Flesherton Advance, 24 Feb 1910, p. 4

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atmtm ,,if- Fr.ltllAKVL'4 lltiM r II K V 1- K 8 11 K n T O N A 1) V A N C E •â- I F. T. HILL & Co. = Harkdale Our Great February Graniteware Sale Si-lliiij; (Jranitcwarc at such ndiculously low prices only happer.H but once a year. We do this i)tK'ause February is the quietest business month we have in the year, and in order to keep our business thoroughly alive we put on our great -February (Iraniteware Suht. The goods are made by the McClary Mfg. Co., of London, one of the best makers in Canada, and the prices represent the closest possible selling p?'ioe.<?, only made possible by the imniense (piantity we buy, which makes it impos- sil)le for coinjjetition to meet our prices. So we .say to you : buy your Ganite- ware now and make big savings. These prices for the month of February only. Graniteware Tea Pots, all sizes, at exactly half price. Granite Tea Pots '.ioc Granite Tw I Pots for . . .12k. :(3k " .,..18c. 50c " . . . .25c. 7uc i» ....;t8c. Granite Coffee Pots 23c Grniiite Cuftee Pot.s for . ..42ic. 35c ...l«c. 5()c ...2Sc. 75c ...38c. The following lines are inchuled in this great .sale at correspondingly low prices: Priiserving Kettle.^, all sizes; Berlin Kettles, Water Pails, Spiders, Sugar Bowls, Kice Boilers, Pudding Pans, Roast Pans, Bowls, in fact everything you can think of. *^^ j ». -^kJ ^^ ^Ifc j^. _^ak^^ -â-  .^^ .^fc. .^ ^ ^^ -^^ ^^ .^k. .^ t > jj^ ^^^^ ^^ â- ^ j^^^ •» ^f^ â- ^*- â- ^»- ^ j^ <^^ ^ ^t -^^ ^^ 11. ^^ 1 "^^ i^lfc. .^h. .^^h^^^^te .^^ ~S,^^ '» CHILDHOOD has blighted many lives because the pain caused thereby produces an aversion to study. Th« backward chird toe oftoq Meome* th* unsuecsssful mait W. A. Armstrong, Jeweler & Optician iii[ unm. Carefully Corrected Eaoli Week Whciit 1 00 to J 00 o'nts* ;i« lo .v> Peas ,. 80 Hi 80 Bi«r!ey ....'. 4."> Ui 50 Hay J2 00 to 14 <K) Butter 2a I" 22 EagH. fiesli 24 'o 25 Piilntouii per Im;^ 40 tn 40 Oee.so 12 to 12 Ducks 12 to 12 Chickens 10 t.i 10 Turki-ys 18 t; 18 THE. /Icslicrton t^doance ABOUT TH.\T MARKET ' Nowadays if poor doggie runs n kIkhI distHiicu and is foiiiul pantiiie nipidly- I On eiuiulry we leiu n timt in places he has the rabies. Supiwue he pliiy* with i 1 where h'.N shadow-- ht) has the rahieK. If he even playfully w.igs hi)* tailâ€" ten to one w . market fur farm produce is T..ur«lHy a. IhH „tfi;r,c:.ninK»wl.Stret-i. ;'•'''''''•'''''«'' " '» reKM-ded us a KI««liett.,n. Sul«cripti(.ii iiriccSJliKraimum, lhle.s.siiitt, but not an unmixed one. . "^ «»•â- < the rabies. Ihere are a thousaud AZ:^^':^Zl^!iL:i!:r ei^ll;^!; l ^'he farmer ha« .he advanta«e of slightly | »nd one sure ai.n. of rabie.- «:h.le th. l.iKW weekly. I higher prices, and the ciiizen has to pay 8&»r« ih on. W. H. riiiirMtoii - KUUor'fMr It. The farmer gets the ratih and nends it to the city for K<x»l!>. In view 'of thm the merchant muat not be bUmcd WHO PAYS THE SHOT? I if he fails to hail it niih |)Ieai>ur(' B'roin Bolton 've are adiised that, if we Toronto nen-i|M|iers are (hruwing all fiOfU, „{ l«..iuetB al .1. C. Eaton in recog- ' ='»" R«' ^'"y'-'''' ""^ "'"'"'^ »"'^" » "'"•'"''• 'nilion of his 8250.000 uift for a surgical i ^" """°" ^'"^^'^ '" "'"='' '»'n"'cul>y m wing to the new fJeneral bo.pital. and he "'<="'"'« ''"y^^" ''""' Toronto, deserves every nice word that has been '" Stayner and Creen-orc the busness ullvreJ. The gift is a princely one, and i <« s^'^ '" S" If- Collinmvood in spite of will BRHiit in ('•itnbllshinK a UKienificent the '"«''l<et. The farmers llouk in witL «nd uuich lu-eded hospital in that city. | »""« [noduc.>, and fldck out with the cash But (there froiiuenily in a "but" in " »"'' t^""' I 'â- "â- '• »^'t S?"*'"- ^^'^ «»â- ""•» the ca.e.) But, who payn the »liol r "ll^ '\';"' .V''* '7'.7'''/!''''-'' !^^'''â- ^^â- '!?^^^ Where did John C. Eaton yet enough hm^ ureen to be able to throw it aroun<l like this I He not it from the people of Toronto and all Ontario â€" CaiiadH. one Even if be were not ni.id in the first phicp, recent developments are u'niOKt cniniith to drive any respectable dou to that f>tiiU (since ho cannot doashumaiiado and take to drink.) Now we know llie full meaning of •'udon'sllfe" and we cannot envy him. Would the cash H.'ir to the mail order hou.ii'R '( If so, the scheme is no good to the merchant. As it i.s the faniuia wh BR<J. LETSCHE ENDORSES The North Toronto Progress, a live, spicy and up-to-date newspaper, com- incii item which appeared in our editorial cohimtiH recently, aud some of Bro. Luti'che's cou..""nt» aie certainly w'lrth reprinting. The Pronre.ss .s.iys ; HOW DU YKW SPEL The ff cent Ilooseveltian spellinfi reform ;a>n and not might almost say. And ho got it honest- ' Hic viilas-ers it is to iheir iotero.st to see ly we hope. Still lh« point we wish to <>nc established here, and not to the make is this: th.it .Iidin C. KaK.n has town d'.veller, as nearly as we tan discorn. ii.'ver paid one cent of taxes in Aitiinesia' F'^''h«rt>'<> iiu-rclmiita pay tlie firmers - has never civeii one cent to the siipi)i>it I well. Their marke's are higher than of our churches has never p»id one """'""'-'''"K P"'"". »"d it may be just as cent iow.irdH any public iuiiirovonient in W-H. «l'i''i »11 things are conaideied, if a our towii'.hip. I market were not tttublished in the prts- Why then doe. he drain the sheckels !«""*'«''•â-  'f "«'^""*- <''"• C"!"""" ^^^^' of our diatrictr for he doe.. The 'V«" f' v discussion, but no one has answer i» simple. Ho is a past nmster of j "*'"''^'l .''""'*'••" "' "'" "l'P<"""'''y i '""1 theartofadveili«ii.g. When spending , 1''"^"^'" *â- â€¢" °"'y ''^''P* those who help huge sums of money annually r.>r pub- ,''"'"""''' "*• licily he does so wi.sely. He dors iir>l' Laterâ€" One fanner llll^ replied, liit it "skill" the pniiter, but psys full count /i" as the voice of ( ne crying in 'he wil- for the value received. The result of his ilernes.s Let uj hear from others. publicity is told by the express conipan- , ifs and the'mouniful faces of rural niei ohant* whn view with alarm 'hn increas- in!? lido of hJitoiiisin. They vii!w the I'tsull, but ignore tlie cause. The man who observes the cause and follows suit '""'""*'â- ''''â- " ""y •''=''1' """ '" ^'""'"l*. docs his share to stop the tide, for ibe'"''''""8'' >m«ny. of Teddy's admirers in people will buy from the advertiser and "'" **"**"' "''^ »''" ""'"« '''" ""* n»«»lw'l Will ignore the non-advertiser in the long!-*'"'" ''"'y "^""'^ '""""• run. » I It is pretty didicult to jiuk an old cus- TTTT^'^TTmrTTTTT^ ' """ "P ''y -he routs. Arteinus Ward I tried it, just for fun, forty year<i ago. I Ferliaps that has a bearing on present I day apathy and the tendency t.i look MiM Binnie Clark, an English lady u|M>n any uforinh of spoiling as a joke. farmer, is trying to raise £20,(K)0 in lloosevelt is imt a man of levity but the England to form schooir of agriciiltnro' public is not generally acquainted with fowr omon in sect itms of Canada. This that fact and refuse to lake him seriously, enterprise has sch.ioU for cowboys and j .. y^ ,,^ ,„. „,„ ,„ ,,g^ ^j^^^ ;„ „,y j^^.^, Iiaa . .. Ill may we exiiect I Why, ladies are only i ,,,„ ..^.^y,, ti,„t there is endless confusion meant U> sit in the paHor and twiddle j ;„„„,, pui,,jo „hoola where pupils have their thumb* iS they recount the latest | ^een obliged to leain two methods of go8Bip-oriofriMJeoveraJ>ot stovp. origp,|,j„^ ;„ t^eir short school days, and • thousand and one other things -but (ol „ f„, ^ pugnacious whii.i on the fart of Le the hired man, never ! j „uy Education Department. Doubtless Miss Binnin Clark has observed the " I a pnpe. If'EMALK HIRED MEN ' • â-  - ' I -° lu lie or not III lie, iiiat IS the kwes youni? lady emigrant, completely in Hie ,y„„;. «,^ij Ailemiis, and Dr. Pyiie liaf hhade. Udy hired men! What next ^^j,, ,. „„t t„ " in Ontaiio anyway, will ''..^JM- Thurston's idea tlmt \ •^ ".*• .c iiK head who I s not too sleepy, too lazy or too stupid to spend a few hours ihinking out the / needs of hi« constituency and put his ide.is before thopuMic, even al the risk of losing a subseripiion from some iiariow ' minded coiiucillur or fellow ciiisen, i% the paiier needed in any community. Ir. is true, however, that it cjsis labtu" and thoUKhl lo dish up one, twn, or three c'duinns of editorials ovcry week, but my experience during the eight months of exiitcnce of the f'rogress, is that it is time well spent to put »onie energy and spice into editorials. Like the editor of The Advaiico tlioro are s(uno exchanges coming to this office which never carry any editorials, and 1 often wimder how these editors can keep up a circuUlion by simply reh'ishing what Mr, and Mrs. So-and-So havo been doing dutinp the jiast weex. A p iper of that kind is nu good to a community, is no gocd to it.s proprietor, and certainly has no value as an exchange." LYNCH LAW FOR NEGROES The much vminted freed(nn of the "Land of Liberty," the United States, was again snieaied with a black blotch last week when a mob of 200 men attoinptcd to break into jail and get a negro charged only with pur.se-iinalching. - Public sentiment acro.ss the lino is against the negro and no amount of loud- 1 mouthed boasting of liberty can bide the fact there is but little liberty iu the I'liited States for the colored man. When a case of lynching comes up where the victim Um committed eome grave oiinie one doei not wonder .so much at the fury of the lychers ; but to attempt to lynch a man for purse-snatching simply because ho is a negro, when he has the Rclioni of iiinumerabte whites as preoe- Thou land of liberty - forsooth I ing was being Leld. There are lots of ineu around here who are safe on that score. O The Viokcrs-Maxim Co. will invest $5,000,000 iu a (loaiiDg dry dock at Mouiieal. Now why didn't Collmg- wootl get Ibi? ? o o o A Loudon newspaper speaks of a "dyed -iu- the - wool ToiontoniaD." A killing retoit would be a "Lost-in- tlic-wocd Londoner." But we refrain from hurling it at them. o o For some time the west has been drawing the young men froru the older provinces, and now they are taking our horse?. Next they will Ic wanting onr girls â€" and they have a habit of getting what ll.cy want. "FEEBLE STOMACH*' J. and W. BOYD merchants Flesberwn « Ontario Our February White wear - . SALE - - Ladies Waists, Underskirts, Gowus. Corset Covers, Dniwers.Cottons, Lsiwns, ami everything in the shape of WHITEWAKE is beiag shown this week. Uur pi-ices are light and (juahty guaranteed. We will be pleased to show the goods and quote you prices, even though you may not desire to [mrchase. Udics fiiderskiits LOO. L'Sk 1.50 2-00 ladies Gowns 7.'>c, 85c, and 1>00 C4)cset Covers 12Ac, 23c, yoc, oOc 75 Drawers 25c, ^c, 50c and Tft Wai.Hts 1.00 to â-  2.2© Regular 10c lasviu' for X Whi'eC.rflonsat 10, ll.m and li £mLruiderie» at lialf prices from 7 tv» 1& Hardware Dept. Parties contemplating building will do well to get our prices previous to buy- ing elsewhere. A full stock of shelf and heavy hardware and builders supplies constantly on hand. Lace Lace Lace Big snaps in LACE aun RIBBON'S thin week. Don't fail to get some of these laces lo trim your summer wear. I inch Valenciennes selling at 2 yaids fer 1 cent 1 iiuh valei;cieniiea 8>lli^g at per yard . , . . 1 cent 7 inch Valenciennes selling ai. per yard 2 cents 1 inch and 1 iiicb valencienneH sellini; at 2 yaitls for 5 cents 1 inch Valenciennes, regular and 7c. it inseriion lo match at 3 cents 1 4 and 2 iich cotton lace, dainty jiatierns clearing at 2 yds. for .5ceni8 \V ide cotton lace, suitable for pillow clips regular 10c. fcr 5 co'its SiiBio d(K<gn MH above in other widths at 4 cents Causes Digestive Weakness and Poisons the En- tire System. "No one can have suffered more than I (lid with stomach trouble." writes Phil. E. Pasealur, well known at St. Andrews Corners. "My doctor told me m.v Indigestion and sleepless- neas were due to poisons in the blood. Certainly my condition was desperate, and It seemed from the despondent feelings that swept over me that I would lose my reason. I happened to read about Dr. Hamilton's I'iUs and bought five boxes from the druggist. Such body-cleansing pills I never used; they were mild and yet quite strong enough to drive all the humors out of the blood. My stomach gained strength rapidly with Dr. Hamilton's PlUa and I Improved so much that In eight weeks 1 could cat and digest all onllnary food. Depression and weari- ness passed away and I am, thanks to Dr. Hamilton's Pills, enjoying robust good health." No remedy for biliousness, Indiges- tion, headache, sick stomach, or con- stipation that compares with Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. Refuse substitutes. Sold In 25c. boxes. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co.. Kingston, Ont. Ribbon Specials. Ribbons suitable for (auey work, tiiiiiinini:s and h»ir ribbons for the >cliool i;m1s. You cannot attord ti> lo.se the.se at very reduced rates. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Cure Stomach Troubles However, we should feel jubilan ioarcity of farm help in | t^^auHe Roosevelt and Artemus Ward. I. ,„,;,• ^,\„V,V, he limit Manitoba and the rest of the west duringl „j tI.o Toronto World, have been given '''""' " " *""' '"" ''"' ' the harvest month, and with a marvellous j t^eir " co„ rte gras." That roniinds us. insight re«U«e. the opportunity for ladies; ,f ,h ^„„m y,^^ ,^f,„„, ,h,t awful o- , , „ ,v .. .ii ,i.. ...n«„.n to assist. But unbirtunately Udiea on p,„„„h language there would be some . Sc.ent.sta Bay t at all the cyanogen western farms are wsarcer by far than H'e. ^^^g j„ jj I 'U the tail of llalley d ootnet oonla hired men even, and as for the Ontario jbepntin a pill box. Hope sotnoouo gins-well, we want them heie ; and in ^ NviU put it there. any e»eni they are not likely to be found TOUGH ON PtX>H FIJPPY | o o yearning tor the western wheat field â€" where the pocUcal rhythm of the binder! While there is awuredly reason for There is a well-founded snapioion aud the golden aheen o( the ripened uare in the matter of dag< afflicted with abroad that Hot) . G(o. E. Foster and grain eannot altogether .->blit«rat« the' rabies, yet the preient scare has iifi I Editor Macdoiiald of The Ulobe ai**! unpoeiical aching limbt, and the heat and i amusing phases, Ontviu ii a large pruv- \f^^ lawgerheads. dust and sweat. If Misa Clark can And i ince and every dog that goes mad receivei English girl* todothe task aheis welcome due notice in the daily pres<i, andsothej to. We only hope they will enjoy their .impression that there is a terrible epidam- *" explottion of acetylene gag .honest toil. But the (aid* arc against it. ' ic gains ground. ! wreoll'--^'' "'•"â- "'' while prayer tneeir HOMES For Settlers IN MANITOBA SASKATCHEWAN ALBERTA How Made and How Reached LOW SETTLERS' KATES I CANADIAN PACIFIC <li wbUc Sottlars with Liv* Stock and Ellacu Special Trains laava Toronto 10.10|Ma.TH*4i;s durinc NAICH ni ktm S<ttl*rsandFtniill«* without Liva Stock •hould UM Regular Trains 10.10 p.*. daily WMNirEG riYEI 38 hourt to Winniptg Through Touriit Oars COLONIST CARS ON ALL TtAINS ^m which Aertha are Free Amply Is fitarMt Aaani for con of " S«ltl«r»' Oiddo," "WMltrn Canada," TourM Cart," or writ* R. L. ThompMn, D.P.A., C.P.R., Terento. Men's larKc white hjuulkerihief-", ivfjuhir 10c. each, while they l«.st ;5 fi.r 10:ents A full line of btots, shoos and rubbers for sprin<?. , LeaNe yoiii oilier for that new sprinjj suit. Wf can give you the »ery latest in either ruiily-mado or tiiili>r-inude .suits. Prices lo suit; in moiil any ca.se. Shirts in all the new shades and cuttinga. Special this week in men's ho.se. Fresh stock of groceries and confectionery .'ilwaya on hand. J. E. LARGE EUGENIA TJ TT "D "D A TCr for the new spring Koodi", new prints, â- *â€" ^ *-' Xl)J-l(.^XXi K<nghaiu8, ducks, linens, suitiUKS and vestinga. Although cotton ^oods of all kinds have taken A BIG ADVANCE in piice I think we can give you betier values than you got l.tst year, a.s »o piocured ours be'ore the ailviince. We have the very latest in boots and shoes for the vSiirni^ mid a*, very leiisimable [inces. "PTTTDCJ You needn't wait to get furs at spriuij prices, you -â- - ^-^ .LVkJ oaii get them here now. This is your ch.'»iiee luget a cheap fur or fur cat. If you are inleiestod call and usk to see them. Ill all winter goods we xive you a real liargiin as we want to uiake room for more aprinn goods. The very freshest and best grooeiies always uu hand. CLOVBE SEEDS ,*r,£""c,';„^l:ft some of Stejl Brigg's first quality chiver and grass seed. We have it on hand now. ^as. Srattison PUMP MAKIKO Wooden pumps inanufactured through- out aud rrp-iirs uioinptly <nid satisfac- torily attended t-.i. •• r j»aent for the three best iron pump lit:.ntaet rets in Ontario. .-V card drop|>e<l t.* me at Ceylon P. (>. w!ll have my prompt attention. JAMES A. McLean CrUUIKS C'ORNKR, Ceylon F.t). (^eyl on 'Custom Weaving 1 The ui^dersigned ia now prepiured to do j all kinds of Custom Weavinij. Plaio^ I Twilled Slid Satinetle, I Carpets, rugs and Hammocks a Specialty. Hit and Mi«s Rags, Colored Warp found, SOuiitsi>tr yard, Striped rags cxtr^ Wm. LEES, Fleshcrton, Oa 1 1 1 J »v

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