Flesherton Advance, 7 Oct 1909, p. 1

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A. W % â- " ♦>*' ^ met .Am -«to "TRUTH BEFORE FAVX)R." â€" " PRIinCIf-LEb' IsQT. MEN." r ^ - â-  mjBL7, NO 1401 Flestierton, Out., 'Xliursclay, Oct. 7 tOOQ .W. H TEORSTON" EDIT on UBii Pl.CPUIETOB J. ^- 1 ^.' t li»: 4 11 1-, i fl-- • •-« M o tc o X *"^ ^ "O £i4 a a, a: g o *-%. •â€" 1 f w* »W >> ^ r/) O w.* JD o u .^ -<>-> « o a; 1^ to -w tc P5 Priceville Fall Fair The archives of the Priceville fall fair will chronicle another successful event â€" this year's fair. In spite of the gi'oat handicap of rainy weather the function was a succets. The first day of the fair was very rainy and disagreeable, but the hall exhibit was, nevertheless, excellent, better than that of many other years, and surpassing any held in this vicinity this fall. The unfavourable weather doubt- less kept many exhibitors with their stock and poultry from being present. How- ever, the directors jire quite elated over the manner in which the people turned aHL iju the second d;iy. The gate r>jceipts amounted to 8116.50. The concert at night brought in ?74.75, which total at f 191. 25, only a slight decrease from last year H. H. Miller, the popular M. P. for South Grey, opeYied the fair. The Flesherton band was present l)oth for the afternoon proceedings and the concert at night. Priceville is unfortunate in not having such a musical organization, and appreciated the musicians' work to 4ulle8t. The unique baby contest inaugurated last year was repeated this year, and proved very popubir again. How the judges are to come to an intelligent conclusion in a CJise of this sort is rather an enigma to the average male being. The rain did not materially hinder the sports, which where interesting. In the men's race once qxound tlie track, there weie but three starters. Whit- taker 1*1 all the way till within a .short distance of the tiui.sh when Crawford with a great sprint pulled in ahead. The Woe of old men was also an exciting brash. The old men who entered have a little youth left in them yet, as wiis shown by their performance. The show of horses wa.s good, but in cfittle and swiuo the exhibit was not ijMce up to the average. ^ To the unbounded and undaunted ^enthusiasm of the board of management uf the .society Is duo thu success of the â-  fair, and the members may bo assured that their officers are men fully compet- ent for their offices. i â-  « The concert was well patronized, the hall being packed to the doors, andstand- â-  ipg 'room alj a- preflaium. Mr. Gee. Lothian of Dromare wivs chairman and intrbcku«ed tlje. various numbers with an easy grace. tV. McLeod of London doled ^>at fun from an apiwrently inexhaustible fount. ' His dance "The Sailor's Horn- pipe," was accorded a mo.-* rousing recep- tion, as »ls6 were his humorous sketcheo. Miss Eva Cuthbert with her character dancing and singing was a most happy selection, and will likely be heard again in Priceville. Hector McDonald, with the pipes, tras in the limelight and .is losing nbae of hln poptilaiity. The funiiy aelcctious wore laughed at and enjoyed to the limit, but the best part of the program to many was that which bordered onxlho Scottishâ€" for after all has not Priceville been aptly descrilwd as a bit of " Auld Scotia" dropped down in Canada, and where Scottish hearta beat they beat for the old land, and beat »11 the faster when the music of Albion wails in the air, t r deeds of chivaliy ai-e told in ScottL-h verse. HORSES. Drau^lit. Sp.%iiâ€" R. DingwaU. Hendry, W. Williamson. J. Hendry, W. &LR. Mare and foalâ€" R. J. & R. Dingwall, John Two yeaf old geWing, D; JlcJUiUan, W. & R. Dingwall. One year old gelding â€" Dan Mcln- nes, Dingwalls, ,T. Burnett. Spring colt â€" John Williamson, R. J/ Hendry. Agricultural. Spanâ€" George Shand, Wm. Fair- burn. Mare and foalâ€" D. McMillan, Wm. Fairbum, John Nichol, jr. Two year old gelding â€" Geo. Shand, Wm. Fairburn. One year old geld- ing â€" R. Allan, J. Burnett. Spring coltâ€" D. McMillan, Wm. Fairbairn, John Nichol, jr. General Purpose. Span â€" Shand, Dingwalls, D. Bro- die. Mare and foal â€" R. Allan, A. McEachern. Two year old gelding â€" Duncan Sinclair, D. Campbell, R. Best. One year old gelding â€" D. Campbell, Duncan Sinclair. Spring coltâ€" D. MicMillan, Ding- walls, Wm. Fairbairn. Roadsters. Spanâ€" D. McMillan, A. B. Mc- Donald. Mare and foalâ€" John F. Sullivan, Wm. Patton, H. B. Mc- Lean. Two year <rf<} geMing â€" Ding- wall, H. B. McLean. One year old geldingâ€" G. McTaggart, Wm. Pat- ton, John F. Sullivan. Spring colt, â€" .Wm. Patton, II. B. McLean, Jno. F. Sullivan. Farmers' Trotâ€" Ben McKinnon. Single driver â€" George Shand, M. L. Mclntyre, Ed. Sul- livan. Specials. Best Carriage team, by R. Arm- strong â€" D McMillan. Two year old colt, by P. McArthurâ€" D. McMillan. CATTLE. Durham. Patton. One year old Meads. Milch cow â€" ^D. McMillan, Wm. Patton, W J Meads. Two vear old heiferâ€" W. J. Meads. Heifer calfâ€" W. J. Meads. Hereford. Bullâ€" Geo. Campbell, Innes. Bull calfâ€" Geo. Cowâ€" W'es. Buskin I and â€" Wes. Buskin i 'and 2. Grades. Milch cowâ€" T. Nichol, D. McCor- mick, D. Campbell. Two year old heiler, Geo. Campbell, W. J. Meads, D. Campbell. One year old heiferâ€" Wes. Buskin i and 2„ W. J. Meads. Two year old steerâ€" -Meads i and 2 D. Campbell. Ona.'year old steer- Buskin, D. Campbell, Thos Nichol. Steer calfâ€" A. McEachern, G. Campbell, Buskin. Heifer calfâ€" D. CarapbeU, Buskin, J. Nichol^ jr, SHEEP BuUâ€"Wm. bull-W. J. Dan Mc- Campbell. 2. Heifer V Cotswold. Ramâ€" A. Muir, A. Shearling ram- S. Muir. A.S.Muir. A. Muir. A. Muir. A.S.Muir. S. Muir. A. Muir, Ram lambâ€" A. S. Muir, Aged eweâ€" A. S. Muir, Shearling eweâ€" A. Muir, Ewe lambâ€" A. Muir, A. Leicester. Ramâ€" J. A. Swanston. Shear- ling ramâ€" A. Muir, A. S. Muir. Ram lambâ€" Swanton, A. S. Muir. Aged eweâ€" A. S. Muir, A. Muir; Shearling eweâ€" A. Miuir, A.S.Muir. Ewe lambâ€" Swanston, A. Muir. Shropshire. Ramâ€" Geo. Shand, A McEachern. Ram lambâ€" G. Shand i and 2. Shearling ewe â€" Shand* i and 2. O-xford. Ramâ€" Wm. Fairbairn,, W. J. Meads. Shearling ramâ€" Wm. Pat- ton. Ram lambâ€" Patton i and 2. Aged eweâ€" Patton i & 2. Shear, eweâ€" Patton I and 2. Ewe lambâ€" Patton I and 2. SWINE. Berkshire, over I year^J. A. Swans- Boar ton. Yorkshire. Spting pigs â€" W. Watson i and 2. Tarn worth. Boar â€" W. J. Meads. Sowâ€" R. Allan I and 2. Spring pigâ€" R. Al- lan I and 2. POULTRY. Biahma female-^A. S. Muir. Bufl Orphington male â€" John McRae, IT. B. McLean. Buff Orplungton fe- mateâ€" W. Ramage i and i. White Leghotn mal^T. A*. Fergruson. White Leghorfi femaleâ€" T. Arif^t- guson I and 2. Houdan feitiale â€" R. Allan I and ,2. Brown Leghorn male â€" R. Allan i and 2. Brown Leghorn femaleâ€" Ali<ni l and 2. Barred Ply rock maleâ€" T. A. Fer- guson I and 2. Batted Ply rock femaleâ€" H. B. McLean, T. A. Fer- guson. Duck maleâ€" D. Campbell, R. Allan. Duck female â€" D. Camp- bell, R. Allen. Bronze turkey, male â€" R. J. Hendry, T. A. Ferguson Femaleâ€" R J -Hendry, T A Fergus on. Goose male â€" Ferguson. Goose femal^^ â€" Ferguson. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Spring wheat, Russian â€" Thomas Nichol. Spring wheat, any other Wm. Ramage. Barley, 6 rowed â€" W. Ramage, D. Campbell. Barley, 2-rowed â€" A. Muir. Oats, whiteâ€" 1^\.. Muir, W. Ramage. Oats, black â€" ^A. S. Mair, A. Muir. Peas, large â€" A. S. Miuir^ A. Muir. Peas, small â€" D. JIcMillan, Thos. Nichol. Buck- wheat â€" W. Ramage, H. Piper. Field cornâ€" J. Aussum. Timothy seedâ€" A. Muir, A. S. Muir. White Bcan.s â€" D. McCohnick. Col. Beans â€" T. A. Ferguson. Fla.x Seedâ€" D. McMillan, J. Burnett. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. Elephant potatoesâ€" W. J. Meads, A. Muir. Beauty of Hebron po- tatoes â€" W. J. Meads, A. Muir. Bush, any otherâ€" W. J. Meads, A. â- icEachern. Coll. potatoesâ€" A. Muir. Swede turnips, jumbo or elephantâ€" Geo. Shand, D. McMillan. Swede, any otherâ€" John Burnett, A. Muir. Turnips, any otherâ€" D. McMillan, John Burnett. Mangels, globe â€" A. S. Muir, Rod McEachern. Mangolds, long red â€" A. Mmr, J. Aussum (12 entries). Mangolds, yellow â€" A. Muir, Geo. Shand. Sugar beetsâ€" A. S. Muir, A. Muir. Carrots, whiteâ€" D. McCormick, A. D. McLeod. Carrots, redâ€" A. S. Muir, A. Muir. Carrots, Short- hornâ€" H. B. McLean, P. Tliibau- deau. Carrots,; any other â€" A. Muir, D. Sinclair (lo entries). Table turnipsâ€" T. A. Ferguson, J. Aussum. Blood beetsâ€" A. S. Muir, A. Muir. Turnip beetsâ€" D. McCor- mick, D. McMillan. Parsnipsâ€" D. McMillan, A. Muir. Radishes, blackâ€" T. A. Ferguson, J. Burnett. Radishes^ whiteâ€" T. A. F«^fuson. Cabbage, oxheart or Winningstadt â€" D. McMillan, Dan Mclnncs. Cab- bage, picklingâ€" A. S. Muir. P. Thibaudeau. Cabbage, any otherâ€" J. Au.ssum, W. Ramage. Cauli- flowers â€" A.j, S. Muir, Dan McTnnes. Potato onion.sâ€" Geo. Shand, D. Mc- Cormick. Dutch Setsâ€" D. McCor- mick, T. A. Ferguson. Top onions â€" D. McCormick. Onions(, black seedâ€" D. McCormick. Pumpkin, yellowâ€" John McRae, W Ramage. Pumpkins, any otherâ€" D. McCor- mick, Dan Mclnnes. S4uashâ€" A.D. McI,eod, Thos. Nichol. Vegetable marrow â€" T. A. Ferguson, .T. Aus- sum. Citronsâ€" Rev. H. Berry, A. McEachern. Water melons â€" D. McCormick. Tomatoesâ€" Rev. H. Berr>', J. McRae. Cucumbers, picklingâ€" A. D. McLeod, D. SIcMil- lan. Cucumbers, ripeâ€" J. Nichol, sr., Wm. Watson. Table cornâ€" A- D. McLeod, T. A. Ferguson. Col. Vegetablesâ€" T. A. Ferguson. Col. Field Rootsâ€" A. Muir. FRUIT. Apples, N. Spyâ€" Wm. Watson, A. Muit. Golden Russettâ€" J. McRae, D. Brodie. Apples, any other â€" M. L. Mclntyre, A. Muir. Apples|, snowâ€" A. S. Muir, Mrs. Wm White. Colbertsâ€" A. Muir, W. Ramage. Alexandersâ€" J. McTaggart, D. Mc- Lachlan. St. Lawrenceâ€" D-. Har- row, W. Ramage. Fall apples, any otherâ€" F. P. Riley, D. McCormick. Coll. Applesâ€" D. Harrow. Crab apples, - largeâ€" W. Ramage, Mrs. Wm. White. Crab apples;, medium T. A. Ferguson, W. Ramage. Plum.sâ€" 1'\ P. Rilcv, D. Harrow. Pears, fallâ€" A. Muir, F. P. Riley, Pear.s, winterâ€" J. McRae. Grapes â€" G. R. Patterson. FLOWERS. Hand bouquetâ€" W. J. Meads, P. Thibaudeau. Table bo^-iquet-r^^Irs. Wm. White, W. J. Meads. CoU. hou.se plantsâ€" Jeimie McArthur. Geraniun-fâ€" T. A. Ferguson, Jennie McArthur. DAIRY AND OTHER PRODUCE. Roll butterâ€" G. R. Patterson, W. J. Meads, John Williamson. Crock butterâ€" G. R. Patterson, Mrs Wm. White, D. Harrow. Tub butter- Meads, Shand, Patterson. Cheese, hand madt^-Dau Mclnues. Maple syrupâ€" D. McMillan, Mrs. W'm. White. Maple sugarâ€" Jjnc Mc- Phail. Pumpkin pieâ€" D. Harrow, D. McMillan. Lemon picâ€" D. Mc- Millan, B. McKinnon. Apple pieâ€" B. McKinnon, D. McMillan. Creafti pieâ€" D. McMillan, B. McKteuon. Custard pieâ€" McKinnon, Harrow. Layer cakeâ€" McMillan, Piper, Fruit cakeâ€" M-cMillan, B. McKinnon. Hotnemade breadâ€" White, Harrow (9 etrtrics). Brown breadâ€" MS^te Thibaudeati. Fruit bu^sâ€" HJcMillan White. Tartst^McMillan, T. A. Ferguson. CoU. canned fruit."! â€" J. McArthnr, Rev, H. Berry. Mixed .1 picklesâ€" Harrow, Rev. Berry. Jelly â€" Thibaudeau, Mrs. White. SPECIALS. . 23 lbs crock butter by H. H. Millen, M.P.â€" Mrs. White, George Shand, D. Harrow. Box of butter by W. Aldcorn & Sonâ€" Harrow, Meads, McKinnon. 10 lbs. butter by Mrs. Branderâ€" McMillan, Har- row, WTiite. Bread by H.H.Miller, M.P.â€" B. McKinnon, Geo. Patter- son. MANUFACTURES. I Set team harnessâ€" Colin McMil- lan. Set Single harnessâ€" McMillan. LADIES' WORK. -Rag carpet â€" Jane McPhail, Don McMillan. Flannel, home made- Jane McPhail. Blankets, home- mad'e â€" R. McEachern, J. McRae. Woollen yarn, double â€" R. McEach- ern, D. Mclnnes. WooHen yam, singleâ€" R. McEachern. Socksâ€" J. McRae, Jane McPhail. Woollen stockings.â€" W. J. Meads, .Tane Mc- Phail. Mitts, men'sâ€" Jane McPhail A. B. McDonald. Mitts, women's- Mrs. White, A. B. McDonald. Quilt, patchworkâ€" Wes. Buskin, William Watson. Quilt, log cabin â€" Wes. Buskin, Mrs. White. Quilt, knitted George Shand, H. Piper. Quilt, crazy â€" W. ,T. Meads, II. Piper. Quilt, tuftedâ€" Wes. Busltin. Quilt, fancy â€" Was. Buskin, Mrs. White.! Berlin wool work â€" Mrs. George Mc- Kechnie, H. Piper. Wreath â€" A. B. McDonald, T. A. Ferguson. Gents' shirt, imwashed â€" Wes. Buskin, Mrs. White. Geirtfs sliirt laundered â€" ^D. McCormick, Mrs. White. Hooked mats â€" W. J. Jleads, D. McMillan. Crochet work, cotton â€" Wes. Buskin, D. Harrow. Crochet work, wool â€" Jane McPhail, H. Piper. Fancy knitting, wool â€" .lane JlcPhail. Fancy knitting, cottonâ€" Jane Mc- Phail, Mrs. McKechnie. Braiding- Mrs. White, Jennie MicArthur. Tattin,g â€" Mrs. McKechnie, Jane McPhail. Embroidery, cotton â€" Mrs G. Mclfechnie, P. Thibaudeau. Em- broidery, silk â€" Thibaudeau, Piper. Embroiderv, shadow â€" Buskin, Mrs. G. llcICechnie. Embroidery, eye- let â€" T. A. Ferguson, Thibaudeau. Canvas workâ€" T. A. Ferguson, Pijier. Toilet setâ€" Mrs. G. Mc- Kechnie, W. J. Meads. Lamp cushion â€" Piper, Thibaudeau. Spider web cushion â€" D. McCormick, P. Thibaudeau. Home made slippers â€" D. !\Ic3|iHan, P. Thibaudeau. Drawn tnreadwork â€" Jennie Mc- Arthur, P. Thibaudeau. Battent- burg â€" Mrs. McKechnie, T. A. Fer- jjuson. Table centrepiece â€" .Tennie McArthur, P. Thibaudeau. Sofa cushion â€" Mrs. McKechnie, Jennie McArthur. Darning â€" W.J. Meads, Piper. Button holes â€" White, Meads. Coll. Fancy Workâ€" J. McArthur, P. Thibaudeau. Pen and ink sketch Iâ€" Don McLachlan, B. McKinnon. I Pencil Drawing â€" D. McLachlan, T. A. Ferguson. SPORTS. Men's raceâ€" R. Crawford, E. Whittaker, B. Knox. Boys' race under i.^â€" V. Pinnock, L. McTaggart, Wm. Knox. Girls' raceâ€" M. Muir, J. McDon- ald, M. Tryon. SPECI.VLS. Best looking babyâ€" >Mrs. Camer- on, Mrs. Konold, (others highly recomtacnded.) Old tnen's race â€" W. J. Meads and D. McMillan a tie, N. McKinnon. JUDGES. Horses â€" John McDermot, Luck- now. Cattle, Sheep and Pigsâ€" W. G. Sanders, St. Thomas. . Griin and Seeds, Fruit, Roots and Vegetablesâ€" Geo. Binnie, J. I. Graham. Dairy and Other Produce â€" J. M. Findlay, Dr. Hutton. Poultry-iC. Bellamy, Flesherton. Ladies' Workâ€" Mrs. Findlay, Mrs. Binuie. FARLAND&CO. MARICDALK OXTAICIO Vour Tur Purcbase 1$ what you make it Vor bet'er or fir worse, and considering tHe expenditure involved it is worlBlt while buyini; whjre uncertitiiiry as to gooil siyli- ayrt long service in the good* tS out of the ciufstioii. CusiiMuera who buy Fur Lined CdhLs, Fur Coats, Ifur Se^« or Furs of .my kind purchast! hero with a renl sense of security. A foaling of _ sat isfiict ion wliicli ciimci from the knowledge of many years of the best Rind of exptTieiiort liack of tliis husiness, which 'bchiis uunuine satisfaction to the cu<tomi-r. Corupaiis<in wilMK-lp d-cision and verify our cULinB. The (luestion of^ leliahility eiiteis into all our purchases. Inferior goods find no shelf room lier«. Cume in and have ua show you thi» now Furs. '• Here's a Good One One of our exchanges^ which- makes a practise of copying our Osprcy items and rc-printing tlient lus frosh news got sadly muddled last week. This .swiping of our items without crediting is tjikon rather as a compliment to our correspondents, and but emplAsises our policy of giving all the news while it is news. Following is the h;ish it gave out in the liust issue, copied carefully to show typographical errors: Mai'kdalo has uai'ried two b,t-laws, one to provide 97 COO to complete the village waterworks, and luothcr U3,000 for a tiro hall and firo tightiug apimmtus^ The waterworks .system oiught hini, pinning j him to the seat. Fortunately the horses ; stopped and will have a stajidpipe with a ' capadty of 60,1)00 gallons. Work has 1 ahc.uly Ijcen commenced. Ladii's' Fur Lined Cimts from $45.00 to (iJ.OO. L 'dies' Fur Si'U from %8,M to $:J0.OO Lulies' Fur Ruffi from $3.0:1 to $18.00. Ladids' Aj'rnchan Jackets from §20.00 t:, 345.00. Men's Fur Coats, pri«d fi-om $20.00 to gco.oe. •'» Man'.H Fur (pilars, from ^.30 ito $15.00. Men's Fur C,ip«, from S1.30 to $10.00 Men's Fur '^ined Coats pnced at $37.50. 4j000 Pairs New Footwcair '\ To Select From. We've ovor 4,000 pairs of New Footwear, consisting of Lndies', Misses' Cliildreu's, Inf-mcs', Men's and Boys sizes 10 selejt fn.Mi. Pe<iple whjknow sny that the big.;fst values are here always in Buots and Slioes and we do not need til WMste >>ne Wind in empliMiunj what the people say. We bimgUt the i;no,Is of sue!) kmds and luiikt'd tht^plt such prices thtr, we're bnund cinnoc be uudersold. Nothing disappoints .â- inybcdy more than ch-ap f.)otwear. We know it, thbt's ^why we've used ••ur y«ars' experience in picking out the best makes in the huslnoas, viz , F. .T. Weston & Sons, The Jas. iMcCreaily Shoe C<>., Todd Shoe and Leather Co., Fitty-fivo Brind, Boulter, Davits Co., liamlmry Felt Co., etc. There in one thing you can ahs'iluiely depend on here â€" that you'H get every cent's worth of Footwe>ir quality it's pissibie to give you for your lucmey Remember wo. are- sole .lueiirs for the celolirated "Kaiil Krack ' Rubbers and wiihuut a doubt they are the beat in the tr^de. Others may tell you they Imve the "Kant Krack,'*^ Brand, but none are genuine unless stainpud "Kant Krack" on the bottrtm, for every puir that's mide of this mark are stamped'. Every department in our store it filling up daily with the new lihings for Fall. Wish wo could tell you all about them in tins space. McFARLAND & COMPANY The Flesherton Carriage Works Flesheron, Ont, BUGGIESâ€" Intending purclias^ -iH save money by calliug and in- specting our stock, as we have a. gocj hSc'^-ta choose firom- .jind prices ate right. "> RE PAINTLn'Gâ€" Bring yotir buggy to w for. repamtingj _^^^atisfaction guaranteed. "^^ v '"^^^ PLOWS, etcâ€" \Vc handle the best plows, barrows autalso carry a luT line of repairs on band. '«. CIIE.\M SEP.YllATORSâ€" We are agents for the MELOTTT; The ' best in the market. Special attention given to Horseshoeing. First Class Livery in connection'. D. McTAVISH, - Proprietor. Brakeman Killed Oianeeville, Oct. 4.â€" Joseph Paul^. a brakeman 011 the Owen Sound divi.siun of the C. P. U , livinsj at 95 Mulock avenue, Wf.st Toriinto, was iii.stantly killed at McKiiiley's Cu', threo miles iioilluvcst of here this afternoon. He was breaking on the north bound f.e'glit whitl) was , trying to inalfe the ^rsde, but ihe three engines were utiliz- C'l the attempt pioved uutucccssful, ,uid it Wis found necefsary. to divide the tiain. The wheels slipped an<l the heavy train biciiiio s'nlled. . Vuul pro- ceeded t'< Uirn uff the stop cock of the bnikep, the train being divided, when the slack of thu foiwui-d section drove hack, crushing his stonmch into pulp and breaking his riglit arm, death being instJintaiieiius. The body was jhrouKht here and e.x.tminud by jury under CoriKT James Heniy. .lohn Paul, father of deceased, was a C, P. R. enit^ijieer and was killed in his 0:1 b while passing Bathur6t-street, Tor- onto. He leaned out the cab window and hik head hit a setnapliore. An inquest was opened to-night, and the body will be sont lo the West Tor- onto feurial fco. lu ihs morning. j tion, hut liis Lordsliiit qavo jndguicnt to- j day, refusing to iiuiish. I Van Norman |ii'odiiced nn Rgreemaat ' with the Wes'ern Foundry Companyi I Limited, of Wiiigbnm, stating that Van I Niirinnu was a iiianager, and that the others were hired, ity him, and Van Noi> man argued ttat hi' and his men were not obliged to tjke out licenses. The justice of the peace held that the 'locument WHS not a bona hde agreement, and tliut Van Nonuiin had merely bought the a'oics for .s.ile. A book on rheitimatism by Dr. Shoop, of Racine, Wis., tells some plain truths, and in a ptein and practical way. Get this booklet and a free trial treatment; of Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy for •soinie disheartened gruSerer iu your vicinity. Maike a grateful antt ap- preciative friend of some one â- who is discouraged because of tha-iail- ure.s of others to help him. Help me to make thi.s test, and I'll cer- tainly help your sufiering friend.; Sold by all dealers. , Ns The Coavictiofl Sustained A bunch o£ stove jwddlers, who were Hilbng aiound here last summer, were fined for selling without a peddlers license. Tbey appealed the case with the followins result as chronicled iif Satur- day's dailies: J. W. K. Van Norman and others, who were convicted by a justice of the peace of Urey county for Belling stoves without a pcdJler's license, asked Mr, .luslice Riddell to quash the convic- Fall Fairs Fullowina is a litit of the Fall Fairs in this district us issued by the Oniftrio Department of Agricaftural: â€" Kilsytho .: Oct. 7, 8 RockWn .-...,. .Oct 7, B Dnndalk ... .^. Qvlober 7* Si. DR. BURT 5p<»:i«Ust| (In dltcaie* of the ,1* Eye, Ear, Nose and T^'^ Office 13 Frost, at. - Of At the Revere house, Friday each in<'nth frfmi 81 *i »lf ^^

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