\ p OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. 6(YEN UP BY HIS PHYSiCIM ••FBVrr.A-TIVKS", THf FAMOUS raUIT UBDtCINC. SAVED HIS LIFI. tliMiglit Maxiinc, "tho iiinrft am I satisfied of hnviiiK ^fon him, foil in hand, f«'nciiiK with Mine. Yalta. How thjc's it hapiven that 1 find him Ik IT dres.sod in tho last extreme of fashion and dining at tlio dearest I restaurant in Paris This foncing- ,, ... , , .^ ! master muBt lovo good wines and yours. \oxi w.U go ,.nly so far as it ^ ,,^^.^, ^^^^^^ i^ ,,;^ ^,^^,^,,4^ ^„j ^^^ 1 idiiiitcss must pay her profossorH CHAI'TKR V. -(Cont'd) "By suffering myself to be sediic- erl by thifi woman I' asked the col- onel, ironically. "Yc8, and in profiting by your •uiH'riority over her. You can read her hand and she cannut read Buits you, and, luwi^ver gnat her cunning, she will at last let you find out lior vuliipraV>Ic puiut. Be- sides, you have uii ally in ine. When 1 met her last Huinmcr in Switzor- lana 1 took cure to assume Ihc ap- pcaranee of a liberal Russian, and better than generals are paid m Fninco. But that he should be on teiins of intiniaey with Borisoff is indeeil inexplicahlo." Whilst Ma.xiine was hoUling this it would be easy to make my Ubor- ' '""""'"giic. eoiiyersation was re- alism still more i-roiiouneed until "'-^ed at the table of the two Rus- 1 liave gained completely her confi- dence.'' "If she saw vou with me she siaiia. "If you could succeed," said Mouriatine, "in suppressing this wculd Bcarceiy be ready to recog- creature without disturbance, you nife you as a thorough partisan of would regain the reputation for H«<ttle his bill. "It is unheard came to ask you about M. de g,,^ ^^ ^^^^^ j^,, ^j,j „f ji,,.,,, hor own. "Oh, I shall not speak extrava gantly. I shall be governed by cir cumstanee"!. What 1 want is to dis- j gent t eover whether this young man was noel." |really concerned in the theft, and | 'Parblcul" [If not, I have an easy way out of (the 8ituatio>, which â- will comprom- ise no one." "And you propose to begin oper- ations tbiu evening at the opera?" •aid Borisoff. "Yen, if we rne«t the lady, as 1 hope. But. tell me, don't you think that young man looks at us rather ©fttncr than is iicceBsaryâ€"the Caruoell" "He is a madcap, not worth oc- cupying our attention." "So be it, but if you take my a<l- vice wo will raise the siege b'forc h ^ is through his dinm-r. The youth annoys nie, and iinih'r other cir- «umKlan<cs 1 .sh<iiild like to make liim feel the jxiint of my sword, grumbled Mouriatine, outlining the lunge with wliieh ho would be jjicased to gratify Maxime. Kt the same instant Maxime was Ktiuik by a sudilen n'colleetion : "Ah! parblcu! 1 recognize liim n<iw; thib man is the fencing inas- t«M of the countess. Yet no I must be mistaken,- but that cast of fea- skiil which the afTair of the easket hari Koinewhat impaired. It is the damsel in question who must be Siberia, not M. de Car- were seated, would pla(;e himself so as not to lotiO sight of theuh Tliis manoeuvro was successful. From his . ombu.scade he. discerned, them installed in the orchestra, and he would rema,in in the post he had chrsen till the curtain rose. The two were engaged in inspect-' in-i the boxes with their glasses, ana, having taken a rapici view, Mcurialine said to the colonel : "She has not yet arrived." .-' "Are you certain ghe will oome?" retorted Borisoff, not sorry to find his companion's "sagacity at fault. "Certain'! no. One is never cer- tain what a woman will do; above all. a woman of this sort. But it is not late, and T do not despair of seeing her appear dutiiaig'.tho sec- ond act." ^ '-â- â- " ''," ' "And. you tb.ink she will come alone?" "Very likely. .\t Ceneva alio went everywhei'e without a, cava- lier. They called her tKe Solitaire." "Docs the lady "understand Rus- sian?" . . : . . . "She pretends hot, )itit I do hot believe it. And I need hardly say that I shall not riuko lise of 'bur national tongue to speak to you confidentially in her presence." "Ah!" said Borisoff. "there is a woman entejing, on our left, and a pretty woman, truly.'-' aiKi accustoiiKHl to passive obedi- "It is she, my dear sir," mur- enee. They are as mute as fish, and mured Mouriatine. "I should re- alvays ready to act promptly. Had cognize her anywhere, were it only I wished to get rid of the French-; by hereyes." man, I had but to sx>eak the i "They are wonderful, truly; I word.'' i have never se<'n such before." "But you have cfiiitented yourself ! "Then you have not met with with shutting him up in a cellar."! her " "That would have been useless. "Never; and it astonishes me. If I have installed him in a large hall 'this marvel is a femine galante, 1 which serves nie for a library. The ' doors of this apiirtmeut are all » ' * ' JAMCS OINGWALL, CtO. Willjamstown, Ont . July iTth, 1908. "I suffered alt mj life from Chrouic Coustipation and no doctor, or remedy, I ever tried helped me. "Frnit-a-tives" promptly cured me. Also, last spring I h«(l a bad attack of BLADDER and KIDNEY TROUBLE and the doctor (fave ttie np but "Fruit-a-tiTea" saved jny life. I am now over cigbty years of age and I strongly recommend "Fruit-a-tives" for C'onstipatiou and Kidney Trouble". (.Signed) JAME.S DINGWAT.L. 50c a box, 6 for (2. .so -or trial box. 3jc â€"at dealer!) or ttom Fruit-a-tivea Limited. Ottawa. The Finest Flavoured Tea *' SALADA" is hill-grown teaâ€" grown on planta- tions high up on the hills in the Island of Ceylon. The leaf is small and tender with a rich, full flavour. '* â€" is always of unvarying good quality. Will you be con- tent with common tea when you can get "SALADA"? I Treat Catarrh For fifteca days. If yon do not wisb to con- tinue, custs ytia notblnc. I am curine Citarrh, Deafness. Head NoUcs. andThroat troubles, with a remarkable new treatmsnt. I want to sond a coume of my treatment with two lo.stninieat&. to every sut* ferer. by muil. «U charges pre- paid, to try IS days. â- *-• This Is (he tree Trial Treatment S«isd no DtnMy. Wnt« for wi tr** tiUl tiMlniviit kHl»y, ttfiBg tuli d*. Dr. W. 0. Coffeer°Ef"B8s Moines, la. exclaimed Borisoff, "1 begin to believe you arn right. Let nB settle and leave. It seeins to me thi^s Frenchman is watching j'^llj'^ j^^, ,^„^, jj„,„.aeil. The win- 1.8 surreptit.cmsly, and I want to t,^,^^ j^^,^ ^,„^ „^ ^ ^^,j^„^ ^„j ^^^1 throw h.m off the track. |,j,j,.t j^.^^ f,^,,, the ground. To I M.;uriatine « a^s o the same „ ,,^ ^,^ w.mmunieat* with any one ! ,opim.,n. He called the wait^-r toi •;,,,,j ^,^. i,„j^ggii,|^. j have no , .'neighbors." one., • • , ,?'"'?'7l They had just arrived at the <^ »«^ i Maximo, cramming .l<,wn his t>"f- , ,,,^^.^, j^ lOi-era. Hud either of „ . _ , , ., • the two turned hack, he would have' Ijonsofl and tlie oountcsK f«Mi<Mn){ master are intimate friends. And thii Borinoff i» u .secret agi-nt of JtuKKian diplumacy ; a spy, to call things by the riglit name. She in no conspirator that I know of ; hut dh.' knows, perhaps, those who are, or at least tlmse whom (icorget aH- Bihted to steal the casket. Is this pretty profesHur betraying hi>i niis- ticssf Hhe ui.so ha.'; Mien t.-*, piT- hnps. Who knows if she is not sel- liiif; them to this man whum we he- lieve confined Kolu-rb dc Carnoc^l! Paibleu ! 1 kn(iw wliat to be at. She made me promis<' not to net again.st Hoiisoff, but 1 am n*it engaged to , , hlmt my eves when 1 meet him. 1 turc. When once 1 have neen a face ^ ,,.,^,,. ^j^^ ,,-^,,, ^,, ^,„ ^^,,„,,.,, ,,,. j^,,^^^ I don't forget it- it was the change „,j^.^,^.„ ^„ f„,|„„ ^^ ,„oiisieur of his ucriiiaiiitanee.' He would glailly have saerifieed the remuindir (if his dinner, but he of costume that perplexed me. 1 nven remember her culling him by his name a Polish name." WkiJlft Maxime Dorgeres thus .â- i#nthered"' up iii» reeolleotioijs, Mouriatine shrugged his shoulders and said to Col. Borisoff: "Hah I 1 'fn<d not V>e dislurhed about him. The young man is not thinking of us. Let us ask for cotTee and light our cigars. Me will take a smoke on the boulevard." "You said you expected tu meet this woman at the oj»cra. .May 1 ask on what you found this hope, having come straight fniiii Ht. Petersburg'!:" "I ((iiilii not be expected to be Ho well inforinid as to the disposi- tion a Parisian ik'tnoisclh' will make of her evening. All I can af- firm is that Wednesday is her day for thi! opera; th(?re arc then ohanccR that we will meet her th<?re--if n<it, we will find her some- where tomorrow or nc.\t day." "Ynii arc bi'iit on presenting me. then I' uskerl the colonel, after a |miii-e employed in sipping the cof leV that lia*! just been served. "I am in ymir interest.' Then' was silence for several mo nieiitn. 'flic twi) w<M'e observing cai-h iilhi^r. At the other i-nd of the lia! I was one who observed them both whilf apfiareiitly absorbed in a pniliiilgi' which bati just been Hi-rvcil. "Till' more 1 hiiik at ibat man,' seen Maxime, who had just set foot on one <if the shelters illuminated bv the electric light. Having fin- ished his dinner, he ha<l darted off in u chance pursuit of the two Rus- sians. He had speil in every direc- , tioi. and perceived them at last, just: as they were turning the corner of the Place de I'Opera. â- They are going to tbe opera," he murmured. "l)«cidedly they arc intimate. I am not dressed and shall be taken for a provincial or usher, hut 1 must know what these foreigners arc about." Ma.xiine was a subscriber to the opera, and did not need to provide himself with u tick.'t. He suffered | the couple he was in pursuit of to pas.-j on ill advanc"', and, five min- utes after thev had entered the at the' door, presented himself ,, , , , «. , ,1 r ,comi)troller's offici', not without could nothreak off abruptly from ^,^^^^.;^^ p^^,,^.^, ^^ ^^^ ^,^,,1^^ ^^ jjj. Warrro.OBt. I^b. nib. "I liail t hbnc that had • Spavto (br a lone time' aod 1 had tried nearly erery kmil of mediciae when a neighbor told me to use KeadaU'a Sp««ia Cnre, which 1 did aad U Kt*< iTCatfcrhiltr." M. ROSF.NTKAU Kea«aU*s Spavlo Cure l> ao nstr led expcrimeut, t>ul U the world'a standard remedy fur all Swrllmga, Bofl Buacbea and l^amcacaa In borw aad man. I'aed the world o»cr for 40 ye«r». Eyery farmci, stockTcaa, eapresa. mau, livery proprietor and horae owaer (eorrally should keep it always on hand. $1. a bottle-a for %i. Ask your dealer for free copy of our book "A Treatlw Co The Horrf" or write us DK. â- . J. KJBVOALI. CO. 56 EaoakSBtl Falla, • Vermoat. do not understand wliy I have not remarked her, or why she has. not been pointed out to me." "I have already said that she is an apparition that only appears in Paris now and then, and is not dis- posed to exhibit herself." ''She is examining the orchestra chairs with extraordinary j>ersist- eney,â€" now slie is directing Iver glass to the passage-way on our left." (To be continued.) MAPLEINE $ Growing $ Hardwood Timber «Ever^ r<>adnr knows the inoreasinir sriircity of Hardwood Timber and its contiptiuent increaae in value in the near future. $ Hardwood to-day >.» as absolutely ne<:- esuary in tbe maiiufaetures, as coal Iron and steel. It simply must be bad or tks natipnif g.**eatest iuduetrirs are at stake. fl^d^ There arc dotlar« wrapped up !a{ WW every stick of Hardwood that can be grown to 10 inches or over in diameter! â€"anytime any wbere^ but when it can b^; grown to this siae in 10 years and »rown too rifcht on the main lines of railway and within easy reach of the two i^reateat manufacturing cities on tbe Western coast, there are still greater values obtainable. 4i4s ^""''l >'"*' invest, say $500, if w* u»sB could prove to you by a series of absolutely correct records of Eacalyptua Tithber growths ? Ist. That these trees will grow to over 10 inches iu diameter iu '0 years and are worth from $3 to IS each. End. that the wood is as hard and durable- aa onr Canuilian OaJi or tfichory. and 3rd. that thouxnnds of doltara are Ijeing made by growing this Timber, and 4th. that yon are gaarauteed three times your original investment at the end of tea years. Would you ? Could .Ton ? Then write at ouveto W. E. Dyer. 114 King West â- Toronto. .$. $ A flsTorlnif used tho iam« ss lemon ur vaaill^ 3y ^issulviog granulated lugax in witir uii adding Mssleiaa, a dcKcicos syrup is made and MsDlcuiQ, a dellcicus syrup i a syrap bcHer than maple. Uapleine is suld by gncrrt. If not send SOc for i oa. bottle aai recipa baoli. Crascjat HHf. Co.. 3 «aHi«. W a. J LO(;i('AI. F.r/IIMA vww, IJNUOltNKU ItV PIIVNKIANS. Dr li. \. Kolkorts, of Duluth, Minn., t<;lls of his i-iicci'ss in treat- ing piilienlB with U. I). I). I'rescrip- tioli '. "There wa.s a man here, suffering Ir' ID ec/enia for the last fourteen years, and I appliid the 1). 1). 1). tnatiiiont. I also applied it to n binn of West Duluth, Miiiil., who kas born siiffering with I'.czcma in lii» feet, and the second tiratinclit in both eases cleared the skin al- tiiost absolutely. The first applica tion i« a balm, and its soothing ef- fect la beyond expression. 1 shall never be without it, and shall use H among my patients altogether. ' * No matter how terribly ydu suf- fer from ee/eina, salt rheum, ring- voim, etc., yon ivill feel liiNtantly Bor thod and the it< h allayed at onco when a few drops of this ruin pound of oil of ttintergreeii, thy- mol, glycerine, etc., is applied. The cures all seem to be permanent For free trial bottle of 1). I). I'rescription wfite to the I). D. Laboratory, Department \V. L. Jordan Si.. Toronto. I'pr lalo b^ all druggihti. his partritlge, scarcely yet touched, and precipitate himself intt> the street, without being remarkcil by thii \t'ry persons whoiii lie wished to watch unobscrve<l. So he resigned himself to suffer tl'cir departure, tlcterniiiiiun at the same tiiii<> to cut short his sitting, and with that view lukiiig ilouble niiiiitlifiils. He asci'ttiiiiicd ut a gliiiice that they w»'ut toward tbe boiilcvaril, and jiroinised himself to folldw them frcim afar up to the mo- nieiit of separation, when he winild give all his attention to tho fciu-ing- nidhter. The colonel was now tbe countess' business, but ho iiiigbt and must stiitly tin; proceedings of a liireliiig of llu; countess surprised in familiar intereourso with liur- isJiff. it n<!v< r occiirieil to him that this fencing-master Jicted, perhaps, on licliiilf of the countess, and in truth there appeareil little proba overcoat to disguise his black cra- vat. I The dress he wore Buggested to hill! an idea. | Instead fif taking his seat aa usu- al, he would remain in the' passage- way of tho orchestra until he dis- covered the colonel and his com- panion, and when ho bad ascer- tainctl in what part of the hall they WHV YOU ARE THIN; HOW TO GET FLESHY. niscu8.sos Cnusps of Thinness and Gives New Method of IncreaHini; Weight and Roundini; Out tho Form. B a Camphor Ice Yaselme FOR CHAPPED SKIN AND LIPS, COLD SORES, WIXDBU!)!!. 12 Vaseline Pemedies in Tubes Capslcnm. lioratcd, MentholBled. Cnrtxv laied, ( nmi'lioroleil, While oxide of Zinc, etc Kiieh lor ppwiul i urposca. Write for Free Vaaeliue Bouk. OHISKBROUOH MPQ. CO. lOong'd) 370 OralK St. W.. Montreal It Will Astonish You I Everybcdy is astonished at the niarvcllou> gain that comeis 10 Iheir borne and to Ibeinselves by the use of RAMSAY'S PAINTS Dont y*ou ihink it would be l>eilcr for to enquire about t))fse paints ? Don't use poor painis â€" they cost too much. Don't tise *lcar paints â€" ihey cost too much Us- Rauisay's Paints, sold at just the ri){hl price lor correcl paint- inj». We issue a hand-^onic booklet on )uiu*.c painting. Yoii shonU have it. Wiile us lor Booklet "W." We will mall it free. A. RAMSAY & SON CO., K.Ktlililisliaa I8«.', The Paint INalcsrs, ,• Montreal. PrcRcriplion .iecoinpllNhcH Wonders \ treatment which anyone can prepare cheaply at home, has been found to increase the weight, im- hilily that a siilialti;rn of this ♦â- lass j prove the health, round out scraw- wdiild be entrusted with the pri- : ny figures, improve the bust, bright- vatft eontitlencp of a gr<'at lady of ipn the eyes and put new color into the Avenue tie Kricdland. tno cheeks and li|>8 of anyone who "The Krenclimaii is distaiUM'd," is too thin and bloodless. It puts siiii! Horisoff, on r<'nching the bou| flesh on those who have been always le\aid. "\V<' have time lo finish thin whether from disease or natur- oiir cigars before going to the al tendency, on those who by heavy Me. D. D. 23 i theatre "Kspeeiftlly,'' n^plied Mouria- tine, "as [ have takt.'ii the procau- ti.iii to procure chairs just below the lady's box." "1 see yon have thought of ev- eiyihing. Howevi-r, if you luul not found me, wliicli might easily have licin, since I was not anticipating your \isit â€" -" 'In that ease I should have gone to the opera alone, for 1 am bent upon making use «if this opportn- niiv lo meet the lady in ipiestion. iiiit 'in going to your house I was toM you would dine at your club, So 1 found you without tlilHculty. It, ii in that lieaiiliful Hue de Vigny mansion that yim have shut up your pvisnner '.'" "Ves," said liorisoff. ''aiid i W'g \> 11 til believe that he is nut of the ri^ach of all pursuit. Thi' house is larg<' and <-iiiiiple,tely isolated. I ha\i' inatic interior aiiaiigem<>nts t) facilitate watchfulness and pre veni flight. My pri>^oner is as well guarded as if he we're shut up in a fnitress at St. Petersburg "But," ''y<iu hHV( eating ami diet have in vain tried to incrensq; on those who feel well bv.t can't get fat ; and on those who have trit^d every known method in vain. It is a powerful aid t<» diges- tion, nutrition and assimilation. It assists tho blood and nerves to dis- tribute all over the body tho flesh elements contained in food, and gives the thin person the same ab- Burbing (|ualitie8 possessed by the naturally lleshy. 1". very body is al>out the same, but ceitain elements and organs of bl(jod and nerves are deficient and until this is corrected thin people will st«y thin. The nutrition stays in the body after separation by tho digestive fiinetiens instead of pass- inn through unused, when this valu- able treatment of blended medi- fincri is used. Practically no one can remain thin who uses it, for it Biipptios the long felt need. Mix a half pint bottle, three nuiices of essence of pepsin, and Ihrfe ounces of syrup of rhubarb. Tlt^n add one ounce compound es- fcnce Cardiol. Shake and let stand resumed Mouriatine, | two hours. Then add one ounce of been obliged to take tincture eadomcne compound (not your tlonicsties into ymir eoiifi- cardamom). Shake well and take (let CO." ,a teaspoonful before and after "Oh. my scr\aiits an- all old meals. Drink plenty of water be- Rnbaltenis altailicil t-o a tw.een meals and when retiring. r of llie Third Section, Weigh before beginning. 1s»ililieri or 1 lu.ur urdci 'VALUES Consider the higher real eitate value of well painted buildings, compared with unpainted onea. Don't postpone painting â€" every day does iu damage and pile* up cost* for tepaira. Martin-Senour y Paint is the chfjipett. AUolutely poro and unadulterated, It wears bett, look« letter and ko«i further, K»l- lon forssllon, than any other paint at any price. â- i m W iw w w- â- .-> •• [ If aad«eU«d which »idnttoaaa,wrlU aa today for the nam* ef our dealar a«ar«itrou-aak him about the writtm nanuitM that back* •very claim we make for our paintâ€" a (aaraatee that aetuallr protect* jrou. - » wn » â- Dont uperimmt when entalaty Seta biita few e*Dtamor*L Theresa '«i«n-S«wi«r ^(W for ererr PUTpoae- r hoaaa, barn, wtndmlll. pumps, wa*- â- a, earrlace. eidttTateraadplaw-BBbit for w«id and qaint tn trsn-tba best that ekIU and monajr can preduee. If rour dealer oanaot sapaly yea. aetlfy ua and wa will cladly dirett yea to wkasa eat paints are to babal ,0^ DteOw AtfSa&af ttuta* Uh^atrattd i>klet Inti a-r A •anl. theai '^Htlttl-SMMtC* Fairbanks-Morse Gasoline Engines ESPECl^Uy JIDAPTE9 FOR GENER)(L FJ^RM USE. Tboie ongiiieH n-o »ip »lmi)U> that an areraje (arm h.in(l piiii operate tli»m They w»r« ei- peclallv <ls««li'p<)il Iu meet ili« ii««<l» ul llie turner, anil »;)! onuule you ;ci tmluco Lib ir o.nU, Huil help yoii e;iin more money out ofyourtk.m ih»il ever liefoie. (Jet re;iily now to nm your (aim ill an up iti-il.\te way by uuttiug uut this cuuplete aiirerti^ieuiaiil And aending (ur catalogue O K lOb â€" WI'.Co. THE CANADIAN FAIRBANKS COIVIPANY. Llrrtlted, MONTREAL, ST. JOHN, N. •. TP^P?*!*' WINNIPEG CALCARV, N«M»_ VANCOUVER A]>OU«-_ «« SEOHNg Aa this very rein.trkablfl pr''p.iratlon Is now called, la the greatp.>it t'onstltutlonal KonicUy ever known for Hrood Muicii. Colts, Stdlllnns and ttll other hurseii ; »Iik> l)i.>iteii'pcr airu>nc Dors and .-(heep. Thla :om|ifiuiid i.s m.tde of the purest hmrodlcnts and not an atom of pol.sonoiis or lii.lurlou» nature enters Into Ita ininposlilon. Many poiBi.ii.s nre >\ow taking SfOHN'S for La Grippe. Colds, Coughs, Kld- iioy Trouble, ot<'., and It I.m always safo. It expels the Disease Germ.s from the body ; acta dlr«<tly on tho Ulood and (Jl.inds. 81'OHN'S Is now Kold by iio.-irly every dnis- glKt and harneai dealer In Ui« land, and any can get It for yovi. Fifty cents and jl.OO i» bottle, and |6.«0 and 111.00 the dozen. Hepord of .\nnaal Salea. 1st Year , 2nd Year 3nl Year <th Year r.th Year «th Year 7 th Year 8th Year 9(h Year 10th Year 11th Year 12th Year ISth Year 14th Year 16th Ye.%r . . 1,051 Bottles Sold . . 4.:)iit . . S.iM . . 19.150 .. 40.2S4 . . 72,3S« ..100,533 ..124,800 ..172,485 " ..221,760 ..287.620 ..378,983 . .B08,720 ..618,210 . .«0'r,j54 Send for our Booklet of twelve good re<<lp>is for family and stock inodlctnes, K.HKK. Distribulors AU Wholesale Driiuisis Spohn Medical Co. CIINISTS «N» UCTESiOlOtlSTS aOSHCN, INDUNA, U. S. A. y I vN