Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1910, p. 8

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Makch 31 mo 1. 'i Business Cards WALTKR I.OUCKM Buii<>*r n't Contractor Rer Brick. Btcnc aud fraiua rMi<l«Dc««. Hi- tluMt*! ol>««rfMlly furrltiwd, Kl«b«rt<)a 1' O QpUrio. ^ II <JUU/)UOU A VOUNQ W BttDkan Markdkl* 0« • (aaaral bMiUDC butlosM . Uonay losnad at r«MOMU>le ratei' Call ou u«. TOhlHLETT. • I'mtuiWM-/, Cayloo. Comnilulooar In H. C. J . CoDireya uiort«M(o*, leM«>, Willi etc cirvlully ilrawii up . CooTeyijiMf, ilaecU. JollHstioaii madf. cliwrKan rMMoable, AUo srocariiai, flour, (tad ate. kapt lu atock. I'noea right. __^___â€" â€" RJ Sl-BOULB foatniaater, PleabartoD v«iumiatiourr in H.C J., AuotioBea Con« layaarar, Appralaar and Monay I;«iidar Hval Kaiata asd Inauraoca Agaot. Daado, Biortuagaa, leaui aul Willi caratullydrava up and valuatioua inada on abortast DOtIra luooaytoloan atlowait ratal of intereat.?^!- eotioaa attandud to with proinptnea* cUargaa low. Agant for Ocaau DpminiOD 8t«am»bip CoDipany. A call •olioitad. DMcPHAIL, I.iceuia.) Auotiouaar foi the • County of IJrey. Ternm inoderate and Mkliifartlon siiarantfed. Tho arraogoinanu »nd dat«!» of halen laii Iw made a». TuK Advanok office. lt*itidern.(iat>ar.O.,Ceylou, Tehtphooe â- .oonection. Dae. 0.07. WM. KAITTIVO. Licensed Auctioneer for the coiintira of (iiey and Simooa. Farm and Ktoek sales a Hpaoialty. Tarnia inoderato Miti»(ictioii cusfanttcrt. .\rrauKe- uianut for daU's mav be iiiadn at Die .Advance, office, or A:T. Ilatcolntion'g Htore, tevertham byaddreaaing uie at FeTersbatu, Out. Throat Coughs • Ask your doctor about these throat coughs. He wii3 tell you how deceptive they are. A tickling in the throat often means serious trouble ahead. Better explain your case care- fully to your doctor, and ask him about your taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. A Wa pabUak our (itaialaa yers Wa baaiak alaabol AroB ear macialnaa Wa arta ym to aeaa«U7e<u daator THE FLBSHEETO » ADVANCE Rl'DI) MATHKWS, Markdala, Llceuaert auctioneer (or tiie county of (irey. Oooil aerviee at ioaw.ual>lc rates. Dates can be tuado at The Advance o09 â-  i 1HABVEY I'KUmOE." broker, Klesterton. General brokerage businciJi. liiaiirauce o! vylry kind placed in â- tfeandliberMoouipaiiio*. Xeal eatate etc.. Ot>en aocuuutg and ]>aat doe LiOteo baiidlt'I and money alra'iuod tbercon, loneapoodeiice folicite I. Who tnakes the b.est liver pills? Tbe J. C. Ayer Compttiy, ot Lotrell, Mais. They have been makinc Ayer's mit for over sixty years. If you have the slisbt- •St doubt about using these pills, ask your doctor. Do as he ssys, always. â-  !â-  M iSi by «>• *. C. Aywr Qa.. %tmta, » â- â- Â» i Medical v DR CARTP.R kl C P d: S Ont. rtayiiciaa, Biirtjeon, etc Office and residenceâ€" Peter 3t., Pleaberton JP OTTBWEl.I/ "Veterinary Surcaon Oraduata aS Cfntario Veterinary Collega, ranldeoce â€" tifoad door aouth weat^OD ^arv atrect. Thia at'reat runs aoutb Prastrtariaii Church. H. WILSON, lilacVsr.iith .; 'iraduate ol tue Veterinary Rctane '.uociation. Diirbam street, oppoaittf Koyd, bro'a hardware. Dkxtirtry D E. C. MURRAY L. J. S , dental anrgaon iionoi'uradimte ot Toronto University and Il<>yal Colleiio ol Dental Siirtfaons of Ontario, fias aduiiaiiiiatered fvr teeth extraction otli'-e at resi'leuea^ ToroDto Street, Flea.'^artoo. Lecal WH. WRIGHT. Barrliter. Kolieitor, CottTay. aneer. et«:..â€" Owaa iiound. and Flestaerton. N H'-Flesfa«itou offisf, Spronle'alllock every Katurdav V O Societies n \r oieets o>. tbe lait . Monday aa..-t] niODtb, In their looge room .Voi-ri." block. Flesberton, at 8 p.m. M. W., Mile» Tbiiitl<>tliwaite; Rec.. C. H, Munshaw; I'io., W.J. Uel.amy. Visitin Littb«LlLTito(i PIIINCB ARTHUK LODGE, No. :k«,A.P.4 A ?J, meats in the Uaionichall, Arm- «ironi;'B Hlock.Klesherton. every Friday on t>t before the full inocD. Tlioa. UlakelT,W.M.; H«rb..aiiiith, Socretary. SE4S0NABLE IN GOODS FURNITURE Tlie lai-gcM. iind ])vnl stock of Puniiture ever nImiwu ' in Fle.shertoi). This without fenr of eiiii- trHdiction. Come (iiid Kt>e boiim of. the iiifu things ill Side Bimnls, Dining Rouiii Chairs, I'.irlor Setts, Bed Room Setts. A s[K:ci»l vediicj tiunjust now on cveiy- ihin«r,. in order to re- duce the slock. '. .' . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherto Halley's Comet. ilalloy's coiiiot may no>v Iw ii««n on iiiiilita whun coiiditionu ure favorable, with the aid of an oi)diiiiiiy .field gloM. Tho n»t)Rl fnvorablo tjtuu to look for it is ♦wi,«oun 6.3f) and 7 JiO |). ol.. with the «!««« elev'atwl aoniewlirre above where ihuKunsuiH. TlioHarvtirii obscrvalory focused tho w.indeier niglii,!^ on iheir big tolescoiie-s, and soiue interoiting photo- proph* of its develupinent are Wing aiHtlB. Profeswn- E. C. Pickorin^, directoi- of ihrt H.'trvard olMnrvalory, suyii ; " Tha coinet is at present in the twi- iialit reiiion. Jt is itr the hne of the sun and it« bri-jhtness is diiiiined by the lustre of the jsreat contrn of the soUr system. Besides, il has not yet a'tained il.'t maximum briliiniicy. That will be May 18th. It wi'l be visible all through April; but, at; its Iniiihtesf. in May. At iilHiut that lime, if cliiuds do nut obscure ir, it «lill ba ada/.zlin){ si:;h(r. Aliout a tliird uf the heaveiii^ will t>e colored with a liciy gold, its s'eat tlii<!.c» tlf li^^ht will phy from Olio pal t of I lie henvoua to uiiocber, aud iho .si^ht niiHie remember- ed for •{onenttioiis. llnlley's comet I'.as beua iiutvd for it-< brilli'tiit dis- pla.v.s." •, Ceylon Meat Market No Disordered Kidneys Or a Weak Bladder if Ymi Take * A Few Doses ol FIG PILLS I .^11 Backache and Di'^tress fi'cin Ont. of-order Kidneys or Bla.lder Trouble will I vanish, and you will feel tine. Lame I Back, Painful Stitohes. Rheumatism, ' Nin-vous Headache, Di/.ziiTes.s, Sleepless- I ne.ss, Woruout, Sick Ft-eling and ocbor \ syin))tomB of Sluggigh, Inactive Kidneys I and liiver di.siippoar. Soiartinir, Fre- quent riin:ktii.)ii and nil Bladder Trouble ends. FKJ PlLj^S.go,u once to the ..I disordered Kidneys, lil.idder and I'ri- , nary System, and complete a cure before you kiM» it. There is in otliev rcnedy, at any price, wliich will eftoct so thor- 'â-  ouL'h and periiianent a cure as a 2o-cent box of FIG PIFJiS. (Inly curative re- ;. suits can come from takiiii; Fltj PILLS, ' and a few doses mean elo.in, active, heal- ihy Kidneys, Bladder and Liver â€" and No ; Backache. For sile at all Hrst tl t^i drijg stores. ' 35c a box, or five for oiio dollKV. aprl4 COURT Fr.ESHKUTny, OO.-., I. O. v. ire Clavton'H Klock the last Wednesday ev I'eetain | I'f each month. ViHitiuR Foresters heartily > itelcome. It. ]{., Dyson; R. H., 'J'. Henry; . fin. S4C. ('. N. IlicbardHOii. ' I'Icasu pay .dues to Fin. gee. before the Arst " 'tS( â€" All kinds of fresh and smoked meals, head cheeie, sauHHi/u, tilwayson hand { Cash jiaiil (or hides. i 'naVoTtSe inoilth. (tHOSBN KhIKNDK-Flasharlon Council ol V <:noa«n Prieiils meets in Clayton'* hall nrst and third Wei1iiea<1ay of e&(-)i mouth H p. in f'ay itssesMiiientR to the Ker-order on or liefore 'cc lirst ilayof lach'uiontli. (Uiicf Councillor T. Iilakelev:KworM< r W.-H. Hunt. Farms For Sale or Rent F'.AttM TO HKWTâ€" luo acres. .\u|>ly to •» .. JOH.N WItlUHT, Klesherton. l,\\KH, Kllii<~SAI>K-ioo acres, M cleared. ^ iMianae hardwood t>usb: never tailing fpritiR pcnd : will sell forfltOOon re r east i*ruis. Apply'lo WU. C. RTItAIN. I'rotou Ntaiion. iriar U Thompson's L'>AltM nm 8AL.K-Very ciiaap. >00 acres, "^ Jot t), COP. 7, Osprey, only •dtM, reasonable <!asli payiiieut. balanceaaay terins. Bj acres .'leared, well fenced and in lilKh stato of cultl. vation, balau'.-e tiiiilieie'l. aofni comfortable Irauia ilwaliinr. sloiie cellar under, never fail- hiKsyrlnij hhII aud windmill puni|> at door, licw lvalue bai'n. well fiitlsliei. stone stabling vvith sprii);; 1»ater under, alt^o iu shed, ft is Mtuated i mile Irpni Maxnell village where tilers are storeflCv'l^ost nOlces. i;omt soliuol, and is on the k'ravel road. M miles from railway stalipn. If sold at once, above price. thoiiKfi Vr.in^' CIIKAI* inlKbt lie sbarleil a little. Jipi: 'rnoMAS (lUV, un ur»u:lae(. tt £ o S Bread xlelifennd regu- larly and kept for sale af the following stores: Collin.soii's and ;). PatliN.m's, Ceylon \V..\lileoin it Son's and P. MiArthiir's Prieeville N. SlcCannell's Piotoii Station R. Heron's, Maxwell .\. llut<^hinsi>ii's and Kli Robinson's Feversham H. ('aims', .l.K.liiirge's mid R. Parks', Eugenia Bakery 'ill OM AS (lUV, un pr»u:lae(, VAIIM KtlU SAI-K-iiot 10. < oiT. 'TT^aiTd -* and iiortli half Ix>t 10. Con. lOu, Dsprev. i.jO aoies : i\ ftrsiidaasfarin ; booiI brick house i.'idK'iodlisru VJ » T! with rninent- slnblini; ; •arm well nitered by (;oa<l wellatho.iae and never failinx fPriiiK creek ; Well fettecd and in a first class stateof <;ultlvation. >'or price and teii»a|>lily oiitno preiiilHes praddreSB l(. J, i <'oi.QimTC. Fevnraliain. .lanljtf i • â-  _ I I,Vr sale I'Udap or rent, iintnediata |>otseaflon. ' 'â-  !<ol v^lci n. U, "AitiuiBiiia, about 7.5 acres i «lciai,ioMfoc*alile lot! house and frame twrn. Appiifto It .1 HiM'Milo. KInslierton. or John J Mailin.S'ioKs tUn road (rpin said Int. Voysalf eheaiiaiirl on easy terms, ijoodtfoin- • lor able fratiie (Iwelllui/; (table aud drTTtnR nous* aflHi th â- ei, \ ilTaiia lot» in Ceylun- Dwell- >n(iwr;l l.iiiit and ftainliiid aild nood bearlni; I'lrliSr l..ri tlie jnuiH-rty.. Apply to lij Sriioi'i.it.Kleshei'tdii. I J' " O.prejf Woiitsliirni; lOi) acres, HI) -â- /c lesK.i, r.siiie i.nuse. frame barn, stone in.iiidsiioii: oicliara. w»ll iutere<l. One ! iiioii»»ii.l<'..iwn«rid balaiHMtto suit fnuihaser. i Iniiiiediste prisii(s>iiiii A|ipl> to '• j .* • n. N Kl"-'! ».>i Ma«well 1'. O. i FISH . FISH FISH Now Ihai the roads are si bad I can- not iii'ike my regular rounds, hut hare on hail 1 lake Superior Salinna Trout and White Fish, alio Like Erie Her- ring. Parties can be supplitd a> my reaidonce, (]!ollingwood street, Flesh- eiton. II. J{ A J) L E Y, Dealer in fresh fish only. S Pltl N(i TKUM at I lie ' , II 1 Animals ior Sale ^;- ^Mr/z^r/fv^ ,^f iimv.-i.4i.-.A,t .,f y,„,„K ,,ij)(, bred fenm '^^/iyy]yj//"YAr/>///^yy/!> mire *)i.Mjiis M.., k. f„, i,hf. Also ] ViiH^A\ S^yj^C^/^/C/^^KC^/lCfV^ Jl..rkMiiie|in>;,tiv., yetysolrt." W*itc li.e for <~-^ ^^-^" -^ |'rii( •;ui glv (iwen Sound iniiiienc«s Tuesday, Mari.li '2!i, liilO. INSTIU'CTION IN ALLm'SINR-SS SIBJKCTS. Information Free. A. Flemine, ii. 1). Fuming, Pi incipat. Secretary. . , , -. '* I'^iKnin^ iil»o ifiimioitiT , suti'fiii-ll.rtK.ii ;,|J mail ,,nl.-rs. .* J . "*^'. W UQRH. Maaw^ll p. o. 1 C. n ,. ' . â- y^'^^-' ij^BivmrAL Bulls, etc^ far Service. ! A If asrslletit rttwe bre.1 â-  HliSi'fltorn bull,' .â- ., • .^MMtaO imperial.- tor servHie. on tot ' (' ,M.c..n .-.. Aiteineala. Terms ♦J.^v) fw «ra<1es •I'V . frtAH. H'TAI'l^rltn. Ai ZrkinB" '"'"' ''* «'"'«fi'-nl boar. UjOlICRIahmehv fiiran that a Hylaw was II nrnW ll.,lif.,. ,\„ !• r. â-  v.. ' fia»«c.l by theftunlolpal fou-;cil off" Klre <j,,pi„ lieL L^ 1 l"i»'l'd'lM"' Arten.eslao.i thli Hll, dsynf March Voi.wX "ko v^^^^ Asilil^"'"' I"'"*''''''*) 'â- "â-  the iHSiH, of rlebe": .n...?r..«.T..i •?»'•• ^)''»,.»nH"«*"'i"*^ â-  tWMrtulh((aui.)\intof»IM)00, f,.r ilio miriuisp iC.MI of if, /.'''•''. ';'',"'"'i''''''f'''''»"''3 l<'«»l«blln«tli.,'IMwo,l,i|.of .*rt c"i,T',,t", .himld I,., un„i„,e.l »''''to,"â„¢'l«".*.,, . j»«*ioliH.,hoolIlo»i€lo.l»ot«nd.,,.Mi..si:hT,l ^^,y ,,11 I r.L.iS'.iiV Ivi ." *'''''â- â€¢'<. ; b«V",t" "'""'«"' C?"llniiatioii Si'liool Oistrict i^.i >, ' . I I I andSy-otd, - tfl8»liert«M Onl. I..»i,d Ibat »iiph Kylaw «as reuisteie l iu the I l.oi-l... ..., i,.d. l'.,r«' h.Si'h.o "iTâ„¢*,; I J',oill'i''y <»l»l*ofor I'm Ho.ith' Ijirtim! gf the iwpiej. i,,i,i,s#^ •'â- ^'V.'r J*!;'*^?- ' tl« jama of ,,.» pair t hereof must be mode .:.â- ..:? l-erersliain.flnt. . whJifll ijki:ee tiifftuis »rt..i thoUiM piiltlieation SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 1 at. High (jrade departmeiits of Businfffi, Shorthand nnd Type writing. In dividual iusuuotion. Studenta may enter at any time. Catalo^tue free. Colllngwood Business T. E. HAWKINS Principal College WANTED! A representative for Flesh- erion. This is the time to sell nursery stock. We pay liberally and offer steady employment. Our lisl of spocialtiea enibracea a rare and choice list of ready sailers in both truit and ornamental ituck, aeed po-, tatoes, etc. Write for terms .-lud catalog. STONE & WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nur.series (Established 1837) Toronte, - Ontario i jun Chatham Tolton waggons Harrows The News of all the world-Red-Hoi The Toronto Daily Star's tpkndid lekgriph and cable aervice bringi to iu editorial rooms, on eight wires, all the world's news while it i* newt. Bettdo the regular Canadian and American Associated Press and Cable serrtces, the Star ha* the exclusive use for Toronto of a leased wire to New York, and geu all the world's news mock quicker than any other tcrvice gives it, mi. often more fully. From correspondents all over Canada, from Sydney to Victoria and Prince Rupert, tbe Toronto Dail| Star jgtXi a Canadian Telegraph service that is unsurpHseJ. On account of the difference in time (over 5 hours) the Star is able to publish in the afternoon an account of Old Country happenings up to 6 or 7 o'clock the same evening â€" the same newt the morning papers ^ve you the next day. The Star's editing staff present this fresh, world-gleaned news in a torm that b most "newsy" and entertaining, yet always clean and wholesome. The Star does not spare expense when there is an opportunity to serve its readers, as illustrated when it recently sent to England Jos. T. Clark, a member of its staff, to cover the British ^- $1.50 A Year Thit papar and^ih* "Tortnte Daily Star" togatbar for •/!• ytar, 92.20. Guaraniatd Fountain Pan girtn for SOc. adilad to aiova subserifition prieat. 8 ciJ]y:.'^nM^^.^'^rtt;-r!^.^^^H^ aniiiinl 'X "ha pcdlsiep "m" |M^. iin,: lie leeii 1 1 1 1 1 . , j • ,, . A.vniil.W now .Prcpiim,,,! I ItulKroiiiliiifOrlfil hliieli, aitu • I'll "MVlijeon loil.'il.T. A- f. JOHM AUAMN, iro|!': A L'overniueiit ovoisoiir of destitute and truant children was in townlaat week inakifig eiKjiiiries for anv who needed his atteniioii. He iveiit nut to the farm of J.'tiiies I !<>)(!,', an old in^iu in the eis;hties whose yoiipg wife die<i ati'iut three years ago, leaving him with 11 young family of J,^_ -,_ ^-v>-»«»^« fixe children, the eld^^t .1 girl now four- ri r^l (jr^K I l j\ l teen years of age. Li.l. year a boy was I *^^"-^^'^"--'*^, taken charge of by il.e Chikbei.'a Aid â€" _ ; Society, and iiiw llie liil'incenf the cbild- j ten are taken awiy to li.) looked after by "he Provincial authorit iuii. The idd man, I who is very badly cripi'ledby iheiiniarihm and not able to ctiu tot himself, is left alone at the farm mid -is in a bad way. j We (iiiderstniul ' ho w ill also I.0 cared for as suoi! as a suitable playe is arranged for. 'I'he ease ij one that c.dia fur great syni- : piithy.as the old man is strongly attatcbed ' to his children, and it .is sorely against I his will that his home is broken. Ho is I well educated ai)d has an ipconie outside ' of the farm, which he ow(it>, &iid is,thore- foie, linaneiiilly able to .support Iho little I oiio.s. The neighlHrrs' have been veiy I kind to them.- Uuiidalk Herald. I .^ missionary Ml Iiidiii'ahowed « Dtah- nnn a dioji of water rhrough a micro, tcope. When the liiahniiu beheld the 1 myriads of creeping thing* iu the water, I and was told he drank jtat such, lie be- came very uneasy. .After a time he cnine i and offered an ininieiise sum for the j niioroscope. The missidiiary at last sold it to him. .\s soon as he had got it he jcast it ilimn veheniantly on the |mivo- ment, and daahtd it to piieoes. Tbeie j are many who get rid of Uangeid by »iin- ply shutting their eyts.â€" Confederate. ' Jacob Still of Gleiioio«8, Mono town sliip, was killed In tilie »oods on his farm last week when tththering sap fiir sugav- iiiaking, hy a limb of a troo falling tinne thirty leet, stiiking liim on the head and fracturing his skull, lie wiig ah>ne at the t'me vf the accident jtiid was jfound some lime alter liy his coutMn Alfred, still in an unconscious condition. He'.died lyeforo ho could be iTuipi'ed to Ium homo. Deceased was nliout f<nty ytars of nge and leaves a widow who is a ciippIe. ^ -\ ftrange cur, evidently suH'ering from raljies, ran ainuuk<in the Uallyovoy dis- trict, a few diiya aj;.) and now there is trouble. The dog entered yarda At.d stables and hit several horse* iiiul cattle 1' befoni It was shot. Thd aiiiriiMls woio tied up 10 watch dcvelopcinenis. One eow belonging to Mr. iDavid McKlwain devclopeJ rabies atid was ahot, and oilier of his c'tttle and H0|iie borae.s of hiajtei^h- bora aro showing syjiiptomiiof thelliHoaHO, and may have to be deatroyeil.^ Dolttui Knterpriae. Mr, 11. C KuBsell, Aimstlu, ot the Latter Day Sjlnt cburoh, left iKia week, to atiencK a confofcncn of tho tw\»lvi», which i)* thia w<«ok being held in. Iitlti-" )>endenie, Missouii. Mr. Russel wiin, Itiat j year, made one of the Twelve. Apostles Iwhicli IS the soc'itid liighrst rank in that di'iioniinalion, their -authority liuin ' supeu'eded only \\y the Prtiaideiicy.whlt: is cii^npoaetl .if . Joseph Smith, jr., .vnd two ttdvJMirs. - Arlljur Kntoriniso. The BiaH who Rbts tha lowest letfera . eomplains the niojt.iif khe,.pt>st oftlco ; ihol' man who complains of hm proaohor |iay.>yt[i> the pjeuiher the h?»st ;„ tho inai^wiio 1 coniplitiM.i most of his ne'sihlinv is thfj , meaiii St noighbiir, and the ni^lj who hits ' II18 lii-,r aunse is tho roosj coneeitfd. ; '•!•(< worhf," saiil Uncle KKet>, -I'ts • .sninpin' like a lookiii/glaiis you's g'inti'r . gri i.eiiei- rvsulls ifijtou smi'eadaii if \,. u iir,;,.,'S fiiot.s.'^ Also for sale one new Mc- CoRM icK Cultivator worth looking at, ami one new National Ciiea.m .Separator for sale cheap. ONE second <4ANG hand, a PLOW, bar''ain. Call and Examine These Goods S. HEMPHILL - Ceylon, Ont. C. J. BELLAMY Having purchased Norii.'? Bros.' en- tire stock, we are prepared to cater to the public in anything in the hard- ware, tin.sniithing and phnubing hne. We have a first class tinsmith and plumber with us. Come and give us a call. We will satis- fy you. Horse jHstempeil c.J.Bellamy,Fleslierton Prince Edward Fa.nnAr $tn1. i ^ J Prince Edward Fanner Sol emnly Declares "Nervi- line" Is a Specific. After firty years' experience In rnis- I ng horses I can safely testify that no ' •emedy give* such good results for an ' ill-round ctuble liniment as Nervlline." 1 rhua opens the very earnest Utter of j. 1 r. Kvanaton^ who Uvea near Welling- I on, P. K, '•! had a very valuable horse hat took distemper a month ago, and I .vas afraid I was going to lose him, ! lis throat swelled and hard lumps de- i .•oloped. His nostr ils ran and he had a i terrible cough. 1 \ tried different re- , mediop.' but v.as | uiicb!«> to relieve my horse of his ' palii and suffering | tin I started to use j Nervlline. 1 mix- ' ed a. bottle of Ner- I _^^__^,„„_ villiie and sweet I nd rubbed the mixture on the ' hroat and chest three times a day and I tou would scarcely believe the way 1 hat horse plelted up. Nervlline cured ' ilm. I also have used Nervlline for ;ollc In horses and cows, and earnestly recommend It to every man that is 'atsing stock." For strains, sprains, swellings, colic. \ Jlslemper, coughs, and cOlds, no lini- ment will prove so efficacious in the j stable as ••Nervlline"â€" it's good for 1 man or beast, for Internal or external 1 use. Wherever there is pain, Nervlline j will cure It- Refuse substitutes. I^arge 1 >ottles 50c, trial slae 2Sc, at all deal- I »r8. or The Catarrhosono Cd., Kingston, I but. I CURED! IN 34 IIOtiR.* ' .You can paliilesKly remove any com, â-  ellher hard, sott, or hleedliiR, by applvlng Putnam's Corn Extractor. It, never burns, leaves no scar, contains nc j RClds; Is harmless, because composed ; ohty of healing jsuma and balms. Ktftv | Cure guaranteed. Sold ^mmmmmmmmi^^m^mmmm^' Nervilin€ CURES QUICKLY :iT The Markdale Music House Tolnlendcl Buyeis." If you want a tirst.c!a.ss piano or orsjan call here. 1 sell Mich bifjh Ki-ade pimio-s aa the Heintzmnn, Newcombe, and Stjxnley, of Toronto ; W illis ]ii»mw and pUyer pianes, of Montreal ; and the Wm. Knabe & Co.. of Baltimore- and other niiikes. OruarssuihastheThoma», of Woodstock, and Sherlock-Manning organs aud pLsyer ori;ans of Londonâ€" both for homfs and churches. Any of these gottla sold on terms to suit the buyer. C* T. aiil$on» Itlarluialt CORNS years In use. by all druggists, 25o bottle.«; Refuse substitutes. PUTNAM'S PAINLESS CORN EXTRACTOR S. M. Osborne Maxwell MILLINERY OPENINGS, Thursdaj, Friday and Saturday, April 7, 8. 9 We eMcnd a coidi»l invilstion to all the ladies of Maxwell aiid .snii-ouuding country to visit (urmininery parlors on the above and fulhiwifig Jays, u will [lay you to call and inspect for youi-selves. W e cai ly a full hno of dry jjoode. Next week we will have on «ale our ww spniiij »t .ck of new prnits, .Iress ;j;ood», suiiinss, waistings, ladies' and se.its ur.derw»ar, and everyihiiij{ that -.oes to compo.se a general store. We are makinjj a specialty of t »ot» and sloes, at prices ch.aper than tha cheapest. COME ;to|maxwell 5. n. Osborne, General Merchant -'• 111* pKii'll. i»h'. l>r,iin,-j .11 lllClKl «11.1 AljituR!, IJIlBll'.t;.,..,!! . -.;..1,„ l,»t. 11. .i«.|«il (ly, l)f..t Mlllili. I)ii',l| lail t |i(i/iM (iui!kt«roint <) •>.i« .Uillio n setiiiip.i i'.iH* «f«clq.it« .i. , , «<-ilili , ,,Jt'oip. t.'l'.-i'i, ci!:!. ,\ «./" ^•*l i^. I L For Snloby Sproule, IllKKinbotham & Co., Fle»herton nnd James Pattison, Ceylon.

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