THE F L E S If E R T O N ADVANCE January 6 1910 Business Cards WALTER LOUCK8 Hiiilrlar od C'nntractor For liriuk, Htoo« Mid frkiiia rMidenoss. K»- timatti (ihoertuHy lurpisbed, FIsstaertun 1> O Ontario. Am OUUliOUOH 4 YOUNU >IL HkHkorn Murkrlkls Oo • gtaeral baQkiiic businass. Honey loaned at reason abl« rttrii Call on iik TCH1SL,KTT, • I'oaiiuaatrr, '',ey3oD. Comminsiontir iii H.O. J , Couvoyanciir. <lood«, tuort«<K!«H, leaMin, Willi etc. carelully iliawii uii Jollcotioos uiaa.\ charoe* reasonable. Aluo UTOceriei, flout, leed elc. kept iu utock, I>i-icua riclit, RJ bl'KOUL.i': Poatmaatet, Kletiherton >^oniDil»ioner iu H.C J., Auctioneo Crii- vayaocer. Apprai»»r and Money Leudi-r lt«al Kitate aud Inturanoe Agent. Deeov. mortKadMi, leaaoB aud villu carefully drawn op and ralaatiooB made on fborteut isnticc iiionoy 10 loan at lowest rates o( interest. ;Col- ectinai attended to with prouiptntM cliariiea low, AKent for Ocean DoiuJuion Htsauiihip Company. A call solicited. DMc'l'HAIt. I-icfn«<i»l Auclionoer for the • County of (iroy. Teruis moderate and Fatislaction cuarsntced. The arraufieinBiits and dates of salfs can bi> roado a», Tn« Advanck oBlco. RaBiileucoaudP.O., Ceylou, Tolepboiie counectjou. Dec. 6.07. '^ it. KAITTlNli, Mceusort Auctioueer for the couotks of (iruy and Siiuco*. Fanu and Stock sales a BpociHity. Teruis moderate aatlsfactiou Riiaranttcd. Arrantjc- rjieuts for dales inav bo maite at the Advenco offlie, or*: T. Hutcbiusona store, teversbaiu or by addressing uie at Feversbaui. Out. RLDl) MATUKWS, Markdalc, Mcuiiaed auctioneer (or the county of Orcy. Good •ervii-o at resatnable ratos. Dates can be made at The Advance, o 00 IHAIIVF.Y rKlilCiOn, broker, Flo<berton. General brokersjj'i business. Insurance of every kind placod in safe and liberal oompauies. K«al Cktate utc. Open accounts aud jiast rtue notes bandlbd and inouey advaMced thereon. <;orro«|>oDdeuce solicited. Mehical DU CATITER U CI' A HOnt.rbyalcian, Rnrneon.etc OfBce and realdence-I'otor at., FlesUerton JP OTTEWEIili Veterinary fiurgeon Graduate of Outaric Veterinary College, residouce â€" »3cond door south weBt;on X*rv street. This street rum Bouth Prosbvtoriau Church. HWILBON, Hlackujlth â- graduate of tuo Veterinary Bcieno ABSociatlon. Durham utraot, oppaiite Iloyd, llro'a hardware. .. DENTISTRY r. E. C. MUHfcAY U D. B, dental anrgeon hono.Kradnate of Toronto t'uiversity and Koyal Collcg.! o( Dental SiirRoouH of Ontario, CjasaduiisiiiiKt^iodfor teoth extraction UtBce at reaidenoe. Toronto Street. Flesfaerton. Legal WH. WRIGHT. Harristcr, Solicitor, ConTey- ancar. etc.,â€" Owuu Hound, and Klesherton. N Bâ€" Kleahertou office, Sproules lUotk every Saturday Societies An U W meets oi. the laat Monday in eaoh month, in their lodge room J.Virris' block. Flesborton, at 8 p.m. M. W., WilCN Thlatlethwaite; Itec O. H, Munshaw; ilM,, W.J. tSel.amy. Visitin bretbrtc Invited -DUll.CE ABTHUK LODGE, No. :is:i, A.F.& r A r.I. meets in tht Masonic ball. Arni- ^tinns'B Block. Kleelierton. oyery Friday on or before the lull inocn. Thos. Idakely.W.M.; Uerb.Buiith. bacre'.ary. COURT Fr.ESHKKTON, 003, I. 0. P. ireets in Clavton'a Hlock the last Wednesday evening of each month. ViaitiuR Foresters heartily welcome. H. K., Dyson; B. B., T. Henry; ••â- In. B<;c , C. N. Hicbardaon. Please pay dues to Fin. Bee. before the first V of the month. ,. SEN FRIENDSâ€" Floaherton Council of ' V_ .â- JSeiLFrleods moots In Clayton's hall first t and thirilWednesday of each mouth 8 p. m Pay amessiMents to the Recorder on or before toe «r»l .lay of each month. Chief Councillor T uinki.|ov;Ile<!order. \V. il. Buut. Farms For Sale or Rent Lot 33, con. 12, Artemeiia. 100 acres. There is aframe houfl^oo the farm about :)i acres cleared, Kood jiaBture. about '.T) acres Rood hardwood bush, principally maple aud hemlock and about a) acres swamp tliBt never was culh ed. Afjnttntity of cood cedar lit for teleBrnph poleB tolrphouo poles, bridKo limber, shinu'lon, and fcundrmls of cords of lath timber, consist- ing of Bpriioe aud balsani, lalar.eo slash. H iireferrod would sell tiu-her without tho land. For terms apply to ' ' -C. KNOTT, Thornbnry. The followintr pro|icrty i» for ijiiick sale : li-it 37, Con. 0, Osprry, 100 acres, Bwanip and pasture land, well watered liy sprinpf creek. Also Lot »», Uon. «, Osprey, 1 1-4 mil..' nort): 1 f Mcliityre, lOO acres, HO cleaied, 'JO a^sres >;o<><i sugar Inisli inclndinp an upto-diite Hvrup making nu'tit mttiiuactufrtd by (irimm Mf(r. Oi. of Montreal, (;(«>d b«iWinK», frame Hyrup house l'2x.30 ; frame barn 4.')X.S4, stiiiio ba»e- ment; fran e house, 7 rooms, good cellar; M'oodshetl and worksliop 2<).v30 ; never fuJlinR well, excellent water pUHiped to liiirn :ind houne by Helf -regulating winiliuill. I'or fur- ther particularf, iipnlv ou t.hw premiseM to â€" AnIjKEW SI.NCLAIK, Trop. Mclntyie 1'. O., Out. F.^RW rXtif R'ALlJ^Lot IC. con. 10, Ogprev, cloBO to the vilBfjoof Koversham. about 100 acres. liiiprovii.t frame house and good baru. Well fenced. For terms, etc., apply to A G.CAMl'HELL,:il01lusholmo Koart Toronto Your Hair Contrary? Is it inclined to run away? Don't punish it with a cruel brush and combl Feed it, nour- ish it, save it with Ayer's Hair Vigor, new improved formula. Then your hair will remain at home, on your head, where it belongs. An elegant dressing. Keeps the scalp healthy. Doea nol change the color o/ the hah. A Tormulft with ««otk bottlt Bhow it to your tfo«t«r A«k hlK~«bont tt, thtn Ao aa h» mayu Iters \re cenainly believe this, or we would not sty so. Ayer's Hair Vigor^ as now made from our new improved formula, is a great preparation for the hair and scalp. Stops falling bair. Cures dan- drulf. Promotes the growth of bair. ky tk* J. O. A7*r Co., Lowell, Maaa.^â€" A BEACHCOMBER'S LIFE SEASONABLE GOODS IN [FURNITURE] Tho largest nnd beKt stock of Furnituie ever shown in Flcsliert<jn. This without fnar of cou- tradiction. Coiiio nnd Bce some of tho nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Pallor Setts, 13c<l Itouiii Setts. A speciiil reduc- tion juBt now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the stock. . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER esherton Bulls, etc., for Service. rphorouKlibred Improved Yorkfhire hoar for '- Borvioo-lilanlvro Chief. 2«4:i.''), at lot in. con. :i, Uirproy, Tuima $1, pav&bloat time of torvice. HABBY DOWN. Maxwell, V. O. Th« OioioiiclibruU bhorthnrn Hull. "Karl Grey." 714-"-. will ho for i-orvico on lot ^8. pon, 8, Arlmiphia. Tho pedlRrce of this lino animal caii to sei-n ( Mil plicstioit. 'Jimt-.-^l ANDRKW DOW .fropriotor. Thoroufthhred Hull from Importer] stock, a RO Tamwoith Hoar for service on lot 151, T. A: K. It., ArteuiCBla. 20 .Ant;. JOHN ADAMS. Prop. 50i JACRr. FARM POK SALEâ€" 1.5 acres cl eared , well fouced, I.'iacres amijerl ilown, 7 iwires fall wheat, all fall plo«glifi.K doni-, goort pifi pon and Hhnep pen. (wod utabl-a and harn, driviug )iou8o 'iixM, Rood orchard, (j""d widl never failins, fair hoimc, lane to tinuli: all in ijool Ktato of cultivation, Appiv tollKN HAihibave, Maxwdll.Ixjt 1. Kant half con. C.Oaproy. for further particulars. VABM I'OR HALE OB BENT -ImU 1!M-130-137. " IMacroa. conH H. W. T. A K. K., Arteiiie»ia brick hoiiHO with frame kiwhen, i;ood fraino hank baiti with i>tauofo*iD<iati<in , lau orchard, Willi Wnternd. Aboui 100 aorusclcarud, balanco fairly timbered. For fnrtlicr particulars apply to JouK v.. VViiiiiHT, Coy lop i'. 0. Lnit'Xt and ;t>, con t 8 1) K. in aciei«,C."i oltiared 10 acres panturo. balanco good buii|". Narn BxliO rtrlviiiK nhed, (looil fraiiio houff #olls 1 ao«<! of orchard and stone waH uin'o. liarn, ^auuecn river cronKen hickof farm. Well toned and in good Btate of cultivation, :) miloB from Pronon atatUui. Fort.iiii (UU'ly on preiiilues to .(AMK9 H. VaibK, I'lotou Ktatioii, â- nor »»le cheap or rent. Inimodiate popeoefioD. V Lot 'M i;i,ii. H. Arte uioMa, about T.'i acres clear comfortable Iok hoiiae and frame harn. ArinlvtoK J Bproule, Fluaherton, or Jobu J Maitln, acroaa tlio road from iiaid lot: Var «ale cheap and on easy terms, Kood com" ' tortahle frame dwitlllnij, Htahlu aud driving liOUHwith tlt'oo vil!afi»lot4 In Ceylon- Uwell- Ijigweil built aud flnlahed and Kood hearing orchard on the property. Apply to -li J HPBOL'LK, yiesherton. Iot ID, COD- C, Otprejr coDtalntng 100 acrea, -'cleared, frame house, frame harn.a fouDdatiou: orclurd, well vraterede On ttiou>»od down and balauoo t9 «">t (mrcbaser iDltnedlaU p6aMuion Apply to B. N. KiXNF.AB Maxwell P. n. LOHTâ€" A large blank anil white honnd, tiamod Bport, about Dec. Int at Hausaen J({t- T. til; WAT80N. Proton. F/ j<r,D0BAi>o Stoch Farm of 81iortIu>rn cattle ' and Ijeiceater sheepâ€" Lieghorn ohlokene of all kinds for Mle. DIspauaioii sale will b e lield about the last of .Tauiirry. CataloKiios f ii rii Ish- ed on application as soon a» ready, Far m also for sale. Evorytblog convenience. -CHAB. »TAFKOUD, Floshercoo P. 0. Lot 33, COD. 6; Artemeiia. 1 lidvo for service a pure bred Ham puliiro boar. Anyone ralKltiK pigs will do well to m.'o this magnificent aniuiar. hor.l Fuvorslmni, YiMiA. Ho uMlpiove a mouey ijuttur for you. Terms iSl.OO. F. Blt/iOKKNBURV, Feversham P. O. Lot 8, con- 8, Osproy Animals for Sale TI0K8H:s fob ham;â€" l lioiso, Vyears old ^^ 1 mare? yt-ar old, in fcai to Percy Per- former. 1 agricultural mare I year old iu foal 1 Oily riaiu^'i yoarH. aiirl.. 1 i>eldinR risins 2 years, carr]a{;e, 1 good general iiurpuso lioi-se, I Hpriug coif â€" IIICHAUIJ AI.IjKN Lot 170. and v.. T and R road, Flotluirton P O I have a fine lot of younff piffs brcl Utnn prize winning stock, for Bale, Also 1 go'd lierkshire hog, two years old. Write iiie for prices, I can give a bargain alao giiiiriintir satisfaction on all mail ordern. Ceo. W. ROJSH. Maxwell P. I). EXTIINSIVE CLKARINli Public AUCTION SALE Of Pure Bred Herof.ird Cattle, Ktc. The iiiidersigncd will sell liy I'liblic Aiutinn onTlTKHIMY, .Ian. IK, IHlll, nn Lots KiV ](i7, 3 W. T. k S. It., Aitemesiu, one iiiilc from Saugcen .luiiction, tho fnlluwing Stock and IniplementH, viz. : ' Horses â€" 1 horse 7 yrs. old, 1 horse 9 y; -. old . PliRK liUKf) iIf•nlKK01t^ CAITLK 1 CoVC y«/u'((ii!il 1 Cow (i years o!.l duo to calve .Tan. 9th 1 Heifer ti years old. due to calve ]<'eli. 21»f. 1 Heifer, 2 years old, due to calve April 24tli 1 Heifer IM uiontlis old 1 Heifer 11 months .ild 1 Heifer '2 months old KPeiiifj'rocB of the above cattle may be sun on ni.pltcation (illADK CATTLE 1 Cow 12 years old, a.i.,' to culxe .Tau. 10th 1 Cow 7 ye.ois old, due to calye March 2<ltii ' 1 Cow 7 years old, due to calve Alarch 22iul 1 Cow t) years old, due to calve May Sril 1 <;iiw 3 yearsold, due to calve JVIarcii lotli 1 Heifer 2 years old, due tocalyo March '.".I 1 Heifer 2 years old, diio to calve May 7tli 7 Calves ."^heei-,â€" One shearlinfr ram, 2;i goo.l ewes ImplemenUi-l set pea Imrviwtcrs, 1 set heovy ImjIj sleighs, I cutter, imn mail, cart, etc., etc. .Sale at 1 ivoloek. Jlintur served to tliose from a disc:ince. Teruisâ€" Twelve months' ere:lit will l^giveii on iipprovei joint notes. Tlie fiirm will also be off eied for sale. .Vll must be sold, as the proprietor is givimc up fanning. WKS. lU/.SKlN. J), McPHAIL, Proprietor. .Auctioneer. Thompson's e o & I 8 Hrend delivered rogn- Iwly ftnd kept fin mile nt the following stores: Collinson'H nnd J. Piittison'H, Coylon W,.\ldcorn & Son's itnd P. McArthur'H Pricoville N, MoCiinnoU's Proton Station R. Heron's, Maxwell A. Hutchinson's and Eli Robiuson'fl Fovorshani H.OHiriw', J.K.Litrge's and R. Parks', Eugenia I Bakery or o HUMANITY'S STRANGE OUTCAST HARD TO UNDERSTAND. The Scum of the Ports of the World Go to Make Up the Class Who Are Said to Live by Beachcombing â€" Will Stpop'to Any vile Work, and Are Despised by the Sailors Who Employ Them on Dirty Jobs. The Beachcomber is very near to the very lowest strata of humanity; to see him you would sometimes doubt â- whether he is indeed human. 'Xou find him alnicst everywhere; but he abounds in the greatest numbers, quite naturally, by the sea. For it is out of the sea that he has gained what scant harvest lie has made; and once on a tiiuo, maybe, ho was a i sailor. Hut that was a good while i ago; nowadiiys he does not use the l old ocean over muchâ€" it means work, and work is a thing he abliors â€" except \ .when one part becomes too liot to ! hold him; and then he stows away j in some tramp's hold, is discovered, | set to work, lays uivat once with some ineomprehonsiblo complaint; is landed at a new destination nnd put in jail; comes out again, and is at his ) old tactics before his hair has grown . long. Where does the beachcomber orig- inate? is a very natural question. Wliat is a beachcomber.' is another as Datural. To answer the last question first: a beachcomber id a loafer of for- eign Boa-ports; a man who will stoop to any vileness to secure a scant live- lihood; who will dip his hands iu the filthiest mud without repugnance; who will swear blood-brotherhood one minute, and help to knife a man and rob him the next. He is possibly a Briton â€" bad for Britain that; quite possibly he may be a Yankee, equally likely he may be of any nation; for there js no nationality amongst the fraternity. They are all of them out- casts from their homes; members of the Lost Legion. Somewhere away be- yond the skyline, never thought of now, are 'people who once called them friends; but the years have rolled be- tween, and now â€" they are only memor- ies; tender memories perhaps. They never write home â€" they are as dead men. One such man I came in contact with was a revelation of how low hu- manity can sink, once the down-grade was reached. I was sitting in a fine plaza in a South America cityâ€" fam- ous for many reasonsâ€" and listening to a band. On a bench near-by was a huddled mass of rags, whose snores seemed to defy the cfforte of the musi- cians, liut ho was not so deeply asleep as all that. I was talking to s friend; and in the course of con- versation, finding English too insuffi- cient, I ventured upon a trille of Latin. There was a movement from the figure ou the bench â€" a woeful face was lifted. "I say, you made a false quantity there, <Ad chap, it should have been â€" BO and so." And I could only stare. But out of curiosity I sought that man out; and by dint of judicious pumping â€" for I was not thtn of an age to respect a man's shamed desire for oblivionâ€" I got at something of his story, Kt'M and Oxford had play- ed a part i .is early life. Then â€" a desire for ..i/vonture had sent him abroad. He h«d got mixed up in trouble; drink, of course; he had lost his billet througli some trifling with funds. He could get no further work ot n-pute; though he had done many things prior to sinking to tho dregs. They hang about uny port where shipping may bo found; they insinu- ate themselves into the company of decent m-n. because they are dead to shame ; they beg what they can and steal what they may; they have not known a bed in years; they cluster to- gether in unsavory colonies, making their homes, probably in some of tiiese fantastic Cemeteries of South 'America, where gorgeous open tombs afford secure lodging. They need but little from life â€" the air is usually mild • â€" for they arc strictly birds of pleas- ant climates, and they can ahvays pick up n meal somewhere. Home of, the most plausible follows, those who have had an education, are •employed in a desultory fashion by keepers of low boarding-houses â€" ay, and dens of grojjter infamy than that even. They receive no regular wages; but for every bird brouglit into those evil nests they receive a trifling per- centage of the profits made. They wait until a ship's crew comes ashore on liberty; then they hang about the outshirts of the crowd until Jncl; has made liimself merry. Aft*r that â€" it is a simple matter to get mixed up with tlie sailors; to suggest that they know a spot where better drink can be bought nt a cheaiHjr rale than at the jiluce where they are nt present. Unsuspiciously, Jack follows, and finds the boast true â€" for a while. But the cheaper drink is heav- ier, and poor Jack's eyes close, long before hia trifle of liberty money is expended. Thenâ€" search hia pockets and fling him into tho road. This is the motto â€" the vigilantes will see to "him. I think, however, the beachcomber is found in perfection down in the South Seas â€" around Samoa and Ta- hiti. For no one works there ^vho can put work aside; and so the islands offer a veritable happy hunting ground for the breed. How they get there is a mystery. Perhaps they drift there on board some of the many trading sohooners; at all events, the tide casts them up, human flotsam, and once there they stop like limpets. He spends his days in loafing about the waterfront, hoping always that he will see ft Jaoe that betokens a kindly tieart ; ana if ne sees such a counten- ance he freezes fast to its owner, and will not be shaken off until he has secured what he needsâ€" a drink. He is everywhere where ships con- gregate, between the parallels of 30 deg. N. imd 30 dcg. 8. You find him In the West Indies; you find him in Australia; hobnobbing with larrikins, a larrikin himself. And if you ques- tion him he can, as a rule, give uo reason for his degradation. Dr. deVan's French Female PUIs-the Wife's Friend. A reliable regulator ; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly power- ful in regulating the generative portion of the female system, they are strictly safe to use. Itefusu all cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at %ft 00 a b<ix, or three for SIC 00. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug Co., St. CatharineM Ont. About twenty piisiengetH wore hurt in the wreck of the Toronto- Winnipej? ex- press near Chapleau, but only four were at all seriously hurt. 8tli Line, Artemesia. Mr. nnd Mr.i. Iko Sargeant and little daughter of Owen Sound aro visiting at present with Mr. J. Carson. Miss Grace Jamieson of Toronto is home for a couple weeks visit. Mr. and Mrs. Lynessand Miss I Jones of Pricuville, upeut Christnins at Mr. J as. McGea's. John Carson, who has been in Glon- boro for two years, is home on a short visit Hith his lather, J. Carson. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wilson and little daughter of Toronto spent Christmas with the latter's pnrents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Haiiley. Mias May Parliament, who has spent the pabt few months in Toronto, has re- turned home. Garnet Benson, who has spent the put few yeiits hoinesteadiiig at Crais?, Sank, is homo for a few months' visit with his father, Mr. .1. Benson. Mr. J. Parsons, wlio has been on a trip roceutly to Gow Ganda returned home. Mr. McLennon and sister, and Mr. and Mrs, McMuUen and children of Port Law spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. J. Parsons. Mr. and Mrs. Fred and child- ren spent the week end with the hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M-irshall of Muaford. W'e are glad to report Mis» Janie Mc- Oee able to bo out agiin after being on iho sick list tho jiast week. Mr. S. Murphy, Rob Roy, spent Sun- day iit Mr. J. W. Benson's. Mr. Jas. Hemphill of Toronto and Mr. W. llcinphill of Port Law were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. MuGoe. Mr. Fred and Miss Nettie Martin were th.- "uests of Miss Ina McGee. Notes of tlie Women's Institutes The Kimberley branch of the Women's Jn.stituto met on Thursday afternoon, Dec. 30th at the home of Mi-m. John Plewes. There was an attendance of fifteen. As usual the meniliers that were assigned for the jwijieis failed to lie pres- ent. Wo hope for a change this new year. An interesting paper written liy Dr. Peterson of Dundalk on "The Care of tho Mouth During Childhood" was read liy Mrs. W. S. Bishop. After tho chi^e of the mooting a dainty tea was served by tho hostess. â€" K.B. Miss Ciiinpboll, of Brampton, will address tho Women's Iiisiitulo in Clay- li.n's hall at 2.30 p.m., on Thursday tho 13th inst ; her subject bein« "Tho Ir.fluenco of Wouion." All tho Lkdies of town and surrounding country arc invited tu attend. Swinton Park. SCIATICA EXPECTED DEATH ANY DAY A very pretty house wedding took place on Wednesday, the 2t)th at the rcBideiice of Mrs. D. McMillan, when her youngest daughter, Annie Flora, was united in marriage to Mr. James Wilson of Bouthville. Tlie Uov. J. Matheson performed the ceremony. The bride re- ceived a large number of beautiful presenis Mr. nnd Mrs. Wilson will re- side at Boothviile. A pleasant and happy Christmas holi- day gathering took place at the home of Mr. and Mra. G. W. Parslow, con. 15 on Thursday, Deo. 30th. A large number of friends renewed old acquaintances during the evening. Mr. Win Campbell Another Case Where Life Was Saved and Health Bestored by "Nerviline." entertained tlw company with numeroua selections on h!a suparb gramophone. On Wednesday, Dec. 29th, the honieof Mra. Alex. McLean, con. 14, wai the scene of an interesting event, when her youngest daughter. Tons, was married to Mr. Charles Smith of Toronto. The Rev. J. Mittheson ofhciated. Mr. and Mrs. Smith left for their home in Toronto on tho evening train. Mr. Archie Neilson of Proton Station has a number of loc* teams engaged hauling timber from a swamp near Dromore to Proton Station. Archie is a hustler. Mr. and Miss Brown of Howick are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. .41dcora. cewtxre: orky Farmers' - Institute Meetings will he held and addressed by the following speakers on tho subjects mentioned below : W. F. KIDD, Simcoe No. 1 â€" Am I Raising the Profitable Horse? 2â€" Tho Dairy Cow, Her Summer Care and Winter Feed. 3â€" Small Fruits and Grape Vines. 4â€" Pruning and General Care of the Apple Orchard. 6 â€" Dropped Stitches MISS CAMPBELL, Brampton 0â€" The Ideal Home. 7 â€" Character. 8â€" A Young Lady's Accomplishments. 9 â€" Tht Influence of Women. 10 â€" The Judicious Housekeeper and Homeraaker. 11â€" Home and School. 12 â€" Our Fair Dominion. 13 â€" Demonstrations in Needlework. J. F. METCALF. Collingwood 14 â€" Weeds and Their Eradication. 15 â€" ApproTed Methods of Judging. 16 â€" Farm Drainage. 17 â€" Farmers' Clubs. A. D. McINTOSH 18 â€" Corn and the Silo. 19â€" Fruit Growing in the Georgian Bay Disiiricfe 20â€" School Gardens. 21â€" Fanners' Clubs. 21â€" Drainage. ROCKLYN, Jan. 7â€" Agricultural hallâ€" 1 30 No. 1, hdies at township halU No. 10. 7.30- Agricultural hall, Nos. 5 and 7. HEATHCOTE, Jan. 8â€" Orange hallâ€" 1.30 Nos. 1 and 14, ladies No. 13. 7,30 Orange hall, Nos b, 17 and 8. RAVENNA, Jan. 10â€" Township hallâ€" 1.30 Nos. 2 and 16. Udies Nos. 10 and 13. 7.30â€" Township hall, Nos. 6, 17 and !.>. KIMBERLEY, Jan. 11 -Union hallâ€" l.:W, Nos. 1 and 15, ladies in Union church. No. 13. 7.30 â€" Union hall, Nos. 5, 17 nnd 6. EUGENIA, Jan. 12â€" Orange hallâ€" 1.30, Nos. 1 and 15, ladies in Presbyterian basement, No. 10. 7-30 Orange h^tll, Nos. 17, 6 and 7. FLESHERTON, Jan. 13â€" Township hallâ€" 1,30, Nos. 15 and 1, ladies in Clayton's hall No. 9. 7..'«), 'Township hall, No.i. 17, 18 and 11. HOPEVILLE, Jan. 14â€" Allan's hallâ€" 1.30 Nos. 16 and 1, ladies at Mrs. A. Watson's, No. 6. 7.30. Allan's hall, Nos. 16, 5 and 10. DUNDALK, Jan. 15â€" Town hallâ€" 1.30 Nos. 2, 14 and 19, Udies in Council chamber. No. 13. 7.30, Town hall, Nos. 21, 15, 11 and i. BAD(JEROS, Jan. 17â€" School house-1.30, Nos. 22 and 12, ladies No. IC. 7.30, School house, Nos. 21. 5 and 11. MAXWELL, Jan. 18â€" Orange hallâ€" 1..W, Nos. 19 and 1, ladies in Methodist hall, No. 13. 7.30, Orange hall, Nos. 21, 5 and 8. Branches or places of meeting aro expected to furnish music. All welcome. W. H GUY, Pres. J. R. FAWCETT, V. P. J. I. GRAHAM, See. MRS. R. BEST, Pres. W. I. MRS. A. E. MYLES, Sec. W. I. Norris Bros.. """T * finsmiths It Is because he feels it his solemn duty to tell to the woria his failh in NervUine that Victor P. Hires makes the following declaration: "For three /ears 1 was in tho Royal Mall soivice, ajid ill all kinds of wi^athcr had to nioel llie night trains. Dampness, cuUl, and i:xpoauro brought on sciatica that iUfccted my left side. Sometimes an Hi tack would come on tlmt made me ixiwcrlcss to work. 1 was So nearly a completa cripple that I had to give up ;ny Jalj.. I was in despair, completely :ast dov.n becau.'^e tho money I spent o\\ trying to .get well was wasted. I was spealvinsr to my chemist one day. and he recommended "Nervlline." I had this good liniment rubbed on several tlmcH a day, and Kot relief. In order to build up my gen- eral health and im- provo my blood I <SMV used Ferrozono, one 91^ tablet with each meal. I continued tills treatment four inontUa and wa» oui-cd. I have used all kinds ot liiii- nionts, and can trultitully say that Nervlline is far stronger, more pene- trating, and infinitely better than any- thing fclse^ for reliev'ing pain. I urge everyone with lumbago, neuralgia,, or sciatica to use Nervl- line. I know it will cure them." There Isn't a more hlglily-eateemed citizen in Westchester than Mr. Hires. What he says can be relied upon. For Hlx years since being cured he hasn't had a single relapse. Don't accept any- thing from your dealer but "Xerviliae.' [iO cents p.n- bottle, trial size, 25c; sold everywhere, or The Catarrhozono Co-. Kingston, Ont. C O K l« O IX S^i HOURS YMi can palnI6s^.ly remove ftnv «o'"; Dll CC ^ InsmedUte rcner flrvn rlLLJ Dr. Shoop't Malic OlBUDcnt. Cold Weather ! Did You Say ? Now i< the time to get busy .ind see that there are no chilly rooms. Procure one of thene specials ; everyone guaranteed. C only famous Queen Heaters â€" will heat any room in fifteen minutes. Regular $4.25 for 83.85 3 Queen Ueateis, long size, regular ?5.50 for 85.00. 2 w ith oast top and fendera, nicely nickled, rotrular $-11.00 for ". .â- $9.75 Quality Talks We are irents for the RojihI fJewol and the Gurney Oxford Ranges, See those goods on the floor. 'Nur skd. When looking for saws, axes, and all woodman's supplies, don't foryet th^t we have the veiy best goods procurable and at reasonable priuc.M. Brighten Up That piaiir or other furniture which has got dull and scratched "Veribkitb Maok: Finish" will make it look like new. With every 26c bottle of Veribrilo we give a simple bottle free. Use the sample and if not perfectly satisfiotl with the result, return the package and we will cheerfully refund money. Norris Bros • ( Flesherton t •••••â- •••• •«••••••••« ' â- *! : t •••••••••••â- ••••••^ onU'ot lleaVinBKiims "ncl balms. Fifty years In use. Cure guaranteed. Bold by nil drugglstn. 23c bottles. Hetuso KiibstituteH. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR ^as, iPatiisoTiy Cej/iony Ont% Senenal â- mAtercAant. Wo haveja table full ofjBARGAINSfor this week. Come in and inspect them â€" Just the thing) you need for the cold weather. Men's) Way Mufflers were 75c, for] 55o Boys and Qirls'curly caps, wore 50 and^60o now [ 36c Ladies' Corsets, !{were SO^nd COc, now 26c and .'..., 35o 1 only Ladies Astrachan* Jacket, was 830.00 now i .* $27.00 Women's Felt Shoes, were $1.60 for $1.26, $1.25 for $1.06 A lot of odds and ends in print and dress goo ds and othe r dr y goods which it will pay you to take advantage of. DontTie" behind, and wait till everything good is gone. fas. Srattison C^cy/< on iif«5m?imnmfm?!?nm?iHnff?i?in??fii?n?n5m?m?nf?^ ••• a a gaiB mm mm