Flesherton Advance, 6 Jan 1910, p. 3

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I » » 1 WOMEN WHO SUFFER Dr. Williams' Pink Pills &iV8 Re- gularity and [rood Hsaltli. Every woman at some time needu a tonic. At special times unusual demands are made upon her strength. Where these are added to 'the worry and hard work which falls to her lot, weakness will re- sult unless the blood is fortified to meet the strain. Weak women firnd in Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills the tonic exactly suited to their needs. Most of the ills with which they suffer are due tc bloodlessness â€" a condition which the Pills readily cure. These pills save the girl who enters into wo- manhood in a bloodless condition fnan years of misery, and - afford prompt and permanent relief to the woman who is bloodless, and there- fore weak. Mrs. R. Fisher, Coates Mills, N. B., says: "Sometime ago my system was in a very anaemic condition as the result of an intern- al homorriiage caused by an acci- dent. Though I had the services of a skilk'd doctor for a time, I did not recover my strength, and grad- ually I grew so weak that I could not do any house-work. As I seem- ed to grow steadily weaker I be- came much discouraged, for previ- " ous to my accident I had ahvays been a healthy woman. About this time I received a pamphlet telling me of the strengthening powers of Dr. Williams'. Pink Pills. I pro- cured a box at once and began us- ing them, when they were gone I got three bo.xes move, and by the time I had used these I found my- self somewhat stronger and my ap petite much better. Before I began the pills I could scarcely walk up stairs, and could do no work at all. JJow after taking three boxes I was able to walk out in the open HAPPY CRIJIINALS. They Have a Glorious Time in a Swiss l>riHoit. Although the government has suppressed the luxurious jail at Thorburg, where the "convicts" did as they pleased, Switzerland has still another like it at Sarnen, in the Canton of Oswald. Here the happy criminals have a much bet- t-T time than the "free" citizens who are forced to earn their daily bread. The men, who wear a dark blue uniform with white stripes, are t ) be seen walking about the village or in the cafes, while some work leisurely at whatever they please. The money earned by them in their own, and they may spend it as they like. One man, who is gardener for a local magistrate, sends his month- ly salary to his wife and children. The convicts are permitted to leave the prison early in the morn- ing and find work around Sarnen. At nightfall they return of their own accord. They go about unac- companied by wardens, and nothing prev«nts their escape. However, the men are so comfortably housed and so well fed that they have no wish to leave the prison. Still, two or three convicts did escape a few weeks ago. They re- seconds and discharged, condition, and were allowed to oc- cupy their "apartments" after a severe reprimand. One man was discharged recently. He remained in Sarnen for the purpose of con- tinuing to earn money as a brick- layer. But "colleagues" objected 8.:) strongly to his staying there that he begged for his prison dress and asked to be permitted to re- sume his status as a convict. *, DEW WATER. The ancient "dew ponds" of Eng- land have their modern counter- parts on the Rock of Gibraltar, air. I kept on with the pills, and where drinking-water is obtained by after using six boxes was delighted t|,p condensation of the abundant to find that I could again attenJ|jgw jji specially prepared basins. to my household affairs. I took .two more boxes of the pills, and 1 felt, that I was as well as ever I had been, and equal to any kind of e.>wertion. I have since recom- mended Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to friends with beneficial results." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be Btnt by mail at 50 cents a box or nix boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, ')nt. A DULL NIGHT. "Did you enjoy Mabel's party last night?" "Not at all. Nobody coaxed me t( sing." Small but Potent. â€" Parmelee's Vegetable Pilh are small, but they are effective in action. Their fine qualities as a corrector of stomach troubles are known to thousands and they are in constant demand everywhere by those who know what %^?afe and simple remedy they are. Tfiey need no introduction to those acquainted with them, but to those •who may not kuow them they are presented as the best preparation on the market for disorders of the ctomach. Towneâ€" "TSTonscnse I Who told fou MisB Pretty had a good disposi- iouf Brownâ€" "Why she's always smiling. Doesn't that show a pood disposition r' Tbwneâ€" "Not neces narily ; sonaetimes it merely shows good teeth and dimples.' THE BANK OF OTTAWA. Hm Had a Prosperons Tear. The thirty-fifth Annual Report of the Bank of Ottawa directors shows most substantial progress during the year ending November 30th, 1909. Though the earlier part of the year still showed the effects of the financial depression of 1908, conditions have changed materially during the last three or four months and prospects for 1909 are bright. The bank's net profits for the year were $421,066. After paying dividends, writing off $57,357 from the valuation of bank premi.sea and furniture, and providing for the oflficera' pension fund, nearly $50,- 000 was added to the bala/nce brought forward from the previous year, making the balance carried forward to next year $455,919. During the year 5,000 shares of new stock were issued at a premium of 100 per cent., increasing the paid- up captial from $3,000,000 to $3,- 297,550. As the rest fund was in- creased by a similar amount the bank's capital and rest together now total $0,595,100. The increase of $4,000,000 in the bank's interest-bearing deposits during the year is a further indica- tion of the growth of the institu- tion's business with the general public. The total assets during the year have also increased very materially â€"from $33,524,891 to $39,212. ISO. Altogether the Bank of Ottawa is to be congratulated on a very sat- isfactory year's business. EASY TASK. New Bride â€" "Mamma says she does not think we will ever quarrel as she and papa do." Groom â€" "Never, dearest." New Brideâ€" "No; she says you will be much easier to manage than papa was." A Standard Medicine. â€" Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills, compounded of entirely vegetable substances known to have a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs, have through years of use Save the Baby â€" Use Should be liven at once when the tittle oa« eon|kt. It bnlt tbe del- ioat* throat tad yroteoti th« loatfi Iron iafoetiaa â€" |uarant*cd laie and very palatabU, An Dninirti. S6 CMt*. â-  - The primitive process consists m making a hollow in the ground, and filling the bottom with dry, ,, . , . ^ •..•... ^ straw, over which is placed a layer j attamed so emment a position that â-  â-  • • 'they rank as a standard medicme. The ailing should remember this. Simple in their composition, they can be .assimilated by the weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthful and agreeable effect on the sluggish digestive organs. of clay. On a clear night the clay cools very rapidly, and the dew is condensed into water in the basin. The pond is improved by putting a layer of asphalt or Portland ce- ment under the straw. At Gibral- tar the present practise is to use wood instead of straw and sheet iron instead of clay. So popular is Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup as a medicine in the treatment of colds and coughs or ailments of the throat, due to exposure, to draughts, or sudden changes of temperature, that drug- gists and all dealers in patent medi- cines keep supplies on hand to meet the demand. It is pleasant to take, and the use of it guaran- tees freedom from throat and lung diseases. thlllMI to tita Bans T A taaipooBral of Palih filter ill a cup of hot wntor sweatcnMl will warn Iou and aTtfrt a col.i. Avoid aubstttuttts, tb«r« in at OD* " PalnJiUlat "â€" l*»rr]' OaTi*'â€" SDo and Wo, "As I understand it, an X-ray will go straight through a man's head. There is nothing else quite so pene- trating, is there!" "Oh, I don't know. Did you ever hear my daugh- ter singi" PILBS CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PATO OINTMKNT t» guarantMd to enr« any esw nt Itohing, Bllni. Rlas.li*!; or Prvtrudlnf Film la i ta U days or miinoy rafandtd. Mo, UNCLE EZRA SAYS. "It is in the natu, uv things thet ef you go out uv your way to do some one a favor you'll either git run over else fall into a ditch." OPPORTUNITY. He â€" "When I get interested in a subject, I don't stop till 1 have em- braced it thoroughly." Sheâ€" "How perfectly delightful ! Do â€" do you consider that I am an interesting subject?" DOUBTLESS. No doubt a lot more women would marry for h»me if they could d.> it without encumbering them- selves with husbands. There are- a number of varieties of corns. HoUoway's Corn Cure will remove any of them. Call on your druggist and get a bottle at once. MUST BE CLEANED SOMEHOW. Norah, the "green" cook, poked her head in at the dining-room door. "Please, ma'am," she asked, "an' how will I be knowin' when th. puddin' is cooked?" "Stick a knife into it," said the young housewife, recalling the cookery-book instructions. "If the knife comes out clean, the pudding is ready to serve." "Yis, ma'am!" "iVnd, oh, Norah '." The young mistress had had an after-thought. "If the knife does come out clean, you might stick all the rest of the knives into the pudding'" "1 don't believe I could do it, and besides, you know I have to dress Big Susan every morning." Now "Big Susan" was the name of a great ciotli doll, almost as large as Dorothy herself. Susan's clotiies had once been Dorothy's own, until outworn or too small for the little girl, who delighted in dressing her big doll. "O Dorothy," cried her mother, "I'll tell you how to do it 1 Let's play every morning that you are Big Susan, and then it will be as easy as can be to dress yourself." Dorothy laughed, and thought tbat would be great fun. So the next morning she called herself Big Susan, and all the clothes went en so easily it was just like a game. Mother only did just a little but- toning, where Dorothy could not reach very well, and praised her small daughter for being so help- ful. And after that Dorothy dressed herself all alone every day. Al- though the big doll's clothes were sonaetimes not changed for days at a time, Susan never seemed to mind a bit. â€" "Youth's Companion." Do not delay in getting relief for the little folks. Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator is a pleasant and sure cure. If you love your child why do you let it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand? DRESSING SUSAN. When Dorothy was four years old her mother said to her one day, "Now, dear, you are such a big girl that I think you should learn to dress yourself. That would help mother so much every morning, and every afternoon after your nap." "Why, mother," replied Dorothy, Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills cur« many common ailmftntn which are very ditTerenf. but which all arise from the same caufnâ€" a s^s- tpm cIoRKed with impiiritieg. The Pills oauin the bowels In mnve ra«- nlarly. strencthen and etimulate the kidneyR and onen np the porex of the skin. The« ortrani immodiatply throw off th« aoonasQ- IstPd itrpiiritipa. and nilloneneea, Indip'^rtiinn. Tjivi»r ComnlaiTit. Kid- nev TroDblofl. Headnohpa. RheTim* nfism opd similar pilwi'*-**) vaniph. Dr. Mors?'9 Indian Root Pille Save DootQ"**!' B5ii«; INViGORATiNG TONiC FOR RUN-DOWN PEOPU Yrw bloed kaa bccocoe ihio and weak. Tlie diaia upoa joui lyUcm the put few â- nontlii haa bcca ytfj f.cat. You arc con- tequcntljr feclioa " all out of u>rli " and " run down." Your appetite u bod and you hardly bare eoou(h cneri^ left to do your daily duties. You thould ttke PSYCHlNE.lhajr»a«eslcf Tomc^ with, out delay. Tfait wiU pat you on your foet at once, Ceollemeo ..."I hare uKd PSYCHINE and 1 do think il i> ihe gteatett loBtc and •yttem builder kaowo. I would advise all who are run -dawn or phytically weak to oaePSYCHtNE." Yeui.Ualy.Mia.Jaj. Bartrand, Wert Toianto. V jea ar« waall fSfCiBK wiB aaka yaa itrvas. FerSahliraH n â-  ! I lA PtaUta. S*c. * » pwMlia. Dt. T. A. SLOCUH UHITEO, TOXONTO ITOCKS. 'ro INVEBTOKS ~ YOUH OnDKIlS TO buy or aell Stocks will nuen-e mt pergonal attention. B. U. Uattiena I]rok> er, 43 Scott St.. Toronto. EDUCATIONAL. LEARN THE HABBER THADi; -NEW iystemâ€" conttaut practice; oarafin instruction; few weeks complete couraai tools free: ^adiiatea earn twelre t« eixliteen dollars veekly. write for cat*, logue. Uoler Barber CoUeca £21 Qucea East. Toronto. >vante:o MUSKRAT SOo, N*. I. Canadian Hide anti Skin OomMny, 8« Frent St. K.. Tarenta, On*. RESULTS •r» whnt von fihonid «et from n hv' "o.. rrlncetion if yon att""d tVr ritrhi reboot. Write far particitlara of the British- 'ixnrlo^ii Busl->*w Cnlleia Y.M.C.A. Btdg., TORONTO ' T. M rATPON'. Principal. AGENTS WANTED. CHENILLE CURTAINS* and ftli klndB of hot'Sf huRKlQf;** ^i**y WCECURTJIHS."" V" «""'*' Wi lie to UK about rtrara â- RITISH AMCRIOAN OYEIMQ CO., BoiiSS, Mantraalj YY A.NTED - RELIABLE PARTIES TO â-¼ â-¼ do mucbine knitting for us at home: $7 to (lO per week easUy earnedi wool. etc.. furnished free; distance no hindranne. For full particulars uddresa the Dominion Knittine Co., Dent W Orll. lia, Ont. Ton fet the kind yon have always t" Mcn'^hiii Plaster, Ifor rhaumatlana Mads ealy hj •Tbe D 4 t" Mcn'^hiii Plaster, Ifor rheumatia: Beucalgia. ote,, ii»tl>iiu: la bettur, DaTlaaLawreaea Cumiiaar. ^ Heâ€" "W'ell, I'm willing to admit that I was wrong." "She~"Youll liave to do more than that." He â€" "What more can I do?" Sheâ€" "Ad- <nit that I was right." Mothers, Give the Children â-  Chance. .•^p.-iiiUing docs not cure children of bed- xvetting. There \s a constitutional cause forthi". trouble. Mrs. M. Summers, Box VV 720, Windsor, Ont., will send free to any mother hsr successl'ul home treatment, â- with full instructions. Send no nionev, but write her to-day il your children trouble you in this way. Don't blame the i-hiM, the chances are it can't help it. This treatment al.so cures adults and .'ijfcd people troubled wilh urine difficulties by day or night. SAVING. "He must have a wonderful amount of good nature," said How- dock. "Never struck me that way," re- plied Billins. "Perhaps not. But when you consider how little he uses, the stock on hand must be enormous. Few people can talk on all sub- jects, yet a lot of them attempt it. Wa Meat Qa tron haated loeni to the ooia ,.*«r air, and the ohango sets us cooghlng. Cur- To Know is to Prevent. â€" If the miners who work in cold water most of the day would rub their feet and legs with Dr. Thomas' Eelectric Oil they would escape muscular rheu- matism and render their nether limbs proof against the ill effects of exposure to the cold. Those setting out for mining regions would do well to provide themselves with a supply before starting. REMARKABLE DROVING FEAT One of the most remarkable drov- ing feats on record has lately been performed. A mob of 3,000 mixed cattle were droved across country fi'om Wave Hill, in the Northern Territory, to Chareville, in Bris- bane, Australia, a distanco of 1,- 8.")) miles. Only twenty-four of the bt-asts were lost on the way. This record is worthy of the old ^ys of tiie overlanders, when droving was ai-: art much more practised and Free to Our Readara. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. for 48-page illuatratod Eye Book Kree. Write all about Your E.vo Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Applica- tion of the Murine Eye Remedies in Your Special Case. Your DrugRist will tell you that Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength- ens Weak Eyes, Doesn't Smart, Boothes E.ve Pain, and aells for 50c. Try It in Your Eyes and in Baby's Eyes for Sualy Eyelids and Oranulution. Doctor (to patient)â€" -"Your heart is rather irregular. Have you any- thing that is worrying you f I'a- tientr-"Oh, not particularly. Only that just now, when you put your hand in your pocket I thought yoti were .going to give me your bill." â- a Raaeombla Man expeots to onre a nailsoteJI aold In a day. Bui time ami Allan's Lung Balnaia •111 ovarf^ouie th» cold and state off omsuinption. Cou|h will mass and lungs Iw sound as a new dollar. "Look. Henry ; mamma has sent me her portrait. It's a v-cry speak- ing likeness." "Good p;racious! is it? Hang it in the attic, then." lUdwny KR.ft y KeliBi corce the w ri- pains in from one to twenty mlnutna. For Head- nahe (a ale or uer v o'ls). Tootbaohc. roralffia. R li e u matii.m, Luinboijc). p»*:>8 in the biu-^k, *)Mio or kidneyn, iwitiH oroaud th o liver, pleurlay, Bwellbin of the JotiCs, and pains afaU kiniis, use RABINAY'8 READY RELIEF I A MBITIOCS representation wanlrU la ; J-\ evcTT locality to tell 'Modern ' spe- elalties. Seonre yonr territory now. "Turn time into gold. " »5.09 to $10,00 a day naB be easily made. Write fo-Hay. Modern Goo ds Co. of Canada. Owen Bonnd, Ont. FIVE OOLEAKS a day sura, made rrlllnt oar labor-«»Tin» machlnas. Kxparie!ir» imnecea. sary. Bvarybody burs. Thpy dell llismielves. Agents waiiua avorTwhera. A p<.»t»l Ui.day brint-i particulam. chirlei Adam.i, s»rni», Ont. FOR SALE. UNDER .MORTOAHK. 4liu ACRB farm, frame buililingii, town«bip<>f Lind^af. C^HKAP, y farm, frame buiiittngii, ....,..-»., "^^ri Viv acrsi i:leaiad. Only ftuo down, balnn<'n at i^i;^itiaSa^''V^e3'c^i<fui:;J;rb^^ understood than it is now- _ ing r>il.iatn SLud daDgarvui. CLEARING THE \V.\Y. The farmer had the tooth.i(;Iic, and to save a trip to town and a dentist's fee he asked his man Jake to pull the aching tooth. J.ake led him to the barn, seated hlni on a bench, and took from the harness-room n pair of very large, rusty pincers. "Here goes," he anid, and brac- ing himself extracted a huge tooth. The farmer clapped his hand to his jaw and pointed reproachfully t.> the large white ti.iotii in the pincers. ''Why, Jake." ho ni'ianiMl. "that's the wrong one." adavs. Kindly laciitinn (bo name of (hU yapcr iu ni-itiag to adveiiiscr*. * ISSUE KO. 2.-19. ."Only One "BROMO QUININE' That Is I.AXATtVR BROMO Ot'TNI.NR. f.ook for the sisnaituro of K. W. OKOVK. CmJ the world orartu Cure a Cold in Oio [>ajr. tia. BALLOON DANGERS. The enthusia.sm with which the science of aerial navigation is now studied has led, among other things, to more careful observation of the effi'cts of atnioRpheric elec- tricity upon balloons and other air- ships. "The recent experience of Lieutenant G ruber with a balloon held by a long wire cable indicates one of the dangers that are to be guarded against. The cable having been broken by a gust of wind, the aeronaut found himself carried ra- pidly up inte a storm-clouU. Sud- denly the balloon began to tall, and G ruber saw that the envelope was burning. Fortunately he reached the earth in safety. Monsieur Boii- langer, president of the "Aero-club du Nord," recently took three pas- sengers on a long flight, during which they found themselves involv- e'i in a storm-cloud. As long (is the rain la.^trd about them the;^ were subjected to electric shocks, and sparks played all over the bal- loon. Do you trap or buy Kuis? I am Canada's larKcst dealer, I pay hiRtiestprices. Your RiiipmentB solicited. I pay mail and ex- press charges: remit promptlv. Also largest dcaier in Boc(>iide«, SheepaliinB.etc. Quotations and shippini; tags aent free. 9 JOHN HALLAM TORONTO KSTABLISUKD 1878. We Mak« Evory thing In Fnr«, <:oal>. J^»ck»(fl, Mufis, Ktoleii, I aps. Qaunllata, sto. Write lor catalog. ft/^'^ PURS wapayhiehest prices. Write for price list. H. BASTEOO a CO., 77 King St. B.. Toronto. FURS FURS D. TESTIMONIAL: Dear Mr. Uarlatt : ".^bout eleven years ngo my hair roinmenccd coming out in patchas, and rontinned to do so until I waa com. pletely bald. 1 have now used your preparation for six months and have pleasure in stating that lay head is completely covered with a good growth of hair. The gentlasaaa who persuad- ed mo first to come to yo« is surprised that I have obtained sn«h good reanlts in BO short a time, although h« had complete confldence in your (repara. tlon bflfors I began ita use. .^^ "I consider Marlatt'e Hair Proniotar a wonder, and can fnlly recommend It to any person losing their hair or wha la already bald. Enclosed ploaea find two photos, one taken before treat- ment wa.a oomnieneed and the other six niontlis later." Yours very traly, EDOOR McCARTHT, 619 Delaware Ave., Toronto. ^^'^ bare TTnndr*''" of TJbotos showing limilor cases whioh will be cheerfully turnished on application. J. W MARIiATT. 93 Batkurst St., Toronto. live iwr cent. L.>ntlon Loan C'-'rapany. of ('aniida, l.-'niiop. Ont, m'-ma f |/C'<8 Raise Tbem without aiiiB â-  *" â- â-  " ^^ Bouklei Fiaa. ^^ flte«:e,;Urigg^ Sssd Co, Ltd., Xuranto,{^nl. HOPE FOR THE DCAF-IN ACOOSTICOn-- one of lhi> laai-vala of the e'ecttlral aga. Ill use tlironxhout Uis world. Utile Inr cata> jliigae. Qeneral AcoQ^tlo Co., of Cauada. Ltd.. 468 YuBxe .Street. Tetania. Typewriters Banleil $!l.uo per uontb. Six months tlS.OO Remlngten Tjraewrlter Co., Limited, i« Bay St., Toronto, €a MaMinic Temple, London, !l Merrick St., Ijaai.kin. lODIMOL The famous new discovery of the age, positively, quickly, completely rdievea and curra Goitre, Thick Neck, Sciatica, Bwellinrs, Bunions, Quinsy, etc. 8i .oo, or 6 lera$5.oo, mailed on receipt of prict^by LYLE MCPICINE CO.. Toronto Kindly nientioD tbe name •! ihla paper in writins to adtcrtlaewk 1 ^1 INJURED POOT CURED. "I Bpeak for Zani-Buk becaneo It oured me of a terribly bad loot," says Mr*. Alico Barrj'inaii of 190 John St. North, Hamilton. She addst "The injur; wsa caused by » 'wagon wheel, and tbe sore was on my rieht foot. It be- came very inflamed ana swollen and eo painful that I fainted away. In spits of traalment, tha wound got no better oiid tha fook beoame siora and more swollen untQ it was several timoe iti uku^I size. 1'ha floah was kerribly bruised and block- sned and it waa qnita jni)»ossibIa for mo to walk. My hasbaod'a motlier at l&st brought ma a box of Zam-Iiuk. Tbia waa applied to tha foot and it was stir- priitDg BbW soon I found relief from the aavara pain. A further aupply of Zam- Bak waa obtat.-ird and I persevered ia using tbia balm alone. In a couple of dayt the swelling had K^'<e dowa con- sidarahly, the clHcolorat.ioa waa lass diitiact and the pain was baoishad. In fber daya I oould gu about as usual : the bmiiad' and iojnrad foot had been thor- oughlT oured by the timoly \UM of Zam- Did you ever ask yourself: " How is it that Zam-Buk is so popular?" It is because it is superior and dlflCerent to other salves. Contra.st tbeml Mo.'^t salves are nine-tenths animal oil or fat. Zam-Buk hasn't a trace of animal fat In it. Most ealvos confciua mineral coloring matter. Zam-Buk Ih absolutely â- without ! Many salves contain poisoacus aatringonts, Zarxi- Buk doesn't. Zam-Buk ia actuaJly more po'wer fully an'tistptio than crude carbolic acid. Yet it stops luBioad ot causing pain anl smarting 'wheu put on a â- wound. It healp more quickly than any known â- ubstiinca, abscoaii s, uIc.ts, oc^bu'u, blood-iioianniiig, cuta^ aealp snr«8, ohu.{M and alt skin iujuriea and Uissuues. All dniggi.<t3 and ttorea aell at 60e a box or Z vin-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Send lo ctomp for trial box. POISONED flNGER HEALED. Mrs. Frank St Denis of 306 Thomp- son St., Winnipeg, apeaka for !C'.m-Buk bncatue it oured her of a poiauucd fingt-T, wliicli bad oatised her days of agony> Honr lior expt!vienoe. She says : " UiiS morning, while washing, I felt a slight pain in the end of my finger. 'I'liis graduivUy got inoro aoulo until by l!io evei.injf of the next day the ond ot the fin^-or had beo^jiaa swollen and hard and sj blue I hLK:an:o ai 'med. "Tha pain from it â- â€¢ a.' H'luoat too much to bear. It mrxle mo turn qu te aick I I'flullicea of lii.t one kind and then another were anpliml, but seeii'ad to give menu relief. My daughter-in-law, who bad bud lomo previous experience with Zum-Bnk obtained a b«x for me. I anointed the soro plaoe li'oernlly -Hith this balm, and in a few hours, the throbbing aching pains wure subdued." F:;rlbor aprlif.ttJoiis if Z:im-nnk jtavo roe (no « enso, »o that I omld rsi aUlllB sle«r>. Fm r. tov \\yt the nal' catim gflf. but. after tt. • '/K-iinhuk Kceiucd >u reduce the I iiin..Dini., :oii q.ilciily [rontiniied Itn u>e I n' '°l n III" viid I had broucbl about a I i?.iiuitir.' ill u:'u.

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