?" gravely asked tbe carrier. "No, sir," answered the farmer, "but Pm detective enough to know that you're not a very good Judge of human nature. You took 'me for an Iguoriumis because I've got my old working duds on. I'm Sherlock noltues enough to look at man's face and eyes before I size him up as aâ€" Some mail for me? Thanks." Le(;al WH.wniOHT. Barrister, Bollcltor, Convey | ancer. etc..â€" Owen Bound, and Flesherton.' N Bâ€" Flesherton office, Hproulo's Block every ] Baturday | Rtton MATHF.W8, Markdale, Mc«n«»J auctioneer tor the county of drey, Rood service at reaaciiable rates. Dates can be made at The Advance. loOO .«â€" â-  I DMcPHAIL, T.iceused Auotionoer for (the | • County of Orey. Terms moderate and ' satisfaction guaranteed. The arrangement! \ and dates of sales can bo made at Tup. AnVANCR | office. Itesidouco and P.O., Ceylon, Telephone, connection. Dec. 0,07. I W.M. KAITTINl!, Mceused Auctioneer fur the counties of Orey and Hlmcom. Farm and Htouk sales a specialty. Terilla moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Arrange- ments for dates inav be made at the Advaiire oflloo, or a; T. Hutchinson's store, l. evei-shaiii or hy addressing ine at Fevorshain, OftU MEN-WE CAN CURE YOU FINEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN AMERICA OWNED AND OCCUPIED BY DR8. K. & K. % Men and Their Feat. The Frenchman's foot Is long, nar- row and well proportioned. The Scotchman's foot, according to anthro- pologists. Is high and thick, strong, roysoilnr jud copabloo|J^ri^ work. The Ru88laa''iS foot (losiesscs one pe- culiarity, tbe lt)e8 being gcnerrtll.v "webbed" to Ihe Brst Jtilu^ The T'.lf- ,tar*8 foot 18 short niiif hettvy, the foot of a cisftaln tyi>e of savage, and the toes nro the BUme length. The Si)an- lard's foot Is generally small, but fine- ly curved. The Englishman's foot la in tnost cases short and rather fleshy and not, as rule, as strong propor- tionally as It should be.â€" Argonaut. Our Clubbing List TliH folluwing prices ^tre lor strictly paid in a.haiice suliscripljidis only. We liave no accounts with other papeis. Advance Slid Toronto World, daily S a 00 TonJiito Daily News 2 30 Weekly (jlobo .'.80 Mail-Empire .... . . . . 1 T5 Family Herald & Star 1 80 Toronto Star 2 30 Farmer Sun 1 80 Farmers .\«. . ocatd 2 25 Weekly Wit,;ea.« 1 75 Satni'dayNight 2 55 Scottish Pride 66274 The voung bull Scottish Pride will stand for ervice at Mr. F. W. Nicholfon's, lot ;I7, COl', 5, Artemesia. Koottish pride Is sired by Scottish Prince, a gi audnon c I the wonderful show cow Oeiii of lloUachiii, Imp., wlunerof eight luisei at, Toronto and London, besides being chaiui)- ion female. Shu weighs over PJOO pouuds, One of this cow's calves sclil for #1775.00. Hcottish pride Is out of Lady Bella by the 'Toronto first prize winner. Captain May Fly. imp 2SS5S. This youug bull has prove him- self a showbull having gained an encouraging record this fall at Kevershani. He won nrst prize ae best bull calf, also rliploma fur best bull any age. Those liavlug puie bred cows hould see this grand bull before breeding as they cannot do l>ettertl>an use hlio. A liniltep number of grades -xill he takeuat $ I, -26; For pure breds, St.OU YOUNG OR MIDDL&ACED MEN who need theeervlcea of expert S|M>clalista why waste ymir money In treating wiih tluetors yell Know nothing of, why wiihto your money with worthlesa eleeirio belts or ilni^ htnro nostnims, when you can get puaraiiieed, reliable, Knceessfnl treatment from these Master Specialist*. Drs. K. A K. have treated iiatlents throughout Canada i'iT over yo J eai-H and am res|Kinsll)le tliian- i-ially. They n('cel)t only curable cases and ^hotihl viiur case prove incurable It need not cost you a cent. Kynu nre uiiahlo to call nt our ottlee for a i>ersoiml exaniiniitii ui wo will send a (Question List for you to nil up from which we can diagnose your case and tell you whether y<tii are cui-ahlo or not. Then we will presorllio sisclllc roinedles for your Individual ca»e which you can take at home. We have no cnri'-all remedy thatwaiM>nci to evprybiKly alike as moat specialists do, but we prescribe the rem- eiiies n'i|ulred for each Inillvldual cnso to complete o cure. TImt'soncof Ihn seerets of our wonderful sueoi'ss when others (all. Send for our Free Booklet on Disaasas of Menlllluitrated.) CURES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY >Ve (luarnnteu to Cure Narrous Dability, Blood DlsaaMs, VaricoM Vain*, Kidnejr, Bladder and Urinary Di*«a*«* CONSULTA-nON FREE If unable lo call, vrrlte for a Question Blank for Home Treatment DRs.KENNEDr&KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and GriswoldSt., Detroit, Mich. Javelia Water. i^ Wherever water Is used In preparing bleaches it should be soft. Tlie alkali In hard water affects all chenilcnl sub- stances. Javelle water Is a standard preparation for blenching white things and removing spots and stains, but II must not touch colored surfaces. To make it dissolve half a pound of wash Ing soda In a pint of boiling water niui mix it with a quarter pound of chloride of lime dissolved In a quart of bollinp water. Stir well, let settle, pour ofl the clear lltjuld and keep closely corked In a dark place. A Noao For tho Truth. l.'^act truthfulness, according to n writer In the Ixmdon Sketch, bad Its pro;H;r reward In the following in- stniice: Teacherâ€" Now, can you toll me what the olfactory organ la? floy- Please, sir, no, sir. Teacher-<Julte right. Twenty-five years ago it was difficult to sell spring wheat flour for pastry at any price. People didn't want it â€" they were using soft, winter wheat flour, and saw no reason for changing. But hard wheat flour was persistently pushed. The women tried it and succeeded with it, â€" to-day hard wheat flour is the favorite for Pastry as well as for Bread. Ogilv!e*s Royal Household Ys hard wheat flour at its best â€" milled by modern methods, retaining all of the good of the wheat. It is without an equal for every kind of baking in which flour is used. 26 Ogilvie Floor Hills Co.. Limited, HontreiL Norris Bros.. ""'Ti Tinsmiths Now is the time to repair that roof. There are a good many reasons why you should use Paroid Rooting. Call and let us explainâ€" and ijuote prices. We have just made 3 dozen e.tch of 10 and 14 quait pails. These are h^nd-tnade out of good tiuality tin, and wo sell them just in cheap as the Himsy factory paila â€" 10 .(U at loo each, 14 qtj at 20c each. Our stock of Tinware and Qraniteware is most complete. Our prices are Right. Duck shooting is now in full swim; and we are prepared with a com- plete stock of empty shells, loaded sheVs, both black and smokeless powder, inalls xes of shot. Also wad^, buckslMt, powdor,primets,etc. When in need of any kin! of shelf or heavy hardware don't fail to ex»iiiiiie the (|uality of our j{ )i«l<, ,'ind to yet our prices. If it is cave troughs, roof, furnace, htth-room fixtures, pumps or sinks you will dj well to net our pri'jes before buyin.;. Norris Bros. Flesherton '&1, •••aaa«ee*aaIaa.*ae**.eaaaa«oa«aaaaa* !:?:;::;;;;:*â- *!!! •aaaaaaaeeaoeaeaaa Tough Skin. Gunnerâ€" And now comes n professoi who declares that fruit is Just ns healthy with the sUIn on iim It is pcch il Gnyerâ€" H'ln! I'd like to see koiiu'Iki(I,\ Blurt him on n diet of pliii'apiile. CANADIAN ^ ^ 1>ACIF1C A $10 TO WINNIPEG Another Farm Laborers' Excursion From all stations in Ontario FRIDAY, SEPT. 24 Same conditions as former excursions. Special Trains will leave Toronto 2.00 p.m. on above date runniiiK through to Wini.ipeg RETURN F0R$18aDDIT10NAL Apply to any Daindian Pacific Rail- way anent for full jiarticulars. S. RANDS Agent FLESHERTON •••• • ••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢*• ...a â- â€¢â€¢a .••a •••• .••a •••• -•• •••• •••• •••• â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ • ••a ...a ...a ...a •••a ...a ...a ...a ...a •••• •••a -..a • •a •••• ...a ..•a •.•a ...a ..•a •••a ..a »«a • ••a i i i S • i a ^^i • •' Senerat â- mAtercAant. Juit arrivedâ€"* complete and up-to-date stock of Ladies' and Misses Fall and Winter Coats. I secured these at a big reiluction, and it will pay you to inspect them before buying elsewhere. We also have a nice range of Fall Dress Goods iu the very latest shades. Ask to see our Heatherbloom and Moiretto Underskirts at about half their regular price. We have secured the agency for the Peabody's Smocks and Overalls- just the thing to wear well and look well. One trial will convince you that there is nothing better in this line. nt ^^^^am^^^ • • ••• • ••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• •••• ••• •••• ••• •••• •••• • ••• •••• • ••' ••• •••• • ••• :::: a**- a**- a.*. •••• aa»- •••• •••• •»â€" •••• !••â-  •••• •••• a»«- •••• o»«- •••• a«>- aa»' a.«. aa«- a.>. a*«. a**. ton a*.. ^as. 9?attison * (^eyli ::|««::!i!!::::::n?:w^^^ Eye Strain Great Ihonghts rodnocd to practice become irrent oots.â€" Hailltt nil CC |ct Immediate reller frca \ rlLLJ Dr.Shoop'tHailcOiaiaenU i ROYAL PURPLE Stock and Poultry ijpecifics We have laid in a stock of tha above specifics. The Stock Specitio is a valuable asset where all slock is concerned. It will ketp the stock in ijood condition. The Poultry Spaoitic wiU make the hens lay in the winter. Fully ^usranteed or money refunded. On Sale nt Wright's Grocery FLESHERTON Belies Character. 'â- â- â€¢^%l\ Defective â-  *' â-  â-  sight produces unnatural expres- sion. Perpetual frowns caused bj an effort to see better often belli character. We are experts !n fitting glasses that make facial distortions unnecessary. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician Bull and Boar for Service ThorouKlibrod lUill fvoiii imi'orte 1 atock. also Tamwortli Koar fur service uu lot 151, T. >fc 8. R., Artemesia. 20 Aug, JOHN ADAMS. Prop. Came Astray STU.-VYF.D to the premises of the underBignetl ou or about June l.Hh. ODe yeavlicg bull. Owner can liavo the eaiue by proviug property and paviiiK all e.Ypeuaes- W. H. CONN Lot IS, con. 0, Osprey Feversham H a V Y c o T u r # 1 e d Thompson's Bakery Having secured Mr. K Arm- strong of Peterboro, » first class l>aker, wo are prep'ired to turn out the be.si of every- thing in our line. Kreah Hreeicl nivvaya on hand Atrial eolloltecl. Ed.Thompson. Flesherton. v,Mi^. '^ -^JLi^yi^saanl^

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