Flesherton Advance, 30 Sep 1909, p. 1

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/le0l)ertxw %hmnu. '•TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRIA-UIi-LEb ^0T MEN." VOL XXV, NO 1401 Flesherton, Ont., Tliursday, Sept. 30 IQOQ .W. H TiiliKujUri ttUQ I'BOPHIETOB •l! East Grey Fall Fair East Grey Fall Fair hus come mid gone again aud ciui l>o classed us a success iu ma.uy ways, alt]n>ugh a laige attendance wiis prevented by rain ou butli iliiys. In the hall all departments were well tilled, with notable i.ni)roveiiients iu roots and vegetables, butter and grain, over last year, and the ladies showed a mtkgiiiticent lot of beautiful work. The competition in drawing among the school children was keen and some excellent work shown. Fruit w.is of extra choice ijuality and in g;i-eat variety. Flowers and plants were plentiful, although some of the largest exhibitors in these lines of past yeara were not present. The outside exhibit of hoi-ses, cattle and sheep was fully up to former years, while ijigs wore not numerous The poultry department was the only KOCtion tliat showed a decided falling oil" from last year, although soma very line birds were shown. It is a pity, t<)o, that more interest is not taken in this line as poultry isbecoujing one of the most val- U!iblo assets of the farm and more atten- tion is being i)aid to it evary year. The directors have for years provided an ex- pert judge in Mr. Harry Wright of Owen Sound, who turned thefeathers over again this year, aud whoso ju<lgeniment is geldom, if ever, (luestioned. In the team of roadsters class the judge was compelled to hand out to M. Bolger of Dundalk a raw deal, as a result of the conditions impo.sed, whicli were, "pair of roadsters in harness, geldings or mares, judged for value, action and appearance, and usefulness for roadster purposes." The judge advised the directors to drop the last clause. As Mr. Bolger's team were j.>acers they had not the same use- fulness f(a' roadster purposes that the trotters had, though they were much the better team. T here wtt.s not a great deal "doing" in the line ot sporl.s,''*uuy(TI''lWiVif i", j."..,. foot i-ttce was rather exciting. There were seven starters in this event. Ted Vickers of Durham won the nice without any trouble. Vickers is a good sport and "..<onie runner," and th.mgh his favorite wee is live or ten miles, yet he won the third of a mile and 100 y»rd races. The only siiecâ€" ^ attraction was a mov- ing picture -**>"'' *•»'«'> *"'» »" very well in its W' ''"'' ^^^ *'''"" *'"^® "^ " '"^'''y .Clonal class â€" the usual run of train fobbei-y, etc., also a tiliu showing a faked up scene where Thaw shoots White on a i-oof garden in New York, certainly not a desirable thing for children to gaze upon. There was also on the grounds the inev- itable cigar-doll man with his rank cigars The gate receipts were low, only some $136, but the Airectoi-s are thankful for even that when the weather is taken into consideration, and hope to pull out even when everything is sunmied up. Compared with some of the shows in larger towiis, by men who have attended them, ours of this year shows up ahead, and everyone wa-s united in pronouncing it a gocKl all-round show, and better than the average. The concert at night drew a Hrge crowd wh3 thoroughly enjoyed the program. Harvey and Kenny, as we predicted, proved a gi-eat success as a drawing card, and the local nmnbers were also highly appreciated. This latter consisted of a piano solo by Mi.ss Mabel Boyd, a piano duet by little Misses Gladys Cornfield and Maude Boyd, selections by the liand, and a pretty little dance by Master ^ > Hi REV. L. F. KIPP, B. A. â- Rev L. F. Kipp of the Baj li.^-t Churcli will preach liis firewell sermon on Sabbath nt xt previ, us to removal to his liew held of labor at SUyner and Creemore. Mr. Kipp is a comiMiratively young man of good parts as ,i iiiinLster and has concluded a most successful pastorate on this charge. He is the eldest son «>f Mr. and Mrs. .S. -V. Kipp of nuar Wood- stock and was born and brought "P on the f..rm at Goble-s, Ont He joined the Baptist cbiiich there in 189.i as a result of revival services ui-der tlie piistor, Hev. R. M. Cunningliaiii. He ei' ered Woodstock college Septeml)er of IS'Ji and gradu- ated in 1897, afterwards attending IMuMa.ster I mversity from 1898 to 1901. graduating witli tuj degree of B.^ A., after which he did work a.s a student pa.sior at Belle Ewart, bt. Thomas and Giavenliuist. Ho was oid:niied at the latter ulace in V.MX aud since tliat time h;is held ijastorates at Strathavot., liK):M90() ; ami Fkshorlon from September, 1906 to the present tiu'o. Mr. Kipp has been Clerk of the C wen Sound A.ssociation for the past five years. Duriii" the pastorate here tliero have been .'W baptisms, besides addi>i.. us by letter and experience, and at the pres- ent time llie membership is the largest m the history ..f the church here, and the congregations have been largely ui- creiused at Fle.shertou, Pricevillo "iid Ceyhm. i nder Mr. Kipp's i«i»torate a new shed was built at Uoclvvale, and barn and shed in Flesherton reconstructed, besides considerable improvement to Flesherton church and parsonage. Laurie and Miss Lulu Pedlar, accompan- ied on tlie violin by their father. Mr. Sam. Pedlai-. These little tots (twins.by the way) gave a very attractive number. For genuine, side-splitting fun, .sense and nonsense, humor and pathos all in one "sitthig" Harvey and Iveiiiiy are '"it." Mr. Kenney's inqieisonatiou of Dickens characters in Nic^holas Nickolby was certJiinly what might l)e avUed a redeem- ing feature, aud balanced up the ijrogram to perfection. His portrayal of the vil- lan<jus S(iueers was tlirilling, as also was Nickolby's denunciation of the cruel ni:vster. As a reader M r. Keiiney Ukes high place with a Flesherton audience, while for hmocent humor Mr. Harvey has no peer. The proceeds of the concert amounted to 1^107 The oWcial returns of the d;iy are as follows: gate, $i:«).70; concert, «107.95; booths, »24; entry fees, 53.60, which toUils $272.05. Witli this, the govern- ment grant and the membershii) fees, the dii-ectors think they will meet expendi- tures. THE PRIZE LIST HORSES. Heavy Draught. Pair geldings or maresâ€" J. I. .Graham. "jjj.Q(,^ mare, with foal by sideâ€" Alf. Hill." --...w^ ,,. en V Tw(^year-olJlS6l£iig o«^ fiUy-F. Taylor, H. Piper. .-,_^_^^ Spring foalâ€" Alf. Hill. ^''^^,, Agricultural. Pair geldings or maresâ€" Frank Taylor, Chris. Thompson, A. Hill. Brood mare with foal by sideâ€" O. Walker, J. Chard. Two year old gelding or fillyâ€" M. Thistlewaite, K. Sargent. One year old gelding or fillyâ€" 0. Walker, R. Allen. Spring foalâ€" J. Cherryi, O. Walk- er. General Purpose. Two year old gelding or fillyâ€" D. Sinclair, J. Aiken, D. Campbell. One year old gelding or fillyâ€" D. CamplDcU, D. Sinclair. Spring foal â€" R. Allen. Carriage. Pair, geldings or mares â€" C. Max- well. Brood mare with foal by sideâ€" G. H. Walter, R. Allen, Guy Orr. Two year old gelding or fillyâ€" J. Robertson, J. Aiken, G. II. Walter. One year old gelding or fillyâ€" D. Weber,'G. H. Walter. Spring foal-G. H. Walter, T. Betts, Guy Orr. Roadsters. Pairâ€" G. Gray, M. Bolger, W. McDonald. Brood mare with foal by sideâ€" B. J. Doyle, W. Patton, T. Betts. One year old gelding or fillyâ€" W. Paton, Thos. Betts. Spring foalâ€" J. K. Jamieson, D. Webet. Single driver, gelding or mareâ€" D. McTavish, W. W. Trimble. CATTLE. Shorthorn. Bull, agedâ€" W. Patton. Bull, one year- J. I. Graham, D. Weber. I Cowâ€" J. I. Graham i and 2. i Two year old heiferâ€" J.I.Graham, I J. Heard. One year old heiferâ€" J.I.Graham, D. Weber. Heifer calf â€" John Heard. Best herdâ€" J. I. Graham. Best bullâ€" W. Paton. Polled Angus. Bull, 2 years- G. H. Walter. Cowâ€" .G. II. Walter i and 2. i Heifer calfâ€" G. H. Walter. Holstein. Bull, one year â€" R. Allen. Bull, any age â€" R. Allen. Hereford. W. Buskin all prizes. Grades. Steer, 2 year oldâ€" R. Allen. Steer, I year oldâ€" W. Buskin, G. H. Walter. One year old heifer- W. Buskin i and 2. Heifer calfâ€" W. Buskin, R. Allen. Steer caUâ€" W. Buskin, G. H. Walter. Cow for dairy purposes â€" D. Mc- Tavish, R. Allen. Cow for Ijeef purposes â€" G. H. Walter, W. Buskin. SHEEP. Cotswold. Ram, aged^ â€" A. Muir, A. S. Muir. \Ram, shearlingâ€" A. S. Muir, A. MmTc Rani l^b â€" A. Muir, A.S. Muir. Aged Ewe â€" A. Muir, A. S. Muir. Shearling eweâ€" .\. Muir, A. S. Muir. Ewe lambâ€" A. Muir, A.S.Muir. Penâ€" A. Muir. Leicester. Ram, agedâ€" J. Nichols. Ram, shearlingâ€" A. Muir, J. Nichols. Ram lamljâ€" A. Muir, T. J. Faw- cett. Aged eweâ€" A. Muir, J. Nichols. Shearling eweâ€" A. S. Muir, A. Muir. Ewe lambâ€" -A.. Muir, T. J. Faw- cett. Penâ€" .\. Muir. Shropshire. J. Buskin all prizes. Oxford Downs. Ram, agedâ€" J. Lougheed, R. Ar- nott. Ram, .shearlingâ€" W. Paton, J. Lougheed. Ram lambâ€" W. Patton, J. Lou- gheed. Agetl eweâ€" R. Arnqtt, W. Paton. Shearling t'we- R. Arnott, W. Paton. Ewe lambâ€" R. Arnott, J. Lou- heed. , SWINE. Berkshire. Boar, aged â€" O. Ross. Boar pig, i<)o9 â€" G. Ross. Sow, aged â€" G. Ross I and 2. Sow pig â€" G. Ross I and 2. Tamworth. Boar.agedâ€" W. Meads, G. Ross. Boar pig, 1909- R. .\llen. Sow, aged â€" G. Ross, R. Allen. Sow pig, 1909 â€" R. Allen, G. Ross. Poland China. Bacon pigâ€" R. Allen. Sow or barrow, any type â€" R. Allen. POCLTRY. Brahmas, femaleâ€" A. M.uir. Barred Rock, female â€" L. F. Kipp 1 and 2. Barred roek, maleâ€" L. F. Kipp i and 2. White Wyandotteâ€" L. F. Kipp. Golden Wyandotte, maleâ€" R. Al- len; female, R. Allen I and 2. Houdan female-R. .^.Uen i and 2. Brown Leghorn, s.c, maleâ€" R. Allen, T. Sherwood; female, R. -M- len, C. Stafford. Brown Leghorn, r.c, maleâ€" R. .\llen; female, R. Allen i and 2. Anv other variety Legh'jrn, male â€" D. Harrow, T. Camack; female, T. Comack, C. Stafiord. Bufi Orphingtonâ€" G. H. Walter I and 2; femalei G. H. Walter. Rhode Island Red, s.c, maleâ€" W. II. Thnr-ston i and 2; R. C, male, W. 11. Thurston I and 2; temale, W. II. Thurston i and 2. Pair geese â€" G. H. Walter, L. A. Fisher. P.iir Bronze Turkeys- T. Camack Turkeys, any other varietyâ€" L. A. Fisher. Pair ducks, Pekinâ€" R. Allen, i. Camack; any other variety, T. Camack, O. II. Walter. Pen Plymouth Rockâ€" G. H. Wal- ter. Pen Leghornsâ€" D. Harrow. DAIRY PRODUCE. Extracted honeyâ€" T. Camack, L. A. Fisher. Five pounds Table Butterâ€" U. Meads, D. Harrow, L. A. Fisher. Fifty lbs. Tub Butter- W. Talbot, L. \. Fisher, W. Meads. Butter, pail or crockâ€" W. Talbot, D. Harrow, W. Meads. Fruit Cakeâ€" W. Moore, L. A. Fisher, D. McTavish. Jelly Cakeâ€" G. Wyatt, R. AUen. Mixifd Pickles, homemadeâ€" D. Harrow, W. J. Bellamy. Bread, homemadeâ€" A. Bentham, W. White. Maple Syrupâ€" W. Haskett, L. A. Fisher. Homemade Bunsâ€" L. A. Fisher, A. Stewart. Tartsâ€" W. Moore, D. McTavish. Pumpkin Pieâ€" D. Harrow, D. Mc- Tavish. Lemon Pieâ€" L. A. Fisher, D. Mc- Tavish. Custard Pie â€" W. Moore, W. J. Bellamy. Raspberry wineâ€" 0. Walker, D. Harrow. Grape wineâ€" O. Walker, D. Mc- Tavish. Rhubarb wineâ€" D. McTavish, 0. Walker. Canned Fruit, assortedâ€" D. Mc- Tavish, 0. Walker. GRAIN AND SEEDS. White Winter Wheatâ€" J. Stewart, T. Camack. Red Winter Wheatâ€" R. Allen. Barlev, 6-rowedâ€" T. Camack. Oats,' white â€" A. Muir, G. Orr. Oats, blackâ€" A. Muir, A. S. Muir. Peas, small fieldâ€" T. Camack. Peas, large field- A. S. Muir, A. Muir. Timothy Seedâ€" A. Muir, A. S. Muir. Flax Seedâ€" W. Buskin, G. Orr. Buckwheatâ€" G. Orr, II. Piper. ROOTS. Potatoes, assortedâ€" G. II. Walter L. .\. Fisher. Potatoes, Pearl of Savoyâ€" '.'^. Muir. Potatoes, White Elephantâ€" W . Meads. Potatoes, Early Ohioâ€" A. Muir. Potatoes, American Wonderâ€" W. Meads, A. Muir. Potatoes, any other variety- W. Meads, P. Quigg. Sweedish Turnipsâ€" L. A. Fisher, A. S. Muir. Aberdeen Turnipsâ€" L. -V. Fisher. Carrots, redâ€" A. Muir. Carrots, field, whiteâ€" G. II. Wal- ter), L. A. Fisher. Mangold Wurtzels, Globeâ€" J. I. Graham, G. H. Walter. Mangolds, longâ€" T. Camack, G. H. Walter. Mangolds, Y'ellow Intermediateâ€" A. Muir, G. 11. Walter. Field Beets, any varietyâ€" A. S. Muir, .\. Mwir. Corn, En.silageâ€" L. A. Fisher, D. Weber. .Assortment of Field Rootsâ€" .\. Muir, L. A. Fisher. FRUIT. Fall Apples, Cayuga or Red Streakâ€" D, Weber, J. Stewart. St. Lawrence â€" J. Stewart, D. McFARLAND&CO. MARKDALE ONTAKIG Fall millinery ^' mantle Styles All the new idea-s and fashions in Millinery for Fall are now on exhibit in our Millinery Parlor. The designs are vastly tiilferent from those of last season. You get a wide choice here of hats that are modish and modern. We extend a cordial invitation to yon all. New Mantles. We welcome you to come and learn all about the new mantles, where style, work- manship and material are taken into con.sideration. "We can serve you at the most reasonablE prices. Prices range from !?().."jOto$l!^,00. Here's Prices That Should Tempt Shrewd Buyers: .'jOO yd.«. 10c Flannellette for 6ic. per yai d. 14!) yd-. 3oc. Ribbons, for 22c per y«rd. 3(i pr.s. uOc. Ho.se Suppirtera at lioc. pt-r pH;r. (JO only 40c Ebony handle Hair linislu s f.ir lite. 24 .51 00 Black SaluiB Underskirts at H8c. 20'.) yda. 25c. and :50c. Fancy RibVous at lili; per yar.l. 48 pr». "ai" whi'e or ','r«y Corsetf, Hose Supporters attached, for Mu per piir. 3 dozmi 'ioc. Clothes Brushes on sale at 13c. "0 boxes l.io kind X. te Paper and Krivelopes to match, at per bo.x 49o. 2.")c valUB Glass Vrtces for l.")c. 144 doz. papers duplex Safety Pin.s, rp« 5c per paper, now 2 papers for ')â- â- â€¢. 120 fJeiUs Hoi.k ou and bow Ties, leg. 2.5c., choice for 15c. 27 Leather covered Bibles, ten oQo for lite. 12 Jiiz. 5c spool jrri'y and black Linen Tbiciid, 2 for 5c. 2!) only, soft pliable h-ather back Bibles. re;r. 81.00 and H 26,jour choice for <59c. 24 Poets, leatber bound, a^soited, .?1.25 and §1 50, choice 68c. fiO prs. Ladies Boots sti;. i;i.(X) and So.aO patent leather, blucher cur, dull kid tops, on sale at pur pair S2.10. 10 doz. prs. Ladies Worsted Hose, special at per pr 2oc. 15 dozen Ladies L'nderwear, specitU at per ijarineiit i'Dc. 13 doz. Geiiti Fancy_ Pipes, re", value 2nc, on sale at 13c. lOi) Infants Bibs, speciul at 3 for 26c. McFARLAND 81 COMPANY The Flesherton Carriage Works Flesherton, Ont. > BUGGIESâ€" Intending purchasers will save money by calling aud iu- spectiugour slock, as we have a good slock to choose from- aud prices ara right. EEPAINTI.S'Gâ€" Bring yoiu- buggy to us.for vepamting. Satisfaction ouarniitepd. PLOWS, etcâ€" We handle the best plows, harrows and also carry a full line of repairs ou hand. CKEA.M SEF.\Il.\TOKSâ€" We are agents for tlie MELOTTT, The best in tiie market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. Weber. j Gravcnsteinâ€" T. Camack, D. Web- er. I Any other varietyâ€" U. Weber, H. Piper. Collection of Applesâ€" J.I.Graham Winter Apples, Northern Spyâ€" iJ. I. Graham^, ,T. Stewart. Baldwinâ€" T. Camack. Spitzenburg- J. I. Graham. Golden Russetsâ€" J. Stewart, D. Weber. Ro.xbury Russetsâ€" J. I. Graham, D. Weber. Snow Applesâ€" T. Camaclc, T. Sherwood. Kinsf Tompkins â€" J. Stewart, J.I. Graham. Mannâ€" J. Stewart, D. Weber. Rhode Island Greenings â€" J. I. Graham, D. Weber. Any other variety â€" D. Weber, T. Catnack. Collection of Winter Applesâ€" D. Weber. Ben Davisâ€" J. Stewart, T. Ca- mack. Cranbourg Pippin â€" .1. I. Graham, D. Weber. Collection Crab Applesâ€" J. Stew- art, Wm. White. Pears, Bartlettâ€" J. Stewart, W. Haskett. Pears, Clapp's Favoriteâ€" J. K. Jamieson, J. Stewart. Pears, Flemish Beauty- T. Cam- ack, J. K. .Tamieson. i .\ny other variety Pearsâ€" J. Stewart, D. Weber. Collection Pearsâ€" D. Weber, J. Stewart. Plums, Lombardâ€" W. White, J. Stewart. Plums, Smith's Orleansâ€" J. I. Gmham, J. Stewart. Plums, Coe's Golden Dropâ€" T. Camack, J. Stewart. Plums, Reine Claudeâ€" 0. Walker. Plums, Gagesâ€" J. Stewart. I .A.ny other variety Plums. â€" D. Weber, J. I. Graham. Collection Plumsâ€" J. Stewart, T. Camack. White Grapesâ€" T. Camack, J. I, Continued on last page A book on rheumatism by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis., tells some plain truths, and in a plain and practical way. Get this V.ooklet and a free trial treatment; of Dr. Shoop '.s Rheumatic Remedy for some disheartened ^nfferer in your vicinity. Mallie a grateful and ap- preciative friend of some one who is discouraged because of the fail- ures of others to help' him. Help me to make this test, and I'll cer- tainly help your suflEering friend. Sold" by all dealers. Fall Fairs Followina is ft.list of the Fall Fairs in •his district as issued by the Ontario Department of Ajjricultural: â€" Flesherton •'^ept. 23. 24 Meaford Sept. 23.24 Clarksbui-:: Sept 31, Oct. 1 Chatsworth Sept. 16. 17 Kilsythe .... Oct. 7, 8 Owen S4)Uiid .Sept. 14, 1.^. 16 Rocklvn Oct. 7, 8 Wiarton Sept. 23, 24 Walters Falls September 28. 29 Dundalk Octolwr 7, 8 Durham September 21 , 23 Pricavide Sept. 30, Ocioberl Feversham, Oct. 5 and 6 9p«clall>t] |ln' dlioaiesilol the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat [Oftlce lU Frost sst. â-  Oivenaound I At the Revere house, Markdale, Isk [Friday civch month from 8 to 12 a. m. v>«©;.

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