Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 7

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UFE*S OUTLOOK FOR YOUNG GIRLS. lature Makes Demands Upon Them Which only Su<-b a Tonic as Dr. Tf'illiamB' Pinl( Pills Can Supply. Tlie girl of to-day is tlie woman (.[ to-morrow, and until that to- morrow o^t-tinies she suffers a weariness and loss of strength and brightness. These wops, with pa- lid fhteks, shortness of breath and persistent headaches, tell plainer Ihan words that she needs assist- ance in the form of new, rich red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are just the medicine grow- ing girls need. Every dose helps to make new, rich blood, thus helping languid, despondent girls on to the full bloom of womanhood, making them robust, cheerful and attrac- tive. Mrs. Albert I'utman, i'ort Robinson, Ont., says; "A couple of years ago my daug'iter Hattie, now fifteen, was in declining health. She •omplained of severe headaches, had no appetite, was very pale, and exhausted at the least exertion. As time passed on she was hardly able t-) drag herself about, uotwith- Etanding that she was under medical treatment and continuously taking medicine. At this juncture a neighbor strongly advised me to give Hattie Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I decided to do so. After she had taken three boxes some improvement was noticed ; the head- aches were not so frequent, nor so severe, and her appetite was much improved. This was indeed cheer- ing and she ' continued taking the UNCOMMON WANTS. AdTerdsements Which Appeared in English Papers. Curiously worded advertisementB, which are funny without the au- thor's intent, are to be found in al- m St any number of any newspaper. The following announcements were printed in all good faith in the ad- vertising columns of various Eng- lish newspapers, and, as a whole, they won a prize offered by a Lon- don periodical for the best collec- tion of such specimens of unconsci- ous humor : Annual sale on now. Don't go elsewhere to be cheatedâ€" come in here. A lady wants to sell her piano, as she is going away, in a strong iron frame. Wantedâ€" Experienced nurse for bottled baby. Furnished apartments suitable for gentlemen with folding doors. Two sisters want washing. Wantedâ€" A room by two gentle- men about thirty feet long and twenty feet broad. Lostâ€" A collie dog by a man on Saturday answering to Jim with a brass collar round his neck and a muzzle. Wanted, by a respectable girl, her passage to New York; willing to take care of children and a good sailor. Respectable widow wants washing on Tuesdays. For Sale â€" A pianoforte, the pro- perty of a musician with carved legs. Mr. Brown, furrier, begs to an- nounce that he will make up gowns, capes, etc., foi ladies out of their own skins. A boy who can open oysters with ITS THE TALK OF 1 Best for ChiMren THE COUNTRYSIDE " " HOW DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MRS. SAMUEL THOMPSON'S DROPSY. Hcr's Was a Terrible Case and the Doctors were Powerless to Check It, but the Great Kidney Remedy Cured It. Holt, Ont., Jan. 31 (Special).-- All the country side about here is talking of the wonderful cure of Mrs. Samuel Thompson of this place. She was taken sick with Jaundice, and though the doctor was called in she grew steadily worse. Her stomach was so bad she could not keep anything on it. Dropsy set in and she bloated to a terrible size. The doctor came three times to tap her, but her hus- band would not allow him to do it, saying that if she could not get better they might let her die in peace. Finally she dropped the doctors and tried other medicines, but they did her no good. Her leg burst and the water streamed from it. Then someone told her about Dodd's Kidney Pills and so she a.sked her husband to get her a box. After takiiifT them a pise's > CURE ^^ Gives instant relief when little throats are initated and â- ore. Gxitains no opiates and is •* pleasant to take as it is elective. AU DniRiato, 28 ccolt. "WHO'LL BUY MY LAVEN- DER?" When laveader pillows are jnt in a sunny apartment tbcy arc okarM- ing, and the more they are Kkaken up the more fragrant they bcc«»i«. Lavendar was called by the Ro- mans lavandultt. At cutting-time INNOCENCE OF KITTENS. Mr. Robert W. Yerkes raises the question whether kittens are born with a propensity to eat mice. Three Manx kittens kept in a cage for six weeks with a mouse, which was introduced when they were five months old, made no attempt to in- jure it, although they were hun- gry, until the mother cat was in- troduced and showed how mice should be treated. Other obsen-ers have noted the indisposition of kit- tens to attack mice, but the ques- tion whether mouse-killing is in- stinctive or educational with them can hardly be said to have been settled. * A UTTLE COLD. He caught a little celdâ€" That was all. So the neighbors sadly said. people travel from long disUnces j As they gathered round his bed I 1 inhale the fragrance of the fields. In the eighteenth century lavender-water was the principal perfume of the ladies of that peri- od. Then the fashion changed. Chemically-prepared perfumes im- ported from the Continent become the mode, and "sweet" lavender- water became almost unknown, ex- cept in country cottages. A lady who still cultivated the plant and manufactured the scent wrot« to Queen Victoria asking her Majesty t) use her great iniluence to re- store this old English perfume to while shel'P^Pularity, and she acquiesced. When they heard that he was dead. He caught a little cold â€" That was all. (Puck.) Neglect of a cough or cold often leads to serious trouble. To break up a cold in twenty-four hours and cure any cough that is curable, mix two ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce of Virgin Oil of Pine com- Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills ar« made areordinc to a formBlain a»« nrarlr a etBtary sv* aniAnv tbr Iiidinna. and learned from lhc>ai bT nr. Mora*. Though rrpnatrd at- tempt* hav* hM*n xaado. bv phyal* ctaiiii and rhrmlata. It baahwn found ImpnscihU lo imnroTe th» tertntila or llftflilU. Dr .Morsp'a Indian Root Pilla arc a buu«»bold remedy thronrhout the world for Con»tln». tinn and all Ki(In»y and LUcr troiihlM Thfy act promptljp asd affectlTfly. and Cleanse the Systenn AGENTS WANTED. AUB1TI0U8 repreiteutatiM mM«d la eTeiT laxalitT t« wll "Modera" sp*. olalUea. Bewmv yttiir territorv bov. "Ti&B time intc (eld. ' (i.H to $ie.M a da,y raa b» ea5>ily made. Writo tn-4air. Mr»-«ni flooda Co. of Canada. Owen Bonnd. Oi..'N FOR SALE. ^TKAM PLEASTTKF. T.^CIIT, NEi-RLT new, fifty f^ct lotiK, triple ezpanaloa «nKineii. eTerytbing up-todate. Will ba sold at a bargain. Apply tor particular*. 0. Sorby, Guelph. "IT'AR.M to KKNT. b«t«ie»u MeafflrriandOwa* jr SoQDd. Two hundred arren undfi;rnUirAtioai uuo paature, farm bonea a.ud ftnni outbuildlnf a. J. W. ((. WhUn»v, e.« Toronto Street. Toronto CALVES ^^ Ht»«la,'l)ri«s Ralsa Thain wnnout â- â- Â« Buuklet Kraa. 'llrius 8e«d Co. Ltd., TorvatoJOak HOPE FOR THE OEAF-IN ACOUSTICOR- ..ne of the niaiT»l« ol the •luttical »j». Pills until she had used some | reference. eight boxes, when she was as well | Bulldog for sale ; will eat any- as ever she had been in her life, and ' thing ; very fond of children. since that time she has been as ro- 1 Wantedâ€" An organist and a boy bust as any girl could wish to be. ' ^^^ blow the same. 1 would strongly urge all mothers Wantedâ€" A boy to be partly out- of growing girls to keep their health fortifi€d through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills can be had from any medicine dealer or by mail from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at | 60 cents a box or six $2.50. side and partly behind the coun- ter. NOT GOING TO TAKE IT. Hamish was a thrifty Scot, like many of his race, an enthusiast over golf. But one day Hamish had such peculiar and unpleasant feelings that he reluctantly consulted a phy- sician. "You've overdone the matter of exercise, man," said the doctor, af- ter Hamish had detailed his symp- toms. "You must give yourself a day's quiet now and then, and avoid exposure. How often do you play golf?" "Every day but the Sabbath," Baid Hamish, rising. "You must be wore temperate at It," said the physician. "Twice a week in good weather is enough for you." "Good day I" said Hamish, mov- ing toward the door. "You've not paid me for my ad- vice," said the doctor, who knew his man. "Nae, for I'm nae takking .it," â- aid Hamish. as he reached the door and made his escape. TRANSPARENT TALES. The tail of Halley's comet is transparent, just like the tale that is told by the man who gets home late with a breath that is strong enough for him to lean on. LOST SYMPATHY. Mother (tenderly)â€" "And just to yjm at t^iink, Bobby, the little Eskimo boys boxes' for | never wash their faces or cut their nails or go to school." Bobbyâ€" "Oh, ma, why couldn't I have been an Eskimo boyi" » 4 4 ♦ ♦ M ♦ » » ♦♦-»-f-»>-»-M"M-f delicate: l-ITTUE BABIES '', -. Every delicate baby starts ^ life with a serious handicap, -f Even a trivial illness may end ^ t dread. ♦ ts have T iiy other ^ fatally and the mother is kept in a state of constant dread Baby's Own Tablet done more than an^ medicine to make sickly ba- bies well and strong. They give mothers a feeling of se- curity as through their use she sees her delicate child developing healthily. Mrs. Theodore Mordon, Bala, Ont., says: â€" "I can say with con- fidence that Baby's Own Tablets saved my baby's life. I did not know what it was to have a good night's rest un- til we started using the Tab- lets, but they have made him a strong, healthy child." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bo.x from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. took a bad turn. Something would come in lier throat and she would vomit. The water would just fly from her mouth. But from that time she commenced to get better, and to-day she is a well woman. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured her. Dodd's Kidney Pills euro Dropsy by putting the Kidneys in condition to take the surplus water out of the blood. They always cure it. If you arc a sufferer from colds get a bottle of Bicklc's Anti-Coii- sumptive Syrup and test its quali- ties. It will be found that no praise betitowed on it is too high. It does all that is claimed for it, and does it thoroughly. Do not ^ take any substitut* for Bickle'sj^o remove the Syrup, because it is the best, hav- ing stood tlie test of years. All the best dealers sell it. 1 J • ut «. „„-.„ «f *" "'• mrmiiti.uui me world. Write for rata, pound pure and eight ounces of ]„„, General A«,uuir Co.. of CanaJas Ltd pure Whisky. Take a teaspoonful ' «eiYo»K»Btt««t. Toroato. ^ every four hours. You can buy -^â€"â€"^ these at any good drug store and easily mix them in a large bottle. EGG TABLE. The Teacherâ€" How many eggs are there in a dozen 1 The Pupilâ€" Five fresh ones, five doubtful ones, and two bad ones. .\8 the bride and what she mar- ried leaves the church, trouble gets WHAT KEEPS HIM BACK. Manv a man would climb higher up the ladder of fame if he didn't I buty and follows^ Uiem home spend so much of his time trying to keep some one else from dotng it. O. A. C. No. Jl Mandwhonri six rowed Barlpy Ir tlie beet. You will grow it sooner or Inter. Why nut now f Geo. Kvith 4 Sons, Kc«l Merrhantii. Toronto, ! arc nlTerine a splendid example of this .Mwavs a Good Friend,â€" In health prand nnricy in 5 bushel lutp, at $1.25 need no f -lends ^'•;;, "^f^J'^l'^gJ^'' """^ '*'''"' '"""'"»''*• A lady writes: "I was enabled corns, root and branch, by the use of Holloway's Corn Cure." Others who nave tried it have tlie same experience. "Tell me," said the lovelorn youth, "the best way to find out what a woman thinks of youl" "Marry her!" replied Peckham promptly. Marlatt's Hair Promoter Orvwt Hair on any Bald Head On sale at the Robt Simpson Co.. Toronto, Canada, or the Mnrlutt Eair Promoting Co.. Toronto, Canada. iyefng I Gleaning I MMnnW AHEMOAM DTIINO ••.* IiMft fat acaM te fmt tmw^, m hb4 4irMA» MMrtiMl,T«root«, Otuwa, Qa ih l APPENDBCITIS ^ored withoqt operation; All who are at. flirted with tbU dUease and wiah lo b« cured p'rinanently. safely and qnlchlll with this great nomeopathle remedy, which will be sent poef-pald anywhera In the world with fall Instrnrtloni fo» nsinc so a« lo effeet a permanent cur*. Price $2. Address John T. Walt, HomeopalhU PharmM]^ Arnprlor, Canada. and happiness we but when pain and prostration come we look for friendly aid from sympathetic hands. These hands can serve us no better than in rub- bing in Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, for when the Oil is in the pain is out. It has brought relief to thou- sands who without it would be in- deed friendless. Many a man with a will of his own has a codicil added to it by his wife. rOnly One "BROMO QUININE'* They who would find perfection without pain are looking only to put an edge on a sword of lead. Allan'* Lurk Balsam ii •spe-i&lly Intended to break up iieglectmt c >uzhi, ;iiiil UHJiy hojieleaa CA&e't have l>«e:i tared by its ti>*«. Coutams no ei)iuiD iu any form. What la tha laat ThhiK to strenxtben weak back; "TheU*!.' Monlli"! Planter. It will cure iuiub&4;-> and rheuiU'Utsm. 91 rolls make seven iic piasters. Satis A Lawrsas* Co., Idoutreal. He's a poor lawyer who mistakes the will for the deed. Some local celebrities are fam- ous and some others are notorious. The more men prat-e of their faith in God the less willing they are to Piles in t) to ll dayj o, m;,ney retundea. trust him with the universe. Impurities of the Blood Counter- acted.â€" Impurities in the blood PILBS CURED IN A TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINTMRNT li guaranteed to cure unj esis ol Uchin;(. IllinJ. nies lln; or l>rcitrudla( (Oo. That Is i..tx vTiva BUOMO Qri,Ni."<K i'"''t I come from defects in the action of 'w^iSirt^'cuVi.^^.id^H.Z'^^'.Ir'. '"'' ^^"0" j the liver. They, are revealed by pimplrs and unsightly blotclics on STRIKING A BAIIGAIN. "I give you your f.reedora, Solo- mon. Here is the ring you gave me. I cannot marry you, for I love another." Oh, Rachel! .And what is the I.MlATlCA.Uaim Inflaniniattou of _ Kldiioyii. of Jie Bladdur. of tUs Bowelis of the Luiisi'.. Sore Throit, BroiMshltls, imUcult Bix«tlilnB, CYoup. Ca- tarrh, Infliieiicn. nead- ache. Tooiha.-Iie. Noii- nklcia. Kheumaiimu. i'<^ld Ciinis, Airiio Chills, t-hU- UaiDS, l''n)«tbit•.^ quickll' ' Rsdways Ri3(ly BeliU How much bettor a thing tastes ! the skin. They iiiuht bo treated in- ; name of this other one?" when the doctor says you mustn't ^ wardly, and for this purpose there; "Wretch 1 You would do eat it ! ♦ Fair Millionaireâ€" "Oh, Vladimir, they say you are a fortune-hunter, and are only marrying me for my wealth. Tell me that this is not tend lor free (ample to Dept. W. Uanal Orus A Cboinioal Co., Toronto, N«. COUGHS & COLDS LEAD TO CONSUMPTION Colds aic ilia mot! dancerout of all forms of disease. A neglecled cold leads to BroncKitis, Consumption, Pneumonia. "Coughs" atetheresuil ol irritated bron- chial tubes. "PSYCHlNE"cu«scoug'ns hf lemoving the irritating psiticles and healing the inflamed mcmhrane. It is a getmicideanJ destroys the tuHerrle germ. It is a tonic that stitnglliens the lungs, tho liver, and tones up the system. Il makes for better health ia all conditions of human- ity. Get strong and the cough will disappear. "PSYCHINE" makes weak peoolo strona. It cures coughs of the most obdu- rate kind •ad break* up a cold iu a faw hours. Vftte far Free Saople. p^ jjg W sO DcassiXt vi' Dulsrs SOc k $1 tsi ketlls. T. K. SLOCUM UNITED. TORONTO is no more effective coiupound to be used than Parmelee's Vegetable painkitiar In winter ciwcks chuis, breaks op ! Pills. They act directly on the ..vcr eeidi and tiius pievoiiiB itr<.iiciiiti9. Uc.ippa i _„/i ],„ Kcttinc up healthy processes a.iidUli»uiuati>in. Unuqu.xUed as a liniment t.'r , • , „" . ', .., . „ „« have a beneficial cttect upon t.ne blotxl, so that impurities are elim- inated. him (r<i«l. bitea, chilblains. bnii«6», spialiu. .Sold by idl drugs'^'*' ^"'y """ raiiikillei^-rsrry Davis'. The man who knows it all seldom makes good when it comes to ac- tion. the stomachic functions and ni.ain tain them at the normal condition. Years of use have proved tlieir , faultless character and established true." Lord Dedbroke--"Why, my j^.j,giy e.vccllent reputation. And dearest, I would marry you if .V'ou â-  ^j^jg reputation they have niaint.iin were penniless." Fair Millionaire . â-  ... â€""Prove this, rey own Vladimir, and I shall be ab'^olutely happy." Lord Dedbroke â€" "Settle the whole of your vast fortune upon me, leav- ing yourr.elf destitute, and I will wed you in the face of the whole world." Faultless in Preparation.â€" Ui;likc any oilier stoniach regulator. Par- melee's Vegetable Pills are the re- suit of long study of veijctable tor deranges worms and gives rest compounds calculated to stimulate t„ the sufferer. It only costs 26 Go ahead when you think you are right, but don t e.xpect the crowd to follow you. Worms derange the whole system. Mother Gravies Worm Kxterinina- harm (" "Not at all. But perhaps I could soil him the ring at a bargain." Some people are too honest to take advice they haven't paid for, and others are too wise. THIS is tJREAT <^S^ TRY iTh DY^iiaiV n DdsJ The Guaranteed OME Dye for ALL Goo Just Think of It I With the SAME Dye you can color At^Y kiud ofclolh Parleollyâ€"No chance of iniitakcs. AU colors 10 cents from Slur Dni^gist or Dealer. Sample Card aud ooklet !-ree from The John*on-Rlch«rds«n Co., Limited, Dept. O. MoDtrrnl, t^ue^ Other men may profit by good luck, but every man admits his own success is due to his rare good judgment. Free to Our Readers. Write Murine Eye Eenjedy Co., Chicaqo. for 48-paso illuetratod Kyo Book Froo. Writo all about Your Eye Trouble and thcv will ndviae ae to the Proper Applirn- tlon of the Murine Kyo Remedies In Your Bliccial Caso. Your DruRgist will toll you thnt Murine Relieves Sore Eyes, Strength- ens Wenk Eyc9, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Evp Pain, and sella for 50c. Try It in Your Eyes nnd in Rnhy'a Eyea for Scaly Eyelida and Granulation. DANGEROUS COLL.ARS. A Paris cabman was sitting on his box, and struck a fune (of the kind manufactured by tho Government) to light his pipe, when a spark from the match flew on to his collar. This collar was made of celluloid, aud at once took fire, with the re- sult that the cabby was severely burnt about the face and neck. A MAN OF LAW. What are you moving the churtjh ifor?" I "Well, stranger, I'm mayor of ' those diggin', an' I'm for law «n- ; forcement. We've got an ordin- ance what says no saloon shall bo nenrer than ^00 feet from a churoh. , 1 give 'em three days to move th« ' church." cents to try it and bo convinced. DID THE SAME HIMSELF. First Boyâ€" "Tho preacher said that when tho contribution bo.x went round everybody thought to r Plain Talks toWomen. of standard preparations. A man's conscience seldom trou- bles him as much is the corn on his little toe. Aa FIra Spranila In dry ura^s, so doe.* an InDam- roatii.B in ilio threat Kl^.w ttonn Into the lungs. Deiil urnmptlv with a old .vi with a lira, ajid wtaanyou begin tu cuugh nite Alien's Lung Ualsaui. ALL THROUGH WITH HIM The professional point of view is rarely that of the humanitarian. A. passenger on a London omnibus calls out to the conductor : "'Ere, there! Whoa! There's an old chap fallen off the bus!" "All right!" responds the con- ductor, cheerfully, "^E's paid his faro" ed for years and will continue *â- Â«'• themselves not how much they could maintain, for tncso pills must al- | ^j^.^^ jj^,t jj^^^y ijttlo thoy could give ways stand at the head of the list without feelin' ashamed. Now, I'd jest like to know how he can tell what people is thiukin' about." Second Boyâ€" ''Of course he knows how folks feel. Before he got to be a minister he used to sit in the congregation himself." The farmer makes a lot of money fo.' tho middle man. Do you trai; or buy Pill's? lamCanada** art(*^sl dealer, I pay htgtiestprlccB. 'Your 'hipincnta soHciteci. 1 pay mall and ex* Srt'se chrtrtien; remit ealer in fttefhiiles, "heepsk'inB, etc. Quotations and shipping tagH sent froo. •• JOHN HALLAM. TORONTO >ai^iiL'ttttai. llilll N EY '$ mils Children's Skin Troubles, Cuts, Etc. Every healthy child gata them, and every mother has to "pat something on." Whet do YOU put on? When you put an ointment on to a child's ekin it gots into the blood through the pores Just as aurely as if you put) it into tho child's stomach. Did you evar thijik of that ? Rovr im- portant, therefore, that the salve or balm should be piiro I Zam-Bnk !i Absolutely pore ; oontaloi ne â- oinial fat ; no minarol coloriog matter ; no acid astrifr^tinta; uo buming antiieptictâ€" yek it il antiieptic I It ii purely b«rbal, and tbn* loeet* all the iieedi of the skin in that â- nperior and aU-powerful way in wbieb nalora •lone provide*. Children like Zam-Bak beat b«c»URe aa soon M avP'i*^ '^ atopa the paia and the smarting of the injur.r or aore place. HatUiiig tiiwi aeU in iminooiatelf . AiA Oaoaewn uv Sraaia, BOo, BOYS, START IN BUSINESS. Be iiulppcnilent. Koll onr llOCKKY TAPK. Kvrrybody l>"y« «t sight. lioolioy. l.nrrosflc, bunehttll plnyers. RiitomobiliBts, bipyilicts, clMtriciaiiR, nnd others uce it »o wind linndlps. pniiotnroU tiroR, lo»ky sardnn liowc. itii'udinR brokpu rnrnituro. factory lieltH. I intulntlriK wiro und thoiiKandR of other nno». Wn make It in Hanll roUa. 16 to the pnniid, 10 ri»et to the roll, nicely wrap- pod In tin foil. They nfU fBBt at lOcfnta ench. Will send sample trial pound pni-fe- aire hy re|tlBt«red nmil, T6 nenta. Write OnleV and (tot tho n(r««i>"y for yonr town. WALPOLE RUBBER COMPANY, Llmltod, Dapi. B, Montraal, I8SUB KO. t-lO lODlNOL The lamoiis new discovery of lh«! nge, poaitlvely. quickly, compiclely relieves •i>d c«r«» Goilri;, Thick Neck. Sciatica, SwcllingH, Buniona, Quinsy, etc. $1 .00, or 6 VI Sti;.04,. iiiaiird on re. c>i>l of piiie I') Lyl« Medlolna Co., 71$ Quson W., Toronto. KiodI; mention the ii.-inic ol ilnn paper In Mritius tw adferUsera. lag iUt tim»u» I ia Ika awMaai A iaacBl*«*nt taa-atory Sre.proof addlUen li InH balM eoaplaled. boetalry the nawaak aod m.>tl np't.>.aat« of AtlaaUe Uity UotaBi Jl mw Iw lira M the bad reniaa, aTara<lB( I* faal •^oar*. E< ery roan euaiaand< an oeaaa riew, bath altaakad wlUl laa and Iraah valar. Cheral. (law In «rary ehaiabsc. T«uip«ralur* r«gitlat«d by Tb«rao«4adl, M>* latest 4a>aleMMat In Ktaam li«.>Ung. 'iaiapbone in eirar; r^a. CMf prlriUfM. Oa^aaily UO. WrIlataalllaatnkMa boukiat. CHAKLB5 O. M.\ROUI-riE. Man..ztr. TKAYMOKb nUTEL COnPANY, D. S. WHtTK. PrMi4>«ik

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