Flesherton Advance, 3 Feb 1910, p. 8

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1 1 , ii^i|# ta iri iBi ii n THE F L E S II E E TO ]S ADVANCE Febboary 3 191^ Business Cards WALTER L0UCK8 Huildar Dtl Cnntractor For Brick, Htooe ami fraine re«iil«Dc«ii. En- timktea cbeei fully turrisbei, Flealiertou 1' O Ontario. ^ Haiikvrii Markriala O0 * geoeral bankiugbusitieBB. Money loanoo at rsasooable raler Call on ua. TOHIBIjKTT, • PostuiaNtvr, Oeylon. Oommiiixioner tu H.O- J .Conveyancer, deeda. mortgages, leaaea, wilU eto. carefully drawn up ^ollectlooa mad.*. cbari;ea reaHouable. Also inrooariea, flour, feed etc. kept iu atook, fricea rieht. RJ Hi'UUUl^li: Podtiuaatet, Fleaberton «^«mmlaaioDer in R.O J., Aaotionee Crn* veyanoer, Appralaer aud Money Ijeiider it«al Ratate and luauranea Agent. UeeOH. morteaitea, leaaea ani wllla carefully drawn ap and yaluatlona made on tborteat D«tic« money to loan at loweat ratea of iutereat.^Col- ectiona atteudeil to with promptneae chargea low, Aijent for Ocean Douiinioo Hiaamablp Coonpany. A call aolicited. DHcPHAIL, Ijicriiseil Aiiotioneer foi tbe • County 01 Grev. Terms mmlerafo and aatiafaotion Ruaranteed. The arrangementa and datea of aalea can be made at Thk Aiivancf. offlee. Keaideuce auJ P.O., Ceylon, Telepboue connection. Dae. 6,07. -\\ril. KAITTINli, Liceuaetl Auctioneer for ''' the countiea of tircy and Slmooo. Farm and Stock aalea a specialty. Ternia nDoderate. aatinfaction guarantied. Arrange, ntenta for datea may be made at the Advance ofBce, orAIT. Hntcbioson's ntore. feverahaixi or byaddreaaing uie at Fevorahani, Ont. RUDU MATHKWH. Markdale, Licenaed auctioneer for the county of drey. Good eervice at raaar-nable rateh. Datea can be made at Tfce Advance, o 01) T HARVEV PKUIOOr:. broker, Fle«hertou. â- ^ General brokerage buaineaa. Inaurance of cveo' kind placed in NRfoand liberal companies. Heal eatate etc.. Open accounta and paat due nntea handled and money advanced thereon. Uorrea|iondence aoiicite'). WhenYou Take Cold One way is to pay oo attention to U; at least not until it de- velops into pneumonia, or broncliltis, or pleurisy. An- other way is 10 ask your doc- tor atxout Aycf 's Cherry Pec- toraL H he says,** The best thinf for colds," then taltf.it.. Do as he says, anyway. M ]r«j,abl Ai/e/s IT* j,abUak ear (brKalaa Wa kaaUk alaehal (Maa eumAialaaa •aaaKltyeav Aoetor Medical riR CARTP.R If MCPft SOnt.Phyilcian.Sargeon.etc OfBae and reaideDceâ€" P«ter at., Pleaherton JP OTTEWBLIi Veterinary Rargaon Graduate o( Ontario Veterinary ColleKa, ref*iduuce â€" ascoiid door rtoutli wefctlon Kary atreet. Tbla atr«et ruDa aoatb Preatrterlan Church. Then th« bomtit aee cotistipated, poi- tonoiu Bubstance* «re absorbed itito the bloodiatteadofbeiticdtily removed from the bo4y as nitute fittended. Xnowinc this dancer, doctors always inquire about the condition of the bowels. Ayer's PillSi. kr Um J. O. Aj»t Ca., X^wall. Ilaaa^â€" > HWILHON, lllackKMilh 'iraduate of tita Veterinary Rcieao Aaaociation. Durham itraat, oppiaite H AtiKfciKtinii. uurng Boyd, Bru'« b&rdwara. K Dentistry Dr. E. C. MURRAY L. D. S . denUI surgeon hoooi gratluate of Toronto Univeraity and Koyal College of Ooulal Surgeona of Ontario, Gaa admiaiiiiat-ered for teeth extraction Offlna at reaideoca, Toronto Street, Fleaherton. Legal nr B, WRIGHT, liarriater, Solicitor, Ccnvey- " »noer, etc., â€" Owen Sound, and FleitKerton. N Bâ€" Plaabertoo offioc, Sproule'i Uloe^ every Saturday Societies AO tr W niMto oil the laat Hondajr in aaob moatb, in their loofa room Nori'ia' block. FlMberton, at 8 p.m. M, W., MlIcK Thiatlethwaite: Rec., C. B. Muoabaw; Fin., W.J. Bal.amy. ViiitiD bretbriEinritod ?KINCB ARTHUR LODGE, No. H^iTa.F.A A M. MOBta in the Maaonichall. Arm- ~~Ti BlMk.FieibertoD, atrary Friday on -rl.rt'oMftliilulliOoeil. Xboa. iJlakelyy.M.; }I«rb,SlBtth, Bocre'.Krj, COURT FLE8HERT0N, BBS, I. 0. F. ireeU in CUyton'a Hlock the laat Wedneadav eveniOR of Moh month. Viaiting Foreatera heartily walooma. H. K., Dyaon; R. S., 'i'. Het.ry; Fin. See , C. N. Rlohardaon. Pleaae pay daea to Fio. Sec. bafora the Brat day of tba month. rHOSBN FHIENDS-Fleeherton Council ot V Cboaen Frieuda meeta in Clayton'e hall tlrat and third Wedneaday of each month 8 p. m P»y aaaaaanienta to the Keoorder on or before toe tlrat day o( each month. Chief Councillor T. Blakeley: Recorder W. H. Bunt. W 'Farms For Sale or Rent TfARM FOR SALE-Lot 10, Con. II, and and north half Lot 10, ("on. lOU, Oaprev, IjO aorea ; a Urate laaa farm ; good brick boiiae and good haru K2 x Ti with ceiuent atahliug : (arm well watered by good well at hnuae and never failiiiK apring creek ; well fenced and in a tirat claaa alate of cultiaation. For price and termaapply on tee preniiaea or addreaa R. J. i'oiAiVKnr.. Keverahant. JanlStf Lot 113, con. 12, Artemetia. 100 acrea. There ia a f rame houae o the farm about :I0 aorea cleared, good paeture. about 85 acrea good hardwood hiiah.priuclpally maple aud hemlock and about liU acrea awamp that never waa cull' ed. A qnaiitity i/l good cedar At for tt'lugrapb polee, tuliiphoue polaa. bridge timber, ahinulea, and hundreda of cordaof latii timber, consiat- ing of apruce aud balaam, haiance alaah. If iiretarred would 8elitiu:ber without the land, ^or terma appl y to _ â€" C. KNOTT, Thornbnry, The following proiHjrty ia for quick sale: I»t 87, Con. 6, Osprey, I'W acrea, awainp and IMUture land, well watered l>y apriiiK creek. Alao Lot 30, Cun. 6, Oupn'y, 1 1 •» mile nortl. rfMcIutyre, lOO acna, W glewvd, 2Q (KTes good augar bush iiicludihft ftn up-to-date aynip making outHt manuactnf red l>y (Irimra MfR. Co. of Montreal, good buiMinffa, frame ayrup houa*' 12x30 ; frame l)aiu 4.'>x84, atone bftae- mmt; fraue house. 7 riKona, go<Ml cellar; wofxiahed and workshop 20x3<) ; never failing well, excellent water pumijsd to liarn and houae by aelf-regulating windmill. For fur- ther particulars apply on the preniiaea toâ€" ANI)RKW SINCLAIR, Prop. Mclntyre P. O., Ont. Lost a Breakfast. When in London early in his eareer Paul Du Cliaillu, the explorer, re- ceived an invitation to breakfaet signed "S. Oxon." On going to the address given he found it was a boot shop in Pall Mall and came away, deeming it, as he gaid, an imperti' nence that a bootmaker whom he did not know should invite him to break- fast. He afterward learned that the invitation was from the famous Bishop Wilberforce of Oxford, whose London lodgings were over the boot shop. The prelate met him later and was preatly amused when the explorer told liiiu of Ills niiAtuke. w SEASi FURNITURE SEASONABLE GOODS IN The largest and best stock of Fui-niture ever shown in Flosherton. This without fear of con- tradiction. Come and see some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Room Chairs, Parlor Setts, Bed Room ^etts. A special reduc- tioil jlWt now on every- thing, in .'»»'der to re- duce the stock. . . « W. H. BUNT FURNITUKE DEkLEII Flesherton Ceylon Meat Market All kinds of fresh and smoked meats, hendchooKe, saasaiio, always on hand CaHh |)aid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLIN Thompson's J;»ARM FOB BALEâ€" Lot IB. con. 10, Oaprev, close to the vilafieof Feverahaui. about 100 aeraa. Improved frame houae and Rood barn Ji'^ Wall fenced. For terma. etc., anply to A. a. OAMFHKLL, JIO Biiaholme Koad Toronto For aale cheap or rent, inmiedlate poeaeetion. Lot ao o<,n. 14. Artemetia, about 75 aorea clear, comfortable Ior houae and frame barn. Apply to K J Hproule, Kieahorton, or .lobu J Jfartia.acroaa tlin road from aaid lot: s 8 s u Bread delivered regu- larly and kept for siilc iit the following stores: OoUinson'H and J. Patlison's, Ceylon \V,Aldcorn& Soil's and P, McArlhur's Pricoville X. McCannell's Proton Station R. Heron's, Maxwell A. Hutchinson's and Eli Robinson's Feversliaiii H. Cairns', .I.K.Ijarge's and II. Parks', Eugenia o s Bakery 1?or aale cheap and on eaay terma, good com- ' forcable frame dwelling, atable aud driying tiouaa with three village lota in Ceylon' Dwell- ing well built and iliiiahed and good bearing «wcbard on the property. Apply to â€" B J BPI«)U1.E, Kleaherton. IotlD, aoD.6, Oapray containing 100 aoraa, 80 â- 'elaared, frame bnuae, frame barn, atone (OUDdatiou; orchard, well watered. cOiie tboniand down and balance to aiiit purchaaer, Iminadiate poaaeaaion Apply to B. N. KiNNKAH Maxwell P. O, Animals for Sale HOH8E8 FOR HALE-1 horae, Tyeara old 1 mare 7 year old, in foal to I'eroy Per- former, 1 agricultural mare A year old in foal Ifllty riaiuaa yaara. asrl.. 1 Eelding riaing Tears, oarrfaae. 1 iiood xenerai 1 aprlog colt 1 good general iiurnc RICHAIlb lage It- 170, Had E. T aud V> road. >oae horae, ALLEN Fleeherton P O 4- I have a fine lot of young piga bred Ironi prize winning stock, for sale, Alao 1 good Berkahiro hog, two yeara old. Write ine for lirioM. I can ffi"- s a Imrgnin alao guarantee aatiafaction on all mail ordi-rn. ({eo. W. ROHM. Maxwell P,^. ITi-noJUCo Btoch F*bm of Bliorthoril cattle ' Ii*ic«ater ahaep and Leghorn ohiokena. AU klnda for aale. Dieperaion aale will be lield about the laatof .January. Calaloguea furniah- od on application a« soon ae ready. Fai ni also for aale. Kvery oonvenienae. -CHAB. STAFFOUi), FleaherMU P, 0. T/OtSS, con. 6; Artemosia. Telegraph Line For Sale rTHE Great North WeBtorn Toiograph Co: of- ^ fera for aale its linn of polua and on* -Jiro on the Hydonhem lifiaii betwueu Owen Bound and tlollltiBwood, p«»sinK tlirimtih the following Tillage": (iialawortli. Arnott, WilliaiiiHford. Maikdale. Flealiorton, I'ricBvllli'. Maxwell. HlnBhamptoH, Diiutroon and Njttawa. Foi Slfiarticular. apply to -W, J, IHJf'KWOIlTH, Lopl. of C'oiwtrufltioD, 0,H,W, Telegraph Co., into, Wright's Grocery Has recovered from its Chrisl- niis rush and continues to iiell reliable grocerie* and everything in the line. Confectionery in a good range at lowest prices also on sale. All grades of Ford's Flour, alio hraii, shorts, chop and low grade flour on sale. Give oar Royal Purple Stock and Poultry Specitics a trial Bulls, etc., for Service. Honor Boils. Report of Plcsherton puhlic school, for the moiith of Janusry, 1'9I0, iunior dc- pai'tUK'iit, Sr 4- Eihel Richarjiioii., Hszol Bhuiik, Minerva Stafford, T-illian AjMnstrong. Jr 4â€" Iva Mitchell, LiiUan Bunt, iDell Thurston, Irene Wilson. Sr 3â€" Veia Loucks, Lyda Ti>u^Bia, Hazel Thompson, Ntttie Trucmian. Jr 3â€" Florence Bunt, Leone Th<Hm:p- son, Elmer Wright, Alice McLeod. Sr 2â€" Aleda Mitchell, Albert Spark«, Percy LeOard, James Stewart. - R. G Hc.land, Teacher. Report of the primary department of Flesherton public school. Names in .order of merit. .Jr. 2â€" A LeGard, M Tucker, B Trwin and M Colgan o<|ual, B Tiiinble, 1> Patton, M Thompson, J Co'gan, F Thui>»tun, M Richardson, S Murray. SrPtiâ€" A Thompson, L Lever, E Lever, II Patton, () McMullen, M Fields, W Anusiroiig. Jr Ft 2â€" li Cargo, V Watson, I' Shunk, E Uit^well. Div. 4â€" C Flynn, M Runstadler, R N Coriilield, C Fishfr, F Richardson, J F Whitteii, M Carrington, V Mc- Clcckliii. Div. 3- J Reiu and R Triieman equal, F Bunt, J Douglas, G Mitchell, B Smith. J Stafford. Div, 1 and 2â€" K Boyd, H Carrington, S McTavish, E Flynn, J Carrington, M McClocklin, R Lever. Best boys during the mouth, C. Flynn, C. Fisher. Best girls during month, A, Thompson, ftl. Runiitadler. - -Miss Switzer, Teacher, Report ef S. S. No. 3, Attemesia, for month of January. Sr 4- Kate Wilcock, Irene Sharpe, Myrilc Caswell Jr 4â€" Tommy Orr, Mabel Irwin, Zella Benthani. Sr. .3â€" Elsie Caswell, Hugh Moore. Sr 2â€" Clarence Orr, Wardie Harrison, Rhoda Best. Sr 1â€" Elijah Benthtm, Willie Orr. Primaryâ€" Freddie Irwin. Average attendance, 23 '-MisH E. Allen, Teacher Report of S. S. No. 17, Artemesia, for the month of January. Names ia order of merit. Class 5â€" *E Gibson. Class 4- ♦£ Russel, H Phillips, *L Fisher, A Bettt, E Fiaher, N Fisher, R Betts, E White. Class 3-*B White, ♦W Smith, S Fisher, A Pedlar, U BetU, A M Qenoe. Sr 2â€" V Smith, *L '.Atkinson, A Porteous, C Wilson, Jr2â€" 8 White, L Parmdge, Pr 2-1 Smith, P Porteous, F Belts, C SUfford, J Millan. Pt 1 srâ€" *L Fisher, B. Porteous, Pt 1 Jrâ€" Partridge, H Nesbilt. Honors in examination : E Gibson, E Russell, U Phillipa, W Smith, A M Gonce, A Pedlar, B White, S Fihher. *â€" Those perfect in attendance. Average attendance for the month, 21. L. Maidment, Teacher. |ig a plpasftut visit from their son, WilL, of Weyburn. Mr. J. T. Winters sold one of his hand- some*iorsos for a (?oi)d figure. Emily Soilloy is on the sick list. Hope «oon to hear of her complete recover} . A nunilier from here attended the anoial ev-ening of Maxwell Ejiworth Leui{ue in hunor of Wareham League., who visited tbeui. An excellent program was f(iv«iii l)<y the visiting League. The t-opic was taken hy Mi'. W. Andeison. Mr. and Mrn , Down vinited wirh the former's sister, Mrs. Uudgson, last week, wlvu IS very ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hall, of Whittield. We are pleased to know she is improving, th'iugh slowly. Miss Sadie Soilley returned home from Markdale last week. Mr. H. Irwin xpunt Sunday in our burg. Mr. Wess Monahan, of the west, is re- newing acquaintanoes m thi^ vicinity. Mr. MuCulloch, of the west-, spent a couple uf days with Mr. and Mrs' C. Winteis. Feversfiam Uied Bull,'"Broad- Ihave for aarvioe a I'ura Rood's Lad, No. IWAK. on lot 10. con Osprey. Terma •!. -JAMB8 lUIHNH, Feverahaui. tint. rphoroughbrod Improved Yorkihire boar for -I- serviceâ€" Blantyro Chief, '28496. at lot 27. con. ;i, Oaprey. Terma «1, payable at time of HABRY DOWN, Maxwell, P. 0. Dundalit L)uia Halo has sold out his dray and express business and outfit to Win. Cudniore, who returns from Saskatche- wan, It is Mr. Hale's intention to move to Toronto and Mr. Cudmore will then move his ftmily into the vacated house on Victoria Ave. The new proprietor took possession of the dray business on Monday. Death came suddenly to William Merk- lingor, of the 6lh con , Proton, on Tues- day morning. He was in Dundalk i>n Sunday for medical treatment for dia- betes. The disease was farther advanced than he thought, and the end came un- expectedly. The deceased, who was about .30 years of age and unmarried, was well thought of in this district. A writ. was issued last week upon Mt, Chas Maxwell, proprietor ef the Queen's hotel, through O, M, Vance, K. C, of Shelburne, at the instance of a man nam- ed McKendry, .>f Maple Valley, who claims damages for assault, claiming to be seriously injured. It appears he im- bibed too freely, and the assault is said to have taken place when ho was being ejected from the hotel some weeks ago. service, The thoroughbred f>horthnrn Bull, "liarl Grey." 71452, Will ho for aervioe on lot .18, con, 8, Arlomesia. The pedigree of this line animal cuu lie Been on application. Ttin 8*1 ANDREW DOW .Vroprio tor. Thoronghbrod Bull from Imported stock, a ao Tauiworth Boar for aorvico on lot ISi, T: 4 8. B., Artemeaia. 20 Aug. JOHN AD.VM8, Prop. I havefor serviou a pure bred Ham pahtro hoar. Anyone raiaingpiga will do well to aee thia iiiaeniricout animal, Lor.l Fevorabam, aattl. lie will piovo a money getter for you. Terma $1.00. , „ _ F. BBACKENBURY, Peversham P. 0. Lot M, con- 8, Oaprey; LIFE ON A SUBMARINE. Mr. Jeihn Brown is slowly nocovering froui his recent illness. Miss Arleen Buckingham has gone to reside iu CoUingwood. Messrs. Thomjis and Mtitthew Conron spemt a few days in CoUingwood recently and repurt a good time. Mr. M. H. Leech is able to be around again after his attack of gripjie. Quite a nunj}>er of people were disap- iwijjted who attended the Presbyterian church Sunday 'evening, as the minister failed to put in an appearance. Quite a number attended the concert given by the Gil>son family and were well pleased with the pi'ograni. Mr. Dan Murphy ha-s gone West with a car of horses. Mr. Sandy McLean of Rock Mills vis- ited Mr. M. Leitch at the Temperance house liiat week. The people of Fevei-i^ham were very sorry that anything should be said re- I fleeting on the conduct of our young men I at the rink, as all speak very highly of ; the way iu which it is conducted. I Is Not So Unpleasant as One Might Imagine â€" The Men Like It. The average person would not be envious of tlie men on a submarine. HowevtT, life there is not as uupleus- unl or dangerous as one might imagine, but it is entirely different from that led aboard other types of ships, llie crew, usually consisting of two oflicers and 14 men, is selected from volunteers after a most rigid mciiieal cAuuiiuatiou. burvice r^ely extends beyond a period of two years and real work on a submarine is lim- ited to about three weeks in the sum- mer and one in the winter. During the remainder of the time the men live on a "parent" ship or on shore. The boat is, however, put through the various evolutions once every week. Owing to the character of the men selected discdpline is always perfect. Life on board a submarine is es- sentially "in common." The way men and many objects are crammed to- gether in a narrow space is almost miraculous. The first inapression on entering is one of heat, the air being rather close and heavy, but the men soon become accustomed to it. Stand- ing room space is about six and one- half feet and toward* both ends the boat tapers away almost to a point. There are no portholes. The hatch- way in the conning tower is the only aperture. Under water electric light is used. There are ventilators, but when the boat dives they are shut oS with a cap. Cooking is done in an electric oven and no foods which have a strong or disagreeable small are used. Of course, smoking is al- lowed only wheo on the surface and then on the bridge. There is scarcely any noise in a submarine when submerged. The greatest depth the boat descends does not exceed 30 feet. At that depth her speed is about eight knots. The air ia quite "breathable" for four hours, but in case of emergency the crew can remain closed in for 70 hours without danger. The men love the life. With the officers the^ are as one family, sharing everything equally, including the dangers, which are not much to speak of, provided every one does his duty. When the weather is fair there is very little rolling. In rough weath- er the men escape knocking about by holding on to "steadying lines." Mother's Experience. Fond Motherâ€" Now, look here, George ! I w^nt you to break off with that girl. She is very pretty, and all that, but I know her too well too want you to risk your liie and happi- ness by marrying her. Why, she knows no more about housekeeping than I do about Greek â€" not a bit ! George â€" Perhaps hot, but she can learn. Motherâ€" After marria^ is rather late for that. George. j Georgeâ€" But you said yourself that I you did not know a thing about j housekeeping until alter you were married. I Motherâ€" Very true, George, and your poor fatLer died of dysi^psia j twenty years agO; Thomas Gordon of Waterloo died at I he age of one hundred yeira and nine months. I Merctiants Tired of Giving Up, What has become a curse, to put it mildly, to the moichanrs in every town and villageâ€" the givii>g ofi money by canvas or subscriptionâ€"has been taken hold of by tlie .Stratford merchants, and at a meeting thny passed the following resolutions : â€" 1.â€" Not to buy tickets for concerts, excursions or t;am ,;â- . of any kihd in our phces of business. 2,â€" Nottoadvert:.se on. programmes,, hotel blotters, dicks, writing desks, or any other promiscuous advertising schemes. • 3.â€" To discontinue the giviiig of. prizes or subscriptions to picnics, societies, etc., unless recammoiided Ijy the execu^ tive. The Stialfof.l papers, in referring to thia move on the part of the merchahts, say thia step is the result of the manner iu which merchants and their clerks have been pestered in years past by peaple re- presenting achemes of all kinds, the ira- portant part of each one of which is that I the merchant is to p ly over money in / ) varj ing amounts. / Hing Chons:, a Kingston Chinaman^ committed suicide by hanging. You Can Even Do Your Toronto Shopping Throngh **T1ie Star The Star'i "In Toronto Shops" Depart^ ment describes new and attractive offerings seen in City Shops day by day, with the Toronto Daily Star's oStx to purchase any of these articlei for out-of-town subscribers who send the money. Many are taking advantage of this Department. "Oflnterestto Women' ' isthewell-deierved heading of a special page in the Toronto Daily Star. It is one of two and sometimes three pages devoted particularly to women's tastes and is independent of the "Social and Personal" and "Madge Merton's" pages, for years popular features of the Scar. "Of Interest to Women" includes scores of little hints on health and beauty; the newest fashions in dress and house furnishings; talks on ethical matters of particular interest to women; points of etiquette; suggestions for home entertainment; recipes; daily menus; advice and suggestions on all the matters that lie close to a woman's heart. They will help solve household problems, and better still, stimulate and interest the mind. On the Woman's page, and throughout the paper, current topics are treated in a bright, newsy way that appeals to the wide-awake woman. You'd thoroughly enjoy the ^^~~~~" Toronto Dally Star $1.50 A Year ' TA/a fioptrand th» "TtrouU OailjrSiof" togathtr for on* joar, 92. 20. Guanutttod Fountain fon gitM for SOe. mfdod to abcro ttibocription prkt. Abram L. Gibson ••Tho Hia^l^nd Laddie" U vears oldâ€" winner of 15 prizes Edward Gibson Scottish Vocalist Open for Kngagementa Highland costume Write for terms EDW. GIBSON, NOTTAWA, Onl. Norn's Bros., Hardware & Tinsmiths Hackney Stock Tonic at Half Kegular Price In the next thirty days we are foing to close out our present line of Stock Food, Most uf you have used this celebrated Stock Fond and know the quality â€" to those who have not we would say after having used a package, if you do-^ot think you have recaiiVed full value, re- turn the empty package affl^ we will cheerfully refund your money. Reg 81.00 package Stock Tonic, while they Kst 50o " 50o " " " 26c " 50c " Poultry rood, "makes the hens lay". .250 " 50c " Heave Cure 30c 3 only $1.50 pails Hog Tonic, now <1.65 Saws and Axes Examine our stock of Saws and Axes. Saws from $3.25 to $4.50, all fully guaranteed. Axes from 55o to $1 25. Axe handles galore â€" your pick for 25c, some hand-made handles in this lot. Don't fort^et to bring your coal oil can along. If we can't convince you that we have the best oil you ever got in Fleshertm we will give y<m your money back on application. U I . Norris Bros. Wiiere tiie Good goods come from Feshepton. Hatliertod M.tBKiEnâ€" At tho Methodist parson- age, Maxwell, on Jan. 26th, by the Rev. A. P. Stanley, Mr. James Winters to Mrs. Jessie Arnott, both of Hathorton. The bride and ggooni, who are two of our most popular young people, are the recipients of best wishes and congratula- tions of a bout of friends ai\ J acq uaint- ancea for a long and happy married lif||. BoKKâ€" To Mr, and Mrs. David Ring> a daughter, ' Mr, and Mrs. H. Fen wick are enjo/- For Sale by Sproute, Higginbotham & Co., PNsherton and James Pattison, Ceyloo, â-  â- '*''^ Mfaa

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