February 3 1910 THE F 1. E S H E K T O N ADVANCE THESTANDARD BANK .E.ublUhedl873 OF CANADA WBt^iclu* A Complete Banking Service Available for Manufacturing and Commercial Houses, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Municipalities, Corporations, farmers and private individuals. 80 Savings Bank Department at every Branch. FLESHERTON BRANCH George MitcKell, Manager INCHES JLl^O AT DURHAM AND HARRMTOM. VICINITY CHIPS It's "February" now. Mrs. Mark Wilson i» visiting in Tor. • onto. Mrs. Win. Lee« is nursing on a case â- ear Walkvrlon. Rev. Mr. Wellwood has been visiting in Toronto for a week. Mrs. W. A. Armstrong and Mrs. RH. Wright are in Toronto this weelt. Charlie Thistlethwaite has taken a position M) J. & W. Boyd's store. Mrs. Geo. Murphy of Toronto visited her neice Mis. Wni. Moore, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Atthur McClocklin of 'Durham visited relatives here on Sunday. Miss Vera Phillips left on Monday to spend a month with her sister, in â- Toronto. BoBttâ€" On Tuesday, Fob. 25, at Wiar- •toD, toMr. and Mrs. Isaac Noriis, a •on. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bowler of Dun- 'dalk spent Sunday with Mr. and Mra. W. P. Crossley. Mr. Bernie Robinson and s'ater, Miss •Clara Robinson, of Stayner, are visiting friends in this vicinity. Messrs. Will and Sam Osborne of Bat- H«aa, Nottawasags, were guests of Mr. W. J. Bellamy over Sunday. The rink here pleasure to larue numbers. Young folks •come from 12 miles around to skate. Word has been received that Mr. Will Paul has arrived safely at Lang, Sikslc., wiih4iiH consigometit of horses after a week's travelling. The Secretary of Artemesia Agricultur- al Society doeires us to state that the name of M. L. Mclntyre was inadvert- ently omitted from the list of directors elected for that society as announced :ia The Advance last nreetc. Mrs. J. A. Boyd gave an At Home to the Indies of the village, on Thursday Mr. H. Ketlel, of Liiiwnod, is visiting his uncle, Mr. J. R-insiiidler. Mrs. D. Clayt<:n and two sckis. Will and Dave, of Litnt;, Snsk., are visiting I Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Clayton. Markdale puck chasers are billed for a set-to with the locul hockeyists on b''riday night here. X hut time is expected. In view of the increasing attention being attracted by cigarette smoking in this town il is not surpti.sing to note thar a large numl>er of boyt are just pust sixteen. It i» illf gal for boys undea. that age to smoke cigarettes. Tlie tremendiiua sensation raised by the Kindrade murder case cost the prov- ince $4,090 â€" and if ( he newspaper space used in the matter were to be added to this it would run up around the millions of dollars â€" and all tu no avail ! Markdale aud Barrie junior O.H.A. teams meet in a sudden death game, in Toronto tonight (Wednesday). jThe odds are against the Markdale bunch who have on'y met a "punk" team from Owen Sound this season. Hot Shot l^rom the Managers We, the mani^era of the Feversham skating rink, are prepared to prove that anyone stating that the language and ac- tions of the young men who frequent the rink are not fit fur young ladies to see and hear, are liars ; and would anyone making such a statement kindly apolo- , gize. We take this opportunity of continues a source of f ,,„••. thanking the young people of this vicin- ity for their patronage and excellent con- duct. â€" Norman VanBlaricuin, Russell A. MoiTison, Fergus E Somers. A Phenomenal Winter â€" Rather Mr. R. D. Meldrum of Portlaw informs The Advance that on Saturday last he saw a hirge flock of wild geese flying in a north-westerly direction. What does this portend I When in Owen Sound last week The Advance man was surprised to find that the bay was all open, with just a fringe , of ice around the shores. A vessel came afternoon of last week. She w*. assist- , j^ j^,^ y^.^^^ ^ ^^^^ ^^^ ,^^ g^^^^ ed in receiving by Mrs, Geo. Mitchell and Mrs. (Dr.) Carter. The function was very successful and enjoyable from every point of view. The Advance had a pleasant call on Monday from Mr. Arch. McLean, Reeve of Bruce Township, County of Bruce. Mr. McLean had been attending County Council aud took advantage of the ocua> sion to run across and see old friends here. Building operations will be lively in the viciuity of Saugeeu Junction this eonaing summer. Among those who con- template building are : Mess^s. John These things prove conclusively the wonderful mildness of the present season. With abundance of snow :md unusually mild weather, we have the ideal winter. Notes of the Women's Institute. The Kinibfrlt-y branch ht-lil llu-ir Jan- uary iueecin<; at the home of Mrs. G. H. Walter, "Poplar Grove Fiiriu", uii Jan- uary 27'-h. The mei'tiiiu was uot so well attended hn usual. ' Mra. G. H. Walter giivn » reuiling nn "Why some children are biickward." Vocal and iiiKtrumentul niueic itm'e given by Mrs. A. E Mj'Ihp. Misk Alice Caniack mid Mi-H. G. H. Walter. The Febnimy meeting will be bold at the lii>iiieof Mra A. E. Myles, "Springbrook Fann," on Feb. 24th. An invitation is given to tliu Vaiideleur branch to visit the Kimberloy biauch at Mr.«. Mylea' in their Fjbruary meeting. On Jaiiuary the twenty-fifih, the Maxwell branch spent a .soui.&l evening with their trieuda in the Methodist hall, where tea was served to about eeveuty- tive, after which a good program wa» given. All report a gwod tiuie. An interesting uteeiii>g of the Fluoher- ton Branch was held at the residence of Mr. R. H. Moure on TueBday, Jan. 25th Thirty members and two visitors were present. Although late in the year eight new names were added to the roll, luak- fifty-livfi members. Mrs. W. Boyd road a i)»per on " The Value of Vegetables as a Food," which showed careful preparation. Some vege- tables are valuable because of the wati^r they contain. In the discussion which followed, Mrs. (Dr.) Carter said that our bodies contain a large amount of water^ if it were not so our bodies would become rifjid. Water drank immediately after ribing in the morning is very buneticial as it assists the stomach in digesting the food. • Mrs. R. Moore read a very helpful paper on " New Years Resolutions. " We should resi>lve to be kind and ludpful to those with whom we ooiuo in contact and never say an unkind word to those about ui. Mrs. R. Moore and Mrs. W. H. Bunt sang a duet that was well received. Mrs, Carter read a Canadian story en- titled "The Other Hand. " The Shredded VVheat Co., of Niagara Falls, Ont., will give a banquet on Mon- day, March 7th, under the auspices of the W. I. diligence aud onergy,. and wo trust not without success. During these years iimny have couio under your intluence and passed out into the world, whore no doubt some will cause that influence to be felt in a still wider circle. And now we hope and trust you will long be spared to ucmtinue the good work, Hiid we will will ever pray that G<k1 will bless you and yours, sustjiin you with his spirit, Hssisi you in your endeavor to niuuld the oliaiacter of tho.se eiitru.sted to your care and thus accoinpliHh much fur our blesHed Master. As a token, of our apiireciation we present you with this ct)ucli, table and four oluiir.s. Signed on behalf of your friends of the Hal>l>;ith scliool^Mrs. Robert Rutledgts Mrs. T. Chislott. T" this Mr. Iieiiif>hill very fittingly replied in a few well chosen words. The Rev. J. Liuichlund Ijeing present, enter- tained the gathering with a very inter- esting little speech. The contents of the various luiskets wore then disposed of,, after which the people retiinied to tlieii' several hoiiujs, all apparently well pleased withllie evening's outing. F. G. KARSTEDT tt Purity Flour" Dr. deVan's French Female Pillsâ€" the Wife's Friend. A reliable regulator ; never fails. While these pills are exceedingly power- ful in reguhiting the generative portion oi the female system, they are strictly safe to use. Refuse all cheap imitations. Dr. do Van's are 8(dd at 85 00 a box, or three for 810.00. Mailed tu any address. The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines Ont. FELT ALL USED UP A Business Man Escaped Breakdo'wn. Again we beg to draw your attention to the now, Famous Purity Flour, which we are handling. It is, as you are tvware, tlie BEST flour that has yot been put upon the market. It makeii more bread than any other flour and the cost is no more than those flours that they say are ju.st as good. It has been tried and proven to be the best, by the best bakers in uur ooiumuiiity. Try a small bag for yourself and you will never be without it. Wo also have a full supply of "Three Star' flour, feed [flour, shorts and brans at the lowest possible prices. Special prices on large quantities. Crosscut Sa^^s A full stock to hand o£ Buflalo Bill*, Simonds, Racer, Lance Tooth, Monarch, and every other two or four cutting tooth and drag saw that is on the market. All 3A feet long. At a price which is right, f run 94.00 to $4.25, bundles extra. ^,4 US S^rve p ^ii With the Churches Rev. G. Munro, of Oakland, will preach in the Presbyterian church the next two Sabbaths. Mr. Wilfrid E. CuIIis occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church, here, on Sunday morning and evening. Mr. CuUis is a probationer in the ministry Best and Joseph Oliver, who will b<ith , and is a young man of oot.siderable pro- put up brick residences ; Tbos. Watson and John Dow will erect new barns. On Thursday morning Mr. J. Run- stadler received the sad intelligence that his eldest sister, Mrs. J. Stuuipf, of St- Cleinents, had passed away. Her death was not unexpected, as she had been ill for some time. Mr. Runstadler attend- ed the funeral, which Wivs held on Satur- day. mise. The congregali )n here was glad to have him with them. He has not yet fully recovered from an attack of typhoid contracted while doing ministerial work in New Ontario. The Methodist Ladies' Aid held a vefy enjoyable social in the town hall on Wednesday evening last. The Brst part of the evening was spent in ^nnies and social chat, followed by an interesting Ferrozone The Best Man's Tonic A hockey match was advertised for last program. Mr. M. K. Uichnrdson was week between Duudalk and Fleshei ton ; t''-^ fttt"l>l« chairman, and announced the junior teams. The former sepieite fail- ; P"'l""*« '>f 'he Ladios' Aid to assist in •d to appear on the landscape ; and, over [ "'e purchase of a new pipe orgMi for the the 'phone gave the excuse of bad roads ! chu.ch. Miss Mabel Boyd and Mrs. R. for their nou-appearai,ce. We believe j Wright bang solos, and Mr. R. Moore the southern bunch will come up some' g-^vo a humorous Scottish reading, time next summer, when the iwls are [ Miss E. U. Freemon gave a humorous sure to be in better shape and engage in J^-lo aii.! responded to » hearty encore a game of marbles. County Council Chairmen At the County Council last week the one interesting contest was that involv- ing the olectio* of chairman of the Fi- nance Committee. The two candidates were Dr. Mearns of Hanover and J. A. Boyd of Flesherton. Friends of both candidates were enthusiastic, and keen canvassing was e.xercised. After the opening of Council on Wednesday morn- ing the Finance Committee retired to the judge's room to elect a chairman, when it was resolved to depart from the usual custom of show of hands and make the choice by ballot. This resulted as fol- lows : Dr. Mearns 12, J. A. Boyd 12. This caused a halt in the proceedings, and after some discussion the Clerk was called in. The slate of the ballot was explained and advice asked as to proced- ure. The Clerk ruled that it was the duty of the Warden to cast the deciding vole. If the Warden refused, then the municipality having the largest assess- ment had the privilege. However, the Warden cast a ballot for Dr. Meiirns and all was over. This new departure of electing by ballot was exorcised tlirough- out the election of chairmen of commit- tees. Mr. Boyd was also nominated for chairman of C junty Property and also as member of Judicial Board of Audit, but with the consent of his mover and sec- onder withdrew his name in each case. Following are th echairmen of commit- tees as appointed ao County Council last week. Finance and Assessmentâ€" Dr. Monrns. Road and Bridge â€" Mr. Sinclair. County Pro{)crty â€"Mr. .Johnston. Educationâ€" Mr. Norniati. Printingâ€" Mr. Elli.s. Coinmuiiicatiuns and Memorialsâ€" Mr. Eaton. House of Refugeâ€" Mes.sis. Hunt, John McKay, and the Warden. Wiirden's Cumniittee â€" Messrs. Mc- Kiiight, Meu'iis and Eaton. CORNS A Scottish concert will be given in the town hall, on Wednesday evening next under the auspices of the Methodist Ladies' Aid, by the musical Gibson fain- , . . .i a , ., ,. ,o.ij wui .. , IS impossible to any save the Scotsman, ily. late of Scotland. We had a taste of; ,. ,, • . i , u p „„^„,»„,. ' . . . , , , V . 1 were highly appreciated./ Refieshmenis their singing here last week, but only a I , tri 'i t„j ,„ '^ ^ ' were served. The proceeds amounted to Several Sco;tish selections were given by Edw. Gibson and his son Abrani. Mr. Gibson is just a short time out from the land of the heather, and the solos, with the charming rolling of the r's that taste, and): it made us long for more. You will make no mistake by oominir out to hear this talented family on Wednes- day evening next. Friday night of last week about fifteen young peoplo drove over to KimberUy «L3.50. The members and friends of the W.M. S. of the Methodist church made three quilts and have sent them to the Doaciin- i,es8' Home, Toronto. They will be to attend a skating carnival held on the , "•'«?'» f"'' the comfort of some poor famil- •pen air rink there. The carmval wa. ' ie». This Auxiliary has added .several an immense success and was attended by new names to its ndl, and now numbers young people from many miles around. »ho«t »h*''y "i«'nbcrs. They meet each We had hoped .-ur correspondent would "'W"*-') """^ •""« -itu^l-V'"!? " The Story of bave^socuied a list i^f the priice-winners I'he learf, vol. U. for this week's issue, but it has not, come The Markdale Epwotth Leaiiue, about lo hand. The proceeds of the oarniv:d fifty strong, visited the Flesheilon ran somewhere around sixty dollars, we League, and supplied the program An •re informed. enjoyable evening was ^pi•llt. A Surprise Party at Ceylon One of thoso pleiwant little social gatherings which wo all enjoy ho much, teok place at the residence of Mr. S, Hemphill on Thursday evening, Jan. 27, when about forty of his friends assem- bled in the form of a surprise party. Having first met at Mr. R. Cook's, they went in a Iwdy to Mr. Homphill's, which they took by storm â€" a ttorni of hearty congratuhitions â€" aud numerous baskets well laden with good things. After some music the people were called to order, and Mr. J . L. Woods read the fol'owing address : M.II. S._ HEMfHiu.,- Dear Sir,- It is with feelings of sincere rospeet to you for your great and unwearied interest in l>e- half of our Sabbath school, and your ear- no«t endeavor for the moral development mid advancement of the vising generation in all that is good, not only for their present but for their future and eternal welfure. For many yoai-s you have dia- charged your vaiious duties with ability. "It needs only the additional strain following a slump in business world like 1907-8 to bring many business men to the ver.v limit of their physical endurance. Things began to get tight with me early in August, '07," writes Truman J. Harcourt from Wilming- ton. "Larger payments in connection with my contracts had to be made, and it took so much of my capital that I found myself on the ragged edge. I had worked very hard and had per- haps smoked too much, so when pres- sure demanded strength my nerves gave out. I lost my appetite, couldn't set to sleep before one or two, and it looked a s i f I were all In. "I was reading the Telegraph and noticed the won- derful work done by 'Ferrozone.' I read of a case of nervousness it had cured and decided to try it myself. I am not going lo tell you of my ups ind downs during the first three weeks â€" one day I would feel pretty well, the next day like thirty cents. In three or four weeks the effect of Ferrozone was manifest. I gained steadily â€" tliafs the best of a good medicine. Ail I gained I kept, and co-day I am as sound, strong and vlg- iirous as a young boy." When you feel all used up â€" tired )Ut â€" lacking appetite, energy and am- bition, these are the signs of thin blood and weak nerves. Ferrozone >vlll cure â€" try one or two Ferrozone Tabli'ts at meals. Fifty cents a box, jlx for jfS.BO. all dealers or The Ca- tarrhozonu Co., Kingston, Canada. CURED IN 24 HOURS You can painlessly remove any corn, either hard, soft, or bleeding, by applying Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no iclds; is harmle.ssi, because composed inly of healing (?urr.s and bnlm.s. Fifty ••ears In use. Cure guaranteed. Sold l>y all UruggLsts. 25c bottles. Refuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR Odds and Ends W, 4. Armstrong issuer of marriage licenses. _ Attention is drawn to Morley ,& Baker's advt, in another column. Remember the Scottish concert in the town hall, Wednusday evening, Feb. !(. Contract to let â€" Drawing lous by the thousand. Apply to J. F. Collmson. Come awa' and hear the auld Set tch sangs in the town hall, V>ednosday evening, Feb. 9. Popular prices B'or saleâ€" Horse coming 4 yrs old, quiet driver, well broken single. â€" B'. Deagle, Eugenia. Uavinu leased the sawmill at Eugenia, I am prepaied to do all kinds of custom sawing. R. Haney. For Saleâ€" A uoo-i big cow supposed to be in calf. Will sell for money or gnod papers, .'^pply to L. Badgfiow, 4th Luie, Arlemesla. Mra. Andiew Uutludgo ofl'ors for sale 10 acres of swamp, ooiitainiiix spruce, hemlock and cedar, one mile from Flesh- erton station. Ajiply to Mis. A. Rut- lodge, Ceylon P. O. A good house and garden with stable to runt at Eugenia, also one kitchen cab iiiet for sale. .1. H. Jamieson, owner. A^pply to Mrs. Robert McMaster, Eugenia. The undersigned is prepared to do all kinds of stimework and plastering. Re- pairing pramptly attended to. J. O. Palton, Fleshert n. Box 241. Notice To The Puulicâ€" Horseshoeing done at the old price : 10 cents a sett, 25 cents a new shoe. Special attention given to interfering and contracted hoofs. â€" Jake Williams, Eugenia Ont. As we have put in an up-to-dsle chopper, we are picparcd to do all kinds of grsin chopping. Choppiog done every day. Give us a trial. W. ifc M. KertoD, Maxwell. - To those who want to have a good ap- pearance it is good news to know that they can take their linen to Andy Wilson Klfsherton, ami have ii laundered in tirst class style. Basket leavts Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. m. Markdale steam laundry. VV. J. Smith, Prop. We woukl ju.st say we are able te serve you in winter footwear. We never had a better stock for men, ladies and children. liubbers and Overshoe? â€" Maltese Cross- first quality, no better to be had. Boots, Shoes. Suit Cases, Trunks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds of Shoe Polishes. A lot of Winter Mitts selling off" cheap r^ ^^ tik The Flesherton Carriage Works Flesberon, Ont. Winter is Here. And so are wc with our laige display of cutters, sleighs, and everything carriage line. ^ i have a look before buying, and then you will be convinced that cannot do better elsewhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Horse shoeing and general biacksmithing a specialty. First class livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, - Propnetor. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance S 1 OU Youths Compauioii 1 75 Toronto World, daily 2 00 Toronto Daily News 1 80 Weekly Globe . 80 Mail-Empire .... , 76 Family Herald & Star 80 Toronto Star 1 36 Farmer Sun 80 Farmers Advocata 1 ;iO Weekly WiUiees 75 SatnidayNight 3 00 Homo Journal 56 Poultry News . . : : 15 J. B. PATTON PAINTER â€" PAPKR HANGER Sign Painting and High-class Decorating A Hpc-ciidty. Oifice at . , . FLKSHKRTON, ONT Wooden ])imips munuf.ictured through- out aud rcpiirs promptly iiid satistac- lorily atteiidvd to, â- t r ..^eiit for the th toe best iron pump D UiUtnct rots in Ontario. ^ A card dropped t.> me at Ceylon P. O. will have my prompt attention. JAMES A. McLEAN CURRIES CORNER, Ceylon P.O. Giving Up Business SLAUGHTER SALE of STORE GOODS Giving up business and every- thing must be sold. 910,000 worili of atoio goods t(> be .sold In Forty Days, for cash Stock Consists of Dry Oo' ds, Groceries, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Glassware, Hardware, Patent Mudicinen, Jewellery, Wall Paper and Stock Fo<xls. Sale start* JANUARY 25â€" Cmno early and secure the bei-t bargains All accounts ainst be seti led before 251 h of Februaiy or will be placed in Court for crdlcctioii nftor th.it date. A. T. Hutchinson Feversham WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. High grade departments of Business, Shorthand and Type writing. In- dividual instruction. Students may enter at any time. Catalogue free. Collingwood Business T. E. HAWKINS Principal College AMALGAMATED. Tlio tailoring businesses formerly conducted by F. Morley and F. L. Baker have been amalgamated and tlie busiuess will be conducted under the firm name of MITCHELL'S BLOCK Winter Term >pen8 January at the 3rd, 1910, Owen Sound, Ont. Individual Instruction given in all bnei- noss subjects. Preparatory course for those whose early education has been neglected. Write for particulars. C. A. Fleming, G. D. Fleming, Principal. Secretary. Custom Weaving The undersigned is now prepaired to do all kinds of Custom Weaving. Plain, Twilled and Satinette, Carpets, rugs and Hammoclts a Specialty. Hit and Mi.ss Rags, Colored Warp found, 20 cents per yard. Striped rags extrt. Wm. LEES, Fleslierton. Ont. .>. nil CC get Immediate relief fnm riULJ Dr.ShMp'sMA|lcOUitiaeBt» I