Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1910, p. 2

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When you see this Trade Mark on any Medicinal or Toilet Preparation you purciiasc, it is an assurance to you that every ingredient entering into tlmt preparation is of the highest quality that money can procure. What is even more important, it is an assurance that these ingredients have been compounded, according to the best formulcc known, by expert chemists of long oxpcri:nce, in the employ of one of the largest wiiolesale drug firius in the woild, the National Drug and t'hrniical Company of Canada. As you have probably noticed, " NA-DRU-CO " is made up of the first parts of the words "Nilional Drug Company". 1 1 is pronounced "NA-DSOO-tCO", â- with the accent on the second syllable. What the Laws Say For the protection of the public the law of each I'rovince in Canada slates that only thoroughly qualilicd men are allowed to disiH-nse prescriptions â€" these men Ixing physicians or giaduatcs of recognized 0)lle(;cs of Pharmacy. The logivTil conclusion is that as the laws are made by the representatives of the jK-ople, the people want protection, and siiouUl welcome the opportunity of being ah!e to priK'ure in any part of Canada the NA-DKU-CO line of me- dicin::! and toilet preparations, com- pounded by expert chemists from the purest and best ingredients, and guar- anteed ly a firm uf our standing. Wlien you see the NA-DRU-CO Trade Mark yon have this opportunity and l!ie guarantee for which you are looking. Source of the NA-DRU-CO Formulae The National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, ac- quired the businesses and maintains the honorable traditions of 21 of the principal wholesale Drug Houses in Canada, from Halifax to Vancouver. W\ of these tirnis liad long and suc- cessful careers, some of them lifty to one hundred years, and during their existence they had accumulated a splendid lot of formuli which all lie- came the pro[Hrty of the " National." After giving tin ,sc formulae careful stu- dy aud praciicjl ie?,ts for several years we liavc now brought out, based on them, the NA-DRU-CO line of about 125 mc<licinal and toilet preparations. All the ingredients in these preparations are the best .-.nd purest that money can buy, and lluv are compounded by a staff of e.vprri chemists, each of whom ranks Iiigli iti I. is profession. We have such nnplitit confidence in NA-DiUf-CO Preparations that we offer ihctn wiih A Four-Fold Guarantee The First Guarantee Is the firm behind the NA-DRU-CO Tra.le Mark. The National Drug and Chemical Company of Canada, Limited, is one of the lar^isi » holesale drug firms in the •world, having a Paid-up Capital of /rvcr rive Million Dollars. We have - wholesale Ijranches in the principal distriliiumg centres in Canada so that you can at all times satisfy yourself that th.re is such a firm. We are the largest buyers of drugs and do tlie CTcatrr [)art of the whole.sale drug business rn Canada. We employ a staff of about nine hundred people and distri- bute in s;iljrics, dividends and other expenses over One Million Dollars an- nually. A\'e carry a stock distributed among our branches of about Two Million Dollars, and iu addition we own real estate and buildings which are to-day worth about Five Hundred Thousand Dollars, aud other large assets. The Second Guarantee of NA-DRU-CO quality is Uie NA- DRU-CO Trade Mark itself. We know that the quality of the first NA-DRU-CO preparation you buy will practically decide whether you become a regular user of NA-DRU-CO articles or notâ€" and for that trial you may se- lect any one of the 125 preparations. So we must make each NA-DRU-CO article of the very highest quality or risk the reputation and sales of the whole line. The Third Guarantee of NA-DRU-CO quality is the fact tliat NA-DRU-CO preparations are never, at any time or in any i>lace, sold at cut prices. NA-DRU-CO preparations are so much better than the preparations whose prices arecut that discerning peo- ple prefer to pay full prices for the NA- DRU-CO goods. The Fourth Guarantee of N.VDRU-CO quality is short and very much to the point. If after try- ing any article bearing the NA-DRO- CO Trade Mark you are not entirely satisfied, return it to the druggist from whom you bought it and he will hand back your money. Consult Your Physician NA-DRU-CO medicinal preparations are not intended to lake the place of yotif physician's prestTiptions â€" far from it. When you are ill you need the physi- cian's skilful diaj;nosis and treatment; and it would be folly to depend on your own di.i^nosis and any household remedy. But in emergencies when you cannot get the doctor f|uickly, and in many other cases, a reUable iiouschold remedy is a real blessing. To put the absolute reliability of NA- DRU-CO preparations beyond doubt or question, we are prepared to furnish to your physician •: your druggist, on request, a list of the ingredients in any NA-DRU-CO preparation. Ask these men, who are raen •> standing in yaur community, and in whom you placa implicit confidence, all abotit NA-DRU- CO remedies. If your druggist has not the parti- cular NADKir-C() preparation you ask for in stock, he can get it for you within two days from our nearest wholesale branch. Write for the iqio NA-DRU-CO Almanac, giving a list of NA-DRU-CO artic'es and prices, with other useful information. Address "National Drug Co., Advertising Department, 34 St. Gabriel Street, Montreal." National Drug & Chemical Company of Canada, Limited 8 irhoietale f Halifaxâ€" St. John- Montreal â€" Ottawa â-  Kingstonâ€" Toronto -Hamilton v-y-^-y-t; I T.nnHon- Winnine'' Regina -Calgary Nelson - Vancouver Victoria CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALLOVEB THE GLOBE. Tclosmphic Briefs From Our Own and Other Connlries of Ucccnt Events. CANADA. Tlie number of patients taking Pnisteur treatment in Toronto is twenty. Rabies is spreading and the area under the dog-muzzling regulation niay be enlarged. A new round-the-world service will be inaugurated by the U. P.- Edmonton is to have a packing house to be built by P. Burns & Co., at a cost of half a million. Two dead Indian.s, with no marks of violence on their bodies, were found in the woods near St. Ste- phen, N. B. Miss Hardie, a nurse at the Isola- tion Hospital at Victoria, B. C, has been given a verdict for $150 damages against Mrs. King, mat- ron, for accusing her of beating a child before its death. The Supreme Court has decided in the case of Lovitt v. the King that the Province of New Bruns- wick could not collect succession duties on a deposit in a bank by a resident of another Province. GREAT BRITAIN. English doctors have discovered a new disease, which, they say, is due to an affection of the appendix. An Eugli.sh scientist has estiuiat- eJ that the skull of a woman found at Gibraltar is at least 600,000 years old. The preparations liave been com- pleted for Dr. Harriss' tour of the I Empire next year with the Sheffield Choir. Mr. P. H. Illingworth, the new Junior Lord of the British Treas- 1 ury. was elected without opposition] in the Shipley division of Yorkshire. 9TH ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE • Nova Seotia Steel and Coal Company, limited HEAD OFFICE NEW GLASGOW, NOVA SCOTIA GENERAL STATEMENT. GENERAL STATEMilNT, DECE MREB 3IST, 1909. ASSETS. Propfrty and M!n<»â€" Co«t of I'roportiea owned and operated by tlie Oompaiiy j j ;, Current Assets â€" Inventories (raw and manufac- tured niaterial.s and stores) . .|1,1J4.?C3 LoAser Accounts and Bills Re- ceivable 662,280 Cash in Bank 207,029 68M91 22 84 3.003,&6S 14 il4.S!)5,759 ii LIABIL1TIE.S. Capitai^ Stock â€" Preferred 1 1.030. Common 6.000, Bonds â€" Total IsBue.s J6,000, Less III Treasury not iaaiued . . 2.500, Debenture Stock Ciirrerit Liabilities â€" Pity Rolls and Account-S not yet dui! $ 193.350 8« Bond Coupon due .Jan. 1st. 1910 87,500 00 Debenture .Stork Intere.st, pay- ;ible .(an. Isf. 1910 Quarterly Divldond on Pre- ferred Shares, puyablo Jan. 15th, 1910 Q'jartcrly dividend on Ordinary •Shares, payable .Ian. 10th, 1910 60, Bills payable and Cash advances CO' noo 00 000 00 $7,030,000 00 000 00 000 uu !, 500, 000 00 ,000,000 00 30.000 00 20.600 00 ooa 00 •,458 73 Genei-al Reserve: Sp^''i'>i Iteserve Arcounts â€" • Reserve for 4jeneral LK^precia- tion and for unii.sual Ex- penses and Renewals I''ir<» Insurance Fund Surplus Proflt and Loss «T50.000 00 924,562 40 45.279 97 999,109 61 1.719,812 ST "16 807 38 $14,585. 759 3< ABSTRACT OP PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT. DR. 1909. Dec. 31. Interest paid on bonds and to bank, etc % Interest paid on debenture stock Paid on sinklns fund Dividend on preferred shares... Dividend on Ordinary shares... Bonus .Stork Dividend on ordin- ary shares Dlr*-t.'tors' remuneration Transferred to reserve funds for dopreeiatfon, renew.ils. etc... Inipruvenients and betterments to plant written off Commissions and Premiums on converting Hand Issues writ- ten off Transferred to fire Insurance fund f^llP-; 1 'l-X' •i-ri's;"-' 217.S.1S 89 30,000 00 35,700 00 82,400 00 60,000 00 1,000,000 00 12.500 00 77,669 00 52,173 58 184,453 54 7.629 Balance carried forward 326,807 12.127,170 07 f:R. 1908. Dee. 31. By balance 1909. Dec. 21. By profits for year ended Dec. Jl, 1909 (1,219.221 OT 907,94} 0« 82,127.170 OT 1909. Dec. 31. By balance J336.807 88 Wo have eicamined the Vouchers and audited tlio Books of the Nova Scotia Steel and Coal fompany. Limited, for the year ended December 31, 1909. and certify that the anne.xed balance sheet contains a true and correct statement of their affairs at that dale. ' J. HIIYWOOD MACORKUOlt. I. K H. O.XLEr. F.C.A., Auditors. DIRECTORS' REPORT. lAKE AT ' The Heaviest Shock Since the Great Dis- aster of 1906 A despatcli from San Francisco Bays : A sharp eurtliquake in some parts of the 8t,il,(!, the severest aLock since the bif? one of 190C, was experienced throtighoiit the central par' of California on Thursday ni«ht al)oiit, lO.l.i o'clock. The vi- brations were lon^; and undnlatory, but slow. Tlie duration was from or.i- and a half to four seconds. Tho shake was fell as far south as Ran Lu's Obispo, but did not extend far â- orth of San I'raiici.sco. No dam- ag". was reiMiitetl. The San Fran- cisco people were genttrally arous- ed. In the telegraph offices virtu- alt./ every operator left his key. Tiii.s caused a report to couie from Poitlaiul that some of the Snn Francisco wires had been interrujit- ed. Ill two San Francisco theatres where the last act was closing, scc.res of spectators jiimpetl to their feet. In one house there was a. de- cided movement from the galleries toward the e.Kits, but it was prompt- ly stopped by a policeman. The slicck was principall.v severe on a line ruiiuing north from Monterey thrcugh Watsonville, Santa Cruz antl Han Jose. UNITED STATES. Three men were killed in Pitts- burg by the collapsing of a wall. Archibald Muir, formerly of To-! ront<j, was arrested at Cincinnati: on u charge of bigamy. | The earnings of the Standard Oil' Company in the last twenty-seven' years amounted to a billion dollars.! The btisincss men of Philadelphia' are making an attempt to have the^ truction dispute arbitrated. j Two Toronto men were indicted: at Buffalo on charges of being en-; gaped in the "white slave" traf-| fie.' . I The net earnings of the Ameri-I can Tobacco Company for 1900 amounted to 50j< per cent, on its common stock. Tiie combine of automobile com- panies which is being organized by J. P. Morgan k Co. will have a ca- pital of over 890,000,000. Thomas Edipon anil his associ- ates have secured injunctions giv- ing them control of the manufac- ture of moving picture films in the ITi.itcd States. The paperniakers employed by the International Paper Company at Saratoga and Niagara Falls, N. Y., have gone on strike in sympa-j tli.v with the men at Glen's Falls and Corinth. Your Directors herewith submit their Ninth Annual Report, with statement of assets and liabilities, and abstract of profit and loss account, for the year ended Deoemlwr 3 l.st. 1909. The profits for the year amounted to $907,949.00, us compared with 1734,701.53 for 190S. In view of the depressed con- dition of business during the Krester iMirt of the year, this result sliotild be reKurrte.l witli satisfaciiun by the .shareholders. The amount at the credit of profit and I0.S3 account on January 1. 1909. was Jl,219,3il.07, against which the stock divi- dend of 81,0(10.000.00. iieclare<l in I>ecember. 1909. Wius charRed. The various amounts tran.sferred to the Rasoi-ve l''und and Fire Insurance Fund, and written oft for Improvements and bettei-ments. are shown by the ai-counts. A sum of 818), 153.51 for i'remlum and Commission on redemption of old and issus of new bonds has been paid out of the proflts of the year. The balancA carried forward to the credit of proOt and loss account is 83.".6,R07.3.'i. Tlio sum of 830l'.653.17 h.us been expended during the year on capital account, In the devotopnient of the submarine Iron ores at Wnbana, and for improx-ements. plant. eti%, elsewhere. Tho volume of business tran.<tacted by the t'ompany during the year shows a substantial Ificrease, and is in excess of any previous yi-ar, and it Is expected that there will be a still further increase in 11)10. The development of our snbmarlnu iron ore area^i at Wabana was continued, the main slope being: extendwl through the.>ie areaa a further distance of 1.470 feet. The slop<» Is now alxnit 1.6">0 IVel Into our own areas from tho southern bound- ary. The development work carried on has fully conlirmed the estimates previously made a« to the vast quantity iii" iix-^ contained In. and the great value uf these areas. The plant for the operatlou of these submarine mines is now being installed. (;;on.slderable extensions artd Improvements h.ave been made to the milts at New Glasgow, and further extensions and Improvement.s will be made In 1910, with a view to to^'reaslng the output of finished steel. The reorg'iiilzation of the t1nani-es of the Company, authorized by the shareholders, baa been carried out. A new Issue of $6,000,800 r. per cent First Mortgago Bonds, aud an Issue of $1.000,iii'0 6 per cent. Debenture Stocks, were made; $:«,500.- 000 of the Uonds and $1,000,000 6 per cent. Debenture Stock were .sold in Canada, and the two foimer L'-suos of 6 per cent. Bonds were paid oft and cancelled. The balance of $2,500,000 of the Bunds remains in the Treasury. No portion of the premium on the retirement of the old bonds nor tlit* conimissioii on the new Issue has been charged to l*rof)ei'ty Account. The regular dividend of 'i per cent, uuarterly Jias been paid on (he preferred sliaron, and on .Ian. tstli a iitiarterly dividend of 1 p«"r cent, was paid on the ordinary shares, and the Directors have declared further dividend-'^ of 1 per cent, on tho ordinary shares, and 2 per cent, on the preferred shares, payable on April ISth to sharehoMers of record on March Jlst, 1«10. AH of which is respectfully submitted. ROBERT E. HARRI.S. Feb. 18th. 1910. President. GENERAL. Fire did considerable damage to the new German battleship Posen. Heury Farnian is working on a racing aeroplane which is expectod to travel siKty miles an hour. THREE ilD-nP MEl CAIHT A Reward of $500 Had Been Offered for Their Capture A despatch from Fernie, H. C.,[ Mvs : The alleged perjictrators ofj the daring hold-iij) at Coal (,'reek a few da.v3 ago, when Messrs. Quiii- ncy and Burns, of the Tritcs Wood Company, wern relieved of goin« $'.-200 in cash and several hundred dollars' worth of cheques and time retei[)ta in the shadow of the jail â- t the point of revolvers, were clev- erly captured bore on Thursday niplit by Acting (,'hitf Rowen and Constable Oorniun, of the Fernie , police force. Nalh Rabcock, a pro- spector and claim-stakcr, was the first one arrested. He was gttipping at the Fernie Hotel and the police \ (ouk him into cuBlody at ll o'clock] on TWiirsday night. Then proceed ing to the residence of J. Tiolun ger, in th(» anne.K, they took liol- angcr, and a search of the house resulted in the finding of two $50 bills. It is believed that Bolanger has made some damaging confes- sions to the chief. At any rate a brother of Bolanger, a conductor running out of Cranbrook, has been arrested by instructions from Chief llowou, and arrived in Fernie on t!ie evening train. J. Bolanger has been working on the M.F. aud M. (lain as brakesman, running be- tween Fernie and {k>nl (.ircek. He is married and has two children. \ reward of 9500 whs offered tor the arrest of the pnttiea. ACCIOENT AT WINMl'KG. C«ncr(5te Roof Crashes on Gang of Laborci-s. /. despatch from Winnipeg says : By the collapse of a portion of the rcoi on Saturday afternoon of the bis Union Depot on South Main- street, being erected for the joint use of the Grand Trunk Pacific and the Canadian Northern railways, one man was killed and throe others fatally injured, and two had miraculous escapes from instant tlenth. A large piece of roofing, about 20 feet stiuaro, consisting of several tons of concrete, crashed through the four floors of the build- in;;, cnrryiug beams and girders witn it, to the bottom, where a nufiiber of laborers were working. The accident is belicve-d to have been caused by part of tho sup- posing scaffold being removed, and the action of tho mild weather on the concrete. 11 VE ULOWN TO PlIOCES. Man Drove a Nntl Into a Pnekage of Dynauiite. A despatch from Vancouver, ?>. t^., sa.ys; One white man and four Chinamen were killetl on Saturday in an explosion at 'riinstall Hay, Bov.'Bh Island. The explosii>n was felt as far away as Nanainm, Van- couver and Scla-nd. The five iu.mi were pocking dynamite in a shed, nnci one drove a nail into the ox- plifiive. caut^ing the fatality, -Ml ' five were bluwn to pieces. â- ' --â- - J â-  THE WORLD'S MARKEF? MEPORTS FROM THF. LF.AOINO TRADE CENTUES. Prices of Cattle. Grain, Cheese and Other Dalrj Produce at Uomc and Abroad. BREADSTUFFS. Toronto, Mar. 15.â€" Flour-- Win- ter- wheat 90 per cent, patents, $4.- 25 to $4.yo in buyers' sacks on track, Toronto, and $4.15 to $1.20 outside in buyers' sacks. Manitoba flour, first patents, $5.70; second patents, $5.20 to $5. 'JO, and strong bakers', $5 on track, Toronto. Manitoba Wheatâ€" No. 1 North- ern, ^liHy,, Bay ports, and No. 2 Nrrthern'at $1.10j^, Bay iwrts, Ontario Wheatâ€" No. 2 rai.\ed red Winter or white, $1.07 to $1.08 out- side. Barleyâ€" No. 2, 55 to 56c outside ; No 3 o.xtra, 53 to 54c; No. 3 at 50 to 51c, and feed, 48o outside. Oats -No. 2 Ontario white, 33 to 30c outside, and 413^1 to 42c on track Toronto. Canada West oats, 42e fo.- No. 2, and 41c for No. 3, Bay ports. Peas-No. 2 for shipment, 82 to 83c outside. Ryeâ€" No. 2, 07 to C8c outside. Buckwheatâ€" 51 to 52o outside for No 2. (/'orn â€" No. 2 American, 71c, and No. 3 yellow, 68>jC, Toronto freights. Bran- $22 to $22.50 in bags, To- ronto, and shorts at $24, in bugs, Ttronto. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Apples -$2 to $3.50 per barrel, according to tiuality. Beansâ€" Car lots outside, $1.85 to $1.05, and small lots at $2.10 to $2.20' per bushel. Honoy-Coiubs, dozen, $2 to $2.- 50; extracted, lO^j to 11c i>er lb. Baled Hayâ€" No. I, $14 to $15 on track, and No. 2 at $12 to $13. Baled Straw $7.50 to $7.75 on track, Toronto. Pt>t»t(>es--45 to 50c ' per bag on track for Ontaiios. Poultryâ€" Turkeys, dressed. 18 to j bJc per lb; chickens, 15 to l(!o, and ! fv.wl, 12 to 13c. ! THH DAIHY MARKETS. P.ntter-^4'ound prints, 21 to 23c; tub- and lar.ge rolls, 20 to 21c ; in- fcriitr, !(> to IRC; creamery, 2S to 'Sw'c. anil solida. 20 to «0',.,u per lb. Eggsâ€" Case lots of new laid, 27 to 2Sc per dozen. Cheeseâ€" 13c per lb. for large, and at 133<kc for twins. HOG PRODUCTS. Baoon -Long clear, 14^4 to 15c Iter lb. in case lots; mess pork, $-'H to $28.50; short cut, $29.50 to $LtO Hams â€" Light to medium, IC to IG'.^c; do., heav.v, 15 to 15%c; rolls, \i% to 15c; shoulders, 13,'.^j to lie; breakfast bacon, 18% to I9c; backs, 19',^ to 20J4c. Lard-Tierces, IGc ; tubs, IG^e; pails, IC/.3C. BUSINESS IN MONTREAL. Montreal, March 15.â€" Oats-â€" No. 2 Canadian Westerti, 44'/:^c; No. 3, 433^c ; (Hilario No. 2 white, 43'.<ie; Ontario No. 3 white, 42 to 42'/aC; Ontario No. 4 white, II to 41%c. Barleyâ€" No. 3, OOe ; No. 4, .58c; feed barley, 50e. Flour â€" Manitoba Spring wheat patents, firsts, $5. '80; dr., seconds, $5.30; Winter wheat Intents, .$5.50 to $5.00 ; Manitoba strong bakers', $5.10; straight rol- lers, $5.10 to $5.25; straight rol- lers, in bags, $2.40 to $2.50. Feed â€"Ontario bran, $22.50 to $23; On- tario middlings, ,$23.50 t.i $24; Ma- nitoba bran, $22; Manitoba sln>rts, $23 pure grain mouillic, $31 io $;« ; j mixed mouillic, $27 to $29. (Uieese â€" We.sterns, 12'/.; to I2;'.^c. Butter â€" Choii'cst creamery, 25X to 2tie, | arid fresh receipts, 24 to 25c. Eggs! â€" New laid, 2S to 30c per dozen. steers brought $6 to $0.15; fair t» gcod, $5 to $5.50 ; fair, $4. ,50 to $5.25. Hogs, $10.10 to .$10.25; sows. .$9.10 to $9.25. Sheep, $4.75; Iambs, .$7. Toronto, March 15. â€" A few picked steers and heifers soitt at $6 to $0.- 35; choice butchers' at $5.50 to $5.- yO: hiedium to good at $4.50 t« $5.40. Slueii and lambs advanced, the former to $6 for choice ewes, while lambs reached the $S.69 mark. Hogs continue to advance, ant were quoted as high as $9. ,5* for special selects, fed and water- ed , ordinary selects were quoted at $9.15 f.o.b. to .$0.10 fed and wat- ered. TUKF.E CnnUKEN (REWATED Tragedy iu West During .Vbscnce of Parents. .'\ despatch from Rapid City, Ma- nitoba, says: During the absence of Mr and Mrs. Fred. Wills froiM their fariii house Saturday after- noon it caught fire and their three little daughters. Vera, Florence ai; I Violet, agetl from 3 months to 3 years, were incinerated with the biiiljing. Willis was digging a drain in the vicinrty, but the tire made such rajiid headway that be- lor>^he could reach it the childrea were beyond succor. UNlTK.l) STATES MARKETS. Buffalo, March 15. â€" Wheat â€" Spring wheat, steady ; No. 1 North- ern, carloads store, $1.21':;; Win- ter. No. 2 red, $r.22; No. 2 white. $1.22. (!orn -No. 3 yellow, G3c ; No 4 yellow, 59,' jC ; No. 3 corn, ()2!.ic; No. 4 corn, 5»c ; No. 3 white, G4c" Oatsâ€" No. 2 white, 19'<;c; No. 3 white, 48':;c; No. 4 white, 47%c. Rye No, 2 on track, 8jc ; No. 3 Si)ring. $1.07 to $1.13. Minneapolis, March 15. â€" Wheat â€" May, $1-13.'V, July, $1.13!/^ to $1.- 13%; ca.sh wheat, No. 1 hard, $1.- 14'; to $1.15!<i: No. 1 Northern, $4.13).^ to $1.14%; No. 2 Northern, $1.11 '•; to $1.12;':;; No. 3 Northern, $1,073:; to $1.10%'. Bran -In 100- Ib. sacks. $22 U) $22.50. Flour â€" First patents, $5.40 to $6.00; see- on.) patents, $5.20 to $5.40; first clears, $4.35 to $1.45; second clears, 183.10 to $3.40. I LIVE .SfTOCK MARKETS. 1 Montreal, March X5. â€" Choice t2S Preparations (;nder 0ns Trade Mark. A most Mtiiking ixauiplo of tbc growth ot the TpiiUe Miiik idea in tiaii.ida is be- ing iiniioinieed for the flrnt time to-day ill til'- iivwH|)ai)«rH throughout tho Domin- ion. It is tho •NA-UKU-fO." lino ot abont one liuiulri'd and Iwent.v-flve toilet and nii'dioinal pri<pciralioii,s, compounded by tho Niitionul Drug & Chemical Company of ('ai'iiUn, Iiiiniic'd. .Ml tli<;s<* proparations bear the N.V- DUlJ-CO Tnidf Murk, tho Bhiold with tho if'd orosf;, pruminentl.v displayed, and t» make the line still more distinetive each article in altraetively dressed iu a pleaa- ing Kluule (tt red. Iu their firnt advertisement, whieh ap- pe;ir-i in thlH i.^Hue, The National Drug (louipany filature this Trade Mark. The.» point out som<! ot the important advaiit- aax's to every family in Cituada oC a thor ongrlil.v iH;liahle, eai^ily rtx'oprniKod line, eoverinff praetieally every hi>u^eliold need in thu way of toilvt, and me<liolnal arti- elifl, and guaratiteeU by a reepoimiblo firm. The NatiiMial Dvtig tlompany Biiarantee that evory NA-DIllJ-fX) preparation '« i:oui|)ouiuled by qualillcd ehomi.HtM only, and from the purest drugs. A.s a proof that tlie formulae ave such as the best phyrticiaiiH would u.ie. they make a, unique offer wbiih eouipletol.T diaariiw tlip doiibtn whuh often ereep into one's mind with rcBard ^^^ medicinal wreparationa. Their "Money Baek" olTor helps still mopo t" it'hpire roufldcnce iu the NA- DRU-UO line, wlu>»e Tfc.'iety and eom- plotencps iA shown by the partial list given in their adverti.semcut. The steamship Monteaglo is in quarantine at Victoria, B. C, on accoi;nt of a case of smallpox on^ beard.

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