Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1910, p. 2

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â€" ^ cCZEMA IS CAUSED BY IMPURE BLOOD It is Banished by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Because They Make Bood Blood. Abk any doctor and he will tell fou that eczema is caused by im- purities in the blood ; that nothing CSC cure it that does not reach the bloodâ€" that outward aiiplications ar;5 worthless. That is the reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have tlways proved so succtssfulâ€" they Bfi on the blo(Kl, and in acting on the blood they banish those erup- tions and piui))les, relieve the irri- tation and itching and give perfect htftlth. They have cured thousands of cases where poor blood has rc- Bttltcd in disoHf^e. Among those they have cured is Mrs. Jajnes Wil- 1 ns, Aylmcr, Ont., who says: "I Buffered a good deal with eczema a 'id did not get anj-thing to help m- until I ti)ok Dr. Williams' Pinlc Pills. These freed my blood of all impurities and gave me speedy re- lief I am, therefore, naturally very enthusiastic in praise of these pills." A medicine that can make rich, led blood will cure anaemia, rheu- matism, eczema, neuralgia, indiges- ticn, heart palpitation, the ills of giiluood and of womanhood and a n<ist of other troubles â€" simply be- cause these troubles are the result of bad blood â€" that is why they al- ways cure the above troubles and biing the glow of health to pal« cheeks. Sold bj' all medicine deal- cri or direct at .V) cents a box or SIX boxes for S'2.50, from The Dr. . IVilliams' Medicine Co., Brockvillc, Ont. ABANDONED. B aming with jov, little Mr. M< ek sat upon the edge of his high- bucked chair. His spectacles were diiii with happiness, and he listened in rapt attention to the remarks of hts pros|)eo'tiv« mother-in-law. "I must tell you franl^ly, Mr. M^ek," said the' lady, "that my consent to your marrying ray daughter has b'on wrung from me under protest. I knew that if I did , no; agree she would <lisgrace the family by an elopment. When she wants anything, we always have to give it to her, or take the conse- quences; and long experience has taught me that I might as well try to fan off a cyclone as reason with her wli<'n she loses her temper â€" ! especially if there is a flat-iron | hindy or a rolling-pin. Has the marriage day bc^n fixed yet!" | But Mr. Meek's spectacles were no longer misty. "I have, madam," I h<' remarked nervously, "to see a I man about a little business. If yen will excuse me, I'll chat it over with youâ€" erâ€" to-morrow." And as he flew out of the hall door the little man o<niRratulated himself upon a lucky escape. i. Fashion Hints, K vBY CRIRD CONTINUALLY Ml-.-*. Kuaenc Gagon, L'Islet ♦ St-iitiun, Que., say.i;--"I be- J lit ve Baby's Own Tablets the \ best mcdit-ine in the world for r little ones. I have given -^ th'.'ni to 'my baby f<jr cnlic, ^ ciiiistipatiiiii and sometimes ^ for breaking u]) a fever, and T I have never known them to 4. fail in giving prompt relief. ♦ Before 1 began the use of tlie t Tablets my biby waS \ei-.v tliin \ and cvitvl continnally. Since ^ then she lias grown splendid- 4. ly and is plump and healthy. ^ I also gave the Tablets to my ^ four years old child who suf- 4- fercd fre(|uently from convul- ^ sions and they made a per- ^ manent cure. When I have â- â™¦, Baby's Own Tablets in the * house 1 feel safe, and I a<l- vise other mothers also to k(!ep llie'ii on hand." Sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 'J.'i cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Broikvillc. Ont. X t ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ -f ♦ ♦ -f ♦• â- â™¦â-  -f ♦>♦ -f -f-f-f 4- â- â™¦â€¢4 ♦â-  4- ♦ Mrs. Welh'nicnt--"You say you have u wifi' dangerously ill and three small children â€" can't you Qn<' work?' Beggar (sobbingly) â€" " 'Twoiildn't 'lo no good, la<ly, the kids ain't old enoegh to work yet." Boarder- "What's for breakfast) I-r«'pe it's not ham and eggs again." Seivanl â€" "No, sir, not hanf and .-ggs this niornin'." Boarder - 'Thank OoiKlness! What is iti Sf rvant-- "Ham." SEKN IN PAllIS SHOPS. Crochet buttons are a new detail in colored shirt wivists. The crepe effects are again spok- en of with much favor. Evening dresses run almost ex- ch.sively to draped effects. C hrysantheiuum straw, faces many of the exclusive hat models. Crowns of hats are now faced with metallic or colored laces. Shoes of patent leather or calf- skin with cloth uppers continue in: favor. Foulards are utilized for the col- ! la.' and cuffs and for the lining of: tiic new coats. Hip length coats of Irish crochet â- . in most elaborate de'iigns arc be- ing worn. lu suits with any pretense to elaborateness pr.^kets are a prom- inent feature. Green in that delicite tone known as almond is worn alike by young nnH old. The smoke pearl buttons are still popular fastenings for the black suede boots. Attractive indeed are the cur- tains of white batiste bordered in cflors. Yellow and black are used to biightcn the dark toned blue tailor nmdo garments. The mw hats that come under t'ac head of large are simply im- mense â€" incre<libly sti. Seaside suits in blazer and cut- away effects are being ordered for smart outing service. White buckskin shoes with white p< arl butt.tns are among the dres- sy novelties in footwear. _+ RKMAItKAKLK EVIDENCE Of Prosperity Shown by Govern- meiil StulPiuent. One of the most remarkable show- ings made by any Bank in Canada 1 is made evident on the part of the â-  Traders Bank by their Government Statement recently submitted, showing that the deposits of the 'Bunk have iincrcased during the first three months of this year over One and a Half Millions of Dollars, bringing their total deposits up to ?3! ,300.000. An crpially pleasing increase is shown in the total assets to the Bunk. The Bank ri-ports to the (icvernment an increase of its to- tal assets to the grand total sum 01 $12,000,000, which is an incre.-.se of over $2,000,000 over the report nir.de at the end of the year. Ther« is perhaps no Bank in Can- n<ia which is showing such niagni- fiK nt evidences of prosperity and such rai)i<l growth as the Tnulers Bank at the present time. * NO AIKUJMENT. A patient in a seaport hiLspitnl di'scrihcd with gruesome vividness to his feilow-patii iits liis adventures with a shark off one of the islands in the West Indies. "1 had jutt fell over the bul- warks," sai<l the able seaman, "when along come a big shark an' grabs me by the leg." "What did ye do, then, matey?" uskid one of the patients. "I never disputes none with sharks," said the sailor. "I let him have the leg." HE INHERITED HIS ILL-HEALTH BIT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS (ilKEU J. BAILLAKGEON'S ltHEL'MATlS.«. I-'iirlher Proof That no Cane of Kidney Disease can Stand Before the Old Hcliable Kidney Remedy. Monte Belle, Labelle Co., Que., May 9 (Special).â€" That a man may be cured even of inherited ill-health if he keeps his blood pure and his body toned up by using Dodd's Kidney Pills is the experience of Jchn Baillargeon, of this place. "I inherited poor health from my parents," Mr. Baillargeon s.ay8. "i was bothered with Rheumatism, Lumbago and Gravel. I was al- ways tired and nervous. In tact I was a total wreck. I tried all kinds of medicines but I got no relief till I tried Dodd's Kidney Pills. They d'ui mc good and no mistake. I took fifteen boxes in all but I am cured. "My wife also has taken Dodd's Kidney Pills and received great be- nefit from them." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid- neys. Cured Kidneys strain all im- pui'ities, all that disease feeds on, oitZ of the blood. That is why they always cure Rheumatism, Lumbago, Dropsy and Heart Disease. -♦ Besides Great Britain, the coun- tries which have old-age pensions aie_ Denmark, France, Belgium, Germany, New Zealand and Au- stralia. tTOCKS. STOCK BONUS OF a»% MAPLE LEAF MILLIN& COMPANY Look at thr record of Tlif L«ke o( th'' W<in(lii. OffiUip, and Weatern Canaria Milling Com..anlia. Our own 50 Bay Street, Toronto buildio astK C1 OBAIiT SILVER AND PORCUPINE / Qold Hto<-k() botiElit and sold. Kn- gineera' Reports on Porcupine. Write for particularA. P. S. Hairston, 25 Uaoniug Arcade, Toronto. Ont. LAKE HURON AND LAKE SUPERIOR. A magnificent summer trip is en- joyed by taking this "Fresh Water Sf a Voyage" from Sarnia, Ontario, to Fort 'William, Ontario, through these great inland seas. New! steamers have been added to the j N( ithern Navigation Co's. fleet,! am' the finest and fastest vessels on the Great Lakes will fly the; lu.use flag of this popular Com- pany. The steamers run in connec- tio I with the Grand Trunk Rail- way System, and all particulars, rates and descriptive literature, etc., can be had for the asking by applying to Mr. J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, Union Station, Toronto, Ont. A good deal that we credit to our) charity onght to be charged to our being to'o lazy to investigate the fads. SENTENCE SERMONS. The empty head never has a light heart. Polishing a pew is not burnishing; a crown. You cannot mend broken hearts with soft solder. It is easy for the putty man to hi at peace. Only a y(oodei man can wear a ready made opin.'on. The heairt is never enriched by hoarded affection. When your heart foels starved tr? to take another boarder in. Some who advertise heaven man- ufacture a good deal of hell. Stress the good in your life and yo-i will forget its distresses. The new day comes by sitting up at night worrying over it. Lamps are to be known by their radiance, not by the racket they make . There's a lot of difference be- tween ' putting bins away and cov- ering them up. Most of us are willing to take lessons in patience at the other man's clinic. When a man aims hio prayers at arothe." he always misses the throne of grace. If heaven advertised for gangers NOT EVEN SCRATCHED. Curate â€" "I heard your husband has signed the pledge. Does he keep it to the letter'?" Parishionerâ€" "It worn't a letter, sir. it wor a card." 'I mean, has he kept his pledge inviolate?" "No, sir, he ain't kept it in vio- let at all. I've kept it in lavender in a drawer." "I'm afraid you don't under- Ecand me. What I mean is, has he broken the pledge since he took it?" "iHe ain't touched it, sir. I've kept it wrapped up in paper, an' it' a as good as new." Then the curate gave it up as hopeless. MINISTER WHO TESTED ZAM-BUK. Rev. P. F. Laugill, "The Manse," Carp, Ont., writes: "Some consid- erable time ago I began using Zara- Buk with a view to testing it thor oughly. I am troubled with eczema, which is always worse in, the early part of winter, and seems to leave rne about spring. I tried Zam-Buk immediately my hands started to break out, and am pleased to say that it checked the disease, which is more than I can say for anything I have ever before tried. We now have Zam-Buk in the house con- tinuously, and I carry a small sample box in iny pocket. One even- ing I hajipened to look in where an Or. Indian Morse'tS Root P 1 1 i a are juat the right mediclni; for tlie crhildreii. Whi'ti iHcy are constl- natcd when tln-ir litdiicyR are ou» of onler -when over-iiidulgniice in Bon;:> favorite food given them in- diprefltion- Dr. Morse'i Indian Root Pill.i will quickly and mirely put them riiflit. Purely vegetable, they neither sicken, weaken or gripe, like harvh purgatives, (luard your ehildren'rt health by" ahvaya keep- ing a box of Dr. Morse'n Indiao Root Pills in the house. They Keep the Children >A/ell AGENTS WANTED. CHUT.STIA.-^ MAN gr Ontario. \CHUT.STIA.-^ MAN TO HULL HlaH gradu leas, .\lfred Tyler. London, AGENT.S-85 A DAT EASY. NO Ex- perience "I1e«4i^. Hells on sight. Absolute necessity to iTtrwiMS. Doce work of 30 men. Pays for itselrHa one hour. Write today. C. R. Adams CJk..^ Sarnia, Out. "* -^ AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY TOWN to sell a six-dollar Vacuum Carpet 'Deancr: rapid seller: big eommissiou. ' Hills. 556 Dovercourt Rd.. Toronto. EOIJCATICNAL. LEARN THE BARBER TRADEâ€" NEW systemâ€" constant practice: careful Instruction; few weeki complete eourees tcoli free: graduates earn twelve to eighteen dollars weekly; write for cata- logue. Moler Barber College. 221 Queen East. Toronto. MACHINERY HEADQUAETERS. - cbinerf. gasoline MACHI.VKRY Iron and wood-working macUinerf. engines, boilers, steam pumps, engines. electric motors, contractors machinery, etc. Send for eatalogne of orer MOO machines. H. W. PETRIK. old man had ^net with an acident a | limited. Toronto. Montreal. Vancouyer week before, and had lost a finger nail. I dre.'^sed the wound with Zuni-Buk and kft the sample box with them. I have seen the old gentleman since, and the injury is cured. "On another occasion a farmer called at 'The Manse,' and 1 notic- eii a rag on his finger FARMS FOR SALE. of character half rtie world would „ - , , u be on the waiting list. about the injury, I learned that he Make people thiiic better of them- had somehow taken a piece of flesh selves and you will not need to off, and the wound had started to w..rrv over your own epitaph. ftster. I gav« hira about a third of Manv who tall- about giving their, a hos. of Zam-Buk and a few days hearts" to their Lr rd trv to prove later he said 'That's great salve of WESTERN FARM LANDS-CITY LdTil on easv terms. If you are going • est. send for my list, it will pay you. 8. M. Mathews 75 Tonge St.. Toronto. FARM FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE- .W acres in the County of Essex, will exchange for a larger farm. The West- ern Real E.-itate Exchange, Limited. Lojid- Entiuiring | ""• O"'- ; it by heartlessness to men. There's a world of difference be- tween trying t j have people lik,' you and learning to like them. my finger is now doing vcurs fine.' Test Zam-Buk! Don't go by hear- say : You will find it gives the best re.' ults in all cases of ic/ema, ring- worm, festering sores, piles, cuts, burns, fac^ sores, eruptions, and all skin injuries and diseases. -Ml < OUTHERN ALBERTA - 640 A<;RE9 "â-  choiie land, will sell cheap for cash. Pewtresa, 84 Donmills Rd., Toronto. S' CAI l/ire Raise Them without Min filmVILO Bo..kl»t FtM. St<)e!*,'iirl|[gaSeed Co, Ltd., TarODtuJOa^ THE LINDMAn TRUSS will hold any redudhle tierni.i. K>taor-«il by fnreiiiOHt mmlical mail. Writs {or puiticulan. B. Ll.NUMA.N, (Itag-dlL Ku.iitreal. in udt To Use THIS Dye DY-O-LA Vee 4«a*t evrn bava lo know whal kUt4 ol t-ioth f*f «â- Â«Â«â-  ara matfa ol. SAME. Uy.i loc AIX MI sMtil an IMPOSSIBLE. FaM and BaauUful Cotara. McaMa. Ooat taU M mr M. CMipl«Ca<d ••4 ••olilM Fcaa. Tke ioiiiMaa.RMkardaaa Co.. I»mll)m4. MoMrasL Side closings of waists and coats arc. a proii.:nnced feature, nut only <if gowns but of suits. Smart little coats of plain colors ar ; worn with checked, slripexl, or eh.angeable voillr, or silk. .\n cx«(uisite C'hantilly scarf for evening we^r has some of the da- sign outlined with gold thread. As in foulards and other silk ina- tciials, the polka dot is a favorite ill the mixtures of silk and cotton. Bar pins for the neck arc to be wt rn a great deal. Larger ones are seen as the season advances. Lingerie ribbor.s this season arc wuler than usual, so that when tied t'l' bow is of considerable size. In the linen taihr mades tlie ein- Tjr^iidery that looks like rat tail braid is a great deal nstnl, and ef- fectively. Atk lor MInard't.and take no othar. Among the prisoners brmght be- fi>re u police magistrate on Mon- day morning was a beggar whose fate was by no means an unfamil- iar one to the Court. "I am in- formed that you have again been forntl begging in the public streets," said his Honor, sternly, "and .yet you tarried in your iioc.k- et over two dollars in silver untl ctipper." "Yes, your Honor," pr<Hidly returned the mendicant. ' I may not be as industrious as some, but, sir, 1 am no spend- thrift," The Stranger -"And who are the Mnvphys' ancestors?" Mr. Murphy -^-"Ancestors! What's thatf The Stra'gerâ€" "I mean, who do the Murphys spring from?" Mr. Mur- phyâ€" "Tlie Murphys spring from no one They spring at thim!" A Liniment for the Logger. â€" Loggers lead a life which exposes thi'iii to many i)crils. Wounds, ciilr and bruises cannot be alto- gcllier avoided in pre|)aring timber (or the drive and in river work, where wet and <'old combined are of daily experience coughs and (oids and muscular pains cannot but ensue. Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric O'l, when applied to the injured or administered to the ailing, works wTinders. Over a thousand of the cleverest engineers in the world are at pre- sent making a profound study of the problems of flight. EVfRY HOUSIKEEPIRâ€" inuit oltsn arl as » f.imily physician. I'aittlciller for alt the little III.1, rut.i iiimI .spralnit ii.H wull aw for bowet complaints, in in liHiitfiiri^bla. Av»id suh.^tituta.f, there i.4 but una " I'aiukillar"â€" I'orry D.uii', llo and SOo. "Yor. arc a poor young man?" "L am." "Then what you want is a thrifty, pconouiical wife." "Not at all. What 1 want is a rich liber- afwife." A Cure for Fever and Ague.â€" Ditturbance of the stomach and liver always precede attacks of druggists and stores, oOc box, or fe\cr and ague, showing derange- 1 from Zam-Buk Co., Toronto, for mcnt of the digestive organs and deterioration in the quality of the bl( od. In these ailments Parme- lec's Vegetable Pills have been found most' 'cRertive;- ftfeWfThg the fever and subtluing the ague in a faw days. There are many who are subject to these distressing distur- bances and to these there is no bet- ter preparation moans of relief. pjice, but refuse all substitutes. Ellaâ€" "They had a ve'ry "Sffiart ri-oiU/i^iJellaâ€" "Indeed ?" Kl- -*Yes, they were ejected from one of the best hotels in the town." The HEAR OPUONE wilt give you tlia , . -. _.,, .. , ,, benefits ol good hearing. .Send lor free n 18 a Liver fill.â€" Many Ot the 1 b( .^lilot giving particulars and names ailments that man has to contend) of ^ntmnod users. Also OPC FOR THE OEAF-IN ACOUSTICOR- _^ i.ne uf the marvols uf the elertrical uue. uda throu-hout the wcrld. Write fur nata. iajTue. Goueril Acua»tic Co., gf Canada, Ltd.. MS Y owe Street. Toruatu. civE/V/LLE CURTAINS *nd all l.infli' of hoi^t" huncinRi", also yi L^ -JZLil^ LIKE HEM. Write tu UN ah«i^ your*. â-  RITISH AMERICAN 3YEIN0 CO., BoxtSS, MonI Is Your Hearing Good \ procurable as alwilh have their origin in a dis- ordertKl liver, which is a delicate or(;an. peculiarly susceptible to the diKturbances that come from irre- "Sir, could you give me a little as.tistance?" said the weary way- puiar habits or lack of care in eat faier. "I don't know where my | ing and drinking. This accounts iicxt meal is coming from." "Nei- for the great many liver regulators Special Ofler for a Month's Home Trial. THE BRAND ELECTRO OIONE LIMITED, 33« Spadina Avenue, Toronto. ther do I," rei)lied the prosperous- It i<king individual. "My cook left thi.^ morning, too." Mlnard't Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Hira. Your MINARirs LINIMENT is our remedy for sore throat, colds and all ordinary ailments. It never falls to relieve and cure prompt- '''â-  CHARLES WUOOTEN. Port Mulgravo. Mlnard't Liniment u»cd by Physlelant. In Florida a line is in course of ctmstruction which in 150 miles will link up 41 islands by means of via- ducts. A couRh is often the forerunner of 8(>rious pulnit<nary aftlict-.un», yet there is a simple cur", within the reach of all in Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup, an old-time and wid ly recognized rcmeily, which, if resorted to at the inception of a piiB •pn^-' ^â- '^]^ •<\(\xiuv.\m \[i.\\ 'njo;) by overcoming the trtjuble, guard the system from any serious conse- qu< nces. Price 25 cents, at all dealers. Mamma (sternly) â€" "Don't you know what the great King Solomon said. 'Spare the rtKl and spoil the child'?'" Bobbyâ€" "Yes, but ho didn't say that until ho was growed up " DODDS 'vs KIDNEYS If/, PILLS'^ issri; MO. 20 10. Penelopeâ€" "You wouldn't marry a girl for her money, would you I" Jack Dashingâ€" "No; but I couldn't lot a girl suffer merely because she was rich.'' Mother Uraves' Worm Extermin- ator is pleasant to take; sure and efl'tctual in destroying worms. Many have tried it with best re- sults. Many a man tries to stand on his rights when he hasn't any. Red, Wenk, AVenr>-, Wntevj- Kyea, Keli"\ccl Uy Mui'i;f Kyo llcmedy. Try Murine For Your ILyu Troubles. You Will Like Murine. It Soothes. 50c At Your DrugBlatfl. Write For Kyo Uooks. Kreo. Murine Kye Kemody Co., Toronto. INCONVENIENT FOR LIZZIE A b'.y whose chief fault was that lis would interrupt his elders had been repeatedly corrected by being tcld that ho should say: "At your convenience, mother, I have some- thing to tell you." One day his sister in <.Tossi:ig a pl»:nk doing duty as a bridge fell into rather deep water. The boy, who saw the accident, ran to his Uiothor. Taking off his cap, the lit- tij fellow stood politely beside her for some time, waiting till she had finisdicd a rather long story she was just telling. Then he said: "Mother, at your ct.nvenienee, I have something to tell you." "What is it?" asked the parent approvingly. "At your convenience, mother. Lizzie has fallen into the water." "What')" exclaimed his mother. "Has anyone pulled her out?" "I ilon't knew!" said the latl. Kmp Mlnard't Linlmtnl In the hout*. now pressed on the sufferers. Of these there is none superior to Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Their operation though gen- tl«3 is effective, and the most deli- cate can use them. One can't always disguise the breath of suspicion by spicy talk. APPEWDICITIS rnred withnnt operations. Ail whi. are i\l- llicted with this disease and wish to ho , cured pTmanently. stifely and tinickly attention 01 | with this grp.it Ilomenpnthtc remedy. vbich will ho sent postpnid nnywheio In the world with full instrnotion" for OHing so as to elTeet* a permanent cure. Price »3. Address John T, Walt, Homeopathio Pharmaoy, Arnorlort Canada. FOR RKEOMATISM-lt is not necessary to j.. to 11..!, SlMill^>. Jml u.<e •' Tha I). * L" MeiUh.i l'l.i^tor<:iiicl re<ull.< will bo satisfuctory. iic t» drugnist*. Oavia * Lawrence Company, inanu* laotuiera. Wise is the man who can keep hi^ face closed at the right time. Minard's Liniment tumberman'* Friond. Teather â€" an?" Pupil- hair, sir!" "What_ is -"A man a barbari- who cuts l^R M' Why go limping and whining about your corns when a 2.t cent bottle of Holloway's Corn Cure will remove them ? Give it a trial and yen will not regret it. Motherâ€" "Is it possible. Harry, that you have eaten all th.'it cake wtthout giving a thought to your sister?" Harryâ€" "Oh, no I I thought of her every .second. I was jifr.'tid all the time that she wculd come before I had eaten it up." ••"< '«r trn tainpU Ig Oapt. w. L., N» ttanal Drug « Chwnlo^l Co.. TorontoL atAatt,iMSKMCs.Pi:v| iMrways»»iftoK omtm Kadways Rt-Rjy Uciioi curce the w.rjl. pHins in trom one to twonry minittea. For Hoiv.i. rvuho (sek or uor v ous>, Tooth.ichc. Sesimlgla. U h m matlnin, Lumhuc'i. pains in the hack. spwne or ki''as>«? nolns are iid Iho liver, plo nr 1 s y, swelllnKs of tho joints, and p«lnsuf all kin. is, uee RADWAY'S READV RELIEF. Yt i\ have used Horn.'i. Trumpets, lijfK othei\Meubanical Devices in the lidpi of hiiny, able to hear, but nl'vfc. found t!i<^s,C!iprclod Hatisfaclioit tf/t spelled >,^ D lS-J\.p.m(o-{ ^ T M -E n't If you write to " â€" - ERNEST PRA-t^ 46J Yonge Street, Toronto, >.' you will leurn soiuo GOOD NEWr" Do it today- better slill. DO fT NOW! The Lenox jjlote BUFFALO, N, Y. â- >>â-  The ideal hotel for tourists and 10 BulTalo, Niagara Fa ihe tircut Lak<:>< and fj^ EUROPE $i.So per Pstrom maj Iftko "i (Inpota o. wharves lo hoU- Whan In BuHale The acconinisdatlo C. A. tO#ll)S . aVner Manager 1 BOOST YOUR TOWN BY OR^QANIZINQ Aj BRASS BAND Information on this subject with printed instiaictlons for affi.i- tetir baads and a printed fl>nn of Constitution\iid Br-Laws for bands, tofctlier with our bl; caUIog;uc, will bclbiDed frbr »- request. Address Sept. <* D." - ' * WINNIPEG I THBTiriT t T A M ^ «- SONS CO.. I TORONTO MANITOBA I R S- W lJL«L.liAl^liJ LIMITED ONTARIO 1 " i .3s,

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