Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 1

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/kslj^rtxrn %Hanu. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEI5CirLEb NOT MEN." VOL 28, NO 36 Flestiertoii, Ont., Thursday, Feb 3 10 lO W. H THOESTON' EDITOR aiiu PKCPKIETOB January Session Of County Coaneil lo accordance with the Sft(nici(»l Act t-f Ontari", *.he Couuty Coaucil met on Toesdiiy, 25th iu»t. snj fi e<J wi-h the County Clerk their certiKcHt'^ of having been duly elected reeves ^nd deputy reeves of their respective m mic'pilities. The clerk toik the ch.-iir, re«d the cUuMii iif the inuiiicpial ace and proced- ure bylaw refer'iog to the elec'iim of warden, and annou-ided his readiness t<> receive iiuainations fur warden for the year 1910. Dr. Mearn«, seconded by Mr. Cilder, nominated Mr. Andrei' Scheiik. Mr. Nornian, secMiided l>y Mr. DikIs- worth, nooiinateU Mr. McKuight. Mr. Hunt, secondci by Mr. John ston nominated Mr. E^tim. ^ Mr. Hampton, seconded by Ur. Sbute, nominattd Mr. li<>yd. Messrs. McKnisht, Eaton and Boyd, with the coDseot of (heir movers and seconders, withdrcor their names. There bein^ no further noi.tinaiious, the clerk declitied .^ndre* ScbenK, £s«(. duly elected wardea for the year 1910, and he wu eseorded to the warden's chair by Dr. Mmtiis. The warden elect briefly addreesed thecoanci], thanking theui for the bo«or conferred upon him and his munici|MJity, and solicited their co- operatiea in ct>nductiDg the business uf the oowual, subscribed his declariktion of cilice, and cnlled upon the clerk to read tJie uaioates of the last day oi De- cember seeeion. The BUDutes. of the last diy of Decem- ber session were lead, approved by the couocil and ware signed by the warden. Moved by Mr. Hampton, seconded by Mr. £Uia, that the following member* be a Special comuiittee to strike the StandiuK Comuiittees fur the year 1910. Mesarti, McAtthur, Boyd, Dodnworth, Sinclair. Thomson, Agnew, Ellis, Nor- nan, and the uiorer. In anendment, move't by Mr. .\goew secoaded by Mr. Haton, that the follow- ing be a 8peoiAl Committee to strike the StaiMliisg Committees for I91U, viz, Messrs. Boyd, Eaton. Hunt, Mearns, McKnight, McQuaker, Norcian, Sinclair and the utocec. â€" Carried. Council then adjourned until Wednes- day at. 10 a. m. -A.t the \Vi}«lne.stUy morning session the clerk pre«ien(ed a dumber of docu- ments whi<^ were ieverally referred to the standing otimiuittocs, viz: â€" Draft of Memorial from the Ontario Municipal Association to the Lieut. Governor, re Betterment of Consumptives : an applica- cation from th« Salvation Army for a rrant fur their rescue work : an applica- tion from Prisoners' Aid .\ssociotion. Toronto tor a ^nut if .$10; pre.sentmeut of Grand Jury of Deeeinber ^es.sions of the Peace ; copy of u-oitice uf application on behalf of Manitoulin and North Shore Railway Company lo the Dominion Pnr- liameut ; account of MaeKay. lelford A- Groech, County Solicitors ftw tXo; Co. Treasurer's Statement of dtouiresideut Land Fund ; account of the town of Hanover for f 10 expenses in a ilunafli.v caae; letters frt>m County Treasurer and B«evd of Markdale re sale of part at house itf refuge farm to the viUaKe of Markdale j account ftoni Towoship of Normaaby ier i-efund of espeoBes iti case of lunacy : two letters from County Clerk of Bruce re arbitration in eooaec- tiou with Couaty line bridge on new county boundary line ; circular letter ftom Go.')d Roads Association ; circular letter re National Good Roads Conven- tion ; account of Buvmau & Connor for J35.42 for services as engineers ou brid- g«*on bouDiiary liueof Grey and Wel- Utigton ; account of Town of Hanover re deviation aouth t)f Hanover ; account of A. Marshall tor Â¥10 for plank and work on brujijce Town line of Normanby and Bentinck ; letter trom chairman of Thombufy 8oht>ol Board ro continuation achool boilding : petition from reitideuts of Arlemesia ^asking for the esrabli»h- ment of a continuation .school district in that township ; letter from J. P. Tel- ford of Durham, re refunds of moneys to lot.*i south i>f Durham ; copy of reso- lution from County Council t>f Middlesex •skttig co-operation of County Cmincil of Grey re the adjustment of Provincial gi-ants to universities ; .statement of Owen Sound Collettiiite Institute fai maintenance; statement of Meaford high school for maintenance ; statement p{ Orangevitle high school for mainten- ance ; report of High Constable MoDon- MR. WILLIAM CLAYTON MRS. VVILLIAM CLAYTOS The a.';<>ve cuts of this es-eeiu^-l coiii-le sh >ulJ h*ve .tpp^ared in coniiecion wih the .ir'ic'e huiC week aniounciuti lUeir i;"Wen »eJ<lii);f, but our en.:r.*ver was dilitury and Uie curs did not arrive in time. Mr. Clayton is a r.itive "f York City, En^ltnd, M\d Mi-s. Clayton (lliss S,irah Strathaii) wa* born near Whitby. They wore mamed by the l*te Rev. John Baird it Claremoi.t, on -laii- nary 2lsf, 186U, and one year Uter ^.-ttlsd at Flesherton, where they have since rcsilrd. Tlie survivtHv; mfUihei-K .»f their farnily c<>n.<iist of three sons : Thontas, of Fleshertou : David, J. V. "f Lan'^, Saak., :ind William, jeweller. Cornwall, Chttariik. aid ; account of W. J. AdaiHS for cleiaa- ; Bight. Court Vandeleur. which was or- Wilsi.u :.t his mdl Sjaiurday evemn-,'. mg South Grey Registry office, applica- j g,mi2*l about sixteen years ags U in a ! "ben he had his head cut. Niue stitches tion of Geo. Biaaie tor reapp-jiarwent . prosperwjs condition with a awmbership *«>* re-iaired to close the wound. We as County auditor. • ^ ,^^„^ seventy. •"*?« tli** '* "wy not be serious with Mr. Ml. Eat.^ presdAted report of SpeouU ' Wdsoo Committee to dratt starsding cooimcttees Ea«awi. and un resi>Imion the report was adopt* ed. The foUowib? were eieoted •jhair- menoftbe respective committees; Fi- nance, Dr. Mearns ; Rttad aad Bridge, Mr. Sinclair ; Cmaty Property. Mr. Johnson; Educ.it ion, Mr. Sorman ; Printing, Mr. Ellis • C<«miuunici>tiun.<t and memoriaU, Mr. Eut w : Souse of Refuge, Mr. Uu«c. Bylaws were introduced to appoint a high school trttstee f<«r the town uf Mea- ford, and to appoiat County auditor% • after which the council adjourned till Thursday nvoruing.â€" AdvertisAr. Mr. Henry Fenwick bits got honte 1 froui the city after his accident. His leg I is still weak, ilis son, W. li_ accorapa- ! nied huu hom'. Mr. ami Mrs. Atkiueuir st ^'ajiiiika Man., were the guests of their auut.Mra. J. I. Urahaui, last week. Miss Minnie Graham of .Vliiliand is vis- iting her parents berv. Mr. W. L. GuUis took charge of the service here ou Saoday in the absence o, the |>astor. .\ Fwmors' Club has been vugauiaed in this neighborhood with J. Weber as President and C. B. Bulaad tMc-Trea-s. The meetings are to be held imi the first and thii-d Monday of eatrh inomtli during the winter and the tirst Monday «tf each month during the summer. A tueiubej^ ship of I wenty-tive has been eiuMlled as a start. The purpose of the club is to er»- able the farmers of this district to oteet together to exchange i'icivs and to dehat'e ou the didereut branches of farming, also to discuss the liest meth<.Hls »f ilestroy- ing weeds and other pests which are so detrimental to the ftu-mer. It » to be hoiietl much gootl will result. Mr. and Mrs. George l*rjtchud gave a young people's party on Thursilay even- ing, week, in honor of their guests, Mr. <d>evrgeand Miss 'Annie Pritchar^l, who Wt last week to vkiit frientLs near Chats- Mrs. J. S. Hardy had a successful wood bee on Wednesday. R-'v. J. A. Matheson was unable to get here on January Sinl, on aoMUut of i having a funernl to take charge of a': i Pricevilie. Last Sabbath be preached Mr. Woodburn, who has I^h very ill, | » helpful serui.m hf re, on the imp.jrtance IS n»w able to be up again. j ^f ajakiisg the right use of our Ufe. Xews of iatorest at Eugenia is rather scarce. St:U. the wedding bells are soo« } to ring for some of our young people. ! The Orange social on Tuesday evening i of last week w:»6 the most successful, tiuaucially, ever held here. The proceeds amounted to eighty-six dollars. Somei i«tli Liae, Osprey. Miss Cas.sie Davidson is getting over a badly sprained ankle she received at the rink a few weeks ago. lx>ies we« bid up "to U.7o. The boys j "'* -^'*'» """" " ^""'"'^ »«'>'">'' were not .stingy when it came to eating | ^' ***'°''-> »' supper with their best girls. A memorial i *' '''***"*â-  â-  Fairview Farm ' quilt, got up by the Presbyteri;ui Ladies' -Aid, was sold the same night for eight dollars and 5») eents. .A good prtigraoi was given and a very pleasant time was â- spent by all. Mr. Philip OtteweU of South River is visiiiog ftiend» in this piirt. Robert Milligan of W'eyburii, S«.«k.. is renewing old ac^aaiutal)ces here »t present. Mi-ss Daisy Smith lias gone to spend * *'"• ^- •'• -olquette is spending a few some time in Toronto. She will bei*^'^* *''•* '""'^ daughter. Mrs. Harry missed by the young people and Ky the i f*"f'"n> «" C«Ilingwo.Td. ehui-eh. wfiej-e she h.^ long acted ,is or-. Miss Roby C.H>per. who has been SJ""""*^- ' teaching school at Kola{)<.'re, Collingwotxl A mtmher <i our young people went to 'o»nship, h ts secured a school at Trout the carnival at Kiiiiberley Friday night "^f^^. Algouia, and has g-^ne to take up and had a gixnl time. " '"^"^ '^""*» "^^ere. .Miss Jane McKenzie of Ceylon was Mr- R. J- Cotiu?tte has sold a lot of visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Mialop of timber to Kerton Bros., of M-ixwell, who the Valley. will stixik their taitl with the largest Mi^. Hi«Jvp, sr.. is very ill at present. *'^'^"'' "^ '"«* y^- Miss E. C. Boland and a friend, oi Yaudeleur, were guests uf Mrs. Muushaw. Miss Eva Jamiesou ha.s gone Wk to the city. Mr. Learis Genoe spent StuMUy with Feversham frieiuis. Mr. W at Mr. Jauiiesou's. We understand some of the Ten'h L-ne lK»y. who have been drawing logs to IWU Slills got into a dispute as lo whose team could draw the largest load. Sher- a>au Otrewell settled it by drawing -he largest and heaviest load of ma^'e higs that went to rhe mill this winter. He Baivlay of Clarksbor^g *^«1 had «t>t.ut 1.200 feet ef maple and drew it 4i miles. They may all take a back Mr. and Mrs. Richanl Pe<U.v of Spur- seat when Shermin drives the chestnut ling, Slau., were the guests of the form- ' horses. Beat that who can. er's mother, here, for a few davs. Their ' »f r u n c >w , . .k • . I â-  f ^L ' L L« I -11 ... ' "•â- - Joiiii brown of Trairarva. Sask woi*h previous to ltf«ving for then- home ^four children accompanieil them. \ . â-  - â-  , , "* ' "• -w5» . Z . I "ho i* visiting his brother. Robert, of SwiatM Park. Ferersbam is laid up with » severe attack of bronchitis at present. We hope he in Manitoba Quite a nuniWr froMi here attende<l the carnival at Kimberley ou Friday ev- ening. Mr. George Graham of Pany Si>und visited relatives here last week. Mr. E. Pritchaid and Mr. and Mrs. Will Pritchard of .Meafolxl, were visitors here L'ist week. Mr. .\lox. CaMon of Pricevilie ivnewed iieiinaintances here on Saturday. Mr. R. G. Warliiig of Pricevilie was a viait^r in our burg la.st week. Mes-srs. John Weber and John Boland were in Owen Sound last week waiting on the County I'ounoil. | Mr. James Brinlio, a former resident »>f this place but now of Ladner, B.t' , is renewing act|itaintauces here. Mr. Stevenson, organiser for the C. O. F., spent a few diys horc recently work- ing in the Interest of Court VauUeleur, and succeeded in securing six new meui- Iwrs, who were duly initiated at the reg- iiitki' uieetiug of the Court on ThursMla y •A number of farmers here are making will soon recover, ready to ko West in the spring. j The snow Is deep and IV-b. Fred and In ct>nnectiou with the literary society ; Cap had ♦ gi-eac upset ct>ming from Col- a spelling match was held at .Mr. Donald ] lingwood on Saturvlay night. Campbell's home on Thursday evening, i â€" " ' when a pleasant time was spent. East Mountain We are pleased to learn that Mis. D. ' >, ., „ „ T". ., .,.„ 1 1 ' , ** s»* Mary Stafford is very ill with tv McMillan u slowly reeoveimv aftxr » .... ' >.«j "« »iiu ij serious illness. Mis. Alice Campbell recoveiing after a phoid fever. . Mrs. .lohn Ale-xander of Thornbury was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Wal- entertained number of her many frien.is at her home . , , , , _,. . . I ton, for a few days last week, on Thursday evening. \ ' •<";». i -vt Hf i.^ â-  J V »r. M** Nettie M.artin is home from Owen Mrs. Mcr.wen, accvinipanied by Miss o j » "".luc irwu v»weu I McEwen from the West, have been visit- 'ing at Messrs. Aldct>rns. **'** *'''^'* Smith has returne*! to i Messrs. Richard -md John Parslow ' " jiurp vstf holding their sale on Feb. 4th. Continuation Schools A Costly Fire Before County Council At Dundaik I For the fir»t time in its hi.story the County Council of this coumy has been called upon t"i face the nnestion of c n- tinaa'i'in schools. Two delegations met the Education Comiuittee at Owen Sound on Thursday taiC, >/ne from Flesbetti>n and another fannu Markdale. Thorn- bury is also m»vii>g in the o.atrer and anked the Council to appuitit a cummitiee to ti'ok over their ntU'^tioo. The Fleshertou delega'ion was r* pre- senta'ivr of the township and was com- piiAed of M. K. Ri'.-bariW n, Ji>hn FV>I- au«l. R. J. Sproule, T Henry. W- J. ^ Bellan<y, Win. McLoughav, .John We!)er ; and W. H. Thurston. They were intro- duce«l fo the committee by Reeve Boyd, a go<jd many i-f them, of which this is A peiition h.id lieen forwardr:d ihe not the lea.st. The village should have a Conmy Seorjtary asking the couuty ^ better tire protective system. fa' hers to set xside the r.iwnship ot .\rte- 1 mesia a)> a rural high school dUtiict for ' CcykM c<>utinuati>u work. Dnndalk has had one mure nentMS baptism of lire. .*l 2 a. in. Sund-ty morn- ing .J. D. Bn^wn s .-itore was discovered to be in tLuiies, and w.ks burned to the grijund. The Carson Wock, owned by Mr.Lamon.also took tireaiitl was bomed. The latter was i^cupied by H. Palmer as a pbotognph gallery, and G. Kearoa jewelery store. The contents of these two places were .sjived, l>ut Mr. Brown's sfcwk was a total l-iss. Mr. Brown hail an insurance, we are informed, of fSJOOO. The tire is supp<««d to hive >t;irte»l fn>iu a defective sliivepipe. Dtindalk has had souie ci.«*tly fires and Our teacher h** le'urned to her duties after being hid up with «rip for over a week. She is .still quite weak, but we trust she may ».>on l)e herself again. Mr. EJ ward Sirgent ind daughter have returned fwm their visit to Orangeville and vicinity to &n<l Mrs. Sargeet laid up with a cold .ind a very sore throat, with Dr. Cuter in atteudaoee. but under his ! ciire and with propar nursing will prob- ably be around shortly. Mr. Will McMil'aa of Pricevilie spent some days with Messrs. D. McLeod and F. Cairn.*. Mr. D. McLeod had a wood bee u* Monday, followed by a per*? for the young folks in the eveaiug. Publish My Letter The World Over ,They have rente*! their farm to their i uncle, Mr. Hugh Wilson, and intend g«>ing to the homestead out West. Mrs. Chav Haw's many friends are glad to know shf^ is able to sit up again, i A si vete accident bef*! Mr. Hugh the province John Perdue, an old veteilnary surgeon of Orangeville, died rather suddenly. He was in the Caledon wreck, au« never fully rocovered. The Dominion Alliance is preparing for next years local option fight thii>ughout In the m'-an'iiiie M.-»rkilale had 2ot bosy and called a f^'W emergency nlee^- itigs in tfiid ar-'Utid their viil.ige and g.>t a few schod sections C<< promise Oi>udi- ti'-nally that they would co.ue into a cuntni'Mtiun scho-d district formed with the vilLigd of Markdale. .A tielegttioo was sent up frwui Maikdate to advocate their claim t) a portion of Artemet'ia em- , bracing these sections. The d'leg»tion which tvwkrd up the claims of rhe township was a strong one :uid [Kiinted out that we bad iu Flesher- t in a .suc.essful sehol now in operation. with two teachers and some 4.'« pupils on the roll. The school was very popular and ot immense benefit but it w.-is handi- , capped for want of room and a school i would have to be built suitable for the ' purpose. W"i(h the who!e township for a district the building of such a school for the hiiiher education df our children ; and its maintenance would scarcely be ! felt by the ratepayers, and therefore for ' that reason the whole township was desited. Still, the delegation was not desirous of keeping Markdale from form- ing a district and buildinx a school if it wished and was willing to be fair with : them in the matter. Inspector Buff, . however, who was present, ventured the opinion that it would not be wise to have j r^aii subject to TumtM these sch.xds too close together as it "^" "^ "^*"*"^ ^® ^'""' 1,1. ,1 "f^" ^^^ sincere, strai would lend to weaken lioch. It was also pointed out for »he benefit of represen- tatives of other townships that probably i in the near future every township would ; want its continuation schiM>l and it was â-  not wise to carve up any township at the' present juncture. Those who s|)oke for the lown.ship j were Mr. Kichard.si.u, Mr. Sproule, Mr. ! Bellamy. Mr. HuS; Mr. Henry. Mr. ' B.laud. .Ml. WtU-rand Mr. Wui. Mc- ! Loughiy. j The Markdale delegation was then | j^uVn heard. They wanted iwo union sections north and west of Markdale, McLough- rey'a section and the Orange Valley sec- tion. They had alsi> a.sked for the Wode- house sect ion out in Euphrrsia, but as this rather weakened their long distance argument that section was withdrawn. 1 In order to lixbten the duties of the I committee the two delegations got to- \ gether and after a couple of sessions the i b«i»Ls of an agreement was reached where- 1 Sy -Artemesia rel!n<)uished one half of i Orange Vulley section to Markdale, also Elliott's section and Thibade&u's section. The new rural high schotd district em- braces the whole township excepting the lots northwesterly of lot 12t> m the 1st. ' Snd and &d concession* N. E. and S. W. ! of the T. and S. Road, and lots 9, 10. 11, 12. 13 and 14 and west half of lot 15. con. 14. The bylaw embodying this re- ceived its third reading Sat unlay morn- ing. A bylaw was also passed giving Markdale a district embracing the above lot-s also sections of Euphrasia and Glenelg. The board of trustees will be composed of six members, three ap(v>iiited by County Council and three by the Muni- cipal Council. The Couuty Couned ap- pointed John Weber, ^'aud«leur, one year ; J, S. Wilstni, Rockvale, two years; T. Henry. Fleshert>ii, three years. The o';her three trustees are yet to be ap- pi.>inted by the Township Council. "^ The Words of Harold T Bushy, Who Was Per x neutly Cured of Chrov Lumbago by "Nerviliiie.* Three years a«o I discovered that a bago mislit just as Tliese words traightforward letter of H. P Bu.-'hy. a well-known man In the plumbing and linsmitiiing busi- titss in Pore land. "v-ne attaek came after another, an-l Iumt>ago sot to be a ehronic ttilngwitti n;e. I eouIU scarcely get in a UaVs work tKfore that kniiiag, cruel pain uoultl atta k t-i;.- twck. I us»^d a gal- lon of liniments; not one of them seemed penetrattns er.oush to get at ttie core of this p&in. I read f-i the ^^ont.-eal Wii- Ki-js at-'ut Nvrvtiine. and got five IxJt- lles. It is a wondvrtul niedtoine â€" I could feel its sooihitig paiii-viieving every time it was app>ie<I. vVhen I got the disease under control vith N. rviiine. I built up my strenstll «nd fortified n-.y Uiood by taking FVr- .ozone at mta!* TtiSs treatment â- ured me p.?rcianently. and \ urgs vveryone to give up tlie thi.'k. white. •>(!y lininienis they are usins, and try la up-t.>-dyt«>. pen* traiitig, pain-de- .-^troytr !iko Nerviline. "r lease oabUsh my letter the world â- >ver. I want all to hear ot Nerviline." ^•.n't be o.ij<'Ied into ri-c-ivtug any- thing from yoiir dealer but "Jfervilino."* '.arge bottles 50c.. trial i<iie. 25e. Stdd ••vi?r> where or The Cutarrhosoite Co, UiMsrston, Ont. LETTER NO. 4311 A F^ERVILINE A r^tniiy Liniment GET YOUR WEDDING RINGS JEWELLERY CLOCKS REPAIRED WATCHES REPAIRED FOrXTAIN PBI^ SILVERWARE And everything in the Jewellery Line, from There is considerable rivalry at Culpoys in hauling big hiads to the dump, but at the present W. C. Bonesteel, working for J. C. Newman, seems to hold the cake. Last Friday he took a load of 6ve elms, a distance of 4} milesâ€" the roads none too good, and the load measured 2778 feet. The team is a pretly good one, weigh about 3300, go inyono who can beat t,his record has the 6oor. ARMSTRONG THE FLESHERTON JEWELER . BURT Specialist \\n diseases . of th« Eye, Ear,Nose and Throat Office 13 Feost St. - OwenS«ouncl .\t the Revere house, Markdale, Isi Fritlay each month from 8 to 12'ia, nu

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