Flesherton Advance, 17 Mar 1910, p. 8

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A^' wlmtt^ /" THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE March 17 1910 T. Business Cards ILTER I.0UUK8 Ituilder Dd Contractor Vvt Itriflk, iitoua Mill Irtuia r««idt>nce<'. K«- tlmK*«« cboortully lurriibcd. FloDbei'toii 1' O UiiUrio. II JULLOUOH ft YOUNG Do* K«aar*l backinti builiiovs. Mooey lotoad •t reksooable rster Call on UR. ChlSLKTT, pMtuiaiitor, '>ylon. Oommlnlonnr in H, C J .('onvoyancer, deoila, uiortuxte*. leaieii, wills etc. carvluliy ilikwii ii|i ' ^llaotloc;* luad.'. charguii i-«aHoii»hli'. Altio enMMrlM, flour. >e«d etc. k«i>t In atock, I'ricei right. ^_ j &J SKBO'.tLK Po.itiuuit«r, Plwhertoo tvOiumiMloDer In H.O J., Auotionse Cnn> vojroDcer, Apprsisar aud kloney Lender KmI Rstato aud lOBuranca Aguut. Dei!di<. â- MrtSkKai. lease* and willa carefully drawn â- p and Taluations madaon rliorU'at iintica money to loan at lowest ratan ol iutom't.'Cor aotloaa attended to witb |iroiii|>tut^M cbargea low. Agent for Ocean Douiiuion Hiaamebi)) Company. A call solicited. DMcPKArL, r.iCfiiMxl Auetidiiiior foi tlit> • tJomity of Urey. Termn iiioderato and • atinfartion itnaranteed. The- arraugiMuunta and date* cit aalea can lie made a*. TiiK Advamk •illlce. Ufsidfucc and r.O., CeyloM, Telciihouc i-onnectton. Dec. n.07. WM. KAITTINti. l.iceniuHl Atictiouurr for tbo coiiniias of lirey and Sintcoe. Fartii an I Slock nalwi a i>|>ecialty. Teriiin â- loileratc I'alixraction Kuarantcod. .\i'raii|!»- .iieutH f"r dittt'k luay be ina'luat tlio Advance ..fllco. or A. T. Il'ittblnsou •» Btorc, tevursliaui r byaddrchaini; nie at Fevernliam. Out. The Family Physician The besr inedlciaei in the world cannot take the place of the family physician. Consult hiin early when taken 111. If the trouble is with your throat, bronchial tubes, or lungs, ask him about taking Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. Then take it or not, as he says. Ceylon A We pnbUab our formulae yers We baaiib alechol fre^ ottrinedleinee We urfe yea to eeaeuU your deator Bilious attacks, sick-headacbes, indices* tion, constipation, dizzy spells â€" these are some of the results of an inactive liver. Ask ypur doctor if be endorsea Ayer's Pills in these cases. The dose is small, one pill at bedtitne. ^Mada kr tk* '. 0. Airer 0*., I«**U. ; RIPI) MATHKWS. auctioneer for t)i« county of sprvieo at raaac liable made at Tlie Advance. Markdala, Liconaed Orvy, Qood ateK. Datca can be oOU I HAIIVEY PKKICOi;. broker. Fle^burtun. I ^ Oenera) bro'ieinije biiKiiio«<4, Inaurancu of I *-verv kind |>Iu.oim1 in aafe and liberal couipauioe. ICt^al tstatu etc . Open accuuuta and paat due Mote-. liandKd and money advanced thoroon. >"jrrc«i>ondEnco solicited. 1^. Medical DB CAHTKR M C P & S Out. Physician Ufflco sui! /eaideacaâ€" Peter St., Knrneon.otc Pleataerton JP OTTEWEI.L Veterinary Siirseon liraduate of Ontariu Veterinary ColleKa. r«.idej>ce â€" «>cond door aoutli west* on .v.«rv etreat. This street run* aootb { f'reatvterlan Cbareb. Abram L. Gibson 'â- The Highland Laddie" 11 ycnrs nlJ wimii'i- nf 15 pri/.i's *^'' Edward Gibson Scottish Vocalist * I â€" â€" â€" (i) p e II for K n ){ ii t; e in e ii t • Hi'iliUiiil costiiiiiu Wiitf fi.r tonus EDW. GIBSON. NOTTAWA. Ont. .\ few lA ttio ft'iends iiiut at Mr. K P. LeMatc'8 r«x:«nlly and Njionl a very enjoy- able evening, beiiij{ entertsined with music, soiigH, etc. Norinitii McLvod and Fntnkie Cairiia liave returned from New Onitrio. Mi8:i MngKio McAulsy, who is home for i-fKt and lecuperatiuii, paid Mis'; Anna Chislott Jt visit on Suii.iny. Mr. Fr.tnk Itinds of Winnipeg, who hns been vixiting at his falher'H in Khel- biinip, spent it few days wiih his brotlior, Jlr. Sydney Hands, C.P.R. agent here. Miss Anna ChiHJett ro'.urned to her si'uatiun ut Dunville after spcndinir a cou[ile of week** with her parents here and wirli her HiHter at Owen Sound. Mr. Andrew OilchriKt had a very sue- cmsfiil wood hee Innf. week and gave the yoiinsr people a party in the evening A very pleasant evening was »pcnt ut Mr. I'iper's on Tuesday, when h large nuinbor <>f liii elderly neighbors wete entertained. Mr. (ieo. Hulhvcn of Clarksburg is viniiing at Mr. Kiauk {'aims'. Mi.ss Crowther of Holland Centre i.s visiting witli her brotlier, Mr. John Ciow,her. We all very nincorely sympathise wiih Mrs. James Pattison and her friends upon the sudden death ot her nephew, Mr. Richardsiin, who was killed instantly while loadiiii; logs at MoWilliains, west of Priceville. The readers of The Advanw will all no doubt lie very sorry i.) bear of the illness of Mrs. .\lex. McRae, sr., who is i(uite ill with cold and other ailmenta. Mr. Edmund Palliiter of Maxwell, p«y- j ing a handsome pric« for it, but you have ' to pay high prices fur h orsea of giMxl j quality these days. j Ura. Henderson of Coliingwood attend- : ed the funeral of her cousin, Mr. L«e i Mullin, on Friday laat. j Mr, Joe Irwin hi8 sccoptod a poaitioi). with a lumber Co. in Uaaiilton, buying and shipping lumber for I hem. fl. WILSON, Hlack!.i..ith Association. Durbaui Hoyd, Itro'a liardware. itreet, oi> (losite Drntistrv r\r. e. C. .MURRAY I>. .-), S., dental ftniReou ^ bono, graduate of Toronto L'ulveraity and il<>ral College of Dental 8uruonnsnf Ontario, iiaa adtniainlstured for teetlt eXt.'aotlon Ollire at re>ideuoe, Toronto Htreet, Fletiliortoa, Lecal tTonvey. 'sneer, etc-^wan Koand.and Flesberton. -â- H Itâ€" Flc!<b«itOU o01ce.Si>roule's lllock every »i«iindsy WH. WRIOHT. Itarrister, Holicitor, Societies So U VC meats on the last Monday in •a.2b inoutb. In tbeir looge rooiu Korria" block. Flesberton, at 8 p.m. M. W.. jlilui. Tbiatletliwaita; Bee., C. II. Muoahaw: Via., W.J. Hel, amy. VisUin biilbuit«.»ited ttBUICB .4BTHUR LOOOE. No. :B:t..v.K& vC A If, maets in tht aiasonlcball. Arm- Sirosc's Block.KlaabartOD. evarr Friday on «r bafora tba fall iwocd . Tbos. His Rarb.3mltb,.aaCVa'.ary . Tbos. Hlakelv.W.U. iCRT KIjEBHEKTOS, 0B5, I. 0. F. ireetsin 'Clayton's Kloi'k the last Wednesday evuninR i >f aacb niontb. VixitlnR Korejitoni lieartily waleoDia. H. M., Dyson; H. 8., 'J'. Her.ry; Hn. Sec, C. N. Kiebsrdeon. rieaaa pay dues to Flu. Sec. before tba first i IV of the oiontb. ! SEASOI^ABLE IN FURN ITURE The largetil and liest f-toek of Furniture ever shottni in Fioslierton. This without fear of cofl- tradiction. Conic and »«o some of the nice things in Side Boards, Dining Roum Chair.s, Pwlor Setts, Bod Room Setts. A s|)ecial reduc- tion just now on every- thing, in order to re- lIlKV till! stock. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton East Mountain I Mr. John SVallon of Holland Centre is •vi.siting his luotlier hero. I Mi.ss Ertie Smith is home aijain from j Toronto. I .Miss Mary Dinnitt', accuiiipanicd by I Misi Allen, a forniel teacher of this place, ' visited the farmer's part.-iital home for a couple of days last week. Mifs Ssdiu Bravender has •;' no to Hepworth on a visit. Our sleighing is about at an end and the roads are going fast Mr. Ciilford Caiiiick spent a coup'e of days in this pait last week. .\ number of neighbors and friends fathered at the home of Mr. .lohn Brnu- iffoii Friday nisjlit and presented Mr. and Mrs. BraniS' each witb easy chairs prior to their departure for Markdate, Boyce-Dodds A very pretty vedding was selemnized at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Lockes, 20 Brooklyn ave., Toronto, on Feb. 2a, when their sister, Charlotte Dodds, was united to Mr. Thomas Boyce of Melville, Saik. The Rev. Harvey Andrews officiated. The bride was piven J away by her brother, Mr. Robert Dodds of Niagara Falls, N.Y. She was prettily attii'ed in a pale blue silk Princess gown j with white veil and wreath of orange j blossoms. She also cairied a large bou- (|uet of bridal to*os. Miss Martha Dodds, '. sis'er of the bride, acted as bridesmaid, and wore a pale blue inuU Princess dress and carried a Iai'g>i h.^uipiet of bridesmaid rows, while Miss Ediih Dulainere played the Wedding March. Mr. Wesley Cooeyi assisted the groom. .After the ceremony 1 all sat down to a sumptuous wedding 1 supper. There were a lar^'e nu:nber of ; the bride and bridegroum's friends pres- i ent. Speeches and toasts were given in ' honor of the bride and groom, '''he ' bride received many pretty and costly < presents, lestitying to the high esteem in which she w is held. The bride's travel- ling suit was alice blue and hit to match. The bride and groom left amid showers of rice ami confetti and in:iny good t wishes <'f tlieir friends, to visit the â-  groom's father and mother near Fleiiher- , ton for a fmv weeks, after which they ) will leave for thoir new home in S.i.s- ! katcliewan. . ; yiftrt* • Accurate Sporting News If you like a Sporting Page that is always reliable â€" newsyâ€" full of personal interest â€" well illustrated â€" you'll enjoy the "Toronto Daily Star". Our staff of writers includes men active in athletic circles and amateur athletic organizations. Conse- quently our news is first-hand and authoritative. We have fairly earned the reputation of reporting athletic events, wherever they may take place, more fully than any other Canadian paper. Always, and above all.we aim to be/air to everybody. Subscribe now and take advantage of our special rate of $1.50 A Year nia paper and the "Toronto Daily Star ' ' together for one yearâ€" $2. 20. Guaranteed Fountain Pea giten for SOc. added to abate subicription price*. Toronto Daily Star lOth Line, Osprey. Intended for last week, crows have agiin niide The ' appearance and Old Sol is , with the snuw. their playing havoc pflOSBN FhlKNDHâ€" Plealiarton Council ot u Clioaen Friends meets in Clayton's ball l^rst ^lld tbird WedneSilay of iikcli nioutli sxrjient' vo the It ^xrj^ittaMiieiM* vo me iterorder on or liefore Xolkratdayol eacb niontli. Cliiaf Councillor 'Vlakelos : Itrcnrdnr W. II. Kuut. r4 irms For Sale or Rent J,'MtM FOH 8.\LF,â€" 100 acre". :« cleared. balanoa hardwood liusb: never fallloi; -III ia i ixrnd : will sell forJ»l««)on vev easj I >ruis. .\|>lily to WM. I'. K-atioD. 8Tlt.\IN. I'rotou mar 'it .•\IIM FOH N.VLKâ€" Very cbeap. 100 aore«. i ' ^lot l». con. 7. < Isproy. only *:I1X)0. reasonable ' â-  li liaynieot. halanie uaav teruiH. a'l acres | I' sred, welt liinoed and in biKb "tale of cultl- ! Ilion, bslance tio'bered, (jood comfortsbla i dwidiinif. Blflue cellar under, never fall- nri»K well and wimlmilt pujnp at door, raiiju barn, well HniKbod. stonn xtsliliuK JiiiiaprlnK -/rater under, alwi in i.liod. It is iLdsNtad i mile Irom Maxwell villa«{e wbere ii«^ are storef*. i>ost offlces. uood kcIiloI. id ison tlia uravel road. u« nille.4 from rallwAv It sold at oner, above price, tliout^li ( IIK.VI' iiiijjlit Ijo sbsiled a little. .K, Flesberton. or I preir. Isc^. tf 1 »pri v frs istlt. Ceylon iVleat Warket .Ml kinds of fresh and smoked n>ealR, bead cheese, sausaue, always ini band Ca.sh paid lor hides. Ja HcCLOCKLIN Thompson's I;IIV ( HK.VI' iiii«lit Ije >rly to It. .1. sf'IIOLI IDUAH (iUY. on prun.ls< 1,'AltM Foil H,M,i;-l-ot in. Cou. II. an>l and nortii balf l.ot lU. Con. Kill. Ilitprev. ! V) HOies : a lirHtelaHsfann : )(o<»l brick bonne kI iioo<I liarii VJ \ 7'2 wllli cement stnldini; : rto well watered by [;oad well at lio'.ise anrl fnever falllnu i>i<rinu creek : well fence.l and in I Itrst cla's stntool cultivation. Fur price and rtartoxapply oil t4tu premises or sddreHS It, .1. * Ot.o'KTi r.. Feverstiam. .lanlOtf l,*or Hate cbeap or rent, iiiiinediate po»Het>(iou. ^ !x)t SUccn. II. Ai'tcnio/<ia, aln.ul 7-"" acres c -'Sr. eontfortalile Ust li"U»u and frHinu barn. .Aliplv to K .1 finioule, Flesberton, or .lolin -I JUa.-liii.scrtxiHine road from said lot. iijf s ale .cheap and on easy terms, gno<l com* aide fianie dwelllni!. ctablo and drivinit ifi tii'-i-e viilsi/e lots liiC(>ylon' Dwell- jTlCwail Vallt sod nninbo'l and i;o'>d bearing rcbardun the property. Apply tn â€" It J Hfiioii.i:, Flesberton. o & E u Itiiiad deliveivd icgii laily anil kept for sale at the following stores: t'ollinson's and .1. I'attison's, Ceylon \V..\lilc(irn it .Son's and P. Mc.Vrlhur's IVicevilli- X. MLd'aimeH's 1 'rot I III SlAtioii |{. Hciim's, Maxwell Hutchinson's and Kli Koliiii.Hon's Fevorshaiii H.CairiiN', .I.K. Largo's mill It Parks', Kilgeniu 'T ot 10, eon.O, Osprey coiitaiolnt^ 1(10 acres, HO â-  '^clesiod. fianie house, frs mo barn, stone J^tonodstion; orcliajd, well wstere<l. One ' i:^!^otisand tlown anil balance to Niiit ptiicliasor. S'^JiHinedlSte possesfclou .tnply to H. N. Kinxi:ah Maswell P. <». J\nimals for 5ale MtRvt a fine lot of yoniiK piK" ''rod {roni ) la-i/n wimiinij stock, lor sale. AIko 1 K'x'd [ Il'^rkshlre hoff. tufo Ncars iijil. Wiite me for ^^(â- riccs. I cull give a banraili also ifiinrantee (^ ant jitf action mi all iniiil onlers. 1^ tieo. W. K08«. Maxwell 1'. (>. ''pmmmt^mt MMSMaiisMMs»<MiHMn etc., for Service. _jllant pure brwl Sborlborn bull, asvi isn luiiiarlat, ' (or Hcrvlue. on lui Artanissfa. Terms tl.W for arades. -CHAH. KTAFKOIll). A~ niua lot ol youuH aioek ibr •«as, leeludlnu'eonia sows residv llarA beaded by pure bred boar, Bakery fb :i o St I The grim monster of death has visited \ our neit(hborhood and claimed one of our ! most promising young men, in the person of Mr. Lee Mnllin, second son of Mr. and i Mrs. Win. Mullin, of the Twelfth Line. Lee had a serious sicknesa last spring from which he never fully recovered, althouoh they h»d the best medical men to bo had in the country. He became worse about three weeks ago and died on Wednesday, March 2iid. The remains were laid to rest in the Presbyterian I cemetery in Ferershaiii, where a large I iiuiiiber of friends and neighbors gather- \ ed to pay the last respects to one who ' wai; universally loved and resiiected. The Kev. A. I'. Stanley of Ma.xwell I pleached an iii.structive and touching j sermon frjin the eleventh eh.ipter of Sr. I.lohn. The deepest sympathy is felt ^•r { the sorrowing p.ironts and lirollier, but I Lee is gone to lie with Christ, which is j far belter as ho died happy in bis Saviour. I Miss M. K. Heron is visiting with her noice, Mrs. ILitiy HortoD of t^ollingwood, at present. Ml'. Geo. liurnsidu has purchased a line driving horse three years old from SCIATICA EXPECTED DEATH ANY DAY Another Case Where Life Was Saved and Health Restored by "Nerviline." Honor Rolls. Monthly report of S.S. No. :1, .ArtPinesia: Sr. IV. Kate Wilcock, Stella (hr and Irene. Sharp eipial. Myrtle Caswell, Uich-; ard Wyatt. ' ' \ Jr. IV.â€" Toniniy l^rr, Zella Bentham, '' Mabel Irwin. Sr. III.â€" Elsie Caswell, Hu.sli .Moore, Roy Best. Sr. II â€"Clarence Orr and Wardie Har- ri.';on ei|ual. Ruby Caswell. Jr. II. -Elijah Bentlmui. Willie Orr. Sr. I. - Mildred Shaipe, .Albert Moore. Primer â€" Freddie Irwin. Average attendance for the month. 2i. Report of Ceylon public schotd foi Feb. : Sr. IV.- *.l. J. PattLson, .\u.stin Mc- Mullen, Myrtle Heniphill, Percy Mc- Leod, Luna Legate. Jr. IV. Edna McLeoii, Murray Leg- ate, Forbus Ru'.ledge, Gladys Tucker, *Jubii Hemphill. Jr. III. (h)- ♦Arnel Iaivc, Muriel \mi- ate, K >y Rucledge, Janici McMullen, Snowdcn McLeod. I Jr. IIL (.0 -Willie Patlisou, Peatl I Whitney, f}oldwiii McMulle-t. i Jr. II (b)â€" Mao Bennett, Kibol Ben- { nctf. I Jr. II. (a) - Siisie McChsiklin. I Pot. 11 -Ernie MoMullen, Percy > lleinphill. I Part I. â€" ♦J. C. McL^tchlan, Gertie j McLockliii, Stanley White, .Xnna White, *Rob. Ru! ledge. \ Class Jmiinie Adiins, .Mli« Mc- Mullen. Russell Crowther. | No. ')n loll, .'l:l. .\verage attendance, j â- i'l. Those marked '*, perfect atlena:tiice. | Pkaiu, McGkeook, Teacher. Norris Bros.. ""'T i Finsmiths Bargains Agaiiia "â- ;:AXEsj;:: We, find we have iii< time of the year, prices as follows : "28 axes, regular hoc for J8 axes, regular 75e. for 13 Axes, regular 5K)c , f l.OO and tl.l'o for. . ban we should have ut thi'* i them oflf wo cut the tlT cents ."iU cents 7^5 cents There are a few packages of THAT unsurpassed stock food TT A /^â- p7""M"TGl"\7* Kfr. Don't foi-^^t them. They're â- ^"^ "^ -^ "^ 3onig at 1 price We have a complete line of kitchen ncoessitics. Call on us when in need of stuve jsilish, metal |Kilish. granite and tin ware of all de- scriptions. For the laundry tubi, wash boards, pails, wringers and washing initchines. Examine uur line when in need of brushes. Our stock is complete. Our Prices Are Always Right. Norris Bros. Where the Good goods come from Fesherton. Sr. IV.- M. May I'm soils. Jr. IV,- F. M. Parliainetil. Sr. Ill Benson. .)r. HI Carson. Jr. 11. Pt Sr .Ir P. Parsons, May Pedlar, Parliament. L. Lnwler, W. Magee, P. Haiiley, G. S. Ped'ar, E. Linton, G. 11. 1. "^SEE Ballfan fonenrdls Duka No.tiTiiMI Haan Dahofs nuke. No. rilMI Usui, Hallfan /4l»Oai(o),Mo.l4.|4n.i Tbisjouna animal I from • heavy uillk produolniifaiiiilyand 1 1>« of Intarset to dairy brae<Urs. -ItU^HAHO Ald.RV, I, tnd r. T and H road, Flesberton Ont. Hieil hTiII. Ilrnad. no lot lU. con. H. FISH FISH FISH Now that the roads ai'e*a<> t>ad I can- not iii'ike my regular louods, but have on haii.l lake Suporioi^Salmon Trout and White Fish, also Ijnke Erie Her- ring. Parties can be su|iplicd a' iiiy ivHidence, Collingwood street, Flesb- erton. H. It A 1) L E V, Dealer in fresh lish only. SPUING TARM Ht the vataraarviea a I'ura wi-jftiul, So. Tim, U Is because lie fools It his solemn duty to tell to the world Ills tuith In Nervliinc that Victor F. Hires makes the tollowiiiK declaration: "Kor three yturn 1 was in llio Itoyal Mail service, and ill all kinds of weutlier bud to nit't't the- iilglit trains. Uainpiiess, cold, iiiid t'Xiiiisurt.' bi'ouglil on sclatlctt that aflecti'd iiiy left side. Sometlnus an attack would comr on thai made me powerless to woik. 1 was so marly a coiiiiiktc ciliiple that I Uud to give Up my Job I was In despair, comiilctely cast doH II because the money 1 spent on tiyiiitf to Bit well w.as wiiBtc<l. !â-  wus »ijiiiklii(f to my cliomlst one day. and \w reconuiiciidcd "Ncrvillnc." I had tills K"od lliilmini rubbed on several times a day. una Kot rollof. In order to build up my gen- eral health and Im- prove my blood I used Fl rrozoiio, one tablet with each meal. I continued this trt'iLtmtnt fotir months and w cnrt'd. I have used all kinds of lliil- mi'iits, and can truthfully fluy thut NLVvJllnc. Is far stronger, more pene- tinting, and Infinitely better than any- tlilng else for relieving puln. I urge everyone with lumbago, neuralgia, rhuuiniitlsin. or silatlea to use Nervl- iinc. I know It will cure them." There Isn't a more hlghly-ostoemcd eitisioii In Westchester than Mr. IHres. What he says can be relied upon. For six yoars since being cured ho hasn't had a single relapse. Don't accept any- thing from your dealer but "NervlUne. 00 cents per bottle, trlnl sIkp, 2Sc: everywhere, or The t^'atuvrhosone Kingston, Ont. CURED SIX YEARS M. Lanier, B. Mageu. S. Pedlar. T. Parsons, I. Miigec. 1 (m)-A. Lawler. (b) p. JVlagce. ftct attendance, F. Parliament. j E. L. NiKiiuAiiT, Teacher. I Report of S. S. No. M, .\itiiiitsia, 1 (PiirtlaH) for February. ('Iii.>.s 4 K Jackson, (i While, Fj j Taylor, W McNally, V Corntield. j j t'la.ss."! E Wilkinson, A Fislioi, Hi Fisher. ; I ('las,i •_' H Thomjison, L .lack.soii, .\ i Wilkinson, IJ .lamieson, 1 McNally, M ' i White. i Part L' IM\ bite. A Idcll, M Corn- ! field, 11 Tli(ini|ison, W White. Part I (1.) F White. V McNally. L Pedlar, L Thompson. .1 Fisher, L Ped- lar. Part 1 (a) H Idell, D Winters, L Williams. Average attendance 2<i. C. C. Ramage, Teacher. D. HclAVISH. PROPRIETOR GARDEN SEEDS MAKE IT A HABIT TO DEAL AT McTAv ISM'S When ytni conv.' to town, and you will alwAys be altrw of gettittg value fid- your money, and go<«ls .siilistant ial in ((uality. .^sk your neighlsn- and he will tell you the .s;inie. If you are in need of a cutter or .sleigh for ne.xv sc.v.son it will jmy you to siv our line, :is we do not want to cany them over. FIRST Cl-A.s.S LIVKRV IN I'OXNKOTION We have ,i sjood stock of g.trdcn ! and H iwer seeds. Tliov «re | STEELE BUIGGS anp RKNNIES You will make no iiii.>>takc by ' buying our seeds. They Kte all fresh and will brinij results. j Drop in and make your selee- ; tions enrly. j .411 grades of Ford's Flmir ; nlao Ontario j Ornn, Shorts, low guide Flour, etc. Wrights the Grocer WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd. H igh grade ilepartineiit<i of liusine.ss. Shorthand and Type writing. In dividual instruction. Studouls may enter at any tiiite. Catalogue free. Collingwood Business T. E. HAWKINS Principal Ullefie tavui**!. JaMKH HtJHNN, Keversliain.tUt. tfiolibred tiborthnrn null, "Karl I, will Ih< for service on lot IW. con, â- a. Vbo |>edlKrru of Ibis Due 1 be s.rn < I 1 1 1 > I > < >i I : 'I I iri • ANnRRW DOW .l-roprlatorl ^lArpMbbrwl Hull from Imi'nrled stort.ftlso JK|ni«o*Â¥il Moav fur «ervkru on tut l.'d. T. &â-  H. /^.#*in«l|«. â- *> Aiie. i,t «-s~ jQ^jj AflAMH, I'lv,^; Owen Sound Coniinenoes Tuvsday, Maroh 'i*.>. 1010. INlUVim'AL INSTRrCTION IN- ALL BUSINESS SlUUKOTS. Informtliun Free. (.'. \. Mtniinir, O. 1). FliiitifiB. Piiiiri|Mil. Secretary. CURED IN S4 mil ll!« CORNS Yon lan piilnlei'Sly remove nnv corn, either hard, soft, or blee'dlng. by npplvInK rutnanVs Corn Tlxtraotor. It never burns, leaves no pear, cioilnlns nr acids; Is harmless, heeanse lomposed only of healing gums und Uatms. Fifty years In use. t^ure guaranteed. Sold by all drnggltiln. '.Me bottler, nctuac atibstllutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR I For Saleby Sproule, Higglnbotham & Co., Flesherton and James Pattison, Ceylon.

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