9mm0tm0m ur > j r^' * 3:- AFTER SIX YEARS OF INDIGESTION lj)r. Williams' Finl: Fil's Made a Permanent Cure. Tlh'To aio many ii,,- !'";iiC3 that will rt'lii-vc iiMliscstioij t •:• a time â€" tliero are ftw that will m'. ;? a per- manent our?. But thcro is oue me- dicing" that is a sure ciir<v-that nvpdicine is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They have cured thousands iof cases â€" many of thcni of yeara startling. Cases like that of Mr. John K- Scale of MoiUrcal, Que., after many oth-cr niodicines have been tried and found worthless- Mr. Sealc says: â€" "For nearly six years 1 suffered with indigestion. During all that time 1 was constantly tak- ing medicine for the trouble, but never got more than temporary re- lief. Finally I decided to try Dr. \VilIianis' Pink Pills and after us- ing them for some time tho trou- ble disappeared and I am now able to eat heartily without the least trace of tho suffering 1 formerly 'endured. I can, from my own ex- Iperieuce, strongly recommend Dr. jWillianis' Pink Pills as a perman- ent cure for indigestion." I Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo j People are good for every disease jthat good blood is good for, simply because they make good blood â€" that is why they cure rheumatism, 'heart palpitation, indigestion, neu- Iralgia, St. Vitus' dance and the lailnients of girlhood and wonian- jhood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for IPale People are sold by all niedi- ;cinc dealers or direct by mail at 60 cents a bo.ic or six boxes for $2.- ec from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont- SENTENCE SEllMONS. Love disarms death. No truth is learned until it is lived. Uprightness is mostly a matter (>l backbone. Tlie he-art of any reform lies in the reform of the heart. The religion that goes farthest begins with those nearest. Lazy people are always loyal to the letter of tho Sabbath law. It's hard raising fruit in the heart Uiat is filled with freight. Half of a new truth is bolter than the whole of an outgrown one. Each day's chan-oes to serve are opportunities to offer aacrifice. Some men have faith in Ood only tif- a refuge from the fear of men. I Many a man keeps his hands .white at tlie expense of his heart. The hardest test of love is what it does with the unlovely and un- loving- Folks who are most luingrj' for fame often give others nothing h\ fclanie. If you cannot carry Iveaven into your business you may iind you have no business in Ivcaven, HAVEN OF REFIGE. One Reanon Why England is Free From Auan-hisli). The reason that Anarchist crimes are practically unknowa in Eng- land is that the Terrorists have agreed to regard that country as a sort of haven of refuge, and, therefore, to bo kept neutral. One of tho few Anarchist out- rages wliieh came anyway near be- ing actually carried out, was Uiat planned by Martial Bourdin, a Frenchman, who, some thirteen years ago, tried to blow up the Greenwich Observatory. His bomb, however, exploded prematurely and he was the only person to suf- fer, being killed on the spot. At Walsann, in 1891, a plot was matured by alien Anarchists to blow up public buildings and as- sassinate certain officials, and bombs were mad© and filled. But the police were kept well informed, and pounced upon the gang, most of whom were sentenced to long terms of imprisonment. About the same time an Italian Anarchist, named Polti, together with a com- panion, was captured in Ix)ndon with an uncharged bomb in his pos- M'Rsion. These two also went into penal servitudp for lengthy periods. Occasionally, too. Anarchists have fallen out amongst themselves v/hilo temporarily resident in Eng- land, with the result that murder has been committed- A typical case of this class of crime occurred a few years back, when an Anar- chist filuiemaker, resident in Clerk- enwcll. London, was assass-inatcd by a "comrade " whom he tried to induce to murder Mr. Joseph Chamberl.iin. The wholesale murder."? of Armen- ians at Peckham, too, in 1903, by the Terrorist Dakran, may be pro- perly relegated U^ this categ<jry, for victims and assassin were ahke Anarchists in everything but name. •f-f-f-f-f 44 ♦>-♦-♦â- ♦â- ♦•♦-♦•â- ♦•>â- -♦•♦• â- ♦•+♦ X CHILDHOOD AILMENTS. I Not only can you produce a bri<^htcr and moro lasting Bbine with " Nufjgot" than ,'Stith any other shoe polish • )I(1, but yon can do it in less time and with less effort. Thousands were convinced of its superiority at tho var- ious exhibitions this year. Why don't you try it ? At all dealers 10c. per tin. iJlack or tan, Don't rxpcriment with unfint* Isfnctory NubHtiliitoa. WilHon'H Fly Pads kill ninny timcn moro hou80 flies than any other known arliclc. It's as easy for some men to make money as it is for others to make trouble. Why go limping and whining about your corns when a 26 c-ont b<ittle of HoUoway's Corn Cure will remove them? Give it a trial and you will not regret it. Speaking of literature, many a tnan's love letters have mado a de- cided hit^â€" with a jury. Externally or Internally, It is Good.â€" When applied externally ly brisk rubbing, Dr. Thomas' Pk;- ( ItMjtric Oil opens the porfM and penetrates the tissue as few lini- ments do, touching the seat of tho trouble and immediately affording relief. Administered internally, it -will still the irritation in the throat â- which induces coughing and will cure affections of th» bronchial tubes pnd respiratory organs- Try it and be convinced. ' The activity of some people is devoted exclusively to stirring up trouble. The world is fille<i with would- be leaders who couldn't even fol- low successfully. i ' When a man gets excited over his igiioraivc(! ho is likely t-o think be is enthusiastic for s(>:ne truth. •â- • I owe MY LIF( TO GIN PILLS. If ron want u> art t banrr womita, Jupt esll on Mr*. Molll* Dimn. M Itoikln |4t(>., Wf«t Toronto. "Aflffr t»n 7*iirt of anffcrlnc from Kid- â- •T I)l>fa>c, I hrllcTc I owa mT Ufa to OIn PIIU. Before I hPKan uxlnt Qin Pill. '<.ruit (not moving)â€" "Thank good ny bark arhrrt .o mm h that I could not | „^^ y^^ ^j i,^ ^i,^„j something at fat on my ahoM. but after takliic "irMi i j i, oxaa of OIn PilU Ihoir troublei ara all M«n». It la a pleaaurn fur ma In add onM mora tmtlmonlal to lh« c-'>n'l raoiitation T Most of tho troubles that ^ t affect little ones may be ^ X traced to the stomach and ^ •f bowels, and if these arc put 4. t right the child will get well ^ I and thrive well. Baby's Own t Y Tablets cure all stomach and ' T bowel troubles and all the ^ other minor ailments of babyhood and childhood. The Tablets are easy to take and are guaranteed free from opiates. Mrs. U. Matthews, Canfield, Ont., eays:â€" "I f have used Baby's Own Tab- X lets for my littlo girl who had •f a weak stomach and was b.id- ^ ly constipated. The Tablets I cured Iw^r of both troubles, 4- and I really feel aa if they X had saved her life." Sold T by me<licine dealers or by ^ â- ^ mail at 25 cents a box from -f 4- The Dr. Williams' Medicine i, Co., Brockville, Ont. •f -M-f ♦♦♦♦ -f ♦ ^4-Â¥4-^4-4-^4-Â¥-Â¥^ Bigbocâ€" "I say, Smallboo, you are just the man 1 want to sec. lou have known me now for five years, haven't you?" Sinallbe(v-"Yes." Jiigbee â€" "Well, I would liko you to accommodate me with the loan of *10." Smallbeeâ€" "Sorry, Bighee, but I can't." Bigbeeâ€" "Can't! Why not?" Smallheeâ€" "Because I have known you for five years." u Tot Croup. Dlpbthbtla, Influoiiia, Or am pa, HpaiHiin. Uum«, Hoald^ Aoc danta, Bralaaa, rails, U u nahot Woumla, Pol»o«i(>u» BiitMi of (>i>(f«, .Stittkea. Hlinip) u( (oMOU, aU:., Badway*! Ready Ilelief. SHE KNEW IT. "The longer I live," sighed the sage, "and the more I learn, the more firmly am I convinced that 1 know absolutely nothing!" "I could have told you that twen- ty-five years ago," said his wife, "but I knew it would be of no use " A Purely Vegetable Pill.â€" The chief ingredients of Parnnelee's Vegcrtable Pills are mandrake and dandelion, sedative and purgative, but perfectly harmless in their ac- tion. They cleanse and purify and lavo a most healthful effect upon the secretions of the digestive or- gans. The dyspeptic and all who suffer from liver and kidney ail- ments v.ill find in these pills the most effective medicine in concen-i t rated form that has yet been of- fered to the suffering. .\nd this is the sea.son of the year nhen the wife begins reminding you of your promise to build a coal bin in the cellar before snow flies. GRIEVOUS ERRORS mado nowaday). For inalance when a person buys an imi- tation of "riic D. A L." Menthol Plaster said to be the genuine. Be careful and gee that they arc made by Davia & Lawrcuco Co. Qo ahead and do the best yo« can and don't worry about the conse- quences. "I must compliment you on the remarkable lightness of your bread," said the customer. "Thank jou," said the gratified baker. "It i"i my aim to turn out the lightest bread in the town." "Yes," con- tinued the customer; "and if you got it much lighter it will take two of your pound-loaves to weigh six- teen ounces." Wilson'.i Fly Pads, the best of all ny killern, kill both the flies and the discuso germs. HE COULD GO. At the death of the Duke of Wellington the whole Diplomatic Corps was invited to the funeral at iSt. Paul's. The French Am- bassador, on receiving his invita- tion, was very much upset. He hurried off to his colleague of Rus- sia, Baron Brunnow, and confided to him the difficulty in which he was placed. "The Queen," he said, "expects lis to go to St. Paul's, to the fun- eral of the Duke of Wellington. How can 1 go, considering the in- juries which tho Duke inflicted on my country? What shall I do?" Baron lirunnow listened gravely to his colleague's c.xjjosition and then replied: "As the Duke is dead," he said, "I think you can safely go to his funeral. If you were asked to attend his resurrec- tion, I should say refuse the invi- tation." SOME OF DICKENS FAMILY. Itrothcr, Sif«ter-ln-Ld.w and Son Buried in Illinois. One brother, a sister-in-law and a son of Charles Dickens, the I-Jng- lish novelist, have found their final resting place in Illinois. The bodies of the brother and his wife and three children are in Graccland Cemetery, and that of the son, Francis Jcffery Dickens, is buried at Moline. Confirmation of the statement that Augustus N. Diok- ens, brother of the novelist, died ia Chicago and was buried at Grace-land. Oct. 7, 1860, was ob- tained from Ossian C. Simonds, landscapo superintendent of the cemetery. llefeience to the records shows that Mrs. Bertha Dickens and three children of the couple were buried previously, Mrs. Dickens' death preceding that of her husband by about one year. Francis Jeffery Dickens died at Moline in 1887, a joar aftor he ob- tained his discharge as a member of the Canadian northwest moun- ted police, with which he serveo as an inspector at Fort Pitt during the Riel rebellion, which was brought to a close iu 1H85. Charles Dickens was the only member of tlie family who made much money, as the record.* show- His father, the original of Micaw- ber, was considere<l impro^ide?lt and the British Governme.at is pay- ing small pensions to two nieces of the' novelist. There is said to be 1:0 headstone over the graves of Augustus N. Dickens and his wife and children. When Francis Jeffery Dickens died at Molino he was without mon,ey, having spent all he had be- fore arriving from Ottawa, Ont., where he passed the previous win- ter. He was medium in size and not unlike his father in appearance. He was employed by his father on Household Words and subsequently joined the lloyal Bengal mounted police, drifting to Canada, from Irdia. â€" Chicigo News. "I understand." said Mr. Stay- late, "that a Western genius is perfecting an apparatus by means of which a person's faco may be seen miles away." "Well," re- plied Miss Patience Gonne, "it certainly will be a boon to see some faces a long way off, if they can only bo kept there." n«il. Weak, We«ry, 'Wafcry Eye*. llrllevod By Murine kyo llcmedy. Try Murine Kor Vour Kyo Troubles. You Will Mke Murine. It Snothea. EOc At Your Urugglata. Write Kor Kye Books. l''ree. Murine Kye Remedy Co., Torouto, Some men who pat you on the back would rather punch your head. The long-haired pianist is known by his locks as well as hy bis keys. Don't tell other people what they should do. Do what you should do yourself and let it go at that. Kindly mention the nnmn of (his paper In writini; to adrcrtlscrs. STA IITLING ENCX)URAGEMEN 1 "Was Amelia's father encourag- ing when you went to ask him for her hand V "Not very. He asked mo to put tho proposal in writing so I couUlii't back out as all tiie otlicrs did." Drill Serne.int (after three hour.-i' sleadv <lriil with the new recruit) 'Higlit about face!" New Re •t " OlD I'illa. " Un N Dlinn SOe. a box, ( for It.fiO. at all drnlers, Eatnpla frr« If you writa National firui Cbainlcal Co., (Dept W. L.) Torouto, Out.' Mudge-- "It's funny how much easier it is to nu>ct fellows I owe money than to meet tho fellows who owo live money." Ynbsley â€" "Per h.aps it is because tliere are so many moro of thorn." In the causes of infant mortality cholera morbus figures freqneiiptly, and it may bo said that complaints of the bowels are great destroyers of child life. If all mothers would avail themselves of so effective a remedy as Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Dy- sentery Cordial many a little one could be saved. This Cordial can be given with safety to the smallest child, as there is no injurious sub- stance in it. SURE. He â€" "I am rather in favor of the English than the American mode of spelling." Shc-"yes?" He-"Ye», indeed! Take 'par- lour,' for instance. Having 'u' in it makes all the difference in the world. CURE THAT OBSTINATE SORE. Wliere Ordioary Salves fail Zam Buk Succeeds. Chronic sores which came trouble by " breaking open," niav h^caiti by Xam-Buli, as well as recent iujuriei and diseaics. If you suSer from suine ol^l tore â€" hiilden, per- haps, but none tlie lets painful for thatâ€" don't dally, apply Nature's healing essences as provideti in Zjin-Buk. Mrs. I. K. Asnton. of III, Vickcrt Street, Fort William, tells how valuable VCain-Uuk is as a family balm. She says:â€" '"Wc lirit use.l Zam- Buk for cuts and bruises, etc., and found it so satis- factory that my nusband started usint( it tut a chronic sore. For a l.ing ti iie he n.iii been botnered with an oM s-ore on his le(». and had used various prrparaiiuiis, yet nothing; h.id permanemiy cured 11. Hi; began applying /ani-liuk bihn, and was very soon ayreeably surprised lo notice a fjreai improvement. " It wjs only a matter of a slmn tune be- fore /.am-Huk had thori>u;jhly cleansed the sore iif all li>ui in ilter and heaiini; coinmi-n. cd. It is novV some months since the s<ite was completely clo>ed, aiul there is no likeldioud of It bieakiii); out ai^ain. '• Since then my baby, eij;lileen months old, h«s been cured of eczeini on the sc;ilp t)y Zam- Kuk, This ecieina came in red pimples, and if rubbed o.- scratched, formed into tores. The child was very Iretful from the iiritatioa of the scalp, but whenever Zam- Buk was applied it seemed to brin;i the (greatest relief. Frequent application.* were effective in clear- ioi; all traces of the disease from the baby's •calp in a short apace ol lime. I feel it my duty to (jive the credit whiredue, and I cheer- fully recoiniiicnd Z<m-Buktoall sufferers from chronic .lores, bad Ic', or eczema." Zim-i)uk is Nature's own healinf; balm, being composed of pure herbal esaeo^es. It is a sure cure for eczema, ringworm, ulcers, cu:s, burns, brujtea, (Miisoned sores, chronic wiiunds, bad leg, piles, festering suret, chap. t>ed hands, cold-sores, frost-bite, and all skin injuiies and diseasea. Druggists and stores everywhere sill at 50c a bii«, or post free for price from Z mi- Buk Co., Toronto; 3 bozea Jfl.95. You nre warned against harm- ful imilaliuns represented 10 be "just •» goo4" Autumn List of Investments Our Booklet of offerings just published de- scribes numerous issues 0/ Municipal, Rail- road and Public Service Bonds, from which an intestinent vmy he selected lo ineeL practically all requii'ements. MUiMiClPAL D£B£HTU<1£Sâ€" A comprehensice listâ€"dehentures 0/ practi- cally every Prodncc of the Dominion â€" county, city, town and school districtâ€" yield A per cent, to 6 1-Jtper rent. RAILROAD AND PUBLIC SERVICE BONDSâ€" Bonds 0/ Railroads and Public Serciee Cor- porations of demonstrated earning power yield 4 1-2 to 5 1-4 per cent. BONDS OF ESTABLISHED INDUSTRIESâ€" Bonds of lony -established and continuously prosperous industries yield 5 1-2 to 6 per cant. Descriptive circular and full particulars of any specific security fuimished upon request. It is a pleasure to select from our offerings a suitable bond and to assist to a thorough incest i- gation of the security. Doniifio/f Securities GDKPORVnon LiniTED Â¥b"ia"r^ WANTED. I^OULTHYMEN AND FARMERS â€" Subscribe for Canada's brightest poultry paper. 25 cents per year. Address The Canadian Poultry News. Owen Sound. Ont. BOY WANTKD.-TO APT AS AGENT for "TOEONTO SATOKDAY NIOHT' in his spare time. Good money. Circu- lation Hanairer, Toronto. (t ANVASSF.RS WANTKD. Others clear twenty dollars weekly. Apply Alfred Tyler. Ijondon. Out. |>OY9 AND QIELS WISHING TO EARN I » money or premiume send your name and address for our Jureni'e catalogue o( easy selling hou.sehold specialties. Our adult Agents 68 paBO catalogue la also ready, free on request. Canada Silver- cloth Co.. Toronto. Ont. Ladies to do plain and light sewing at home, whole cr spare time; good pay ; work sent any distance, charg- es paid ; send stamp for full parti- culars- National Manufacturing Company, Montreal. EDUCATIONAL. ABOYDS SHOnTHAND .SCHOOL. 181 • Ycnge St-. Toronto, prepares com- petent stenographers iu 30 days by the BOYD SVL-LA-BIC SYSTEM. Poaitious so- cured. Write for catalogue. An Old School and a pood school in every resr.ect is the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE, Y.M.C.A. Building. Toronto. Enter any time for fall term. Write for iiarticulars. T. M. W.VTSON. Princip,i\ CONSISTENT. Judgeâ€" "How old are yout" Witness (a lady)â€" "Thirty." Judgeâ€" "Thirty t I have heard you give tho same age in this court for the last three years." Witno.s.sâ€" "Yes; I am not one of those per.sons who say one thing to-day and another to-morrow." Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- ator 13 pleasant to take; sure and effectual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best re- sults. It's well to have a song in your heart. If you haven't the right kind of a voice it's also well to keep it there. PAINKILLER la the best, the safest and tha surest remedy for cramps, colic and diarrhoea. As a liuinieiit (or wounds and BpraiiiH it is uneoualled. AToid KUhatltutcs, there is hut one "Painkiller"â€" Porrv Davis' - 25o. and 50o. WANTED ROMF.THINa SOLID The first day outâ€" Steward â€" "Did .vou ring, .sirf Travellerâ€"" Yes, steward, I I rang." Stewardâ€" "Anything I can bring yon, sir?" Traveller--" Y-yes, st- steward. Il-bring me a continent, if ytm have one, or an island anything, stew- ard, so 1-lul-long as it's solid. If you can't aus-siuk the ship Ouest- "Who kept up that ter- rifi • p<iuiKliiiC! tin the pi»no Ijii^t night?" Host "It was n^t door" fliiest -"A gieat annoy- [ aiK-e, isn't it?" Ilo'-t - "That it is. ]'d like til play on tlitt pia-io fi>r about an hour with a hoM." HIS ABILITY. Hoja.x â€" "Is Jay smith what you would call a clever man?" Tomdixâ€" "Sure thing. Why, he can pick tip an umbrella and walk <.ff with it just as if it belonged to him." Relief for Suffering Everywhere. â€" He whose life is made miserable hj the suffering that comes from indigestion and has not tried Par- melee's Vegetable Pills does not know how easily this formidable foe can be dealt with. These pills will relieve where others fail. They are the result of long and patient study and are confidenitly put for- ward as a sure corrector of disor- ders of the digestive organs, from which so many suffer. The ever-burning question, "What shall we do with our boys'!" seems to be satisfactorily answer- e>ri in the following advertisement, which appears in the window of a butcher's shop:â€" "Wanted, a re- sjiectable boy for beef sausages." The microscope in the hands of evperta employed by the United States GoTernment has revealed the fact (hat a house fly some- times carries tbi>UHands of dl.sease f;ernia attached to its hairy body. The continuous use of Wilson's Fly Pads will prevent all danger ot infection from that source by killing both the germs and tho flics- A wise man ii> one who knows what not to do and doesn't do it. Kindly mention (hc^ name of this pr.per in writing to advertisers. / StiilTheyCome Oar classes are larger to-day than ever before, and still the students come. Theroa a reas- on. Better tuition for the mon- ey â€" the best tuition at any priceâ€" wins. Who'll b« tha next? Remington Buslnass College, 269 Collsga St.. Corner Spadina. Torouto. Ont. AGENTS WANTED. W ANTED - LOCAL AND GENERAL T T Agents Liberal contracts to good men : apply hy letter. Continental Life Insurance Company, Toronto. Correa- poudence conlldeutial. \|EN AND WOMEN-^DONT BE IDLEâ€" ."' Show suuiples of our reliable uiedl- cines, superb toilet prepamtioos. pur» baking powder, and flavoring extracts to your neighKors and forward their order* to us. You can easily make form ten to twenty-five dollars a week and hava permanent position. Oooda sell on sight and repeat orders come fast. Book "llow to Succeed" and particulars sent free. The Homo Supply Co.. Dent- 50. Merrill Building. Tor onto. ___^__ WE WANT NOW IN EVERY UNKE- PRESENTED district a reliabla agent to sell Pelham'a Peerless fruit and ornamental trees. Contldar this. Good pay weekly. Exclusive territory. Stock guaranteed up to grade and deyvered In good condition and all the advantages of sellinic well-known stock. Write now for agoiuy (or Fall and Winter months. Pal- ham Nursery Co., Toronto, Ont FOR SALE. SONQ BOOK-150 FAVORITB SONGS, words, music: " Bice. Oranby. Que. Ten cent*. Arthur TyPE WRITERS Bargain prices, $i.s to $65, (all makes) taken in exchange lor Model 10 and 11 Remingtons. Many oi these machine* show little use, Ramlngten TyM«rlt*r Company, Llnltad, U4 BAY STRKRT, TORONTO. MONEY IVIAKING LITTLE rARMS IN CALirORNIA*S But Pnill. SJ(*lf» ftDd Slock Oruw Int S«elloD. aioh. IHcplioll .'IrH- t«to4. b«T PKrsMQta. WrlU Coe luuklrV IKUQATEU UKD CO. MiiTi'illi CsIltBrola Oyeing I Gleaning I '••«k« (stf kadtaaa i«ar met to tk* ••Hirraa ahiriqan â- Ttnw m." iMk tar aamt la rm toaa. aewaAMrai. UMtrMl,T«ropto. Ottawa. Q««k«% DRINK, Tobacco and Druff Habits CURED New System of Treatment. Recently Discovered Remedy thU Cures Rapidly and Permanently. Marvellous Results obtained that makes our remedy one of the wonders of Modern nedlcine. Patients cured secretly at their own homes asainst their own will and knowledge. No suf rering. no injections, no loss of time, or detent Ion from business, no bad after effects. W« send hy mall, free of charge, our 6-1 pngn book, which fully ex. plait's our icodern system of treatment, of how the Diink, Tobacco and Drug hsblla can l>e rapidly overcome and cure»l. Thii book U sent in a plain envil.ipe, scaled from ohier»iM.<>ii, so no oue can toll what your letter coiitaius. All cotfi i»indc:.cc ulisjlutely ac^crct and rouildeutial. Aridvesa, on SILVA INSlllDTB .Suit.- roo, 55 U.iversHy 3t. Montreal. Cana<!a I ;r