Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1910, p. 8

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ftiL 7 1910 THE FLESHERTOIS ADVANCE MkuriM Business Cards ^^*^-4B«r*r*<iR loucks hK^.P " ^^ilder nd C«ntrtctor For flric's, SI«ne »nil Imite rMidencen. . Om«te« cbecrluiFy' (tirritbed, FleaUertuii I> Ontario. Ra- il CULLOUOH & YOUNQ Wi Uankeri) Markdale Do* general bankiDRbUBiDeM. Honey loaned a}, reasoaable ralor Call on uh. TChlbLVn'T, • • Poslui aster, Ceylon. Comuilsnionvr lu H.C. J .Conveyanoer, deeds. »orter.iiM, leases, wllln «U. carefully drawn up 'Jollectiona mad:-. cliarKvn rcasoiialilB. AIto groceriua, flour. teeJ etc. kept In block, Trices rifibt. &J Sl-BO'.TLE Po«tiua«tcr, Flesiieitoo >.oiunlU>louer in H.C J., Aactlonee Con- v»y»noir, AiipraUer and Money Lender Seal Kutate and Insurance A«eiit. DeeriP, UJort«aee«. '«»«•• ^o^ wills caretuUy drawn op and valuations made on shortest octice jnoney to loan at lowest rates of interest. .Col- «»llon« attended to with iiromptnoss cbaMtt-f !"â- Â». Client for Ocean Uoiuinioo «J»4im8lup Comi'^uy. A call solicited. DMcrHAIL. r.iCPUBe.1 Auctioneer for the j • Conut)' of Orey. Terms moderate and | ostlefai-tlon unarauteed. Tbo arranRcments [ B.nd dates of Hales can be made a*. The Avvawk , • nice. UeMdcuce and r.O., Ceylon, Telepboiie ^ â- â- â€¢nnection. ticc. f..07. _^__^_ ' • VM. KAlTTISli, Tvicoused Auctioneer for '» the counties of Urey and Kimooe. Farui and Sto<;k sales a Kpecialty. Terms inod«rat« satisfaction guaranKed. ArranRe- •aeuts for dales uiav be made at the Advance jfflce, or a: T. Hutcbinson's store, heversham LyaddrciifinK uie at Kevershaui, Ont. RUDI) MATHF;\VS, Markrialo. Mccnsed aucUoneer for the county of (irey. Qood service at reasor.able rates. Dates i:au be made at The Advance, o 00 II1AHVEY I'F.HIGOE. broker, Floiherton. lieneralbrokeraKe business. Insurance of • very kind placed in Bafeandlihe>'nlcoini>auic9. }(eal estate etc. . Op«n accounts and jMist One notes bandlt^d and money adrauced tbereon. Correspondence solicited. Jy on-alcoholic Sarsaparitta If you think you need a tonic, ask your doctor. If you think you need something for your blood, ask your doctor. If you think you would like to try Ayer's non-alcoholic Sarsapa- rilla, ask your doctor. Con- sult him often. Keep in close touch with him. A W* publlah our forinulfts 9 yers V/* banUh ftlcobol fVom our uiediclQ«a Wft urg* you to coQtalt your doctor A Priceville Critic Ask your doctor to name sotne of the results of constipation. H is long list will begin with sick-headache, biliousness, dyspepsia, thin blood, bad skin. Then ask him if he would recommend your using Ayer's Pills. Miile bj lb* J, O. Afn Ca., LowcU, Maaa.â€" SEASONABLE IN GOODS ]Medical DR CARTER M CP & g Ont. Physician. Snruoon.etc Office and rosidoneeâ€" Peter St., Flesber ton JV OTTKWEl.b Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" 83cond door south west.on Jaary street. This street runs south Presbyterian Cbarch. H WILSON, tllacksi.ilth graduate of tue Veterinary Bclenc Asaociatiou. Durham street, opposite Hoyd, Bros hardware. Dextistry Dr. E. C.^HURRAV U D. S., dental surgeon .^"^lOi'Kraduate of Toronto University and 'TToyal ColleKe of Dental SurReons of Ontario, (•as 8diuisinist«rod for teeth extraction Ofllie at residence, Toronto Street, Flcslierton. FURNITURE Tho liU!,'c.sl .-nul lif.'-l stock of 1'' limit me t-vir sh<)»n in Fle.sherlon, Tliii* williout fcjir of cnii- tiiidictiou. Collie iiiul .sec some of the nice things in Side Uoiirds, Dining Room Ch.'iivs, Piuloi- .Setts, IJed Room Setts. A s|K!ciiil reduc- tion just now on eveiy- tliing, ill order to re- duce the stock. . . . W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherto ^ >: Legal WH. WRKJHT. Barrister. Holicltor, Convey- aueer, etc.,â€" Owen Round, and Klesbertoo, N Bâ€" Flesbei ton office, Sproule'a Block every ljatur<:av ^ .Societies A.^ V W meets on the last Monday in eaoh month. In their loago room .S'nrriB' block. Flesherton, at 8 l>.m. jttJjfl: Alfred Harrison; Bee.,' C. H. Mul^w; Kin., W.i. Bel. amy. Vlsitliu^ brethr«B itvited M PKINCB ARTHTR LODGE, No. :a3, A.K.& A M, meets in tilt Masonlchall. Arm- strous's Block, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full m oca. Thos. Blakely.W.M.; Herb.amltb, Heire'.ary. •-â- pOL'Bl HtBBUKKTON, aai, 1. 0. F. iroets In « ClaytoiifslUottk the last Wednesday cveuiim <if each ibonth. Visiting Koiesters heartily welcome. TH. R.. Dysun; R. 8., T. Henry; Kin. Sec I'C. N. llicbardson, i>leas<> ^y dues to Fin. Bee. before the first 'lav of the iitouth. CHOSEN KHIKNDSâ€" KleRliertoii Council ol Chosen Kriunls mei'ts in Claytons hall first Kud third Wedaoaday of each month H |>. m I'ay aBBessiiients to tlie Recorder on or before tec nrst (lay of i-ach month. Chief Councillor T. Hlakelev: Recorder W. H. Bunt. â- .♦.Farms For Sa!e or Rent Ceylon Meat Market All kinds (jf fresh inid smoked moats, hi'iid cheese, sHusitue, ulwiiys on hand Cash jmid lor hides. J. HcCLOCKLIN Thompson's 1 ,^AKMTO RENT-'JUU acres. Apply to .lOHN WHUnn'. Klesherton. l.MKM Kf»H SALEâ€" Very olieap. 100 acres. ' lot it, con. 7. < isprey. only *)0(W, reasonable ' ash payment, balance easy terms, e.^.arirs . lesrod, well (i-noed and in 1iIkI> »t»te of culti- vation, balance timbered, (food conifortable frame dwelllnit, stone cellar under, never fail- inn spring well and windmill pump at door, i.rn frame barn, well tinislied. stone stabliiiK v.itli spring -jratcr under, also in shoil. It is i-itusted j mile Iroiii .Maxwell village where 'liers are stores, post offices, good sidwol. >.ud is on the gravel road.IU miles from railway â-º tatlou. II sold at once, above price, though VKIIV CHKAl' might be shaded a little. Ijill'IJ-;. Klosheiton. or j.lses. tf \m>ly to ll'. .1. HIMiOI'Li:. 'I liOM.^H aUY. onpreu.lses. l.'AIIM KOIt HAI..Kâ€" f-ot 10, <'on. 11. and â-  and north half Lot 10. (on. KC.l. Dsprev. lO aoius ; aftrstelassfarm ; good brick house ,,,,.1 ...md barn 'rf x 72 with cement stabling ; â- .u i x>.ll watered bv good well at house and . ' II iliiig Hiring creek ; well fencid and In â-  . '.^ t .lass state of cultivation. Kor price and t^'^^i^ppiy on toe pioiulsee or address It. .1. » oi.^LF.'iri:. Keverstjem, .lunlOtf f Hiviid delivered regii- ( liirly iind ke|»t for side j at the following Htores: 2} e o ('•dliiLsoii's ami .1. Pallisou's, ("eyloii ft >V..\ldeoni iV Son's ^^ 1 iind I'. Mc.-\rthar's IVieeville N. McC'iinnoU'H o 3 <• u I'rolon .Still ion • 1{. Ileiim's, JJiixwell o 3 •o \. llutcliin.soirs and w Kli Itoltinson's Kevur.sham « 11. ('aims', .I.K.Large's iiiid K.l'.uks', KugiMiia Bakery , Pricoville, 29-3- 10. KniToK .ViiVA.NCK,-- Your iMjicr of week before Inst oontjiins an artitlo re coiitinu- alioii Hchool ivliich cannot in justice to tht) rust of !liu towiwhip )msh uiiuhal- lenged. In it you made some sweeping iisNurt ions and some miHstHttiiiieiit.s wliich i are no credit to The Advimco and are certainly contrary to its jnihlishetl motto. In the tirst place you wiun all " ignor- ant " readei's that " tbo |jrojcct i« secure md tho townsliip will have its education id institution for all lime to come." Fei-- haps S.I, lint the lio.st laid plans of even the high school hoard may go far astray in the three months that iiiu.st elapse before the selling of the debentures. This cowardly tin list re tlio .security of your institution may silence tho '" ignor- ant," Imt a few remain whu will not back down from a show of bonibiist and printer's ink. .Secondly, yon ask why was not the i|iicstioii of bavins; a vote of the people (iiscu.ssed at llio (,'ounty Council last .lanuary .' We liavu th'.' as.sniance of at least one county comicillov IVnin outside Artenu'sia th.il lie fully understood a vote was to lie taken oi' he never would li-ivo sanctioned the Floslieiton niovo. More than that, Mr. Kditor, Flesherton did not srnd a delegation to the County Council with the intention of a.sking a favor on a Vote ipf the people. She was far too .shrewd to let the jieople know 'inything about it. Thirdly, you say that when "eontinua- lioii ehiK-ses were first formed " there was no objeciiou. This is not tho cii.sc, as a I'riceville giinllcman at that meeting stated tli.it his section would object or objected. Fourthly, yon tay that at llie l>eginn- ing of the continuation classes project "it j was understoixt by many of the electors jthat i scIkmiI Would ha\e to lie built." This is another inis-.statcnient. In reply til a query, the ini|iiirer wis told that it would lie-siiiall expense to rent a hall or a rooTli in the village for the extra class or cla.s.ses. Wo now come to tho nio.st glaring piece 'of llciion in the entire article. In ctdd black and white we read, " It wn.s decid- ed to ,isk the County Council to establish I a larger district, which was done on |h'- I titioii of the rejiresontative.s of the soc- jtions interested." Now, Sir, as one of the J •' ignorant " ones in "one of tlie Hcclions j interested " I iiiiiy say thai we were never lajiiirised of what was lieiiig done ; we did not iK'titinn to become jKirtakei-s in : the aft'air ; Were ul no time consulted as * to Consent or even opinion, and were Icitally and ]iiir|Hisely ignored from tir.st to last. This, then, is the diti'erence lie- ' twovn fact and tictitiii, in .\rteu;esia at jleaRt. Your editorial goes on to .say that the sclKsd board recognizes that "the strong- est objectors are enemies of the schisil, ' 'and later on "that sectimial biu.s is a j strong factor in the case." Now, sir, I these very words were used at a council I meeting in Flesherton and on the dtiinHiid ' of a Priceville reprcsen'ative they were withdrawn. Td Iind The Advance, which ,|iri(les it.self, and justly so, on its urigiii- ,ality, using the retracted words of a Flesherton citizen is surjirising to no ' small degree. ' We might go on to show the iiii]irac- ' ticable natnre nl the whole affair ; the I underhand iiielhuils which have been iMii- (jiloyed ; the stealth which characteri/.eil all the proceedings and to explain fully the Priceville side of the iniestiim, bnl lime forces us merely to answer your assertions on behalf of the "ignorant." Thtf hi'tol industry, it is egtimaUH), i brings int<i Switzerland about £8,000,tX)0 1 every year. i No Disordered Kidneys i Or a Weak Bladder if You Take | A Few Doses of | FIG PILLS All Backache and Drstress frciii Out- of-order Kidneys or Kladder Trouble will vanish, and you will feel fine. Lame Back, Painful Stitches, Uheuiiiatism, Nt.-rvous Htjitdache, Dizziness, Sleeplet.s- nfss, AVornout, Sick Feeling and other symptoms of Sluggish, Inactive Kidneys and Liver disappear. Smart inir. Fre- quent l.'iination and all Bladder Trouble ends. FI<i PILL'S go at once tii the disordered Kidney.ij, Bladder and I'ri- nary System, and complete a cure before you know it. There is no other remedy, at any price, which will cft'eot so thor- ounh and pernianont a cure as a 25-cent box of FI(} PILLS. Only curative re- sults can come from taking FUj PILLS, and a few doses mean clean, active, heal- Ihy Kidneys, BUdderand Liver and Xo Backache. For sale at all firsit class drug stores, 2>5c a bo.v, or five for one dollnr. aprl4 SPRING TERM FROM APRIL 1st. High grade departmciits of liusine.ss, Shorthand and Type writing. In dividual instruction. Students may enter at any tiaie. Catalogue free. Collingwood Business T. E. HAWKINS Principal College You Can Even Do Your Toronto Shopping Throngh *"nic Star The Star's "In Toronto Shops" Depart- ment describes new and attractive ofFeringj seen in City Shops day by day, with the Toronto Daily Star's ofFcr to purchase any of these articles for out-of-town subscribers who send the money. Many are taking advantage of this Department. "OflnteresttoWomen" isthc well-deserved heading of a special page in the Toronto Daily Star. It is one of two and sometimes three pages devoted particularly to women's tastes and is independent of the "Social and Personal" and "Madge Merton's" pages, tor years popular features of the Star. "Of Interest to Women" includes scores of little' hints on health and beauty; the newest fashions in dress and house furnishings; talks on ethical matters of particular interest to women; points of etiquette; suggestions for home entertainment; recipes; daily menus; advice and suggestions on all the matters that lie close to a woman's heart. They will help solve household problems, and better still, stimulate and interest the mind. On ihe Woman's page, and throughout the paper, current topics are treated in a bright, newsy way that appeals to the wide-awake woman. You'd thoroughly enjoy the Toronto Daily Star $1.50 A Year ' T/n$ paptrand iht "Toronto DailfSiaf" togothtr hr one yar, t2. 20. Guanntoid Fountain Fen ginn tor 50c. added to abore lubseription pric: i^w\ ^.^^ i*.' WANTED! \ representative for Flesh- erton. This is the time lo tiell nursery (lock. We pay liberally and offer steady employment. < >ur list of specialties embraces a rare and choice list of ready sellers in both fruit and ornamental stock, seed po- tatoes, etc. Write for terms and catalog. STONE & WELLINGTON The F'lnthill Nurseries (Kstablished lXi7) Toronto, - Ontario i jiin Notice To The Public. Having dispiiHed of our hardware stock and tinsiiiithinsi tciols to 0. .1. Bellamy, We wish, (hroiigli the .\dvance, to thunk our many cusiotncis for their liberal jiat- ruiiHge and snpiiiirt. .Ml paities having repair work now in the tin shop will call and get same wiihin 15 days. .All accounts must bu settled by May 1st, after that date our books will he pi>;. in other liaiids for collection. Mr. C .1. Bel'amy will be found in our old stand and we wish to recommend for him the same liberal palnmage accorded ns. April 1st, UUO. Noiiitis Bjios. l-'or sale clieaiioi- ipiit, iuiineiliiito iiomuelion. • l..ot :K1 ficii. U, ArUiiie*iB, iboiit 7") acijs < l.iar coiiiforulilo Iok limno aiid fr»iii» liarn. Apply to U J Biiioule, Fliislii'rtoii, or .loliii J Alartin, acroM the road from said lot; 1/or sale dump mill on uaiiy toniii', (.oixl roio- foi Ulilf rraiiie ilw«lliii((, ttalilo ami .liiviuK iioiKe with (Ipcf vIIIrku lots iiircylon- Dwoll- . ,! w»<!iJ fciiilt and lliiisliwl and Kood bfariiifj orotard on tho iii-opmty. Apply tj) â€"11,1 SPRol'i.K, Flesherton. I ot 10, con. fl, Osiirey coiitaiiiliiR 100 acreii, »0 ^-'rloarad, fiauiu iinuse. Iiuiiia l/aiii, atone l(,undatloii: orcliarrt, woll wntereil. Oiio ilioiiiiaiid down and balftin;!! to anil puicliaser. tiiiuiortiatu wiBUPHSioii .\J'ply to Jl. N. KiNNKAH Manwcll P. (>. i Animals for Sale I have a tine lot of y i|f pign bred from priae wlmiiiiK stock, for Hale. AIko 1 good lierkKliii-e hog, two yeaiK old. Write ine for lirict'H. I can give a Imrguin also giiaiantee KHtiKfaelion on all moil order*. U.o. W. HOH.S. Maxiirll P. O. Bulls, etc., for Service. Au oxc»llent pure bred Slmrtlioru bull, " .\Siiyiiaii Iiiilierial," for .lo-vlcr. on lot tM.eAn. 1, .\iteine«ia, TerniH «I.V) for aradaa. ^It -cha». stakkord, yORTfl- .^ "lea )oi of yoiiug stock for all axes, lei'ludinKl'Oiiie â- own ready lerd headed by |iino brvd lioai, _CBlS-HellfaB (onoordia Duke Nu.'(7^4«i rrniniiori'V'r' nuke. No.|:1IH!)Paiii,Hellfali i3MWinukol.No. 1 4:(4i;. I ThiK)oiiiiuaii|tonl â-  {rob! a heavy milk pro.liuinKfaioilyaiid 'Olilitereat to dairy bioudein, -HICHAHD ALl.KK, iiit/O, Slid R. T and 8 road^ FlotliBrtoii Ont. FISH FISH FISH Now that the roads aie'so had I can- not ni'iko my regular rounds, but have on ban. I lake tjnperinr Salmon Trout and White Fish, also Lake P]rie Her- ring, .Parlies can be supplied a' my residence, (..'ollingivood street, Flesh- erton. II. It A D L K Y, DimUt in fiVNii Hsli only. I George Bennett, aged si.x years, died at \ Branlford from lockjaw, having been j j wiiiinded in the fiice by a pitchfork. j I Mrs. J. V. Parker of .Stratford was I thrown down, tied lo^ sUive leg, ami rob- ! bed of live dollars in broad daylight by two men who called at the honsu on Sat- urday. Chatham C J. BELLAMY Having {mrcha.secl Noni.s Bros.' en- tire stock, we are prepared to cater to the public in anything in tlie hard- ware, tinsniithing and plumbing line. We have a first class tinsmith and plumber with us. Come and give us a call. We will satis- fy you. C.J.Bellamy, Flesherton waggons Tolton Harrows Al.si) for sale i^ne new Mc- CoRMK K C U L T I V .\ T O R worth looking at, ami one new N A T I O N .\ 1, ( "UK.A'M •Skpar.atou for.«;ale clieiip. ONK (;AN(r PLOW, second hand, a bargain. Call and Examine These Goods S. M. Osborne Maxwell MILLINERY OPENINGS, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 7, 8, 9 Wu extend n uuidini invitation to all the ladies of Maxwell and sutrounding couniiy to visit c ur millinery parlors ou the above and following Jays, it will pay you to call and inspect for yourselves. We carry a full line of dry i/oods. Next week we will have on sale our new spring nt'ick nf new pi ints, dress goods, suitings, waistings, ladies" and geiifs' ui.derwear, and everything that goes to eoin[io.sB a general store. We are making .1 sjieciaity of boots and .shoes, at prices chraper than the cheapest. come,;to|maxwell S. n. Osborne, General Merchant S 1' KT NO TK KM at Iho ^^m^rj^m "cA^^J/A Owen Sound Comineiicea Tuesday, March 2I>, I'.ilO. INDIVIDUAL INSTRI'OTION IN ALL BUSINESS SUnjKCTS. Informal ion Free. 0. A. Fleminn, O. I). Fleming, Priuci|>8l, Saoretftry. ^ **4*Bfor»ervfcaarore l(ie<l Hull, Hroail t'sVjiil. Ho. 7'i)M». "ft»lot 10, con. B, JF'vvevi'lianL.Out. TeriiiB*! KfOTIOF. U herahy plvan that a ny-law wan -'^^ pasMi.l liy the Muiii«l|ial (ounull of tlin townahiiinf ArteiiiflKla on ilie Utii day of March, A.U. ll'IO. iirnvidlnfj (or tlie iHiiiia of delieii- tioM lo tho »iooiuit of .*1. 1.000, fill the iiiii|iose ofonalillnci thuTowunlilii ol Artniiieiiia (outln- niktioii Kchool llusrd touiect ami ri|iiiiiH>clioul house ill the Bsld (oiitiuuatioii Hchool riiatriot hi.d tliot such ny law wan ri-iiinters 1 in the Kaiitstry OSloe for the Hoiith Itidiin: of the County of (irey, on thn lllth day of March. .A. D. IIIIO. .\iiy iiiollou to iiiiash ot set aalde the »ina or Any )isrt Ihureof innot lie iimdo within tlireo nioniliii aftur tliu llmt |iiihlication of tlii« iioticd. and <:aiiiint lio (iiade tliereattev Dated the UUh day of Marbli, llllO.â€" W. .1. llKl.t..iUT, Clark. <i C. Ilrown and white iBKhorn egssfor liatcli- ' '• inc. Klock liuadod h> baBt male hirds l»'o<-niahl(i. oiiea nr»t pvUe cockeroi at Oiicliih poultry Khow laut fall, tine dollnv a *«tti ' .M«o «oioB ft ret class «ocd o»t». ijot :t8, r - .^rleiuosla, -CHAH, bTAKFOll -'' â- i: â- .fa'.'.OTa-iaa;a'fci».»', ^. ,'^|>i£.4Si^i jtrr*«»-w.' '? s.. For Salt by ^ /i^«le. Diadlnbotblhi 9f Co., FItf hertott^ and ^ pjrtPi

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