Flesherton Advance, 23 Dec 1909, p. 8

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THE FLESH EETON ADVANCE December 23 19i)9 Business Cards TVALTHB LOUCKH " Bulldar ud CnntrwMr Por Brick, Btoue aud traui* rMldencM, Eg- ttBiatM cb««riully turriitaad, KiMhartou I> U Outario. IM JUtOAJUUH ft YOUNU W Uaokera Markdal* Ooa geaaralbaukiugbiulosM. Monayloanad at reasonable rate* Uall ou a». T0H18L.ETT, • Puatuiaiiivr, Oeylon. Oumniittsioiier lu H, 0. J .CoDTeyanoer, deeda. uiort«aKe«, leaaen, wills eto carefully drawu up ^ollecUoua niadr. cbarije* reasonable. Alio Krocsriea, flour, feed et«. ke|it iu stock, Prices ri«ht. J HPHUULb: Poitmaatitr, Xlsaberton vommlsaioDer In H.O J., Auodooee Con- veyancer, Appraiser and Money Leader Iteal Kstate and iosarance Agent. Deedii. mortgaKes, leases an) wills carefully drawn up anil Taluations uia<le ou shortest notice money to loan at lowest rates of iuterost.rCol- •otioua attended to witb prouiptnrss cbargeB low. Agent for Ocean UomiuioD HIaausbip Company. A call solicited. DUcl'HAIL, l,icpusB>l Aiiclloneer foi the • County of Orov. Terms moderate and satisfaction Kuarantoed. Tlie srrauKemuncs and dates of salifi can be made a*. TiiK Advanuk ofUee. Hesideuce and r.U, Ceylon, Telephone connection. Dec. 6.07. WM. KaITTINU, ^-icansed Auctioneer fur the countifs of Urey and ginico*. Karui and Htock sales a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction guarantied. Arrange, lusnts for dates may be made at the Advouce ufllce, or AC T. Hutchinson's store, teversbam or by addressing nio at K»*ver8liam. Ont. RVDU MATHKWS. Markdale, Laceused auctioneer for the county of Orey. Good service at resscnable raten. Datee can be made atfTbe Advance, o 00 T HAKVEY PBRiaOK, broker Flesberton. ^ Qeneral brokerage business. Insurance of every kind ptacedin safe and lil>eral comfiauios. Heal estate etc. , Open accouuts and past due notes Uandlud and money advanced thereon. Correspondence soUcitod. Medical fVB CABTRR 1/ U CPftBOnt.Physlolan, Surgeon, eto Oflloa ftnd residenceâ€" Peter at., Pleabertou JP OTTEWELL Veterinary Hurgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collage, residence â€" SKond door sontb westloo kary street. This street runt soutb Presbyterian Cborcb. H WILSON, Hlacki-r.iith 'iraduate of tue Veterinary Bcieno Aasociatioo. Uurbam itreet, opposite iloyd, Hro'a hardware. Dentistry Dr. e. C. MURKAV U D. R., denUl snrgeon honor graduate of Toronto University and Koyal Collegii of Dental Kurguons of Ontario, Gaa adiuisinist«red for teeth extraction OBce at reaidence, Toronto Street, Pleshertoo. Legal WH. WBIOHT. Darrister. Solicitor, Convey, ancer. etc.,â€" Owen Bound, and Klesberton. N Hâ€" Flesberton office, Sproule'a Ulock every Saturday Societies AO U W meets ou the last Uonday in each month, in their looge room Norria' block. Plesherton, at 8 p.in. M. W., Mileb Thistlotliwaite: Kec., C. H. Muoshaw; Kin., W.J. Hel. amy. Visitln tittbr< L invited PBINCB ABTHUB LODGE, No. :<33, A.F.A A U. meets in tbt Masonic ball. Arm. (troDg'n Illock.Kleaberton. every Friday on or before the lull mocD. Tbos. lllakely,W.M.; Herb.omitb, Becretary. COL'BT FLRRHEBTON, 005, I. 0. F. nreetsic Clayton's Block the last Wednesday evening of each month. Visiting Foresters heartily welcome. H. U., Dysun; B. H., 'i'. IleLry; Fin. Bee, C. N. iUchardson. Please pay dues to Fin. Beo. before the first day of the month. CHOKEN FhlKNDSâ€" Flesberton Council of Chosen Fri«n<ls uieot< in Clayton's ball first and third Wednesday of u&ch mouth H p. ni Pay assessiiinntx to the Ile<'ordor on or before toe first (lay <if I'ach month. Chief Councillor T. Illakelev;llwor<l«r. W. H. Hunt. Farms For Sale or Rent •pAllU Foil H\Li;â€" Lot IC. con. 10, O»iirov. -'^oloae to tbevllageof Kevershsm. about 100 aeree. Iiiiproveil frame house and good barn. Well fonc<"i-l. For terms, etc.. applv to A. O. CAMI'lllU.L.UKiUUHlioUuu lload ToHMito ,-/i\CRi; KAKM FOIt HAM". -i:> ocrcs cleared, •"•'woll fenct-d. l.">airpH >.<!« led ilown, 7 acrun fall wheat, all fall plongliii.g done, guoil pig pi^n and Hbei-p pen. good stablis and barn, driving house "JatlO, Koo<l mchaid, good wi'll lievi-r falling, fair bouse, l»nv to bush; all in goo I ktato of cultivation. Apply ♦,•> Hk.v HAiumAVK, Maxwell,Ix>t I, East half con. 0. Ospruy, for tuither particulars. VARU FOB SALE OB RKMT -I.«t« i:i|.|:ifl.i:i7, ^ I W acres, con- :i H. W. T. & H. It., Artmiiuhiu brick buUHU with frame hlti;huii, good fraiiin bsnk ham with stone foimilution , lair orehanl, well Watered. About lOU acre:ichiared, bHlsiiuti fairly timbered. For tiirthur particulars apply to John E. Witiiiirr, Ce>loni'.U. Iots Xi and :ri. con ') H U It. It) a<:rmi. Ci'i cU 'imd â- ^ 10 acres puHttirti, balance gO'Kl hitfl*. ^tsrtl lix.'iO. driving nhiMl. good frainii hut)«r felln 1 acse of orchard and stoitu usll iin(ie> tmrn. Bangeon river crosHon b-irkof farm. Well fencd ami in good state of i-nitivation, il iniles from I'rosou htatiuii. For tiriii apply on premises to jAiiKs II. VaI'SK, I'lotou Istatiou, Ij^or sain cl)t>ap or rent, liniueiliatn poFscsfinn. Lot W ecu. 1 1, Arti iiinnia, about 7.^ acrim clear, conifortshle log bouse and fruiiio barn. Apply to K J Hnioulo, Flexherton, or John J Martin, across the road fiom oaid lot. For sale cheap ami on eaxy terms, good eoni' foriablo frame dwrlling. i-tnblii and rlriving bouse with tli*'t'e villntie lots in Ceylon* Dwell- ing Weil built anil finlhluKl and good bearing orcbardon the property. Apply to â€" ItJ Kfiioi'i.k, Flesberton, Iot 10, eon. n. Osprey containing IflO acres, -â- eleared, fianio house, frame barn,B In foundation; oroltsr*), well waterede On tbf'tn-and down end balnneu to suit purchaser Ininiodiate poiisssiion Apply to It. N. KlKNf.AU .Mnkwell I>. <^. Bulls, etc., for Service. 'Pboronglibred Improved Vork'biro boar for ^ service- lllanlvre CHilof, l!M.I."i. at lot S7. con, ;i, Ufpiyy. Terms •!, payable at tiuiu of service, , J *. IIAUIIY DOWN, Manwell. P. 0.< Tile Ihoronghbrcd hhorthorn Hull, "Karl Gray." TUM. will he lor service on lot !». con, N, ArtiineHls. The pedigree of tbis Una aulmal lan be Keen i nsi pliestloii. Iimstl ANIJUKW UOW , Proprietor. Thornughbrwl Hull from imported stook, a so Tamwortb Hoar for servloa on lot 151, T. & H. H., Artamcsla. iJU Aug. _ JOHN A1V\MH, Prop. 1 have for service a pure bred llani pnliirn Imar. Anyone raining pigs will r|o well to see this magnificent animal. Lord Fevnrshani, ILIUII. lie will pidvu a money gutter for you. Terms «l.oi). F. HHAt;Ki:silllUY, loversham P. O. Lot 0, con- H, Ospiey Animals for Sale nOUHES KOK hAI,i;-l liorBi!, 7ye»is old 1 iiiarn 7 year nM, lu foal to Percy Per. former, 1 agricultural marc 1 year old In foal 1 nily rising tj years, agrl., 1' UHlilIng rising 11 years, carriage, 1 good general purpose borne, 1 spring <.olt- -ItlClIAHT) ALLEN liOt 170, tind E. T and H road, Flotherton P O I voting pigH hre>l <mni iriite winninK stock, fiir sale, .Also I ((ihuI I have a fine lut of yotinft L'k, bir kshiro ho«, two yeaiH nlil. Write ine for prices. I can (five a barKsin niso ((unrnntee ratis/nctiou on nil mall orders. < ieo. W. ROiiS. Maxwell P, O, lirl: A. Cough Medicine Aycr's Cherry Pectoral is a regular cough medicine, • stronc oiediciae, a doctor** medicine. Good for easy coughs, hard coughs, desper- ate coughs. If your doctor endorses it for your case, take it. If not, don't take it. Never go contrary to his advice. A W* vabUak MBT teimalaa iiers _ We Walah alaakal / fk«B awjMdMaea W« arc* yea \» •MMttH jeur daater Tbe iott of Ayer's PilU it mb«11, ootf one at bedtime. As a rale, luutive doses •re better than catbartlG doacs. For cos- •tipatioii, bilioiu&ess, dyspepsia, sick- headaches, they cannot be excelled. Atk your doctor about this. I â- ti«i>yt>«J.O. AyarOa..] E o Bread delivered regii- liirly and Ivupt for h»1u at the fullciwiiij{ stores: Collinson'i And J. PattiMon's, Ceylon vV..\ldci>rn & Son'H and P. Mc.\rlhur'H Priceville N. McCannell's Proton >St»ti<>n R. Heron's, MhxwvH A. HutchinHon's and Eli IlobiiiHun'K Kevershain H.CairnK', J.E.Large'H and R.ParkB', Eugenia 4» or 3. o at Bakery SEASONABLE IN GOODS FURNITURE The largchl and best Ktock of Fiiniiture ever Hhuwn in FleHhert<in. TluH without fear of con- tradiction. Come and Ree Nome of the niue things in Side lioardu. Dining Ii4M>iii Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A s|)eciiil reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- iluce the stock. . . W, H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER J FleshertonC IVIail C.-ontruct SK.\I.Kr> TKNDKK.S mLlrossed M the I'tistinaster (iuneral, will lie icoeiveil nt (tttiiwa until noon, on Kridav, iho "1st â- luiiuury. MID, for the (•(inveyaiicu of His .Mujeslv's .\liiils. III! a pmiHixeil Contract for four. yeurx, six titnUH p'^r week oiu;h way, lio- tweeii CLARKSmrrU! and lUUl WINt; Kfiiii the iHt Kcbrnary next I'riiitcd iioliccs cnntahiinj} further informa- tion as to i-iinditloiiH of propcisvd C'cnitrnct may he Keen and Mank iuiiiiH of 'I'ftidnr iiiuy l)e obtaiih'il a', till' ]*o«t tlllicus of ChlrkHllill^,', ltt!<l Wing and route olHcuH anil nt llie (lllice of the Tout (Jliicc lns|H.-uctor at 'I'lroiito. â€"I!. C, AM)KR.SON' .Siil>eiiiiten'lBnt. Post Ollico Ili-imrtineiit, , Mail .Scrvict! Itraiiclu Otf.wn, lith Uecen.ber, IIKXI. Mail Contract HKALKl) TKXr)KR.S nildr.HHcd to the I'lwtiiiastcr tii'iicral. will be ri'celvud until iiiMin, onFiiday, tho IHh.Iamiary, I',)I(I, for the coiivi'vaiici! of Mix .MiijiHty's Mnilx, on a |>rii|H>sed Ccntraet for four years, six li'iiis (ler week bmM way, bctwciii DCNDALK ami .MclNTYKK I'Voiii the Int I ril next Printed notices itintaining fiirther inforiiis- tion iiM to eiimliti.iiiH of |irii|>o»<ii (,'ontract may In- seen and lilaiik forms of Teiidor nmy lie olitniiicd »t the Piwt Ollirn of Diinilalk, Mel iityie anil iiitcrniodiatK iilticis and iit tho oltiee of the I'nst Oltiee lns|iccti>r a", Toi'into. -IS. C. ANDKlt.SON, Hu|>vrliitendent. Post Offlcn Dupartnieiit, M.«il .Service llrancih, Ottawa, 1st Uecenibcr IIKMI. T ORTâ€" A largo black and wlilto hound, n«ni«i] '' Hfiort, abuut Dee. Ist atHaugeen.Iot- T. A J; WA'l'BO.V. Proton, iPXJMlP IMEAKINO Woiidon piMiipH in»niifacUirudthroiigh- out'nnd repairs iiroinptly iiul satigfao- loiily altcndrd to. *« â- r MiOnt for tho three beat iron pump Bii.utaclururH in Oiitaiio. A oaid dropped to me at Ceylon P, (), will have my pionipt atlHntiun. JAMES A. M cLAN C11RRIE8 CtlRNER, Ceylon P.O. Etcliiags of Christmat I giva bar • bit of our ChriatouM pudding, I and try to brioK one ray of sunshine into -, ^. . ","".., ~, . .' the desolate heart? Don't you think God Merry Chrifltmas ! Morry CbristmaB < „„m bo pleased, and the auiiel* strike These are the words that greet u> where- ' tj^;, harps and sinic bis praises" ever we go. We«ee them in the shop, utl ^ . . â-  . ., windows, shining out in the dazBliD&i What an honour to be one of the mes- splendour off all the eoloura of the raiu- l ?*"«?r" "»' ""' ^"^ •'«?""' .»"^ engaged bow. WosoothemintboofKoewiudoira. 1 1" "." t"""?"*' I' » H'» busiiieas- Merry ChriHtmaH I Thousands of heart; I T' '">»•'" "ch as ye do it unto one of the are antioip^tinx it. Tliom^iids of happy I •«"^,"' ^^^.^ l" f' '^ "n^. ">": ,\_ »'» dreams .re full of if. EveryMyiV '"'"','"'"'"*•"'''':'''*"'»'â- ''•''*â- Â» '"'",''•''»••â- â€¢ prepariiiK for it. Boys and ciri. are i "'Il'/y '^" "f"'*T ."""**"'!* â- 'â- "'""*^'!" "* crazy about ir. We imagine we hear "" "»''« ""* "^ ""* "'»«â- "••» "f Chnst- itnagine we theui chattering cnniine homo from school "only 2, 3, 4 inoio^days and thenâ€"" And then! Tongue could never ei^iress the happy anticipation â€" the gaudy pio- lures in imagination ofâ€" A Merry C'hrist- OBUS. Kindly lend yuur attention for a â- iHHncnt an.i follow ii, mind to tUfftrent homes at Christmas time. The plans! Small oyea, small heads and small stomachs cau hardly extend their imagination far enough to come up with the reality. The plans! The hoUy and inislletoa! What fun! The turkey, ok! And the puddings, and the Chriat- inas troe. Sister is cuatiu^ home frmii Hchou] lonigh', and brother h*» a few days' leave from his situation, sud they will come home together ou the night train. Wo will till the windows with uandles and make tho old 1ok« blaxe. Then we'll put mistletoe up in the hall to kiss tbein under. Oh, what happioeaa! 'Tis Christ niae dty in the same houtehuUL They are all gathered around the ample j board, which almost gronn* buaetth ite weight. But before the folk pierces the hissing, smoking turkey the laughter scop', a hush fallsou the littluassemblv, and all the heads bow in reverence, while the father ri«ea and in clear, full tones itivea thanks to the Giver of all Gifts and most of all, for that great gift which makes it possible for us to have a Christ- mas. Then follow me t» another homo. It is a splendid place. Tho large dining- room is brilliantly lighted, and the loitti table sparkles with an abundance (>f cut elass and silver. Every kind of dish that lends to make u perfect dinner was there. Gay laughter is heard fnun other parts of the house, and presently a stre.iinuf gai- ly dressed people, old and youiiv, pour into the dining room and take their places tit the table. The turkey is carved. Tho meal proKressoN, . and not a word of thanks is given, nor a blesuing roiiuestetl from Him who should have been bord of the feast. Can it be possible that s fam- ily io such prosperous circumstancfs â€" such an abundance of worldly iJosHessiona --should forget on such an occasiim the Gitoroflhein all? Is it possihio that there are any such huineb in our Domin- ion? Can it be ]ios<tibla that even in Flesberton there are such that in their own wcildly happinets they forget that 'i Christ is burn? Accompany me to another homo. It is not a splendid mansion like the last we visitedâ€" far from it. You seo that little whiiewaihed housa down there in the country wilds/ But it does not say that no happiness dwelli within. In tho little kitchen the tiro is burning hruhtly and the prevailing a'mosphere is one of "homo " The iiiotlier i>|)ons tho oven dour and a Kavoury odor fills tho air, and a mu.iieal spuitering sound is liennl. Everything is eii|uisitely clesii and scoured nearly to death. In iho little (larlour we hear the music of an iii'){an. The girls are ainging ("liristmas carols. '•Coma iiirls, they will soon be here," calls the mother, who has been looking out Ilia window at intervals all moriiing evidently she is oKpectiiii; HNiiinonc. "Oh, hero they cmne" ciy the pirls in cliorun. "a whole sleiuli full" and present- ly the hoiiKo is tilled with vidcvs. People all talking toaelliur, mingled in happy coi.fiision with the hilarious, ninging, hissing and bulibliu»' of tbe silly kettle. We will leavu tlieiii for they are happy â€" h.ippy because il is Christ tuns. Wegoalilile firther this time Io a pan of the country where perhaps souio of us have never been, and stop at h houen in n bleak lonely place in Ss.ikaicli- ewan. .V glimpse nt tho buildings allows that Goil has pi'ospeied the owner of tlmni. But enter the house. Why, there tre no decorationsâ€" im preparHlions for Christmas! (^'an it be that the occu- paiils have foruotten what day it is? That is iniposKible. The ImOso is silent Nivo for the discoiilentcd cliiip of a bird ill the windww which evidently dnei not relish the idoa of being alone. lliish. Wo heal low words ami siippres.si'd sohs coming from the nejl nu.oi. Enter sofi- ly 111- ymi will (listurli. We see » lartd daikeiied romii, and the iniiiiite W" elitei wo smell drugs and iiiedicinei. 'rinie is a bed in llio room and on it lies a child. His fevered face and gulden cuil.'< kIkiw vividly among the white, dowy pillow.-«. Beside the bed kneels tho mother sup- pressing her sob.M, iiuil cliiMpiiii; the liuiiil of the little one. At the fi>..t of the bed siia the fatliei', head Ixiwt'il upon his hands. 'J'lie doctor stands nt the hiii'sicio wati^li in hand, looking grave and aiixioua as ho Watches intently tho burning f.'tco of his liit'u patieiit. On overy counten- ance is written ''no hope." The iiiolher is now imIiii and pnle. .She sues the angel of death i-tniidiiiit with iiiiHUi'Kthed sword, the I'littoriiig blade iilniost ti<ueh- iiig the lii'ow (if the child, waiting for the coinniand to strike. Suddenly InrviKion fails. Tho doctor i» speakiiiL'. and rising ijiiickly she meets tho smile of liei' little one, and the baby lips ask for n drink. A fervont "thank God ' breaks fioin tho doctor us the child receiving the diink sinks liHck into a ponooful sleep. Iiiingino the joy of the father tind innthor. Imagine tho prayors of thanksgiving and praise, "It is Christnm!<," orios tho innthor "Oh, what a happy Chri.stmaa fer us. What a piecioua gift God has givun us, for liu has given us the life of our child, Uloiy bo to Uod on high for Christ is born today!" One more homo in conclusion, 'Tis Chrislmaii, A widow sitH lio»ido iier lonely (traio, bend buried in her hands, ihinkiiiK of the past. Her brain in filled with bitter thoughts and paiu^il recollec- tions. Last year tho house rang with happy voi(:u<. Her husband and thoir little son Were hero, llow happy there! Now tho snow {lies deep on two lonely sravos, and tliair voices givo place to tho dreary wind thai sobs, moans and whistles round thoootlago as tho widow sits b«sido the dying embers of her tire, alone and uncarcd for. (Jirls, could not wo go and say a kind word to her, and perhaps givo her a kiss to remind her of days gone by? Could we nut throw a log on her Qre and masies iu alt thesu 1909 years. -CM. Alex Bennett, b*r leasee of the Grand Central Hot^l, Uwen Sound, was bned #10U and costs for illegal sale of li«|aor. The reason for the comparaiively few ituprisoumeiits, in casea of this sort, is found in the fact that after two convic- tions the lessee is changed. Thanks to a viiioroiis license inspector they are chang- ed frequently. eO VEi!<W EXPERIENCB Maiuis Dctioi.s Copyrights 4t& AsTone smdlnt a iksteh oc ' lewrtMlon mmt ^ . nlon freewlietli QQlcklr ascertain eiir opl: bifenllon Uprobaljirpau rtotlrconadentlaL HANOI «. Oldaat afsner for aec , ta takan tbraovh Uann Al ••dalfwtte*, without oiuusa, Intba bifentlon UprobaljlrpatentiibI«,.Commiuile» tlonsatrlatlr conadentUL HANOBOOC on tent free. Oldaat afsner for â- ecnriqinten . ratonta takan tbraovh Uann AukMoetva on Patents â€" mu. Scientific Htnericatt A imdaomelT llliutiated weekly. Luieat nr- cnlallOD ofju'T adentifle loanuu. Terms tot C«i>ada,t3.7a a Taa(,po«tace propald. Bold by all oawBdealera. •" CHILDHOOD has blighted many lives because the pain cause<f thereby produces an aversion to study. Th* baekward child too often Moeme* tho unsuecAssfiil man. W. A. Armstrong:, Jeweler & Optician EYES laMMEI FREE WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. High itrado deparlmoiits of Busines-s, Shorthand and Type writing. In- dividual iiiHcruclli'n. StudentH may eiitrr at any tium. Catalogue flee. Collingwood Business T. E. HAWKINS Principal College Christmas Stock. Wo have our C'hrintnias stock on tho shelves, mid you know the uiiHWor â€" We have the j^oodK â€" you the osli. Lot's-swrtp. You will tiiid Ih'1'0 iiuanut.s. aliiioii(l.s, lilliinU, lU'nuil nuts, and a thous- Hiid such IhiiiuH -all kind* ipf c^Mxlieii. . Now. we've told yiiu about it, and it's up to you. Take ndviiiilaste of a bij; freoh Htock and buy onrly at W. I.. Wright's ' FLESH ERTON J, U. PAT TON IWINTKH â€" P.VPF.U H.VN'OKH Sign I'aiutint; anil lli(rhihi«« iH'HiriitiiiK .\ Sik'cialty. Ofl'iccat . . . l'bK.SHKRrO\, ONT Ceylon Meat Market All kinds of fresh and smoked moats, headcheese, HauHuuo, ulw»y.son hand Cimh paid lor hidus. J. ricCLOCKLIN FINE TAILORING I bavo opeuod up a tailoring eBtftblialiixieut two doors ooutbof Aruistiong's jowoUory store, and am prepared to givo aatisfaotioa IN FIT WORKMANSHIP AND PRICE A CALL IS SOLICITED. F. A. BAKER, tailor Flesherton IF your baking goes wrong, investigate â€" find the cause. Look to your stove, your yeast, your baking methods. If you succeed in pinning the trouble uown to the flour â€" then take up the flour question in dead earnest. Consider that flour, to be successful from a baking standpoint, must hc^ne to produce light bread or pastry, ^ar^ to make that bread or pastry wholesome, and rich in nutriment to make it nourishing. Ogilvle's Royal Household has these three qualities in the greatest degree. Ogilvie's Royal Household is milled by the most modern methods, and made only from Manitoba Hard Wheat which contains the highest percentage of nutriment. Royal Household Flour never disappoints. 20 Offlvie FUv Mffls C*.. Li^ed. MMtreaL Norris Bros.. """Tn* rinsmiths Cold Weather ! Did You Say ? Now is the time to gut busy and lea that there are no chilly rooma. Procure one of theae specials ; everyone i^uaraiiteed. 6 ouly fanioun Queen Heatersâ€" will heat any room in fifteen minutes. Regular $4.25 for S3.85 3 Queeu Heaters, long size, re)(uUr $5.50 for $5.U0. 2 with cast top and feuders, nicely uickled, reirular $11.00 for ... , • $9.76 Quality Talks We are ^lenbi for the Riynl 'Jewel and tho 3urney Oxford Ranges. 8ee those ^oods on the floor. 'Nuf seo. When looking for saws, axes, and all woodman's supplies, don't fori{fct that we have the very best goods procurable and at reasonable prices. Brighten Up That piano or other fiirnituro which has cot dull and scratched "Vkriubitb M.Uiri; Finish" will make it look like now. With evary 25o hottle of Veribrite wo give a siniplo bottle free. Use the sample and if not perfectly satisHed with the result, return tho pjkckage and we will cheerfully rdfund luoney. Norris Bros. Flesberton 22ttt?t!!?;;?tt!;? ^ > •••••••••••••••• .1 «••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••^ â€" -,,,- â€" -,,-,- â€" -,,,, . _ . 7 •••••••••••••••••• * •••• •••• •••• •••« •••« • ••• ^as, iPattison^ Ceylon, Ont. |ij; c/enerai •mALenchant. â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••i â- â€¢â€¢0 ..M .••♦ •••# •••I •••i â- â€¢â€¢â€¢ •••• :::: •••• •••• •••• ••f â- >•• • ••• •••• •••• :::: • •• :::: Christmas Goods. .\ll oror the store for moil, women and children. Santa ("Liua has teen liore and left tho nicest and Iari;f8t lot of Christmas goml.s and toyi ho ha.s ever left yet. For men he left fur conts, fur collara, neck liandkercliiof.«, l*hooiii.x mulllcrs, tie.s, kid ulove.-, and gauntlets, Kilk, silkeno and liiioii liandkeiuliiefs, .shaving uiui;s, strops, til uslies lino braces, 1 pair iu each pretty box; Stationery done up in nice boxes for ladies, all kinds of fur neckwear, fascinators, kid gloves and gauntlot.s, all kinds dainty handkcrchief'i, berry solt.s, te>» sctt», water -setts to inati-h in fjold and ureen, gold and pink, iroM also in China tea and terry setts, Jnitiinieres, celery tray.*, glass jdtcnue;', sea shell boxe.x, biscuit, jar, nnd cheese diihec, slipper-:, dresses drapes, sideboard covers, tray cloths, dainty collars, hand satchels and many other pretty tiiingn too nuniortnis to lueiitiou. For oliildren, space wou'l allow me to enumorato the many toys and trinkets. Ill tho fruit line we have oranges, lemins- berries, all kinds of iiut^ and candies. K:: •••• bring in your fiwl thijs week if p isoible. market prices. bkuau:)!!, grapes, crau- Wo will pay highest ^as. X attison Getjli on •••• ••>â-  ••» •••• •••• • •!.- • •*> • ••. • ••> • ••â-  • ••• »••. • •«• • ••• • ••• • •«. • ••* • ••• ..•..•••.••••^..••••••.•••.••.••••.•.••••••••••.••••••.••••••..•.•.•.••••..TX!., *!:i!t**tMni>>iiti«rtitt<tiSMit>ittttt<«iiMi«t!!tis;ttti!ti>:;;tittt::!S**. In Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Harrows, Ploughs, Cream Separators and WIRE FENCING r Heard' s Carriage Works m iffT i '^S m. vm '^ '^" ^^ •^ "^ "^ "^ "^ i n" t _ fk iWt . _ ' /^ ^^ _'M^iJti^^^^i^^4^*mi'^

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