Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1909, p. 4

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December 23 1009 THE FLESHEKTON A VANCE -t ,%fS?aK^";gi:grgsw^:^^ Custoin Weaving RT.HlLL&Co., . Harkdale Making Big Preparations For Christinas Shoppers This u'ci'k we are preparing for (lie Christmas tra(?e. New lines of Christmas Goods aro steadily arriving from (lay to day, and in a few days our store will have taken on its Christmas garb. Our efforts have been put forth to give you the biggest value we have ever offered in mreny lines. This Week it will Pay you to buy Mlln ery We h«TO decided lo offer our entire 8took of Tiimmed Millinery at prioes that barely cover the co«l of the good* imd are this soisuii'h stylos, anil new noodi. Buy your now hat now. S»2 00 and 82.5<) HaU for 81.75 i<2.7b and 83.0<> Hats for §2.00 8;5.i3 and 84.00 Hats for S2.50 "^ S4 00 and 84 M H.ns for i^i.W '^ 85 00 and 8000 Hats fcr 83.73 These prici'H next two weeks only. .V Christmas Suggestions for Christmas Boxes Id iho fiillowirg we have a very large and tahty MRorlmeiit and popularly priced, at prices yuu feel like paying: fancy drt.s* helis, gold handU'd paraKoU in a variety â-  f style!*, fancy 'kerchiefH in silk, linen and lawn, ladies' f-incy uett and HilU waitts, l)'>xed frillincs, fan<.-y collars, broiclics and c miliH, f.tncy neckwear, slippers of all kinds, fancy and plain, mufflers, furs and fancy china. Many other little nick nacks nit possible to mention. S vg;g : >igg5g gcB;gg g! gs flSfl; [: fl ; : g !g^jl^^'^ ^ The undei-Kii(ncd is now prepared to do all kinds of Weaving on the Shortest Notice I'laiii, Twilled or Satinet.t. ItuL's and HantinockR a Hpeeial'y. Hit and tniss â-  ans and coh.ured warp found, 20o a yard, Rtrii>p- ed THgs extra. Olhce, 5th door north ^ of bank on Sydenham Strett. Wm. LEEj, â€" Flesherton, Ont. Our Clubbing List Th« following prices are for strictly paid in advance sulwciiplii'ns only. Wa i^ave no nccountu wtlU other papeiH. Flesherton Advance 8 1 00 Youths Com jianioii 1 75 Toronto World, daily 2 <K) Toronto Daily News 1 SO W.okly (ilobo ... 80 Mail-Kinpire .... I'o Family Herald & Star 80 Toronto Star 1 UQ Farmer Suu . . . 80 Farmers Advocate 1 'M Weekly Wit,;e5* 75 RatiirnayNiiiht 1 55 Home Journal 55 Poultry News . . 15 TR^P^R^R^I^P^R^^^r r.^R^RW>^R^R^K^K^r ^^tK^K^K^^R^R^R CHRISTMAS GOODS AT BOYDS" Do you realize that Christmas-is near at hand ? We have taken time by tlie foreelock and carefully made an estimate of your re(|uirements, and are prepared to sell you Chnsru)as goods of good qual- ity very cheap; to assist you in making a choice we outline some of onr stock as below.. Furs Ii[ lllllllIS. Carefully Conected Each Week Wheat 1 00 to ] 00 tjats 3:i to 'Xi Peiis s S;j to 83 Barley 45 to 50 Hav 12 00 to 14 00 liuiler 22 to 22 Bugs, fresh 24 'o 25 Potatoes per bag 40 to 40 Oeeso 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 Chickena 10 to 10 Turkeys 19 to 19 Fur Caps 1.50 to 9.00 Fur KiifT-. l.oO to 15.00 Ladioj' Muffs .... 3..=iO to 12.00 Fur-lm'd Jackets 22.50 to (50.00 Men's Cuais 1.5.C0 to 00 00 Woollen Goods 25 U: 50 Ladies UIovch . Clouds, white and Coloured .... 25 to 55 ShawU 55 to 1.50 Sweater Coats 2.25 to 3.C0 MufHcrs 25 to 55 Ice Wool Scaif* ... 1.10 to 1.35 Crockery Dinner Setts 7.50 lo 23.00 THE r-^S:; /lc6i)crton 2l^t)ai!ce llicensi'd bar, so the advertisement in I question i« really an arguinen'. for lucal option. Tea Setts.-. 3 75 to 7.50 Water Setts 1 50 to 2 00 Glass Setts 1.00 to 2.25 Jardirieres ........ 25 to 1.00 IJedroom Setts 1.50 to 4.00 Parlor Lamps . . . . l.nO to 3 50 Berry Bowls 25 to 2.50 Pitchers from 5 to 2.50 Men's & Ladies' Gloves Ladies Kid Gloves 1.00 to 1 75 Men's Gloves 75 tc 1.85 Linens, Novelties Side Boaid Scarfs ..23tfll.50 Tray Cloths 15 lo 1.00 Pillow Shams, each. .50 to 1.50 Table Napkins perdoz85 to 3.75 DfHWii \Vork Novel- tins 15 to 150 Table Cloths 1.00 to 3.00 Handkerchiefs Fancy Einby Hii.dkfs 5 to 25 Hem stitched " 20 to 75 Fancy Silk " 13 to 50 Gs?nt.s Silk Mufflers .23 to 1.75 Men's Neckwear 25 to 50 Ladies' fancy silk col- lars 25 to 1.00 Fancy Slippers lu Felt, Carpet, Velvet and Leather Children's 25 to 4o Mis.ses 25 to 45 Women's . .â-  39 to 1.75 Men's 50 to 1.75 Table Cutlery An indei)en<leut Dews|>a|>rr, published every 'rountjay at th" office, Colliiiffwood Street, Klesherttm. Siil.scriptii)ii price $1 per annum, wliifn |>ai<l inn<lvHnce; ^l..'>.t nbcii not no ]«i(l. .\dt ertiaiu)! ruten on applicatiuu. Circulation 1,000 weekly. W. M. Tliuraton EUltor. Next week jou may purchase what Santa didn't bring you. 9 The residence of a St. Louis editor was dynamited last week. It's be- coming as dangerous lo be an editor as it is to be a king or emperor thoBe There may have in the past boen some | ' who looked askance nt Hon. L B. Lucas'. cUim to prohibition sentiment, but those 1 Chicago will try "cnld air" rooms did not know the honourable, I in two scIiooIh as a licalth experiment, straightforward and well grounded prin- Could the same scheme not be applied a diatauce of about forty milos, wliile from England a letter cau go nearly around the world for two cents. While the universal penny Osprey Council. HON. I. B. LUCAS ON TEMPERANCE . to tlic annual uomiuation election ? and ciples of the inombur for Centre Groy. Ho certainly never has given cause for the doubting Thomas to explode his peculiar views. Last Sunday Mr. Lucas presided at the meeting of the Canadian Tum.per- ance Le.igue in Massoy Hill, Toronto, and iccordinit to the (Jlobe thi.s ii what lie said : Public opinion in favour of leniper%nco was Kenend, and he prophesied greater temperance victorie.s tlun have been in Ontario. "The only matter debatable] in the temperance question," said Mr. )•,.„, , Lucas. "i5 the question of routes '... the^""K'ant8 in Canada may not bo en- goal." The chairman also expressed tlio vied by Canadians, yet there must bo opinion that the present local option ,„ ,3,.;;,^ ^ „^ ^,^^ ,,^,^.g ^^ nninbera route was safe and sane, aud adviAed tem- I , ' , perancn people to keep the question out of them. Wo refer lo the numbers of C. R. Mears, an Englishman, is making preparations for ,\ dash to the South pole. Wouldn't it be queer to see an Englishman hanging head-downward from the south pole? 000 While the lot of the a veraso English of politics and unite in a ^reat non-par- tisin endeavi>ur to crush the evil. That does not aound like a man weak convictions. with ANOTHER WESTERN MUSHROOM • â€"A AVe receivid la«t week a copy of The liosetown (8a)<k.) Eagle. A year «)(" Rotetown was the viruiii prairie, and today it hte a population of 8(K). E. E. ISellimy, son of Chis. Bellamy of thia place, is the secretaiy-treaturer of the new Rosetown Board of Trade. Tliere is an air al>uul the Eagle that Would be abiurd in Ontario newspaper- domâ€" it is full of buaalinKS of the big things the future has in store for Rosc- t.iwu. Here the gr.wth it so alow that such effervescent talk m the Eagle is Englisli puddings that are sent in as Christmas gifts. In cases of numei- ouB recipients the pudding is most appropriate, for the men are too shiftless to provide ior their families properly, and the gift of a little "old country pudding" is acceptable. But still this shiftless class is fortunately I a the minority. 000 The Toronto schools are all to be decorated with a gaily llaunted Union Jack each day in the week hereafter. The movement will havo the good effect of introducing to Torontonians the Hag which they are in duty bound to love and revere. The Union Jack is only too seldom displayed in I The Co-ancil of Osprey met at Maxwell I on Wednesday, Dec. 15, according to ad- journment from Nov. 1.3 last. The mem- postal system would not be of much j ^^^.^ ^,^^„ ^j, j,^^^,.^ Minutes of Uat benefit to The Advance or the majority ; meeting were read and adopted. Com- of it3 leaders, yet there ar« great j municaiions, petitions, accounta, etc., numbers in Canada who would feel i were received frou : Alex. Fiidey, path- the benefit. Therefore, let it come, i master in 1908. certifyina that R. J. Q Q Q ! Brown performed two days .statute labor The principal event of world widej"' "'"'"" ^^ ^"' '°''""> •=""• ^ ; »â- â€¢â€¢ W. , , , . ^, ^ , ., 'C. Ryckman, nsknisj for the {privilege of nterest during the past week was the , ' , , , ,• , ^, V - I electing a telephone lino from 'Gordon s taking off of Leopold, king of Bel-}^^^„^^ j^ j^^^^^„ . jj^,,^,j ^.^^.^^^ ^^^^ gium. There is, howovtr, no world j „,„t^.r^ regarding obstruction on the wide sorrow over the event, either in road opposite lots 37 and 38, con. 2 N. diplomatic or private circles. - The D. R ; petition of James Lougheed and deceased king's treatment of hip j others, asking exemption of taxes of An- African subjects has been a cryin^j «'•'<'» Murphy on account of his loss by scandal and shame to all civilized!'''''' ^ '^'"'"'""" ^'"'="'" S'""''- "ff*""* '" . 11. 1 - ,cut out 30th sidcroad, con. 1 and 2 S. D. nations, and how to repress his „ ,, „, „ ' , . , , , IK.; K. \\ . ^orman, Kceve, cave notice avanciousness and crime had become ., , w « .. i 1 1 1. .u 1 -i I that Will bcutt had not built the bridge a piizzhng but insistent question to,„^,„ ^^e Mad river rm con. 3, N. D, R., other powers. His detni<je will, »o |,iccotding to pl.ni and specifications, and doubt, give a satisfactory solution ho hid refuseil payment ; cortitioato from and a reprieve lo the sufleritjg na- Charles Ken wick, pathmaster, ttiat Wm. tives of Africa ; therefore his death •'^^•"'t performed four days' road work in should be ft matter of rejoicing and;l'''0''> ^'"^ '"^ ^'- i ^^ and 11. cm. 5 ; thankfulness to all Christian peoples. ^ Silvei Knives and Forks, per doz 5.75 (J Silver Forks, per doz 1 .W to 5.C0 ^ Steel Knives and Forks 1.35 to 4.00 ? Silver Knives, celluloid handle 2.50 to 5.00 ^ Silver Tea Spoons, jier dox 90 to 4.00 ^ Desasrt Spoons, per df>z 1.50 to 5.50 ^ Silver Plate Table Spoons 1.50 to 6.00 ^ Carving Setts 2.00 to 4.50 ^ Reliance Plate Sugar Shells, each 50 to f 75 ^ Berry Spoons, plate. , 1.50 to 2.50 JP Cold Meat Forks . . ; 1.25 to 1.50 rather than otherwise. Is There a Santa Claus? treasurer's statement of accounts from Jan. 1st ; township of Nottawatngi, acct. 88, for tilo. Order* were issued im the treisurer lo i pay the treasurer township of Nottawa- aaga, 88 for tilo ; Uobt. Brown, 82, ro- ! fund of statute labor ; Wm. Scutt $4, re-j fund of siatuto labor; Marshal Kerton, I $6, hire of hall ; .T. C. Hamilton 84, use! 82, use of hall crammed with w<«)db.tb.cj>««i«.t<-f; Canada. A lesson might bo taken from the patriotism of the United Btates, but it is doubtful if the bysierical worship attributed the Stars and Stripes is after all a conâ€" I gummslion to be desired, and our own "playacting." Hut in tie* of tiM r»pid march '.f wmtuni ft ugn m ih» tmM wm- tein toiTfiH o( io.<Uf anaat ^m twocBtzcd, aa they will Ite lb* ertiw of U/<H«rrov. We are pleaaod Ut tuAm i\u\ >h« weatern •narch of progrea* u nweepiug tti many Orcy c<juiity old l^iye «<} U> suce their nuiubur* never gf* lea*. May A LOCAL OITION BOOMKHANO. Numerout of our exchanges where local option conteata are on have adver- tiaements l>otli for and again«t the measure. Wn cannot find fault with those |Mi>ers for acoefiting the adver- tia^inentH, but it is doubtful If the advt. in the Hhelburna Free Press will do much to further the cauae of the tidver- tisers. It bears the caption ''What .SCIENTISTS Say Against Local Option," and the whr>la ad«t. ia a series of eulogies for boor as ccmsumed nt the tables in the homoa. If that is all these iiolrd soientisti had to aay against local option, their np|Hisition is not to be considered, for the conditions they so heartily support are the very cr>ndiliona which rule under looatoption. The odvt is in favour of light bcora lieing uaed in the homo and favours temperance rather than prohibition. It is an undisputed fiiet that temperance ia •n unknown factor %* far us concorna the No Santa Claus ? Yes, my little man, there is a San'a Claus, thank God ! The world would indeed be (Kior without one. It is true that ho does not always jof hall ; Robert Weir wear a white beard iiuj drive a reindeer i for council meetings, team-not always, you know â€" but what does it matter ? He is Santa Claua with the big, loving Chrisnms heart, for all that ; Santa Claus with the kind thoughts for every one that n.ako children and grown-up people beam with hapjiitiess all day long. And uliiill I tell you a secret which did not learn at the poat-oflice, but it it true all the same-of how you can always p'"'' """' "»*' meeting-'Jairied. bo sjre your lefters go to him straight by , MoCallumâ€" Taylorâ€" That. Dr. W. C. the chimney route) It is this: rend Ryckman be granted the privilege of er- along with the.n a fiiondly thought for j ccting a telephone line from Gordon's the boy you don't like ; for .lack who i Corner to Maxwell and that the Clork punched you, or Jim who was mean to prepare a by-law to grant the privilegeâ€" I McCallumâ€" -Taylorâ€" That the petition of James Louvhoed and others, asking I exemption of taxes for the year 1000,1 j amounting to 819.32 for Andrew Murphy I for lot 23, eon. 7 be granted on account j of loss by tireâ€" Carried. I I ; Taylorâ€" Buteâ€" That the couiinunica- 1 tion from Abraham Lincoln Smiih be laid ' apathy it perhaps the saner and wiser coario. 000 The Clarksburg Review winds up a protracted and red-hot scrap with the Thornbury Ucrald-Ucflector by a scathing series of comment last week -declaring that as fat- as Thu Kc- view is concerned, the firc^works are ended. Tko case is on a par with the man who had. been convicted of the error of his ways, at a revival meet- ing, and pulling a plug of tobacco from his pocket, bit off a generous quid, accompanying the movement Mitli the declaration, "boys, this is mjr last chowl" Ho is still chewing. 000 It has been stated by IIon.Rodolplio Lomieux that in two years the whole civilized world will bo ready to adopt > thu penny postal system, which has 1 proved so successful in the Uritish ' Empire. It now costs five cciils to send a letter from France to EngUud, you. The meaner he waa the harder do you residve to make it up ; not to bciitr him a grudge. That is the stanip'Ynr the ,y letter to Santa. Nobody can stop ir, not ] even a cross-draught in the chimney, when it haa that on. Because â€"don't you know, Santa Claus ia the spirit of Christmas ; and over and aver an many years ago when the dear little Baby was Ijorn after whom wu cidl Christmas, and wasoradlod in theroanager out in the stable becikuse there was not room in the inn, that Spirit camo into the world to atdteu the hearts of men and make them love one another. There- lore, that IS the mark of the spirit to this day. Don't let anybody or anythine rub It out. Then the res', doesn't matter. Let them tear Santa's while boird off at ', the Sunday school festival and growl in his buarnkin coaf. Those aio only his i disuuises. The steps of the real Santa! Claus you can trace all through the world aa you have done hero with ine, and when you stand in the last of his tracks you will tiiid the Blessed Babe of Bethlehem sniilini; a welcome to you. For then you will be home. .lACOn A. RILS, in OurDumh Animals. Carried Normanâ€" Buieâ€" That the Clerk notify Scutt to h and'over to him the plana and apeciflcationa for bridge over Mad River on con. 3 N.D.R.at onceâ€" Carried. â€" Thos. Soott. Cleik, Christmas Goods The People's Store, Eugenia Do not fail to omc and have a look at onr stock for Chrii-tin.is. We ha\e spared no pjiins whatever in decorating and arranging all the lines of-^{o<ul» lor the holiday traile. New designs just arrived in all pretty shades of drcKs ifoodsâ€" the btsl qualities y(/u can possibly Ret for your money. Dainty trimmings to mutch every shade. Pretty new waist ings in silka, wools, delaines, etc. Do you need a new coat. This i« your opportunity to get the rigl>t thing at the light price. \N u have Home of the very best \alue8 ever otfered. Ladies' hue beaver cloth, .sanqde coats in brown, gretii, navy and black, triinminys of silk braid, satin buttons, etc., semi and tiifht-Htting. D> not buy until ycu first see all these line^. Men's fine black beaver shell, rubber interlined overcoats, Alaska sable ^collars, at a price that will make you smile. Boys' and men's ready- made clothing always the best. A full range of print, tlaiinelletto, flannel and woollen iroods in all the different lines. Ribbons and fancy gix)ds a specialty. Frilliu" with 7 frills to a box at 30c, beautiful assortment just in. Millinery--Millineiyâ€" Now is the time to buy. AH millinery reduced to half price to clear up the season 's slock. Veilitgs all selling at 22o per yard until done. CHRISTMAS GIFTS Beautiful latterns in Japanese, Ger.tian and hand-painted china. Cut, present and opalescent glassware in everything you want. Collars, ties' neckwear of all descriptions, kid gh)ve8, driving mitts, fancy beltsâ€" iij fact, everything to choose from to select your Christmas gifts for children and grown-ups. See our display of fancy handkerchiefs from 2 for 5c, up l» 50c, kimona handkerchiefs for making fancy aprons etc at 15c eash! TOYS IN ABUNDANCE HERE Everything in toys from 5c upâ€" full range to meet the fancy of every child. Beautiful gift bookc for the (dUer ones- Christmas cards and postals from 3 for 5c, up to lOo. Our Christmas specials in candies and nuts just in. Fresh fruits of all kindsâ€" the very West. Groceries all fresh and clean. Du not fail to call and see us J. E. LARGE, Eugenia. Donald Gunn, head of Guiin's.Iiiniited, died as a result of injuries sustNincd on Yongo street, Toronto. Tor sale by Sproule, l^iddinbotham and eo.» Flesherton

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