Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1910, p. 7

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\ â- Jk i 11 IP ; OR, THE HERITAGE OF MADAME YALTA. STOMACH MISERY BANISHED BY "FRUIT-MIVES" CHAPTER VI.-((:(.nt'cl) "lAJok!'' said M;ixiiiic, laying his liand nrit the arm of M. Hidard, "do yoii see thuse thrci sliadows out- liiiod on the curt.iiii of tha salon!" "Certainly, the woman and the tv.ii mosjsieiirs, parWIou ! Must be that supper isn't ready, or they are «.v|>ccting some one ; they don't ap- pear Ui be going to the dining- roi.m." "They are standini? though.' ''Yes, or bowing and scraping. See ! the tallest bt'ws, and the co- cotte gives him her hand ; it's amusing like any thing, 'pon my word. One might believe himself at .Seraphiu's Chinese shadows." "Ah! ah I the one that bowed is going out; there are only two sil- h« I'.ettes to be seen now." ''Likely he's gone to bed. The other is the cocotte's gentleman. The friend who came with them has sairt good-night." *'No, if that was so they wouldn't have lighted the salon and dining- room. But we shall see." Five minutes passed >yithout inci- dent. The two stories were brilli- antly lighted, but the shadows had disappeared. Suddenly the little dtor thr<j)f|fu whieh Madame Ser- gesr Ji;id'"disappearei.l the evening of the Kink was opened softly. A mar a.pp;'.ared on the threshold fol- lowi'il 1>;/ a servant bearing a light ~^3t"-two branches. By the bright- liCBH. of this light Ma.xime recogniz- ed Bprisoff .and redoubled his atten- tion;- â-  Ho held a short colloquy with tho valet de pied which by nicaos of the gestures the observer interpreted for himself. "He Says he will return," tirTitghl Maxime, "and the servant exiilains that he has only to ring a. id they will open to him." The door clo.4es again. Borisoft goes toward the Boulevard Male- she! bes. And now the fencing-mas- ter and the thief reappear behind the window of the salon. From thtnte they observe the colonel. Tl ey are awaiting his return. "Shall I follow their example or risk a sally to see where he is go- ing?" Maxime determiuLd on the latter. "Listen," he said to his ally 13i- dard, "I want, to find out what that man is going to d^J. I am going to follow hini to the end of the street anc. return." "That is ea.;y. I will open to monsieur and resume my i>ost. Monsieur has only to knock ou the window when he returns.' Maximo glided into the street anc saw Borisoff fifteen steps in ad- vance, and at the same time a man whose feet were jjattering on the square at the entrance of Rue .Jouffroy. This was no other than tha coaehniau t»f his victoria. •'(Jot.'d l^lie thought, "I may let tan pass oii> My coachman will tell UK- which way be took. " 80 be disappear) d in the .shadow of the w^il. to watch e\ents from afar. The colonel walking q\iickly soon reuchwl the Boulevard .Vlalesher- b<.s ; there he sloiipcd. ai.d observ- ing the coa<'bjiian, went straight to- ward him. This surprised Maxime, who b«;gan to look with all his eyes, wi'ndering, with a certain anxiety, what Borisoff had to say to this uiun. The conversation prolonged scrnt. He asked me lirst if 1 would drive him homeâ€" only two steps, â€" and I slKiuld have a hundred sous. H3 niiglit have offered me a louis, ah'd I'd have stayed by you. And when he saw I didn't bite, he filed off. I would lay a litre he's al- ready at the Boulevard de Cour- celles.'' "You did well, mon brave, to sen<l that man off to walk, and I pvninise you shall lose nothing. He will return, the animal, and as I want til watch him, I am going to st.-'.tion myself as sentry at a place below. You will remain here and keep your eyes open, and when I return tell mc what you have seen. If by chance I should need your services, may I count on you i" 'Fully. You have only to call out, Augu.ste ! and I come at a gal- lop. If any thumping is to be done, I can prove that I am not one-handed." "Thanks, ancf au revoir to-night or to-morrow, according as events n.ay det<>rmine." Auguste, 'Hattered by the confi- dence in him exhibited by his mon- sieur, made a magnificent gesture, which signified: "Be easy; I am here." And having thus arranged his affairs, Maxime hastened to regain hi-; ambuscade. The i)orter awaited him and open- ed with great alacrity, anxious to learn the result of the sally. "Is monsieur satisfied? Has racnsieur discovered anything new ?" "The man sped away by the Boulevard Malesherbes, but I am satisfied he means to return." "Oh, that is clear as day. Thej are not going to table without him. All is lit up and nothing moves iuj the house. Proof that they are waiting fur him." "Hush; " said Maxime, in a low! vtiice. At this moment a carriage] stopped a hundred metres from! Madame Sergent's house. | To Maxime's great amazement,! Robert de C'arnoel descended from | the carriage and advanced tortardl the house, flanked l)y two tall men who pressed him closely, but did j noi, hold him as policemen do a prisoner. They had ev<-u the ap- 1 pearance of talking with him, and â-  it could bo .seen he walked of his own free will. The door was open j and a valet de pied stood there i witti a light. Kvidently he waited to recci\B Carnoel. 'Monsieiir." said Bidard under, his breath, "I believe they are go- 1 ing to connnit a crime. They are j bringing the young man to the Tour j d- Ncsle. Surely it is to strangle 1 him. I have a mind to call for help.'' "Xot yet," replied Maxime, quickly, "see first what they will d.)." "Look, sir! above there â€" in the salon â€" those two shadows behind thi windows -" "It is tlic lady an<l her friend, the, one who remained -they are expecting the other. They beard the carriage and have, come to the v. ii;dow." "1 lay a wager they don't open i'. My two tenants of the third story have opened theirs, and the brigands don't care to show theiri- â- â- ^ •^â- pamaa U^'- ft ,'' ^''> ' L ''^jP k V 1^^ '"^ 'V "^1 vL ^"•vJ > 1 !.'â-  f . le 9^ [|iSh| 1^SfJt& I wl p* Wk IJI^M ' ' ^K *\ >-,? .^-fc^t ^ «9 BBBIhwI >'' ^Jt #^ ^ Ir^ §|Bm| ^^ gUflj} i L ^m MR. ALCIDE HEBERT Stratford Centre, 'Wolfe Co., Que. "I have been completely cured of a friglilful condition of my Stomach througU the womlerful fruit medicine 'Fruit-a-tives'. I could not eat anything but what I suffered awful pain from Indigestion . My head ached incessantly. I was told to try 'l'"ruit-a-live.°.' and sent for six boxes. Now I am entirely well, can eat any ordinary food and never have a Headache." ALCIDE HEBERT. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, or trial box, 35c. At all dealers or from Fruit-a- tives Limited, Ottawa. nor. more than ten fej^t from the grcund. .\n adroit iwn might risk the leap, nor did it seem impossible to scale it. The valet leaned on the balcony, mcasuvii^g with his eyo the distance fi-oni toji to bottom. The master, on the pavement, mea- sured it from bottom to top. The men who guarded the door, and those placed against the wall, ap- jirofvched the colonel and formed a ciiele around him. The little troop disposed itself as if for assault. The man who field the horses brought foiward the berlin and placed it under the window. "They are about to invade the house," Maxime cried out; "two of tlicm are climbing on the box ; the carriage, is to serve them for a lad- der." "Ah I verily," exclaimed Bidard, ''that is too much. Right here, in th'" finest neighborhood in Paris, to have these brigands acting like they believed it was the forest of B(.ndy. I am going to give the alarm â€" if monsieur does not op- pose it." .it this moment the cock-crowing sounded out still more clearly, ac- companied by a rattling noise. A falsetto voice cried out: "Cut- throat!" A base voice roared: •Scaling a wallâ€" in the nightâ€" oc- ciii)ied house -band of malefactors â€"galleys for life." (To be continued.) WHY YOU ARE THIN ; HOW TO GET FLESHY. Diwus-scs Causes of Thinoess au«l (lives Now Method <iir Increasing Weight and Rounding Out (be Form. A Reveiation in Tea Goodness i« a delicious and fragrant blend of the finest Ceylon Tea. Get a package from your grocer and enjoy its excellent qualities. floor are at the window. One is a comical fellow â€" likely he'll make us laugh.'' Maxime had little inclination of that sort, and the persons on the street still less. They looked up to see who had uttered this mock in^ appeal â€" all, including the Coachman on the box, this singular coachman with a tall hat on. The oni" who ])aid least attention to this successful imitation of the reville chant was undoubtedly Robert de ! l»resprip(ioii .\oooiHplishps Wonders Carnoel. He appeared in haste to j a treatment which anyone can enter, and the valet who held the j p,.cj,a,re cheaply at home, has been candelabra made way for him to | found to increase the weight, im- pass. prove the healtli, round out scraw- Onc of the three escorts passed ny figures, improve the bust, ti'C threshold immediately after the brighten the eyes and put new color ru-i.soncr, and the. two others were ^ into the cheeks and lips of anyone ab( ut to <lo the same, but the j who is too thin and bloodless. It torch-bearer held a brief colloquy j puts flesh on those who have been with them, during which they } always thin whether from disease jMiused, standing on each side ofl or natural tendency ; on those who the door their comrade had just 1 by heavy eating and diet have in entered. The coachman in citizen's vain tried to increase ; on those who dress tied the reins, left his seat; fed well but can't get fat; and on precipitately and handed his whip those who have tried every known to one of the individuals pressed i n)cthod in vain. It is a powerful against the wall. This man left liisiaul to digestion, nutrition and as- p^'.*.! a/id placed himself at the head! similation. It assists the bl(H)d and of the horses. nerves to distribute all over the "Monsieur,'' said the porter in a'bwly the flesh elements contained I'lV.- voice, '-look ! the lights are putjin food, and gives the thin person oui in the salon. Droll idea thatlithi same absorbing qualities pos- to blow out the candles just as the i sessed by the naturally fleshy, guests arriveâ€" the dining-room. Everybody is about the same, but tn> ! They must intend to spend j ceitain elements and organs of tiie night playing hide-and-seek. | blood and nerves are deficient and Look! it seems to confound the; until this is corrected, thin people ni.in who has just gotten down from I will stay thin. The nutrition stays tiio box -he looks at the wiiidt)wa â€" I ii> the body after separation by the he retreats ix little to get a better digestive functions instead of [lass- THE STO.'HACH TELESCOPE. Ii(veii(ioii Proves of Value in Diag- nosing Sloiuaeli Troubles. The ''stomach telescope," or gas- tro.-cope, invented at the ^ondon Hospital last year, has proved to he of the greatest value in the diag- no.'iis of stomach disorders. An eminent surgeon recently referred in the highest terms to tlie advanc- es lately made at that hospital in, the early detection of diseases of, the stomach by means of this in-| strument, which will in the inime-' diate future probably come to bo: |)art of the e(iiiipment of every up-' to date hospital. The gastroscope' now enables the physician or sur-' geon to actually see for himself thel (•xact condition of the whole of the' interior of the stomach, the slight- j est ulceration, growth or other ab-l noimality in the lining membrane being thus readily observed. To be able to do this is of the very great- est importance in suspected can- cer of the stonuudi, where the only hoiio of cure lies in the eradica- tion of the cancerous growth at the very earliest moment. 'Tliis means tht.l the increase<l use of the gas- trf scope will in the future save many lives that would otherwise in- evitably be lost through that dis- ease. â€" London Telegraph. GROWING OLD TOGETHER. Irate Creditorâ€" "I shall call every week until you pay this ac- count !" Debtorâ€" "Really. Then there steins every probability of our ac- quaintance ripening into friend- ship." ma Camphor Ice I Vaselii*^ FOR CHAPPED SKIN COLD SORES, WiNDBURh. 12 Vaseline Remedies in Tubes Capsicum, Ituratod, Mentholated, Corbo- Isted, <:ainpliorate<5. White Oxide of Zlno, etc. Kaeh fni stwciitl purposca. Write for Free Vaseline Boole. OHESEBROUCH MFC. CO. tCons'd) 370 Gratis St. W., Montreal viewâ€" yes, ogle as you will, my child, all is bla<>k up there ; you inirst go in without a light.' Horisoff standing in the middle of. the street appeared U) hesitate. He turned and looked up, iirob.ibly to see if the personn who had imi- tated the cock were still at the win- dows. He then went straight ti ing thr<^iugh unused, when this val liable treatment of blended inedi ciiies is used. Practically no one can remain thin who ii.nes it, for it supplies the long need. Mix in a half iiiut bottle, three ources of -essence of i)epsin, and thiee ounces of syrup of rhubarb. Then add one ounce compoiin<l es- MAPLEIME itself for an unreasonable length, of sclv lime, more than could be needed 1 ",See ! the shadows disappear '. It to ascertain from a coachm;iii whc- 1 jg the street we must watch.'' thcr his carriage was free. But at 1 Xothin,n> extraordinary occurred. Jei'gth Borisoff passed on his nay and was. lo.-;!/ in the darkness. Max- im' idU'Y waiting awhile went to- ward the boulevard. .\rrivcd at tiie enti of the street he stopped to look arcund. then turned to the litht and rcjoinpd the coachinan, wif. recognized him inimediately and began to laugh. ".\h, monsieur, ' he said, "la particuliere's gentleman wanted to |)uuip mc, bnt I turned liim off nice- ly FaiH-y that seeing my coach driiwii (i|i here he nristnisted me at once and asked if 1 had brought somebody to Rue JoulTroy. 1 knew what was up and told him 1 was "waitJTiT;-ft>t '» doctor who hired me by the month, and was on a visit ill that big house yonder- <in the boulevard." "Really 1' e.Kclaimcd Maxime. "you have put him oft the track. That was a good idea of yours, and I shall remember it when we set- tle." "Oh,' said the coachman, 'tin not uneasy about my pourboiro ; I k«n>w iny »nan. That's why I could tell that tall one there was the husband, and a husband jealous as a turkey, and I see well enough that you mean to play him a trick. " "Perhaps, but did he no): ask ^\'>i\ to drive hiiu somewhere!" "Yes; it vexed hiui to see my cat riage drawn up at the end <if«tho street where he had just left his (..ntiiinliere ; ho knew I wasn't tjitre for ;.oi\\ng. He has a sharp iic carnage did not nioveâ€" neither di<l the three men who had come a-< scouts. They had well chosen tleir iilaccs, for they seciiicd to make part of the wall, and to dis- ccin them it was necessary t<j know tlicy were there. The coadimaii remained motion- lesson his seat. Hobert de ( 'ariiool reached the little door escorted by! two persons suitably attired, and] followed by a third who left the j berlin after him. A chance pas- ser-by, whom a nocturnal promen- ade had led to Rue .Jouffroy would hav( thought it all (|uite natural. Fr ur gentlemen, ariiving in a beautiful carriage before a house wh.o.se master gives a soiree is to Ix! .seen often and anywhere ; but this very ordinary s|)e<'tncle e.x.cit- e<l Maxime to the higlu-st pitch. R( bert do Carnoel falling in the midst of these people was stranger than nil the rest. "Where did he come from? Had he been the colonel's prisoner, and if so, why had he let him come out? Why <li<i he bring him to the so- called Madame Sergent's! ' Just as the ci tle\anl, secretary reached the door, where a servant arnied with a torch awaited biin, a strange noise |)ierce<l through the silcii(-(> of tlic night. It was the <-rowi)ig of a CI or rather the <orutcrfeit of it. proceeding from a human throat. "It's up there," whispered the uoilcr; "the clerks on the third the door guarded by two of his' seiico cardiol. Shako and let stand sui alterns. They moved aside to two hours. Then add one ounce of make wav, and ju.si as he was about 1 tincture cadomenc compound (not to iiush it open, it was closed vio- 1 cardamom). .Shiike well and take ler.tlv bv some one on the inside. 1 n. leaspoonful Ix^fore and after •Ah! Ihev have slammed the door] >:"'als. Drink plenty of water be- in his face," exclaimed M. Bidard; twcen meals and when retiring, "v, hat was that coachman after? Die he Bupjiose himself invited t.;<.!" "it is no coachinan," said Max- iuK-, who had rccogni/.ijd Borisoff. "He is queerly dressed for hold- ing the reins, that's a fact. But if he is a monsieur, wh.v was he on thi; box! Oh, oh! he is angry; he kii>cks at the door,â€" beats with his fee": and fists. Good! there are the two others taking part in it. If tiic door was not jiretty firm they wi uld break it down. What an up- roar they make ! They will rouse the neighborhood. 1 am astonish- ed the two clerks up there haven't cried out wolf." "Hush! the dining-room window opens; a man appears there. It is one <.>f the two who entered a min- ute ago. 1 neognizc his scpiaro shmlders. Ah! there is the ama- teur coachman apiiroaching ; they are having a talk. 1 want to hear what they say. Open the casement a little way- softly." "It is iinpriwieut, perhapsâ€"but if monsieur wishes it--'' The complaisant Bidard ended his sxMitence by opening the win- dow with great caution, and .Max- init? listened. .\ lively colloquy was taking pl;u;e bclwc;»n the person who had ap- peared at the window and tin' col- •me" in the street. Both spoke l< ud enough to be heard, but at th; first words that reachei^ his ear. Maxime discovered that they sjtoke in Russian. Bidard, who was listening, said ; "What a language! It must \n: Chinese. I thought those scamps were not French. Dame! the frien<ls of the Prussian ! and see ^ ho'v the,\ are carrying on, -what i .gestures they make." I The tiikers were making signals, : which Maxime strove to -nterpret. I F.vidently the (pieslion was one of I niountiuK or descending. I The dining- r4io'n was on the gr'iundnoor, an elevated ground- fl(.ui, it is true, but the window was Speuding hiindrndfi ot Jollan In Imirdiug a .splciKliil homo or Iwrn and then dolibcrkluly ullow it to aulTer for paiut. Martin - Senour Paict 100 0/0 Pure, Prcaervca It fcttis IhohuBtry oi>«n porcF of the WMd witli rur« llnl««d oil. Irad und tinc-raakins Ui« turfne* atuulataly Inpoi viouB to ciimAtir (:ha.i)fr««. It )ie«l» wood from djirapneMâ€" Dr^ «*nt* It {ran. dollttlnK, cmckinc. fram â- an and f ro§t, hllBEvrinK boat and hlo^ • Ins duat, which h«]p tne prccvaaaa of dacay and rutn. Guod pure paint burt nwt« than KMcanta worth «f insuranca atalnat the ravasftsof timo. Thu liisrcdiaata ef a rura raint ara woll kiiowB. In th« main thay ar»Car. bonata of I.aad, Oxida af 7.Uc pura Colora, wall crotind by a»aci»Ur adapt- ed macMnarr. and tblAnad with pura liiMaad oil aad puia tu>»«nttna dryar. A baildiac own.r nha faili ta »-ca«- Rita rt» tnM ImfrttiK' o/ ••ie/»<«» llm r^V ftlnl. m ill •la bis property ralaa daaraaia wklU lia araws asad and paaaiak wamdcring wnr. tMity iM it your itaalw <taj>»«t lup. pInroM. wa'll «ladly diract yeu whara •u painU can ba bad. ^»4^i?«Aa<« AU SohttitnUt "'^kjw. Ulttttrated beakiat, ^C*^ "BauM Ba««ttfttl," and inlaraaUni color cani Praa for tba aaktix. kcMtrth-StMatC*. Montraal AoiMara Pmrw ^aM A daToiin^ uccd the >«m« as leeaon or Tanini Hr disaolrinn graDulcted su^ai ia water adding Meplein«, a delidocs f^nip in mad lepi . . . a sjTTup boKer than mtoto- Maplrtneis »old BToccrft. If not tend 50c for 2 ox. bottle a_ __ lecipo book. Crete a at M(f. Co.. 3»attl*, W a, Lnillik e«n4 ^TJL^ Pffjn^ Tf^ ^^ It is tlio palm tlint slunJs up bright â-  "^ ' »*â- Â»** * ^OC l.-md beautiful tliroiigh mill orshiiie. Th.tt is wliMt yon want on your home. ^'ou can't expeiinicut. I. el RAMSAY'S PAINTS do the expeiinit'nting !oi' you. Tliey have done it ;ilre:idy .-tiul aic fully Kiiiir.-iiilcpd. Therefore, false no lisks. Yo\i don't need to. Use Iv.uiisay's r.-iints for all true painting and be protected. Do you want our booklet on house painting? It is very b«:iuliful. We send it free. Ask (\}e borklet "W". A. RAMSAY & SON CO., K^titlili^hocl ISCJ, The Paint Makers, Montraal. FAIRBANKS - MORSE Gasoline Engines SIZES J. J, 4. 6 H.P. SP'SCIALLY DESIGNED FOR OEM ERAL FARM WORK, .a They arc so simple that the average farm hand can run them, and are practically Fool Proof and Frost Proof. Send to-day for catalogue G.F. 102, W.P. CO., showing full line of engines for farm use. It means money saved for yon. TERMS Spoolal Torms to Farmers. The C»H?»Din|1 FAIRBANKS COMpANV, Limited, di^OHTRE^' â- ranchsli-Torcnie, St. John. H.B., Winnipeg, Calgary. V«nco«i»er N1HB_ AnilRKS.'^ Canadian Appreciation LaiiKhain Hotel, London. Gnnllcmon,â€" I wish to cxpri;f< my «|iprct:iatii.-n of the 38 h.p, l)ainilt-r which you havi- delivered to nie. Before ship- ping the o;-.v to fainda. I made a three weeks' trial of it, cov- <Mini< some l.iJOO miles. The ear ran perfectly, and 1 never had the sli«htest iroitblc of any kind, and I think it ipiite lives up to llie many clniins von make for it. The silenee. smooth- ness of i-iiiuiing, and power of aocelerntioii on reniarkai)lo. .M,v pelrol eonstiTiiption was in miles to tin: ing a Ki-ciit ileal of driving in Irnflie. The ' preeiahle sign« of w<'Hr, and I think it"' 1 am really delighleil with 1I1- (Si.cned) (' ' hills is really gal Tho ^^k M \

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