Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 22

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-^. »* THE F L E S II E R TO I^ ADVANCE Febrcary 17 1910 Business Cards WALTER I.OUCKR Dutldor uil Contmctor For Hrlck, Ht<>n« kud fr»in« resi'loncoK. I.«- timate* chourfully Juri-Ulicil, Klo»hortoo i' O UaUu-io. liOUUiOUOH A YOUNQ V Htukeit Markdal* Do a general btDkiDgbusineii. Money loanao •t reakooable rate* Call on us. TChlSl.KTT, < i'osluiutrr, Ceylon. CoaiiniMloaer lu H. C J , Convev»noer. deeds, uiort«>ses. le««e«. willa etc. carefully drawn up ^olleoUOM 1J1»J'. charge* reasonable. A liw wroMrtW, flour. Uei etc. kept In stock. Price* iiKht. RJ aPBOULB „, ^ _ Poituiaitcr, Fleeherton ..oiumlaeioner in H.C J., Auotlonee Con- »eyancer, Api'ralior aud Money I-e«i^«f Seal K«tato aud Imurance Agent. Ileedii. inorUaeea. loa.ei and wilU carefully drawn op Md Tiluationi madeon iborte»t DoUce uoner to loan at lowest rates of intorcBt..l.ol- eetioas attended to witb VJ^J'.',"^" charge* low. Aiient for Ocean BomiuloD HCMiDtbip Company. A call solicited. DUcPHAIL, IJcentad Auctioneer foi the • Coiiuty of Grey. Tenns moderate aud '.atisfaction Rnaranteod. The arrangetnents and dates of sales can be made a'. Tm Ahvance ofBce. Kesidcnce and r.O.. Ceylon, Telopbone connection. X)ec. 0JJ7. WU. KAITTISO, Uceneod Auctioneer for the counties of Urey and Siuico*. Tanu and Stock sale* a apecislty. Terms luoderste. salisfsction RuaranUed. Arrange- uients for dates uisy be made at the Advance office or a: T. Hutchinson's store, Isversliaiu or by addressing me at Fevershauj, Ont. RUDI) MATHEWS, kfarkdale, Licensed aiicUoneer for Iho county of (Irey. Good â- enrico at reasmsble rate).. Dates nan be made at The Advance, o 00 1HAUVEY PKltlOOn. broker. Flesliorton. General brokerauu business. Insurance of every kind placudju Hsfo and liberal oompaoies. Keal estate etc., Opnn accounts aud past due notes handlfcd aii-1 money ad»a«ed thereon. Correspondence solicited. Medical IVB CABTF.B if M CP A BOnt.Fbyaician.Surijeon.ctc Offlee and rosideoee-Feter st , Flssbertou JP OTTBWBLIi Vatarlnary Sargeon Uradnate of Ontario Veterinary College, resideuee â€" ascond door south west^on hary street. This street runs toutb Presbyterian Charch. H WILSON, Blacksmith • 'iraduate of tua Veterinary Bcienc Asaoeiatloo. Durham Uraet, oppotile Boyd, Kro'a hardware. Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY U .1. fi , dental snrgeon honoi' graduate of Toronto University and Royal College of Dental 8uri;eons of Ontario, Oas admlsinistered for taetb extraction Office at residence, Toronto Street, Flos::ertOD. Legal WH.WUIonT. Barrister. Solicitor. ConTay- ancer. ate.,â€" Owsn Hound, and Flesherton, N IIâ€" Fleabertou office. Sproula'iBlook ayary Faturday Societies ft U W meets on tha last Monday al ID each month, in their looge room Norris' block. Flesberton, at 8 p.m. M. W.. MiUk Tblstlathwaita: Keo., C. H. Uunsbaw: Flo., W.J. Ilal.amy. VIsitlD b retbrtDlcTlUxi Coughs of Children Especially night coughs. Na ture needs t little help to quiet the irritation, control the in- flammation, check the progress of the disease. Our advice is â€"give the children Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Ask your doctor if this is his advice also He knows best. Do as he says A We vnbUsk eur ftorBalae vers We bsaisk aleekel fresa onrBetfielaes We uro yen te eeaeult yeur doeter If you think constipation it of trifling contequcnce, just uk your doctor. He vill disabiue yea of tbat notion in short order. "Correct it, at once I " he will say. Then ask him about Ayer's Pills. A mild liver pill, all vegetable. >F iha f . o. ajra* O*.. Lmil. ifaaa.â€" Abram L. Gibson •â- The Highland Laddie" H yeitrs old winnui' nf 15 prize* Edward Gibson Scottish Vocalist • ) p e n for K ii '^ ii i; e ni e n t a Highland costume Write for tonii-s EDW. GIBSON, NOTTAWA. Ont. PRINCB AKTHUB LODOE, No. ;i.1.'t, A.F.4 a A kl. meets in the Masonic ball. Arm- strong's Block. Kleshertota, averT Friday on or t>efor* the full moon. Tbos. Ulakely,W.>f .; Herb.Bwith, Becre'.ary, COUBT FLESHEBTON, 00.',. I. 0. F. ireets in Clayton's Bloek the Isst Wednesdav evening of each month. Viiltiug Foresters heartily welcome. H, It., Dyson; K. U., '1'. Henry; Fin. See., C. N. Biobsrdsoo. Pleaae pay dues to Flu. Bee. before the first dav of the month. nHOSEN FhlEKDS-Flaabarton CouDell of V Chosen Friends meets In Clayton's hall first and third Wednesdav of each mouth 8 p. ui Fay assessments to the Ilecorder on or Iwfove tea first day of each niootli. Chief Councillor T. Blakalev: Recorder W, H. liunt. Farms For Sale or Rent i;<AHU FOR BALE-Lot 10. (on. U, and -*- and north half Lot 10, (^on. 100, Osprev. 130 aora* ; a first class farm : goo<l brick house and good barn r/i x Ti with cement ntsbliDg ; farm well watered by kooI well at bouse and never tailing spring crsnk ; well fenced aud in a first clans state of cultivation. For price and teruisapply ou tea prcuiiue* or sddi'os* 11. J. 4'ol.<)uarrK, Ferarshani. .IsnlStt T ot !«. eon. IS, Artsnistia, 100 aores. There is -•-' a frame house OS the farm abont .k". sores vlearrd, cood paature, about 'il, acnia good hardwood bush, iiriurlpally maple and hemlock and about 'JUarrun Bwaiiip that never was cull' ed. Aijnanlity t,f g( 111 cedar «t for telegraph poles, telephone |>olo>, bridge tioilier, shingles, and hundreds of i.ordsof lath timber, consist- ing of sprnce and baliain, lislanre ilssh. If preferred would sell tlu;bor without the land For terms apply to -C. KNOTT, Thornbnry. SEASONABLE GOODS IN FURN I TURE The larucsl and IxiKt stocli of Furniture ever Khown in FleHherton. Thin without fear of cfin- tradictioD. Come and Bee Konie of the nice thingH in Side Boardn, Dining Room Cliairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A special reduc- tion jiiNt now on every- thing, in order to re- duce the Htouk. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Plesherton Ceylon Meat Market All kiiidx of fresh and ninokcd meats, headchceie, Baumiuc, alffay.so)i hand Cash paid lor hides. J. ncCLOCKLIN Thompson's VARM FOB 8AI,K-Lot 10. oon. 10, Osprey â- â- â-  sioseio thevllageof Pevershaiu. about 100 acres. Iu)proved frame lioime and good barn Well fenced. For terms etc., apply to A. U. CAUn>i:L,L,ulU llusholme Uoad Toronto Vor sale cheap or rent, immediate ponseafion. •â-  Lot * ecu. M, *rt»nio.tla, about 7'i acres clear, couifnrtahle log bouse and fraiim barn Apply to K J tinroule, Kleaherton, or John i Martin, acrosa the road from aald lot: t E a Por sale cheap and on ussy terms, good coin- •a fortable traiiio dwelllu),' ittablu aud drivinu nousa with th'ue vlllsge lots in Ceylon- Dwell- logwell built and Anished and good bsarina orchard un the property. Apply to -It J Hi-itoi'i.K, Flesberton. T ot 19, ^D. 6, Oapray contsinlng 100 acres, RO ^•'olearad. (rama hou»«, frame barn, stona foundatlou; orobsrd well waterwi. One thousadddown and l>alanoe to suit purchaser Iiuuiadlata fiossesslon Apply to B. N. KiNxriB Uaxwell P, O Animals for Sale p?«4«r.?yVoVd:v,Ji'rt's^7erp°.'r- JS?*'/ \ Mrioultoral mare 4 year old \l fo,| va«ni,earrfa«a, 1 good general nnriwae horae rJS?JS"e'!J2i"; m .= -1"CHAb\)AI,I,EN ' IM ITO, Snil E. T and H road. Flesberton P O Dread delivered I'ogu- lurly and kept for sale at the following stores: Collinson'H and .J, Pattison's, (Icy Ion W..\ldcovn it Son's and 1*. Mr.Vithur'H Pricovillc N. McCannoll's Proton St^ktion R. Mernn'H, Maxwell A. Hulchinson'H and Eli Rdhinsnn's Fovui'hIiuiii H.Cuinis', .I.R.Iiarge's and R.Pai'kH', Kiigenia I 3 Bakery iJhaveaflneJot of yomifr piKi bre<l from priM winning atook, fcir sale. Alio 1 good Bykihire hog, two years old. Write ma for IvieM. IcanKJve « bargain al*.. guarantee MtisfactluD on all iiuil nnlera. Ueo. W. K()»8. Maxwell P. O. Bulls, etc., for Services Y have for larylca a Purs Ried Dull, Droad- •• hook's I^ad, No, TJKH, on lot 10. con. », Ofpray. TarmatI, -,IaMBB BUItNB, ^ VaTarsham, Ont. Tba tb«routhbr*d hbortboru Ilnll. "Earl Oray," T14M1, will be for rervioe on lot M. oon, B, Arlainaala. The pedlgraa of ihia ana •nimal can bo seen (nirj plirstlcn. ^niii* ANURHW DOW ,Froprlatorl ^nioroattabrad Ball from linrorted (took, alao fMnwortn Boar for servloe ou lot UI, T, A 8. JOHN ADAMB, Prop!* FISH FISH FISH Now that the vuads are hd had I can- nut iiiAka my regular rounds, but have on hand lake Superior Halmon Trout and White Fish, alao Ij^Ve Erie Her- ring. Parties can Im; supplied at uiy TMidence, CullingwoMl street, Flesh- erton. H . K A 1) L E Y, Dealer in fresh tish only. RKHl'I.TS. The work and met hod* of the havcieoeiveaSO FIRST PRIZE.«» AT THE WORLiVa ORKATESTEXHIDI T10N8. Tndividuil tnstmotinn. 29 suocesif ul years. iDforinalion free. TEMPERAMENTS. They Divide the Human Family Into Five Great Classes. Tlio phy.^ician of a former goneru- tion u.ii.'d to talk much of tlie "torn- pcranii'iit" of liis pctientii â€" that is to iay, tiie pridomiiiuiit type of physical constitution po.sfc.sacd by I'acli. He ftudiid this permanent teinperuinent fully as curelully as he did the dis- ease li'niporarily present before de- ciding upon the line of treatment to be adopted. Even to-<iay, although the physi- cian speaks less of temperaments and (Liathescs and perhaps would be at a loss to tell the names by which they were formerly designated, he by no mcaiiii ignores the physical tendencies of his i)atient3. From the viewpoint of tcuiperanient one may regard the human family as divided into five great classes, although few l)elong solely to one type. Most persons have a mi.Tture of two or more, being classified rather by the one which pre- dominates. The first of these temperaments is the lymphatic or phlegmatic. In this the individuals are of a quiet, rather inert disposition. They move slowly, but they move surely. They are us- ually dependable ppople, true to their word and faithful to perform tlie du tics assigned to them. A second type, in many ways the direct opposite of tlie first, is the ner- vous temperament. Thes(! persons are quick in their movements, energetic in work and in play, strenuous, but often without staying power. What they acooiiipli.sh tliey accoini)lish quickly. The third type is the gouty, san- guine or rheumatic. The individuals oi lliis group are of floral coini)lexion, frank and jovial disposition, good eaters and sleepers and "never sick." But in later life they pay for their previous health by gouty attacks, and when attacked by serious illness they arc likely to succumb quickly. Persons of tlie bilious toinperamont are poor assiniilators of food. They suffer from intestinal indigestion, whicli leads to repealed attacks of "biliousness." All the processes of secretion and excretion are sluggishly performetl . The fifth temperament is the strum- ous. These people have poor diges- tion and defective reparative power, little cuts and scratches healing slow- ly. They are always "catching" what- ever contagious disease is about. They lack firmnes."* of texture The glands in the neck, in the armpits and in the groins frequently become enlarged. The treatment of the same disease in persons of different temperaments often varies greatly, and hence the importance of the study and power to recogniie tlie five distinct tonipera- ments. He Bit. The city man was jogging on to- ward Uie farmhouse in a rickety old wagon. The driver was glum and far from entertaining, and the city man felt rather lonely. "Fine field over iJicre," he ventured after a long silence. "Fine," grunted the driver. "Who owns it?" "Old man BiU." "Old man Bitt, eh? Who are those children stacking up hay?" "Old man Bitfs boys." ".\nd what is his idea in having tjiem out there in Uie field sucli a hot day?" "Waal, I reckon he Uiiuks every lit- tle Bitt helps, stranger. Anything else you want to know? Get up here, hoeses !" A Curious Needle. A curious nectUe was once in the po.ssession of Queen Victoria. It was made at the w^lebrated needle factory at Redditch and represents the col- umn of IVajan in miniature. This Roman column is adorned with numerous sci^nes in sculpture, and on the needle (which as pR-senl- ed to Uie Queen on her visit to the famous factory in December, 1864) scenes in her life are presented in re- lief, but so small that it requires a powerful magnifying glass to see them clearly. This "Victoria" needle can, more- over, be opened and contains a num- ber of needles of smaller size, which are also adorned with scenes in re- lief.â€" Ixindon Spare Moments. How Indiana Poisoned Arrowt. Indians took a fresh deer liver, fas- tened it to a long pole and then went to certAin i)laci'fl where tliey knew they would liud rattlesnakes. The bucks would poke the flr.st rattler with the liver. Tht; snake would repeated- ly strike at the liver with its fangs until its [ioison was all used up. Then the i)ole was carried home and fas- tened upright until the liver became as dry as a lK)ne. The liver was poundwl to a fine powder and placed in a buckskin bag. This jwwder would «lick like glue to any moisten- ed surfaet- and was used to i>oison C. A. Flemiug, Principal. (1, I>. Flemiug, S«oret*i'y, Hi* Lugiage. An Aberdonian went to spend a lew days in I/>ndon with his son, who had doiie i;xceptionally well in the great metropolis. After their first greetings at King's Cross station the young fel- low remarked: "Feyther, you are not lookin' weel. Is there anytliing the matter?" The old man replied, "Aye, lad, 1 have had quite an accident." "What was that, feytlior?" "Mon," he said, "on this journey frae bonnio Scotland I lost my luggage." "Dear, dear ! That's too bad. 'Oo did it hap- pen?" "Aweel," replied the Aberdon- ian. "Uie cork cam' oot." Foelieh Worry. "t'aptain, is there no way in whioli the ship may be saved?" "None at all, sir. Wc are going to Uie Itottom, but I should not worry about the ship, sir, if I were youâ€" she is fully insured, You'd better find a life belt." A* to Charity. "I'm sorry to hear your late la- mented aunt didn't leave you any- thing. 1 thought she believed that charity l>egin» at home." "Well, her ehariiy began and end- ed with tlie Home For Aged Woman or gome such ingiitution.' Eastern Funereal "Pomp. When a rich and important China- man dies his funeral is conducted witli much pomp and splendor. Hia friends and relations instead of sending wreaths send innumerable banners. These are made of white silk with inscriptions beautifully worked in black velvet and express the senders' good wishes to the de- ceased himself or to the members of hi« family for many generations. On the day of the funeral these banners are carried by hired men, who are all dressed alike for the occasion. Af- ter tiie funeral is over the banners are all brought back and eventually grace the rooms of the late Ohina- man'^ house. Dumas' Mushroonns. A Paris contemporary, commenting on the little knowledge of French pos- sessed by some Germans, relates a story of Alexandre Dumas pere, who knew little German. He found him- self at an inn in German Switzerland. He exhausted his small stock of Ger- man in trying to make the waiter understand what dishes he required for dinner. One he could not make the man understand, so in despair the author of "Monte Cristo" called for a pencil and sketched what he wanted. Some minutes later the inn- | keeper himself appeared bearing a , large open umbrella. Dumas had or- dered mushrooms.â€" London Globe. Innocence. I "Have you an anUer from a buck?" i asked the man in evening clothes as • he entered the dusty little shop of the j taxidermist. ] "ji;f_yos," responded the proprietor, ' "but we usually sell the antlers in j sets. Isn't it raUier unusual to ask for one antler?" "It i.-s. old man, but I'll make a con- fidant of you. Early in the evening I told my "wife I was going to a stag supper down at Uie club, and she made uie promise that I would bring her a horn from the stag, so I'll have i to keep my promise." A Possible Explanation. | There is a certain clergyman wb* has a happy way of enjoying his own disadvantages. Never a handsome man, Mr. C. wa» severely battered in a railroad wredc^ in which he suffered the loss ol ai toot. I Soon after marrying a beautiful nty^ man the ill-used miniaier met an old friend on the street, who banteringiy asked, "C, how in the world did auoIT a pretty girl come to marry you?" "Oh, ladiee like remnanta," was Ite cheerful reply. Like a Cigar. "A play," remarked the t£eairioaI manager, "is like a cigar." I "What's the answer?" inquired ili« innocent reporter. ^i "If it's good," explained tiie maa.' ager, "everyone wants a boix; and it it's bad, no amount ot paftng viU make it draw. Accurate Sporting News If you like a Sporting Page that is always reliable â€" newsy â€" full of personal interest â€" well illustrated â€" you'll enjoy the "Toronto Daily Star". Our staff of writers includes men active in athletic circles and amateur athletic organizations. Conse- quently our news is first-hand and authoritative. We have fairly earned the reputation of reporting athletic events, wherever they may take place, more fully than any other Canadian paper. Always, and above ali.we aim to htfair to everybody. Subscribe now and take advantage of our special rate of $1.50 A Year Thit paper andtht "Toronto Daily Star" togtfhtr for on* jnarâ€"$2. 20. Oumraittttd Fountain Pin giran for 50c. aildod to abort subscription pricoa. Toronto Daily Star Pi(y Your Mother If She Is Frail or Weak. COLLINSON BROS/ CUT-RATE STORE Great Clearing Sale---?:;Tru?cirL^'ihM stoi'i! has been reduced to cost. What is our loss is your sain. C'oino e;irly and uet your choice, for every thing mutt eo, reeardless ^if cost, ns thd pro- prietor is going out of business. Shsre in iha bargains we are -jivin!^ in every" line. Ce8t American Coal Oilâ€" 6 gallons for 950 r> zallons of best 20c Oil for 7oc Windsor Fine Salt, per barrel 1.25 40c Black and .lapati Tea, per pound 25c Itoyal Yeast Cakes, per packnge 4o 4 pounds Raisius for 25c fiO, 00 and 75c. winter Caps for 25c :! cane Tomatoes 25c i5 cans Pels 25c '^ cans Corn 25« Medium size L*nip UUs.scs 3c Bent qualiry Extracts, S^fur ^ 25c Jelly Powders, asst flavors, 3 for 24o Boots, Shoes and Rubbers at a great reduct ionâ€" some away lielow cost. Hardware uiid Dry Goo<ls also reduced. Every article iu the store marked away down. No reserve â€" »o first herd first served. CoUiuson Bros , "The Upright House" Ceylon, Ont. Ferrozone Cures Weakness The hrrolc side of life Is most often 'ountl In the struggle between iluty :o\vnr(]8 the family, and the mother's nnbllity through lll-hcaltli to perform :h.it duty.. "Words Fomrtlmc sorni ponr things ;o exi>rrss one'.s forllng!'," writes Mrs. I. I". Merrltt- "I have a family of five 111 pretty dose together. After baby wan born my streiisth didn't lonio lUck. The child pulled iwc di^wn a lot, md I cniililn't wean him In the Imt Acathor, my other children mided so nuch to be done for them. My sys- ;em did not come light â€" my color was ;)allld. and morning and night and all iho time, I was livid. My druggl.st old me of how well his customers ^poke of Kcvrozone, and I got six boxes right away. You wouldn't be- lieve how well It built nio up. It seems quite strange now to bo real well again, to feel like my old self once more. I was really lopt'lessly In despair and too complete- y worn out to feel like living before 1 used Ferrozone, so you can Imagine !»ow highly I prize such a good med- icine- My children now say 'mother isn't tired any more,' and for my child- ren's sake I am so glad to be well r-nough to give them all the care and xttcntlon that every good mother feels i\\-i must bestow upon her family." You nre sure to bo Invigorated, cer- tain to be built up and kept always at ^our best â€" you are bound to enjoy all the happiness of lasting good health if you use Ferrozone. Try It, one or two tablets along with your meals. Fifty cents a box, six for $2.50, all joalers or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Canada. CORNS CURED ^^ â- â-  "^ ** IN M HOVBS You can painlessly remove any corn, either hard, soft, or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no adds; Is harmless, because composed only of healing ( .; and balms. Fifty j'earw In use. Cu.'MiOuaranteed. Hold by all drugglats, 2oc bottles. Refustt substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR Norris Bros.. """Tn* rinsmiths lliickney Stock Tonic at Half licgiilar Price III the next thirty days wo are going to close out our present line of Stock Food. Most of you have uaed this celebrikted Stock Food and know the quality â€" to those who have not we would say after Imvintc used a imckage, if you du not tiiink you have received full value, re- turn the empty package and wo will cheerfully refund your money. IIhi; si. IK) packn){0 Stock Tunic, while they 1 kst oOc " uOc " " " 25c " 50c " Poultry F(Mxl, "makes the hous lay".. iidc " 50c " Heave Cure 30c 3 only $1 .fiO pails Hog Tonic, now 91-65 Saws and Axes Enamiuo our stock of Saws ,tnd Axes. Saws from $3.25 to $4.50, all fully •fuuranteed. Axes from 55o to $1 25. Axe handles gulore â€" your pick for -5o, some hand- made handles in this lot. Don't foraot to bring your coal oil can idong. If we can't convince you that we have the best oil you ever got iu Fleshert.ui we will give you your money back on application. I V I Norris Bros. Where the 6ood goods come from Fesherton. k The Markdale Music House To Intended Buyers; If you want a first-class piano or oritan call here. 1 sell stich hijjh firade pianos as the Heintzman, l4ewcombe. and Stanley, of Toronto ; V>illis pisnos «iul player pianos, of Montreal ; and the Wiu. ' Knabe & Co., of Baltimoreâ€" and other makes. Oruins such as the Thomas, of Wuoilstock, and Sherlock- Manning; organs and player organs of Londonâ€" both for homes and churches. Any of these goods sold on terms to suit the buyer. markdale C* J. mitWf Haisuli, the Moimcmu bandit chief, It Mid to hare dipd of poitoniuK. NO. T. Saya tht MilUr : "On* day coming heme I lo»k«d thtoMgh th* kitch- en window and taw our |rac«r*t wit* k«kla| blc cvlto. Sure •Bough, ther* wM»k*gef • CREAM or THE WBST' flout. Md tho kiscttlti war* iuit plp< ing hotâ€" akd* my Moutk wfttor. WM (hkt grocor lold to auch t»s|«l!»ii\i(.'jt!..iS_.,. •Cream of the West' Flour Ho knowi how good II ii by tho tuty things hit wife niikkoi with il. ond ho (mU turo In rocoaiaondlng it. •• II ovory grocor would Iry hit goodi botoro lollIng Ihom II would bo a good thing." Th* C«mi>b«ll Mllllut C»., I.laiil«4 Toronto For Sale by Sproule, Hlffglnbotham ft Co., PiMherton and James Pattlson, Ceylod. 1

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