Flesherton Advance, 24 Feb 1910, p. 5

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FEr,i!i:\r;v --'4 1910 T H K F L E S II E K T JJ ADVANCE THE STANDARD BANK EstablUhcd 1873 OF CANADA 80Btanch« A DEPOSIT OF ONE DOLLAR is received in our Savings Bank Department, and is sufficient to open an account auid entitle the Depositor to a pass Book. The highest cunent rate of Interest is allowed, and money may be withdrawn at any time without delay. Savings Bank Department at Every Bramch. FLESHERTON BRANCH Georffe MitcKell, Manager BWUkMCHMS JkM^O AT DVR.HAM AMD BARRISTOW. 85 C VICINITY CHIPS Mr. F. G. Kirsleilt spunt u couple uf clft}8 Inst week in Toronto. Miss M«ry Heron nf Maxwell visited »ver Sunday with Miss Belul Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Juhn Run.stadli-r spent the week-mid with friends in Walkei-ton. Miiib Matid Boyd wrote un ber first csaciination io music last week in Toronto. There will be a inembar'ii ni<!cting in the Baptist chapel on Wednesdiy, 23i-d inst , iic G .'!0 p.m. Bnsiness re aaHisiunt pusti'f. AJeoibera are uiged 1 1 be pres- ent. The pastor, Rev. J. V. Lauyhland, vill deliver the next <>f th'- apecinl dis- coursei on " The leaching of Jesus," on VVeJnesday, 23id'in»t., at 7.30 p.m. The subject will be, " Entrance ^o the king- dom of Gud " All Bible students are invited to these luedtioija. The auhjuct for nest Sunday will be " C:in re know we are saved ? " TMrs (Dr.) Mitchell «f llarrisville, ICichi^au, is the guest of ber brother-in- ^ir, Mr. Geo. Mi(chell. Chas. J. Bellamy returned home Satur- <:ou»'y- Among the day after a visit with friend.s at Emsdalc. fu""<l gu'lty af''. W. A larsje number of fniit packers have been fined under the Ftuii Mark.s Act for illegivi packing of apples, and too lart<e a pciccncage of them hail from this names of those Griersou, Thorn - Toronto aud uther points. bury ; Lemon Brjs., Owen Suund (three ,, , charges) ; J, M. Steele, Claiksburg ; 1. H. Perui^e left on Monday on a ^. , u . ~. . j ,„ ,, * , , • Charles Hunt, Tbornbury ; and W. H. l»U8lDe8.s trip to Toronto and other points, vp.-. it. ti. r • , "~^ '^ , Whitesides, lOivenua. The fruit packers He may B«> wegt before his return. _c n â-  .. u ». ji â-  *^ ' "^ of thu county show up very badly in Mr. I. NV. McArdls of the law firm of tiijg ,„„tier, comprising about one-sixth liucas. Raney & McArdle, ha.s left that „f ,hu ,otal number lined. The lesson, firm and will go west in a few months, j^t „, hope, will bear No. 1 fruit. Miss Lillian Bunt auent last week ti, . r> i v -. /< t. j- ..,,,â- ., c, , ' The Duihaiu I" urniture Co. has dis- witb friends in Woodbridfje. She also , > ,, ,. , , , • , . ^^ . . turbed the hnanoial equilibrium lu this wrote on ber primary exaniination lu j „, • , , .u . i j c- r ,; district, so far as the stovewood end of it ""' "â-  ' is concerned. It is more profitable to Dr. Murray spent last week in Toronto. 'draw the K.gs to the mUl than to cut Be had a rather unpleasant trip down, it ;|,em up into stovewood, and as a conse- lieing2a.m. when his traia arrived in j (jucnce comparatively little wood is coni- tlM city. I i„g into town this winter, and very little Mr. Â¥. W. Nichulsoii has sold his faim is beinjj cut, so that there bids fair to be oa the 4th line to Mr. James Pedlar. Ho something approaching a woud famine docs not give up possession until next here next fall. The wise citizen will put fall, however. ' in coal and not rely on what he may not Mr. Joseph Sherwood of Collingwood, ^ l»o able to secure at any reasonable price who, with Mrs. Sherwood, was visiting j when most needed, friends in this vicinity, paid The Ad- 'Vancti a friendly call on Wednesday o.f last week. A joint iiieetiiiif of Flesheiioii, Eu- Notes of the Women's Institute. The Vaudeleur branch will hold their annual social on Friday, M.'\ich Ith. A geoia and Proton Station congregations g^..^ program is being prepare.1. Tea »ill be held in :)halmer's church on Moii- served from 7 o'clock. .\diuis.sion SSc a day afternoon next fur tlie puipose of ai(aiu luoderatiiig in a call to a minister. Mr. FMga'- Bellamy of KiikuIowii, Sask., who ha.<! been visitina his pareii's Kerc this winter, left on Tnesday for the return. O.i the return trip h,- will re- ai»in fur a few diys in Toronto .ind call, on friends ii Chicino. ' couple, loo single, 10c for children. Will bj held in the school house. The meeting of Vandeleur branch for this iiioiiih nai held at the home <'f jlrs. J.J. AlcUec. It was well attended, there being 24 members iiiul four visitors present. Mrs. W'lighl gave a p.ipar on " Iiiteri ir decoration of the home." Mr. Arthui Wardrobe luid wife, Clicei fulness and sunshine make a home Messrs. Alfred and Thomas Wardrobe, aitriictive. We should develnp our nat- aod Miss Ueleii Wardrobe of Tvioiico mal taste, remembering that the decora- tion shows the personality of the inmates. It is well t(j combine sim|>lioily wiih utility. .\ paper was read by Mrs. A. JohiiMioii, on " Wiiiter eueiiini»s in the •pent Sunday with friends in town. Their visit was a .sorrowful one, .is will be noticed by cur news colunin.s. Mrs A. Wilson spent part of the pist week wiih her daughter, Mr?, lirodie, who is uiidei^oiug medical treatment iu Toronto. The latter u not improving mh fast as could bo wi.shed. Her ca^o has been diagnosed a.s laceration of the spine and recovciy will be ir slow, tedious process. Norris Bros, have remodelled their first floor and made it into a cosy, neat lodge room' This room is occupied by Ihe A.O.U.W. and Scar;el Chapter L.O. Ik as a lutlge room. The improvements include eulargeuicnt, new tluor, paiiit- iiiK. etc. An esteemed clerical friend writing a personal letter to The Advance last we«k, crpft'ed an extra halo on the edi- tor's blushing face, by the following re- mark : " You are producing one of the finest weekly sheets in western dntario and deserve praise." Such an opinion from the af.iresaid gentleman carries weight and we fuel gr.iteful acciTdingly. At a congregational meeting after prayornieeting in the MethoJiot ehurch Thursday evening of la.sl week the following society representatives were •lected : Isaac Sinclair, F. G. Ksrstedt, R. J. Sproulc, M. K. Uiehardson and Thomas BlaKeley. The district meeting will be held in FIcsherton about the lust week in May. I The seven-year- old sou <f Mr. .lohn iPtK-teoun, jr , Kockvale Mill*, met with a serious accident on Saturday. While leading u calf th* little fellow's foot be came entangled iu the rope and he was dragged a dist-tnce of ten or fifteen roj*. His leg WIIH broken at thn hip and be #«a otherwise bruised. Dr. Carter is in •ttcndauce. Dealers are buying up alt the spar* korsee in this district for shipment to the Northwest. kave been purchased within n radius of a few miles. This means th.-it we ate threatened with a horse faniino in this section. With the continual westWiird dn»iii huisc raising ouj^ht to become a |irofitable busineM for uur larindrs. Obituary KERU , The d>!Uth occurred at /.-.on City, III., on Feb. 4th, I'.UO, of Miss AmyE. Keir, only sister of Mr. W. J. Kerr, real estate ' broker of New Westminster. B.C. .Miss i Kerr had been ill but a short time previ- ous to her unexpected death. Her mother, Mrs. Mary A. Smith, still sui- vives. She was born at Heathcote.Oni., on May 10, iJiS:!. and for sine tune lived in Flesherioii. wuh her mother. Iu 11)02 she moved to Ziin City, and con- tinued to be 'I resident of that place, where she was beloved and honored by all with whom she has an ae.piaiDtaiice. Her brother, itr. W. J. Kerr, paid the last tribute of respect to her remiinsjby being present at the obsc<iuies whi.h took place ou Feb. 8tli, inat. RLNDLE A particularly sad do^th i-ccured on Saturday hut when Rhea Mildred, the youngest daughter of Mr. W. F. Rnndle, Dnndalk, diod in the Owen Sound hos pital. She had only been ill for a short time and was taken to the hospital Thursilay and operated on for apenli- citis. She hml been making satisf.-icti'ry progress towards recovery but on Satui- day lock a turn for the woi-se and passed away that afternoon at the threshold of yimng womanhood, being only eighteen years of age She was a sister of Miss Vida Rundle, who was in the Fleshenou pistoffice !a.st year, and was well known and hi-fh'y esteemed among the young people here, whose sympathy goes out to the bereaved family in their hour of trial The funeral took place at Dundalk on Monday afternoon. WARDROBE Mr. George Wardrobe, an ex-residcnt of .Vrtemesia, pf.ssed from this life on Thursday of last week at his 'f residence, Toronto, aged 65 years. Mr. Wardrobe was a native of Yoikshire. Enghind. He came to Canada about 30 year* uzo and settled with his family on the T. & S. P, about 2i miles north of Flesherton. Ho only remained there a year or sn, how* ever, when the family moved t > a farm on the east back line. Just previous to Mrs. Wardrobe's death, soma eight years ago, the family took un their residence in Flesherton, where they remained several years or until their removal to Toronto three years ago. The remain s were brought to Flesherton on SaturtJay and the funeral look pl.icu from the residence of Mr. Andrew Bentham to Flesherton cemetery. The deceased gentleman was of kindly disposition, a member of the Mo'hodist church, and w.u lii,{hly resfH'cted by everybody. He leaves behind a family of three sous and one daughter- Helen, .Alfred, Thomas and Arthur- all residents of Toronto, to whom mueh sympiitliy is extended. Otto Rands of Shelbnrne fell on the alippcry sidewalk and cut liis head rather hadly. Friday was donation day in license liispfcliir Beckett's Department. lie bent forty seiled bottles and a jug of- whisky to the General Hospital, and sixty-livjjirittles of G. and W. to the Douse of Refug>». Mr. Beckett's vault at the police cells i3 no* empty ; but ho i» prepared lo receive contributions for a new stock.â€" 1). S. Sun. IW - SHOOTING PAINS IN SIDE, ARMS, BACK Prove the Presence of Rheu- matic Virus, Which Is Cared Quickest by Nervi- lineâ€" Eub It In. th K^, '" }^^ muscles, in the sides, the back, the nfck. or the chestâ€" they always carry with them great discom- rort. If the inflammation is severe the pain will be intense. If allowed to con- tinue they are dangerous. Nothing so quickly cures local inflammation and drives away pain as Nerviline. Nervi- line does this because it penetrates so deeply. Nerviline is not only power- ful, but soothing. Py relieving conges- tion it cures pain. It does this always. It cannot tail because is a true anti- dote for pain. You can scarcely find anybody that will not tell you wonder- ful things about the pain-curing power of Nerviline. Remember, that there is not an ache or pain that Nerviline will not cure immediately. Nerviline is un anchor of health In every household. Refuse anything that may be offered you instead of Xer\-lllne. which Is guar- anteed for rheumatism. neuralgia, sciatica, lumbago, and all muscular aches and pains. Large bottles. 50c: trial size. 25c, at all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Com- pany, Kingston. Ont. Why Go Out Of Town ? iVlien you require a new dics^. a new coal or ;i new hat. In all thesa tines, we carry the n.osi up-io-dale assiirlnient along the line I went to the city last week to buy the newest goods on the inarke*. and to t.e sure to set it. It is necessary to t;o. early us the newest goods are picked up tirst. The new uocfis weie just opened when I bouulit, so we assure you the goods are the newest that are beina shi'Wii in Tomutti. As to price we have new goods coiuini;, ran<.'ing from .'Jo cent.i per yard up to $3.00 per y.M'd. Washable Suitings and Muslins This i* another depaitinent which we excel in. We carry the most up- to-date washable goods on 'he line. They have airived and are certainly pretty, all of the bes' tjualit} and in beautiful shades. Now is the time t ) come in and have your diess length cut off, so as to be sure that you are getting the newest and nicest in the lot. Muslins have not arrived but have b^en shipped and are exprcted any day. Willi the dreis goods. These goods are certainly the "wellest that will he shown on the tine, at the m<ist ica.sooa'ulc prices. Building Hardivare. Intending builders would do well to drop us a card and wn will drive ouli and get specifications to figure on our hardware. In this de{>artinent wo excel, having had lung experience in buying just what is required. Wo have the riijht prices and you will greatly benefit by getting our prices. F. G. KARSTEDT, Flesherton. } . US Serue u Oi, NERVILINE CURES ALL PAIN Odds and Ends We would just say, we are able te serve you in winter footweai'. We never had a better stock for men, ladies and children. Rubbers and Overshoesâ€" Maltese Cross â€" first quality, no better to be had. Boots, Shoes. Suit Cases, Trunks, Men's Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds of Shoe Polishes. A lot of Winter Mitts selling oft' cheap W. A. Arnibtiong issuer licenses. of marriage Herbert E. Johnson Dead country.'' Where there is a lari/o family the evenings may be proHtably spent with music, reading helpful books, woud- carviiig, snow-shoeintc, and .skating. In concluding Mis. .lohiiston Slid that she thought if all neigbborhocd.s were as f ell provided with societies as is Vandeleur, there would be no lack for entertainment on winter evenings. The Institufe pur- pos«;s holding a social in the Vandeleur school house on Fiiday cveiiiug, March 41 h. The program will be given by the members of thu Institute and others. The March meeting will be held at Ihe boine of Mrs. Jos. Buchanan. Women's Institute Banquet A iMUquet will be given under the aiis[iices of the Flesherton Women's In- stitute, by tlie Shredded Wlieat Co. on Mimday, March 7, over .Vrmstroug's va- cant store, cominencing at (i o'ch>ck. Following is the menu : Creamed Chicken in Shredded Wheat Btiskels Pickles (T. A. Lytic Co. Limited) Cold Ham , Triscuit and Butter Jell-0 Fruit Sandwich with Whipped Cream ( WagstafTs Marmalade) Triscut and MacLaren's Cheese Shredded Wheat Ice Cream Huyler's Chocolate Trii^uit Chase & Sanborn's Cofl'ec Salada Tea At eight o'clock a concert will be given in the town hnll consisting of music, speeches, reading, etc. Admission to all 26 cents. The b%cgageiiiau and port erst (he Hsit At least four car loads ley hotel, Walkarton, was instantly killed on Saturday by being kicked in the ab- domen by a horse. The ho'ses were in the stable when the un'oilnnate man was passing behind them. He was 3n years of age. A widow and one .son â- jttiTive. The Twin City iteporter of Kenne- wick, Washington, of Jan. 20, announces the death of an old Eugenia boy, Mr. Herbert E. Johnson, of fever. The Re- porter pays Mr. Johnson high tribute and reports ithe death at considerab'e length, showing the esteem in which ihc deceased gentleuiaii was held out in his westeru home. The Reporter says : Herbert E. Johnson was born in Eu- genia Falls, Ontario, Canada, Fob. 7, 1878. He came to the Middle West when 17 years of age, where ho lived until four years ago, when he came to Washinttoii from Porta', Noith Dakota. He came to Kuniiewiok three and a half yeais ago and with S. M. Lockerby open- ed (he First International Bulk of which ho has been cashier since. He 1.1 survived t>y a mother and young- er brother, of Toront >, Ciiiada, aod a brother, C. A. Johnscn, who was with him at the time of his death. Sii.co coming lo Keiinewick Mr. Johnston bus made his home with Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Lockerby where he was welcomed and loved not as a friend, but as a son and brother. Through his active and progressive business life, his striking persomdity and congenial nature Mr. Johnson made many friends since coming to Keniiewick and his place both in business and [irivate 1 fe will be hard to hit. He nlways took an active iinertst in ihe fatcrnal oideiS to which he beUmged and had been Master of Exchequer in the K. uf P. Lodge sintM} its institution here." A Collingwood man named Miller was severely bitten by hia St. Bernard dog. He was playing in his home with a cocker spaniel when the St. Bernard, without warning, pounced upon him and bit him about the arms, inflicting several wounds befoie he was fought off by Millet's bro' her. The St. Bernard is a large, powerful brute, but was never known to be other than quiet si>d harm- less. Miller got the animal in New York some few weeks ago. The animal is not supposed to be affected with rabies, the cause of its atttck being .issigned to jeal- ousy. Miller is now under the physic- ian's care ani in the meantime the dog is tied up. Owen Sound propos-s to sell their old town hall ai.d site for S50,<K)iJ, build a new one on n back slieet, f"r |i2r).()00 and nelt 92ii,0O0. See Norris Bros, special advertisement on back psge. '"^ "*' Attention is drawn to Morloy •t'Bakcr's advt. in another column. Norris Bros., tinsmiths, always attend to repair work prompt ly. Try us. Wanted â€" A small porta ble engine tc rent for the summer. Geo. A. Wat.soii, Flesherton. For Sale â€" One heavy horse. "Sjuirtig 4 ; 1 driving mare. Will sell' ''E. A. Grahnni, Euumia. HavinL' le«sed..'l.'C sawmilL.tl Eugenia, I am prepaiud to do all kind.4 of custom sawinij. R. Haucy. \ For Sale-^i* .'. . ^ ,iniiig .'U acre', in goo'd state ol 'cultivation, wire fenced. A. Shackelford. The nildersii'' d is prepared to do all kinds of sbmework -iid pla.stering. Ue- pairinn prmiptly. attended to. J. t>. Piilton, Fleshert't ii. li„x. 241. Cows for sale 1 he undersigned has a number "f cows and heifers for .sale, duo to iieshen in M.ireli and .April. Richard Allen.Flesherton.lot. 170, 2 N.E.T.&S.R. Wastki)â€" First-class f.nm band for a term of seven months commencing .\pril Ist. -Apply stating wages e'xpeclcd for the term, to B. S. Cohpiette, Hawsrden, Sask. A good house and cardeii with stable to rent at Eugenia, iiUo one kitchen cab- inet fur sale. .1. H. Jamie«on, owner. Apply to .Mrs. Robert McMasier, Eugenia. The Young Peoplo's Guild will hold a cooky social next Tuesday evening, March J.sr, in the basement of jthe Presliyterian church. Everybody welcome. .Admis- sion 15 cents. To farmers who need help â€" I have two strong boys to plaee on farms, aijed 15 and 1(> years, aecustonied lo fntin work. .Apply to .M. K. Richardson, Flesherioii. NoTicR To Tiu: PliiLicâ€" Horseshoeing done at the old price : 10 cents a soli, 25 cents a new shoe. Special attention givpii to iiiierfeiint! and coniracted hoofs. - .lake VVillianis, Eugenia (.Int. In John Findlny's ad\etiiReineiit of the auciion .â- -a'e of hoi>es at Meaford last week the height, of Nettie F. should have read lo| bauds instead of 15A. The sale takes place on Saluidity, ITebruaiy 2(i. I Eggs for Halelnng- -Rhode l.slanJ Red j Leave your orders early. Rose and : single comb, the latter he.ided by cock that scored over !H) points at O. S. ponl try show. Onedolhir per setting of 15 for best, other.< .")()c. per d'lzen. W. H. Thurston, Flesherton. To those who want to have a good ap- pearance it is good news to know that they can take their linen to .Andy Wilson Fle.shertoii, and have it laundered in hrst class style. Basket leavrs Tuesday night and returns Saturday a. m. Markdale steam laundry. VV. J. Smith, Prop. F.*RM For Sale ok Rrstâ€" Lot 89 and 70, 2nd con., N. D. R..Artemesia, situat- ed at Port Law. This farm is composed of 84 acres, well watcied, fiame hou8e and small frame barn, good orchaid. If sold terms will be iiiiide to suit purchaser or will be rented for a term of years. Apply to Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Cliats- woith. A public ineciing in Ihe in'erest oi' the A. O. I'. W. will be held in the town hall, Flesherton, on Friday evening, Februaiy 25th. .Addresses will be given by the General (h'ganizer, , J. H. Jung- hans. R. B. Henry, D. D. G. M. and others. Music furnished by local talent. Eveiybody welcome. No admissiim fee. Alfred Harrison, M. W., C. H. Mun- shnw, Recorder. AT ^^AYTO^'^ The Flesherton Carriage Works Fleshercn, Ont. Winter is Here. And so arc we with our hirge displiy of cultei-s, sleighs, and everything in the carriage line, (joiiie ill ami Hate a look before buying, .and then you will be convinceil that you cannot do better elsewhere. Satisf.tction guaranteed. Horse shoeing; and general blacksmithing a specialty. First class livery in connection. D. McTAVISH, . Proprietor. J. 13. FAT TOM I'AINTKR â€" P.Vl'KK H.VNCKR •â- S j.n I'aiitiMg !\ml High-class Decorating .-V H|>eciftlt.y. Office at . . . ,J'T i;.*^Mia{R)N, ONT Art and Science of Garment Cutting Young men wish iig I ) learn the ait and .science of ^arineni cutting will do well lo .see me and ihake arraiigoinen's for a coiii.se of instruction, the sy.-.tein taught will be the most thorough and up lo-date the only system in the woilil whereevery sliorf measure cm lio agiplied lo the draft. Haviiig taken iiiy dipli>ma in London, j England and New Y'oik Cutting Schools, ; have had .'U years i-xpeiience in practical iHiloring in Enijland and .America, there- fore I am able toguarant.e 'ha best pos- sible results to any young man wishing to barn ihe science of garnie'it cu'ting. The system taught by mail to those be- ing unable 'o attend in person. For terms <>f ina> ruction and all particulars. .Apply lo F. .A. Baker, ,il MORLEY & BAKER Merchant Tailors Flesherton, Ontario WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. High grade de| artments of Business, Shorthand and Typo writing. In" dividual instruction. Students may enter at. any time. Catalogue free. Collingwood Business T. E. HAWKINS Principal College Tbadc Marks Octrar.t COPVRIOHTS Ac. Anfoossandlng *i>kctc1iar ; '.<»cnpti.-in ma) qnlrlcly ascertain onr o|M-iii.ii free wlmthcr u. lufonllon Is protiiiMT pAlunliiMo, ConiniunlMfc tlontatTlMlrconililontlnl. HAtlDBOOK onPnUMita sent free, (ildeat au-'mcy for Aeeurinjr patoiitn. Pstonts taken tlmiuBh Illunn ft Cix Ncelve ^tcMnotice, wlthuutc lisrg a, iuttis Scienttflc Hmtm. A handsomely tUustntod weekly. Lumet mr- ~>lslloo of any solonililo JoumsL Terms for " aa, fa,n a yes*, pu!<u«e iirapnU. Sold bt ~ Miers. Fred H. Onrroll, of Cat roll, Man., was called to his door ind shot by Lottie Mc- Cullooh, a doniCKiic, formerly einployet' by his father. The young man isdangcr- oiisly woiind«d. ROYAL PURPLE We have a complete line of Royal Purplo Stock and Poultry Specifics. These goods have been proven and are used to good advant.nge by increasing numbers. Royal Purple Stock Specific â€" 50c pack- ayes and 81.50 pails. - It keeps the stock in good cun Jition. Royal Purple Poultry Spocilic, 50c pack- ages. 81 50 pails. Makes (he hens lay well in winter. Try a packiige and you will come back (or :i pa-1. Royal Purple Lice Killer, for stock and poultry, in .")0c tins. Ground oyster shells, barley, buckwheat and fall wheat for the poultry; a'so shorts, bran, low grade tlcur ai.d oilcake. 01. C. Olridbt* ' erocer FUslKfton Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid ill advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton .Advance t 1 00 Yo'iths Companion 1 75 Toronto World, daily 2 00 Toronto Daily News \ 80 Weekly Globe ... 80 'Mail-Empire .... 75 Family Herald A Star 80 Toronto Star 1 30 Parmer Sun 80 Farmers .Advocate 1 30 Weekly Wii.iess 75 SatnidayNight 3 00 Hotiiu .Toiirnal 56 Ponltiv News . ., 15

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