Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 12

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Fehruary 10 1910 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE * ; ft » i • •u .{ft â- Â¥. 1 , I 1 ( , < ! i. THE STANDARD BANK E.tobii.h.d 1873 OF CANADA eoBr^ch- TRANSMITTING MONEY For sums up to $50 our Bank Money Orders are convenient and inexpensive. For larger amounts we issue Drafts or Bills of Exchange. Mon?y sent at once to any banking point in the world by Telegraphic or Cable Transfer. Savings Baoik Department at Every Branch. 86 FI^ESHERTON BRi\NCH George Mitchell, Manager BRANCHES ALSO AT DURHAM AND HARRISTOlff. >With the Churches in« anniml meeting of Clmliners church was held un Thuradiiy nfternoon Where is Fk-sberlDii's suow-ijlow .' I kst and considering the inclement wea- Chas. Bellamy ia visitini,' fiiendc at '''o^ the attendance was very good. The Collingwood. Mr. W. Southgate, of Seaforth, visited ai Geo. Milchell's lubt week. Miss Chidley vi»ittd hor brother in Owen Sound over Sunday. Division Court will be held in Dundalk cii Wednesday of next week. meeting was harmonious, iind notwith- .htunding the luck of a settled pastor for seven months, the work of the congre- gation was shown to have been kept well ujj, and tlie spirit of hopefulness pre- vailed. Mr. J. F. Chard opened the meeting with devotional exercises, after wliich Mr. J. E. McMuUen, thainiian of PICKERINGS AND PUCKERS Miss Ethel Trimble left on Saturday the board, presided. Mr. T. R. Mc- to take up a position in Torotito. Kenzie was appointed secretary of the K. W. Shaw of Lion's Head paid a fly- '"eeting, and after reading the former in« visit to The Advance this week. minutes, which were continued, presented Mr. S. Mcintosh of the Standard Bank ^.^"'^^^^^^\''^'!f^"'^:^ ''"'" is spending his holiday* at his horae. Miss Clara Gardnor of Kemble visited new laembors received during the year, and a like number removed, leaving 128 on the roll as formerly. Si)ecial refer- with Mrs. W. H. Thurston last week. I ^^^^ „.„^ ^^^.^j^ ^,, ^,_^ ^.^_^^^^^, ^^^ ^^^^ Mr. R. H. Wright left on Thursday of by death, viz. Mrs. McKee, sr., and Mi-. last week for his homestead iu Alberta. [j. M. Duncan. The auditors' report, Mr. Robert Pye of Thaaiesvillo spent ' presented by Mr. Charles Stewart, and the week end with his sister. Ml 3. (Dr.) adopted, showed the congregation to Carter. j have had a successful year. After meet- Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. Boyd of Radisaon, ; '"gaU liabilities a substantial balance ro- Sask., are visiting relatives here for a '""'ned on hand in each department. The ^ggj^ I receipts on general account were $693.89; «• c. I » 1 , f T^..^..,;,. ;o.ic;Hn« "» building account, 154.99 ; Ladies Aid. Miss Sarah Paul, of Euceiiia, IS Msitmg « i u „ , , ,a- ., n i. 1 •. M i> n„.,.i„.â„¢ ,>f »l.<. S250.68 Sabbath scliool, 58x44; Guild, her sister, Mrs. R. Beutham, of '•"e ; ..., t»,,.i^ , 133.81 ; making a total of $1124, au m- n â-  1 T> n t. crease over tlie former year of f 21. The Mrs. Wm. ^eil of Field. B. C, has j^^^^^^, ^.^ ^^^^.^ ^,^^^^^ ^^ ,^_^^^ ^^^ 1^^^^ keen the guest of her sister-m-law. Mrs. | .^ ^^^.^.^^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^ John Stewart. j count, $183 on organ fund. Theques- Scienlists tell us that cold contracts ^ ti„„ ^f i,igher stipend was discus.sed, and most things. It would not need a scien- jt ^^^ resolved in order to make the list lo observe the contraction of the minister's salary in future 1850. or more, wood piJo on a cold day. Chalmcr's church increase 850, provided W ednesday of last week was the day | the associate congregations contribute as â- when bruin ci>nies out to see his shadow, j formerly and with any increase po.ssible. The shadow was not to bs seen, so of I Mr. J. L. McMulleu was re-elected course wo can with assurance look for an 1 chairman of the Managing Board and I'arly spring. Sunday and a psrt c^f Moi'day gave us the coldest snap of the feasoii, with the thcrniouifter touching sixteen degrees below zero, Ii did not last long, how- Measrs W. L. Wright, Malcolm Ferguson and Price Teeter, retiring members of the Board, wore re-elected, as were also tlie auditors, Me.ssrs. Chas. Stewart and G. H. Cairns ; the Secreuiry-Treasurer, ,, , ... 1-14 Ml'. Josei)h Blackburn, and the orjranist, ever, Monday afternoon seeing a decided „, , , ,„, o """•. Mrs. Blackburn. The meeting closed rise in temper.Uure. .i . i .^- c, , • .^, with the benediction. Some desirable Last week we received a copy of The candidates h.ive been hoard and the con- Bowniaiivillo Statesman for which we gregation looks hopefully forward to an Ihank the publisher hc.ir'ily. The e^r'y settleir.ent of pastor.-^Com. Sti\tcsnian cinie out in a new dress last week, iind probably desires our praise â€" it would never do to find fault â€" and so we agree that it " looks leel puity. " 'The Chatsworth News has again chanKed owners. Mr. C. Hopkins, ;i graduate of that office, is the new editor. Ho is a young man who should make stood if4ic puts his eneigy to the ta.sk. We wl'ih him every success, i\iid believe that it will conic to liiin if he meets it half way. Halley's comet, which h<ks baon sched- uled for exhibition for some time, will become visible to the naked eye about April 1st. On May 18 the hcHd of the comet will cioss the sun's di.sc. This phciiomrnon will be best seen in the Hawaiian islands. At this time the comet's tail is expected to enter the earth's atin(<spherc and create phosphoric pheiiomcnii. Previous 'o crossing the iun's di.sc the eoijiet will be seen in the eastern sky before sunrise ; ufier th'it event it will be seen in the western sky after aundown. A unique stoiy is being told, snd is ' vouched for by the ' hi;^he*t .luthonty," however, in spite of this, we will not guarantco the truth of it. It is in sub- •tance (hat a local farmer who uses both stock and jioultry food got the two foods mixed and fed the poultry his stock food aud vice vers:i. That may ba all right, }jrobably it is, but the yiu'n goes one | farther, and says that the horses began to lay eggs and j^ruw a coat of feathers, while the iHiultiy lost their feat hers and wore shortly CO voted with liorso hair. Not only 111 iH but l( is said their claws j l»ro hlowly giowiiiH tcigothor and taking on tho appearaiiiiii of huofi. If the yarn is not triio wu liopn tho |>tevinioator who started it liiiM had Ills full nml that for' their own sako no nnu will iiiipuiil their reputation by rvpv.iliiig it, | Dr. deVaii's IVenth l'«iiinto | PillH th« Wlfo'ii Friend, j A roli».bk' icKiiliilor ; iiovi'i fuils. While theso pills aio vJUMHMliiigly power- ' ful in regulating tho goiieiiilixi portion | of the feinalo syiilem, they are strictly j safe lo iiHo. Kofiiso all eheii]) iiiiitjitioiiH. Dr. do N'an's are sold iit go 01) a box or three for 81<».0I). Mailed to any ndtU'oss. Th.i Seoli.'ll Drug Co., ,Sl. Catharines (>nt, The Methodist S. S. library has been replenished with f<<rty-six new books. The Presbyterian Gu Id celebrated their second anniversary on Tuesday evening. The main feature was a spelling match. KeFreshments were served and a good time spent. Notes of the Women's Institute. The Maxwell branch of the Women's Institute will hold their meeting at the homo of Mrs. J. W. Ganiey, on Feb- ruary 23rd, at 2.30. The 'bus will leave the village at 1.30. Don't be late. Are Yonr ChiUren Puny A Suggestive Letter Parents. to Nature is not often at fault. Stupidity and thoughtlessness of parents are responsible for many of the half-dead men aud wo;nen we meet. Their fathers and mothers did not supply the aid th.U would h:\vc set their body activities Into full force to develop vitality and russed strength. Mi-3. Timothy Brlstow writes a let- ter that should set thousands of par- ents thinking: "My boy and girl. fourteen and sixteen yeai-s old. looked pale i•.h^ I'lmy. They seeinejl not to caro for play like neighbors' children. They were loo effeminate aiul lacked something I would have llKovl tv> see them possess, I don't k!K>w what put It Into my liead. but I Raw up mak- ing cookies and sweet dl»<i<>s. and It didn't take me long to »wi' they wcro eatlnjf more of the ri^ht kind of.fiK'd. I Just thought I would gl\-«> thorn some of my own tonle, ' tVrrvvaono. " and was dellKhled with th* r\-,-<ult. Such an appetite It i)mv<> th»>m! They grew fairly fat and had a lowMy pink color. I think when such a KOt>d tonic as Ferrozone Is available ihero Is «io excuse for delicate childr»M>, Certain- ly lots of nourishiuK food, and J'V'rr- ozone will give a child a giv.it chance to grow up hearty and »tn.>ns." FERROZONE Makes Health And Ferrozone is a good tonlo for old folks, tooâ€" ifs full of nutrition and blood-bul/d!n? properties and makes tho wonk stronir very quickly. Try Olio or two tablets with your mcal-s. Fifty cents iier box, six tor $2.50; all dealers, or Tho Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Canada. Tho local hockeyists succeeded, in tying a little knot in a so|itettu from Markdale last Friday night. The matuh was rather slow as a result of the heavy snow fall, which at times greatly impeded the play and gave tho aft'air very much the appear- ance of a snow shovelling contest. The horae team had tho best of the play which is fairly borno out iu tho scorn, which was 6-5 in their favor. Just what account the locals would -sive of them- selves on fust ice against the same team is j'et to be seen, but there is a feeling abroad that they would be close to the top of tho heap. The referee, Miko Kelly, had tho game well in hand and and was strictly impartial, pen,ilizing for the ."lightest ofl'eiice. Following ia the line-up : Muikdale Flesherton F. Buruside goal F. McTavish "Puiicli" Levi point Roy Kerr U. Merriani c. point O. Whiltcn J. Dillon rover 0. M. Patrick W. Bowers centre G. BIcTavish M. Matron 1. wing H. Mitchell H. Haskett r. wing Fred Sullivan o o The Durham Chronicle man in last week's issue cliinb'j on our back and claws us with all four paws, as a result of our reference to tho Durham hockey teuni, made a few weeks ago. Wo hereby auiiihilate him by a crushing silence ! The Markdale junior O.H.A. team were snowedjunder by the Barrie team in the semi-finals. in Toronto last week by a score of l(i-6. The Markdale septette were completely out of their clii.ss. and received no mercy at the hands of "Dymem's Colts. " o o o There are, we are sorry to say, some sports in Bleshorton who are doing their best to givo the place a poor reputation in sporting circles. When a strange team comes ts town tor a fiiendly match and without many supporters, these enthusi- astic strong-lun^e<l fans overdo their rooting and hand out a decideiily raw deal to their visitors who are treated very much as a stray di>g would be. Whether the viititors are gen- tlemen or not, treat thcin as though they were, because the position will be reversed somo dayâ€" and then I It is all very well to jump around and howl en- couragement to the home team, but when it comes to slinging dirt at the visitors the affair has gone too far. Encourage tho home team snd give the referee " Cain. " He and the other officials are easy niaiks. They are there to bo found fault with, and would bo dfteply disap- pointed^if they didn't get itâ€" but in the name of all that's decent treat the visitors like gentlemen, or rather as though the homo rooters were, for it is no gentlemon who throws diit at the visitors because they are away from home and without supporters themselves. On general principles the snows of a Canada winter are accepted as a matter of fact, and enjoyed to an extent, but thi-y lose favor with the Flesherton hockey team when they block roads and prevent matches wiih other teams. On Monday night the locals were scheduled for a game in Markdale and .so set out. They |got within two'miles or so of tho villnge when the diifis became too deep and further progriss was impi.s.Mble. After utihitchiiig the horses the s'cigh Whs hauled about a (juarter of a mile or so (it seemed like ten), and the horses fi d in a farmer's stable, after which the boys returned home with the gume still undecided. The boys will .igain attempt the Mark- dale trip on Friday night. â€" T.S.A. While working at the portable saw- mill on the Crombie farm at the north end of town Tuesday forenoon, Alfred Partridge had the misfortune to in sima way get his right arm ciu;;hb between the wrist and elbow by a saw and very badly cut, the .saw penetrating right into thu bone. Amputation nny yet have to bo resortefl to if signs of blood poisoning set in, but Dr. Thompson, who is in attendance has hopes that tho arm will be .saved in fnir condition. Mr. Part- ridge, who is a liRrd-wnrking steady young man, is having a run of bud 'uok, for it was only lust fall that he bad his loft arm broken while thro.ihiiig. â€" Shel- burne Economist. FOR FAmiY USE An Ideal Bcmedy for Coughs, Sore Throat, Catarrh, â- Weak Chest. The experience of Reeve Green of Mulmur, has been somewhat of the stren- uous order lately. After winning the reovesbip by a nmjorily of one on a ro- ctunt, ha lost tl;e wardenship of tho county of Dutferiii in a similar way. lie and Ueeve Rei^li of Grand Valley wero a I lie for the oBico, and the Reeve of Mo- i Inucthon, representing the highest asses- sed municipaliiy in the county, i^ave the I casting vote in favor of Mr. Reith. The agency wo conrnonly call fate plays peculiar antics wiih weak humanity when so minded. A case has recently come to light of a woman whose husband ui.-»rched away to tho civil war 48 years ajfo and never returned. His wife sup- |K<«ed him dead, and in time niairied another n:»ii. The second husband was accidentally killed tea months ago, and last week tho widow met a man whom she ivco&nixod as her tirst husband, who h.'id l>oen nnable to find her on his re- turn from the war and had been a wan- diring ca'pcnler tho long years since. They will 'be manied and pick up the sundeiol tliroftds onco nmiv. While fate seems unkind in this case, yet the very unkiiidness woa tempered l>y kind- ncs', nil 1 :iirs well thitl cikIn wA\. After having made a special study of the treatment of tho ;nroat and lungs for twenty years. Prof. D. Jack- son states that In his opinion no pre- paration for general family use is so efficient, .so heallns, so certain to cure as Catarrhozone. As his reasons for making this claim for Catarrhozone, Dr. Jackson says: "Catarrhozone is free from opium. "The patient can breathe its rieh, balsamic fumes direct to the diseased spot. "It is a remedy that treats and cures causes â€" prevents disease spread- ing. "Reaches the Innermost recesses of the throat, nose, bronchial tubes, and lungs. "Alleviates chest soreness. "Stops coughing instantly. "Prevents bronchial Irritations. "Relieves clogged nostrils. . "Cures sniffles and nasal catarrh. "Prevents La Grippe. "Has proven itself a cure for weak luiiss, loss of voice, speakers' sore throat, asthma, bronchitis, catarrh, coughs, colds, and winter ills." Catarrhozone is uiiquesllonably the worlds greatest breathable cold, cough, and catarrh modliMne, and be- ing free from all drowsy druKs, entire- ly safe for children and old folks; it makes an ideal family remedy. Re- commended by the medical profession, and sold by all reliable dealers. Be- ware of Imitations, get "Catarrh- ozone" only; lar^e size lasts two months, and U guaranteed, price <1; tmnller sizes 27,0 and 50c. I3y mall from The Catarrhozone Company, KInsston, ont. OO R IM S CURED You ran painles.-jly remove any corn, cither hard, soft, or bleeding, by ap- plying Putnain'.H Corn Kxtractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no acids; is harmles.i, becau.=(o com- posed only of healing gums and balms. Fifty years In use. Cure guaranteed. Sold by all druggists, 2ic. bottles. He- fuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR ^^ Odds and Ends W. A. Armstrong issuer of marriage licenses. Attention is drawn to Morlcy & Baker's advt. in another column. When in town be sure and get one of Uiidley's fresh fish. See advt. Wanted â€" A small port'»l)le engine to rent for tho sumniBr. Geo. A, Watson, ITlesherton. For sale â€" lIorsB coming 4 yrs old, quiet driver, well broken single. â€" V. Deagle, Eugenia. Uuvitii; leased the sawmill at Eugenia, I am prepaied to do all kinds of custom sawing. R. Hiiney. For S.ile â€" Park lot, containing 3i acre^, in good state of cultivation, wire fenced. A. Shackelford. For Silo â€" A i>ool big cow supposed to bo in calf. Will sell fur money or g'pod papers, -'^pply to L, Riilg-row, 4ih Line, /^rteiuesia. The undeiei>,'ned is piepared to do all kinds of stonework and plastering. Re- pairing priinptly attended lo. J. (J, Putton, Fle.shen..n. Bux 241. A g-iod house and Kiirden with stable 10 rent at Eugenia, idso one kitchen cab- inet for silo. ,). H. Jamieson, owner. Apply to Mrs. Robert McMaster, Eugenia. As wc have jjut in an up-to-daie chopper, wo are prepared t'l do all kinds of grain chopping. Chopping done every day. Givo us a trial. W. & M. Kertim, Maxwell. Team of horses for sale or would ex- change for team of maics. Good heavy yjuiig horses. Also two cows due to oalvo this month. Jas. Naili, Irish Lake P. O. Bills are out for a big side of farm stock, eic, ilie property of Andiew Siucliiir, lot 30, con. (5, Osprey, on Mon- day, Feb. 14tli. at 1 ]>. in. Look them up. Win. Kailting, auctioneer. Mrs. Andrew Rutledge oft'ers for .sale 10 acres of swamp, oontaiiiiuK spruce, hemlock and cedar, one mile from Flesh- erton station. Apply to Mis. A. Rut- ledgs, Coylon P. O. NoTiCK To Thi; Piui.ifâ€" Hor>eshooing done at tho old price : 10 cents a sett, 26 cents a new shoe. Special attention given to iiiterFeiingand contriicted lioufs. â€" .lake Williams, Eugenia Ont. An extpusivo credit sale of farm .stock, implements and household furiiiiuro will bii held (111 lot IJ , con. 7, Osprey, on Monday, Feb. 21, the propeity of Mr. Alex, tiuds.iii. See bills. Wni. Kail- ting, auctioneer. To IhoRe who want to have a good ap- I piariince it is good news to know that' they can take thi'ir linen to .Vwdy Wilson ! bleshortuM, and have it laundered in hrst j elapsfctylo. Basket leav. s Tuesday night ; and returns Salutday a. m. Markcbile j steuin laundry. W. J. Smith, I'ri'p. ' F. G. KARSTEDT "Purity Flour" Again we beg to draw your attention to the now. Famous Purity Flour, which we are handling. It is, as you are aware, the BEST flour that has yet been put upon the market. It make* mure bread than any other flour Slid the cost is no more than those flours that they say are just as good. It has been tried and proven to bo tho best, by tho best bakers in our oonimuiiity. Try a small bag for yourself and you will never be without it. We iiiso have a full supply of "Three Star' flour, feed [flour, shorts and brans at the lowest possible prices. Special prices uu largo (juantities. Crosscut Saws A full stock to hand of BuiTalo Bills, Simonds, Racer, Lance Tooth, Monarch, and every other two or four cutting tooth and drag saw that is on iho market. All 5), feet long. At a price which is right, fror. 84.00 to $4.25, handles extra. 1 â€" â- â€" â- â€" v^^t^a^ % We would Just say wc are able te serve you in wiatet footwear. We never hail a better stock for men, ladies and children. Eubbers and Overshoes â€" Maltese Cross- first quality, no better to be had. Boots, Shoes, Suit Cases, Trunks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds of Shoe Polishes. A lot of Winter Mitts selling off' cheap g> ^^ ^ The Flesherton Carrias:e Works Flesheron, Ont. Winter is Here. And so are wo with our large display of cutters, sleighs, and everything in the carriage line. * ♦ have a look before buying, and then you will bo convinced that you cannot do better elsewhere. Satisfacticjii guaranteed. Horse shoeing and general blacksmithing: a specialty. First class livery In connection, D. McTAVISH, . Proprietor. For Sale--2, aim jht new, parlor, and 2 box heating stoves, including 1 large Dictator. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Fakm Foil Sale on Rkm-â€" -Lot fi!) and 70, 2nd con., N. D. l{.,Artenicsia, situat- ed at Port Law. This fnrin is composed of 84 aci'dfi, well watered, frame house and small frnnie L>arn, good orchard. If dold terms will bo made to suit purchaser or will bu rented for a term of years. Apply to Mrs. Goo. Tliomp.son, Chats- worth. A full and complete lino of flour, bran, .shorts, groceries, or.ingos, lemons, cran- berries, cheese, maple nml beehive syrup and splendid fiHli, all selling at lowest rock botloin pri-^e^, iiicludiug a now stock of CiMifectionery, sfcaiionery and scribblers, at Sproule, Higginbothain & Go's,, Flesherton. EXPERIENCE WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. High grade departments of Business, Shorthand and Type wi;iting. In- dividual instruction. StuiVenis mSy enter at any time. Catalogue free. Colliogwood Business T. E. HAWKINS Principal College Tl?^DE MmRKS y_^„_ . DE3IGr 3 ?»* ' ^ CopVRiGHTS &C Anyone renutng a wkotch a-., f,^Rcrlnttnn may qutcuir asijertaiu o;ir oplriUu froo wlioiiicr ou ll.Tonllon Isprnti.iM'r pttlonlnh]!!. Ccmimunlciv llimsBlrloUyc^. iiiiec-'.tfiil. HnflUCOOK o.iPatcuu •cnt Iroe, OI;:oat hi-ciu-y ror seO'jrmtr patomd. Pntents taken '(irouwli RiuMi .!fc C'.^. revolvo UpcrfalnoltMt T/ifhout cbarRO, lutUd s&tmt^ Mmnm. A haiidacmoly ll!u»t"rt( til wnoKly. l.nrr;ost nlr- cnluUon o( Rjiy onoiiinlo toiirJiQl, Tonus lor Canatln, ?:1,75 B your. posta«o i)i,;pa)(l. Sold by tu aowHUcfiler^ IHUNN & COff^Jl""'"'- New Yort Our Clubbing List Thrt following prices uru for strictly pail in advance sub.scriplioiisoiily. We have no accounts with oilier papeif. Klesherlon Advance 9 1 01) Youths Compniiioii ...175 Toronto World, daily â- . 2 00 Toronto Daily News . .'. 80 Weekly Globo 80 Mail-Eiiipiro , ,,. 75 Family Herald A .Swr 80 Toronto Star 1 30 Farmer Sun 80 Farmers .\dvooata 1 110 Weekly \Vit,,:e8f 75 SiitiiidayNigbfc ;5 00 Home •lournal 55 I'oultryJ News . ,:â- . 15 Custom Weaving Tlie undersigned is now prcpaired to do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Plain, Twilled and Satinetle, Carpets, rugs and Hammocks a Specialty. Hit and Miss Rags, Colored Warp found, 20 cents per yard. Striped rags oxtr*. Wm. LEES, Flesherton, Ont. J. B. PATTON I'AIXTKR - PAPKU UANCKK Hipii I'ainting and High-chms l^ecorating .\ 'Specialty. OIKee at, ... - ' FLICSHKRTON, ONT ROYAL PURPLE We have a onmploto line of Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specifics. These goods have been proven and are used to good advantage by increasing nunibors. Royal Purple Stock Specificâ€" oOc pack- ages ,and 81..W pails. It keeps the stock in good ctindition. Royal Purple Poultry Specific, 50c pack- ages, $1.50 pails. Makes the hens lay well 111 winter. Try a package and you will come hack for a pail. Royal Puiplo Lice Killer, for stock aud poultry, in .50c tins. Grrnind oyster shells,, barley, buckwheat and fall wheal for tho poultry; a'so shorts, bran, low grade H.ur aid oilcake, U3. C. Olrigbt > erocer Flesherton I>UMI> Wooden pnmps innniifuclured through- out and repnirs piouiptly and sutisfao- lorily attended lâ- ^. •* I" .wCiit for the throe best iron pump n.i:.utact lers in Ontaiio. A card diufiped to iiie at Ceylon P. O. will have my prompt attention. JAMES A. McLEAN CIHIUKS COJCNKU, tVv!. n P.O,

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