Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1910, p. 1

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Wx,; A'vi\ '»â-  A h. /Ie$l)£i:t0n %^Ksmtt. TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PBWCIPLEb KOT MEN.' 9L 28, NO 50 Flcshierton, Ont., Thursday, Xlay o lOlO W. H. TfiDBSTON "^^r^HORBiBT Artemesia Council And Cont. School '^^ \M At the nieetiu % of Arcemmia Council on Monday then; was not much business to be disposed of, but such as there wiis proved interesting to the half dozen s|iec- tators present. All tlie members were present, the Reeve in the chair. After passing of minutes of previous meeting the report of committee appointed to ex- amine into the proposition of opening fidennd No. 10, con. 1 and 2, wair dealt with. F«>lloiiing is the report : Gentleuieu, â€" We, the undersigned cuniroittee »ppointe<l at our February meeting to examine sideroad No. 10, con. 1 and 'i, S.D.R., bei» to rejwrt sis follows: We examined the proiH>sition as per plan submitted by the petitioners, .tnd rind tliat it would Iw practically im|Kis- sible to build the rmid lu accordance with tiaid pkii. A second propositioa w;ls, however, made by those advocating the rood, namely to deviate eiwt 40 rods t«> the line between lots 11 and 12, which we also exMnined and mivke the foUowmi; estimate : Purchase of land, including feucinj;, %Xl'^; prcj>ai-ing ind grading road, iiicUuiing cutting hills, tS'T^ ; totil Jl.'W. After having carefully gone into the question of the atlvi.sjjbility of opeu- ' ing this sideroad, considering the uum- Wr of ratepayers which would be l)ene- lite<l thereby and the convenience to the })ul)lic genendly, we think this Council would not lie justified in <)|)eiung this sideroad this year.â€" John .\. Boyd, T.K. McKcMzic. D. McLeod. - . McKenzie- Mcleodâ€" That the i-epoit uf couMuiUee appointed to io<|uire into the opening of the 10th sideroad, ct>n. 1 i.ud 2. S.D.R., l>e received and adopted. â€" Carried. Messrs. Jiiiiics Brander and D. Mc- Leod of Frieeville waitetl on the Council with a petition from a numV)er of ^ichool sections in the township a.sking that the continuation school bylaw lie rescinded anifltliat a vote of the mtepayers bejtaken. Th^e petitions chargetl underhand meaiu; luid misrepre-sentation iu the forming of the sch<K)l. The number of names i>n the })elitious aiaountetl to about 2tW. The jietitionere represented ihat the ci»u- vas had not been thorough and the Priceville jietilion was not aiuons the lot. Messrs. Brander and McLeotl both spoke strongly agi»inst the continuation school. Mr. Brander was not opposed to continuation sch<K>ls, but wanted every sectioa to have its continuation cLi.«e.s. In a short address the Reeve reviewed the work of forming the scho<.>l. He believed the whole unrest was cause<l by a mi8.^ppi>hensi^'. It had been under- .^sWsai fixmi the beghink.^ tha a sch*>ol building would be reipured. He had gone to Eugeui^k and the Durham Road to siteak iu favor of the school, and there was not a dissenting voice. Since t!<at time not three men in this township had protested to him personally against the scheme. Was he not, he asked, justified * m deciding that the public was with him 1 his action in tlus matter \ At kst buinatiou Mr. Grahjkni had intimated ^t the County Council would be ikske<I I a bylaw defining a district and to know Mr. Boyd"s ]>ositiou. oyd distinctly statetl that he was iKtvor of the sch<H)l and this assertion was greeted with an ovation from .-ill {mrtfl of the h:dl. To a tpicstion by the Reeve, Mr. Gmliam admitted that he knew the County Council w\>uld likely W asked to define a dijitrict. Mr. Orahain was himself a member of the continue ation school btwitl last year and knew the school wou'd bo I'etpiii'ed, Mr. Boyd chai'ged th<,>»e res|)ou.sible for the jieti- tions with circulating misstatements and securiMg signatures under false pretences. He had never given the County Council tt> understand that a vote would W taken. The Reeve ot St. Vincent h.vd jiskotl at ')»»^l>tv, Council if the schtM«l ssctions in- teres(:ed h.-»d l>een ctmsulted, Mr. Boyd replietl that if imssed by County Council the Township Council ctmld either ap- prove or di.sapprove, and if dLsi»ppi\)vetl the schiK>l boai'tl could request a vote. He thought if the Township Council were willing to . take the resjwnsibility the Ck>unty Council should not hesitate. He simply a.ske<l the County Council t«> (xtss the bylnw on the strength of th« Schwl Act. Neither himself nor the school bortftl had ever misrepresented anything and he di'fied any one to prove that there h«d betyii niisre(U'«sentation in wonl or de«tl. -Ilr. Boy»l g!>ve it a-s his decided opinion that it was imitossiblo f..i' the Council to undo what it havl done with- out getting intoa .wriotis legal tangle. Mr. McLwkI acknowledgetl that ho was present at tlie first meeting held and was ill favor of these schinds. l$i>yi>ml this Priceville had never siuw been con- r LAST WEEK We bumped the high-water mark in CUssilied Ads. with 20 J lines. They were b«isi- ness gettersâ€" couldn't help it. THIS WEEK There is somelhing for YOU in the Classified Ads. Get wise. An advertisement in an U{>-ti>.<lat«, br««zy newapap«r pay». Try it suited. The first intimation they had that their section was licing taken in was when they saw the report in The .^d- vance of what had lieen done in Owen 8>>uu<i. .At the first meeting after this they h;id put in a protest. If the rate- payers had been given a siiy Priceville wimld have Imled by the ivsult. It was moved by Mr. McLeod, sec- onded by Mr. Best, That the ijctitiou of several school .sectioas of the township asking this Council to repeal the bylaw authorizing the issue of debentures for building a continuation sch<»d in this towu.ship he referi^ed to the Continuatinn School Board for their mnsiderHtiou. Moved in amendment by J. I. Gia- ham, secowled by T. R. McKenzie, That regarding the fwtition of a hu-ge uuiiiber of the rdlei>ayers of Aitomesiii continu- ation schixd district asking tliLs Council to reiieal by- law empowering the trustee Ikiard of the said district to issue delieu- lures to the extent of S13,0OO ft>r the jMirpiise of building and e({uipping a sch(Mil buikling, that a bylaw to re^ieal said bylaw lie introduced and )Kisse<.l at next meeting of Council, provided the towu-siiip solicitor advises that it is with- in the piMviuce t>f this Council now to do SI. until the approval of the nitei>nyers lias been obtaiuetl. Tlie original motion wan declared car- riud on a casting' vote of the Reeve. Messrs. Gndu.m and McKeuzie support- ing their amendineut. McLeod- Best -That the Clerk be in- structed t ) oi-der from the isiwyer- Mas.sey Co. a left .side for ro;id grader, and pi-esent bill at next meeting of this Council. â€" Carried . .McKenr.ieâ€" Bestâ€" Tliat thi.s Council hold the first sitting of Court of Revision on the assessment of this township on Moo<lay, the fkh dity of June next, at 2 o'clock in the foreu«.K>n, and the Clerk publish the required notice thereof.â€" Carried. After a resolution w:ts (lassed to piy the cx>mmittee i>\\ sideruad, Cimncil adjourned. Aoother Pioneer Goae to Her Reward Mrs. John Weldrick, sr , died on Tues- day, April 2t>rh, at the nge of 7o years. Mrs. Weldrick and her busbiud csme to Canada from EngUnd about iifty-tive years airo, and speiit short time io the Township af Scsrboroujih. About fifty- two years ago they movfd to <.">sprey, oo the farm where they have sinc« made their home, and where Mr. Weldrick died six years ago. They raised a lan;e fam- ily, of whom five are still living:â€" Mrs. Philip Holliugshead of South River. Muskokt ; Mrs. A. McGowau, Kavesiia ; Mrs. F. Sayers and Mr. Charles Wel- drick, 12th liue, t)sprey , and Fred on the botuestead. Mrs. Weldrick was a kind neigh'ior, and as Ion-; as she was able, was ever ready to lend a helping hand to those in need, and the family in Ui«in» her loses a good mother. The syro|Kit liy of the com- munity goes out to them iu their bereave- ment. "FEEBLE STOMACH" Causes Digestive Weakness and Poisons the En- tire System. "^o one can have suffered more than I did with stomach trouble^" •writes Phil. E- Pascalar, well known at St. Andrews Corners- "My doctor told me my indigestion and sbH-pless- ness were due to poisons iQ the blood- Certainly my condition was il«f perate, and It seemed from the despozwient feelings that swept over me that I would lose my reason. I happened to read al)out Dr. Hamilton's Pills and bought five tKixes from the druggist. Such body-cleansing pills I never used; they were mild and yet ijulte strong enough to drive all the humors out o( the blood. My stomach gained strength rapidly with Ur. Hamilton's Pills and I improved so muct» that in eight weeks 1 could eat and digest all ordinary food. Depression and weari- ness passed away and I am. Jhanks to Dr. Hamilton's Pills, enjoying robust good health." No reme«ly for biliousness. Indiges- tion, headache, siclt stomach, or con- stipation tlwit compares with Dr. Ham- ilton's Pills. Refuse substitutes. SoW in 25c. Iwxes. All dealers, or The Catarrhoionr." Co-, Kingston. Ont. '^ ^^.p t tr Ajk*^9^m^"^fi^fk.n.<f^ '» *«fc Jg<.Lg â-  *^y^ In T Closed Up Tight white silk waist, and white h.-\t trimmed*|\,gg.^M||. HaI'aIc with bn.hU r.^. Aftei the ceremony UUnUdlR I1UIC» and tlie u>>ua1 congratulations !«upper was wrved Ic about fifty guests, after which s very enjoyable evening was spent with mu^ie and a variety of other amasemenLs. < hjly immediate friends of the ct>n<ract- ing i>artie» were the guests. The pres- ents were numerous, useful and ctwtly. The groom's gift t.> the bride was a gold watch and chain. The young couple wiU reside on the 8th line, .\rteme»i», .in J the hearty wishes of go with them for .i long life together with happiness and i)n>«{>erity un liounded. ARTEME8IA CONTINUATION SCHOOL The .ibove is a cut of the front elevation of the new Atrcmefiia o>utinujition school, as submitted by the architects, Messrs. Fore-^tfr A Clirk of < »wen Siund The plan culls for a building 54x78 feet, with six roi-m.s, lihrary, cloak rinmi-s, ba.-iemont with cement flo«ir. etc. The cla-ss nnmis will be '2t>x34 feet. The plan may lie slightly niiKltie<l to bring the ci»t of building. t'<|uipni«iit, windmill, etc.. withiu the alloted price, but no very material chan^- w 11 lie made in tlie appeiu- ance of the structure as sh<iwn alH>ve. Tlie itiuti-<ict, it Ls exjiected, will lie let in a few days. The delientiues bivc been sold at an extniordiuarily favumlile price. i ffrin<; with brouchiti.s, js able to be armod again. Miss Johnston of the Tit-'UCo gravtl Mina Weber ai-d "1*"' '"" "^'^'^ *"'' '>*"' brother. Geo. Nellie WIcltens risited Thotubury friends L -^'^- }\ ^^ ^^\ "'' Fcversham spent a â- ' j day with her mother. on Sunday last. Kimberley Fierce weather. Misses Mamie and Mi.ss Ida Thonipiou of WtMlehouse was the Kuest uf Miss Kale Walter. Ernest Morgan ;u3d Miss Daisy Smith of Eix^eoia were »isitors at Mr. Geo. Proctoi's on Sunday. Miss Minnie Roy spent a few d,tyswith Mis. W. J. Chard, fourth line. Mr. WmIUcc Fislier hss solu bU f.krm on the fourth liue to Mr. Ja.-<. Rusnel. Fishing and fish stoiies will be the t order of lhedi»y. • Dundalk has sfoue dry for he next Mr. Walter Loucks and Miss Kveliua three years. V^hat wilT the "sotj" Jo Smith of Eugenia were callers at Mr. i "•>• ' Perha{» st-iektrepeis or hvery- Jasfwr .Stuarts this week. "'^" "'" »'^,>".« " »* they do iu other ' liiwu^. Mr. Edi'or. may the time soon Mr. and Mrs. John Plewes are Tisiliog , be ar htmd when no whisfcey may be sold CoUingwood friend.*. except by a doctor's prescription. May -,,,,_ _ , the temperance flag Boat all around the Mr. and Mrs. Emcrs->n Brown and ,„^.y ^^os^- who have so much money family of Clarksburg visited fricuds here to siwnd in whiskey should, instead, send this week, and were the gtiests uf Mr. > missionaiies t > India, Japan, China and and Mrs. R. J. Stuai-t. 'ether places where civiiizatious telittioo .iit needed. [\Vhy not use the money in Rev. Dr. McLaren uf Temple Hill will i missionary enterprise at home. It would vHXUpy the pulpit in the Meth-idist church ' appear to be needed.â€" Fi«.] here on Sunday inotuin)? next. ; The annual busiurss meeting of the ^ Kimberley Branch of the O^W'.l. will te . held iu the Orange hall on Wednesday : May ISth at 2.30 o'clock. [ Victoria Coraers Too Late For Last Week, Maxwell Dr. Hamilton's Pills Oure Stomach Troubles I Mi.ss Annie Wyville is visiting at home, 1 Mr, Thiis. T-dbott Lson the sick list. Mr. Robt. .Vchesuo has reuteil Mi. 1 Joe. Strains farm. Rev. P, C. L. Harris of .be Dominion j ^yju ,„j ^Jeo. Strain left on TuesiUv Alliance will occupy «he pulpit of the [ f^.^ their home in the west. Mr. and Meth.Hl.st chuix-h nsxt Sunday eveums. Miss Strain left on Wednesday. Miss >Uy 7tb. By special re-iuest Misses j;jj^„ .^^ j„ Toronto only, and will Field and t)8boroe will render Lcoia.is , ,^„^j„ f^ ^,,„p jj,„^ Spring Soug again. ^ m r . v , ^ • .â-  • • ' " "'^* Mr. Fawcet has been hotdiug revival The annual Methodist S. S. picnic will „,eetings in luistioge church for the pa.st bo held ou June 'i9th. t,.„ ^eeks, and we an; pleased to see the Mr. George Liuley.Corbeltou, !ei»ent a enthusiasm the people have shown in week ago Sunday at his parental home. i attending the meetings. The M«well Branch of the O.W.I. ! will elect otticers for the coming year o>i Lady Bank We«lnesd»y n^rxt. May Hth, at 2.30, in ! â„¢. ,. , . , . , • >t I. J- ^ 11 >i ti I 11 ' Iheseetlnig has received a check "ii the Methodist Hall. Mcmljeis all coue. . , , " i account of the wet weather. Severe frosts. Mr. Daxid Roberts met with a (wiuful accident last week, by a l.-u;;e .vioue n>l- Yaiulclear. On Saturd ly night the doors of tl •- three horels in Dundalk shut with aba- i^ behind the last >'t the boardeis a> I travellers who had iieen sheltered thei - in ; and .since then grim walls have alt > '.- reminded the villagers of the scenes -f h.*t of friend.s ""elrr »'»J t-arousal which were wont r . : be I heir portion in the pastâ€" and r.-.v Dundalk ranks with the corner store at i country pustotiice â€" it lias no hot . Ke.sraur»ncs will be >pened, privi'-«. houses will sheker IxMrders and chuii't sheds will k>e open fur farmers hoes. -. It is believetl that the sun will rise >. d Rock Mills Rock Mills ladies have pLiyed '.heir fii-st same of baseball, and are improving, i bug oji his fix>t and bruising it severely Mr. and Mrs. 1. Smith spent Sunday ^ *« '^'^ plevsed to see him around ag^iiii with Mr and Mis. D. Kvberfs of Lady »»"»^-'' "* f''« ^•''>'* '«*'• Caiik. ! l^wd On Tuesday. April 2«th, Mis. Mr. Wilson spent a tew days in Cheslcy â- ^•''"' ^^«'Wii«^^k, sr., agwl 77 yeai^ Mr. iteoi-ge Julian is erecting a sawmill on the^riii i>f Mr. Win. McKenxie, \'2x\\ line. Mi-s. .Suidersou, St., met with a seri- l;i.st week, returning through the storms. He reports the roaJs very bad. Reck Mills sti.>re is small, but '.he busi- iicss is \»x%«. Who were the vouiig felLws who locked . ''"'^ a«^'"»<'"t ^'«t »eek, lieing bitten by a wheels on Sunday ni«ht ( ! •'"''^'' ^'^'^"^•^l '"^^ ""-^ sumiiioued. and it was fnuud neccssaiy to put in sevend Mrs. Archie Nesbttt, who has been on the sick list is s'owly i.iiproviug. The Sunday school oiiens for 'he sum- mer months next Sunday, with Mr. Mar- tin Phillips as supetinteiulent. We are pleased to see Bev ie Ptateous able to walk around ai^ain. j stitches. We are please<l to rei>ort that ; she is pn>gre.ssing favorably. Geooeâ€"Turner A ijuict but jiretty weddii.i; to«.>k place ou Wednc^ay of List week, at the homo Miss Dorothy Pedlar returned from }"* *''^' "'"' ^^'"^ Solomon IVner. H)th Toronto Saturday niijht after a two- j *""â- '• -^rte">«*'*' *hen their youngest months visit with friends. I <l««gl>ter. Ada May, w:us united in mat- Mr, Sam. Phillips visited Markdale ... \ "'"^'7 ';' *';• ^^ "l^*";' Thoma* O'^u.^.. Sunday. j '*'"' ' ^ "*^""** t-enoe of lugenia. . , . . . , , I .At 2 o'clock the bridal couple ei.te.-ed A nu.nber naxe Imished secdioir >i ....i . , .u , • <: ..l «»• ,,â-  .. . . , "*"'"' the iNuK.r to the strains of the \\e<Uhui£ through the sunny day^. «,t. i i i i. n- r< „. . * "^ ' : MMx'h, played by Miss Lva Turner, sis- Mrs. Tucker Phillips has returned ! ter of the bride, and then the .solemn hounj «f ter visiting friends iu Toronto and , woi-ds were spoken by Rev. H. E. Well Dutidas, j woikI of Fleahertoii, which pivnouiice<l Mrs. Cwfon. sr., of PriccviUe, is visil-j thew husU.ud -^nd wife. The biide, who ing her .line, Mrs. Sam. Badgerow, was given away by kr father, looketl es- Mr. a«id Mrs. Albert Blackburn of Col- 1 c<««li>«gb' attractive i.i a ilainty frwk of li.ngwwHl wtre welcome visitois hers this i ^'"'*» **"'"â- ' ^"''â- â€¢'ti'- Rer going-awajsuit week. i was ot b^iw-n chitfou pauama with collar Mrs. John Radley, wh? ^laa been Mt-kl^aMl cuffs ot mok« silk to match an" The wet weather of the {la-st few d.iys set and comets Vieiiu down on Dondi . h;v* retaide.1 the seetling soiuewlial. the s«me in the future ss ?hey did in >: p^kst, but some little incoavcuienca «: I Mi.ss Tillie Buclianan and Miss yeriicy vith Kocklvn and Mill result before ^ood aocouunodatioo • i I spent Sunday i-Verk friends. Mrs. John Warling i.s atteu'llng â€" sick Ix-d of her mother, Mrs. HempJulL '^"^ »fereeire..t to keep their hcus** si b« pruvided for the public. ,{i^ A $1000 bond bindd the h-ceimen at Poll Law. Mr. Alex. Smith of Mukdale wa-s a vibiti'C iu ''ur burg on Suuday. Mr. M. Beard has moveil his purtable mill '.o Jas (Jenoe's. near Flcsherton. Mrs. Milligan luJ d-iughtcr, Katblevn, "f Flesherton, visited here a short time ag... .Miss • Hive Gilbert of Kimlierley visited her sister. Mrs. Will Uutchinsou.receutly. Mr. Will Hutchin.son and sister.Carrie, ; visited the {>.uent;il ht>me ou Sunday. j Mi»s Edith Cullis visit e«l friends at Markdale recently. Mr. -Vlf. Neely of Metii»rd pwd a short visit to his sL-<ier. Mrs. Rob Holley, oae' day bt.«t week. Mr. Wdl Alcox of the Cobalt lime kQn huished iMirning his first kilu of lime '.<f the season on Saturday. Mr. Sheklie Boyd of Temple Hill r«-; uewed 'ic<(uaintauce3 here ••uThui^'ty. up lii^hr. and eaeh oix£,appears to en tain a desire to keep hU . - unHft \\--^ wallet. What the nutc»>iae will be « i- uanuot predic''. A heifer ran %Biuck and had to be shot. iu Owen Sound GET YOUR WEDDING RINGS JEWELLERY" CLt.)CKS REPAIRED W.\TCHES REPAIRED FUCSTAIX PENS SILVERWARE And everything in the Jewellery Line, fiom THE FLESHERTON JEWEUCR There is a minister cueaing to Holstein ' from foron'o by the name of mostatd. No doubt he will be able to give the Uol- steiuite:* some hot stuff oa Sundays. â€" ' Chronicle. I .*pectali»t lin diacaacsaol tfc. Tartan is the nameof a new post office EVC, EStP^NOSC JUIQ ThfOflt to be opened at lot 5, con. 1!», Egi-emont. o„ice 13 F.-o«tSt. - OwenSoui.u on Tuesday the 3rd of May. Mr. .\. At the Revere house, Mark<lale, It Henry is the po8tm«.ster. â€" Chronicle. Friday each month from 8 to 12 a. m. J. and W. BOYD mercbants Resbcrton* Ontario HOUSE CLEANING t This is the seasou for bouse cleaning ami no doubt when you get into the job you 11 timl you will re- • luire a lot of new furnishings. We have made an estimate of your possible requirements .tnd here- with beg to submit some of our priced: lings fi-om %~JM to $25.00 MaUs trom 25 cents to 7.50 Brussels carpet from $1.00 to..* 1.35 Tapestrys from :>5 cents to S5 Wools trom 65 cents to _ 85 I'uions from 35 cents tt» ^' Linoleums at :>5, 45, 50 and $1 .00 Oil Cloths in all widths at 30 cents per s<|uai"e '• Japtmese Mattings 20. 25 Lace Curtains from 25 cents per pttir t' BOOTS AND SHOES /^ • ThTsj Iu till' â- 1 / \

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