Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1910, p. 5

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Mabch 17 1910 THE Fl. ESHEKTON ADVANCE ESTABLISHED 1873 The Standard Bank of Canada Head Office : TORONTO Record of Business as at 3lst January, 1910 PROFlt ANu LOSS ACCOCNT '«<ilanr>r>nranl J(>J.iniarT. iwn . . tiiZHM K-:l PrirttH for ihfl y.^ir lUeliif at tbo nt« of IH.>lj>,-r .-(•lu, mi ftvcraif* paiil-uu C'At>Uaij rrolitt rriu I'l <:miunia uu Jk v Stock - . Dlvld«luls]^ia.-ittb«nt«ol 12 iMrcent. per aiiniiin »-.t4.MS.M < -Milrl billed lo 'tlflfpri' i'tuBiou Fund - 7.54III-UO Trailir>*rr«Kt «o Kr^t A4;colmt fcou ProftU lOutNW.M Premium onNnwsi.).-; - ur.soao) w rttU'tt off Bant l'r*nll~ci . • . . 'AIMf.iU tUlanctf y*T. Ivil I unruxd • • • • £4,aT4.£f Xmobco • SoU. Silver and Usui To»U«n >u« by oilirr baiikd <Miremiiivut auil uUier liquids . Liuun on i 'all H«ruxt,-d bT Kouda, ete. Bllb DiacnuotMl â-  Gonrmm^a Depodt to ucora Clrciilatioo Bank Pri^miaea, etc . > . . . -OtlierAkicU • • • . • . Toronto, SIM Juuarjr, HUl KB â€" GENERAL STATEMENT â€" »; :4.n.*r. or l.;.'>n.u3.''>.UO 3.iwr.<lt.47 l.'.U, l(Jli.UI i.i.«u.«ii:.;i iao.wio<ai (.'>8.'ilil.M 1^1.1) to. 36 ia<UM.:«.(i; UUIUTtlS i'.il>iUI paid up ... . K«-«er»« Kuiiit and Front* • • Not>rii in ClrculaUuu â-  . • • l>epoaita ... IHvidrnda Due to oilier Banka - • • ' • t:.im,imM I.4H.1IIR.UI 3..1».5:7.1« m.toM 'JUI.TULU tai.i«.7.%i>7 GEO. P. SCHOLFIELD, GeDeral Mftoager. VICINITY CHIPS vith Mrs. Jolin Hales visited lier sister, Mrs. McKecbuie, Markdale. Miss M. McCau'.ey of Ethelbcet. Mau., lias returned to her home heie. Miss Mabel Boyd left on Tuesday to spend the Kuminer with her uncle ;vt Itadtson, Saak. Miss Wilda Croksley, who holds a situ- ation at Walkerton, is siwoding a week at her home here. Miss Kate Bellamy has returned from Toronto after an exteuded visit friends in that city. Mr. R. Thompson, son of Mr. Thompson, east bad liu«, left on Tues- day for the Northwest. Inspector Huff paid hia fiist visit to the school here on Tuesday and Wedues- iay, making a thorough examination. Rev. Mr. Wrllwood is iu Owen Sound this week t^ing the nuptial knot for a friend. Mrs. Wellwood accompanied him as far as Chatsworth. Mr. Levi Bells had a thrilling e.\per Mrs. Harry Stephensnn Fro-.ney, all of Toronto. and Mrs. Phosphonol tiw Electric Restorer for Men. Restores every nerve in the body to its pro'per tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a new man. Price 83.fiO a box, or two for $5.00. Mailed to any address on receipt of price. The Scobell Di-ug Co., St. Catharlne.s, Ont. With Tlie Churches. Rev. G. Seatn:! Millisan, M. .\., h.-48 accepted th» ca'l from R'lesherton, Eu- genia and Proton Presbyterian conaregn- tions and his inducli«n is expscted at an Jacob ''"'â- ly date. Mr. Milligan declined a unanimous call tn a charge in Lindsay PreBbytery in favor of Flesberton. i The \V. M.S. of the Methodist church h*ld thpir Easter meeting last Thursday A good prngram of readings and music was rendered . The thank offering amounted to S16.75 which will lie aue- mcnted lati*r. About thirty ladies sat down tu a lunch at the close of the meet- ing. On Friday next. 18th iust., the Lay- ' mens Missionarv Movement of the Bap- tist church will hold a banriuet in thtj , . I I. 1 â-  „ ........o*- Flesherton church at 7 o'clock. All men wnce with au electric bolt during a lecent ^ttendins any of the four appointments thunder storm. Our Eugenia orrespon- „re heartily invited. Tliere will be no dent supplies the particulars. • chariie whatsoever. Speakers are com- ing from Toronto t" address chc gather- Mr. H. Down of Halhertun lett on j^g Ladies intending to help will kindly Monday for Oxbow, Sask., accompanied bring their baskets on Friday afternoon bvMr R. J Noble of Dundalk. Mr. Those willin? to help kindly hand in ' '. ., „.,„.,„ for names. Remember us a men's baiuiuet. Down IS gone to «ee the country tor i , . ., I The Mission Band met on Monday at at the home of Mrs. W. A .\riiistroug. Mr. aud Mrs, W. A. Armstrong had an Thank offerino envelopes were diitribut- unpleasant drive over to Meaford on Sat- urday, returning Sunday. They found the road l>are of snow for about five â- ailes ot the distance. Woid from Mr. Henry Holman written ed and fees paid. A shrirt program was rendered. Mrs. Armttroog, with Miss Myrtle Thurston asalternate, was appoin- ted to attend the annual meeting of the Toronto Conference Branch to be held in Gerrard street oa May 17, 18 and 1!). Mrs. Arinsti'ong served a lunch ot sand Sunday from the Toronto hospital, says j wiches and cake to the thirty members that he is progressing nicely after his present. to sit ' •peratiuD and expects to bo able «p about the end of this week. Wc notice by the P.irkhill Gazette •ihat Mr. J. G. Russell has taken a two The March Rod and Gun. Snow Trails, a story of a professional man spending some weeks trapping with yeais course at the College of Op'ic»t Un Indian in the Canadian hack wood.', is South Bend, Indiana, and has now secu^d I the leadina feature of the March issue the de«ree of Dootcr of Optics. 'J?lie , "f P"<i '"'^ t^""' *" C'lnada. published , ,. , .. by ». .J. Taylor, Woodstock. < tut., aud Advance tenders congratulations. i ^j,,^ ,^^j „^ .sportsman shou'd miss. Hr. D. Weber, the Flesherton-Kiiii- Stories galoi-e have been written of ex- lerley mail earlier, went to Oweu Sound ! perience.s in the backwo..ds in summer 11- . ..„...,o„f..i 1""^ '^"> but not too many uenuine iu- kst week aud unaerwcut a *"cce.s-sf"l | ^^,,„^^^ ^j j^^^,^,,^, experionc.s by out- •peration at the hospital^ there for the | gjders, in the woods in winter have been (emoval of a growth from one of his eyes. 1 given to the world. Mr. .\uer's narr.ktive IS full of interest and demon.strates the The operation occupied two hours, At the annualineeting of the Flesher ton Hotel Co health and pleasure to be obtained from a visit to the winter woods To pent- Limited, held on Friday j ''»*-« t"o f«r is, a-s the author says, only ^ last week, the following Directors were J^ 'J^ -J|:;t';rbt:fired frl^u'f.^ appointed: W. H. Bunt, vv. A. Ann- 1 j^g ihe author's advice and example. «trong, J. M. Davis, R. Allen, and S. M uir. A canvass will be made to disptise «f the balance of the slock. Mr. and Mrs. L. Whewell of Giiflin, €isk , returned home on Saturday alter » lengthy visit with friends in this vicin- ity. They were accon'tianied on the The time may come when winter visitors will enly nink .second in numbers to those eujoyiiisi summer ouiines. The dilticul- ties of prospectint; trips in Northern British Columbia are well brought out in the story of a Wild Goose Chase by Mr. F. Bullock Weljster. The e.xperieiice.> gained by fire raniiiug for two Kuinmert in the Metauami Foiest Reserve arexold -return by Miss Maggie Mci'omb of , in an interesting style by Mr, H. W. Lyons. These are supoleiuented by a full list of contents, dealing with big game, hunting woodcock, shooting, fish- ing, protective work, mountaineering, and kindred subjects, the whole bringing with it the whiffs of the woodlduds in very full measure and largely accounting for the wide spread intlneii.'e the maga- zine has gained amongst sportsmen on both sides of the border. Tellow Grass, who has also been visiting friends in this neightorhoo.-l. An instance of the benefit of having yi-inted butter wrappers was shown in a 'letter received last week t.y Mrs. F. Dickenson. A resident of Toronto who had i>urchjused some butter iu the city kearing her label was so highly pleased iwiih the quality of the butterjthat they wrote her a complimentary letter and wanted to contract with her to supply them steadily with all they re<.|uired.-- CreeoiQre Star. The Advance keeps a «upp1y of butter wrappers on hand and prints them at a reasonable price. Messrs. W. C. aad Geo. E. Strain of Tictornia Corners, who »ucceede<l in se Owen Sound. Mr. Alex Hood of Wou^lford, sold a team of horses recently to the well kni>wn horse buyer, A Galbraith of Paisley, Ont. The price realized was four hundrnl aixi fifty dollars. ; John J. Brown, a former employee of the C. P. It. section gaig on the RocH- ford section, while going home .>n Friday discovered a broken rail. His son, who was with him, was despatched to a near- by h'luse for ii piece of red ch>lh to ttilg any trains, while Biowu ran up the tnick aiul met locomotive 17-45 returning wi;b a van from Flesherton. The discovery and suhseijuent prompt action probably averted an accident, as the locomotive was on the down grade and going nt a good speed. The way fr.-ight was follow- ing and [a still more serious accident might have resulted from the broken rail. Blown reported the matter to the .local agent and lo the officials at Toronto. Since leaving the road he has been work- ing on a small farm near Superior street, just outside the corporation limi'a. The company will no doubt show iti; apprecia- tion of his work. Ri;eve McKay of Sydenham went to the wuodshe*! tor a block of wood iu the dark and Hlipping on some ice, fell, strik- ing his face oi> a stake which had been driven in the ground with three othei-s to form a taw horse. Fortunately, in falling, he went sidewise and the end of the stake glanced along the cheek bone and the bridye of the nose and across to t he other cheek close under the eye. A slight turn of the bead would almost certainly have meant that the stake would have entered the eye. Reeve McKay is an elder brother of Hon. A. G. McKay, K. C. M. P. P.- Times. Henry Clarke, jr., of Whitfield, deliv- ered ni»c hog.s to MesKis. SkeUling & Bate» on Titesday that weighed '27U& Ibi*. They were only eight months old and Mr. CUrke received the Mim of 824:1. (10> for for the lot. J. L. William«oii sold 7 bogs to the same parties for ^181:. 00, and Geo, Rehurn 10 hogs for |wliiuh he received $259.00. -Free Press. Odds and Ends FOR S4LE A (quantity of hardwood slabs Cor sale- at Ruekvale inillii. Hay for sale â€" A.Beattie has a few tons pressed hay for .••alo at Sl,"i.(X) [wir ton. S. Liddy, of Violet Hill, delivered at Slielburne .stockyards on Tuesday a tig sow that beats all local records for weight. It just weighed 940 pounds, and was .such a monster that Photogra- pher Rfid was suuiuioiied to ''take its picture." â€"Economist. With a loud report that resounded through the school building and an almost deafening crack in Form 111 room of the High School Dept., a chemical explosion o.-curred which startled studen's and teachers Tuesday afternoon. Principal .Allan was teaching a chemistry lesson to the third form and had a number of boys around the ta>de a.saisting in conducting an experiment for the manufacture of nitrous oxide, using aminoniuin nitrate in its preparatiDn. This it appears was not chemically pure and on being heated gases escaped forming -in explosive compound. The explosion followed, when a copper flomice tlask used was blown to pieces, part iiyiug n.ider Mr. Allan's arm, but luckily none of the boys were in the w^ ei'her, or serious and perliap] fat-il results might hav;> taken place. The force of the explosion «as shown by a hole torn in the platform while the room was filled >vi'h (uines and the hands of the boys blackened. â€" Dur- ham Review. White Wyandotte and S. C. Brown Leehorn eags for hatching. Levi Betts, Flesherton. »pr l."i Breakfast on Natnre's Best Energy Maker. A breakfast that starts you out "just fit" for the hardest day's work in the coldest weatherâ€" more nourishing than mushy porridge and meats â€" keeps the veins full of warm blood, and the bowels active and healthy. isoki by Oil grittcr*. ijc.at-arton; two for 35c. 1410 l NkVi!l=y^i Cows for sale â€" The uiidei-siuneU has a number of cows and heifers for sale, due to freshen in March and .April. Richard Allen, Fleshert lot 170, 2 N.E.T.4S.R. Eggs for Hatchinuâ€" Rhode Isknd Red Leave your erdera early. Rose and single comb, the latter headed by cock that scored over i)0 point.-^ at O. S. poul try show. One dollar per setting of 15 for best, other/* ."lOc. per dozen. W. H. Thursfcn, Flesherton. LOST AND FOUND Lostâ€" In Flesherton, on Sunday, Mar. 13, a plain i;old beauty i>iii set with small pearl. Leave at Advance office. i MILLINERY OPENINGS i ^ Tuesday. March 22nd and the following days. ^ WANTED A Discovery of Vast Importance It Is Now Admitted That Bron- chitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Coughs, and Colds Can Only Be Quickly Cured By Mixing a New Medi- cine With the Air Yon Breathe. Wanted â€" 50 bus. good dean Flax seed and 200 bus. go .d seed and feed Bar- ley. â€" Sproule, Higginbotham vV: Co., Flesherton. W.4STED â€" Fifst-class farm hand for a term of seven monlhc commencing .April lat. Apply stating wages expected for the term, to B. S. Colquette, Hawarden, Sask. TO RENT A good house and eiirdeii with - stable to rent at Eugenia, also one kitchen cab- inet for sale. â- !. H. Jainieson, owner. Apply to Mrs. Robert McMaster, Eugenia. -^^^â€" â„¢^^>â€" ^â€" â€"â€" ^^^^â€" ^^^^^^â€" ^^ F.iRM For Sale or Rentâ€" Lot 69 and 70, 2nd con., N. D. R.,.Artemesi«, situat- ed at Port Law. This farm is composed of 84 acres, well watered, frame house and small frame barn, good orchard. If sold terms will be made to suit purchaser or will be rented for a term of years. .Apply to Mrs. Geo. Thompson, Chats- worth. MISCELLANEOUS W. A. Armsti-img issuer of marriage licenses. Free .swadust ac Rock vale mills, and net it. Come Attention is drawn to Morley '4 Baker's advr. in another column. When ill t<iwn don't foi^et lo take home a nice tresh salmon or white tish. ! H. Radiev, d.-Hler. Dr. deVan's French Female Pills-the Wife's Friend. Soienlists acknowledge that medi- cated air treatment is the only treat- ment that will cure tliese diseases, and that stomach medicines are worse than useless. Catarrhozone air treatment has been found to be the most effective way to cure all diseases of the throat, lungs, and nasal passages. Its action ia so prompt that in less than an hour an ordinary cold is cured, and aftsr a more thorough use of Catarrhozone, Bronchitis, Catarrh, and all diseases of the throat and lungs are complete- ly cured. Catarrhozone Is a ver.v simple and powerful method of treatment. You slmplv breathe It through the inhaler and it immediately passes over every air cell of the throat, lungs, and bron- chial tubes, curing and healing as it goes. Catarrhozone treatment affords little drops of healing for sore places in the lungs, throat, and nasal passages. Catarrhozone Does This, And Cores Havini; leiLsed the sawmill at Eugenia. I am prepiuod to du all kinds of custom sawinu. H. Haney. The undersiuiied is prepared to do all kinds of stonework and pla.stering. Re- pairing prjiuplly alteiidcil to. J. O. Pattern, Flesherton. !$• x 241. The Bjiptist Sunday schools are giving an enlerlaininei.t on Fiiday, March 25, at 8 o'clock ill the Baptist church. A splendid program has been arranged. In aid of n<;w oraan fund. Freewill otferins;. r a? i a? .\ reliable regulator ; never fails. W|uie these piUs :;re oxc-eedingly power- ful in regulating the generative {jortioa of the female system, they are strictly safe to u.se. Refuse ail cheap imitations. Dr. de Van's are sold at $0 00 a box, or thpee for 910.00. Mailed to any «ariii(( homesteads in the famous land address. The Scobell Drug Co., St. mall at Lethbridge in January, wish to , Cathaj-ines Ont. Mil their farm here and expect tu leave ibt about two weeks to take possession of their new property in southern Alberta, the gaJden of the Northwest. The boys «tood in the land-teekers' line from Sun- 4ajr moining until noon on Monday, and The editor of the Flesherton Advance nays that the editor who boasts of his "below cost" prices is one of the biggest fools in the business. Whore does the tellow come io who goes dqwn to starva- YOU TAKE THIS MEDICINBINAIR * Price 25c. 50c. and $1.00 at all drue- Clsts or by mall from The Catarrh- osone Co.. Kingston. Ont, and Buffalo, N. T. •• they were pretty well up to the front tiou prices without boastinsr l-Du.ham 4>t the 1800 in line, they succeeded in Chronicle. Why be is Iw ashamed to Mtting choice locations. i »»'»«i< •"'^ """" *« therefore some hope wM ^ 'J »•>.,. >â-  J • fP > „- for his redemption. It is an encouraging Mrs. David W hlte died m Toronto on "^ -» â- Â« Monday, March 7th, aged 63 years of symptom. «M>Mr. Tho deceased lady was well Mr. Gordon Moir of the 10th con., kaown here and was a dauirhter of the Sunnidale, was visited by lightoing dur- )<tte Thomas Duncan, who lived here a ing tho thunder storm I^t Sunday after- fcw years ago. She was a first cotisin of noon. Hia hen bouse waH atruck shortly Coancillor Best, and Mr. and Mrs. Best after four o'clock and toUlly destroyeil Attended the funeral which took place at with its c-iiitents, over sixty fowl. Torvmtnon Wednesday of Iiul week. Fortunitely no other buildings wore Mi« While leaves a sorrowing husl>aiid near, as barns had becti moved Ust Md three daughtersâ€" Mrs. J. O'Neil, fall.â€" Stayner Sun. WANTED! A representative for Flesh- erton. This is the time to sell nursery stock. We pay lilierally and ofi'er steady erapktymeut. Our list of specialties embraces a rare and choice list of ready sellers in both fruit and ornamental stock, seed po- tatoes, etc. Write for ttrms and catalog. STONE & WELLINGTON The Ftmthill Nui-series (Established 1837) Toronte, - Ontario ijuu To those who want to have a m>od ap- (warance it is good news to know that they can take their linen to Andy Wilson Flesherton, and have it laundered in hrst class style. Basket leaves Tuesday night and returns'Salurday a. m. Markdale steam laundry. W. J. Smith. Prop. Art and Science of Garment Cutting Young nioii wishing to learn the art and science of garment cutting will do well lo see me and ni<ake arrangements for a couise of iii.struction, tho system taught will be the most thorough and up to-date the only system in the w.uld where every short measure can be applied lo the draft. Having taken my diploma In London, England and New Yoik Cutting Schonls, have had 31 years experience iu practical tsiloi'ing in Enijland and America, there fore I am able to guaiimtee the best pos- sible results to any young man wishing to learn the .science of garment cuMipg. Tho system taught by mail to those be- ing unable lo attend in person For terms of instruction and all particulars. .\pply to F. A. Baker, at MORLEY & BAKER Merchant Tailors Flesherton, Ontario HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS ^^j*^^ TO WESTERN W CANADA LOW ROUND TRir KATES OOIISC DATES Ayr. 3. 19 Jaae li. 28 A.^. 9.23 May 3. 17, 31 Jaly 12. 2fi Stpt 6. 20 'TUtOVGH SPECIAL TnAlNS TOBONTO to WINNIIPBO AND WEST l««v« Toroato a.OO p.as. oa abova 4mr» Throuah First nnd S<>coBd Class Coaehss, Colonist and Tourist Sleepers. A;>ply lo nesrmt C.P.R. A«eBt or writs R. L. 'Tbompson, D.P.A., Tomato. We a^ain extend to all the ladies of the village and surrounding country, a cordial invitation to attend our niillinerv openings on CtieSdHV^ Ulednesday and Cbursday ot next week. The show room is in chargQ of |1)i$$ BrOWII> who needs no recommendations, as her services here, during the fall sea.son, highly recommended her. She has, with the able assistance of Misses Collinsou and Beattie, spared no pains or time to make the show room inviting and the bats as fashionable as ever shown in the town. Have a look around and be convinced that they are the most up-to-date hats that you have seen. Dress Goods Oil a par with our high class millinery, we have on exhibition a full range of dresi goods iu all the leadini; shades and the quality of tho !;oodH cannot he excelled. By cartful choosing 1 think we liave tho most uj>to-date line of goods tint culd be found anywhere. The prices lire riyht, ranijing fron. 25 cents to $2,50 per yard. If you contemplate buyini; you would do well to drop in and have a look. Also our wash jtomls are very fashionable. Mulls, flowered or plain, and stiii>ed serges, wliicli are being shown very strongly in the cities. Prints, as usual, we have a full new raniro of them that will speak for themselves, when they are seen. Drop around and see them, whethei Jon loiy or not. we are pleased to show them. Carpets and Rugs Now that hou.se cleanins liiim is near, and you contemplate recarpet- iug yLur drawing room, living room or bed room. Wo have received » fresh stock in this line. In rugs we have four of the newest rugs shown in Toronto, a'l the correct size for either drawing or living rooms. We will be pleased to show them to you. Gent's Headware ^^ Just arrived, a full line of genileiuuu's christys, iu black, greeu: or blue, also fedoras, telescopes, in black, green or blue, in all the lead- iim shades. They are the most hecnmiiig lot I ever s^w. .Also a gooiJ line of spring c.«ps, which are selling very fiust on account of their ijuality and the up to-jateness of the cap. F. G. KARSTEDT. Flesherton. 9n»i^^9^9ikavta^a^n a^ 0^^ 0^ 0S^9^«^f43'i^0ii^^&- Oi, We woultl just say wc are able te serve- you iu >viater footwear. \Ve never had a better stock for men. ladies and children. Rubbers and Over^hoea â€" Maltese Cross â€" fir.st tjuality. no better to be had. Boots, .Shoes, Suit Cases, Trunks. Men'.s Leggings that cannot be beat. Felt Slippers. The best kinds of Shoe Polishes. A lot of Winter Mitts selling oft' cheap r> ^^ ^ /• ASK rOI â- OWBlKKiy rAVUR COLLINSON BROS/ CUT-RATE STORE Great Clearing Sale---E:;?r,,Scirir;^ store ha.s been reduced to cost. What is our loss is your gain. Cotjio esrly and net your choice, for every thing must go, reeardlesii ot cost, as tho pro- prietor is going out of business. Share in the targ.-iins wo are giving in every line. Best American Coal ( )ilâ€" o gallons for 95c .") itallons of best 2Dc Oil for 'joc Windsoi B'ine Salt, per barrel 1.25 40c Black aud .lapan Tea, per pound 25c Royal Yeast Cakes, per package 4c 4 pounds Raisins for 2-JC 00, (50 and 75c. winter Caps for 25c 3 cans Tomatoes 2oc • 3 cans Peas 25c 3 cans Corn 25c Medium .sijjo Lamp Glasses , . . 3c Best qualify Extracts, 3 for 26o Jelly Powders, asst flavors, 3 for 24c BiNjts, Shoes and Rubbers at a great retluctioD â€" some away below cost, Harawaru and Dry Goods slso reduced. Every article in the si-ore marked away down. Xo reserveâ€" so first here first served. Collinson Bros., "The Upright House" Ceylon, Out. J Durham people voted on a bylaw to guraiitee the debentures of the Uc- Gowan oatnioal mill last January. The vote stood 200 for, with (KJ against. Tliis was scarcely sufficient and the by- law was dechired defeated. The I.rf>gis- Uture was appnachad to ratify the bylaw and this hits t>ecn dune. John Moiishan of Sarawak died week «t the age of 103 years, was a stonemason, and only four y< ago laid the fcundation for a iMru, Rev. Dr. Far<(ubar«<')n of Durhi on (he pavement snd broke bis bone.

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