Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1910, p. 7

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n i \ P' OR. THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. Doomed to Suffering RESCUED BY "FRUII-I-TKES'' CHAPTER IV.â€" (Cont'd) "Where is he?" Alice asked fiuickly. "Tliia morning I could have an- swered you, but I have just piom- JHed the countees that the secret should rest between iis two.'" "Of me also she exacts sc-recy That house is full of mysteries " "I begin to think so. We will ab- stain from mutual questionings. B..I I m.ay at least ask what course you mean to take. What will yon say to your father, to Vigno'v? My uncle i.s persuaded that all is .satis- factorily arranged ; Vignory rests in absolute security. Do you in- tend to leave them to their Ilia sicns V "No," replied Alice. "I shall tell my father to-day that I have changed ray mind and do not mean to marry." "Diable! your father might take yof at your word. You will not marry Vignory, but neither will you marry Robert." "It is my dearest wish not to marry at all." "My dear .Alice, I believe you do not say what you think ; but this is not a moment to discuss it with you. One word, however. Do not come to any decision for a few days, an i above all do not declare your- self. It is more than will be ueed- ej to decide what course to take with respect to M. de Carnoel." "You are then on his side?" ask ed Mile. Dorgen-s, with emotion. "Yeii; I am even astonished that I should have given in for an in- stant to the foolish su.spicions that were so easily admitted." "Your friend Vignory docs not think with you." "I feel less sure of Vignory since the countess has touched on cer- tain inexplicable points in his con- duct." "Ah: at last!" cried the girl. "Then I may speak. You will un- derstand me when I say that in a moment of anger and despair I en-! gaged myself to this man, but ll would die sooner than marry him. I "What mighc not have b.«en It he had any heart he would never; gained," said the colonel to hi>i- have accepted what I had to offer, self, ' if. instead of directing all cur -.nd.ffcronce and a large d..wry.| efforts toward this voung ma... .e UiS resignation is but calculation;! had carefully wa ' his gentleness. ba.senes.s." I and valets of the banker' Per- \^'^ r''\ *'â- â€¢ \'^l'^ Mas^: haps there is yet time. I am ha'f |ime: but I have not the heart to; tempted to think Vacili i.s r=ghi blame you, and I repeat, you mayjand tliat he must Iw releas-d <n count on me. Here we are at the|giving his word of honor to be si- I Boulevard Haussuian. I do not lent concerning the past month. ' know that I shall see you to-mor- These perplexities occupied Col. row. Write to me.if anything oc- Borisoff all the evening and t.igbt .curs to make you wish for me; and) after his conversation with ^ de then, perhaps, I may be able to tell Carnoel. Their effect .was o lu- On entering the parlor of the club, he found there a young man of fine presence and elegantly dressed, who welcomed him by a phrase in the Ru.ssian language,â€" a pl.ra.se more significant than the mark on the visiting card. There v. as no longer room to hesitate. The newcomer Vjelonged to the political police, and occupied, too, a high place in it. The question was, why had he come to Paris, and Bori.soff experi- enced a vague disquietude. "My dear .\le.xis Btepanowitcb," said the unknown, addressing him, according to the national custom, by his first name followed by the Christian name of his father, "this is not a favorable place for talking; let us dine together at a public house." "Willingly," replied the colonel, who fell the necessity of putting on a good countenance; "which would you prefer, my dearâ€" Mouriatine'l" "Say Ivan Ivanovitch. Let us go to â€" Begnon's, Avenue de 1' Opera. I arrived this morning after sixty hours of e.'cpress train, and am in need of refreshment." The colonel showed his compat- riot the way from the antechamber, I ar-ti hastened to don his overcoat, j As six)n as they were on the bou- \ levard, which in this locality was 'quite solitary, the newly-arrived: ! began thus, still in Russian : I ! "You do not know me, and do| watched the clerks' t;>>L recognize the name of Mouria-1 CHANieS BARReTT. Csa. Harbor an Bouche, March 24, I909. "I suflFered terribly from Bdiousness and Dysjjepsia for fifteen years, was treated by physicians and took many remedies biitf^t no relief. Then I took "Fruit-a-tives", and this medicine completely cured me when everything else failed. To all sufferers from Indi- Rcstion, Biliousness and Constipation, I strongly ailxnse thetn to try this fruit medicine" Charles Barrett. 50c a box, 6 for $2.50â€" or trial box, 25*^- At all dealers or from Pruit-a-tiva Limited. Ottawa. Loose Tea Loses Flavour It not only loses flavour, but worse than this, loose tea takes on new odors, such as coal oil, molasses, onions, coffee, soap, etc.,â€" to say nothing of its exposure to the sun, dust, dirt and air. Therefore for your protection is sold only in sealed lead packetsâ€" never in bulk. I you what the countess desires me (to conceal for the present concern 'ing Robert de Carnoel. duce him lo countermand the i'.ur ney to Silieria. In truth, he feared being reproached for having taken ! tine. Tliat is not surprising. I was ; ' stationed in our Polish provinces i while you were with the general at; i St. Petersburg, and I returned toj i th<^ department when you went abroad. My wish is. my dear Alexis. | ! to act with you as comrade. I shall' j not begin by showing you my writ- 1 ten powers. â€" they are. however, at' 'your disposal when you wish. j Meanwhile, shall I give you the password!" j THE RIGHT WAY In aU cases ?o( DISTEMrCK. PINKEYEJINFLUENZ.«. COLOS. ETC a( all horses, broodmares, colta, stallions, ia'to **SPOHN THEM" on thetr tciiAursor in thofeed put Spohn*» LtQuid CompQund. Oive the mm-dy to aJl of them. It acts on thf* blood and^land:^ It routs the disease by cxpeUiit* the disease grcms. It wards off the trouble ao matter how they are *'^TiKiscd.** A^ Solutely free fnwn anythlnsr iniurioug. A child can ufdy takf> it. 5oc jind $1.00: $S. SO and $11.00 tkodMCH. Soid by druxcists and bameu doal*rs. nutrtbatnrai All 1^ bolesale UrnKXi»tm SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists and Bacterioloflista COSilEN, ilSD., U. S. A. j « â-  Camphor Ice Vaseline FOR CHAPPEB SKIM AU UK, COLD SOIiiS, WiniUM. 12 YiseMe Kemedks ii Tabes Cnpciram. Dorsted, Menttii>lAt«d, Carbo- Utad. rnmphuri'eJ. White Oxide of Ziuc, etc. Earh fi)r special purpobcj. Write for Tree Vaseline Book. OHISEBROUQH MPO. OO. (Oons'd) 370 Oral! St. W.. Msntreal FREE F«r â- â€¢iUa* Wtawr ma4 Va«> â-  t>kl»«<>a4a, RwruHM ailr.r »W:kol Uu'a WMck, n>r nUlii^ aat7 M.M VOTik tt Oomr aad •Aud I, ' murmured Alice, lower; » measure of this sort of such ques iQg her voice, "can i>€rhaps tell, tionable utility. He decid 'd to you what I have just seen at her j temporize and to connect himself "°"**- more closely with M. Dorger"s, in r~~~",' [order to study the habits aud rfla- CHAPTKR V. itions of those around him. \<\d as After the e.xplo.sion that followed! h.; felt the need of distraction, Lj the inconsiderate visit of Ma.xime had his horse saddled and .v?nt tn Di.rgtres, Col. Borisoff quickly re-: the Boris attended by a groom nf- tuined to calmer sentiments. His ter announcing liis intention ro dme iits of anger did not last long where j out and to return probably quite grave intere-sts were at .stake, and late. such was the ca.se now, tor he had; His ride was marked by no Iiici- to determine a delicate question on j dent and had no effect of enaiUnj which he felt hiuiself very much iuhiin to collect his ideas. He srJd the dark. The proce* dings of this' to himself that he might at anv time hare-brained Ma.ximt* proved no-jba released from an embarrassiug thing, unless it were that an al position by liberating M. de Cai- jmost idiot boy affirmed that M. de|roel, promising him his support as I Carnoel was retained by force in a 'the price of his silence. And rtn- house in the Rue de Vigny. ThefidinK in his savoir-faire which hid suppo.sition was so unlikely, it extricated him from more didi<'uii, j could scarcely gain credeuce any I positions, he returned to the city where and need not give him very! with a tranquil mind, proposing to â- â- * liki hot â- .04 «4 rour mma* •«4 i^dnv •414 m mAfi ro« th« mttm to •tU tt S41 MWlt ami l»:f«^Ur|«~ Wriu.loMi. A I mti win 4o. If rrvKiam 0*5, Itagt. 7w»teriao.0>» Stop That j serious concern, and the seconds of young Dorgeres not having shown j themselves at twelve o'clock next I day. there was no longer reason to I e.xpect them. I But concerning his prisoner. M. 'Piorisoff's aa.xictie.s were great. He cmild not keep him indefinitely, neither could he release him with- out e.xposing hiuiself to the danger pass the evening according to his fancy. He dismounted at the door of his club, and intending to dine '.hcte. sent away his horse and groom He found what he sought, a place ai a whist table, and that noLhl i% should mar his satisfaction he lad unusual good-luck, and when he rose to make his toilette for the tv ChaiiK*' t''»< limpinf. u»«1<?m horse Into a «(iuad, healthy botir. vilttac aad eac^r to do a gvod day a work. Doa't Irt a SpaWa. Curb, Spliat. strain, R>a(<)oae or aay otfarr Lani«~ ans keep your hocae in the Mahle. Cure it with Kendall's Spavin Gore It cure* without lca*(Bg a acar, birtttlftli or white halm â€" becauMitdaea aot bliater. Port Ralls, B.C., Jua* I'Kh ISOO "Have bccD asitis your Liaimeot for years aod Sad it all that you rror^seot. Hate not hcca withont It forlOy««rs." GKORCK GORDON. 91. a battle-* far ^^. Baeelkat far hoaaehoM use. Sold by aU dealers. Ask for free haek "A Trealtse Oa The Korae " or write us for c«»-. 5S â- I.B. j.khiuuc*. MII.TI. ot a publicity which he greatly Icr.ing had won a considerable sum. dieadcd. To send hiui to Siberia, It was his habit to make up a tlic order for which had been given! party here from four to six. and in as a last resource, did not remedy i that case his valet de chambre iiad ain thing. It was to cut the difficul-l orders to bring him his dress f-;r ty. not to resolve it. [ the evening. Besides, in his last interview with I He was putting the finishing him. Robert do Carnoel had spoken touch to this toilette, when a card with so much energy and earnest- was placed in his hand from a gen- ness that he succeeded in castinsi tleman who wished to speak with doubts in the mind "f his jailer. In the cajiaivity of secret agent, tills Russian was accustomed to i-^"V at affairs from all points, and to ihi.nge his batteries as often as necessary. He pos.sessed a marvel lous suppleness in turning when ouce he discovered himself to be on tli"^wrnng truck. And he 'i.iw be gan to ask himself if he would i.oi do well to search el.sewhere fi;- the acccmplice of the thieves. That some one in the banker's house was in league with them was certain, but what proved this to be M. de Carnoel? Why not some other! Suspicion might rest upon the tasb- ier himself as well as upon '.n» scc- retarv. MAPLEINE A fiavorias tiaed the same as lemoa or Taoilht as (Taaalatad sufar in water tai. \ii%t Uaplatue, a deliduos ayrup is mad* ta4 pis. MapIeineissoMk] flavoriaa ' dlaaotvii jnik (Taaalatad sufar in water sad • na4 ITocers. U not aeod^JOc for I oa. bottle sa^ recipe hook. Creac^Bt M^. Co.. 3<«ul», W a. a' dlaaohrias craa dta« Uaplsiiie, a a syrup better thas mapls. ndSOc Western Assurance Company INCORRORATEO A.O. tSSI. HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO STATEMENT FOR YEAR ENOINC DEC. It, IKM. A«»r»s l'ii*Hri!rtl Preniums and olksr Liabiliiiie*. . 1 3,nMn ss . t,;3V7ii IS •urpltiii tn Policyholtlera I 1,SJ1471 U Losses paid since orgaoizalioi of the ('oaipaB]r .$52,441,172 44 him on urgent business. The name was unkuiiwn to him, and the card hid a peculiar mark iu the corner. Quite surprised to see this sign, which was understood only by the attaches of the Third .Section and by those only of a certain grade, the colonel decided that he could not dispense with giving audience to the man who made use of this sign, and could shorten the inter- view if the subject seemed not worthy of his attention. UNNATURAL THINNE5S, EASILY CORRECTED. Bj Clever Prescription Which Can, Be Filled at .iny Drug | Store. I No Need to Be Thin Now a.«i Reports Show Thi.s Method Kt- j feetivr. People who are very thin andj scrawny ought not to be so. Un-j doubtedly they are more subject to disease and contagions than the normally fleshy. Thinness is usual- ly accompanied by weakness, and weakness subjects any one to colds, coughs, consumption, pneumonia, etc. It has been discovered, almost by accident, that tincture cado- mene. when, combined in a prescrip- tion with proper accelerative medi- cines, becomes one of the most valuable, effective, and reliable nu- tritive or flesh making luedicines known to science. It is especially bcr. eficial to men and women be- tween the ages of sixteen and fifty- five, who from lack of proper nerve force and digestion, remain unde- veloped in body, limbs, arms and bust. .\ well rounded symmetrical figure in man or woman indicates health, magnetism, stamina andl happiness. | The reader who wishes to add i from ten to forty pounds should not fail to begin with this valuable prescription : First, obtain of any well stocked druggist, three ounces of essence of pepsin and three ounces of syrup of rhubarb in an S ounce bottle. Thenj add one i>unce compound essence) cardiol. Shake and let stand two hours. Then add one ounce tincture cadoraene compound (not carda- mom). Shake well and take one teaspiHjuful before each meal, one after each meal. Drink plenty of water between meals and when rt tiring. Keep up this treatment j regularly and of a certainty fromj one to three pounds will be added 1 to the weight e»<'h week, and the general health will also improve. fire Pri>miunit Fire Lo.'sea Fire Nxpeaaea â- sfMir Premlnms MHriiio Loaset Maiiua KxpeDfes . .t1.Mt,t7S n .« t,111,ITS M ..t «i,mn ui.iM n •Ml,ttt<7 latrrMt and ather rae^lyt* •â€" • •â- -• •• ProAta on Taar's Tradinf 1»S4*I W W. R MRIKLE. QMaral Maaavar. 0. O. P08TRI. 8eer«tary. Applications for Ageociea tX uarepresootod poinU to be ad- dressed to the SbOftretary. CAUSE OF ECZKMA EXPLAINED (iormsi Fester in the Sktu aud Blood Cures .ire Impossible. .After years of debate medical au- thorities are now agreed that Ec zeraa and other skin diseases are n.>t seated in the blood, but are caused by germs iu the skin. My- riads of microscopic animals gnaw the tlesh just below the epidermis. The patient is perfectly healthy, it is only the skin that is diseased. Hence, scientists are now agreed that you must cure the skin through the skin. The medicine must bo in liquid form in order to penetrate proper- ly, as salves and ointments clog tho iKircs without reaching the in- ner skin. The remedy that will search out and destroy the disease germs, stop th!» itch and soothe the healthy tis- Bu-j is that mild, clean compound of oil of wintergreen, thymol, gly- cerine, «tc., known as D. D. D. Prescription. Th« instant you wash with this soothing liquid you will find th« itch relieved. Wo positively assure you of this. Write tho D. D. D. Laboratories, Dept. W. L., 23 Jordan St., To- ronto, for a free trial bottle, and prove it yourself. For sale by alt dnigsivlt. ME.VT DISHES. Swiss Steak. â€" Have your butcher cut a round of steak one inch thick, a"<d as much as the number you serve. Season with salt and pep- per, pound as much flour into the steak on both sides as is possible to get in. Have your spider hot with fryings in it, and put the 9t<;ak in just a minute to sear over, then turn the same, then turn on water, and let cook slowly un- til tender, adding water as it ] cooks dow'n in order to have enough for your gravy. | Pork .-Xiiple Pie.â€" Make a fairly rich paste and line a shallow square I boking pan. Fill with pared andj sliced .ipplfs and add as n)ueh su- gar as the apples need. Cut two slices from a pound piece of salt pork and cut that into thin shav- ingh and spread over the apple. Dust lightly with white pepper, be- ing sure that too much is not used; thei- cover with paste and bake ; serve fresh and partly cool, but noi cold. Meat Dumplings.â€" Beat well three eggs with a little salt. Pour iut? the beaten eggs one and one- haK cupfuls of beef broth and put into double boiler. Let it cook till stiff; when done take apooa and cut little dumplings ana put. ia Fairbanks-Morse Semi-Portable or Skidded Engine Equipped with Evaporator Tank. Designed especially for gantral Farm Work Built in S and 8 iI.P. Sises. SyecUlly Adapted for Work In ( n.P. .Svmi-Porlublp Bneine with Cold WcatflCf Eraporator Tank. * TheB« Rncines are the aame aa the (Standard Horitontal K»aporat,ir Kb. rineo. except that they arc raoauted on •kida with f-asottne tank placed In base of the engine, where it is well protected, making a rery neat, compact. •elf-contaiaeU outfit. a« can be seen frrmj the illoatration above of tha I k^. Oasoline Kogine. Heaae c-Jt out this oinipioe* id'ertiaainnnt aadMlid furrotaliis W.P O. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COMPANY. t.lmited, MONTREAL. ST. JOHN, N. B. TORONTtk WINNiriO CALGARY. VAMCOUVK* Xi»E_ AnDR«8!S_ J For Three Successive Years The Great-Wcjt Life has written the largest Canadian business «l auy Company. In 1909 the Paid-for business ol the Company in Cansdts »m< unted to *9.564,2f9.00â€" the largest Paid-for Canadian business ever secured in a year by any Company. This prominence i.s readily explained. In The Oreat-Wcst Life hifl' interest earnings (7.05 p. c. net in 1909) are added to low expek^- , ses, and the result is â€" low rates and unequalled profits to Policy- holders. Write for booklet showing details of these proSts. IHE GREAT-WEST LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE, - WINNIPEG. The Salionai life Assupanee Co. .9Br.A.X>. A RECORD OF PROGRESS. Apptleationt tar Naw S99 (5 months) . . 900 301 902 903 904 905 906 907 90S 909 Insurance Recaived Pallclas Issuid, Takan Up and ?ald tor S 66tj,r)00.00 1S9H \h months) % (M(5,0»)0.0» ... l.3.-)9,500.00 1900 l.SSO.OOC.OO 1,436,500 00 1901 ;,37S,755.a» 1,672. .500. 00 1902 l,5as,331.0« .... 1,641.100.00 I90o l,509,000.9C 1,632,250.00 1904 1.474, 504. «• 1,816,300.00 1903 1,517. 640. 0« 9,01 1.6lX).00 1906 1,72»,0!H).8« 2,079,250.00 1907 ;?,001,30(\ 3,284,040.001904 2.877,30(J- 3,300.000.00 1909 2,950,000. 0« Si» (5 900 .. 901 .. 902 . 803 . 9lH .. 905 . 906 . 907 .. 908 ., Atsuranea Racard. .Vssuranoe Annual Prem.i 1(^99 Mos) $ 604,000 8 22.954.60 jyyp .. .. 1,792,.»0<) 62,605. 96 .. .. 2,5.V»,904 . . . . 3,425.S97 .. .. 4.086,112 .. .. 4.309,7.54 .. .. 6,125,4.37 .. .. 5,802,:Jd8 . . . . B.67S.0.57 .. .. 8,625..509 Martality Exp<rlanea 92.029.30^^'" 126.695.21 1902 l!50,644.68'l9ai Nil. $ 6,000.00 11,500.0« 22,2t».0O 9.250.00 160,334.30 1C04 2:.%7U.OO 170,764. 39,I!^05 lt,S9».dt 190, 22i!. 41 1906 It;,6»l.«« 2l8,74j.92|l907 23.250.W 308,093. 7S190S 27.H«.0» 909 10,310.500 370,67 1. U;190» 4l,631.«» Intarast Earnlnas, Et«. ASSETS. months) $ 1,794.21 IS99 $ lOj.MM.M 3,239.011900 U^.SW.iO 3,431. 87IWI 1M..VI4.M S99 (5 goo ,. 901 .. 908 .. 905 .. 9M .. 907 .. 9M .. 900 .. • « • " *A 5.536.201902 l»9.07».8i 7,360.371»0l a7S,«IM.0« 10,041.24 1904 ttS.SM.M 14,910.91 190a &75.SM.M 35.410.10 1900 72«.4«3.0I 46,177. 32190; •»4,2«a.0l 60,707.3*1908 1.1«4,S74.0» 80.379.76 1900 I.»4.'«l».0»' ALBEBT J. B.4I.$T0>. Managing Director. BLIAS KOGBBS, Eh-. HON. J.J. lOY. WM. STONS, Ejmi.^ President. 1st Yice Pre*. 2nd Vice-Pres. Tke NotieHAl Life wants a Irst-class agent ia thia leealitj to wh««' % libMvl e«fetra«t win le |iTe<. ;. BG.4D OFnCE, KATlOMAf, UFS BUItOlNG. TOBOMTO, ONT. r » V

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