Flesherton Advance, 5 May 1910, p. 8

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May 5 1910 Business Cards tCOCKS Butldtr D<] Contrutor For Briek, tttane and Umtoe rMid*nc»o. Kf ' ' I ob««r(ully turri«b«d, FlaabertOD 1' % ttaHMto* o tatMiu. liOOUiOUUR A YOUNQ VI KkDken Markdkl* 00» g*a«r«l bkDking biisioeit. Uooe; loknad tt re»»oii»bl« rttw C»ll on uh. TvJhlSI.KTT, • I'oiiliiiaiit«r, Ceylon. CommluloQiir luR.C J . CoDveyincev. deed*. iDort«M;«<i, Idum, willa etv.ckrefiilly drawn up Jol|«cttout ai^Af. vhnrget ro»»on»ble. Alto ero«eries, flour, teed etc. kept iu stock, Frlcee lUiht. B i HfBOULK A rottiuMter, PleebertoD \/«mmiMioosr in H.O J., Auotionee Con* Teyancer, Appriiaer and Money Lxnder Iteal Ketate knd iDeuraoee Agent. Deedf. BMrtgeiee, )«••«â-  and villi carefally drawn op and valuationa made on tborteHt co^tice luooey to loan at lowest rates o( interest. *CoI- cctloaa attended to with promptness ctaargaa low. Agent for Ocean DomlnioD Btaamahip Company. A call solicited. Alcohol not needed Ayer's Saraaparilla is not a ttrong drink. As now made, there is not a drop of alcohol in It. It is a non-alcobollc toaic and alterative. Ask your oim doctor about your taking this medicine for thin, impure blood. Follow his advioe every time. He knows. E FLE S^R ,/â-  X TOK ADVANCE DUcPHAlL, Mceused Auctioneer foi the • County of Grey. Terms moderate and satisfaction (;"»r»nteBd. The Brraogemeuts and dates ol aalos can be made a*. The AnvANCB omee. Residence and P.O., Ceylon. Telephone connection. Dee. OXn. A We pakUah ear tonnlaa - WaTbMiak sleekal .^ tfm tm* Meiuiaaa We a>ce yea •• yers Milling in ^l^lntario. r" HREAT NATIONAL INDUSTRY IS CENTRING HERE. The Maple Leaf Company Will Have Z a Daily Capacity of 12,800 Barrels of Flour When the Port Colborae Mill is Added to Present Plans. â- S555B! South Uac, Artcnesia 'What is the Ibit (real Nine doctors out of Wkl. KAITTISG, t.ic«nsed Auctioneer for the coDntiet of (irey and Sinicoe. Farm and Stock sale* a specialty. Terms moderate, satisfaction Riiarantted. ArranRe- mentB for dates uiav bo made at the Advance jlDee, orAlT. Hiitchinsou's Btore, teverslism byaddressioK uie at Ffversh aiii, Ont. RUDD MATHKWK, Markdale, Lacensed aucMoueer for the county of Grey, Good •errice at resscnabla rates. Dates can be u.uAe at The Advance, o 09 ^r^AKVEY PKRIOOT:, broker. Fle»bertoii. -^ (loneral broker&fjo business. InBuranci* of every kind placed iu safe and liberal compr.iiif«. Keal eatatcetc, 0|>ea accounts and past due iiotaa baDdltnl and money advanced tbereoo. Correspondence solleiled. Ask Toor doctor, rule of heslth?' ten will anickly repljr, " Keep the bovels recular.'' Then ask bim another ques- tion, "What do ^ou think of Ayer's Pills for constipation?" â- sdi kjr tke «. 0. A««r Oe.^ liOweU, Medical • _ 8 0nt,Phy»icli._, w_.„ ,. eaidenceâ€" Peter at., Flaabarton \1I C P & B Ont, Physician, Surgeon, etc OlBce - -â-  â-  " -.â€" . â€" »-- «l Vot^Ury Surgeon Oraduate nf ^|t|»rio Veterinary Collece. residouce â€" >''«SSl door south west.CD | kary Ktreit Vfela btreet runs south { Preatvterian Cii :irnh. - , j â-  cr^ ..i^wiN l;l»ck»inlMi I « n ^^^jg' 'ifaittr^||-'-'-T Bcienc Association.' ' fiiMUm ItTas,^ ori>o«lta Hoyd, Itro' s hardware. ' i Dentistry Dr E. C. MURRAY U D. S., dental snrceon bono. Kra<iuHto of Toronto University and Royal ColleiJH of Dental SurKOOua of Ontario, (ias adniisinisterid for teetb extraction oainc at rc«ideui:e, Toronto Street. Fleslierton. Leoal f LC.\8. IIASEYA- \V.\L,U«E-narrl8ters, 'â- ' Solicitors, etc.-l. H. Lucsii, K. C. ; w. h. naney K. <'. ; J. H. ti. Wallace. OUlces. Toronto. HTHi-U TiadorB Hank Hldp phone main Uli; Markdale l,ucaB Hlock. I'hone 2 A. ttraucb oOii-e at D undalk opi-o every Saturday. WH WUIOHT, Barrister. Solicitor. Convey- ancer, etc.,â€" Ow»n Sound, and Klesberton. N Bâ€" Flesberton office, Hproulo's Block every fiaturi^v GOODS FURN ITURE The lar"et>l and liest NtDck of Furniture cfur hhowii in Flcsherton. Ihi.'} without fc/ir of c<>n- tiiiJiction. Clinic and 800 some of the nice tilings in Side Boards, Dining Ii<j<ini ChairH, Parlor Soils, Bed Room Sott.s. A sjiecinl rednc- ticin just now on every- thing, in order to re- duc',' tlio stoik. W. H. BUNT FURNITURE DEALER Flesherton Societies AO t> W meets oi. the last Monday in each month, in their loago room 'Norris- block. Flesberton, at » P m M.W.. Alfred Harrison; hec... C. H Munsliaw; Fin., W.J. Bel. amy. Visitina bretbrao Invited P" INCB ARTHUK LODOE, No. H33,A,P4 A M. meets in tbe Masonicball. Arm- â- rtroOK's Hlfjck, Flesberton. every Kridav on or before the full moco . Tbos. Ulakely,W.ll.; Herb.Buiitb, Secretary. C~OURT FLEBHERTON. OOS, I. 0. F. iceets In Clayton's Block the last Wednesday eveuinB .^f each month. Visitiui; Foresters heartily welcome. ». K.. Dyson; K. B., 1. HeLry: Kin. Sec, C. N. Kii-bardson. Please pay ^ues .o Kin. Sec. before tbe first day of tbe uidntb. ^ C'abl^r FhlENDB-Fleaberton Council ol Cboaen Friends meets in Clayton shall first and third WednBSdsy of oacli inouth 8 p. ro P»y ai»»aanienl» to the Hecorder on or before toe ttrat dayol each month, ChisI Councillor T. BlaketoviKeoorder W. H. Hunt, Farms For ale or Rent |aRM to "E NT-lg^r^^^j^l^yt^. SaKM FOK BALE-Very cheijp, 100 acres. * tot 9, con. 7, Osprey, only t-KOO, reasonable Ceylon Meat Market All kinds (f ficsh nnd Rniokcd niealf>, head cheese, cauKUBe, always un haud Cash jjaid lor hides, J. HcCLOCKLIN Thompson's # 8Mb peynient. balautoeasy terms, 85 acres SSuid, weU fenced and in liiKh state of ou tl vaSoB. balance timbered, Kood comfortable IwJme dwelline, stone cellar under, never fail- IWimrlng welTaud windmill pump at door, iSrTwi'ebarn, well flui«hed. stone stabljUK 311. -Tl.no vKter under, also in sbed. It is 1 imlle from Manwell village where are atores. iiost offices. Rood school o U u xrr. Md isoa the Kravel road. -J* miles from r«'lw«y It aold at onci', above price, tboiiish 7 SmUoo. it sold at onci', ' atove price, .---f VERY CHEAP uili!lil 1>« shaded a little. AiSJ io It J. S^UupLE. Haahertoo or TBDHAS GUY. onprou-ises,^ " -CARM »X>R~8AI..Bâ€" r^ot 10, Ton. II. and F*JS north half Lot 10. (ou. 10« Osprev. 150 iSiie%flr.relae.far... ; ll°^"^^^J'°»^. oHitStuDi X 79 with cement sUblluR fvell watered by eood will at bouse and fJilioKilTiinBOrJS; well fenced and ... Jjass state orcultl»»tion. For price and (Mnly on t«vc premlaes ,or address II. J. Bread delivered regu- liuly and kept for mile ut the following stores : Collinsoir« and J. Pallison'H, Ceylon W..\ldconi & Sou's nnd P. MtArthur's Priceville N. McCannell'H Proton Station R. Heron's, Maxwell A. Hutchinson's and Kli Robinson's Feversliain II. Cairns', J.K.l*irgc's and R.Piuks', Eugenia o 3 Bakery CIOl.qUBWeh,yevcrsbaiu. '^^fmm^mi'' , iiniii#)'liate possesfioii. ctlti0fi, about T.'i acres /ent, I mm cloarTionifovXbre lol'bouse 'ind lfa...o ^^^^^^^ Apply to K .1 Ki.ioiile, Kluslii<rton, or John J Martin, across the road fro.ii said lot. F"o78»ie cheap and on easy ternis, «opd com- fortable frame dwelling, stabl* and drivi.m house with th.ei' vlllaitelots in Ceylon- D"^ " iuRwcll built 1111(1 nnlsl.ed and KOod bearing crcliaid ou the prop.-rty. Apply to _U J SPHOiiJi, Flesberton. T otl9, con. 6, Osprey containing 100 acres, HD -J^i-leuied. Jrau.e liouac, frame barn, stone fuundatiou; orchard. well watered. One tliouHsnd down and balance to unit purcliasci. Ju.miidiatc pi>Ksi!iif.i<>ii \>'l'!> '" ,, „ ',. K, N, KiN.Ni AK Maxwell I". ". Bulls, etc., for Servicft. /:iy&: S P R T N <} T E R M at the The ufticial announcement of the orsan- ization of the Maple Leaf Milling Coin- pan;, Limitod, indicates that Ontario is coming into il8 own in the niiliiiiK indust- ry. This company, besides havins; five its lit niilli situated within the Province, will hare a total daily capacity almost e<inal to that of any of the other companies o]>enting in Canada. Prom- inent Toronto interests are identified with the organiuttion of the new com- pany, along with the inteieNts who hare been for some years past behind botli the Maple Leaf Pluur Mills Company, Limit- ed, and the Hedley Shaw Milling Com- ]>any, Limited. Among these Toronto iulereets are Mr. Cawthra Mulock, and Mr. C. W. Band, and both Mr. D. C. Cameron, the former President of the Maple Leaf Flour Mills Comimny, Limited, and Mr. Hedley Shnw, who lias been General Manager uf the Maple Leaf Flour Mills Company, Limited, will retain their active interest in the new concern, the Board of Direct- ors including, in addition to these four gentlemen, Mr. John I. A. Hunt, Pre- sident of the Ocderich Elevator and Transit Company, Limited ; Mr. Chas. Wurtele, Vico-Pr«sidsnt of the National Iron Works, Limited ; Mr. John Carrick, ; Secretary of the Maple I^eaf Flour Mills 1 Company, Limited, and Mr. Hedley Shaw, of Toronto, Managing Director of ^the Maple Leaf Milling Company, Limit- led. When taking over the Maple Leaf Fhiur Mills Coiiniany, Limited, and the Hedley Shaw Milling Company, Limited the interests behind the new company have plsced in the treasury 81,000,000 of additional cash capital, wjiich, besides I permitting the completion of a modern I C,0(.>Obarrel mill, a 1,000,000- bushel I eleriilor at Port Colbornc and the erec- ,tion of Rome hfieon new elevators within ! the western wheat bolt, will proriJa it • with fulther working capital. i The now company will when the new ' mill at Port Colboine is completed have I a daily capacity of 12,800 ban els of Hour. ! The mills of the company a.'e situated at iKenura, St. Catharines, Thorold, Welland and Port Colborne, (the latter in course { of construct ion), and ar lii'undon in the i Province of Muniinba. I (Intario will have a particular interest 'in wutching the results achiered by the operation of the new big plant at Port Colborne, as experts state that a mill erected at such a point will enable the new coii)|iany that owns it to lay down its flour at almost every point iu Canada or at the Atlantic seaboards in Canada, id Great Britain and in the foreign markets of the world at a much lower rate than can be done by any other con- cern that has to alternate from any other point in the country. V\> to the pre.>^ent time Montreal has been rather the hcadi(uarter8 of the big milling concerns, but the organisation of I this company makce it look as though I Toronto would rival the older city in still 'another industry by being the heads <)uarteis of the concern, the total output of which will be eifual to thjkt uf any one concern in the couHtry. Last Week's Budget. Mr. an4 Mrs. W. Richardson guests at the home of Mr. S. McDonald, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Bowles. Vandeleur, were oallers at the home of Mr. A . Ding- wall, on tlieir way to visit friends in ' Egremont. Mr. James Prichird, formerly of Montreal, moved to his farm purchased from Mr. Sam Bachelor. We wish hire success. Mr. Fred Nesbitt is assisting llr. Prichard with his farm work. Mr. S. Btoheler and Mr. .Tohn Car- son, Proton Station, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. Prichard, "Klondike Farm." Mr. ^Vill Dingwall, accompanied by Carefully his sister, Louise, spent Sunday with ! W'heat . . friends near Proton Station. The lagiippo is prevalent in this vicinity at present. Young as well as old are suffering from it. Miss Beatrice Wattois, O. D. K., spent a few days recently with her aunt. Miss £milj Huddy. j sore eye for the puil few weeks, is im- ; proving nicely under the care of Dr. I McCorinick of Darbam. I Miss Watson, Bridell, haw become a **•â- â€¢ resident of this neighborhood ana is at pretent with Mrs. James Oliver. "Cj.pe Horn Farm." Mr. James Hay ittve a "social hop" to' a number of younp peojile recently. All speak welt of their good lime. Soboiil reopened again oo Monday after being closed for the past week, the teach- er, Mr. H. B. McKinnon, being laid up with a severe attack of lagf ippe. Glad to see Mr. McKinnon around again. .#â-  HE MIRKHS. Corrected Oats Peas Barley Hay Butter Eags, fresh . Potatoes per bag. . . Each Week , . 1 00 to J 00 :u to ;?4 . . .. 75 to 75 . . 45 to 60 12 00 to 14 00 , . . . 25 to 25 19 -o 1» 40 to 40 Notice To Creditors. In the matter of the estate of Marj McRae, late of the Township of Artemesia in the County of Grey, Mairied Woman deceased. NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to tba re- vised Statutes of «. ntario, 1M()7, Chap, laotbat all the creditors and others haviuK olairaa against the estate of the said Mary Moltee, whodied on or -about tba ninth day of April, 1910, are required on or before the 88tli day rf May 1910, to send bv post pre- paid or deliver to Alexander Muir, Ceilon, I Ont.. or to John McFayden' Ceylon, Ont,. Executors of the last Will and Testament M the said Mary Uollae deceased, tb«V ' christian and surname*, addresses and dK seriptiona. tbe full partienlara of their elaima, tbe statemeut of their accounts and tbe'nature-; of the securities (if any) held by them. AND FUUTHEU TAKE KOTIOE that after such last mentionud datetho said executors will proceed to distribute tbe assets of the da» ceased among the parties entitled tberet0|. having regard only to tbe claims of wbictf they shall then have notice, and that the said executors will not be liable for the said asseia or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claim nocice shall not have bean re- ceived by them at the time of such distrlbu tiou. W. H. WRIGHT, (solicitor for Executors, .Alexander Muir aud Jobu McF<i Dated April '^Ird.igio. This Week's Budget. Mr. and Mrs. Alex R chardson of Swini on Park were guests a^ Mr. Jos. Ferris' on Sunday. Mat>t(r Farquhar Oliver gave a birth- day party tj a number of his little friends ' recently. { Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dingwall and little! son, Oswald, Hopeville. spent Sunday at the home of Mr. A. Dingwall. ' Mr. Sandy McDonald of tins line had a narrow escape the other day from leing â-  btruck by liL'htning. He was purchasing hay from Air. E. Palhstcr, Proton, nndj was loidiiig hay in the barn the time the ' electric storm passed over that vicinity. The light ning struck the ventiUtnr on the l>arn and came down ihroueh it and passed out the <ipen door near where he was wor king. He had a ntrrow escape, but, ,18 it was, he was more scared tlian huit. Sandy says he outre pretty near • bring on the golden stair. I Wo are pleased to hear that Mis. D. McDoogtil. who baa lii'cn laid up with . <^ C. J. BELLAMY'S Hardware Hints Brighten Up! We are offering this week the following bargains : Stay on stove enamel, regular -15 cents, now 10 cents Bright light itove paste, regular 10 cents, now 8 cents Odorless jet stove pipe enamel, regular 25 cent*, no* 16 cents X rays metal ixilish, regular 15 cents, now 9 cents Furniture polish, rojiular 15 cents, now 10 cents-' Vnrnish wood stain, regular 20 cents, now 16 cents A Grateful Mother Tells of Her Daughter's Re- covery. A mother will always be worried and anxious It one of her daughters , should be affected; that from any ' cause the natural (unctions of the body | become retarded or suppressed. Any i Irregularity, especially In a growing girl, is apt to be the forerunner of a long chain of sicknefs, not unfre- quently followed by pernicious an- aemia or consumption. "My daughter had Just passed her sixteenth year when, owing to an ex- posure at an Inopportune time, an Im- portant action of the system coasted." So writes ilr.s. Thomas E. St. Nicholas, of Manchester South. "Stella was ' subject to violent nnee bleed â€" was hysterical and borne cimvii by fits of j mental depression. She grew listless | and debilitated, and her progress at i school was pieventcd by frequent small ailments which kept her at home. After using Kerrozone fix or feven I weeks, some signs 1 of improvement came, but not suffi- cient to show that she would grow na- tural again. It was fully three months after she had been using Ferrozonc be- ore my worry Was over. After that her system became natural and regu- lar. I cheerfully recommend Kerro- 'zone for all troubles Incident to glrl- I hood and womanhood." Ferrozone Is a womanly tonic that supplies to the blood and nerves the qualities that are lacking when health Ferrozone Builds Up Weak Girls NOPr/fi/fi ^ '^Mi CORNS li'GIt SKHVICE-Bho'-' â- T i.ot US. 'O'l '!, V Teiiiis »l. iiavable 1st aiusoN. ijroj.rlctor. lorn Hull. No. 7IJ95â€" ' .Ant T. and H' Uoad. Jau., lull. John M. have for service a I'lire Iliad Hull. Broad- hook's Lad, NO 7'^ on^.ot^,JO. -.. *. wiiK'^. anil tllfn .•»'!«rirsbam.<)iif. ' ' •♦ i-f l<.'n"T~~=» "•S. fat I Owen Sound Commences Tuesd.iy, March 2!t, liHO. INDIVIDUAL INSTIUCTION IN ALLBU8INKSS SUBJECTS. Information Free. C. A. Fleming, 0. D.Fleming, Principal. Secretary. Our Clubbing List The following prices are for strictly paid in advance subscriptionsonly. We have no accounts with other papers. Flesherton Advance 8 1 0^' Yo'jlhs Companion 1 76 Toronto Worhl. daily 2 00 Toronto Daily News . '- "0 Weekly Globe ^] Mail-Empiro , '^" Family Herald & Star *") Toronto Siar ' ''^ Farmer Sun . . J^O Farmers Advooata 1 •"' Weekly Wit.ies? '•» i^aHiiday Night ''I'M) soin le Jouruoi "v VOWH .::: '" -•V; ; S â- â- "â- e <ii'^' •' A dog wan shot in ( Iwen Sound last week which proved to have the rabies, f and considerable excitement is the re- j suit. ' Is poor. No medicine Is so nourishing â€"so full of life and vigor-making prop- erties. Try one or two Ferroaone Tab- lets with your mealsâ€" watch the re- sult Fifty cents a box. six for »i.50. all dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co,, Kingston, Canada. CURED l.\ 24 Houns Yon can painlessly remove any corn either hard, soft, or bleeding, by applvlng Putnam's Corn Extractor. It never burns, leaves no scar, contains no acids; Is harmless, because composed only of healing gums and balms. Fifty | years In use. Cure guaranteed. Sold , by all druggists. 25c bottles. Refuse substitutes. I PUTNAM'SPAINLESt CORN EXTRACTOR ' MARTIN-SENOUR Paiat Quarts, regular iio cents, now .1!) cents Pinr.x, reguhr ;iO cents, now 22 cenis Half pints, regular 18 cent.s, n.nv 14 cents C. J. Bellamy, - Flesherton mmmmmmmmmmmmmmi Fine Uleatber Booms millinery With every day warmer tlian the day litfore and the appearance that tine weather is going to slay, stimulates the demand for hats iiuick. Though wo lire busy, we are not overlooking orders. Every hat goes out with careful altention. We have just received a case of new- shapes, braids and Howeri. Beautiful Hew Dress Boods Just Jlrrived /tiiioii;; which arc to be seen the latest shades in wisteria, the new lose shades with pale blues, also very pretty shades in browns, blues and greens. Shantung linens and rep the correct thing for that new summer suit in the diti'eront shades of rose, ru.ssct, !(rcen, wisteria, linen, etc. Dainty Dress muslins .V <jood range to choose from ranging in price from '.) to 20 cents. Uestinfls and Crossbar muslins Nothing makes up much prettier for the ne>v tailored blou.ses than tbe vostinus and crossbar muslins. Wu have just received a bii( range in these and you will lind"?niality and desii;n the best. We also have a full lino of white blouses, fancy and tailored. Ladies fancy and embroidered linen collars. .Jabots, frillings and cords, a good assortment. Special in Underskirts Wo have a number of good black 8.iteen underskirts in all sizes. While Ihey last at 50 cents. Lace curtains are now in demand and we have just what will suUyouv I ringing in price fiom 25 to $2.50 per pair. / K few more uf those good C«n.tdian and English pripc*- St's .and 9 cents per yard. In eenis furiiishings wo never have had a more up-to-date line. You will lind our fancy hose hard to bea*-. Do not fail to see, also the shirts and ties. Our new spring suits have just arrived, which will pay you to call and see before buying elsewhere. The styles, ijuality and prices are right. Hats and caps in all the new spring styles. Everything you need in boots and shoes. <-::' l«^* ^-W Wsll papers a specialty, paints and varniahe.s, hardware, groceries and eonfectionoiy. A full stock. Fruits in their season. J. E. LARGE, Eugenia • the I â- vj.(.fl â- '««»r' For Sale by SProule^ f^iddlnbotbam ^ €o.» Flesberton^ and James Pattison, €ey1on«

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