Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1910, p. 7

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â- r y M I'l SPRING BLOOD IS BAD BLOOD Sow to Get New Health and Hew S^ngtli in the Spring. Even the luu^t . robiist find the winter months trying 'to their bpalth. Contiiicnient indoors in (.•ften overheated ttnd nearly alwuys badly vi.titiluted rcionjs- -in .thu home, the office, the shops and the Bchool â€" ta:(es the vitality (jf even t!io strongest. The blood beronics ihtfi and watery, or clof^sod with impurities. .Sometimes you get up in the niorning just as tired as nhen you went tn bed.' Some peo- ple have headiiches and a feeling of langour; others are low spirited und nervous: still othersftave pim- f»le? and skill eruptions. These are iill spring symptoms that the blood is out of order. Many people rush to purgative medicines in the â- <iuing. This is a. mistake. . You ^•an't cure these truubUis with a mt^dicine which gallops - through your system, and is sure to leave you weaker still. What you need to give you health and strength in the spring is a tunic medicine and thf one always reliable tonic and blood-builder is Dr. Williams' Pink rills. These pills not only banish spring ills, but guard you against the mure serious ailments that fol- low, such as anaemia, nervous de- bility, indigestion, rheumatism, and r-ther diseases dtie to bad blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills actually make new, rich blood which â- sttengthens every nerve, every or- gan aad every part of the body. Try thus medicine this spring and you will have strength and energy to resist the torrid heat of the com- ing summer. Mr. Geo. W. Johnson, Heuiford, N S., says : ''.\ couple of years ago when I came home from a lumber- ing camp whore I had been employ- ed my blood was in such a condition th<;i my whole body broke out in boils~8ome six and eight in a nest. These w-ere so painful that I was confined to the house and for three months was treated by my family d'Clor. I got no better; io fact the lores began to eat ijito my flesh, and at times were so offensive that t refused U^ sit at the table with luy family. A friend asked uie one day why I did not give Dr. Willi- anis' Pink Pills a trial and I decid- ed to do so. 1 got six bo.ves and before they were all gone the sores began to disappear and my system was much strengthened. I continu- <*d using tho pills until I had taken twelve boxes, when every boil and sore hod disappeared, and 1 have since enjoyed the verv best of health." Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 5 cents a box or si.x boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont ^ NO BKNr)I^'G•. ^^â- ' . The village Sunday School treat was in full swing, and after it rol- licking time, the yo\ingsters were n*iv.' engaged on a, heavy :t«»..;.)-; â- .";â- ; Little Johnny, though, unuccus-, ti.inod to very rich fare, had been eating until ho could not aceiuunio- dute anothor mouthful, and he was oonsetmcutl.v feeling slightly uo.- oomfortablc. 'â-  "Shall I lift you dnwn. my litire man !" was tli<' gentle inipiiry of a \»A\ helpijr who had nolieed the youth wriggling about on the .seat. '"Yu.x, please, mum,'' assented Johnny, who.so distciuled aiiatoiuy made him huld him.seU as .'vtilt as a poker. "\er can lift me down,"' and hero his look was truly pathe Vv. "but please du.u't bond me! HE FAILED TO SEF.'lT. Mr. C.'loseeoyneXduring his wife's • rotrption). --She gives piu liijhts; ene gives 'cm nnisie ; she gives em fooil, rtowois, champagne, and that's what she calls receiving: The nc\«i,!r failing uicdii*ue. Hol- low ay s Corn Cure, rcnuivcjs all kind.s <if corns, warts, etc. ; even the most diHiciilt to isnio\c cannot withstatid this wonderful remedy. Tun many niiistake their own t>alh<il<'Ky of humanity for a sys- tem of (livinitv. .* Only On* ••B«?O.MO ♦>» I.MNI! â-  »tinl U LAXATIVK nKo.MO I/IIMSK Look tor Iho siiMi.ltur* nf K W UKOVK. r«>.l th« 'You have an enormous appe- tite" said a thin man onviouslvv 'â- What do yon take fur it?" "In «n my experience,'' replied his jduiiip friend, "I have found no- thing more suitable than fond!" INTKHESTING OLD MAX. 106 Years Oldâ€" .locompaiiied Na» poleoa (>a Trip to.."L. Ifeie^a. . There is a man in a Sydney, Xew Sotith Wales, institution, presided over by the French Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, who was IdG cm March 26. He is William Johnstone and in 1^15 he was ca- bilj buy vn.H. M. S.J>u>xthumbexr. land, the British warship that took Napoleon to St. Hisrena. Por'a time afterward he remaiaed on the island. aa one of the personal attendants of the fallen Emperor. .Hh story has been sifted by the sisters and Jess unworldly folk, and thoy have no doubt that it. is g<'nu- inc It is certain, at any rate, tliat a William Johnstone was cabin hoy on the Niirthuniberland when Na- poleon took that memorable voy- age * Johnstone loS'es to tell anecdotes of the Riuperor, and of course.! never lacks listcnes. He general- 1 ly begins: "I was cabin boy under j Mr. Wilson and I used to look after I the Emperor's cabin. We used to â-  have many talks and I think he g«>t rather fond of me." When th« play "A Royal Di- vorce'' cairie to Sydney, Johnstone wa" taken to see it and thoroughly approved of it. Ho said the man who played the piirt of Napoleon wai just" like himâ€" ' •same stand, same \yiilk, same fa-ce and he had a mark ou his neck like Napoleon." WiKNSTUE ENGllSKKK. Safety Device Being Tested un Brit- ii^h Railroads. At a Midland Uailway siding, out. in Kettering, England, last week an ingenious mechanism for warn- ing locomotive engineers was tried. It not only warns the engineer 800 yards before he roaches it whether a signal is at "danger'' cr "clear," but prints a record on a tape ma- chine in the cab showing how each signal has stood during a run. The in.spectors first ordered a .sig- nal to be set at danger. Then, leaning from the engine cab, they directed the engineer to approach th" signal at a fast paco. At a point far enough away from the signal for a train to have bctu pulled uj) without overrunning it, a small wheel projecting from a lever below the engine touched a rod on the permanent way. liiime- dintely a rc^ label with the word "Danger " \ii)on it appeared in a small brass bo.x before the driver s eyes, a small red lamp above flash- ed out, ami the whistle of the en- gine sounded. The label showed, the lamp re- maining lightCil, and the whistle coutinuttj.1 to blow -until the, eugiu-, Q'V touched u lever and released the mech;inism. Again. wh<Mi the eii- giii'j approaclifd the lowered signal a â-  Rreeii label marked 'â- fleai"" came into view, in the engine, a green light showed, and an electric bell rang. i MODERN MEDICINE FOB, YOUNG GfllLD&EN No sane mother would wish her- self treated under the condition of mtdieiiio or surgery of li:ilf a cen- tuiy ago. Why then should she givT her leiuler little child the old- fashioned iiiediciue.s that have not chiinged in half a century, and which more likely than not cuulnin pcisonuus i)i)iat»'s that will imt cm e the child, but luerely diuR it into teniporiiry iii.sensibility. Baby's Own Tablets is a modern mcdic.'il science. . Thi.s niedicine cures a.ll stomach, bnwi-l. tecthinii and iithi.M- ailments of childhood and babyhood. .Vnd the mother has tho guarantee of a government aualy.st thar it oont.iins no opiate (ir ))ois- onous drug. Sold by medicine deal- ers or by mail at So cents it l>ox fr<iu> The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.. Hrockville. Ont. Y'ou. may have noticinl that people with Vh.H hearts u»u.illy have small (Hicket booki. Minard's Linimsnt R*li*«es NeuratcU. CURE WAS QUICK AND COMPLETE Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills PurA mmny r<immon ai1mcu(.« which »rj> very (lilTeroiit. Iiut wliii li all arlsit frum the oamu i'ttu«t'-ii "y* tfm el"»ged witli impurttira. Thu Pills rautie Uu> bowola Uj niova rrgularly. stipngtbt-n and atiniu- la'o the kicliioya aud 0|it'u up tlia poron u( Ihu Bkiii. TXwif oreun* immeihately throw off llio accu* mnlati>d iuiioritien, aud Biliuaii- np^fl. ludiffesiion. LivL-r Complaitit. Kidnny Troubles. iioadaelie^, Rho'imatism and Hiuiilur ailments Taniah. Dr. Horse'ii Indian Boot Pills Save Doc-tor's Bills LTOCKS. U.V-HE P.VRENT'S HEART DIS- EASE CI RED BY DODDS KIDNEY PILLS, .SLe Suffered for I'wo Years but Now Advises all Troubled a» She Was to Give DuddN Kidney Pills a Trial. St. Robert, Riclielieu Co., Que., Mar. as.â€" (Special). â€" "I recommend Dcdd's Kidney- Pills to all my ^ fritnds. ' These are the words of Cdtfard ^ D ^) l\| V l\l A Co. Dame Joseph Parent of this place. \^rkV^i"S I 1^ And the good dame gives excellent reasons why she does so. "For two years," she says, "I suffered from Heart Disease, Headache, Backache and a dragging sen.sation across the loins. Seven boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me. . I hope all who are troubled as I was will give Dodd's Kidney Pills a trial.'' Some people may ask how Dodd's Kidney Pills, which are purely a Kidney remedy, can cure Heart Disease. And tho answer is sim- ple. Diseased Kidneys fail to drain 1 the impurities out oit the blood. If | the lihowan truss win huid any r«duoii,i. tl'CSe imiHirities are left m the li«r:ila. Knd.Tsea by forenin<t luodical invn. yj il i. 1 • „ i.l..„ ' **r'i» 'or particulars. B. MND.M.V.V, (Roud). ood they not only increase the i ^,„„,f„^| '^ '-^ .'."'k"). Mambars Toronto Stacit Eichan(a. Saf* Inuestments ^*"'" '•"• •>>»>â-  w>»iti» B4»tara3 tu alfkudiu^toany bank. Wehare inoTod I) ^â€" «_ . «a â€" ^ * uur new buiidiir.;. 90 Bay ST., TOfOntOi EDUCATIONAL. LE.IRN TUE B.^KBKK TK.VDE -NEW syptom- t'onstant practice; careful Instruction; tow weeks complete courae; tools fr«!e: eraduatea eani twelve to pigbteen dollars we«kly: write for enta- logue. Moler Barber Collcee. 221 jBueoo Fn«t. T.ror.to ^A t MP^ Rals* Tham Without â- !» Km" *• ^ 'C* Booklet FtM. ^^ Steels.iUnggiSaad Co« Ltd., Ti<roaiu,:OBl, >., of CacaJa, Ltd., work of the heart in proi>elling the .__.„_„ ^no Ti.e »»> .. .«»..„ _ ,, , ,, 1 xi 1 1 u t t „ ' TTOPE FOB THE Oe»Fâ€" m ACOUSTICOn - bleod through tlie body, but act on JfX on« of the mari»U of the eioc-tncal .iko. t.hi» vnliruc r.iiiiuItKr rlw'onun Pu rp i I" ""• throuxhout the world. Write for oatai Cne valves cau.SUlg disease. i-^}^ X^^,^^. ^m»T^ Acoustic Co.. o« CacaJa. L^d^ bli'od removes the cause of the dis- : tu T <>â- Â«Â» at»aa>. ToroaW. ease. Dodd's Kidney Pills make puie blood by putting the Kidneys iu condition to strain all the im- purities out of it. INVISIBLE. Old Lady -'What is the title of the picture, dear?" Daughterâ€"-' 'Dogs,' after Sir Ed- w a rd La ndsee r. " Old Lady~-"I can see the dogs, but; where on earth is Landseer t" i •»'»"»»â- Â« ""i '>'â„¢- iHarlatt s Hair Promoter CrotMs Hair on any Bald Head On sale at tho Rubt. ^^lTll,J.4oa'4 Drus Dt- partmont. Toronto, Can., or the Murlatt Hair Promot'nc Co.. Turontii. Canada. Fariuer.s admire a ^iit r:iLc grocer until he cuts the price uf butter and eggs. AHsil'a Lunaf lalaam ie e^'pet.â- lHlly Intondad to break up negleoteit uough*. and many bopalau cases hare Imii u^ed by its use. ContatiM uu GENEROUS. The Doctorâ€" "Mrs. Murphy, you nuL-it be aWyoiir husband's sick bed ei^nstantly, as you will need to hand him something every little while." Mrs. Murphyâ€" 'Niver, doctor! Fur be it from me to hit a man whin he's down." Kittyâ€" "Harry Di.K says you are as pretty as a picture." Clara â€" "Nonsense I He didn't mean it." Kittyâ€" -Oh, yes, he did. But, of cour.se, you know Harry's taste in pictures isn't anything to brag about." .\ Thorough Pill.â€" To clear the stomach and bowels of impurities and irritants is necessary when their action is irregular. The inlls that will do this work thoroughly aro Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, which are mild in action but mighty in results. They purge painlessly and effectively, and work a per- m.".neiit cure. They can be used without fear by the most delicate- ly constituted, as there are no pain- ful effects preceding their gentle operation. Few men appreciate freedom un- til they view it from the other side of the bars. SAVED HER. FINGER. PainMllar In winter rtaecks ohilla, breaks ap oolds and ttiui ptaTOUta BniDcllltie, I.a(!rippa and UbauinHti6m. Uuequnlled a:* x Ilniineut for iMit hitee, chilblalna. braisas, cpiain'*. Sold by all drug! iata. Oolf one Painkillsi^Farry Oarla'. One-half the world dt)esn'l lie awake at night worrying about how the other half lives. COUGHED ALL NIGHT I The hedgehog and the porcupine \ are truly a prickly pair. j PILES CURGD I.N 6 TO 14 DAYS. \ PAZO OINTMK.NT is gu.Tr»utaed to cure any ' esse of Itchinj. Blinit. Blaoiliu; or KrutradJog ' Pila> ia S to U days or laonay refunded. JOo. Till This Recipe Wa.<» Tried, Cure Followed in 5 Hours. A prominent medical inan, who suffered with a severe cough and , jjever judge a man's worth bv oo!d on the lungs, often being kept , ^^^^ a,„ount of insurance he carries, awake all night, and weakened by , ___^ lois of sleep, finally discovered » i . .. ., , • â-  i« n j xc • 1 c 1 »,; 1. ,.,;ii „„r„ ..„,. II nards Limmont Cures Dandruff, simple formula wliicn will euro any ; ""•••- ' cough iu five hours by the clock. It j „,„,. j()llj|.-|> is a laxative tonic cough syrup; which can be made at home by any- \ He doesn't always in. an it. om- and the formula is here given \ When he comes along each day for the beneBt of tho.se who pass ; With a cheery bit of smiling sleepless nights in painful paro.x- i .\iid !i ph iisant word to say. ysms. Those who have tried it say \ know he has his troubles it is magical, and beats any high ; .\nd life isn't all a song, priced, slow acting cough medicine ^ But he's trying to f.jrRct em tvc' sold. - As he jollies fulks^ a!i>ng. Mi.\ in a bottle one-half ounce \ fluid wild cherry bark, one onnee^ Ho isn't all unselfish compound essence cardiol and three .\s ho greets his fellowJiiian ; oiirces syrup white pine, compound. , He's f|uick to ask a service. Take twenty drops every half hour' But he'll do one if he can. for four hours. Then take one-half Hi* kiiiduess is somcthiug^ _.. to one teaspoonful three or four | That ill fortune can not budge ; times a d:y. Give children less ac- ' Us only ju-^t x jojly, cording to age. This will tone up! But it '^ better than :i u'rudKe. and rid the system of doe|i-seated -â€" ^ coughs every time. SHE MEANT VIR.XGO. "I never dare to look down when I'm standing on a high place,'" said Mrs. Lapsliug. "It always t'ive.s nie an attack of verdigris." A Piea.^ant Purgative.â€" Parinc- Ites Vegetable Pills are so com- ix.iiiidcd as to uperate oii both the slomach and the bowels .so that they j ace along the whole alimenlary and , CXI retoiy passage. They are not; dr.-.stie in their wurk.-but mildly puigative, and the pleasure of tak ins Lheni is only equalled by the griitifying effect they produce, j t'empounded only of vegetable sub-; star whi foil' relief without chance of lu juiv Minard's Liniment for Sale Everywiicrs. The limit of satisfaction has been reached when you beat the other fellow at his own game. Fre« to Our Readora. Wrifa Uarlna Eye HeinedT Co.. Clilcaco. for 4S-paca illDatrated Ere Book Free. Write all about Your Eya Trouble and they will advise as tc the Proper Applica- ; tlon of the Uurine Eye Kemediee in Tour j Bpeclal Case. Your DrtiKist will tell yoo j that Murine Relieyes Sore Eyes. Strenetn- ; ana Weak Eyee. Doosn't Smart. Boothes j Eye Pnin. and aella for 50c. Try It in Tour Eyee and in Babya Eyea tor dcalj Eyelid* and Qranalation. The Sentimental Oneâ€" '.Mas, many a smiling face conceals an aching heart." The Literal Idiot-- 'It seems to me that an aching tooth would be more likely tu be there.' Ifra. a K. BedweU, of 837 Pro. Teacher Ave., St. Boniface, Wioaipeg, says ; â€" " Soma Urn* ago mj cUiloran. took diphtheria, and wliils atlvudios them th* poison enter«d asmall acratoa on the aecond finger of raj left hand. This became very sore aud tiIood.j|Mii(ail> in^ soon aet In. For months attor th* obildren wore qulta wall 1 was tnflhr. ing from • ahockmgly bad finmr. Th*. aoratvh waa oausud originally oy a pin, and la itself, was not at all seriuaa. The aonso«|uenuos, howoror, of Degleot* ing this aur&tch, ware Tory aanoue tome. "When the ijlnod-polmnilutf neilnltxlad poultlcea and a ftaiva 1 h»<l In the houaaw Ttieaa, huwernr, did not iiu-.-4 the dasirad a^ract. Qulta on the uoutnu-r the flunr baoame mora aud mure swollen and £«• oolorad. It then began to f extar, and I had to call Id a doctor. Ha lanoad the flngar to let out the puj, and 7'>u can knSfflRa how painful the finger waal Despite hi* oare, hower>.T. It ftKsin fcdlored and Iha iilnonanta, linJmente, and other praparft* tloni which the doctor gar* ma eaemed absolutely unable to brlntf about any relief. " The dootor thereupon advl'-^ ' matogo Into the St. BoDlfAca HoaplU • fearad thftt if 1 went to the Ho^pita. .ue finger would be amputated. We ware told of * oaaa einiilar to my own In which Zam-Buk had eObotad a cure when aTerythiiig als* had (ailed and the doctor had aald that only amput/t"0Q ,:ould 9*re tho panun'a hand. • " We, therefore, decided to gtra Zam. Bakatrial. A supply waapructirad, a*d we commenced the Zam-Buk traatmaob It only uo»leJ a fow djaye to show th* wbidam u( thiiotep. The blood potaanlng atvd iufitkinmation ware raduoed. tiM D*la becune lesv a> ate. and it was evident very shortly that the trouble was t>aiu reduced tu a lew and still leaa area. W* IwrsoTerad wit!i the Zaiu Buk and In th*, and the faltering rare waa thoroufhlj olaaDad. thea healed. In under (Era* waeki tram firit oonnnaacdug with 1»ar Buk. the flngar wee entirely «r*U; a*d bad mm HI II II 1 ~i III null In Ills flisliitoiis. Instead of trying ordinary prspaisUnn* no doubt I ehould bar* aared ayasB hours iind hournof acut* a^rnny.* LA aio<ht>r« »^ould n,'le tMs oaee^ Zam.Buk is ft lore i^re tor blood. poia.>ning, fasie'Uig, outs, a;.-r*Cca«a from turbcd wire, bnilses, acaama, rashe*. teit«r, aalt rheum, feee sores. ulo«r«, |4lea, bM Itg, rwtoo.e Trias, end ftU ekie lejttn^t and diteeece. 60.- a bol.all drvf. ritte mkI store* or po«l fr** f rt>« lam-ltak Oai, Toronto, tor price. Send In etasap foa of Irae trial box. RsfuM ail Ituitatloiis. ARTICLES FOR SALE. SOITH .VKIllC.\-N \ KrKI!.V.>i.< W A»- rant* hoiight and sold, 320 acreau Dirkinion. Room 20, *3 So.itt .<t.. Toronto. » T niiitn. It.'.--. Soil .--t. SOITII .VKttKAN W:VK. iliirhoKt prict' paid. I'ui A MACHINERY M.f.'.IllNKR.. UK.vngUAltEBK.S. â€" Irun and wood-working luuchinury, efi(rine», boilcr.o, steam pumps. Ka.-iolin* encini-.i. electric tniiloc", contractor*' maehiiiera, pto. Send for cataloiyuo of over UOe- m.i.hinei.. H. W. PKTRIli. Limited. Toronto. Montreal. Vancouver. •and for frs* sample to Ospl. W. L., Na tianal Oru^ & Chemical C*., Toronto. AGENTS WANTED. CLEANING ^ LADIES'... ^ To whom it m.iy concern Thi' is to cci-tify thot I have iiseti Ml.N AUO'S LINI- 1 MKNT lu.vsi-ll an well as iinscrihed it oi i niy prautii-.' where liiiimeni wii.-i n-iiiiired 5enefiI4 and havu m-vur failed to git tho desired bix.klei wALioaa on OUTINa •UIT» OmTW ton. perfM:tlr br <>nr rvMMa l*TT>oeM. Tiy 'A MITIIH «ll««IOAII BYtlHO CO . â- QMXSKAi« TOSOMTU. OTTAWA A QUKRCO Is Your Hearing GoodVii V<:KN TS S5 A DAY KA.^Y. NO KX- pori('!u-e mi(*(l<'d. Sflla ou sisht. Abs<i)ute m-^'o^-^ity to farmern. Dop«> work of 30 niiut. PuyM for itttotf in oiio hour. Writfl tf>-day, C. B, Adnms Co., r^urnia. Out. r effect. C. A KING. a. D. The UK.\R OPaONK will K"e »••" the ,.f rood hcnnuK. S*eud f-ir 'ree giviiie |)»rtieu!»i» and names. of satisfied il.-er» Alne tpaclal Oflar tor a Months Home Trial. THE BRAND ELECTRO OIONE LIMITEO, 314 Spadin.i Avriiue Toronto. When u man fails in all his iin tie! tiik.inu;s lie blames his jiareuts for the wii.v tlioy brought him up. Pains Disappc.'U' Before It. -W „e.s ^l^--" y'Vi te i'" t : â-  „i available Dr. Thomas' Eeleetrie ch were fu ly tested, thej af- ^^^^^ j,^ ^^^ ,^,^^^^ ^^,_^.^^ ,.,. Sit down and wait for things to tiuiicd it enn be procured at llio . nearest store, as all inereluiiils keep' it for stile. Kliemiiati-^iii ami all' bodilv pains disappear wlieii it is eonie your way. and the first thing I jj,,|,,j^^,j .,„j should they at any, time return, e.xperieiice l;-aehcs the' use- of the Oil li<i\\ ti> Jeal withj them. I thai, conies will be haul yott off to the the wae;oii to â-  , euuntv iiit'triu- Hatrcd Ls never so loalhesonie :^%\ when it assumes a ht>1v name. i As fir* swraads i:i d: J sr»M, »o doe' an lafl.kBi- 'n,.> trouble with trouble is that .~Vi:,.n III til., threat ir.w di.wn into the lungs. . ,, , - • Itai nvomptiv wUh » r...l,l a> with ^ Hre. and it Usually swoops llowM on us bc- ali'en you besiii to ooush use Aliens huiiK Halsaiii. Your Clothes DY-OLA Vmi d«n*« %tn% t* hn*w wh.^t KIlNO of cloth you: Goods ar* made of. SAME Dye for ALL< n« eli*n** •! MtaMik**, AU colore loceuU Eromyour DniKCuit or uealar. Sample C.ird and Booklet Fr**. Th* J*h«**n-Rloh*rd*an gtii wiHtrt ytff- 9ii Mtrim^ 9vf Mother Graves' Worm K.vttrmin at>,v dt.>cs not require the help of aiiv purgative nioilieine to eoniphio th'j cure. Oive it a trial aini be convinced. l-'tiieinan (explaining ihe aeeidcnt to the owner of the building) -^ - â- â- 'Barney was working on the roof, sir, and he slipped and fell the whole four sUiroys. bringing the cornice down with hiiu, sir, and breaking both his legs and four ribs. ' Ownerâ€" "Oh, well, never mind. I intended that cornice to CI nie tlowu in any case. \ doctor prescribed rest and change for a small boy, saying that hi.s system wa.s quite upset, .\ftcr he hail gone the little boy said : - 'I knew I was tipset. mamma, b«- e.iusc my foot's asleep, and tilings must be pretty bad when you go to sleep at the wrong end. " ( ONSKRV.VTION' IN' t'ONVKR- SATION. n people only said what they tliiught, there wouldn't be so much talkinji. foVt it. we have a chanee to t^idestep What le th* •aat Thin* t.; streiii:then we^»: , bsolt* " lh.> l> .V I." Meiitll-.l I'Uitot it will, euro Innib.MS" :indilieumatisiii. »l -..IN make seven iSi- pt.^stots, MuBtreal. David ik li*wi«ui-« C' -^ DODDS Ckidney rV/ PILLS^ ."vHK'ONt--',?- Ja THE ISSl F, NO. t< IK No II. -Ill believe* in a^v real hea- i I veil who does not sweatl'to make it | real here. I ' In its iiiiiial st.agcs a odd i<< a! local ailment e.^sily dealt with. But nijiiiy negl<>et it and the result, ia often the develofiuient of distressing! sciyiircR of the bronchial tubes and j lungs that render life miserable for! the unhappy victim. As a first aid | there i.s nothing in tlie haiitly medi- j eii.c line so certain in curative re- sult:- as Kickle's .^nti-Consumptivo Syiup, the far-famed remedy tor colds and coughs. 'Hie l>ett<5r the cause the greater the inischief of a base method. Mlnwd't Li«im«nt liirM lurni, Eto. APPENDICITIS Cored without operation-^ All »h.. are «f. Dieted with thi.-^ disea..e :ird »i-h t.. ha cnred prr>na'ien:ly. safely and f,ne Wy with Ihi-< ereat Il.mieopafliie renieily. whiih will he -sent post-iiaid anywhere In th" world with full inslruetioni' tor B.lnir xo as 'o nfffwl â-  perinnnenf euro. Priee »: Address John T wait, Homeopathio Pharmacy. Arnp rlor, Canada. lODINOL The laiiious new discovery of llic age, positively, unii-kly, conipletelv relieves and cures (Miilre, Thick Nc»k. .-^eialica, Swclliiijis, Piinioii-, Oiiiii.'-y. et>. $i.i)0, orOloi Svoo. niaili-il oiuo -cipi ol pine by LVLE IMEOICINE CO., Toronto. e Whea You're Hoarse Use PI 30*5 > CURE V AttC fttSl *HJ\C\«i TOR (^UWSv»\gUlS Give? i-oimcdiate relief. The fii>;| dc^c rch." v<-.-5 your .iching t.'iroet and allav« the imtation. Giiafanlc'd to cuntam lu opiate--. Very paidtable. All Orusi iait, 2r>r. NOKiiiKitN LiKK A.ssrit.v.M:n iinpaii.v have guotl 4i|H-niii|cH for oa- jM-rieiieed iii.siiraiii-t- writers, also f<»r • nnir men wli,. de*ire to make money. .\<l(lre«s. .I.iliii Milne. MaiiaginK liiie. tor Noitheni I. if.-. I.,iiiil..n. Dili FARMS FOR SALE. "1^0 KSa 100 aeieA ill tlio jlownship ol X^ Taradoe. in the County of Middlesev, Nuil, rieli Hiiiul.v louin. 3 l-i aer<M orehard, t 1-2 sion-y fr.-iiiie h.»use. 2 frauio hariis an^ other outhuildiniTH. a few r^nls to piihli* school, and elosi- to ehur.-li. 4 iiiili-H trom *J|ra;liro.v market and K. It. Stalion. N' 11. 6272 'M .MltKS IS THK TOWNSHIP of lilaiidford. in the County of Ox- ford, '.oil. hhiek ulay loam. 2 storey eon- rreto hou^e. fiatui- bank harii wii.h >-tal>l- ftifr under, otltor oQtlmildinirs. hiiildintta tiearly new and in Rood repair. t.ituateil on iJravel road. 4 luile* from W'lXHlsloek iiiiirket and II. 1!. Station. This adrertiHO- nioiit -ippears in over 2(W newspaper.^. Iiiiliiirer-' wilt plea^ie ^tati- llie paper in wliuli Ihev -inw lliif ailvorliseinent. Thi» Wi-^terii Itoal Iwtale Kxeliaiiee, I.iuiited, 73 Diindn,* St.. London, Ont. UlilTISIl rnl,l MUI.V 1-UltT (IhoHiiK lands. ,*.0(XXI :«ere.< fii-l le uhenk anil niixed lai'tiiiiiK landh. .Senil for »ho- t.iirrapli.^ anil ^lll•veyor-* rt-port-s. Th*» Wriirlu Iitve-Jtnieiu t'o.. l)<^niiiiioii rriist Hnildin^. Vaiu'oiiver. R. 1.'. l„^OIt s.VLK 1>K i;Xi!l-VNGK. nni.l>I.S(| l.iti and farm lands on eas.v pa.v- pi»pert.v. H. Vi.iit'e Stride*., me I. Is. Will M. Mathe« T.>r..>nlo. hii.v western I?. ...Ill r, 1-2 7." VITAl MsAnnWSaaMgCMtaKU itedWik; e M. a y Itail^ are* U»c w-r-i. i«inst n Croin o!!,. to Iwan'v itkln i!aa ^oi Hea.I a4-he 'piok ar q e r ^ oas^, Toothaettf. S«w«l«ia. R h a M matlbin. 1 uinhar.- pijni In -he N.-»(*V. niAne ur k^dnevn. Mine aruaiid t Hn liver, pi a ti r t M > swolliiinof 'he Ini it*, an.i ntlnaof all liln la. naa MBWAY't MAOy RILItF. INVIGORATING TONIC FOR RUN-DOWN PEOPLE Vout hlotxl )'.a> be\:oine thin an<i ueek. Ihe (Jteiit upon your ryFtcin the pail (r-.. monlliii has been vcrvjjtest. Youareion- j'ljurnlly (reling " «ll cut of »orls " snJ "fiindnwn." \*ouf appetite ia bail and > i>u hsrtlly ha>e encu|ih energy led to do >uur daily dulie<. ^'ou tliotild lake PbYCHINE.lhrgiealc»tol Tonics, with- out dels) . 1 )i.> will put you on your lee: At uni:e. Genliemen :- ."I li«>i! ii.«e<J PSN'Cl IINK and I do thmlt it i-« llif gteate.'t Ionic and >ysl;ni builder tn«»n. I w oiilil advite all w ho sre tun -do" n oi pKyjii ally weak to UM PS'lCHINf..'. ^ouu truly. Mrv Ja... Bcclisnd. We»l li.ioiilo. If 9Mwtw««k fSTCHINEaill «<kt naalrMK. Fvf Seb k> â- !â-  DresiiXi A l>r'l>.->, Stc. h $1 aw b«it:>. Dr. T. K. .^-LOCUM LIMITED, TOROKTO V,

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