Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1910, p. 3

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FROM A SHADOW TO ROBUST HEALTH Is the Change Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Mad8 in a New Bruns- wick Woman. , Anaemia â€" bloodlessness â€" is a FIRST WATfH AND CLOCK. When the .Second HandH First Came Into L'se. Sincp pelebnitions are tlie order ot the day why not observe tlie sixth centenary of the introduction of clocks? It was, we are told, in 1309 that the first clock kn<iwn to tlie world -.vas placed in the tower tronble confined largely*to womeU|"f ^*" Eustorigo, in Milan, says ttiici growing girls. Its victims are ' the London Globe, pale; they lose all strength-the ! The greatest astonishment and ami tt?'''"'Jr*''''**'':-^*'''fI'''' l^'"''' ^"-^i'-"'"'" *'"e manifested by and they suffer continually from headaches and depressed spirits. were crovrca who came to see the time- piece. In 1344 a clock was install- ed in the palace of the nobles at Padua. This was a wonder of me- chanism indeed, for besides indi- ^othing will cure anaemia so quickly or so surely as Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pillsâ€" they have cured thousands of cases, not only in Can- ada, but throughout the whole ,• ,> , . , , , ., -- world. They do this because they : '^'^^'"K the hours it showed the , haii suffered for ten years CURE MEN AND WOMEN ALIKE WHAT DODD'S KIDNKY PILLS DID FOR ONE FA.MILY. Cured Cha.s. Bell of Rheumatism ami His Wife of Indanimatiou ot! «lic Kidneysâ€" .Hrs. BeH's State- 1 nsent. North Range, Digby Co., N. S.,! Mm- 14 (Special).-That Dodd's! Kidney Pills cure the Kidney ills of niei: and women alike is shown in the cases of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ! K<:!i of this place. A short time ago j I)<.dd's Kidney Pills cured Mr. I Paint Without Oil Remarkabl* Piscovery That Cuts Pown th* Cost of paint Sovcnty- riwe Per Cent. A prominent mannfactiiier Iwx UUroTsred & procemi of making a new kind <.f paint witliuut tliB use 111 oil. He ihIIh it Fowdruaint. la is a dry powder and all lliat i« reqniroU i> oold water to loaku a paint nearlierimiof. ilrepmof ami as diiraldons oil paint, ll adheres t<> any »wrlac-«. wood, alone or brick, spreads and looks like oil paint, and uoslj abnnt uno-lourth as inuoh. Write to The Powdrpaint Co.. roronlo, Ont.. for uataloKue and full information sliouinu vou lluw you uaii nave a j;oo,l inany dollar,. Write to-dav. Mention this iiai>er. FURS THE KND OF IT. An Riiglish gentleman travelling in Holland, on arriving at a cer- tain villagn intpiired if there was anyone who could speak English. He was introduced to the village schoolmaster. The Englishman said: â€" "My dear friend, can you tell mo where Mr. Whackhammer, the preacher, lives!" "Yaw. You just walk de i-oad up to de creek, and turn de pritch over de shtream. Den you just go a road what Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pilla •rr not n new mid untrii-d Ttimrif -our graiidtalbiTs ufcd them. Halt « century ago, befrire Coaredcra. lion, they rtrre. on Hale in n<-arlr «iT«-ry drug or itpiicral atore in ih* Canada of (hat day, and wnr« th* rm-oBniced euro in thouxanda of boineK for lon*iipaIion, Indigw- tlon. BiliouanesH. Itbfiiinaiiain and Kidney and Liver Trnubli-x. To. amy Ihpy ari< iiict aa offm-tiv?, ln»t an ndiahlc an oT«r. and noth- inc bitter ha» ytt bt-.n duvisod to Cure Common Mis Do you trap or buy I'lirsi' I uiu Canada's hl^f-rs'tprfce^-lC?!"" tiyll you gum to shipments Kui;(;ited. I vidds woots around a sehoolhouse ; j press Jh«ree''s"'Jem?t I •'"'^ i'"" Jon't dake dot road. Well, t-TOCKS. EdwardQPQI^YN ii2: !Brl' of Hheumatism from which he| «"••_-"• c romptlv. Also UrKest dealer in Beefhides. id. 'U you go OU till you meet a big ; Safe InWeStlPentS ,^''i"""' barn, shingled mit straw; den you ' "ircuiaroi Sheepskins, etc. Quotations and shipping tags icnt free. /> JOHN HALLAM. TORONTO niake good blood. Among those ' *-â- '""â- ** "f the sun, the revolution cured by these Pills is Mrs. T. Chal-I of the planets, the various phases Hartley, " â€" - ^ \1 'iV}lT J:;'a ^ti <^«JlCKiiST WllH bAht.1 symptoms of anaemia. Doctors did i "^„„\*"'"' .""'^ ,'*'^ very long, al time. When I was able to be up j not help me in the least, and acting ^"f ?"r''"f1- ""f.*''^ record! again the doctor told me I must on | on the adm-e of a friend I began ! "^ ^ i . *'""''\"' ^^"^^ '^ ''^'^l"" »«^'^""nt do any work. I suffer- j taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. ' ^r""-' " "" ^ ""' "^"''^ "n^/ « ! ed from Dn.psy and my feet would! They effected a remarkable change '^.' '",'' T'''!"""' ^"'.1^*' "'^ f"'''' I ««-t'll «- I could not wear rny shoes. In my condition ; indeed I really be- ! V' '*'"''"' "P"" ^>' '^c people of -'My husband benefited so much li eve they saved mv life, as 1 have that age as ,, "f* mstrument pro- from taking Dodd's Kidney Pills I been well and strong ever .since li /^u'"^; ... , ,. U'«'ided to give them a trial, and ^ I Ihe fortunate took them. 1 also recommended the possessor of this; though I have taken only three mv i CURE For the baby often neans test (or Isoth mother and child. Little ones like it too â€" ils ^o palatable lo take. Free from opiate!. AU Drusuitti. 25 cenU. Bwrr-nTi â€" ll II III J Pills to a neighbor's daughter whoi'^lf'' was Andrae Alciato a coun-:bo.xes I am well and can wear was similarlv run down, and they f'"'"' "/ ^''""- The chroniclers | shoes and do nearly all my own also completely restored her i ^'''â- t P'"'"'"',' '' " record that this in.usework. I cannot say too much health" l!-''''''^ sounded a bell at a stated i f,.r Dodds Kidnev Pills." Every woman and growing girl'^'""'' '^"' "^ ^^^ ^l*'!'! V"'« '^ ''"'.« I I^'-dil '^ Kidney' Pills make w„„.. «houId take Dr. Williams' Pink I ''"^•> '=*"*"* ?"^ *'«''*''^ automati- ! Kidneys strong and sick Kidneys Pills occasionally Tf v„„ „r* nil-;'""^- . ?".* ^his was done we are [„ ell. Msmbsrs Toronto Stook Ezchanga. â- Mir irneklr ulari>u sacitiitiea* , 1 o I , ,1 Keferas to staniliaKtoaoy bank. iltiiii dc road round cle field and go i We haTe moved to oil till you cum to a pig red house | ""r new luiiidiin, 90 Bay St., Tor onto. ail speckled o'er mit vitc, and de ! ^^WMâ€" ^â€" â€" i^â€" â€" ggnu garret upstairs. M'ell, dat is rny | brcder Mass's house. Den you diirn i d:it house around de barn, and you see a road dot goes up in dc voods. : Den you don't dake dat road, too. Den you go right straight on, and de first you meet is a haystack, and de next is a barrack. Well, he don't lif derc. Den you will get: finder, and vou see a house on top de hill alxint -i inilp i.iil mi .,n in' I ,EAUN I'lIK BARBKB TR.\DE NEW U» mil arxjUl a mile, anU go on m Ij system .•..nKtant practice; careful tiere and ax de old woman and she | fnBtrurtinn; few weeks complete eournei tools free: ernduat4»H earn twelve to A Few Shares for Sale in one of the be«l Loan Cnnipaiiies in Criiiada on easy terms ; ,.nly ^Ht.trj down- Money to Land at f»j*„' on approved >eiuiities. Apply forpariiculani to M. J. KK.NT, Iiax4l», LviMlan. Ont EUUCATIOWAL. vi'l tell yon better as I can." If you are ail ing from any of the manv trtjubles noi told, but it must not be over- which afflict vour sex* they will i '""''*^ '''"* !"'V' "bout seventy Patience is what the other fellow cure you; if vou are not ailing thoyir^'".'* ''^o ,«'« l^at no niean.s of ob- Ucks, nobody possesses and every- will protect your health and keep ! V'^'I'"^' "^ "?^/''u "J'?}^" *^* tin- body n you well and strong. Dr. Williams' : f-'^'f' '" 'H^ th*- Milanese must eeds. you welt aiut strong Pink Pills are sold by all dealers in medicine or direct at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. have been centuries ahead of us in | \ piU That is Prized.â€" There have been many pills put up<m the mar this respect. HIS SOLE KK.STIXG- PLACE. .\ precise teacher spent a quar- ter of an hour in impressing upon eak '' ^^'^ ''''*'*'' '•'^'^ right pronunciation of i the word vase. j Ne.<t day, hoping to reap the I fruits of her labor, she asked : ! "Now, Johnnie, tell me! AVhat do * you see nn the mantlepiece at home?'' And Johnnie piptd forth: "Fa tiler's feet, uia'aiii, ' FOR THE PUBLIC I eigluopn dollars weekly; write for cata- loBue. M'.ler Barber College, 221 Queen East. Toronto ARTICLES FOR SALE. AKUTC.V.N W.VHKANIN BOIGHT .\ND rtoUI. good f<ir o20 atri'S Wentern N(W Fornnila Cures CoiiehH, Colds, lands, immediate delivery. tUiBcrs A Co.. 30 Toronto St.. Toronto, folle ge 1989. Bronchitis and Hoarseness ^, outh afkican vktkra.ns war- an It^ivn Hjiiii'w ' rant** botiRliT .Tiid sold, 320 acrea. lu rui nuuis. ; DickiuBoii, Room 20, a?. Scott St.. Toronto. MACHINERY ESCAPED LIGHTLY. An old negro, taken ill, called in a physician of his own race. There being no signs of improvemeut, he at length asked for a white doctor. Tl'e doctor came, felt the old man's .pulse, and examined his tongue. "Did your other doctor take your temperature?" he asked. "I don't know, sah," replied the negro. "I ain't missed anything but my watch so far." HARD LUCK. Not much progress was made with the watch until 1740. when the sec- cm) hand was added. WORTB KNOWING. Simple Remedy That Any One Can ; Prepare at Homo. j Most people arc iiiiTe or less sub- : ject to coughs and colds. .'V simple ! remedy that will break up a cold> (juickly and cure any cough that is] curable is made by ini.xing two! ounces of Glycerine, a half ounce! of 'Virgin Oil of Pine compound | pure and eight ounces of pure Whisk.v. You can get these in any good drug store and easily mix them in a large bottle. The mixture ket and pressed ujjon public atten- j tion, but none has endured so longj or met with so much favor as Par- 1 Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. melee's Vegetable Pills. spread use of them has Wide- 1 attested OH, DOES HE! "William." she said. Much is being done in these days to stop the ravages of consumption, i VI A''H'^'l-"^' Hii.vDyL AllKEll.'s. - lint nrohahlv n.ithiinT ha« ht^c-n ur, '"â- "" ""'' wood-working machmery, Dut proDaoij notning na;. been so p„si„p^ boiler-, steam pumps, easolin. effective as teaching the public how oneinpH, olwtric motors, contractors' to break up a cold and cure """''in^rv. ..,c Send for cataln^ne of ' over MOO in.'irbinpe. H. w PhTRIB. up a cold and cure coughs, bronchitis, tonsilitis, etc., I with simple home-mixed medicine, j A laxative cough syrup, free from i whiskey is the prime need. A cough indicates inflammation and conges- tion and these in turn arc due to 1400 Limited. T" Montrcixl. V.-A iicnnver. AGENTS WANTED. ^ANVASSKRS WAMTKD. Hir.H fiRADK .Alfred Tyler. Importer. Lon- t.- tea doii. _ ^_^ 4 GKNTH- «? good. James means their great value, and they need no wonder- further advertisement than this. ; .-V flush mantled Having firmly established them- ' j-heek. I rn HE NORTHERN 1 t'ompuiiy have Callerâ€" "How pleased you must oe to find that vour new cook is al "^ highly recommended by the Leach; Minard's Liniment Co,, LImltad, „„„„„ . ... . , . ^ - A DAV EASY. NO KX- means tion and tiiese in turn arc due to .-^ iioricnce needed. s.di!« mi aiglit. beloved. I an excess of waste and poisons in ' Abpoiuto necessity to farmers. Do.» work ! tht system. A tonic laxative cough her powdered I syrup rids the system <ii conges- . I tion, while relieving the painful selves lu public esteem, they now: -'j wonder," she murmured soft- 1 coughing. Get ihe following and lank without a peer in the list of.]v_ "what George means t" ! mix"^ at home: One-half ounce Huid standard vegetable preparations, j •'George means business. I wild cherry bark, one ounce com- , . ihope.' said mother, looking up pound essence cardiol and three Why are the crow6 coming back? jj.,,„, jj^^. redding announcements , ounces syrup white pine compound. He caws. i j,j ^j^^ t^vening paper. j Shake the bottle and take twenty i j drops every half hour for four Tompkinsâ€" "Y'our wife seems to hours. Then one-half tj one tea- be a very thoughtful woman. ' spoonful three or four times daily. Thompson- "She is. She thinks of ; Give children less, according to all kinds of things if I happen to be ago. Cut this out and save it for stayer." Hostess- "My dear, don't men- tion it! She's a stayer all right, but unfortunately she's not a cook." SLEEPINI} DRAU&HTS AND SOOTHING MIXTURES Chemical t'o.. of Cincinnati, who! H.ive n«ed minards mni.ment for prepare the genuine Virgin Oil of <^'"''»i>; 'o'""' uothing equal to it; sure Pine compound pure for dispensing. Hawkshaw, N fHAS. B., Sept. 1st, e. sharp. 1905. SOOT OX HIS SUIT. They were having a spelling les- son at a certain district school the (itiicr day, and the little scholars w( re all arranged in front of the « 1,1. u ij • L ;teiicher, spellinc awav for dear life, A mother should never give her', 1 I • t<ji w<.ai lii • 1.1 _ -I ; J ut ^..i.i..-__ trj ing to see now near they could in his remarks out late. Some friend. I child a sleeping draught, soothing mixture or opiate of any kind ex- cept on the advice of a tloctor who has seen the child. All these things contain poisons and an overdose may kill the little one. When you give your child Baby's Own Tablets ycu have the guarantee of a gov erriment analyst that this medicine ^ , , , , , does not contain one particle of :"'''' ^er pounced on the word and opiate or narcotic and cannot pos- /"l''''* ''' ^'orreCtly. ' 1 ou may go up one, Jul. nine, . ' gel. to the head 1 The word "chimney " was given ' out to a little Vdack-cyed girl who hn<' been sjielling words correctly thniiighoiit the mo^ninp. but .the . itiifsed this one by inadvertently , leaving out the "h." ; t^uick as a wink the little boy Pills That Have Benefited Thou- Virtue is its arids.â€" Known far and near as a needs to be. sure remedy in the treatment of indigestion and al! deran the stomach, liver and I Pa> melee's Vegetable brought relief to thousands when j 'other specifics have failed. In- 1 Doubtless tlie worm blunt man i^ usually pointed ! ""-«-"- testimonials can be pro- avoid the earlj^d. ^ •' ' duced to establish the truth of this I „, , • , , assertion. Once tried they will be ! These two desirable found superior to all other pills in â-  the treatment of the ailments for ', which they are prescribed. of so men. Pnys for itself in one hour. Write to-duy, C. E. Adamfi Co.. Sarniit, Ont. LIFE ASSfRANCB good oiienioKM for eTiierictrioed iiiHurniice writers, alno for yoiiner men who dcHir<* t<> make money. AddrehH, .lohn Milne, Miinnging Dirc<-tor, Northern Life. London, Ont^ ^^^ IADV AND~iENTLE"MEN AGKNT.S TO J sell ricb'lookiug .Tap. rugi* at $1.25 each. P. A. Conway. Slicrhrooke, Que.. . writco: Sold 30 the first day, 20 thi- second. You can do ut* well. Write for exclusive territory, and uiiitine -elling plan. E. Condon, lltig S iii cialist. St iniiigt'iii, MwSf. FA RHl"s~FO " R~RE "Nt. NO 6289 100 acres in the Township ot Caradoc, in the County of Middleser. j noil, rii'h sandy li>am. 3 1-2 acres orchard, , 1 12 slorev frame house. 2 frame burns and .....v.. ...J .. iwl o'lK'r ontbiiildinus. a fc^w rods to piiblio 1CW.11U, anu „,.||„„i .,,,,1 ,,|,„„, („ ,.hnrcb. I miles from I Striithroy marki-t and R. R. Station. ; "V"" 6^72 30 ACRES IN THE TOWNSHIP r ... - i._» in.iw ....,„ .ooin. ih« â- 'â- ' '" "Inmlford. in the I ounty ot Vx- igementsof '"„^«'^,\*5TA'"Ml"Vh'!lX"tjr"t h« '"/'>â-  -â- '• '-l"-" ''-V loam, 2 storey con. 1 kldnevs. 5??,d L l«l. 'l '.»«â-  U our.. «h.i wul pwnt ' rote house, frame bunk barn with stabl- n-ii I. â-  w .h.n Vn, nllster ''"^ under, other outbuildings, biiildinfi* Pills have , quicker than an, plMt.r. nearly new and in good repair, situated TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY T»k« l.*X\IIVK BROMO tjainine Tahl»t«. Dragaistv refiiail inon»y if it laiU to CQr*. K. W. no V K's ligiiatur* i' uii eacli box iic \ bad draft â€" on a bank- causes cold feet. -u'suiillv True worship within walls. cannot be kept sibly do harm â€" but always do gt od. The Tablets promptly cure all sto- mach, bowel and teething troubles, and give hej'lthy, natural sleep. Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. ; Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, 1 Onl. 1 Loa* of rtcali, cuuKh and pain In the obast ma; nut uiean cunsuiuption. but ate bad nigiiH. .Mlun'i Lane Balsam liie:«ttnH the oougb and heals inflalu* •d air pas8a|[«4. Nut a grain of opium in it. said the teacher. "f don't want to,'' whined John- nie, getting reatly to cry; "my nio- tlur would whip me if I did, be- cau'-e I'd get all over soot." BAD KICK FROM i IfOK.SE. I As soon as you have life you have ! the inexplicable. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. PAZO OINrMKSr Is |!uaranteed to c«r» any es-«e of Itcliin;;, Blind. Blee-lin'.' or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 day?* or inunoy refundsil. 60c. A lonesome little orphan sin al- ways turns out to have plenty of cousins. qualifica- tions, pleasant to the taste and at the same time effectual, are to be found in Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator. Children like it. on Gravel road. < mile" from Woodslook turns to m.Trket and R. R. Station. This advertise. ' metif appears in over 200 uewnpapern. 1 Tnnuircrs will please stat*' the jtatier in I which thev saw this advertisement. The Wi'sterii l!-ul I'.statc Kxchaiiitc. Limited, 78 Diindiis St.. London. Out "^ .'•teo)., Hnei!. 8Md Co, Ltd.. T i.ronto.!Oii«L A man isn't always cheerful wiien he docs a lot of cheering. Fine feathers do not make fine birds. If a fellow is a jay all tht feathers in the world will not 'is- guise the fact. I. S. Kelly, of Markerville, Mr _,.. _. .Mta . savs • "We have nrovc'l that Murine Relieven Sore Eyes, Strength- r, o 1 ' t .. I 1 ens Weak Eyeg, Doesn't Smart, Soothes Zam-riuk of great value on the ...--_ .. Free to Our Readtrt. Write Murine Eye Remedy Co.. Chicago. mi-^^J'. i :.:_.-» D.ii. .. •• â-  . for 48.page illustrated Eye Book Free. ] '">'>»'« » Linimont Relieves Neuralgia. Write all about Tour Eye Trouble and they will advise as to the Proper Applica- tion of the Uurine Eye Remedies in Your Bpecinl Case. Your Druggist will t«U you faiin. I was kicked by a horse and sustained a nasty wound, which finally turned to an open sore. This caused tne considerable pain, but as soon as Zarn-Buk was ap Eye Pain, and sells for 50c. Try It Your Eyes and in Rahy's Eyes for Bcajy Eyelids and GrauuIatioD. The best argument for piety is its application. "\ Grand Medicine" is the en- comium often passed on Bickles At:ti-Consumptive Syrup, and when r-iicd, 1 got relief. In a short time | When all other corn preparations tnc results from itK use are consid- Zani-Buk completely healed theifaji, try Holloway's Corn Cure. No wiiund. j pail: Whatever, and no inconvcni- "My father sustained a bad burnleucc in using it. on his leg. which for a long time I â€" â€" would not heal. Zam-Buk healed j U is easy to bury aspirations u»- >t, and brought on a covering of!dc' ambition, new, healthy skin all over the 1 â-  ered, as borne out by many per- sons who have employed it in sto))- ping coughs and eradicating colds, it is. more than grand. Kept in the house it is always at hand and it has no equal as a ready remeily. If you have not tried it, do so at ouce. HOT NEWS. J5niinent professor says fish is not brain food. He has evidently been listening to some angler's yams. Husband "What a debt we owe to medical science !" Wife â€" "Good gracious ! Haven't you paid that docUir's bill yet?" wound in a few days." Zam-Buk is a sure cure for all skin injuries and diseases, piles etc. .\I1 druggists and store? at 50 -a bo.\, or post free from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. Try this Sure Way To Dye Your Olothes DY-O-LA Yoii don't have to knew what KINO •' cloth your Gouda aia made of. SAMK Dye for ALL- •to ohama al MIotokoa. AU colors 10 cents from yonr Dnifitlst or Dealer. Sample Card and Ssflltlet Pro*. Th* Johnaon-INelMnlBen Co.. UmltaJ. 0«.t. P.. Montraal. Qua. i'ULED ! .\ laborer in a dockyard vas one day given a tow-foot rule to mea- sure a piece of iron plate. Not being accustomed to th« use of the rule he returned it, ^ after wasting a good deal of time. "Well, Bill," remarked the fore- man, "wliat is the size of the plate?" "Well," replied he, with a smile which accompanies duty perform- ed, "it's the length of your rule and two thunbs over, with this piece of brick and the breadth of my hand and arm, and from hei^e to there, biir a finger." AS USUAL. "Mrs. Parker is back in town." "Has she any servants yet?" "Net She's bcreaming for help." Minard's Liniment Cures Burns. Etc. JUST SO. • Heâ€" "Will you be my wife?" Sheâ€" "Why, we have just met." He â€" "But you don't need to know mo long." Sheâ€" "That's a consolation." fSi^gaLatoirw -. DODKSrt;^ KlDfNEYl % PILLS ISSl E .\0 t2-»d. NOT LONG NOW. Sunshine pleases; Winter tca.ses ; Springlike breezes; Thaws and freezes; Colds and sneezes; Coughs and wheezes â€" Yes, it's coming. NEVEE TOUCHED HER. "Bridget." began Mrs. Young- bride, timidly, "I don't suppose you wouldâ€" er â€" object to my getting an alarm clock -" "Not at all ma'am," replied the lazy conk. "Them things never disturb me at all." Minard's Liniment for Sale Everywhere. TROUBLE IN THE MENAGERIE "What are you good for, any- how '" sneered the rhinoceros. "Leather,"' answered the kan- garoo; "and that's more than y< ii're good for. blame your crack- c<l old hide !'' MOPE FOB THE OEAF-IR ACOUSTICOH-, ..lie of iha marv..], ,,1 the e'lidrical .ie«j Ke throuthoui, the world. Write for cit»4 loEuo. Oenorsl Ar.u-tic Co., of CanaJa. Ltd 1 £li Tonga Streat. Toronto. * ""- THE LINOMAN TBUSS will hold ^vTeducihle lieniia. Kadonieil hy fuiviiio-t iiie.'li.^al inon. Write for parliciilani 11. UNDMAN, (Koit'd) Montreal. * Is Your Hearing Good ' The HEAnOPHONB will Rive vou Hie benefits of good henritiK- Send l«ir *'-ee booklet Rivinit pnrtieulari' and names of lati^fied uirrs. Also r Special Offer for ,1 Month's Home Trial.' THE BRAND ELECTRO OZONE UIMITEO, ' 'â- ..»* Sliadtn.l Aver»u« Toronto j FEATHER DYEINQ ClMolog Atiil CiirliDK kod KM Ulovn t:lPMt«4l TbaM I oftn b<. MDt by poit, lo p«r ax. the iiwi placa it I BAITiSH AMERICAN DYEING CO. APPEIMDJCITIS Cnrefl without oiieratittn*. All who are af« Hicteil with this diKen'^e and wit*li lo ba riired peruiannntly. safely and qoiikly with this uteat Homeopathic remedy, which will he pent popt-paid aiiywhera In th" world with full inslrueiions for nnfnR fo ;i.« to ciffrt a pennatiertt oure. Priro <? Addro'*'* John T. Walt, Homeon.ithio Pharmaeyt Arnprlor, Canada. That TtirmentInK Cold that niada yoa wretohod last winter will Hot o.uue back if you take .itlon'ii I.uug I(als»m when your threat i< raw ind sore, Thi.^ adniirablo remady in fraa from opium. TaJia It IB tinia. You canm.t get a man to rever- ence that which he knows is not right.- .\ Medicine for the Miner's Pack. - Prospectors and others going into the mining regions where doctors arc few and drug stores not at all, should provide themselves with a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil It will offset the effects of ex- posure, reduce sprain.^, and when tiikcn internally will i^ievcnt and cisre colds find sore throat, and ns a hibricant. will keep the muscles : ill good condition. , .\varice makes every blessing a burden, " it i APhyaiolan Is not a)w*n at haad. Onard yn«r, â- alf ;i+;Hiii»t Huildeu couf^h-. and cold* by titteuiiii| a bottle "I I'ainkillar ia lb* bou'-o A'oid labstr •and tor fraa sample to Oept. W. L., N» { i t'onal Drug A Chemical Co.. Toronto. 1 i Alarlatt s Mair Promoter j Crows Hair on any Bald Head On sale at tlio Robt Siuipfion's Diub I'' â-  liurtuieiit, Toronto, Can., or the Marlait Hair Prouiofng Co.. Toronto. Canarla. Blind, Bleeding, Itcning, Protruding Piles quickly and peniianently cured b» the met scientific a-)d economical roinivli LVLE'S COMMON SENSE FOR PILES Prlre SI .00 -6 for SJ.OO. mailed on r» eclpt of price. UYLE MEDICINE CO,, m Quaan West, rORONTft «r PILES tnte*. tliara in but Davia'â€" aM aud aue. titteuiiii| 1 inbstr • I'aiukUlat " â€" rtrn loilamniatlou of th ivldnovii. of Uia Bladder, of the Bowolri, of tha LuiupM Sore Throat, BroiichllimUKHciilt Brtalliiiia, C'l-ouii. ( tarrh, lniiiioii>;a. Hen- aebe, "<n>thiiche. Nen raltfin, UliuMiiiiitiAUi, ;. CiilllK, Ajjile I hiilH, ( blaiiin. I'ltJHlliUov luii ourait by COUGHS & COLDS LEAD TO CONSUMPTION CoiJii ate tlic itiost dangetout of all (orma o( diicate. A nrt;lecle<i cold leads 10 Bronchitii, Consumption, Pneumonia. '• Cougln " are llie rrjull o( Irritated bron- cliial tulxji. " PSVCHI NE " cuietcoughs by removing the irritating p.irlicle> and healing the Inflamed membrane. It is a germicide an*' dcMro).* the tulicrclc geim. 11 it a tonic ih&l slrcnglhenj the lungs, the livci. and tones up llis tynlcni. It makes Fur belter h.^alth in all conditions ol human- ily. G-lJlrong and ihecough will disappear. "HSYCHINE" mak-s weak people sliong. It cuiu cougbi of the most obdu- rate kind and breaka up a cold lo a few lUUIi- Write for Free Sample. For Sal* W 'U Dtnititli f\i Dnilert SOc. & %\ bottle. Dr. T. A. SLOCUM LI.'«ITED. TOROiNTO Mail Besdy ?i' â- m

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